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deimoni isos
Mythos is offline
Old 01-06-2014, 04:52 AM

Rave frowned, listening to Aneja's words. Her eyes hadn't quite made it over to the women as they crept over the arrow shaft, wound and blood from the situation she had only just walked into. This woman was clearly friendly to them, she sounded mournful and vaguely familiar... exactly what type of company was the guard keeping? Was it even safe for her to have slept as deeply as she did? Finally her stern eyes rounded on the white-clad rogue's own and it was plain to all that she did not buy her story one bit. "And what did this thief look like? What is this girl's story?" Rave nodded to the Firebird but kept her questions directed at Aneja.

Wisdom check for the rest of the story! The 20-sided dice lands on 17


BrotherOfDarkness is offline
Old 01-06-2014, 06:10 AM

The guard nooded towards the firebird, but focused her attention and questioning at Aneja, she felt more awkward than she would be used to.
She had been used to run ins with the constabulary, but most often it was with some drunken halfwit, who seemed to want to get his pay for as little work, and try to get perks out of the working girls. So a few honeyed words, flicks of her hair and a whisper into a guards ear would get her out if the pigs radar, but this guard was not one of those types that was for sure.
Despite her seemingly un characteristic lapse, that Aneja still thought was down to repeated head trauma, she was an inquisitive and schrewed type, Aneja actually felt a bit of admiration for her, and a tiny bit of guilt crept in about trying to lie to her, they were in a group together she supposed, they could have faced a much more dangerous adversary, but then Aneja probably wouldn't have stuck around, even for finely chiseled green boy.
She herself glanced around and looked over the situation when further questioned, 'jeez I'm actually getting flustered' she thought to herself as her gaze flickered over the firebird before looking back at the guard, she could feel the heat prickle at her face, she was usually good with hiding her emotions, and not letting them show, but it didn't mean they were not there.
"Erm, shiny!" Is what came out of her mouth a moment later 'oh gods how lame, world swallow me up' she waited for the gods to answer her prayers.

Roll to hide emotions The 20-sided dice lands on 9


Pixel Pixie
Cora is offline
Old 01-06-2014, 03:01 PM

Alexis's gaze went from the human constable to the human thief who appeared to be having some sort of argument. It was clear that the rogue had no trust for the other woman and had constructed some sort of lie to the woman which involved her shooting the Firebird. The constable, who had been asleep, seemed not to believe her. However, Alexis weighed in her mind whether or not to tell the Constable the truth about the scene. After all, it was the constables own fault for falling and staying asleep. In the end however, she decided to just simply tell the story, after all they were not going to get any further by lying to one another, they needed to work together. "That firebird, for lack of a better name for her.....Firebird is the thief. She has been eating the magical king peaches"

She then spoke to the Firebird, "I perceived you as threat earlier, I apologize for the shoulder. I still don't know whether to believe you will not return here though" She studied the bird woman as if trying to determine her sincerity and trustworthiness.

Roll to determine if the bird is to be trusted: The 20-sided dice lands on 19

cat whisperer

Chexala is offline
Old 01-06-2014, 11:40 PM

Zebulon listened to all the talk flowing around him in a half-attentive daze as he examined the peach, marveling at it's unbruised, unblemished flesh. This was subtle craft indeed.

He heard the constable speaking, and his attention snapped back to the conversation. He was startled to hear the rouge woman lie outright to the constable about the night's events, and then relieved to hear the harpy-woman give a corrected account. Speaking quietly to the constable, he said, "That is correct. This woman here is a firebird, a magical creature who can change her shape. She admits to the theft of the peaches, which are indeed magical in some way. See, they do not bruise despite rough handling." He offered the peach to the constable to examine. "The Firebird insists she will leave the peaches alone henceforth. We have been discussing what should be done. Your legal opinion here would be valuable."

It occurred to Zebulon suddenly that he had never introduced himself to any of these people—something which he normally did before anything else, proud as he was—nor did he know any of their names. Speaking to the group at large, he said, "Fellow companions and lady Firebird, I have been remiss in my manners by not introducing myself, for which I apologize. I am Zebulon Pike, of the mages guild, at your service." He bowed formally to them all.

