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Old 01-04-2013, 01:49 AM

Marco was surprised at how quickly he managed to find himself in his second period class. Math felt as if it had flown by, but of course the fact that he spent majority of the class imagining the professor's shirt catching on fire may have had something to do with it. He couldn't help but to be slightly amused by the idea of panic it would cause. But with all the abilities around here, he was sure somebody would just be able to extinguish it away with their minds or something crazy like that. And then he'd have to sit through some lecture about how stupid, and dangerous his 'little stunt' was, and then probably get kicked out of the school with some bill for the damage he caused, not that he wouldn't be able to pay it off. Marco laughed some more at the thought of having to explain that to his parents.

He stared down at his notebook when he found a seat in his Literature class, which had been just as empty as it had before the day started. It wasn't like it mattered, though. He would have plenty more math classes to take notes in. Or maybe he'd even borrow them from somebody later on in the day, but that was unlikely. He pulled out a notebook he had strictly for this subject, having had one for each, promising himself he'd actually pay some attention this period. Marco didn't plan on flunking out of school or anything, but the classes so far had just been so ordinary.

Angelo is offline
Old 01-04-2013, 02:05 AM

((We've already discussed it, but empathy in terms of manipulating and communication through emotions is a part of telepathy. Actual empathy is a lot more involved and involves perfect understanding of the emotions perceived from others (eg. why someone is lonely and how it affects them). :D))

"He saw me, but I wasn't late. The bell hadn't exactly gone off before I walked in," Beth replied, closing her eyes and taking a deep breath as a wave of nausea hit her. There was no doubt about in her mind that her medicine was a must. Thinking back, she shouldn't have left it in her dorm. Her chronic migraines hit her anytime and anywhere, especially when she didn't have her medicine. Murphy's Law and all that jazz. "Besides that, I was, well, sick."

"You know, it'd probably be more inconspicuous if you didn't actually talk back to me," she said, scribbling down some work before the answer. "I can hear you if you just project your thoughts to me." She left out the part that she could also create a telepathic relay between the two of them for the duration of the class. Her headache would make the final result sloppy at best, downright humiliating at worst.

After taking a few notes about the next part of the review of Algebra I material, Beth tuned out the teacher's lecture about how useful the property was in real life situations, as well as how it applied to psychics. Lectures had never been interesting to her, and she always managed to zone out. Instead, she looked around at a few of the other faces in the class room discreetly. One boy in particular stood out, but only because he was actually paying close attention to everything, or at least it seemed that way.

"Who are you?" she asked bluntly and without looking at him for more than a few seconds. She didn't want to give herself away to the teacher after all. Missing a class had been enough for the first day if she was being completely honest. She didn't want more trouble than she was already going to get. A frown came onto her face at that thought before she mentally kicked herself for being silly. What did it matter anyway?

((Try 7 or 8, Jedi. :P Beth isn't much bigger than that due to her dwarfism.))

Last edited by Angelo; 01-04-2013 at 02:07 AM..

Harley Quinn
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Old 01-04-2013, 02:23 AM

((Sorry, I wrote that before I PM'd you. ))

Avril nodded at Beth's sugestion. You dont think he'd realize? She thought. It was ment for Beth. Projecting her thoughts was new and strange to her. She wonderd if Beth could hear everything she was thinking, or just the things she wanted. Avril blushed as she realized there were quite a few things she'd like to keep private. Although, that was probobly going to be quite hard at this school. What happend in your last class? You had Psychic Training, right? Avril was excited to get to that class. It seemed like the most interesting and the most constructive. She'd finaly be able to work on bettering her powers without the fear of her step father's criticizim and punnishments.

Fliping the page in her notebook to a free page so she could take notes for the lecture, Avril allowed herself One last glance at the strange boy who had been staring at her. He had red hair, sort of like her own. Only, his was a bit lighter. Avril's was really dark. It was in stark contrast to her pale skin and light eyes. Avril could still feel his eyes on her and she hoped he hadn't noticed her glancing at him. Out of nervousness Avril started to run her fingers through her hair.

Avril pulled at her clothes attempting to straighten out her skirt and blazer. Everything she was wearing seemed out of place on her body. Everything, that was save her black combat boots. Avril began to tap the heal of them against the linolium floor, keeping time in an attempt to calm her nerves. If she wasn't careful she was going to spred her uncomfortableness to the other students.

