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aphrodite remix
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Old 05-27-2010, 06:31 AM

Yup, but since my family has a ton of computers and currently about 5 printers... we have a crap ton of computer paper.

Also if there is a specific pose I've done that I really like, I just make a base of it for the future. So far I've been trying to come up with a different pose for each avatar, but at least this way once I'm out of ideas or what not, I'll have my own set that I've done all free handed etc..

Bejamin Mason
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Old 05-27-2010, 06:32 AM

Aphrodite -
Lolwut really? I have like five pictures up and they're all of my one doll.

... I really need to get his proper eyes and the right wig for my new doll. Dx

aphrodite remix
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Old 05-27-2010, 06:35 AM

Hahah yeah my parents normally just get a new printer when we run out of ink, since its almost hte same price... and when it comes to printing high detail stuff... like ripped off D&D books and what not my dad prints them at work since they're like ridiculously high quality printers.

Ahh I must investigate

Bejamin Mason
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Old 05-27-2010, 06:38 AM


Now I feel like I shouldn't have raped them with photo editing so much. BUT IT MAKES THE COLORS SO PRETTY, CAN YOU BLAME ME?!

Yeah, probably.

Pip is offline
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Old 05-27-2010, 06:40 AM

Hello, Aphrodite!
Would it be too much trouble to ask if you could draw my avi, s'il vous plait?
I tip!

aphrodite remix
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Old 05-27-2010, 06:45 AM

lololol of course not!

I like the pics, they seem well done to me, but I don't have an eye for photography >.<

Hello there Pip, and sure I'll add you to the waiting list, is your current avatar the one you would like drawn?

TasiaChiba is offline
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Old 05-27-2010, 06:48 AM

Now I'm all, "wanna share mah bebe" lol! So, posting a few pitters... although, I just realized how old these are... I've neglected him! T_T

From OLD -> NEW
Harry Sketch by ~TasiaChiba on deviantART
Harry Cameo by ~TasiaChiba on deviantART

Yes... his name his Harry. Harold, techinically, lol! I purposely gave him this name that was ohhhh so MALE... because he looked like a female. I liked the contrast.

@ Bejamin Mason: What kind of doll do you have? I've a Megi and a floating MD Ryu head... he's only floating because I haven't finished sculpting his body yet.. =shifty eyes=

aphrodite remix
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Old 05-27-2010, 06:51 AM

:O The latest one you've done is so effing good!!!!

I really likey.. very preeeety

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Old 05-27-2010, 06:57 AM

Thanks! ^__^ It's technically like.. =goes back and looks= Yep, three years old, haha! I did some sketches of him, but never scanned them in. sad... so sad... as is, I really should go back and do some updated ones.

So glad you like him! He and my OC named Symmea are my main OCs. I loves them dearlies, yessss.

Bejamin Mason
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Old 05-27-2010, 06:59 AM

Taisa -
laehlgrhlodlosg Beautiful.
What Megi? A couple companies make sculpts called Megi.
I have all DZ right now. xD A tan Hong, and new pink Luke and a floating yellow 1/3 Mo head. The next I plan on getting after the Mo's body is Pippin from Infinitidoll...

Aphrodite -
Byoo, thank you. x wx

aphrodite remix
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Old 05-27-2010, 07:03 AM

Taisa - Tell me about it, I never ever update.. the ink drawings I did are already from the beginning of April... I have 2 larger projects I'm currently working on and need to upload but we'll see.

Also I'm almost done your sketch lol, only 8 more to go >.<

@ Bejamin lol yw

TasiaChiba is offline
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Old 05-27-2010, 07:12 AM

@ Bejamin: lol, sorry, meant to type "DZ" and forgot. It's 3am here... la la laaaaa.

Here's a few pics of my boy. The first one's older, but I loved that photo shoot. That was before I had my size 0 paintbrush. @_@ Took me forever to get it! (No real craft stores in my town.) The second one is 1 1/2 years old, but the watermarks says 2007... oops.

Pitter 01
Pitter 02

@ aphrodite: Yeah, my DA's in serious need of an update. I'd actually planned to do one soon, since I have a bunch of new arts to upload. hehe

Bejamin Mason
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Old 05-27-2010, 07:15 AM

The caterpillar scared the crap out of me. ; n;

Uh, all the pictures of him that I have up are here Mary-Garden on deviantART


TasiaChiba is offline
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Old 05-27-2010, 07:22 AM

Awww... sorry about that! He crawled up my back while I was outside taking that photoshoot, so I decided to include him in a few pictures, hehe! There are better ones with the caterpillar in it, but that one was one of the best face photos I had. Kah'z (my boy) still has that face up, as a matter of fact. O_O longest lasting one to DATE!

Your Hong was awesome looking! You should post more pictures. I watched you, btw. aphrodite as well, as a matter of fact.

I seem to be having issues with this event. I have 19 gears, 14 flours, and 0 spanners.... and I need spanners. My secondary job is gardener, but it won't let me do anything... so basically, I can't seem to do anything but click every 15 minutes and post in these threads, heh.

Bejamin Mason
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Old 05-27-2010, 07:31 AM

DDDx I would give you my seventeen spanners, but Afrodonkey broke it.

I'm gonna try to take more pictures, but, he needs to have scarring done and he needs his right eyes. ; n;

TasiaChiba is offline
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Old 05-27-2010, 07:35 AM

haha, tis okay! ^_^

What kind of scarring is he supposed to have? I like scarring in general, but I dunno if I could do it to my own doll! =falls over= Oh, and what eyes?

Kah'z's lavendar eyes were a gift... but I need to find where they were gotten so I can get a second pair. He has a twin sister, lol, so I need to score the eyes for whenever I get around to purchasing the second DZ Megi. >_<

Bejamin Mason
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Old 05-27-2010, 07:41 AM

BLUH, send me these questions on dA, I need sleepies.



TasiaChiba is offline
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Old 05-27-2010, 07:43 AM

Apparently I'm a chatter-monger tonight, haha!

It's nearly 4am here... I should go to bed... =shifty eyes=

@ Bejamin: I will. ^_^

Edit: And done, lolz

Ling is offline
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Old 05-27-2010, 07:49 AM

Hello, I really like your art aphrodite remix. I especially like the boldness of the ink and the detail of the drawings.

May I please have a place in the waiting list? I'd like a drawing of my current avatar if possible.

aphrodite remix
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Old 05-27-2010, 07:56 AM

Waaaghhghg finished 12 sketches -.- and its about 3am, I'm going to shower and go to bed now...

I'll be pm'n everyone tomorrow their sketches for approval before I start work on the 'good copy"

@ Ling, sure thing :3 I'll add you now ^^

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Old 05-27-2010, 07:59 AM

Thanks a lot. ^_^

TasiaChiba is offline
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Old 05-27-2010, 07:59 AM

Night! I'll be going, myself, shortly! Later. ^^

RisikaFox is offline
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Old 05-27-2010, 10:03 AM

Did somebody say freebies? ^^ I love avatar art, so if you'd like to draw mine, that would be lovely.

Clair Voyant
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Old 05-27-2010, 10:51 AM

G'morning, everyone. :)

Sensible Cricket
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Old 05-27-2010, 11:02 AM

Oh oh oh do I spy an open slot?

Username: Sensible Cricket

This character leans very heavily on her cane. Also, it should be in her -left- hand, rather than her right, but we can only equip the right hand. The knee of her trousers on that side is bulky--there's a box around her knee (aka prosthetic/replacement) that the puffiness in the trousers is trying to hide.

^_^ Thank you very much, and I'm fine with waiting!


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