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~LONGCAT~ is offline
Old 01-08-2014, 04:00 PM

A mage? well that explained the smell of magic around him. The others continued their line of questioning while she remained seated near the fire bird. It looked like the wound had healed nicely but she still had to make sure the healing transferred through so that it would work properly as both bird and human. "Fire one, arm move fine yes? Maybe as wing too? Magic heal should be good; Uolthen not care if fire, blood still water." Draza was getting tired of the bantering and as they had solved the mystery she felt as if things were done here. She just felt that she still had to keep an eye on the fire bird as her patient. The others could do as they pleased, she didn't care too much.

deimoni isos
Mythos is offline
Old 01-11-2014, 07:06 AM

The constable considered Aneja for a very, very long moment with all intention of making the woman feel increasingly uncomfortable. She just wasn't going to buy any of her story and exactly what kind of answer was 'shiny' when asked for a physical description of a suspect? Whatever it was to the girl it was clearly definitive by her tone which made Rave feel somewhat uncomfortable. The constable wasn't generally accustomed to dealing with witnesses that were... different. Rave wasn't even remotely talented at handling people who behaved and spoke normally.

Her scowl finally found it's way off of Aneja when Alexis and Zebulon gave a truthful account of the night and provided the unbruising peach as evidence. The bizarre behavior of the human girl could potentially be explained by cracking under the pressure of her own lie-- though privately Rave still worried that she might actually have a disorder which professionalism would requires the constable to hold her tongue-- but it still begged the question as to why she lied in the first place?

"Constable Rave Isenblæd." The woman barked at the mage but her thoughts were turned toward any possible links between the human woman and this Firebird character before them now. "You will all need to come with me back into town as soon as this 'Firebird' is able to be moved." A darker look shot toward Aneja and Rave's voice took on an even deeper, more severe tone though the threat would be one for those who stood with them now "If you do not cooperate I will be forced to place you under arrest."

Intimidation roll! (Watch me really fail this and Rave toots or something. ) The 20-sided dice lands on 4

til death do us part
Ethos is offline
Old 01-11-2014, 08:09 AM

So the peaches were magical, huh? Phaelan wondered if the peach pits were also magical. They didn't seem to bruise when I threw them at... myself.

For some reason his tongue seemed to be stuck in his mouth, he was swallowing much more than usual, and he found his fists had been clenching nervously. As he stood up on his feet he tried to remember more information from the song he had heard about the mythical firebird so many years ago. Perhaps that would give him something to talk to her about...

I can't believe I'm standing face to face with a real legend, he thought. The songs appeared to do her majesty little justice. The guard woman wanted to know if folks were ready to get moving, so Phealan offered his hand out for her to take while looking down at the Firebird with a dopey smile. His chiseled, hunky, hunky features may have allowed for his smile to be coy and wicked alluring.

Roll to remember more of the song/lore of the Firebird: The 20-sided dice lands on 15
Roll to NOT look dopey. (We're going for Ryan Reynolds, not Gary Busey): The 20-sided dice lands on 19


Wyrmskyld is offline
Old 01-11-2014, 10:16 PM

The Firebird looked nervous as the officious woman who had fallen under her spell began asking stern questions. The situation seemed to get worse as the white-clad woman's lies were questioned. The Firebird moved to try to keep the healer between herself and armored one-- surely a healer would protect her patient?

The Archer answered the Shiny-Woman's question herself, even as she apologized for the arrow. The Firebird cringed under her suspicious gaze and cautiously responded, "I am healed. That is apology enough. And I swear by my feathers that I will not return."

The man in nice clothing handed the peach to the shiny woman, commenting that it was magic, and the Firebird licked her lips hungrily. She might have commented on his introduction if the lizard-woman hadn't asked about her arm. She moved it gingerly, then with more confidence. "There is some ache, but it is the ache of a wound several months' healed instead of one made only moments ago. I am grateful."

The shiny woman responded to Zebulon's introduction by providing her own name, then grumbled orders and threats impartially. Her stomach rumbled loudly and insistently as she glared around at the group, and the Firebird was half afraid the frightening woman would eat anything that didn't look sufficiently human. Afraid enough not to change into her bird form to see if the healing was complete, anyway! Not unless she had a clear avenue of escape.

Phaelan will remember quite a few legends about the Firebird, or creatures similar to her. She requires magical fruit to live, she supposedly dwells in a castle at the end of the world, and setting her free from captivity often entitles a hero to request a favor of her. She is also often the target of evil magicians who want her captive for some unspecified reason-- perhaps because of rumors that her feathers are magical.

The Firebird accepted the Green Man's assistance to get to her feet, and was comforted by his warm, friendly smile. She gave him a nervous smile of her own.

I'm assuming everyone's leaving the orchard now, so let's see some rolls!