Jedi Mercenary... Returned from ...
JediMercJeff is offline
Old 01-04-2013, 03:47 AM

The question had rang very clearly and very distinctly in Allistar's head, at a time that he was actually hard at work concentrating on the problems from the board. He'd nearly jumped out of his seat, truth be told. He recovered as gracefully as one could after being a bit spooked, but he knew that some eyes were on him, wondering what his deal was. The professor was going on with his business, with only the hint of a pause that indicated he might've caught something from all the hub-bub behind him. Allistar took a few silent breaths, but honestly had no clue how to react to what he'd... Heard...? Felt? He smirked at himself.

"Hell, I don't even know the right terminology yet."

He sighed, trying to rein his mind back in, wondering where the "voice" could've come from. This was the second time today someone had "talked in his head", but the first time he knew who it was; considering there was more than one person around him this time around, things were a lot harder to figure. He picked out a few small details, however, as he replayed the 'voice' in his mind:


Somewhat young-sounding.

He kept his eyes on his notes and continued to write, but he glanced to his right out of the corner of his eye. The two girls that for whatever had intrigued him from the beginning of class... Could it have been one of them? The long-haired one... She seemed a little... Shy? On-edge? He caught the faint tapping of her boots on the floor.

He'd probably have to find out who she was for his own curiosity, because she seemed like someone he could relate to... But he couldn't really tell why.

However, he didn't think the voice was hers.

The one to her side, the very young-seeming one... Could've been her. The 'profile' of the voice in his mind fit, but he couldn't know for sure.

Allistar's eyes had never left the paper, but when his attention finally and fully turned back, he found himself a good bit behind. He noticed several students that had completed writing down what was needed, and grimaced. He kinda envied them, being able to use whatever gifts they had to do that. His pencil scribbled its graphite shadows across his paper in a desperate bid to catch up before he completely lost the plot...

Kiyoto is offline
Old 01-04-2013, 10:43 PM

Ryu sat in the back of his second hour. They were ment to draw a picture that described them as their first project. He wasn't to sure of what to do, so he let his hand move across the paper, as his mind was more in thought. He wondered what was going on with other students and the school. He had noticed mixed feelings through a lot of people as the moring was progressing. They talked with their friends and such, sounding either happy or reluctant. He sighed, and looked up at the paper. Dark lines moved across it in charcol. Some were thick, others thin, and they spun around eachother in some areas. He focused a bit more on his work, and slowly began to find himself relaxing.

History. One of the subjects Avias liked least, but he didn't much have a choice in this instance. He wrote notes in his notebook, as the teacher wasted no time in getting started. He figured since it was an AP class, the students had to be smart enough and capable enough to bypass the nice first day stuff, and get right to work. He hated writing endless notes, typing or storing them in his mind was a lot easier. Unfortunately, he had a feeling that wouldn't fly in this class, so his safest bet was to stick to the simple things and write it out. He shook his head a bit, before removing his glasses to wipe them off a bit. His vision went blurry, and he noticed a few people glance at him. What, had they never seen a guy with glasses before? He put them back on, and realized that his bag was moving on his desk. He pulled it into his lap with a small smile, it seemed Orbie was getting restless like him.

Angelo is offline
Old 01-05-2013, 12:51 AM

"Probably not, and even if he did, it can't be any worse than actually talking," Beth replied after taking a moment to think about it. The follow-up question about Psychic Training caused her to tense for a second. While she didn't care that she had missed it, she also wasn't entirely proud of it either. There was no reason to be, really. "Like I said, I was sick, which is why I ended up sleeping through it. Really, I'm not feeling much better now."

"Heard is typically correct, I believe," she said, having read the boy's thoughts as it skimmed by. It was even more interesting to follow along with his thought process as he tried to puzzle out who had talked to him. He was rather observant, if she was being honest. Most people would not look at a person and see the signs of nervousness that they were displaying, like Avril was currently doing.

Then his thoughts turned to her. The comment about how young she looked, and, indirectly her condition, caused her to frown and narrow her eyes a bit with annoyance. "You hit the nail on the head, but I'd prefer that you ignore my size, thank you," she said, letting her message carry a bit of her annoyance for added effect. Seeing that he was scrambling to catch up, she left him alone for a bit, though he would still be able to project his thoughts to her if he wished.

Harley Quinn
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Old 01-05-2013, 06:24 AM

Avril felt bad for Beth. If her migrane was anywhere near close to how bad the aftermaths to her visions were, Avril could deffinetly sympathize. She knew exactly what it felt like to baraly be able to move without hurting. So wait.. You skipped your last class? Can't you get into trouble? She asked concerned for Beth. Avril didn't exactly know how this school's reprecussion system worked, but she was pretty sure it would be worse than an average high school's. If the students were psychic it would only make sence that the faculty be even stronger in their psychic abilities. The administration of the school probobly already knew. Hell, they probobly know everything that ever goes on in this school.

