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Sally Sinema
Sally Sinema is offline
Old 02-08-2009, 03:31 AM

My favorite book was called behind the attic wall by Sylvia Cassedy. it was a really odd story, kind of creepy about a little girl who makes friends with dolls inhabited by ghosts.

NightxProjectile is offline
Old 02-08-2009, 10:44 AM

I loved Roald Dahl's stories. My favorite among them were BFG and Matilda. Charlie and the chocolate factory was also pretty good.

I also enjoyed the Molly Moon series by Georgia Byng. It's about an orphan girl who hypnotizes others. Very funny and exciting.

LolaPearl is offline
Old 02-08-2009, 10:50 AM

Wow, childhood books, where do I begin? When I was really little I loved the Golden Books (the Pokey Puppy, the Scrawny-Tawny Lion?).

I had a nice hardback of Aesop's Fables; always a good childhood read.

As I got older I was into the Babysitter's Club (that's right, I'm not ashamed). And I always liked educational/scientific books with a lot of pictures and statistics and stuff.

Then, I kind of quit reading altogether. Sad. I've read a few books here and there by suggestion, and enjoyed them, but still just have not been able to get back into reading.

fancy heavenly-angel
fancy heavenly-angel is offline
Old 02-18-2009, 01:22 AM

Book of Fairytale!

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Old 02-18-2009, 05:07 AM

I think it might be um, IDK! I don't remember! LOL

Queen of Nutcases
Connielass is offline
Old 02-18-2009, 06:40 AM

It's a tie between The Secret Garden and The Little Princess.
Both by the same author. Coincidence? Who knows?

yar im pocky
yar im pocky is offline
Old 02-19-2009, 09:46 AM

It'd have to be The Chronicles of Narnia.

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Old 02-21-2009, 04:16 PM

When I was eleven I really really loved the Anne of Green Gables series. To this day i'm more likely to read a book if the main character has red hair because of it XD

Kay is offline
Old 02-21-2009, 05:44 PM

I used to have that book called Heidi. I forget who wrote it. I also remember when me and my younger brother were little, my mom would read us stories out of this book of all the complete tales of Winnie- The- Pooh. We still have that book.

Queen of Nutcases
Connielass is offline
Old 02-21-2009, 08:47 PM

I still have the complete (original) Anne of Green Gables series.
And I'm never getting rid of any of them!
Now I just have to go and find the rest of them . . .

Granger Danger
Granger Danger is offline
Old 02-21-2009, 08:58 PM

My favorite children's book has always been The Tale of Squirrel Nutkin and The Tailor of Gloucester, both by Beatrix Potter. I loved the two stories and I still do. I think the books are in my closet still xD

Compromised Evil
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Old 02-21-2009, 10:10 PM

There was a book called Chatterduck that I always remember. It's really short about a duck that was getting on everyones nerves because he wouldn't be quiet. xD

Rhoswen Vevila
Rhoswen Vevila is offline
Old 03-01-2009, 04:45 AM

I didn't start reading until 3rd grade when the first of the Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling came out. It intrigued me and got me into the library, where the librarian became my best friend. She always gave me the first pick when new books came out - and all the Green Mountain Book Award winners were displayed on the front shelf. That's when I found [U]The Birch Bark House[U]. I must have read it a dozen times. It's about this family of Native Americans trying to survive in a tough environment, and since I have Natives in my ancestry I found it very eye-opening. It's a wonderful book that I have on my shelf to this day.

Mnemosyne is offline
Old 03-01-2009, 04:59 AM

Oh boy. My favorite childhood book? I liked a series rather than a single book, but I'd have to say the "Thoroughbred" series. I was (still am) really big into horses and would gobble up anything that had to do with them. I loved that series. I'm not sure if I'm mistaken, but when I was around 9-12 those books were so emotionally packed (at least as emotionally packed as someone around that age could handle) as well as dished out some amazing race action. Couldn't get enough of them. I know for a little while I was downing book after book. I'm fairly certain there are more than fifteen books or so in that series and I couldn't wait to get to the next one every time (actually I'm fairly certain it was more in the twenties). I may have to scrounge around in my box of books and re-read one just for the nostalgia effect.

Great topic, by the way. It was interesting reading through what everyone grew up with.