Roll to remember where those snares are: [dice]20[/dice]
Hearing roll: [dice]20[/dice]


Pixel Pixie
Cora is offline
Old 01-12-2014, 01:22 AM

Alexis grumbled when the constable woman started barking orders, not only at the liar human and the thief firebird woman but at everyone in the group. The nerve of her! She knew she hadn't done anything wrong, well besides shooting a theif, there was that. Still grumbling slightly she moved over to grab her bag off the orchard ground and without speaking to anyone she headed back in the direction towards town. Her ears were pricked up to try and listen for anything in the darkness.

Roll to remember where those snares are: The 20-sided dice lands on 6
Hearing roll: The 20-sided dice lands on 15


BrotherOfDarkness is offline
Old 01-13-2014, 12:42 AM

The armoured guard stood in her immaculate armour and gave Aneja a stare, a long focused stare that seemed to want to bore a hole through Anejas head, at one point she almost wanted to turn around to see if someone perhaps was standing behind her, Aneja definitely felt uncomfortable, she couldn't decide weather the guard was perhaps straight laced before or after her head injuries. And was also trying to decide if she should look away or not? Perhaps if she looked away the guard may do something unexpected, and perhaps it would be best to keep staring back and make no sudden movements?

She was glad when the arrow happy bird lady, and the Mage presenting himself as Zebulon interrupted. She almost jumped when the bird lady spoke, after the intense stare out. When the bird archer and Zebulon explained what had happened, her heart sunk a bit, firstly she looked even more guilty than she would usually, which would probably be a bit of a feat. And secondly this guard didn't seem the type to use her discretion in dealing with petty offenders, or people trying to pervert justice, like lying to city guards.

"Constable Rave Isenblæd." She declared herself before stating that the group would have to come with her. Aneja caught a glance from Rave, just as the constable threatened them with arrest. But also heard the loud rumble from the woman's stomach. Aneja herself felt an ache, and the idea of heading back to town didn't seem to bad, this constable may be a sticky one, but if she was detained, there was plenty of guards that weren't so disciplined. But she still wasn't happy about the situation completely.

"Okay okay" she spoke up "okay constaball, yer won't get any problems from me 'onest, but what about our reward from the ol' bat at the farm? Besides she never said nowt about the peaches bein magic neither! Is she allowed to do magic and that? I'd say this ere firebird done us a favour!"

Roll to remember snares The 20-sided dice lands on 9 any alterations for this as she did set them up? Hehe

Roll for hearing The 20-sided dice lands on 2

is Long

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~LONGCAT~ is offline
Old 01-13-2014, 01:36 PM

Draza teetered her self upright, sensing that the party was moving on. It was an odd group, but she felt like they could work, if she didn't try eating them first. The constable started to bark orders at them, this just ruffled her up.
"Shiny one, I like to see you try arrest lizardfolk. Does not work same." Despite being told her name, the guard was still just 'shiny one'. But it was true, the size of her arms would need special cuffs that she assumed the guard did not have on her, but what was the use in not following? She still had her patient.
"Little Flame, you need assistance more now?" Somehow she was able to soften her features when speaking to the firebird. "Name Draza Pearlscale, Cleric of Uolthen. You patient until assured better. Green man help too, many thanks."

Roll to remember snares The 20-sided dice lands on 8
Roll for hearing The 20-sided dice lands on 6

cat whisperer

Chexala is offline
Old 01-13-2014, 07:06 PM

When Constable Isenblæd insisted that the whole group needed to accompany her back to the city, Zebulon felt a sense of relief. Appropriate justice would be served by those qualified to serve it, not by this rag-tag group. He was pleased to see that no one was arguing the point either, just getting ready to leave.

He wanted to be of some assistance, but the lizard-woman Draza and the half-orc were tending to the Firebird and there was little else to do, so he collected his own things. They would have to speak to Madam Harper before they left, of course—surely she or her farm hands had noticed the second alarm? Now that he thought about it, he was surprised they hadn't come out to investigate; then again, considering his first failed alarm, maybe that wasn't a surprise. In any case, the culprit was caught and the job done, so she would want to know (and he was probably not the only one who wanted to get paid.)

Roll to remember where those snares are: The 20-sided dice lands on 5
Hearing roll: The 20-sided dice lands on 10

til death do us part
Ethos is offline
Old 01-15-2014, 06:39 PM

Phaelan nodded to Draza, and he agreed that it would be best to leave the farm and the others would have a better idea of where to go. However, for all of his heart, he did not want for the Firebird to be imprisoned for stealing. Having heard her stomach growling, he plucked a few of the ripe-ish looking peaches from the nearest tree so that she may eat them as they left.

