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bork and means

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jellysundae is offline
Old 07-29-2007, 11:30 PM

* is hugged* ^^

Hello Tiger, make yourself comfortable and have a glass of wine 8)

Akasha i've noticed that people aren't so chatty tonight, but everything's still ticking along smoothly so i'm happy

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AkashaHeartilly is offline
Old 07-29-2007, 11:32 PM

At least it's going well.

Sorry you only gt one day off Tiger. that does suxxors.

tigerangel is offline
Old 07-29-2007, 11:32 PM

-takes a glass of wine-
Thank's, but I can't stay long tonight.
I'm glad to see that things are running so smoothly.
You seemed pretty stressed about things just before it was to begin.
I knew you'd be just fine. :)

Stardragon is offline
Old 07-29-2007, 11:39 PM

Originally Posted by tigerangel
-takes a glass of wine-
Thank's, but I can't stay long tonight.
I'm glad to see that things are running so smoothly.
You seemed pretty stressed about things just before it was to begin.
I knew you'd be just fine. :)
Why not tiger? :(

Mama Juru
Why you crying?
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Mama Juru is offline
Old 07-29-2007, 11:51 PM

*waves to everyone that came in*

Maybe later things will pick up. My kids start back to school in two weeks so the next week is going to be a little hectic. I have to school shop and get supplies and whatnot.

I wonder how school starting is going to affect our little community :(

I'm also trying to brainstorm for my pirate bar RP. I need some angst. :)

tigerangel is offline
Old 07-29-2007, 11:53 PM

I have to go do some things...sorry.

Stardragon is offline
Old 07-29-2007, 11:55 PM

Originally Posted by tigerangel
I have to go do some things...sorry.

bork and means

Assistant Administrator
jellysundae is offline
Old 07-30-2007, 12:02 AM

Tiger i was stressed! because one of the hosts was a no show so we had to replace her at the last moment, and i was nervous that no-one would be interested at all.
It's a great relief that people are having fun.

Kat i don't envy you with the school preperations, i can imagine how stressful that will be, but look at it this way, you could have plenty of angst of your own to get rid of after that
You think the RP's will die off a bit once school's back in then?

Mama Juru
Why you crying?
Assistant Administrator
Mama Juru is offline
Old 07-30-2007, 12:08 AM

Maybe, although I hope not. I hope the discussion in general doesn't die off. That would make me sad.

I think the going back to school is more traumatic for my daughter. Suddenly she can't stay up all hours of the night sitting on the computer (wonder who she got that from ;)) and is going to have to go to bed. My son is looking forward to it. He is still the age that he enjoys school.

I am supposed to meet a friend later for dinner and to pick up my daughter's HP book but I'm feeling lazy today and don't want to go anywhere.

bork and means

Assistant Administrator
jellysundae is offline
Old 07-30-2007, 12:56 AM

that hair pin looks spiffy against your current hair Kat 8) i'm planning on buying more of those! i only have the red one at present, i want the pink next, i want a purkle one but there isn't one :(

i'm wondering if maybe once the kids are back at chool some of the older Meneshans might have time to get back online again?

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Old 07-30-2007, 12:59 AM

Hi jelly.

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roocee is offline
Old 07-30-2007, 01:00 AM

It's been a busy day for me. Can't seem to be here for a long period of time.

bork and means

Assistant Administrator
jellysundae is offline
Old 07-30-2007, 01:07 AM

Hello Kas !

Roo i've actually logged onto Halcyon Tears for the first time in months!

that site is like a morgue i tell you!

then thread at the bottom of the first page in the GD has been sat there since April!!
so i'm being nice to them and posting 8)
i love the avies on that site, they're so different looking, it's such a shame the place is so dead..

Dancing to her own beat..
Chi is offline
Old 07-30-2007, 01:10 AM

I just got home from the fair. ^-^ It was a small one, but we had a really good time nonetheless! We went on a couple rides (ferris wheel, big dragon boat), wandered around the animal stables, and had a bite to eat. I had a huge Texas corn dog, while my fiance had a pulled-pork sandwich. xD

I DID get a candied apple and a caramel apple to take home. They're sitting in my bag still. <3 And I won a blue pillow with a cartoon clown fish (Nemo knockoff xD) in a water gun game.

Wait, no. My fiance beat me, so technically he won it for me. Bah, I failed. XD ANYWAY.

Now I'm home and kinda sleepy. n.n Great time though. I really hope the fair at the end of August turns out to be bigger and better than this one though. <3

So how's everyone else? :D I missed another Mene day, but... c'est la vie, they say. x.x

Stardragon is offline
Old 07-30-2007, 01:13 AM

Hi Chiairen Hoshino how are you?

Dancing to her own beat..
Chi is offline
Old 07-30-2007, 01:13 AM

Great. I'm still on the "fair high". xD

How about you Ryu?

Stardragon is offline
Old 07-30-2007, 01:14 AM

Originally Posted by Chiairen Hoshino
Great. I'm still on the "fair high". xD

How about you Ryu?
I'm okay just kinda bored right now.

Dancing to her own beat..
Chi is offline
Old 07-30-2007, 01:16 AM

How was your day? :3

Stardragon is offline
Old 07-30-2007, 01:19 AM

It was okay I took some cuttings of my large peach tree,2 rose bushes,and a cherry tree. I'm trying to get them to root and make new plants.

bork and means

Assistant Administrator
jellysundae is offline
Old 07-30-2007, 01:20 AM

Chi did you see anything that could be translated for use here?? :lol:

i'm thinking we might need to introduce some new stuff later on in the week to pick things up a bit..

Dancing to her own beat..
Chi is offline
Old 07-30-2007, 01:20 AM

You always remind me a bit of a guy named Danai that I used to know. We used to e-mail each other constantly, but eventually we fell out of contact. You seem to be interested in a lot of things that he did. ^_^

Mmm... peaches. ^^

Well... it was kind of small. The rides, the games, and the animal pens were the only things there. o___o What did you have in mind?

Stardragon is offline
Old 07-30-2007, 01:23 AM

Originally Posted by Chiairen Hoshino
You always remind me a bit of a guy named Danai that I used to know. We used to e-mail each other constantly, but eventually we fell out of contact. You seem to be interested in a lot of things that he did. ^_^

Mmm... peaches. ^^

Well... it was kind of small. The rides, the games, and the animal pens were the only things there. o___o What did you have in mind?

Dancing to her own beat..
Chi is offline
Old 07-30-2007, 01:25 AM

How long will it take before you know if the plantings work, Ryu? Or is it something you know will work, but it just takes time? *never done that sort of thing, so has no idea*

Mama Juru
Why you crying?
Assistant Administrator
Mama Juru is offline
Old 07-30-2007, 01:26 AM

It took me a long time to decide which hair pin to buy. I want them all but I haven't decided which one to get next.

I haven't been to an actual little carnival in forever. We used to go all the time but it got so expensive for what little you get so we stopped going.

MMmmm... I love fresh peaches. We don't get them that often out here. We've been buying strawberries like crazy though.

Dancing to her own beat..
Chi is offline
Old 07-30-2007, 01:27 AM

Hi Juru!

The admission and parking fees ended up being $16. @_@; They did have a LOT of exhibits you could go to though for free because of it. I forgot that I played with stingrays and stuff today. And horseshoe crabs. xP


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