Avril glanced at Beth. Not only did she look like she was sick, but now she looked anoyed. What's going on? She projected the question towards Beth.

Suddenly realizing that she was tapping her boot rather fast she stopped and wraped her legs around her chair's legs int order to keep herself from doing it again. Avril couldn't really understand why she was so nervous at the moment. She figured that she must be picking up feelings from some of the other students in the class. Chancing a glance around the classroom before returning to her note taking, Avril couldn't find anyone that looked particularily stressed or nervous. Maybe she was just getting too much emotions from everyone. That had a tendency to make Avril jittery. It was usually the reason she kept her powers plugged. Avril realized that she had 'unpluged' her powers when she let Beth into her mind to comunicate with her.

((I might have some typos here and there and its not as deatailed as I had wanted. I have to jump in between taking care of a 2 year old. Sorry everyone! I'll make sure my next post is better.))

Jedi Mercenary... Returned from ...
JediMercJeff is offline
Old 01-07-2013, 10:34 PM

Allistar closed his eyes a moment to ward off the wave of discomfort he felt.

Hearing voices in his head was one thing. But having someone pretty much be able to read his thoughts... And to 'project' (he thought that was as good a word as any to use) an emotion like annoyance as easy as one would interject it into normal speech...

For the first time since he knew he was coming to the Academy, he wondered if he'd bit off more than he could handle. Allistar sighed quietly to himself, and now he was the one displaying a little nervousness as he tapped the eraser of his pencil on the side of his paper, trying to shake himself loose of the unease and self-consciousness he felt.

At least he knew who was 'talking' to him.

"Sorry," Allistar thought to himself on some sort of impulse, though he was hoping she heard him. "Didn't mean any offense. This is all new to me." He continued with his notes, trying to wrap his brain around the fact that there would be an unknown number of people that he wouldn't have privacy from, it seemed.

That didn't sit well with him.

He tried to clear his mind outside of the lesson being taught, the notes he was making... But he did think he'd have to talk to those two girls at some point. They seemed to be people to know and be friends with, at the very least to help him get used to the nuances of this place.

Seemed he'd have a lot to get used to.

Angelo is offline
Old 01-09-2013, 12:08 AM

"Probably," Beth replied, shrugging a bit. "I'll just explain that I wasn't feeling well; they should understand that, right?" The pain in her head had subsided momentarily, allowing her a great feeling of relief, as well as clarity of thought, though she made sure to keep from overloading herself and triggering a follow-up headache. At the very least, she would be able to cope until she got her medication from her dorm on the way to her next class.

"I'm talking to the boy next to you," she replied to Avril's next question, thought it was a bit strange multi-tasking between the two of them. If she wasn't paying enough attention, she was liable to miss what they were saying. "Do you want me to set you up with a telepathic relay so that you can talk to each other?" It wouldn't be that hard if she centered it around herself; that would use her as s conduit from one to the other, almost like a telephone or something.

The boy's seemingly genuine apology softened her annoyance like hot water on ice, resulting in a much gentler tone as she replied, "S'okay. People often do that at first, though that doesn't make it less irritating." His thoughts were still being projected out at a fairly open level, which indicated that he had no more than the basic psychic shield that just about every psychic seemed to have, though that could have just been nervousness.

"Not everyone can access your mind, and if it makes you feel better, I'm only reading the thoughts on the surface," she replied, sending the impression of a smile. And that was true; only telepaths and empaths really had the ability to do more than sense the mind of another. "If you want, I'll teach you how to make a shield, which is something that can block out other minds if they aren't strong enough. I could also shadow you. That would hide your mental presence from everyone but myself, kind of like what I have right now."

Harley Quinn
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Old 01-09-2013, 06:23 AM

Errrm.. I'm not sure. I'd imagine they'd be pretty harsh here. It seems like a no crap kind of place. Avril hoped Beth wouldn't get into too much trouble. After all, it was her first day. If she got on the administration's bad side on day one, she'd probobly wouldn't have such a good year. And from what she'd read in the letter she'd recieved, it looked like Avril and all the other students here would be forced to stay untill the day of graduation. It comforted Avril that they enrolled her as a Junior. She wouldn't have to be locked away for as long as some of the other students.

