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Staria is offline
Old 03-26-2010, 05:29 AM

She did not stir until he picked her up, seeming to whimper as she shivered from head to toe. For a moment she stayed silent and still, the strange chill that no human really knew filling her… Suddenly she was just awake enough to feel his arms, causing her to half think it was Russell in her dazed state… coming back for even more of her blood. She didn’t realize she was already no longer human enough for it to be to his taste.

One hand pushed against Damian’s chest weakly, her lips curling to mumble “R..russ……” She pleaded, trying to struggle with all her might though her body would not respond to her… the only sign she was trying was a slight tensing in her arm and the feather light push of her hand and that alone took all her might. Her hand then fell uselessly as what little strength she’d managed to gather ran out.

Last edited by Staria; 03-26-2010 at 06:04 AM..

*crashing sound* oops... I drop...
Drakina is offline
Old 03-26-2010, 05:45 AM

((Oh, yay, I get to play meanie stinky doodoo face))

Richard paced the main room under the circus, almost growling curses under his breath. He glared at anyone who came near, and they eventually just left him alone.


Last edited by Drakina; 03-26-2010 at 05:52 AM..

Warning: Unrestrained Audiophile
KageShio is offline
Old 03-26-2010, 05:50 AM

Asher slid out of the car, Monty following. He looked to Anita and Jean-Claude, waiting for them before going inside.

Hiro wanted to grab the door and get out as qucikly as he could, but he refrained and simply opened the door and ducked out, closing the door almost roughly behind him. He shouldered his bag and waited for the Master of the city to allow him to enter his home.

Damian's eyes widened as he felt the woman's body stir, losing a bit of altitude in his shock. 'She should still be dead! How is this happening?' He thought, a bit frantic. He saw the roof of the Circus just ahead, the gay colors shining slightly in the city lights. He heard her mutter quietly, a name was uttered and she raised a hand to his chest, her push so light he barely felt it. He could sense Anita and Jean-Claude were still outside the Circus, seemingly just returning. He was supposed to just take the girl to one of the rooms, but he found the situation a little more concerning. He came down to land lightly on the asphalt twenty feet from the Jeep, walking towards Anita and Jean-Claude with the woman, a slight moan escaping her once more. He then saw the strange new Vampire and knew that he was a cause of the jolt felt not more than fifteen minutes ago. Damian eyed the Vampire warily, veering slightly more towards Anita as he walked.


Staria is offline
Old 03-26-2010, 05:57 AM

As if unconsciously sensing more vampires nearby as he landed her breathing grew a little more faster and her mind a little more fearful. She stirred again, just barely and tilted her head away from Damian. “Ple...please” She whimpered, struggling a little as she tried to open her eyes. Her eyelids barely parted a few centimeters before closing as she continued to struggle against the darkness still wrapped around her… trying to pull from death’s fingers still firmly grasping her throat . She wasn’t safe… so many things… stronger then her were around she knew this somehow…

Last edited by Staria; 03-26-2010 at 06:03 AM..

Bikari is offline
Old 03-26-2010, 06:12 AM

Anita sees Damian and the girl in his arms and walks toward him to see what is going on. 'I'll take care of this, you take care of things with Hiro. Keep Monty with you. He can hold his own in a fight.'

'Alright, MaPetite' Jean Claude turns to Hiro, "This way if you please," and heads over to the door. The rat at the door, opens it and holds the door for them to enter. Jean Claude leads them all down and into the main sitting room.

Anita gets to Damian and seeing the girl stir asks, "What's wrong? Should she be moving this soon after she is turned?"

Warning: Unrestrained Audiophile
KageShio is offline
Old 03-26-2010, 06:46 AM

Damian looked to Anita, sure she could see the slight panic within him. "She isn't fully turned yet. She was drained, she should be dead." He said, his voice still calm, the panic concealed. He glanced down to the woman again she kept whispering soft pleas and gasping slightly. He had never heard of such a thing as this.

Asher glanced to Damian and Anita, a touch of worry on his features, but he followed behind Hiro and Jean-Claude in silence.

Hiro glanced to the blood-haired Vampire, slightly intrigued, but followed Jean-Claude and Asher, looking about the building as they passed the back of the Circus and down the winding stairs. His odd eyes swept around the two-toned room then upon Jean-Claude. Waiting for the master to begin the questioning.

*crashing sound* oops... I drop...
Drakina is offline
Old 03-26-2010, 06:53 AM

Richard stopped pacing, glaring at Jean Claude. "So I have to be here, but Anita doesn't?" he growled, falling into a chair. "Wonderful." His voice dripped with sarcasm.


Staria is offline
Old 03-26-2010, 06:54 AM

Death… the closer Anita got the more the other woman’s sheer spiritual power made Sarah feel it and whimpering she began to push further against that holding her. Her fear was making the change occur even more rapidly but also keeping her body continuing it’s functions as she felt in danger. “G..get away!” She suddenly screamed loud enough those inside were even bound to hear her as she half opened her eye and struck out at Damian’s face , her nails likely biting into the skin of his cheek as with a tortured moan her arm fell… dangling so her auburn hair began to tangle with it. Finally her body surrendered to death and the change, gasping in air as her spirit surrendered and her body grew completely still…down to her heartbeat.

