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SilentRedemption is offline
Old 02-27-2008, 06:44 PM

Celest wiped her mouth off with the back of her hand as she glared out over the water at the monsters swimming around then they disappeared. Shaking her head she sat up. Celest was drenched and dripping with water making her shiver lightly. wrapping her arms around her knees she pulled her legs closed and rested her chin on the top of her legs. "Well, at least i am alive..." Celest mumbled to herself.

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qeanin is offline
Old 02-27-2008, 06:48 PM

"Wait." Ray got up. "I'll go with you. I'm not a daytime person either and I need to do something." she smiled at Hideto and took her pocket knife out of her bag. "just in case we run into anything and can't fend it off with his makeshift spear." she reassured herself. It was cold away from the fire and she wished she could use her power but she wasn't going to loose anybody to the fact that she could control fire like so many times before.

Cows Go Moo
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Old 02-28-2008, 01:37 AM

Claire stirred a bit as her eyelids slowly opened. She had been awoken by the rather big noise. She saw that it was Hideto, judging by his nervous laugh. She turned to her side an got up. Had she been leaning on someone? Well either way she didn't pay much attention to it. Ugh, what time is it? I'm frecking tired. What's it been? Three, maybe four hours? Well that's all I need to function. She sat up against the cave wall and realized that she still had her guitar on. It really was inseparable from her. She picked up on Ray and Hideto's conversation about looking for a nearby pond and nodded before looking at Ray. "Hey, did you guys find Celest yet? Well anyway get some water for me. It kind of sucks waking up in the middle of dawn."

She ran a hand through her hair. It was messy and a bit tangled. She used her hands as a makeshift comb before making it somewhat better. She watched them get ready to leave. For now she would just watch over the cave. She played her guitar. It wasn't very audible, but she could hear it. It was in perfect sync with what she was thinking. She crawled over to the fire wood pile and tossed a piece into the fire. The fire lit up before crackling and feasting on a new piece of wood.

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qeanin is offline
Old 02-28-2008, 03:08 AM

Ray looked back to Claire. "Sure, but what to carry the water in?" as for as Ray knew, nobody came with a bucket. As Ray left the cave she could hear the soft notes that Claire played on her guitar.

((sorry for the small post. i have writers block DX ))

Cows Go Moo
Crouching Roleplayer Hidden Lurk...
Cows Go Moo is offline
Old 02-28-2008, 03:46 AM

"Hmm, good point. I guess you guys can use a leaf or something.." No wait actually carry me to the water She seemed to have enough energy to crack jokes, but not to get up. Running my mouth, my only useful talent, besides finger dexterity. She watched Ray and Hideto leave before looking back at the fire. She used a thin stick to shift over the charred pieces of wood to let the newer pieces of fire wood. Her laziness bored her sometimes, but she knew that it was better that she didn't go out.

All she had for a weapon was Clyde's dagger and she wasn't willing to show her power in battle. She wondered if the others had already found out, but remembered that Celest had also showed her power earlier. Claire looked at Clyde, he hadn't said much in the past hours. She felt tempted to flick him to see if he was awake, but that would probably be rude. She stuck her head in front of Clyde. She regretted not coming and decided that it would be some good inspiration for a song.

She looked at Clyde, he probably wanted to come too since it wasn't fun sitting by the fire alone. She grabbed his arm. "Hey want to go catch up with the others? It's gettin' kind of boring in the cave." After some debate, they left and tried to catch up with the others. She saw Ray and Hideto and ran up to them. She gave a bit of a grin. "Well it's not liek you can carry water all by yourself. Besides it was getting kind of stuffy back there."

Fullmetal Phantom
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Old 02-28-2008, 09:31 AM

"Ah, yeah, speaking of carrying water...let me see if I have anything..." Hideto said as he searched through his pockets, forgetting about the fact that the ink was still wet for a moment as he tried to find something that could hold water, even just a little. Finding nothing, he brushed his longer lock of hair away from his face, only remembering there was something wrong when he felt a slight stinging sensation in his left eye, which he had apparently touched. He laughed softly and looked down near his pockets, finding that his shirt, near his waist, was now covered with black stains...and he imagined there was probably a black streak across his face now.

"Ah...oops," he laughed, relieved that he did this while already on the way to find water, though he was a bit annoyed with himself for doing something so stupid, so soon. He laughed sheepishly once again and paused for a moment, as it fully struck him that he had no idea where he was going.

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mythrah is offline
Old 02-28-2008, 12:19 PM

wanders out, looking around timidly. "um hello. i think that i may happen to be lost. could you possibly help me?"