Avril was intrigued when Beth mentiond she could connect three different people's stream of thoughts into one. It was amazing. Sure, sounds interesting. Maybe Beth would be able to do this with a bunch of minds after training for a while. That made Avril wonder about how she might be able to improve. She had training as her next class.

Avril glanced at the clock. It was already 9:55, the class would be over in five minutes. She quickly finished up the last of the notes and put her notebook in her bag. Unhooking her legs from the chair's she turned towards Beth. "What do you have next?" She asked out loud as the professor took his seet and told the class they can have the last few minutes to themselves.

The one true dragon! >:D
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Old 01-09-2013, 09:56 AM

((I have come up with a idea! x3 I know it may suck but it was all I managed to finally think of in the end.))

Rafael had chosen not to go to any of his classes today, instead he had spent all of his time after receiving his clothes and time-table outside inside a tree, used to climb tree when he lived with his mother and father, it was his way of being safe or so he thought. "What is it with mum... She knows I HATE being around big crowds." He sighed a bit as he peered through the leafs and up to the sky. "It has always been the case and I know it will never change... But I do hope it does." he paused for a moment while thinking and then nodded. "That is it! I have to the try and interact with others, maybe then I will overcome my phobia of big crowds." He said with a small smile. "I will do it when all of the lessons are over." He said as he chuckled about his plan.

Grumman_Goose is offline
Old 01-09-2013, 06:05 PM

Ferdi was on his way to his second lesson still, approaching slowly but surely, soon he was blocked by a student that was taller then his 5' 10" and much bigger as well. If they were on the street Ferdi would have avoided him without thinking about it. "Excuse me please." He tried to make his way around the student but it seem that he blocked Ferdi deliberately. "I'm sorry I don't think you heard me, I said excuse me." The student turned around, and it turned out to be Brad Houckthorn. In a typical high school he would be the quarterback. He had definitely changed over the summer, with tan skin and a new hair cut, Ferdi didn't recognise him. "And I don't really care. FerdinaD!." His friends got a little giggle out of this. "Listen, I have a lesson to get to, could you please just step aside and nothing will get out of hand." As soon as he had finished his sentence Brad grabbed him and held him against the wall. "Listen stillborn, I don't give a fuck if you needed to meet the president of the United States. Nobody tells me what to do!" Brads face was only a few centimetres away from Ferdi's face. "And I don't like people throwing me around now get the fuck off of me!" Ferdi honed in on the centre of Brad's mind with his pupils increasing in size and sent an increased amount of electrical signals to his mind causing a drain of blood from the head. Brad backed away from Ferdi screaming in pain and clutching his head before falling to the floor like a sack of potatoes. Ferdi zoned back in on the situation to see Brad sprawled across the floor. He quickly left with Brad friends panicking at the events that had just unfolded. He reached his class with the lesson fully under way. "Sorry that I'm late, I had to sort something out." He went to his seat where the other Ferdi was sitting writing away. The other Ferdi looked up at the real Ferdi, and his look said everything. "Dude, what happened?" Before anything else was said Ferdi sat down merging with the copy taking in everything that was seen and taken in by both Ferdi's was mixed and the lesson continued as normal.

Before he knew it the bell rang for the end of the second lesson and he thought about the events that had happened before the lesson. He hadn't aggressively attacked anyone with his Psionic ability's on purpose for about 7 years. He could normally keep it under control but he wasn't sure on how this had even happened. It was never normally this violent, he normally gave someone a minor headache if they got on his nerves a bit. He tried to push the thoughts out of his mind. But it always creped back.

Harley Quinn
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Old 01-12-2013, 12:38 AM

Avril all but jumped out of her seat when the bell rang signaling the end of class. She was excited to get to her Psychic Traning class. She made her way throught the crowed fairly quickli and easily. Maybe she was just starting to get used to the school.

Walking into the class she knoticed it looked more like a gym than an actuall accademic classroom. She guessed it was appropriate. They would probobly be involved in more hands on projects in this class.

Avril took a seat on one of the bleachers towards the top and waited patiently for the other students to file in. As she waited, she wonderd what sort of exercises the instructor had prepared for them. Maybe Avril wold manage to find a way to controll her visions. Or her empath powers. The thoughts excited her. Not realizing it, Avril sent a wave of excitement through the students in the classroom.


Rebacca tapped her long, slender, well manicured fingers against the chair she had perched herslef upon. She had come back to the Psychic Traning hall to observe another class.

"Alexander, dear." She called to the instructor. Rebecca wanted to get the information on the past classes she hadn't sat in on. So far she had two students she knew of who had mannaged not to show up to one or more school periods. Rebecca planed to make sure this was going to be the last time. In order to do that, she needed Alexander's aid.

