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The One and Only

Codette is offline
Old 03-12-2012, 07:21 PM

Risa giggled at Bree's remark. "Dead to the world hu? Well lets see about that." Risa tossed a pillow at Bree.
Wide awake now, she did a sort of piroette across the room. "Must I? I love sugary foods, they keep me happy. Maybe not healthy, but it's not like I get sick or anything. Name the last time
I got sick." She challenged.

Risa skipped to the Slytherin common room, not for the first time since freshman year, feeling a little... out of place with the other Slytherins. They always seemed so... unhappy, or... dark.
"Bree, the snakes don't look very happy this morning do they?"

Shishunki is offline
Old 03-14-2012, 06:36 PM

((I have ideas, it's more that I can't get into the flow. ))

D'Aulnoy forced herself out of bed and started getting ready for to help out with Lockhart's class.
His mysterious sickness didn't surprise her. She had her suspicions. If it was Ari, she should be punished. Despite how many people dislike Lockhart, it's improper to let her think she could take such actions against a teacher. Even him.
But without evidence, she wasn't going to interrogate her and mark her as a suspect.

Finishing her morning routine, D'Aulnoy headed towards the DADA classroom. Under the invitation of the substitute teacher, she came to lend a guiding hand.
Though D'Aulnoy held nothing against the new substitute, her presence made D'Aulnoy feel useless. Her classes had barely any students, forced to restrain her own teachings by the hand of the governors, now- barely considered a proper teacher- assisting a substitute. Her dream of being a teacher, of helping the wizarding world learn of other and older magic, seems to have become more difficult then she would have ever guessed....

D'Aulnoy walked in the classroom, and waved a greeting to Dalia. She sat down, so as not to impose on the new sub, but ready to help when needed.
She had forgotten how inhumanly beautiful Dalia was. D'Aulnoy was too distracted thinking of ways to fulfill her role, to allow the more petty side of womanly nature to sink in.

The Idea Girl
ShadowDemon101 is offline
Old 03-20-2012, 06:12 PM

((Shi must tell us these ideas so we can her her no? ;) and lol I don't blame you Staria not one bit XD ))

"Slept like a baby; you can't help it after feeling like you've retruned home," she said rather whimsically. Rose did love her own home and having her own room and such, but Hogwarts was just so special. True, there could be a few flaws, but then again nothing was perfect. Coming back to Hogwarts was like coming home every time; she wasn;'t sure how she would feel when seventh year came...

"I did hear about him actually," Rose gave her a knowing look; sometimes Caly's thoughfulness was very sweet, but in Rose's opinon she gave it quite easily to anyone, even those undeserving. "And I'm sure he's fine; word are the castle is that Ari from Gryffindor pulled a prank on the faker." She leant back in her chair, thinking more about it. "There's a lot of speculation of what exactly she did, but knowing how...vain the Professor is, she probably made him look ugly..." she mused, grinning at what it might be. Now that would be great blackmail material; maybe she should see if that first-year with the camera could get her one...


McGonagall was already in the Great Hall, having her breakfast and overseeing the students trinkling in. She herself was quite early so she busied herself with a plate while keeping an eye out on the trouble-makers. She couldn't help but internally jump for joy when she heard about Lockhart. Someone had put him under some spell which caused his face to break out into terrible lumps so he had called in sick. She idly wondered how long Poppy, the head nurse, could handle the ponce before her temper got the better of her.

Hmm, perhaps she should start another bet with D'Aulnoy and the other female professors...

Speaking of, the Head of Gryffindor hoped she was doing alright. With Lockhart out for a while, a substitue was supposedly coming in (why couldn't they have hired the sub she had no idea...) but still she was going to help out with the class. Gonagall worried that she would get irritable; the woman was a lovely teacher with a brillant mind, but people were simply too afraid of what she taught to really appriciate the magic behind it. She hoped her friend would be able to deal with the day...

Speaking of, it was nearly time for her Transfiguration class. She'd better move; though it was at least the Ravenclaws and Slytherins so less chance of anything to happen...