Cows Go Moo
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Old 02-28-2008, 04:00 PM

Claire nodded, waiting for Hideto to go search his pockets. Unfortunately, he had ended up covering himself in black ink. "Erm, Hideto I'm thinking I know why you had wanted to go look for a pond earlier." She put her hand in her pocket and rifled through until she had found some napkins. She handed them to Hideto. "You might want to wipe your face, so it doesn't look so messy."

I mean your shirt's already dyed you don't have to have a matching face either. It occurred to her that she really wasn't bent on going anywhere, but only getting out of the cave. Hot, stuffy, small, rocky. All words to describe that cave. God.. She closed her eyes before fully opening them again. She wondered where to go from this point. Left? Right or a straight?

SilentRedemption is offline
Old 02-28-2008, 04:05 PM

Originally Posted by mythrah
wanders out, looking around timidly. "um hello. i think that i may happen to be lost. could you possibly help me?"
If you want to rp you have to go see the OOC thread

Celest sighed as she sat there watching the water now, she was paranoid. Celest thought if she turned around or moved the creature would come out and grab her again. Slowly she began to dry off leaving her body cold. Shivering goosebumps appeared and she nuzzled her head against her knees curled up more. "Stupid co..cold.. in the morning I will find the village and get home." She mumbled lightly she she cursed the whole world.

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qeanin is offline
Old 02-28-2008, 07:52 PM

Ray couldn't help but giggle slightly has Hideto covered himself with ink. Taking a wild guess as to where there was a pond or something she went left. after walking for a few minutes she found Celest. "Celest!" she ran over to her "Celeset what'd you do to yourself. Come on , lets get you to the fire so you can warm yourself up." Ray was worried now. "Hey guys!" she called to the rest of the group "Come over here. I found Celest!"

SilentRedemption is offline
Old 02-28-2008, 08:54 PM

Opening her eyes she heard someone yelling her name. Looking up she blinked her blue eyes and tilted her head. "I'm fine!" she looked away and closed her eyes again. "Just resting from being attacked by some stupid monster." She sat up a little straighter cracking her back a little. "I wouldn't do this to my self Ray." she yawned. "Really, I am fine... i can take care of myself with out being so much trouble for everyone."

Fullmetal Phantom
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Old 02-28-2008, 09:18 PM

"Monster!? That sounds pretty serious to me," Hideto replied as he tried to clean as much ink as he could from his face and hands before touching anything or anyone more...especially someone with wet clothes. He was now slightly afraid to go near the water, as much as he knew he needed to, both for the sake of cleaning and drinking water...but if there was a monster in there, he wondered if he would be better off waiting until everyone found another body of water. Or would that possibly have a bigger monster?

"Come on, you really should get back near the could freeze out here if it gets much colder!" he added,questioning whether or not he should reach out a hand and offer help.

SilentRedemption is offline
Old 02-28-2008, 09:44 PM

She shook her head. "I'd rather freeze then go back in that Cave with the so called Clyde." she murmured and looked at the two of them. "At least out here I'm not made fun of for suggesting things and helpless, I can help myself!"

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qeanin is offline
Old 02-28-2008, 09:51 PM

Ray stepped back " Okay, sheesh. Calm down. If you don't like Clyde ignore him. After he realizes your not talking to him anymore he'll shut up." "hopeflly" Ray add that last part in her head. "And plus we need more people. If it comes down to just each person on their own, we have a bigger chance of everyone getting eaten." Ray leaned up against a tree.

SilentRedemption is offline
Old 02-28-2008, 10:06 PM

Shaking her head. "I can ignore him! OUT here. I have a freedom of choice and i choose to be out here with out having to listen to his big mouth." Celest looked back out over the water. "I believe the monster is asleep anyways so its safe for right now."

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qeanin is offline
Old 02-28-2008, 10:19 PM

Ray sighed, she had hoped she could get Celest to come back. "Well if you diced to come back I'll keep the fire going..." Ray looked down and started to walk away. "damn it." As Ray headed toward the light of the fire she could've sworn she saw somebody walk right in front of her, but she shook it off "It was just a shadow. Just a shadow." Ray sat down by the fire, "You tried your best Ray, no need to mope over it. Plus you'll meet her in the village..." a cold breeze went thought the forest and she shivered and moved closer to the fire.

Cows Go Moo
Crouching Roleplayer Hidden Lurk...
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Old 02-29-2008, 12:49 AM

Claire followed Hideto, and overheard Celest and Ray. She bit her lip and sighed. She felt a bit torn and sad about the rift between Celest and Clyde. She knit her eyebrows together, before coming into the light. "Okay, well Celest I can't really say anything, but if you want I can talk to Clyde. I hope you have a good night." Even without acquaintances, and warmth. She felt kind of bad, but tried to brush it off. She and Clyde walked back to the cave in silence before sitting down around the fire.She leaned back and felt like going home. Whether or not they would meet up with Celest wasn't the question, but if she would decide to come back and travel with them.

