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JeSsIcAtMeOwW is offline
Old 10-10-2010, 05:10 PM

Hii again. :)

I have a cold now. :( Silly Fall weather!

Sex Bomb
Roxxxy is offline
Old 10-10-2010, 05:18 PM

Oh no! I hope you feel better.
And don't be getting me sick :sarcasm:


In another poker tournament now. Wish me luck!
(especially b/c I SHOULD be studying :sweat: )

R u b y
Grand Duchess of Gifs & Memes™
R u b y is offline
Old 10-10-2010, 06:31 PM

Rox: Yeah, I was with the same kids for K-4. 4th grade graduation was the hardest for us since we knew we had to leave. I loved that school. It was little too. Another reason I'm home schooled now. I didn't like all the disrespectful kids.

Sex Bomb
Roxxxy is offline
Old 10-10-2010, 06:46 PM

Ooooh, homeschooling certainly has its ups!
In hindsight, it probably would have worked wonders to deter my suicidal thoughts and tendencies. I just didn't fit in; and the kids at the high school I graduated from weren't cruel at all; I just felt so different.

R u b y
Grand Duchess of Gifs & Memes™
R u b y is offline
Old 10-10-2010, 06:47 PM

Thats like me here. I'm an Oregonian thrown in with southern kids. They don't even know what cosplay is! :gonk:

Although its not helping the suicidal thoughts very much. But I get most of those from home anyway

Sex Bomb
Roxxxy is offline
Old 10-10-2010, 06:51 PM

Well, you can always talk to me!!!!!
I've been there, hun. But I made it through, and you will too.
Just remember, someone else always has it worse than you. When I get depressed, I find that I feel better if I have a good cry, and go out and do something to help those who are suffering more than me.
Also, Prozac goes a loooooong way for me ;)

R u b y
Grand Duchess of Gifs & Memes™
R u b y is offline
Old 10-10-2010, 06:56 PM

Lol Thanks Rox.
I know it could be a lot worse. It's mainly because I'm alone here and I have almost no moral support. But things are getting better. Crying always helps. Its when I get into a state of not even caring and fascinations appear out of nowhere that scare me. Although I can't take meds since I'm under 18 xP

Sex Bomb
Roxxxy is offline
Old 10-10-2010, 06:57 PM

Wait, what? You can't get meds?
Oooooohhhh, actually, I think I knew that. Most anti-depressants make things worse in very young adults.
Although, I could swear that my little sister was on Paxil...

R u b y
Grand Duchess of Gifs & Memes™
R u b y is offline
Old 10-10-2010, 06:59 PM

There are a few, but I get through it ok. If I just stay where I am usually I can avoid dangerous situations.

Sex Bomb
Roxxxy is offline
Old 10-10-2010, 07:03 PM

This may sound sad, but the thing that helped me through it all the best (other than my awesome sibs) was my kitty. She was, and is, my world. I :heart: Nichol Maree. 17 and still strong as a tiger, playful as a kitten!

R u b y
Grand Duchess of Gifs & Memes™
R u b y is offline
Old 10-10-2010, 07:23 PM

Aww, we had a 20 year old cat when I was little. She was awesome. We had to put her down because she was spraying so much. Mirrored closet doors didn't help with cats. But now I have two orange ones. My babies xD

Sex Bomb
Roxxxy is offline
Old 10-10-2010, 07:28 PM

Cats are so great! I can let them outside on their own. Buuuuut, not so with the dog. Speaking of which, I need to go for a jog with her like, now. (lol, a DOG JOG!) But srsly, I'll BBL.

R u b y
Grand Duchess of Gifs & Memes™
R u b y is offline
Old 10-10-2010, 07:32 PM

Lol thus why I don't have a dog xD I like em just don't want em. lol Have fun Rox!

Sex Bomb
Roxxxy is offline
Old 10-10-2010, 07:59 PM

K, I guess it was more of a short walk. Didn't realize that it was 82 degrees outside!
Too hot for a jog, in my opinion.
So now I get to resume transcribing my biology lecture notes from my teacher's PodCast. Oh, spare me!

R u b y
Grand Duchess of Gifs & Memes™
R u b y is offline
Old 10-10-2010, 08:02 PM

Lol so glad I have easy stuff to work on

Sex Bomb
Roxxxy is offline
Old 10-10-2010, 08:04 PM

Hey, I am thinking of cosplaying my avi. What do you think?
Have you ever done it? It's not really my thing, but I think that it would be kinda fun for a minute.

R u b y
Grand Duchess of Gifs & Memes™
R u b y is offline
Old 10-10-2010, 08:18 PM

I'm planning to when its here again.

Sex Bomb
Roxxxy is offline
Old 10-10-2010, 08:29 PM

Oh, I said that wrong.
What I meant to say was that I want to dress my avi as some type of character from something I like (prolly Scarlet O'Hara from Gone With the Wind - Its my favorite movie)

R u b y
Grand Duchess of Gifs & Memes™
R u b y is offline
Old 10-10-2010, 08:31 PM

Lol I haven't seen it. I haven't done that with my avi but I do like to cosplay ^^

Sex Bomb
Roxxxy is offline
Old 10-10-2010, 09:04 PM

I tried; I failed; I will try again at a later time.
Now, back to work

R u b y
Grand Duchess of Gifs & Memes™
R u b y is offline
Old 10-10-2010, 09:13 PM

Lol :hug:

Sex Bomb
Roxxxy is offline
Old 10-10-2010, 10:38 PM

Bio homework is done! Yay! The note-taking will take like 6 hours, so I am giving myself a break for the day.
Now, what to do?


I decided to cosplay my mule as...

*Kuu-chan* is offline
Old 10-11-2010, 12:07 AM

Meredith Grey!!!

Sex Bomb
Roxxxy is offline
Old 10-11-2010, 01:34 AM

Meh, I'm bored with it already ^^;

R u b y
Grand Duchess of Gifs & Memes™
R u b y is offline
Old 10-11-2010, 02:39 AM

Lol Hey Rox


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