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Raging Asexual
TaiyoTsuki is offline
Old 11-21-2013, 06:07 AM

And as everyone gets on...I have to get off! Goodnight everyone!


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Old 11-21-2013, 03:54 PM

night Taiyo 'waves' sweet dreams.

Berries & Cream!

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Car'a'Carn is offline
Old 11-21-2013, 06:33 PM

*pokes Taiyo* oh fine! Just leave then!

*pokes Star too*

---------- Post added 11-21-2013 at 10:34 AM ----------

Originally Posted by ClariusFlorina View Post
How's it going everyone?
Hey there! I don't think I've seen you around here before! I love your avi!

the Galaxy Fairy
Mini Pixelite
Libra is offline
Old 11-21-2013, 07:52 PM

Originally Posted by Car'a'Carn View Post
Hey there! I don't think I've seen you around here before! I love your avi!
Haha, nope. I'm trying to find new places to talk at though! :)

Thanks, I really love rainbows! And blue... >_>

I try to keep the same avi for more than a few days and it never works T_T Thought this one might be the one to stick! If I could just find a floor to put on it...

I like you Hummy apparel! :) You all could start a clothing line on Mene ;)

Last edited by Libra; 11-21-2013 at 08:01 PM..

Little birdie ♥

hummy is offline
Old 11-21-2013, 08:16 PM

hey quit that pokin'!

*pokes Carnie*

Rose Pearl
Rose Pearl is offline
Old 11-21-2013, 08:32 PM

Join in the poking ,
Pokes everyone

I'm alive. Message me if you rem...
Death_to_the_reaper is offline
Old 11-21-2013, 08:36 PM

Hi, everyone.

the Galaxy Fairy
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Libra is offline
Old 11-21-2013, 08:41 PM

Originally Posted by Rose Pearl View Post
Join in the poking ,
Pokes everyone
-jumps- AH. Some of us are ticklish :P

Originally Posted by Death_to_the_reaper View Post
Hi, everyone.

How's it going?


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 11-21-2013, 09:45 PM

Hello all!

I like the way that you layered that crown Clarius!

the Galaxy Fairy
Mini Pixelite
Libra is offline
Old 11-21-2013, 10:07 PM

Thanks! I like how you layered the Futura bodysuit with that shirt below it. They look like they were made for eachother

How are you this fine evening?


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 11-21-2013, 10:49 PM

Thank you!

I'm doing okay. Kinda grumpy for staying late at work but meh...

the Galaxy Fairy
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Libra is offline
Old 11-21-2013, 11:13 PM

Blah that always stucks. At least your free now! -waves steamers-


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 11-21-2013, 11:42 PM

Not yet... I just left work so now I have to del with the commute home. It has been particularly terrible this week.

---------- Post added 11-21-2013 at 07:02 PM ----------

Apparently tonight was not exception. There was a puking hobo on my train. T_T

the Galaxy Fairy
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Libra is offline
Old 11-22-2013, 12:55 AM

Originally Posted by zigbigadorlube View Post
Not yet... I just left work so now I have to del with the commute home. It has been particularly terrible this week.

---------- Post added 11-21-2013 at 07:02 PM ----------

Apparently tonight was not exception. There was a puking hobo on my train. T_T
That sucks. How long is your commute?

I don't even know what I would do if someone around me was puking in public. I work at a hospital, so people puking is something I'm used to (except the smell... I don't think I'll ever get over the smell of anything... T_T). I won't be surprised if I pull a barf bag out of my purse and hand it to them... I really should grab a few of those from work and take them home >_>


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 11-22-2013, 01:13 AM

It's usually 45 minutes to an hour one way.

I actually have this fear of getting sick on the subway so I keep this tiny plastic bag folded up in the bottom of my purse. I'll probably never have to use it but it makes me feel better knowing it is there. >.>

I think the sound of it is what bothers me the most. As soon as he got sick I jerked my head away and crammed headphones in my ears. It's the second time that's happened to me so far and it's far from pleasant.

the Galaxy Fairy
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Libra is offline
Old 11-22-2013, 01:43 AM

That's understandable

Wow. That's a long way. I'm like 15 min away from my work. Then again I drive 1.25 hours just to get to my boyfriends house, but I don't drive there everyday or I'd be broke xD

I've taken the metro a couple times (only while in DC though, and I rarely go to DC sadly), but I've never been on a real train though. I don't know why, since we have a train station in the downtown area.


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 11-22-2013, 01:47 AM

For me, that's not long at all. Before that my commute was 2 1/2 hours one way. O. o I took the train in to New York City from Long Island. Now I live in Brooklyn so the commute is much easier. I could have had a shorter commute if I lived in Manhattan but the rent there is crazy. For the amount of money I currently pay for a three bedroom in Brooklyn I would only be able to get a teeny tiny studio. O. o

the Galaxy Fairy
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Libra is offline
Old 11-22-2013, 01:59 AM

That's understandable. You need some room to breathe!

I'm hoping I can visit Manhattan in December, I've always wanted to go see it. My boyfriend is going to Newark, NJ for a business trip, and I'm gonna come to so we can go to New York together after he's off work ^_^


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 11-22-2013, 02:08 AM

Yeah, I'm so much happier with the apartment we got than the ones I saw in Manhattan. They were horrible and terribly expensive.

Ooh, that sounds like fun! Do you have any ideas of what you want to do while you visit?

the Galaxy Fairy
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Libra is offline
Old 11-22-2013, 02:21 AM

I actually don't have a clue. Is there anything you would suggest? :D

We typically go to museums, aquariums and garden-y places in DC, we also like theater stuff (just to give you an idea of what we like)


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 11-22-2013, 02:43 AM

Uhhh... The American Museum of Natural History is pretty cool. Also I wanna say the Metropolitan Museum of Art but to be honest I haven't been there yet. There are also all sorts of crazy museums for different things (like the Museum of Sex or the Bodies exhibit). As for theater stuff you'll definitely find your fill on Broadway. I recently went to go see "Waiting for Godot" which was really good. I'm not sure if you'd really understand it if you don't know the story though... Phantom of the Opera and Lion King are also very good.

the Galaxy Fairy
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Old 11-22-2013, 03:12 AM

The bodies exhibit is in New York right now? -gasps- I've been to that like 3 times now. I don't know how I haven't gotten bored of it xD

I'll definitely have to check out that stuff, and let you know how it went! lol

Master Debater
Woodlandnymph is offline
Old 11-22-2013, 04:19 PM

Originally Posted by zigbigadorlube View Post
Uhhh... The American Museum of Natural History is pretty cool. Also I wanna say the Metropolitan Museum of Art but to be honest I haven't been there yet. There are also all sorts of crazy museums for different things (like the Museum of Sex or the Bodies exhibit). As for theater stuff you'll definitely find your fill on Broadway. I recently went to go see "Waiting for Godot" which was really good. I'm not sure if you'd really understand it if you don't know the story though... Phantom of the Opera and Lion King are also very good.
I dunno if I'm a huge fan of Waiting for Godot. Maybe it's because of the people I saw perform it. Yah. That's probably it.

I want to see Once and Kinky Boots...and Wicked, which, I don't know if that's still on Broadway.


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 11-22-2013, 05:02 PM

We read the play in French for class and I write a 20 page dissertation in French on En Attendant Godot, Huis Clos, Theatre of the Absurd, and Existentialism. I had never seen it played before though so I really enjoyed it.

Raging Asexual
TaiyoTsuki is offline
Old 11-23-2013, 03:03 AM

Good evening, everyone! I'm bored and watching Devil May Cry.


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