SilentRedemption is offline
Old 02-29-2008, 01:16 AM

Celest sighed and shook her head at them as they left. "Why talk to Clyde its like they are choosing sides..." she mumbled. "I am not making them choose anything, they can be on Clyde's side that fine with me.." She grumbled and laid back on the grass reaching up she rubbed her eyes. "I just want to go home.."

Fullmetal Phantom
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Old 02-29-2008, 01:30 AM

Hideto frowned, he didn't want to just leave anyone alone out here. If there was a monster in the water, who knows what else there was somewhere else? Sighing, he cautiously made his way to the water's edge and rinsed the ink from his hands, then used the remaining napkins to take the remaining ink off his shirt and face. He peered into the water as it settled, trying to make sure he hadn't angered anything by doing this.

He shook his hands off to dry them, then began searching for dry wood. "Well, if you're not coming back there, I'll try and at least get a fire going out here," he said to Celest as he picked up a pile of dried branches. He placed them in the driest spot he could find, then headed back toward the woods to look for some rocks that would be able to create a spark. He felt something snap at his ankles, and the next thing he knew, he had fallen to the ground, a sharp rock poking into his right shoulder. He groaned as he covered that rather deep scratch with his left hand. It wasn't bad, but he was annoyed that it would have to happen out here; he didn't know if silicone anti-scarring sheets even existed in this world.

Sighing softly, he spotted two rocks with a distinct rotten egg-like smell to them right in front of his face. He hoped they smelled this way for the same reason as a rock back home would...he didn't even want to imagine what the reason might be out here. Banishing the thought from his mind, he picked the rocks up and made his way back to the pile of wood.

He hesitated before trying to start the fire, as the concerns as to what everything really was came back into his mind. How did he know that "wood" wasn't some kind of camouflaged animal, or those "rocks" weren't actually eggs?

SilentRedemption is offline
Old 02-29-2008, 01:42 AM

Opening her eyes she sat up and tilted her head at
hideto watching him a moment then getting up she moved closer to him and blinked. "IS your hand hurting? you should wash that off (if i read that right XD ))" She sighed and sat watching him start the fire. "Umm... Thank you very much.." Celest stared down as she said thanks. "Its very nice of you.." She placed her hands down and helped with the fire finally sparking it and watching the flames come to life.

"you dont have to feel sorry for me or stay out here with me if you don't want to... I will be fine really.." Celest spoke softly. She didn't want Hideto feeling sorry for her or wanting to help her because he felt like he said to. Celest was always fine on her own.

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Aeschylus is offline
Old 02-29-2008, 03:26 AM

(( Sorry for my absence... >_> ))

Clyde had been trailing lazily after their conversation. They all talked animatedly, and seemed like a group of close friends. And then there was him. What was he to do? All he did was make fun of Celest and Claire- not to mention that he had never even really talked Hideto. Perhaps he was as useless as Celest had mentioned earlier. "When are we leaving?" he suddenly inquired. He flinched; Clyde hadn't spoken for so long that his own voice was surprising.

SilentRedemption is offline
Old 02-29-2008, 03:42 AM

(( better be sorry! XD jk jk When do you guys want me to do a time skip thing?))

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qeanin is offline
Old 02-29-2008, 03:53 AM

((nows good since the sun should be rising any minute mow anyways XD if everyone else agrees of course. ))

Cows Go Moo
Crouching Roleplayer Hidden Lurk...
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Old 02-29-2008, 03:56 AM

((idk xD. Next post? It's around 4:30 AM I think))
Claire mouthed the words to a random song as she reflected on what to do next. She noticed that Hideto had stayed behind with Celest. Ah, how nice. At least we'll have someone looking after that girl. She stared at Clyde who had been rather silent the whole time. For soem reason, she had thought about the usefulness of her guitar. It was only as good as her power. Unless she could get her hands on an acoustic, she could end up tiring herself out easily.

She put a hand in her pocket, clutching the dagger she had been given. It was sharp to the touch and cool against her skin. Perfect for slicing. She wished that she had been a butcher and not a rocker at the time.At least I could have had a good set of knives, bloody or not. Heh, these people could have thought of me as Bell, The Butchress. She turned to Clyde at his question. "In the morning, or at least dawn. The village isn't too far, so we could probably make it there by around sun high or something." Oh, so finally talking? Yeesh.

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Aeschylus is offline
Old 02-29-2008, 04:14 AM

(( Sure, go ahead and time skip. :3 Guess now we need Fullmetal to agree... ))


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