Last edited by beautiful_psycho; 01-12-2013 at 12:44 AM..

Angelo is offline
Old 01-12-2013, 02:49 AM

Before Beth could respond to Avril, the bell rang and the red head was gone, leaving her with a sour feeling, represented through her frown. She had thought the people in the Academy different, but so far, it was just more of the same situations she dealt with in her old school. While naturally a loner, she did enjoy the company of others, but they only ever seemed to enjoy her company as long as nothing else was going on.

A huff escaped her as she stormed her way through the crowd back to her dorm for her medicine, the other students instinctively separating from around her due to the aura she put off mentally. There was a reason she had spent most of her time at the zoo when she had been younger, enough that she had been named an honorary zookeeper. Still, she was angrier at herself than anything; she had let her hopes get up instead of keeping them at a safe, low level.

Once inside her dorm, she immediately pulled out her bag and began rummaging through it, merely throwing the clothes she grabbed onto the floor around. After a few moments, she managed to yank the orange pill bottle free from its prison. Expertly unscrewing the lid, she tapped one of the tiny pills out onto her hand and swallowed it before capping her bottle, shoving it back into the bag, and racing out the door.

Much like before, she barely made it into class before the bell would have rang, taking one of the few available seats at the front of the classroom. Like before she made contact with the teacher's mind and uploaded his understanding of the course into her mind, though he didn't react like the other teacher had. With a shrug, she pulled out a pencil, her binder, and some paper and began to scribble down a short poem to distract her mind until the medicine kicked in and got rid of the ache.

Pushing open the door to the gymnasium with his telekinesis, perhaps a bit too strongly from the slam, Josh walked in with a grin on his face. His first two classes had gone great, and he was loving every minute of the school. A few people looked up at the sudden noise, to which he rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. He still hadn't gotten the hang of restraining the force of his telekinesis, though he could be rather precise and powerful.

Like always, he scanned the students, taking each one of their faces into his memory when he noticed that one of the faces was particularly familiar. A moment later, his eyes lit up as he remembered who it was. Then he bounded up the stairs three at a time, though smoothly with the help of his telekinesis, and sat down next to her. "How was your last class?" he asked, teeth showing through his smile.

Looking down on the other students gave him a different perspective, as well as allowing him to notice the teacher-esque woman sitting in a chair on the floor itself. Despite appearing like a teacher, he didn't think that she was their teacher at all; she seemed to carry herself with an arrogance that none of his other teachers had had. "Who's that?" he asked, pointing her out to Avril.

The one true dragon! >:D
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Old 01-12-2013, 11:48 AM

Rafael heard the bell ring from the tree he was sat in for the next class, he sighed a bit and then looked down to see if anyone was around, which to his surprise, there wasn't anyone in site. "That's odd... No spirits... Mind you, I doubt there are many deaths in such a strict place like this." He grumbled as he looked at what he could see of the Academy through the leaves and then let out another sigh. "Maybe I should attend classes." He said while thinking it over. "N-No way... There would be far to many people around, but then again, if I am kicked out... Would my mum be happy with that?" He looked back up to the sky with a little grumble, he had now put his mind in a jumble of what he should do.

Jedi Mercenary... Returned from ...
JediMercJeff is offline
Old 01-12-2013, 08:51 PM

Allistar made sure to put on an 'aura' of non-annoyance as he rubbed his temples; he was no 'real' psychic (according to him, at least), so all he tried to do what clear his mind and relax. He didn't know if the headache was normal when someone was having a mental conversation with another.

But it kind of bugged him.

Allistar thought to himself that he'd probably take up the girl's offer on figuring out how to 'shield' himself from unwanted 'intrusion'. But before he could really follow up on it, he heard the bell ring. It actually startled him a little bit. He quickly packed his supplies and class materials, flashing (what he hoped at least) a friendly smile at the two ladies as he ducked out of the class, heading for his next one.

Of course, he had to actually look at his Academy map.

"Psychic History," he mused to himself. "The fact that there's a History class revolving around all this... I guess I shouldn't feel alone. Maybe there's someone out there with the same ability as myself." After a few minutes, he found his assigned classroom. Allistar took a seat up front; this was a class he'd be paying attention to, and he wanted to be ready before the class bell even rang.