Bikari is offline
Old 03-26-2010, 07:00 AM

"Well, shit. I don't think that's a very good sign. How soon is she going to have to feed?" Anita said in a worried tone


Monty looks charmingly at Richard, "Well hello Beautiful," he says with an evil leer. Monty walks over by Richard and leans against the back of his chair.

"It's nice to see you mon lupe. This is Hiro Shiomataru." Jean Claude turns to Hiro, "This is Richard Zeeman, and this," he gestures to Asher, "is Asher, my second. Now Why are you here in my city?"

Last edited by Bikari; 03-26-2010 at 07:09 AM..

Warning: Unrestrained Audiophile
KageShio is offline
Old 03-26-2010, 07:42 AM

Damian looked down as she screamed, it was a mistake. He jerked slightly as her nails bit into his flesh, narrowly missing his eye. He blinked as the dark red started slowly dripping down his cheek, and looked back down to her, feeling her body still in his arms. "I have a feeling she will not take three days to rise, and she will be hungry as soon as she does." He said, looking up to Anita.

Asher stepped forward and offered his wrist to the older Vampire, his eyes never leaving the mis-matched ones of Hiro.

Hiro bowed to both of the men as they were introduced, and offered his wrist in return, acknowledging Asher as a master. He then turned back to Jean-Claude. "I am here on the behalf of Lucian, as I have said. But the reason is grave danger. I am sure you have heard of the coven of the Sanguine Moon, and our work in the lore of the past. We have had a betrayal within our most trusted of human servants. She unleashed an ancient horrors of vampire kind. She unleashed the Crimson Plague among us. We sent out a plea for help, and the spirits carried it here, to a beacon of power. I can only imagine that it was the woman with you. I can also only assume she is Anita Blake, therefore it is barely to be questions about why they would choose her. I have been told that the message has spread as well, that the dreams have called upon many here."

Last edited by KageShio; 03-26-2010 at 07:44 AM..

*crashing sound* oops... I drop...
Drakina is offline
Old 03-26-2010, 07:50 AM

Richard stared at the asian vampire, his words almost not making sense. "Coven? Sanguine Moon, Crimson Plague? What the hell is all of that?" Then Hiro mentioned the dreams. "Wait, so it's your fault that I've been having those crazy dreams?" He narrowed his eyes, glaring at Hiro.


Staria is offline
Old 03-26-2010, 07:53 AM

Sarah’s body stayed still as stone of course, her soul all that could stir now as it sat within the corpse that would soon be a walking one. So cold… why was it so cold? Sarah inwardly shivered… or at least the closest one can come to shivering when their body is a little more then a soft rock… what was happening to her? She wasn’t dead… why wasn’t she dead? She should be…. she knew that… the trapped soul sighed, remembering her death now. That’s right… she was drained… afraid, helpless, and hurting... and then all she could remember was pain and a flash of something green…

Bikari is offline
Old 03-26-2010, 07:53 AM

"Your Dialogue is misspelled," Monty says with a grin. He hears what Richard says and responds with, "So we've been dreaming together have we," he flirts.

"Well shit. I'll get Jean Claude." Anita moves to go get him.

"I am familiar with the plague, and it is no suprise as you say that ma petite is the beacon, buthow would you explain these dreams? And what exactly do you mean by spread?"

*crashing sound* oops... I drop...
Drakina is offline
Old 03-26-2010, 07:55 AM

Richard glared at Monty. "Shut. Up."

Bikari is offline
Old 03-26-2010, 07:56 AM

Monty bats his eyes at Richard.

*crashing sound* oops... I drop...
Drakina is offline
Old 03-26-2010, 07:58 AM

"Go away!" Richard snarled, standing up again. "Jean Claude, Why is he even here?" He shifted his glare from Monty to Jean Claude.

Bikari is offline
Old 03-26-2010, 08:04 AM

"You don't want me any more," Monty exclaims indignantly. "I thought what we had was special!"

"Because ma petite advised me to. Now please calm down." Jean Claude turns back to Hiro, "Go on."

Anita hurries down the stairs and opens the door to the main room. "Jean Claude there is a... complication with the dead girl."

((Night guys))

Last edited by Bikari; 03-26-2010 at 08:14 AM..

*crashing sound* oops... I drop...
Drakina is offline
Old 03-26-2010, 08:16 AM

Richard balled his hands into fists, visibly calming himself. He sat down, looking at Hiro, and trying to ignore any more comments Monty might throw at him.

Warning: Unrestrained Audiophile
KageShio is offline
Old 03-26-2010, 08:21 AM

Hiro glared at the the wolf with his startling eyes. "I have no idea why you suffer from mentality issues, but I can tell you about the dreams of a place with snow, ice and blood." He said, his smooth voice even. He turned his gaze back to Jean-Claude after he finished reprimanding Richard. "These dreams-" He began, cutting off as Anita burst in.