Handing the peaches to her, he murmured "If you can only eat magic fruit, then maybe you should have a few for the road. It's not the whole grove, but I think it will have to do." He gave a guilty glance to Rave because he had the feeling that picking more peaches would not have been a popular action to have taken, but in his mind the Firebird was a starving fugitive. Phaelan had mostly forgotten the finer points about Widow Harper and the wall assignment (such as payment). Little mattered to him more than just gaining the trust of the Firebird so that he could hear her story.

"We should be going." he said as he wandered over to his pack and possessions in order to leave the farm.

Roll to remember where the snares are: The 20-sided dice lands on 12
Hearing roll: The 20-sided dice lands on 18


Wyrmskyld is offline
Old 01-18-2014, 01:20 AM

Alexis heard footsteps not far away, but she didn't have time to put much thought into the source. Almost as soon as she registered the sound, she stepped into one of Aneja's snares and pitched forward. Her outstretched hands found another snare, and between the two she was bound in an undignified sprawl.

The rogue, of course, remembered where her own snares were, and might have been about to disable them, but the world would never know as Alexis efficiently but accidentally disabled two at once.

The firebird covered her mouth to keep from laughing at the harpy's plight. While still nervous about the constable, she was reassured by Draza's protective attitude. She accepted Phaelan's offer of peaches with a grateful smile and began to make them disappear with a speed that might have astonished a stage magician as she allowed them both to steer her clear of further snares. Each juicy fruit disappeared in a few bites, somehow without leaving any sticky residue. "I am grateful."

Draza and Phaelan both heard the faint shuffling sounds across the road, but Zebulon was the first to recognize them-- perhaps because he had been musing about that very subject.

There was some muttered argument, and a stout middle-aged man stumbled to the center of the road. He looked nervous, but his grip on the long-handled pitchfork was competent, and he seemed to take comfort in it. "We were just coming to investigate. We didn't want to interfere if there was a mage duel, though. What with all the fireworks, and all... but we'd've been there if you needed us."

The other farmhands nodded, milling about in a combination of fear and anger. One spoke up diffidently, "Didja get 'im? Was it a wizard or somethin'? It had ta be a wizard, right? Keepin' us from seein' him like that-- ain't natchral, only coulda been a wizard! Er... meanin' no offense, sir."

Aneja might want to make a roll to free Alexis! And it might not be a bad idea for someone to try a diplomacy roll on the farmhands. They've got all the equipment to become an angry mob. And of course, we don't yet know if Rave got snared.

cat whisperer

Chexala is offline
Old 01-18-2014, 03:08 AM

Zebulon noticed the half-orc give a few peaches to the Firebird. He felt a twinge of irritation mingled with understanding. Like his companion, he also felt sympathetic towards the mysterious woman, but he knew that Madam Harper would notice and want payment for the peaches. Well, the price could come out of their reward, he wouldn't mind. He tried to catch the half-orc's eye in order to nod his approval.

When the farmhands arrived, he noted their agitation and stepped forward quickly to address them. "Not to worry gentlemen, the thief has been apprehended," he said, attempting to sound soothing and authoritative. "At Constable Isenblæd's request, we are going to escort the thief into town for questioning," he continued. He carefully avoided mentioning that the thief was also a highly rare magical creature, which would probably only cause further excitement among the farmhands. It would be better to speak to Madam Harper about that privately. "I would like to speak to Madam Harper before we depart. Can you direct me to her?"

Roll for diplomacy with the farmhands: The 20-sided dice lands on 17

deimoni isos
Mythos is offline
Old 01-18-2014, 04:09 AM

Rave took a deep breath when Phaelan handed over the peaches. The constable hardly had the time to argue the action before they were all but pits. The case was pretty much closed either way and if Widow Harper had an issue with two or three more missing peaches then she could just say it was was devoured before they could stop her. Rave was so finished with small cases... granted a fire bird woman was not exactly the culprit Rave was expecting, either. With a great attempt to not clench her jaw the woman breathed out an explanation of what she expected the group move onto as they made their way to the station "Yes, we will need to inform Mrs. Harper the the culprit has been apprehended. The reason I need all of you in the station is to either care for or give an account of the events of tonight. No one... thusfar is being arrested besides Ms. Firebird."