Grumman_Goose is offline
Old 01-13-2013, 03:27 PM

Ferdi left the science lab and headed to his statistics class. He hated maths, so he took the easiest branch of it hoped that he would do well, he walked outside so to miss the crowds and wallowed along in the outside air. "I can't belive I let things get out of control. I'm normally so calm and collected or can at least put a cap on my anger, yet then it just..." he stopped and sighed loudly before continuing on to his class. He reached the classroom and sat in his seat by the window giving him an aerial view of the courtyard. The teacher entered and the lesson began.

Angelo is offline
Old 01-13-2013, 11:06 PM

After a few minutes of scribbling down lines of poetry, mainly about how she felt at the moment, aka pain and loneliness, she was feeling much better. Or at least good enough to actually take a few notes here and there. The sudden clarity to her mind allowed her to take notice of her surroundings like she was used to doing, which is how she realized that Allistar was in the room nearby. "I didn't know that you had this class too," she said, frowning at the teacher's back as he turned to scribble some more notes on the board.

Knowing the subject like the teacher did had a tendency to make a class like history, which was dry enough already, even more so. Adding psychic into the mix didn't do much to help as most of it was conjecture and theory due to the lack of documented evidence that the people of the past had kept. No, he even came right out and said that they would be focusing mostly on the last century, where records became more important, and eventually the present day. To be honest, it was a good idea for a freshman class.

"Does this seem interesting to you at all?" she asked Allistar, still pretending to take notes as she worked on her poetry a bit more. Lack of practice had made her rusty, but it really wasn't half bad; not Emily Dickinson level, but not awful either. It wasn't like she would actually let anyone see it though, and she was careful to keep it hidden or move it if someone were to look at it for any length of time.

Jedi Mercenary... Returned from ...
JediMercJeff is offline
Old 01-14-2013, 03:19 PM

The voice in Allistar's head made him pause momentarily in his note-taking.

He wasn't really expecting someone he 'knew' to be in the class.

Apparently, she wasn't expecting him either. He casually glanced around and saw the young lady that'd been 'talking' to him last class as well, but spied no sign of her counterpart. Was a shame, really... But the day was still early. He copied down a few more notes, trying to pay attention to the professor as he spoke.

"That would make two of us," he thought to himself, with enough clarity that she would pick up on it. At least, he hoped that's how it worked. He'd noted that she was one of the ones that always seemed at least a step ahead of the professor. Notes were scribbled down before half a word was on the blackboard. Allistar raised his eyebrow as he focused on his own notes. There was a myriad of information to absorb, even if the professor was clear that their focus would be psychic history within the last 100 years. That implied that there was indeed a deeper history.

So how come this was Allistar's first exposure to a larger community of people like himself? He shook his head with a smirk as he pondered that, then (out of habit) glanced over at the young woman as her next question flittered into his mind.

"Is it interesting?" he mused in his mind with a laugh that almost spilled out-loud. "This is absolutely amazing! For the longest time, I wondered if I was alone in my... Uniqueness. I never fathomed there were others out there, let alone enough to have an Academy, or even a hundred years worth of known history!" He smiled and paused to catch up on his notes.

"Honestly, this'll be the first history class I'm guaranteed to pay attention in."

Angelo is offline
Old 01-15-2013, 02:04 AM

Beth fidgeted in her seat a bit as she realized that Allistar loved the class and was trying to pay close attention. She hadn't meant to disturb him in any way, and doing so made her feel a bit self-conscious. There was no danger of letting her emotions spill over while her mind was so clear, so she didn't mind keeping the mental connection open. He also didn't seem to mind her, which helped put her concerns to rest.

Realizing the futility of trying to write while talking to Allistar, Beth flipped the page over and actually began to write down notes, though her pace was clearly not that of the instructor. Rather, she went ahead and used the knowledge she had gained from the aging man to write the notes out herself at her own pace. "Do you mind if I ask what your abilities are?" Beth asked, blushing as the question was sent. She hadn't really meant to ask something like that, but she liked Allistar; he seemed more... trustworthy than just about everyone else that she had ever met.

"It's mostly theory, like who had the traits of a psychic and how did they affect society and stuff," she said with a shrug. "But I'm glad you find it so interesting. Personally, I get all the information about the subject from the teacher, so I already know most of it." Another feeling of worry made her fidget in her seat as to how Allistar would respond. Would he think it was pretty cool, or would he dislike her for it? And then irritation joined the party. What was she thinking? What did it matter?

"Speaking of psychic stuff, the offer I made last period to show you how to shield your mind still stands," she said, finishing her copy of the teacher's notes. After a quick once-over to check it for spelling, she slid it over so that he could see, allowing him to use it to catch up if necessary, though she made it look like she was just being careless.

Last edited by Angelo; 01-15-2013 at 10:26 AM..