Damian watched Anita go, and stood there in the parking lot, the woman cold and limp in his arms. He felt power slide over his spine, telling him her power was still there. He looked down to her and studied her features a more, the lights on the building allowing him to see more detail. He shifted her slightly, tucking her more and holding her more steadily. As he did, a thin leather wallet fell from some hidden pocket in her skirt, landing on the ground with a soft 'thunk'. His verdant gaze rested on it a moment, but all he could do was stand there and wait for Anita to return.

Bikari is offline
Old 03-26-2010, 06:14 PM

Monty mutters under his breath, "Burn," After hearing Hiro's comment about mental issues, and then turns to watch the exchange between Anita and Jean Claude.

"What kind of complication," Jean Claude asks with a frown.

"You should come and see. She's turning too fast. Damian says he doesn't think it'll take three days for her to rise. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if she rose tonight." Anita half turns to go back, "Come on. I think this can wait a little while. We need to sort out the problem with the girl now."

Jean Claude turns to Hiro, "Would you mind if we postponed this discussion for no more than an hour? I believe this matter may need my personal attention." He looks around, "Monty will stay here and make sure your needs are met until i return."

"What? But... Alright." Monty glares at Jean Claude.


Staria is offline
Old 03-26-2010, 07:43 PM

The wallet would have her Id in it, a few small bills, a library card, and a picture of a small boy about seven years old. He would have the same odd blue green eyes but perfectly matched in shade, and the same brown hair. He was peter, the one who should have lived according to her father. As if sensing the precious object was away from her she felt a chill, her spirit shifting in her lifeless body but unable to yet do anything.

Warning: Unrestrained Audiophile
KageShio is offline
Old 03-26-2010, 09:39 PM

((ok, that would have been Jean-Claude offering him food and a room, so we have to pick a temporary Pomme for Hiro. ))

A look of slight worry and aggravation came and passed over Hiro's face, then he bowed. "I understand, this does seem to take presidency over my request." He was curious as to what could make a vampire rise so soon, he could feel her power just from that brief moment he was near her, but could not quite tell what it was. He frowned a bit to himself and them turned to Monty, waiting for the young master to offer him service, as he still felt uncomfortable requesting things.

Asher glanced to Monty, another warning for him to not try anything disrespectful, and then went to follow Anita and Jean-Claude. He kept silent, but his mind was going wild with speculations and questions about this unheard of happenstance.

Damian could sense Anita and Jean-Claude on their way back, Asher in tow. He glanced again to the wallet, then to the girl, his eyes looking from her unmarred side to the dark scar that contrasted her seeming goddess-like beauty. She was not only interesting because of her energy, nor the anomaly she had become among Vampires. The scar made him curious, he wondered how she got it and how a human could have lived through it. He shook his head and looked to the door of the Circus, waiting.


Staria is offline
Old 03-26-2010, 09:51 PM

Sarah felt herself slipping back into her body, her energy shifting to fill again her fingers and toes… it seemed the presence of the other powerful spirits made it even faster as her own energy reacted in fear. A single breath was the only sign she was coming too a moment before she became still once again. She couldn’t tell what was going on still.. She just knew she was afraid…

Bikari is offline
Old 03-26-2010, 10:16 PM

Anita leads the others up to where Damian is standing with the girl still in his arms. She sees, also, the wallet on the ground. When they reach the two, she picks it up and opens it looking for some clue as to the girl's identity. "Her name is Sarah." She turns to Damian, "Any sign that she's coming to?"

Jean Claude follows Anita up and looks to the girl in Damian's arms, "Why didn't you bring her inside?"

Monty looks at Hiro and says, "So... would you like to see your room first, or would you like something to eat?"

Warning: Unrestrained Audiophile
KageShio is offline
Old 03-26-2010, 10:31 PM

Damian merely looked to Jean-Claude, then answered Anita. "She seemed to give a breath a moment ago, and her... presence still seems to be here." He said, hesitant of what to call the power that kept sliding over his skin. It was a cool caress, but a burning sting at once, telling him she had power beyond her control. "She seems to have a psychic power... can you tell what it is?" His eyes meeting Anita's again as he asked.

Asher, now saw the woman fully as he came up behind the others. A small look of surprise crossed his face as he saw the dark, rough skin covering her right side. He almost brought a hand to his own smooth, scarred face, as if he needed to make sure his was still there and the one on this woman was not stolen. Hers was jagged, leaving a torn line along her cheek and jaw, sinking down below her shirt at the collarbone. He glanced to Damian as he spoke, but his eyes quickly fell on the young woman again, his fascination clear.

Hiro watched the trio leave, glancing to the still silent wolf before looking back to Monty. "I should find a place to put my things first, yes?" He said, shifting the bag slightly on his shoulder, the blades giving a dull clank as the sheathes touched each other.


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