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Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 08-02-2011, 06:39 AM

He watched them for a moment not saying anything. When Seiri came closer to him and put an arm around his shoulders a pleasant shiver from the simple touch raced down his spine, his blush darkened a bit and he looked almost shyly at Seiri. "Ah..oh..uhm." But the man was right, there were questions that needed to be asked, he needed answers. Though he knew that Seiri couldn't answer the questions that he really wanted answers too. No one in this place seemed to know him. His blush had darkened just a bit more when Seiri had leaned in close to his ear. Why did this man make his body feel so hot and so..strange? When Seiri moved away, he glanced at the others, then turned to follow Seiri.

Come into my arms and I'll prote...
SecretIenzo1 is offline
Old 08-02-2011, 06:41 AM

Chesamai kept walking and turned to check on SnowBall only to see he was gone. "Well, He'll find me I'm sure." She sighed and kept walking. When she heard voices ahead she got closer and hid behind a tree. It looked like three people. She tried to get closer but a twig snapped under her feet and when she ran to hide she tripped. "Ouchy!"

SnowBall was on the verge of a heart attack. Where was Chesamai? "LADY CHESAMAI!" He yelled again and kept searching every where. He looked under mushrooms, in tree hallows and under water in the streams he found. Where was his human?

p o p p e t ♥
a whisper in the wind

p o p p e t ♥ is offline
Old 08-02-2011, 02:00 PM

As the one called Seiri introduced the group, she responded, "I am Ora...". A soft wind swept her face smelling faintly of rain. How she loved the smell, but hoped that it wouldn't rain on them tonight in this dark forest, what bad luck that would be for her in her already sheer night gown. Suddenly another appeared who called himself Ariel, he didn't appear to be a solid figure. How interesting...

"Huh?" Ora heard a twig snap, and turned to see a girl who had been hiding behind a tree. Her eyes widened as she was lost in another vision. This girl who was hiding behind the tree, she saw her, she was in some sort of danger. As quickly as the vision had come, it was gone. Ora frowned, why do they have to come and go like that!? Frustrated at herself she stood and waited for the girl to join them.

Last edited by p o p p e t ♥; 08-15-2011 at 02:19 PM..

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AmaniIshtar is offline
Old 08-02-2011, 08:26 PM

Seiri just grinned as he saw the reaction he caused in the other, before letting it soften as he watched Ceci nod to the human, Ora, then sit down. He knew she had to be tired, traveling with her as much as she had, he knew her subtleties. Traveling as she had, then the send-out, her excessive sheilding, plus the healing. It all added up to her running low on energy. It always cost her more to heal her own hurts, than others.

Sighing he turned to lean against tree before he slid down and sat at the base, one knee bent in fron of him with his right elbow resting on the knee, his left leg stretched out. Patting the ground next to him, he gave a silent invite for the other to sit by him. "So, what do you want to know first? The whole demon and angel thing, why you feel so safe with her even as you fear her gift, or maybe is it something else?" He felt the cheshire grin on his face, a hint of a fang peeking on gis bottom lip, he knew he was flirting with the male, even though he shouldn't but his reactions were so cute. "Sadly I can't provide any closure on your lack of memories. Best bet is either you made yourself forget, or someone else did it to punish you. Either way, its best not to worry about it. You'll get them back." He offered just that tiny bit of hope, though he felt that if he had caused it himself, Ryu might not ever remember for many years, longer even than Cecilia went without hers. If it had been punishment, well, the punisher will eventually come back to check on him. Of course that also did depend on who punished him. He sighed as he tried to push such thoughts away.

Come into my arms and I'll prote...
SecretIenzo1 is offline
Old 08-02-2011, 08:44 PM

Chesamai saw no reason to not join the group once she was caught and sat against a tree. "Have any of you seen a boy with white hair and purple eyes?" She questioned. She was all right when SnowBall was gone but it was sad to say the least. He protected her from some danger she had seen first hand. She was important to someone and SnowBall protected her from them because they were bad. "SnowBall..."

SnowBall ran through the forest in the form of a white fox. He needed to find Chesamai! He rushed through every where he could find but he was lost. Lady Chesamai... Where are you?