Shishunki is offline
Old 03-22-2012, 06:28 PM

((Shi is considering going into cahoots with Ari. Under the pretext of punishing Ari for what she did. (Likened to taking Harry into the forbidden forest.) Since she misbehaved in DADA, she's going to help D'Aulnoy check for any hidden hexes around the campus at night.... but in fact- gonna sneak in that protection spell D'Aulnoy has been wanting to do. >:3 She doesn't want to be a grumpy head, this make her feel muuuuch better.))


Staria is offline
Old 03-22-2012, 06:30 PM

((Ari'd be game >.> ... She hates the ministry so anything they don't like she'll love))

The One and Only

Codette is offline
Old 03-22-2012, 06:31 PM

(Is Bree ever going to respond to Risa so they can go to breakfast? *laughs*)


Staria is offline
Old 03-22-2012, 06:33 PM

((yeah >.< I was just kinda trying to give aoi a chance to reply since she said she was game still ))

The One and Only

Codette is offline
Old 03-22-2012, 06:34 PM

(ok! Fair enough ^.^)

The Idea Girl
ShadowDemon101 is offline
Old 04-07-2012, 04:08 AM

((-ALSO TRIES TO REVIVE- Aoi's been gone awhile now D: Should we remind her about the thread or something? I mean, she could be busy after all ^^; ))

Aoi Kazuya
"I'm nobody, who are you?"
Aoi Kazuya is offline
Old 04-07-2012, 05:00 PM

((I'm sorry >.> if i ever disappear you don't have to wait for me. I really appreciate the thought though guys :( I'll post something after i catch up >.<))


Staria is offline
Old 04-07-2012, 05:24 PM

((No problem dear *hugs* don't worry about it. ))

Aoi Kazuya
"I'm nobody, who are you?"
Aoi Kazuya is offline
Old 04-07-2012, 07:04 PM

Today Kingsley woke up without any help. He blinked at the dark green canopy above where he lay. It was the rare occasion where he woke up without a little "help" from Elwynn. Though... it didn't mean he woke up before his sister. As he pulled back the curtains on his bed and swung his legs out of bed, he could see that Malfoy's bed was already empty and the blond was nowhere to be seen. Kingsley ran a hand through his dark locks before getting up and trudging to the bathroom, bringing his school uniform with him.

Down in the common room Elwynn sat on one of the couches in front of the green fire that danced in the fireplace. She was once again talking with Draco, who was sat next to her, already in uniform. Elwynn ran a hand absently through her hair, teasing the strands into waves. She was discussing her nightmares with the boy, as she did every so often. She didn't want to worry Kingsley with something like her almost daily nightmares and it was safe to tell Draco about them since he and Kingsley only just tolerated one another enough to be civil. There was no worry that the blond would tell Kingsley.

In his uniform, Kingsley pulled his hair back into a short ponytail and carried his bag over his shoulder, his cloak draped over his other arm. He stuck his wand in his bag so that the end stuck out before exiting his dormitory. As expected, he found Elwynn and Malfoy on one of the couches together. Kingsley frowned at the arm Malfoy had around his sister, who was leaning against the blond.

"What are you two talking about?" Kingsley interrupted Elwynn mid-sentence. This made Elwynn turn her head to look over the back of the couch at her brother.

"Classes." She answered shortly.

"Really..." he didn't mean to sound suspicious, but there was no other way to express the way he was feeling. Elwynn gave him a small frown before sitting up straight. Malfoy removed his arm from her shoulders and sat up as well, straightening his slightly crooked tie.

"Honestly Kingsley, you don't think your sister would lie to you do you?" Malfoy asked before getting up and offering a hand to Elwynn. He pulled the girl to her feet before excusing himself to grab something that he had left in his dormitory. Kingsley frowned at the Malfoy's retreating back before turning his attention back to his sister who had used her wand to twist her hair into an updo.

"I'm hungry." Elwynn mumbled to herself before turning and leaving the common room. It was only the thud of the wall sliding back into place that made Kingsley realize that his sister had left without him. He scrambled to catch up with her.

