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Queen Procrastinator!
Lavinia is offline
Old 12-02-2014, 03:52 AM


Thanks sweetie!

I just failed nanowrimo by 1k cause my internet went down for a day D=
But it's still an achievement for me, i only wrote 25k last year, and 49k this year, yay!

Weather can be interesting when everybody you talk to lives some place different!
I'm in the UK and it's getting quite cold here now, apparently going to be freezing this weekend, but still no snow :(

Does it snow often where you live?

The Queer Engineer
2600 is offline
Old 12-02-2014, 04:04 AM

Lavinia: aww no problem... What's nanowrimo?
I love the black and white XD
I am currently struggling to decide between a winter avi and a dark steampunky avi. If I could find a balance and get a steampunk winter avatar with my items that would be awesome.
Does it snow often where you live?
It is not snowing here now. I am in the northeast corridor of America. It should be snowing here soon, but it definitely does not stay around all year. I am still amazed at people's posts in this thread. I seriously cannot thank you all enough!<3
Alright onto a question:
What is your favorite black and white film?

Last edited by 2600; 12-02-2014 at 04:17 AM..

Queen Procrastinator!
Lavinia is offline
Old 12-02-2014, 04:18 AM

Aw i think its a nice idea, people don't ask enough questions these days and then threads die D=
I shall be returning! <3

Oh gosh, don't judge me if i can't think of one D=

Oh wait, maybe one of the older versions of Romeo and Juliet? I can't remember which version it was though
(i havent really seen many...sowwie)

Ok so, i'm a metal fan, and i'm usually quite picky, but i recently saw a performance of babymetal, and i just....don't know what to think, it's so energetic and i find myself loving it. And i really shouldn;t, my festival friends would not be impressed xD

So my question is, If you have heard this, what do you think?
Or, if you haven't watch eet and then tell me xD

The Queer Engineer
2600 is offline
Old 12-02-2014, 04:28 AM

So my question is, If you have heard this, what do you think?
Or, if you haven't watch eet and then tell me xD
Okay so the guitar is epic. The voices are high pitched and remind me of vocaloid. I can't understand what they're saying but it kinda sounds catchy. The drums and the guitar are extra juicy.
What should I do with my life if I decided to drop out of college for now and go back later in life?

Queen Procrastinator!
Lavinia is offline
Old 12-02-2014, 04:35 AM

Haha, sounds like you hadn't heard it before, they seem to have got wild popular recently. But they're a bit of a marmite band, you either love it or hate it xD

Sorry i missed your edit up there *points* Nanowrimo is National Novel Writing Month its an annual thing usually in November where you try and write 50k in 30 days :)

Travel, definitely travel!
I never went to University cause i had to stay home and look after my family, but if i had done, i would have done the gap year to travel for sure. All that time studying never gives you chance for any real life experience, so it's good to go out and get some, providing you either finish your studies later or find something better on your travels? xD

I'm seeing all the winter avi's coming out atm which is cute but steampunk mixed with winter does sound fun to try! Looking good so far ^_^

What are you studying at College? (to anybody not just 2600)

Last edited by Lavinia; 12-02-2014 at 04:49 AM..

The Queer Engineer
2600 is offline
Old 12-02-2014, 04:51 AM

What are you studying at College and why you considering dropping out?
already went on a gap year. I went to Ghana, South Africa, Peru, Nepal, and Thailand. I would do it agains but it costs money that I don't have. I am currently studying communications. I am also living with my parents currently. I would like to get a job and be declared as an independent entity rather than a dependent. It is not fun to be twenty years old in a house of with my parents and my aunt. They all are loving, but I feel like I get blamed for everything. I would rather spend time making money and saving up for an apartment than stressing myself out to no end by going to school for something I really do not have much interest in.
Does that answer your question Lavinia: ?

Queen Procrastinator!
Lavinia is offline
Old 12-02-2014, 12:56 PM

Aaaand i'm back!

Morning/Afternoon 2600 and any others. Are we ready for another question filled day?!

I think the CI should be out tonight, Citing!

Yes that did answer my question 2600, communications does seem like a boring subject but i bet it gives you a lot of job opportunities :)

I love that you've travelled far already i'm 24 and i havent really done any yet T_T

So how did you sleep? ^_^

The Queer Engineer
2600 is offline
Old 12-02-2014, 01:32 PM

So how did you sleep?
I slept alright. Im about to start my mass media class. I may be on for a bit in the afternoon, but if not I will talk later.
What was the best class you ever took and why?