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 08-02-2011, 08:49 PM

He had followed Seiri and when the other sat down and motioned for him to join him, the young man hesitated. Only for a few moments though. Blushing slightly he slowly slid down to sit next to Seiri. He chewed his bottom lip for a few moments, looking at the ground. Honestly he wasn't sure he ever would get his memories back and quite frankly he didn't understand why he would make himself forget. For a few long moments he was silent. A thoughtful silence, then he looked at Seiri, a slight bit of color still tinting his cheeks. "I would know more about the demon and angel thing...Being near her, made me feel warm, protected...but her magic was frightening. How can someone make me feel safe and terribly afraid all at once?" It really made no sense to him. He felt foolish and like a child, he also felt like giving into despair. He turned his head away, so Seiri wouldn't see the emotions flitting across his face.

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Old 08-02-2011, 09:15 PM

Cecilia looked at the new girl, offering a friendly but slightly sleepy smile. "I have not seen such a boy. Are you hurt though?" She asked softly, though making no move to leave her space near a tree. She'd heard the twig snap and if the girl was hurt she wanted to at least make that pain go away.

Seiri nodded. He could understand where the other was coming from. When he first met Cecilia, he'd been fearful of her, but than he proved himself and he never had reason to fear again. "Sadly I only know so much on the subject." He started as he turned his head up to look at the sky through the tree branches. "What I do know is this; There is an unseen war between Angels, who are viewed as the embodiment of all things pure and good, and the Demons, who emody all that is dark and evil. Now normally the two races are hard to kill, but they can kill each other, and tend to do so to protect their territory, or the one they've decided to watch over." He spoke softly, trying to remember all he could. "I don't know how the war came to be, but I know that the views people hold are skewed. Not all angels are truly good and pure, just like not all demons are truly evil."

He sighed lightly, his right hand coming up to rub his face. "Most of the time, it'd be a good idea to follow your gut on staying away from angels. Their warrior types really outnumber the rest. But Ceci is special. She was second in gifts to Rapheal before her exile and punishment, and once she had finished with him, she would have apprenticed to Uriel for another form of training." He explained softly, the grumbled when he realized he hadn't explained much at all. "Sorry, but yeah. There is no need to fear from Cecilia. She's a healer angel, she had another job too, but she won't tell me what. Rumor though was that she was a 'mother'. An angel who raised the new borns, and one of the few that helped 'birth' them." He clarified, his head tilting forward while he ran his fingers through it, dislodging the tie at his neck. Removing that he finger-brushed his hair before tying the long strands back again.

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 08-02-2011, 09:30 PM

Seiri hadn't really explained much. But things did seem to make just a little bit more sense than they had. Alright. Angels and Demons were enemies, but that didn't necessarily mean they all had to be that way. Both races were just as diverse as any other. At least that was what he picked up between the lines. Right. Well, that was good enough for him. The young man shifted slightly, looking at Seiri and just watching him as he tied his hair back. The young man blushed lightly as he realized he was staring a bit. He shifted again, looking down and then up at the sky before looking back at Seiri.

"Alright then...When it became night..I did that. I used magic, I could see the way time flowed and I could feel it, I could see how to manipulate it into what I wanted. What can you tell me about such magics?...And...This forest. It talks to me. Whispers at me. It's full of old and strange magic, but when I manipulated the time, I felt the forest bend to my will. It drew back, as if in reverence to the magic I used and allowed itself to fall under the spell. Still it whispers to me, the forest, it tells me I'll never leave. All who enter are trapped, and it tells me...It tells me I deserve to be imprisoned for all eternity." It didn't seem right to him though, for someone to be imprisoned and not be told why. A soft whimper escaped his lips before he could stop it and he hugged his knees to his chest, resting chin atop them.