When Kingsley finally caught up to Elwynn, the girl had already procured a plate of over-easy eggs and was eating it slowly, along with her normal plate of toast smothered in honey. Kingsley sat down next to her cautiously. When she didn't say anything, he fixed himself a few sandwiches with eggs and toast and a glass of pumpkin juice. As he ate he kept glancing over to Elwynn, knowing he had upset her with his suspicions. His mood was further dampened when Malfoy appeared with Crabbe and Goyle at his heels and took a seat across from the twins.


Kingsley automatically passed the sugar over to his sister before realizing she'd talked to him. His shoulders slumped slightly in relief as he realized she wasn't mad at him and he quickly finished the rest of his breakfast. Elwynn finished soon after and then they were off to their first class, Elwynn's hand once again clasped in her brother's.


There was a different teacher in the front of the classroom. A substitute perhaps. Still, Kingsley and Elwynn took the same seats as they had yesterday, at the back of the classroom. They were joined a few short minutes later by Malfoy and his cronies. Kingsley scowled before folding his arms across the top of the table and glaring moodily at the chalkboard. Elwynn had half-turned her body and was having a quiet conversation with Malfoy again. Really, sometimes it was hard to believe they were only friends.

Seeing as his sister was preoccupied, Kingsley took another look at the teacher. Of course he'd heard the rumors, who hadn't at a school like Hogwarts? Most secrets were known, naturally, by the entire school. He wondered if any of them were actually true though?


Staria is offline
Old 04-07-2012, 08:17 PM

Ari waved at the twins as they entered, wondering if King would pale again at her attention. She was curious really… if he was shy or just afraid of her or what. She couldn’t help wanting to satisfy her curiosity. She would barely have time to see his reaction before Dalia spoke, however, so after watching King she would look up and listen.


Caly nodded and murmured she hoped so but soon was paying attention to the facts that rose started to tell her. So Ari was probably the one that had done it… so it really would likely be safe. She wasn’t sure she liked Ari’s pranks but she was always careful. She gave a relieved smile and nodded.

”I’m glad you slept well. Oh, speaking of home that reminds me. You forgot a bracelet at my house the last time you spent the night …” She said softly and began to get it out of her bag. As she was retrieving it she didn’t notice how one of the other girls in the class was staring at her. She did, however, hear as the girl remarked that apparently Caly had gone ‘lesbo’ now. Caly winced but simply retrieved the bracelet and held it out for Rose.


Dalia glanced towards the other teacher almost gratefully. She then, however, stood and stepped away from her desk. She tapped it with her wand and cast a simple spell that turned it invisible. Her papers seemed to float there, her ink well balanced on a book. She was ready to start the lesson… she just hoped people would like it.

”As you can see my desk is now invisible. You can see where it is because of the papers so I expect your aim to be good. Many creatures of the dark use powers of invisibility to hide so an anti-invisibility spell can save your life. We will spend today practicing a charm to discover that which is invisible and a charm to make it visible again. Why will be clear tomorrow” Dalia explained to her seated class, now that the last two slitherin students had arrived.

As she spoke she gave the class a smile of mischief, one that made her seem even younger, and one that made it clear why many might think she followed in her footsteps. Looking at that smile one could believe that she was up to the most terrible things. In truth it was nothing more than some pixies with power to make themselves invisible… but there were darker creatures with the same abilities so this really could save their lives.

”For the first charm I need you to close your eyes and focus on feeling the power of the magic within you as well as around this desk. This energy is what you need to learn to sense, without this focus the sensing charm is nothing more than pretty words. I will give you a few moments to try and then we will begin the incantation.” She stated as she stood next to her desk. Part of her really hoped that some of them would find they were sensitive enough to feel it at the first try but most of her simply wanted to see if they were able to trust her enough to try yet. She was sure some students would think it was stupid… but if they would just try she could teach them things that many other teachers thought they were too young or too stupid to learn.


