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White Squirrel Girl
The Spazatic little cookie
White Squirrel Girl is offline
Old 12-12-2010, 02:07 AM

Avalanche was at the moment leaning up against a wall outside the queen's chambers. She had just spoken with the queen and had gotten approval for an idea she had just come up with. Now she just needed to get Rose, Kavik, Helene, Amber, and possible Alroy all in on her plan. She nodded to the queen as she left her rooms and Avalanche immedietly pulled out a key to the queen's rooms and leaned over the balconey. She looked to her lower left and shook her head.
"Rose, I suggest opening your door. Kavik, I seriously need to talk to you. It involves, alot of things including a possibilty of you and Rose's romance being possible." She said leaning on the railing and looked down at the two, a light grin on her face.

Lady Chello
Love's EvergreenGoddess!!!!!
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Old 12-12-2010, 02:16 AM

Rose turned as she heard her dear little sister. She looked back to Kavik as she gently stroked his face then turned hating the timing of everything. She quickly hurried to her door and open it pulling Helene inside the room before shutting it again. She then moved passed Kavik as she looked up wandering who else was going to join them and ruin the moment. This is was why she wised she could have been born any other girl. She wouldn't have titles duties and responsibility that come with a price tag that no one wants to pay. She wished she had ran off years a go. She had tried to before and kavik had found her when she got lost and had saved her from slave traders and a pack of wolfs. She had never forgot that day or how he fought for her. If only she could fight for him just as hard.

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Old 12-12-2010, 02:32 AM

"Rose, dear Rose!" Helene breathed as she placed her hands on either side of her beautiful sister's face. "Father. He has a key to your room. He discovered a way to get passed your habbit of locking it from the inside. He had a master key cut and given to him. He will be in any second darling, he will be most dis-pleased with you if he finds Kavik. I know you do not care much for father's opinion's, but dear he will ban you from leaving the room. I heard word that he was having your locks changed, and contemplating locking you in the tower for fear you would run away from him. Rose, don't give him reason to lock you away!" Helene began to cry and she knelt on the floor and hugged her sister's leg. She looked up at her with pleading eyes and then noticed a beautiful shimmering ring placed neatly on her sister's delicate finger.

Gasping, she looked from Rose to Kavik and then smiled. "Oh Rose! Beautiful Rose! Congratulations! But wait, this is even more reason for Kavik to hide. My father brings his man-slaves. They are coming to search your room Rose. Kavik must leave, and not just hide. They will find him. Quickly, Kavik, you know where my room is do you not? Jump the balconies to get there and then hide! Within my closet, there is a secret door that leads to a chamber within the walls. No body knows about it other than me and my mother, it was built to hide her daughters from danger but father never found out. Go, now!" she shuddered as she heard her father's booming voice sounding from the other end of the corridor. Helene looked at Rose and pulled the chain from around her neck. "Do you mind?" she asked as she slipped the beautiful ring of Rose's finger and threded the chain through it.

Quickly, she tied the chain around Rose's delicate neck and smiled. "There" she said.


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