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AmaniIshtar is offline
Old 08-02-2011, 10:01 PM

The raven blinked, shock clearly seen as his expression. "It talks to you?" He asked in surprise. Well, at least now he had an idea on what kind of dragon the male was. "Unbelievable. You can bend time, which is extremely powerful magic that would normally require a few others and a spell to do, and you can do it just by gathering the energy and blinking. But you can hear the forest too?" His surprise hadn't abated, and as he glanced away he couldn't help his less than polite thoughts. He was weird for his kind, he was against much of his clansmen and their desire to support the dark demons in their killings for food, but he also lusted after the powerful. Most would just be content with the others, but no one had struck his fancy, so he left. He'd been so happy to find Cecilia, she was cute, and powerful, but he hadn't wanted to risk it with an angel till a few months ago, and now he finds Ryu.

Groaning softly as he stamped down on his bad thoughts, his arousal could wait, Ryu's questions couldn't. "Okay...Magic is...Damn it. Ceci would know more about the stuff. She has a better grasp of it. I'm a simple raven demon. The closest I could think of is, when I use my powers over the wind, I just gather the ambient energy, and bend it to my will. But then again you have to be careful, if your not strong enough, its better to gently ask the energy to do what you want." He shrugged, still pouting lightly at not having a better answer as he leaned his chin at his elbow crook as the right hand tangled fingers into his dark hair. "As for hearing the forest talk to you, well my guess is that you are either an earth dragon, or a forest one, and if its the latter, magical or not, this forest wants you to protect it. Then again, I get the feeling this is much more than just a simple forest. I think it may be cursed or something." He answered softly before turning to look at Ryu, melting at the whimper. Though he sighed in, it really wasn't, irritation, he threw his left arm to the other as he moved, his right arm coming to help the other move Ryu between his legs. Setting the other so that his back was against his chest, he let his arms curl about the others waist. "Hey, don't be sad. I'm sure we'll all figure out something and leave here. If not, well I'll stay." He spoke softly, wanting to make the other feel better.

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 08-02-2011, 10:18 PM

He had reached up and rested his fingers beneath his red eye, touching the red marking that went through it. The time magic he had used, it had something to do with his strange eye, of that he was certain. He chewed his bottom lip slightly, Seiri didn't seem to know much about magic, but the little bit he did know the young man found helpful. Though, he wasn't even sure how he had even tapped into the magic he had used. He was almost certain he couldn't do it again. At least, not without knowing exactly how. "I think you are wrong. The forest doesn't want me as it's protector. This place, is a prison for all who enter." He was chewing his bottom lip. Earth dragon? Somehow, that just sounded right to him..but he kept that thought to himself.

A small squeak escaped his lips when Seiri grabbed him and pulled him to sit there, between Seiri's legs. The young man wriggled about for a moment, cheeks stained crimson as he blushed. His body tensed, filled with those strange feelings and sensations again, strange, but pleasant. He wriggled once more and let out a soft groan as he relaxed and leaned back against Seiri. Eyes slipping closed for a moment. Again his body felt hot. Feverish without having a fever. "...You...You make my body feel so strange..and whenever I look at you I feel....embarrassed." His words were a soft whisper and he hesitated. "...What's wrong with me?"

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AmaniIshtar is offline
Old 08-02-2011, 10:39 PM

Keeping a light hold on the male as he wriggled, Seiri bit the inside of his cheek and distracted his mind so as to not react the way he wanted. He sighed in relief as Ryu stopped moving. Hearing him talk about the forest being a prison, he just squeezed his hold a little bit before relaxing it again, resting his cheek against the back of his neck. "I hope not. It'd pain me to know that someone had sent Cecilia and you here. This place doesn't deserve you guys." He murmured softly, breathing deeply as he let the others scent wash over him.

Humming he moved so that his chin rested on Ryu's shoulder. Peeking through slitted eyes, when had he closed them?, he wondered what to tell him. "Strange how? And why are you be embarrassed?" He questioned softly after a few minutes pause, his hands moving so that they rested on his hips, the left thumb rubbing through the shirt. "Nothing is wrong with you, but if it bothers you so much I'll stop and let you be." He hoped not, he liked the dragon, quite a lot actually, but he didn't want to scare him off this soon.

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 08-02-2011, 10:58 PM

He frowned just a bit. The forest might not deserve him, but what if he truly deserved to be here? He shoved those thoughts away and tried to think of the best way to explain the strange feelings Seiri instilled in him. He wasn't sure how to explain it. Not really. " all over, and..uhm..tingly?" He looked uncertain and a bit sheepish. His cheeks still tinted with a slight blush. "My body feels needs..or wants something...but I'm not sure what it needs or wants." He wriggled slightly again, then stilled. "..It doesn't bother me...It's...rather pleasant. Strange and pleasant...I like it..But I don't quite understand it."