Jedi Mercenary... Returned from ...
JediMercJeff is offline
Old 01-15-2013, 08:23 AM

Allistar smiled outwardly, a very genuine one. Probably his first real smile since he got to the Academy.

"You know," he thought, "that's the first time someone's asked that question to me without it being accompanied by some sort of fear or revulsion, or in a way that sounded like, 'What the Hell are you, you freak'."

He sighed quietly as he realized just how much that bugged him. How truly 'scared' the 'outside world' seemed to be. Looking over his recently-jotted History notes, he was beginning to see just how much people like him were judged.

He was actually glad he was at the Academy now. Because all he ever wanted was some understanding.

"I digress," Allistar continued in his head, a bit embarrassed. "Well... I haven't had to really explain this before, so pardon me if I don't have the terminology or what not quite right." He set his pencil down so he could concentrate. "So... If someone were to, say, throw something at me. I can... I guess it would be mentally conjure a 'shield' against it. Kind of like the ones old knights used to have. Forms right here." He patted his right forearm inconspicuously. "It's not a perfect shield; some stuff sometimes comes through to start, it takes a lot of concentration, and I get pretty tired after. But... I've found that if someone keeps attacking me, I can figure out how to make the shield better. Stronger. Sometimes, I can even bounce their attacks back. But that really takes it out of me. And I have more scars from trying to perfect that on my own than I care to count..." He smiled a bit, a little embarrassed he'd rambled on.

"So it's probably not much of an 'ability' compared to some, but it's what I've got." He actually took a moment to pause and jotted a few notes, but he felt like he probably missed something during his explanation. Allistar smirked, but it didn't bother him much. It was nice to be able to talk to someone that actually understood and didn't judge him. As she continued to talk to him, he chuckled softly, shaking his head.

"Well, I can't say I'm not jealous of you, having an ability like that." He glanced up to the front, where the professor was merrily writing on the board, seemingly blissfully unaware that students knew the course as well as he did in a few moments. "Heaven knows I could've used that kind of help in my old schools. Would've given me more time to train my ability, and work on building stuff." He now realized he was woefully behind in his notes, but only smirked a little. He really didn't mind 'talking' to the young woman. She seemed very nice, and genuinely interested in him. He then noticed that her notes were inconspicuously nearby him. He nearly laughed right then and there. He read them over quickly to get the big points of what he missed; his speed reading wasn't a psychic ability, but was honed over years of doing nothing but reading books, maintenance manuals, technical schematics.

What else is one to do when their 'friends' are afraid of them?

"Thanks on both accounts," he thought for her, handing her notes back to her, playing it off as being helpful while admiring her 'sneakiness'. "While I haven't run into any issues of people trying to get into my mind at more than the surface level... It could always be helpful to be prepared." He glanced over and smiled. "I have Psychic Training after lunch. I'll see how that goes, and so long as that doesn't completely exhaust me on a day in, day out basis, I'll take you up on your offer." He copied down what he read off of her notes, and found himself much less far behind than he'd feared...

Last edited by JediMercJeff; 01-15-2013 at 12:43 PM..

Kiyoto is offline
Old 01-15-2013, 11:36 AM

Alexzander watched as his next class entered. He was looking over his lists at the moment. He was begining to get a headache, the slight annoyance of all of this was definnetly there. He herd the voice of the headmistress calling him, and glanced over. "Yes headmistress?" he wondered slightly why she had returned. The look and sense she had about her gave him the impression that something more was going on. It would not be smart to speak of it now, the students did not need to know if something more was going on. He glanced around the room, noticing as a few students entered the class. He hoped this time they all bothered to show. If not, he would deal with it. Perhaps that was what the headmistress wasnted. Only time would tell in the end.

Ryu sighed, making his way to his next class. Training was not one he was looking forward to. He disliked having to be around the minds of others. They were so noisy and annoying, and people were not his fortay. He raised his shield a bit more, as he entered the room. He slipped his way to the bleachers at the far end of the room. He took a seat up top, hoping people would be wise enough to avoid him. If not, he would give them a gentle push if needed. At the moment though, he was fine since the class was still filling. He kept on his guard though, not letting it down for a moment.

Angelo is offline
Old 01-15-2013, 10:19 PM

When Allistar mentioned the revulsion that came with people knowing of his powers, Beth could only remain silent. Having never had that problem, she couldn't really relate to it at all, though she knew how it felt when people suspected that she was different, and in more areas than height. She fidgeted in her seat a bit as he finished explaining his powers in depth. "That's a pretty wicked power," she said. "Do you think you could use the mental energy of someone else if they gave it to you? Like, someone could recharge you or something?"