The arrival of the farmhands caused the tightly wound constable to give into the urge to clench her teeth but the man did a good job explaining their plan. "If you wouldn't mind. " she added.

Roll to remember where those snares are: The 20-sided dice lands on 13
Hearing roll: The 20-sided dice lands on 11 (not that I suppose I really need to do this but for giggles...)


Pixel Pixie
Cora is offline
Old 01-18-2014, 12:23 PM

Alexis was so busy listening for the source of the footsteps that she had forgotten about the snares. She caught one snare which caused her to topple forward into none other then, another snare. She let out a squawk in irritation and spent a few moments trying to pull herself free before falling listlessly against the snares. She did however make a plea to the Human theif woman who had set them. Normally she would not have been so nice, and probably would have been screaming obscenities. But now she was, in the very least attempting to control her wild temper. "Would you mind giving me a little help here"


BrotherOfDarkness is offline
Old 01-19-2014, 12:23 AM

The sun had truly come up now, rays of warming light filtering through the trees, low in the sky almost blinding. The smells of early morning drifting on the slight breeze that caused the leaves to tremble softly. Bees awakening from slumber passing from flower to flower, and the call of morning songbirds replacing the sounds of the insects and the night.
The group began to gather themselves ready to leave and head towards the exit of the orchard, she watched as Zebulon grabbed his things, she herself made sure her equipment was all tied and secured properly, checked her gold, and thought how thirsty and hungry she had become, and thinking about the promise she had made to Draza about the large steak made her mouth water, and she had to swallow, that made her stomach ache more.
She stretched out tall, her arms crossing in the air, then as Aneja was about to set to untying her snares, seeing several others in the group picking their way through her traps. But then she saw poor Alexis stumble over one only to place her winged arms out to break her fall, toppling over in a flurry of feathers, and end up entangled in another well hidden hoop.
Aneja hurried over to Alexis, and scrambled at the snares, muttering apologies under her breath. She tried to think of something apologetic and nice to say, and managed to speak over her watering mouth, and aching stomache "er nice plumage, I'd love to see you fly sometime!" And instantly felt embarassed, small talk was never one of her strong points no matter how heart felt it was, she preferred and was used to clandestine tasks, usually solitary.
As Aneja nimbly tried to disarm her well placed snares, she heard the others in the group talking to the farm hands, and something about them being ready to help the whole time, making Aneja chuckle to herself at the thought of the burly farm hands cowering inside, either at Draza or some potential monster they thought lurked in the dark, or similarly possibly asleep on the job, not seeing an illuminous flaming bird woman floating along!

Roll using skill disarm device to untangle snares The 20-sided dice lands on 1

is Long

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~LONGCAT~ is offline
Old 01-19-2014, 10:16 PM

Morning has crested and the sun was starting to warm things up. Not only was Draza tired of this orchard and this petty task, she was getting hungry. Hearing light snaps of twigs and sticks she looked up to see the farm hands approach. Putting herself between them and her ward she peeled her lips up in a snarl, the morning light glinting off her fabulously sharp teeth. She wasn't feeling particularly welcoming towards them after their last encounter.
"Make this fast. Draza is done with tree farm. And hunger." She glared down at them, just as her stomach rumbled.

Roll for intimidation/Aid in diplomacy: The 20-sided dice lands on 16 (+2/str)


Wyrmskyld is offline
Old 02-02-2014, 02:04 AM

Rave easily wove her way between the snares, moving to the front of the group while Aneja was occupied with freeing Alexis while putting her foot in her mouth.

The farmhands seemed reluctant to go get Widow Harper, even for the constable. The lizard-woman, however, had no trouble gaining their cooperation! One of the younger farmhands is sent running to the house.

Hearing Rave use the word 'arrested', the Firebird clung to Phaelan, alarmed. She spoke loudly enough for the group to hear her, but not for the farmhands, who were sensibly backing away from the hungry lizard. "Please don't let them put me in a cage... I'll pay for what I took..."

Widow Harper arrived moments later, eying the group. "Where's the monster? Didja kill it yet? Ya made 'nuff noise, anyhow, but I don't pay 'til I see the proof!"

til death do us part
Ethos is offline
Old 02-02-2014, 02:35 AM

Phaelan blushed a deep veridian as the Firebird clung to him. It was an honor that she had come to trust him enough to willingly touch him, but it did seem to make sense that females felt the need to make contact with him for comfort. It had happened so often in the past, but by in large those past females had also sounded much more out of breath than the Firebird did.