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AmaniIshtar is offline
Old 08-02-2011, 11:44 PM

Seiri hummed in thought, though he couldn't hide the grin on his face. "Warm and tingly huh?" It sounded like a question, but the way he said it was more a statement, and a pleased one at that. His left hand moved from Ryu's waist, lifting up only to fuss and lower the collar that was connected with the others shirt and protecting his neck. Letting his breath out in a puff against the column of flesh, his hand slowly trailing down the others chest back to the waist. "I'm glad you find it pleasent." He purred, barely holding back the quiet groan as Ryu wriggled again, the hands at his waist tightening. Sighing, he decided to just stop holding back, it had been way too long anyway.

He peppered soft kisses along the flesh, shoulder up to the neck and behind the ear, his tongue peeking out to lick the flesh there before going back down to where the neck met the shoulder. He paid special attention here, kissing, licking and nibbling what skin he could. His hands busied themselves as they untucked the shirt, his left darting under to rest on the others belly, thumb rubbing the sensitive skin before it moved up to trail the chest. His right came up, delicate fingers just barely brushing against the neck and chin. "Is it still pleasent for you now?" Seiri asked huskily as he removed his lips from the skin to brush against Ryu's ear as he whispered.

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 08-02-2011, 11:51 PM

He had nodded slightly at the question, only then realizing it hadn't really been a question. A soft gasp left his lips when Seiri began to kiss along his neck and behind his ear. A pleasant shiver raced down his spine, and the blush on his cheeks darkened some. "...Oh.." was all he said and very softly. He wriggled just slightly, a very soft moan escaping his lips as Seiri continued to kiss on him, and those hands touched his chest and brushed against his neck and chin. His eyes half-lidded and he let out another soft noise of pleasure. All those strange feelings had intensified, but he found he didn't want it to stop. "Oh..yes.." He breathed the words softly in response to Seiri's question. Another pleasant shiver rushing down his spine when Seiri's lips brushed against his ear.

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Old 08-03-2011, 12:45 AM

Seiri chuckled as he pressed his lips to the shell of the ear, right hand gripping the chin and gently coaxing Ryu to turn his head. He groaned softly, peppering light kisses along the left sife of Ryu's cheek and chin, then his lips. He held back another sound, half way opening his eyes to watch the other as a pink muscle peekd out to wet his lips and brush against the others before he pressed his lips against the dragons. Humming, he held tightly to the other, not quite sharp nails digging into the skin under his hand. Lips parting, he licked the luscious mouth before he swiftly trailed back to the skin at the base of his neck, nibbling and sucking back up to the jawline. "This, my scrumptious friend, is the feeling of lust. Do you want more?" He asked as he slowly pulled away from the other, smirking as he knew the other would possibly complain about him stopping, hard as it was for him to do as well.

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 08-04-2011, 02:23 PM

Those eyes were half closed when Seiri finally captured his lips. A slight gasp, a gentle groan and he practically melted into the kiss. As if he weren't melting already. The young man, Ryu, as Seiri called him shivered with delight. Attempting to kiss back, gently. This was pure bliss. Briefly he wondered if it could get better than just this, kissing and caressing. Sweet and soft moans escaped his throat when Seiri nibbled along his jawline, those noises of pleasure quickly turned to slight whining and whimpering when Seiri stopped, even pulled away slowly. Ryu, wriggled and whimpered again. "D-don't stop...please!?" He tried to turn to face Seiri, longing and lust made his voice heavy, and his words had come out as a soft panting whisper. "...Please...I want more." He squirmed slightly.