Last edited by 2600; 12-02-2014 at 09:18 PM..

Queen Procrastinator!
Lavinia is offline
Old 12-02-2014, 01:40 PM

Alright hun, i need to get a few things done today too so i may disappear for a while aswell :)

Ooh best class? I haven't taken many but the one i enjoyed the most was probably English and History with the same teacher in high school. She made it so fun and i really wanted to do well. I think she is the one to blame for me enjoying reading and writing so much! I love all things written and i love learning about history, even now, so she's done her job! :D

Who was your favourite teacher and why?

The Queer Engineer
2600 is offline
Old 12-02-2014, 09:34 PM

Lavinia: good question. I went to college today and ended the day with talking about high school. I never thought I would miss my high school days, but now they seem far away.
Who was your favourite teacher and why?
In high school I took a computer programming course. I took it my senior year, but it was a beginner course so there were a
Of of freshman and sophomores in it. During class the teacher would have the projector showing lines of code while talking about the code. I'm addition to this they would set up a trash can right under the projector and proceed to get a golf club and ball out. This professor would be playing golf in a room filled with computers. I ended up getting a hundred percent in that class and was exempt from the final project. He was one of the more lenient teachers. Not in the way that he would let students get away with less work, but he would let each person in the class work at their own pace and if a student did not understand he would explain it in different terms. I really feel like a lot of my high school teachers were better at teaching than my college professors. A lot of college professors know about the major they studied in college, but still cannot teach it to another person.
Do you think that state or community colleges should have free tuition? Why or why not?

Queen Procrastinator!
Lavinia is offline
Old 12-03-2014, 02:19 AM

Hah, that's random, you do always wanna do better when you like the teacher, it's good when they can add some fun to lessons instead of just throwing tasks at you then sitting silently judging you and hushing you xD

As to your question, i'm not totally sure on the differences between charges as i'm in the UK, but I do believe there should always be some form of free education for everybody. It sucks when the rich people can have smart kids by sending them to good schools but the working class people have to suffer with basic education and piles of debt to get through uni D=

Hmm, my question. How about, What would you spend $/£1 Million on if you won it somehow?

The Queer Engineer
2600 is offline
Old 12-03-2014, 02:29 AM

Lavinia: Now I feel like I made a thread that will be filled with ice-breakers. I hope you do not mind the pinging. Your sig just tells me that you "forget where you post sometimes" I do too.
Hmm, my question. How about, What would you spend $/£1 Million on if you won it somehow?
I would go out and buy a counterfeit ancient wine bottle worth exactly one million dollars. Honestly if you win that amount of money on an American game show or the lottery, anything above like 100k has to be taxed. So you actually end up with a lot less. :/ assuming at I actually won a million dollars, I would keep about a hundred for some mennies obviously and give the rest to charity. I think more money just causes more problems. There would be a lot of "acquaintances" suddenly asking to hang out with me and I just want to be no part of that. That is what I say now, but if it should happen I will tell you what the outcome really is haha!
Where do you see yourself in ten days, months, and years?

Queen Procrastinator!
Lavinia is offline
Old 12-03-2014, 02:38 AM

Don't mind at all, sometimes i multitask then lose where i've posted xD
Helps especially if i'm making offers in the exchange then i forget who i offered it to haha.

Oh gosh, your question makes me think and i dun' like thinking about my current situation xD

Ok, without sounding too blargh.

Ten days - same S## different day, but hopefully i'll have had the callback for a job i've been waiting for (its a few days late!)

Ten months - I'd like to be doing supervisor training with the job i'm likely to get (if they ever call me!), or having just returned from an awesome month or travelling in autumn, if i get this job i'll be saving to do just that!

Ten years - I'll be nearly 35 then so as most women i guess i'd hope i'm bringing up a lovely family with an awesome family dog or two xD

What pets would you love to have when you are older/or already have?

(づ ̄ ³ ̄) ...
salvete is offline
Old 12-03-2014, 02:40 AM

Wow, that's a lot of money. It's hard to say what I would do with every last penny of it, but there are certain things that I believe I would definitely do. Firstly, I would buy a new car for my parents and purchase a new house for my family. Second of all, I would pay my tuition and that of my sibling's with another part of the money. I have a feeling that a large chunk of the money will have been spent after that. But if I had any left, I would put some into my savings and use the rest to go on a shopping spree, eat lots of food, and travel to many different places with my family.

So, I was typing an answer to Lavinia's question but I see that 2600 made a post!

To answer 2600's question, in ten days, I will be studying intensively. In ten months, I will be studying. In ten years, I will still be studying!