Queen of Nutcases
Connielass is offline
Old 03-01-2009, 05:25 AM

Originally Posted by LolaPearl View Post
As I got older I was into the Babysitter's Club (that's right, I'm not ashamed).
It's better than Sweet Valley.
Which I also read.
A lot.
I even had this one Christmas Sweet Valley book that had something about dolls coming to life . . . that made me throw all my dolls and stuffed animals into the closet and lock it every night before bed.

. . . .

Now I'll have to go back and see if I can find the Magna and the Super Thriller editions.

. . . . But first I need to find more shelf space.:shock:

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Old 03-01-2009, 10:53 PM

When I was little I liked the Amelia Bedelia books, the Serendipity books, and Dr. Seuss books.

Byaggha is offline
Old 03-02-2009, 03:04 PM

I was all over Dr. Seuss as a child - I learned to read on Green Eggs and Ham, and forced my mom to read it to me all the time. I still love him, too. Nothing like children's books with a serious theme hidden in goofy rhyme and silly illustration. :3

Tetki is offline
Old 03-02-2009, 09:02 PM

The Chronicles of Narnia has to be my favorite childhood books. I've read all seven of them at least sixteen times each since I could read. My brother would make them into books on tape when my sister and I were to young to read chapter books so we would listen to them. Later on we read them while listening to help out with the harder words. I also like the Clifferd the Big Red Dog books. I can't really remember most of my childhood books because I read so many. But those are some of them.

Kagaku is offline
Old 03-02-2009, 10:11 PM

The ones I remember the most vividly are 'Ants Don't Dance' and 'Elephants on Ice'. My mom used to read those to me all the time growing up. When I got into elementary school though, I found the Nancy Drew books and became hooked on them. I read all the ones that were in the school library but was never able to find the rest X3;

La La La La La, you're standing ...
DariaMorgendorfer is offline
Old 03-07-2009, 03:15 AM

When I was little, there was a Dr. Seuss book that had the Sneeches and several other stories in it...Yeah, my favorite story was about a "Pair of pale green pants with nobody inside them". AHHH good times.

When I got older, I liked Dragon's Blood by Jane Yolen and later Red as Blood (a collection of beautifully twisted short stories) by Tanith Lee. Yep, I was geekspawn...and still am I guess.

Princess of Dalmasca
Ashe is offline
Old 03-07-2009, 01:49 PM

There was this series of books..called.. "It" or something. I didn't even know the furry thing was from the Adams Family movie. Or whatever The Adams Family was. >_<

There was also this weiiiird book, I'm not even sure if it even counts as a book! It was just, "Cat in, Dog out. Dog in, Cat out" for the whole book! XD!

Oh, lovely childhood. :D

Lela Rose
Lela Rose is offline
Old 03-07-2009, 08:15 PM

The Rainbow Fish book. Honestly, I don't even remember how the story went. But ALL the kids in like first-third grade wanted the rainbow fish book because the fish's scales on the cover of the book were shiny and sparkly. That was the only reason they checked it out xD

I remember loving the Junie B. Jones books too. I had a bazillion of them and I'd read them over and over again.

Hot Neal. xD
Dorkfish is offline
Old 03-14-2009, 12:41 AM

In my young childhood - as if I'm not still considered a child now - I loved to read the Junie B. Jones books. They were entertaining because they foretold of a youngster in first grade who gets into everyday trouble, like having to get purple glasses, or being help for the lunch lady. I read them up until about third grade, and sometimes I pick them up just to recall some of the old fun I used to have reading them. Nowadays, I could read them in thirty minutes, but at my younger age, they were considered a long book. However, compared to something as thick as Twilight, they're about a quarter of an inch thick.

tailer is offline
Old 03-14-2009, 12:49 PM

Definitely the Giving Tree. I've read it so many times. it was my first book.
I remember I even went out and got a copy of it for myself.
It was the first book I ever bought. :D

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bearysplash is offline
Old 03-17-2009, 04:59 AM

Loved the Dr. Seuss books.
Especially the One Fish Two fish book.
I use to have the tape for it and everything.
Till my mother lost it >.<

There was also a book about a Chameleon
Can't really remember the story to well lol.
I still have the book just can't find it.
I remember getting it as a gift from my second grade teacher.


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