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Old 08-04-2011, 02:59 PM

Seiri chuckled, enjoying the pleading whimpers, as he helped turn the other somewhat, so that he was sideways in the raven's lap. He ducked his head and nuzzled the others throat, interchanging quick flicks of the tongue with light scrapes of a fang. "More of what, little Ryu?" He asked, knowingly teasing the other. He wondered how far he could push the newly innocent before the dark-haired beauty got mad and took what he wanted. Or forced himself on Seiri, which he wouldn't mind either. Pale hands disappeared under Ryu's shirt, gently massaging the skin af the side, stomach, and the back, before changing the pattern as he curled his fingers and dragged his nails across the skin lightly. There was no reason to start him bleeding now...and it would be a bad thing to explain to dear Cecilia.

p o p p e t ♥
a whisper in the wind

p o p p e t ♥ is offline
Old 08-04-2011, 03:25 PM

Replying to the girl who had just joined their group, Ora shook her head, "No, I haven't seen anyone like that either." She felt herself shiver slightly. The darkness had dropped the tempurature in the forest and although the weather wasn't cold, the mixture of being in her night gown and fear were causing her to feel cold and empty. She looked towards the man with the red eye, he seemed to be really enjoying himself here... Her cheeks red, she turned to look another direction. "I'll gather some firewood" she said, "I'm sure we all need some rest if we're going to find a way out of here in the morning." She smiled faintly at the group turning to walk off into the woods again, she was tired and afraid, All of these people are lost here? What if I never find my way out of this place? she thought shivering again. Lost in thought she dissapeared into the darkness.

Last edited by p o p p e t ♥; 08-15-2011 at 02:19 PM..

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 08-04-2011, 05:21 PM

Ryu shivered lightly and squirmed a bit. The blush staining his cheeks seemed almost like a permanent fixture. At least, for now. It had been there throughout all of this teasing and seemed to darken just slightly when he begged and whimpered. His body trembled lightly, but from enjoyment, from the pleasure that every touch, every kiss, every nibble and nuzzle sent through his body. His pants he had noted, had grown almost painfully tight. An odd pressure just below his waist that craved to be eased, but he wasn't sure how. He wriggled and squirmed a bit more in Seiri's lap, head turned slightly and hesitantly his tongue peeked out to give a small tentative lick to Seiri's cheek, followed by a gentle, chaste kiss.

Ryu's voice remained a whisper, heavy with want and lust."More..More of everything...It feels good." One hand he placed on Seiri's shoulder, gripping hard. Clinging almost. His head he rested on the other shoulder and nuzzled Seiri's neck, giving him a light kiss and nibble. Uncertainly. Imitating the attentions Seiri had given his throat. "Please...please, I don't want this feeling to stop...It feels so very good." It seemed he had forgotten about the others, at least for the moment.

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Old 08-04-2011, 11:03 PM

Cecilia nodded softly as Ora moved away from the group, stifling a yawn. She was about to tell the girl to be careful, but she'd already disappeared. She did hope the young woman would be careful, being barefoot and dressed as she was. Yawning again, she glanced over to where Seiri was with the amnesiac dragon. A smile tugged the corners of her lips as she watched them, they were cute together. When they became more affectionate, she blushed lightly and looked away.

He hummed as he felt that first tentative lick, ebony lashes fluttering on pale cheeks. Cracking his eyes he saw Cecilia blush and look away from them, he groaned mutely when the other imitated attentions to his neck. Though that wasn't the only reason he groaned, a barely heard woosh before the two were encased in soft, feathery darkness also contributed. He chuckled when he heard the other practically begging breathlessly. "I'll give you more..." He rasped out, he had tilted his head back. Bringing his chin down to his chest, he captured Ryu in another kiss, lips parting so his tongue could trace the flesh there. He gasped softly as he tightened his hold on the male, pressing the body in his arms against his own. His left hand dipped slightly under the fabric covering Ryu's hip, rubbing the skin there while his right hand moved back up to the other's chest, teasingly drifting and gently scraping the skin there.

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 08-05-2011, 05:55 AM

It was a few hours later.

However the forest was still dark, well as dark as it got at night. Yawning, he disentangled his arms and legs from Seiri, looking down at the male next to him. Remembering all that had happened hours ago, and remembering how content and lethargic he had felt just before falling asleep. Ryu blushed and bit his bottom lip. Thoughts of earlier, they were making him feel lusty again, quickly though he stamped down on those feelings. Now that he understood better what it was, he could control it better. Or so, he hoped. He kissed Seiri on the cheek softly and glanced around, looking for the others he'd been conversing with before wandering off with Seiri. If he were feeling sore anywhere from the previous hours delicious romping, Ryu didn't show it at all. He sat up fully, yawned again and stretched a bit.