May I also ask you this same question? Where do you see yourself in ten days, months, and years?

EDIT: Oops, I keep getting ninja'd! I do not currently own any pets. I would love to have cute things running around, like corgis and shiba inus and kittens...but I probably won't.

The Queer Engineer
2600 is offline
Old 12-03-2014, 02:45 AM

Lavinia: well those are some pretty nice predictions. It's okay. I definitely feel the one about ten days from now. It am be a little different for me because I will be out of school in less than ten days, but that does not mean I am ready and signed up for the next semester or that I am ready for a holiday season.
What pets would you love to have when you are older/or already have?
I currently have three dogs and a cat I'm my house. The three dogs are a cocker spaniel, a Pomeranian mix, and a Papion mix. The cat is an orange tabby. I love them all very much. When I do move into my own place, I would like to get a husky. Possibly a retriever as well. I really like big dogs, even though I grew up in a house with smaller dogs. They just seem so much more loving than smaller dogs. I would have to get a hypoallergenic husky though, because my significant other is allergic.
What animal items on menewsha do you wish existed in real life?

(づ ̄ ³ ̄) ...
salvete is offline
Old 12-03-2014, 02:55 AM

I wish that creepy reindeer staring in from the window were something in real life! >:D Just kidding. Hmmm I would love to have the cute plushies in real life! Like Heaven Kitty and Whale Cow!

Do you have a favorite stuffed animal?

The Queer Engineer
2600 is offline
Old 12-03-2014, 03:16 AM

salvete: I will just answer both of your questions XD I just reread your post and OMG a whale cow Plushie IRL would be so cool!
where do you see yourself in ten days! ten months! ten years?
In ten months I see myself out of school, at least until spring. In ten months I believe I will be living in an apartment with my sigmificant other and possibly a friend and their significant other to lower the monthly costs. In ten years I hope to be living in another country with my lovely genderfriend (genderless boyfriend/girlfriend term).
Do you have a favorite stuffed animal?
Yes I do. I have a tiger that my significant other gave to me and I love out very much. They have my stuffed squid, which was my favorite until we traded. The tiger sleeps with me most nights now. :3
What is you ideal party song?

Last edited by 2600; 12-03-2014 at 03:41 AM..

(づ ̄ ³ ̄) ...
salvete is offline
Old 12-03-2014, 03:25 AM

My ideal party would be a whole playlist of songs! They would be upbeat or dance-able, if the party includes a dance floor. If not, then maybe something softer and less upbeat, but still singable.

That bit about your tiger is really cute ^_^

Have you ever been to a petting zoo?

The Queer Engineer
2600 is offline
Old 12-03-2014, 03:36 AM

salvete: *blushes*
Have you ever been to a petting zoo?
I think I went to the Philadelphia zoo. I don't remember petting anything though. When I went to an aquarium with my school we did pet fish. That counts, right? Only reason I asked about party song ps is because I am listening to them right now. Heavy bass and electric beats with auto tuned voices. Not exactly the classy lounge music. I am just going to ask another music question. I will switch it up in my next post.
If this thread had a theme song, what would it be and why?

---------- Post added 12-02-2014 at 10:54 PM ----------

Avatar Contest: [Winter Lounge]
[I would like to nominate SuperZombiePotatoe for the winter lounge contest because of their intelligent item choice and elegant style. The overall mood really fits in with the winter season. I feel that there is a lounge vibe within the avatar as well.]
[December 3 2014]

Last edited by 2600; 12-03-2014 at 05:55 AM..


SuperZombiePotatoe is offline
Old 12-03-2014, 07:09 AM

Summoned I have been?
Oh hello! That's lovely. I'm really fond of this avi as well! My kingdom for an ascot and a nice white shirt. I've got a nice red shirt though...
Anywho, thanks for picking out mah avi, 2600!
Oh, question... um... What item would you like at the at the moment? Could be anything, CI, EI, Store item

The Queer Engineer
2600 is offline
Old 12-03-2014, 07:27 AM

:) No problem zombie. Your avatar is awesome!
What item would you like at the at the moment? Could be anything, CI, EI, Store item
I always love the steampunk items. If I had to pick an item it would be fleet commander. That is a CI I believe. I love it's colors and any item with wings and it has awesome architect looking wings.
I must ask what is the chair item from?
[i apologize for typos, I am using my phone browser]

Last edited by 2600; 12-03-2014 at 07:34 AM..