"I've had a lot of time to practice my powers to be honest," Beth replied, shrugging a bit at the thought of her own life. Not that that was the only reason she was so far along with her powers. It was a people power after all, and she had lived in New York City. "It's kind of strange though. Making friends was kind of hard back when I couldn't control it as well. Knowing everyone's personal lives intimately, when all they know is your name no less, isn't the greatest friend maker."

His laugh made the teacher turn around suddenly, a look of confusion on his face before he turned back and continued writing on the board while Beth bit her tongue to keep from laughing, or giggling, in response. She did take her notes back though, mouthing a thank you for the sake of those around them. A few of them were shaking their heads at her and Allistar, but they quickly went back to scribbling down more answers.

Feeling better than she had all day, Beth was quite happy that she had Allistar in her class, and more than one to boot. He was kind and funny, and he had apologized when he realized that she hated her height being mentioned. She also hadn't heard him call her Squirt once, though she had a feeling that was because they weren't really friends so far, but more so acquaintances.

"'An ounce of prevention is worth a pound or cure,'" she quoted, hiding a small, tiny really, smile. She wasn't used to showing her emotions at all, a trait that was pretty apparent to anyone she interacted with. "It's actually relatively painless, though it requires some concentration and mental effort until it becomes second nature." And, strangely, she found that she was hoping he wouldn't be too tired to come and have the lesson with her after school.

Grumman_Goose is offline
Old 01-15-2013, 10:52 PM

Ferdi was writing away on his pad, mindlessly working his way down the page with questions and answers. His mind was concentrating on his attack that had occurred the hour earlier. It normally took a lot of effort for someone to get him to engage like that but it was only the tiniest of efforts. He thought that he had been able to control it from the training that he had received over the last few years, but know it was seen that he would need another year to finally get control over it. He looked out of the window to see the clouds rolling by with the rich blue sky behind them. It was like the weather wanted to cover up what he was really feeling inside. "Mr Bourne, could you please read answers five to ten please." Ferdi was snatched away from his day dream. "Urm.. seventeen, four hundred thirty, twenty two, five and ten." He read from his book not knowing that it was correct or not. "Thank you, Mr Bourne."

Harley Quinn
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beautiful_psycho is offline
Old 01-16-2013, 12:55 AM

Raising her head as she heard a rather large bang, Avril saw Josh walk through the gymnasium doors. He looked rather proud and confident. As Josh began walking up the bleachers towards Avril she watched his every move. It seemed like he was adjusting rather well.

Avril's attention waver slightly off of Josh and onto Ryu. it looked like he was feeling pretty close to the way she was. He had sat towards the top, like her, and it looked like he was trying to block out the minds ov everyone else. A practice Avril knew all too well.

Shaking her head slightly to put her back into foccus, she looked away from Ryu and towards Josh again. "Hi, my last class was fine. What about yours?" Avril thought about how easy her math class had been for her. She'd always oved math, but here it just felt like it 'flowed' to her easier. Not only was it easier, but Avril wasn't too self concious about her powers now. In her old high school, Avril would have had to keep her powers under lock and key. If she let them slip anything could happen. But here Avril didn't have to concern herself with that.

Avril's attention was directed to where josh had pointed. There was a woman sitting in a chair towards the front. She had long red hair, a lighter shade than Avril herself, almost a pink. Her glasses were perched on the end of her nose in a way that made her look teacher like, but still attractive, and it looked like she was speaking to their instructor about something rather important. She seemed like she had a high title, but Avril couldn't seem to place a name to her face. "Oh, i'm not sure. But I feel like we're supposed to know."

Rebecca smiled up at Alexander from her seat, it was a sweet smile. None of the students would suspect a thing. "I trust there have been no further absences?"She hadn't said it hard at all, but Rebecca could tell there was a bite to her words. Not neccicerily meant for Alexander, but more for any students who thought it was wise to easedrop. "I was also wondering if you've found any acceptiona tallents so far. They could be of great use to us." The last part of her sentenced was so hushed only Alexander would be able to hear. Rebecca couldn't risk her plans for the school getting out to the students. Not yet. In time she would introduce them. When they were more prepared.

[Sorry for the late reply and possible typos. I'm getting ready for the Super Intendent's Inspection tomorrow. Sort of stressing. >.< Tomorrow's qualitly will be much better!]

Last edited by beautiful_psycho; 01-16-2013 at 01:10 AM..


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