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Old 08-05-2011, 06:41 AM

Seiri sighed contentedly in his sleep, the soft smile almost making him seem so much younger and angelic. Flipping to lie on his stomach, an arm was thrown, possesively curling around the others waist as Ryu sat up. The raven hummed as his sleep addled mind told him that the skin he was touching, was also covered in cloth, which he knew the others chest should not be. Yet anyway. Blearily opening one eye, he semi-glared as he was brought from the land of dreams. He whined softly when he realized he wouldn't be heading back into Morpheus's embrace. Pulling his arms in he lifted his upper body up with his elbows used as leverage, and watched the other for a few minutes. "I'd say morning, but its still dark. Did you enjoy yourself?" He commented lightly before lifting himself to tuck his knees under him and sitting up and his calves as he yawned heartily and stretched his arms out.

Groaning softly in appreciation as his back popped back into alignment, he looked to the other with a wide grin. Scratching the back of his head, he finger brushed his hair as he studied the other, keeping the silly grin when he noticed the marks he'd left on the pale body. Knowing how shy Ryu had been earlier, he took some pity on the other and let his grin lessen somewhat before his hand shot out and pulled Ryu's head toward him as he leaned in to gently kiss the tempting lips. "Maybe we should head back. Ceci is probably definitely worried about us. Its her 'mother' instincts." He commented when he pulled back, standing gracefull and offering a hand to help the other up.

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 08-05-2011, 06:54 AM

When Seiri began moving, Ryu watched the waking demon. A slight smile on his lips. At Seiri's question his smile widened a bit and he nodded, the marks on his skin that Seiri had left, didn't bother him in the least. He didn't seem shy about such marks, but then. No one had pointed them out to him yet. He licked his lips and made a soft noise of contentment. Not quite a growl but a noise that could only be best described as a small dragon purring..or something of the sort. If dragons purred. When Seiri pulled him in for a kiss, he 'eeped' softly and happily melted into it. Kissing back gently.

As the other spoke of finding Cecilia, Ryu nodded slightly. It seemed like a good idea. He took the hand Seiri offered and rose elegantly, his fingers curling around Seiri's. Not yet ready to break the contact that had been re-established between them. He liked the pleasant shivers that touching flesh to flesh sent through his body, especially from someone as pretty as Seiri. "Worried?" Somehow, the thought of some one being worried about him, sent a warm feeling through him. Like the feeling of being loved and cared for. "..but she won't be upset because we were gone for so long will she?" His head tilted to the side slightly as he asked, a bit uncertain.

p o p p e t ♥
a whisper in the wind

p o p p e t ♥ is offline
Old 08-05-2011, 02:38 PM

Ora had gathered a large pile of sticks and branches for firewood, as much as her arms could carry. She had stayed close to the group remembering how quickly the fog had set in when she first became lost in this place. If it set in again, she wanted to be in shouting distance of the others. Ora made her way back to where Cecilia and the other young girl were resting squinting through the dark as to not get hurt again. She set the firewood down in a cleared spot in the middle of the group of trees. Looking around she didn't see the two men anywhere. Hoping they would return soon as she felt safer with them about, she began to arrange the wood into a tipi. I wonder how I'm going to get this lit, she thought.

Last edited by p o p p e t ♥; 08-15-2011 at 02:20 PM..

Come into my arms and I'll prote...
SecretIenzo1 is offline
Old 08-05-2011, 02:52 PM

"LADY CHESAMAI!" Chesamai heard him that time and stood up. "SnowBall!" This pattern of names continued for some time before SnowBall could be seen running in the distance. "Lady Chesamai!" When he reached the little group he seemed like he was going to cry. "Do you know how to light a fire SnowBall?" SnowBall looked at the twigs when she pointed at them and blew his breath at them. The twigs instantly caught fire. "Like that?" Chesamai nodded.

(SnowBall returns!)


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