SuperZombiePotatoe is offline
Old 12-03-2014, 07:36 AM

Steampunk items are lovely, yes. I actually have Fleet Commander. If you ever want to ghost it, let me know
The chair is from Fancy a Cuppa? It's got some tables as well and tiled floors, railings, flower holders, candles and vases for the tables. Really useful
What's your opinion on Cyberpunk?

The Queer Engineer
2600 is offline
Old 12-03-2014, 07:46 AM

What's your opinion on cyberpunk?
I love cyberpunk a lot. on gaia I had a lot of cyberpunk avatar themes. I tend to like the colors of the steampunk items here though. Thank you for the ghosting offers. I will let you know. For now I am just trying to get some steampunk and some winter theme going together. That does seem like an awesome item. I really love how getting an item here is so different from getting one pn gaia, because you get to use all the parts of the item as many times as you want instead of buying multiples of the same item.
What item would you currently want on Menewsha?
I will ask you the same question zombie.
You can also answer this question: Do you have a favorite painter? If so describe one of their works that you enjoy.


SuperZombiePotatoe is offline
Old 12-03-2014, 08:29 AM

Ah, I've always been more of a steampunk/elfpunk fan. I should try and work on wintery avi. I don't have a lot of snowy stuff, except for those trees from the new CI. So far you're nailing the steampunk aspect
I know right?! I was so excited when I first joined and found out about that. Gaia's item system seems pretty unfair. Here atleast you don't have to waste all your gold and can end up with a good variety of stuff. I love you Mene
At the moment I'd like the YOLO.. Lulz... Mommy T_T (spelled something like that) Ei. It's got nice trees for layering and I'd have so many uses for that fog. Sadly, they're super hard to come by and when you find one it's ridiculously expensive

Pianter, eh? Well I do old enjoy art and drawings. Renaissance stuff, you know? But, I have no favourite. I do have a favourite illustrator! Alan Lee and he's done so many illustrations of Tokien's (my all time favourite author ever!!!) work. There's one picture... I wonder if I can find a picture of it...

This one. It's called "The Grey Swan Ship" and it just summarises so much of the elven culture of Middle Earth. They loved nature: The stars, trees, the sea and he incorporated all of that into the painting. It's of of the truest elven paintings I've seen, but it's also very sad. The ship is sailing away never to see Middle Earth again. So, while it's very ethereal, it's also an emotional picture. The colouring is beautiful. He hasn;t used many, just blues, black, whites and greys, but they all blend so well from being entirly dark at the bottom and ending in bright moonlight at the top. Kinda mesmerising when you think about it. Anywho, there are so many other excellent drawings of his, but this was the first one that comes to mind. I'll mention that his depiction of the Mines of Moria was stunning! And, i can go on and on. Don't ever get me started on talking about Tolkien. It'll e long before I stop

I'm now curious as to whether you have a painter/sculptor/artist/author that you admire. Talk about them for a bit

The Queer Engineer
2600 is offline
Old 12-03-2014, 01:27 PM

SuperZombiePotatoe: I think I first saw that item listed in somebody's quest and I was just like... That's an item? Then I looked it up and found that indeed it was an item. I think the title of it made me think it would be less useful than it probably is. Also OMG you just got me on a rant about an artist, author, and sculptor.

I'm now curious as to whether you have a painter/sculptor/artist/author that you admire. Talk about them for a bit
In high school I had an obsession with edward hopper. Most well known for nighthawks, I took a liking to his painting style. The New York movie painting would probably be one of my favorites.
New York Movie by Edward Hopper:

If we are talking about authors, my favorite would probably have to be Neil Gaiman. If you have never read the sandman series, I suggest it to you and all literacy cravers. It is a literary comic and a beautiful story. It can be cumbersome though so do not expect to read it in one sitting. Wikipedia classifies the series as a dark fantasy, which I would agree with. I do think that the art is amazing whether it be in black and white or color. I have a huge annotated version of the first 20 volumes of the sandman. (*gets giant book out to read)
If I thought about sculptors, Rodin instantly comes into my head. This guy was most famous for making the "thinker" sculpture. One of his other popular works was "The Gates of Hell" I just feel that! especially in american modern culture! sculpting is not used to the extent it once was. It amazes me how much detail has been out into Rodin's interpretation of the gates.

I was never an art major in college, but it did study a lot of art and thought that I was going to do that for the rest of my life in high school. I change my direction all the time. That is why I know about hopper and Rodin. Neil Gaiman however, came into my life through an obsession with comic books.
Do you have a favorite poet or poem?

Last edited by 2600; 12-03-2014 at 01:40 PM..


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