Bree rattled off several dates teasingly with ease, seeming to remember each and every time the other girl was sick. She could probably list every scrapped knee and bruise too. It was one of those times Bree showed she was more like a mother to the other woman then a friend some days. Then again… she lived for Risa. Finding her, though she never intended to let Risa know it, had saved her. It had brought her back from the mental darkness she’d been trapped in as a child by circumstances beyond her control.

Still, any thoughts of that fled as Risa spoke of the ‘snakes’. She laughed and agreed before she led the other girl to class. She was wide awake but bored already so yawned slightly. Another day of boring classes and boring teachers. She smiled darkly as she remembered something, however, how she had once had a crush on Snape when she was very, very young. She shook her head at the thought before she glanced towards Risa and spoke.

”Think that Ari girl will have pranked Lockheart yet? She looked ready to kill him yesterday I heard.”

The Idea Girl
ShadowDemon101 is offline
Old 04-09-2012, 02:08 PM

Rose twitched, overhearing the girl not-so-suble comment, and glared daggers into her. Over the years, it was well known through Ravenclaw that one does not tick the dark-haired girl, especially after that incident in second year with the two boys and the Squid; that was a day no one would ever truly forget even if they tried...

So sufficient to say the girl quickly cowed and turned away, busying herself with her textbook. Rose turned back to Caly, but only after casting a wordless itching charm at the girl. Oh yes, wordless charms wasn't exactly 4th year level, but then again Rose wasn't a Ravenclaw for nothing.

"Did I? Oh this one," Rose gave the blue-haired girl a half smile, taking back the braclet. "So that's where I left it? Mother's been asking about this one; she does hate it if I misplace jewellry," she mused, putting it straight into her bag; she really didn't want to forget again. "Thanks,"

The One and Only

Codette is offline
Old 04-10-2012, 03:37 PM

Risa rolled her eyes, as Bree listed each time. "Oh come on!" she laughed.
Classes seemed to drag on for Risa, the only light was constantly having Bree with her. She knew just how dependent on the girl she was, but it didn't bother her.

"I don't know. I hope so. She sounded like fun, and Lockheart deserves it!" Risa smirked.

Shishunki is offline
Old 05-02-2012, 09:35 PM

((O.o When did people start posting again? ...wait I was on vacation... riiiight.... o.o' I also thought the thread had died))

D'Aulnoy looked over the classroom, trying to keep her face passive.
Teaching an anti-invisibility spell was a great idea, especially with all that was going on.
But this was a class of Second years!
It took stronger abilities than the second years had to cast the spell. Let alone undo it.
D'Aulnoy continued to pretend to look over the class, all the while lost in her own thoughts. She was considering the repercussions of creating power boosting amulets and giving them to second years to help them with the spell....

After thoroughly scolding herself for thinking of such a thing; she decided she'd just help the students with their concentration.

And if need be, some meditation sessions to help the students better tune their powers by use of their chakras. maybe not.... Snape would never let her live it down.
D'Aulnoy visibly slumped in her chair, hiding her face in her hands, embarrassed by the mere thought of the future harassment.

Shishunki is offline
Old 05-08-2012, 05:35 PM

((T.T Staria started a new HP RP.
If we keep going here, when we're out of class I'd like to take Ari to the woods like I suggested previously. Loose lips and ease droppers are more than welcomed! ))


Staria is offline
Old 05-08-2012, 11:27 PM

(this one continuing works too :P I just haven't had much inspiration for it and a few other rps >.< ))

Shishunki is offline
Old 05-09-2012, 08:57 PM

(( *sighs* It's okay. I get into those periods too. I just realized how slow moving our thread was ^^; It's already May ))


Staria is offline
Old 05-10-2012, 01:49 PM

((Yeah...Aoi was also suppose to reply >.< but meh. Looks like that might not happen.... you should join my other hp rp too though XD. It moves faster))

Shishunki is offline
Old 05-10-2012, 03:09 PM

((That's okay. I like my character here. And at least I know I won't be absent here. Pity we can't bring people from the other one here if they're more lively.
XD Field trip? ))


Staria is offline
Old 05-10-2012, 06:07 PM

((well you could always play a version of D'Aulney that the current headmistress Phlox tempted away to her school))


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