"There was no need to kill any one, Madam", Phaelan blurted out as soon as his words managed to escape the vice that was his throat. Perhaps it was best that, in the dim light of the sunrise, only the very astute would be able to see the rapid bobbing of his Adam's Apple as he swallowed over and over again because of nerves. He immediately regretted drawing attention to himself because invariably Widow Harper's harsh gaze would be cast upon him.

Roll for diplomacy: The 20-sided dice lands on 17


BrotherOfDarkness is offline
Old 02-04-2014, 05:33 PM

Aneja just managed to catch what the widow asked after, aiding Alexis, and the discussion between the farmhands and her companions. Enough to hear the widow ask if the monster was dead, Aneja chirped up attempting to back up Phaelan who had the firebird clasped to himself. "Yer you only said to get rid o the monster, that was eatin your peaches, never said anything about no killin, as I see it that what's we have done and want payin for it" she paused for a second, and smiled slightly "unless you be breakin your contract? Um cunstable, would that be breakin the laws? Anyways our pointy tooth friend here wouldn't take kindly to ya tryin to urt her patient"

cat whisperer

Chexala is offline
Old 02-12-2014, 06:30 AM

Zebulon noticed the Firebird's distress and the way she clung to the half-orc's arm, and tried to speak soothingly to her. "Most likely you will be charged with theft and trespassing, but I do not think you will end up in a cage. I will certainly do what I can to prevent it should it come to that."

He turned his attention back towards the farmhands as Madam Harper arrived looking fit to kill something. "As they've both said, Madam, there was no need to kill the thief. She has surrendered to us, and is willing to pay for the peaches she took." He was beginning to tire of all the fuss of the night and was ready to get back into town for a proper night's rest, but he tried to keep his growing irritation out of his voice. It wouldn't do to be impolite to their employer.

Roll for diplomacy: The 20-sided dice lands on 17

is Long

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~LONGCAT~ is offline
Old 02-12-2014, 05:16 PM

Draza was indeed hungry now. She had dried fish in her pack but she didn't feel like this was the time to get a piece out, besides it was apparent that she was needed as the second large green body guard to the firebird. Baring her teeth she stood there near the firebird and Phaelan, ready for an easy meal should it come to that. She kept her hands away from her spear and net, to keep chances of an attack lower; no need to appear anymore threatening than needed, there was a fine line between intimidating and threatening.
"We fill our half, find and take away tree fruit eater. Little flame is mine for now, until better. And Shiny one walks us to city for lawful reasons. You still need fill your half." Draza just wanted this done now. She wasn't giving up her patient this easily and she still wanted was due.


Wyrmskyld is offline
Old 02-13-2014, 06:04 AM

Widow Harper looked around the group with a distrustful frown. Her first impulse was to order her farmhands to attack, but the mage's words made sense. And besides, there were the fiery woman's green guards. Her gaze passed over the pretty orc-- he was obviously along as eye candy. The lizard woman was far more intimidating, though, and the widow couldn't afford to lose any of her workers.

She scowled indignantly at the rogue's insistence on immediate payment. "How do I know that's the real thief? You could all be tryin' to steal my hard-earned money! Mebbe that's a wizard's dazzle, and not a woman at all!" She scowled at the firebird, ignoring the fact that illusions can't cling to green beefcakes. Draza's added insistence on that count made the widow pause slightly to negotiate. "Fine. Half now, t'other half in three days. Tam, go get th' bag in the strong room."

One of the more reliable-looking farmhands hurried off to the house, and returned shortly. The widow handed a jingling bag over to Zebulon, still scowling. "That's only ef there's no more fruit stole, mind. Ef there is fruit stole, it'll be the magistrate fer the lot of you!"

The widow looked scornfully at the Firebird, completely failing to notice the rich clothing and finely-crafted jewelry. "She'll pay for the peaches, eh? I'd like to see that! Reckon she doesn't even know how much they are!"

The Firebird tried to take courage from Zebulon's reassurance, as well as from her protectors. She was, at least, reassured that no one was going to be allowed to kill her. Still half-hiding behind Draza and Phaelan, she held out something that sparkled brilliantly even in the dim torchlight. "Would this pay for the peaches?"

I'm a bit scatterbrained tonight, so let me know if I overlooked all or part of your post that needed addressing! And on to the rolling!
Merchant to determine the value of the sparkly thing: [dice]20[/dice]
Er... and of course any other rolls you think need making!


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