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XxXshizuki-chanXxX is offline
Old 08-11-2013, 01:45 AM

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blueblackrose is offline
Old 08-14-2013, 12:26 AM

Maria-Minamino: I could some avatar advice for PM. I'm not sure if my current avatar looks enough like a robot. I just don't know what to do with it.

I've tried looking for images to help inspire my robot avatar for PM, but I have come up empty handed so far.

Also I'd like to get advice on this robot as well.

Maria-Minamino is offline
Old 08-14-2013, 12:32 AM

Originally Posted by blueblackrose View Post
Maria-Minamino: I could some avatar advice for PM. I'm not sure if my current avatar looks enough like a robot. I just don't know what to do with it.

I've tried looking for images to help inspire my robot avatar for PM, but I have come up empty handed so far.

Also I'd like to get advice on this robot as well.

I actually really like what you have so far! My one concern is the wig. I'm not sure I understand the egyptian wig with the robot. If you keep it, I would suggest some small blue accents through the rest of the avatar to balance it out.

I love the mix of the black and silver items that you have. And the blues with the silver monocle is clever - it appears like you have two different sized eyes and I like that for a robot!

If you wanted to add to the story - perhaps add a background of you destroying stuff. The fire city from Phear Meh...blood or smoke?

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blueblackrose is offline
Old 08-14-2013, 12:50 AM

I used the wig because it kind of reminded me of large cables.

So I had an idea and ran with it. The idea was to make a clown robot that was one of many in an amusement park fun house. I'm fearing that it doesn't really look enough like a robot...

Last edited by blueblackrose; 08-14-2013 at 01:53 AM..

M i r o
M i r o is offline
Old 08-15-2013, 12:57 PM

Is there a robot theme going on that you're entering, Bbr? The Clown one looks more elaborate. XD
And scary. I think you should go with that one because it gives you a bigger berth to mess with.

Take my darkest fears and play t...

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blueblackrose is offline
Old 08-15-2013, 04:00 PM

It's the challenge for Project Mene, which I'm a part of this cycle. Also I went with the clown one.

Take my darkest fears and play t...

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blueblackrose is offline
Old 08-19-2013, 02:25 AM

Tonight starts Operation: Force blueblackrose to Become More Active!

Who will join me in my quest to become more active here on Menewsha?

Take my darkest fears and play t...

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blueblackrose is offline
Old 08-20-2013, 03:09 AM

Maria-Minamino :

Last round of PM, so exciting and it's the theme I was hoping it would be. After seeing the them I was looking through my avatar collection to see if I had something I could improve on or maybe draw some inspiration from. I came across this old alien avatar I made a couple years ago. Do you have any thoughts on it?

Updated Version

Last edited by blueblackrose; 08-20-2013 at 04:24 PM..

Maria-Minamino is offline
Old 08-21-2013, 07:33 PM

Originally Posted by blueblackrose View Post
Maria-Minamino :

Last round of PM, so exciting and it's the theme I was hoping it would be. After seeing the them I was looking through my avatar collection to see if I had something I could improve on or maybe draw some inspiration from. I came across this old alien avatar I made a couple years ago. Do you have any thoughts on it?

Updated Version

Sorry I took a couple days to reply!!

I love the balance of it - and the added background is awesome!
Part of me thinks "mutant human-bug" instead of alien. But I get why you want to stay away from the traditional alien skin - I wonder how many of you will actually use that skin! lol

I like the eyes with the black bleeding and the heart that you hold. Also the tail and the wings balance the black well!

Maybe try a black ground instead of the white? I almost couldn't tell that you had a floor down there! lol

M i r o
M i r o is offline
Old 08-21-2013, 08:33 PM

Originally Posted by blueblackrose View Post
It's the challenge for Project Mene, which I'm a part of this cycle. Also I went with the clown one.
Oh, that explains your outfit changes. Okay! lol

I tried that once and it was just omg...
I don't have enough gold or items to do it.

Take my darkest fears and play t...

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blueblackrose is offline
Old 08-25-2013, 02:43 AM

I've made a few more alien avatars and would like to get your opinion on them.

Take my darkest fears and play t...

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blueblackrose is offline
Old 11-05-2013, 03:09 AM

*lounges by a fire in the garden*

sushi_mew is offline
Old 11-07-2013, 04:50 PM

*looks at title*
I'm guessing you want to become more active?

I can't guarantee daily log ins but I am more than happy to drop by <33

Take my darkest fears and play t...

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blueblackrose is offline
Old 11-07-2013, 09:41 PM

That I am. I have a few rps I'm in now so that should help some, lol.
It'll be great to chat with you when I can.

sushi_mew is offline
Old 11-10-2013, 08:39 PM

We seem to have different times of activity on menewsha so that's a bummer
Hopefully we can catch each other more often! Until then, we'll have to settle for the leave a note method

How was the event for you? Get your set?

Lost in a cloud

Jeannesha is offline
Old 11-11-2013, 03:10 AM

Reporting for duty, bbr!

*after saying that, she retreats and logs off*

Take my darkest fears and play t...

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blueblackrose is offline
Old 11-11-2013, 04:04 AM

Yeah, I tend to be on at random times of the day. It all depends on my work schedule, though I am usually on at night around 11pm EST.

The event was fun, but it seemed kind of short to me. I guess because I wasn't able to be on as much as I use to be during events due to work. I got a set and a few of the commons with my tokens.

Hey Jeannesha, how are you dear?

sushi_mew is offline
Old 11-11-2013, 08:22 AM

I believe I'm also EST and 11 is the time I start getting off of menesha
I swear we had times better before

That's good. I also got one set and a common and an accidental extra ei
Tons of left over tokens that I had no motivation to spend on commons since I was busy with conversation XD
I was glad to see you during the event tho :-)

Take my darkest fears and play t...

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blueblackrose is offline
Old 11-13-2013, 12:10 AM

Yeah we use to have better timing, but I use to be on a lot more and at random times of the day. Since I have my one job it changes when I can get on.

Hahaha, I think I spent all of my tokens. That was mostly because I knew I wasn't going to be around when the event ended due to having to work.
Yeah I was glad to see you and some of the others around that I hadn't seen in a while. Truthfully I wish I had more time and funds so we could have played some games or something. Actually I still have some art stuff I need to work on from the event before last. Maybe I'll get it done before Christmas.

tigerangel is offline
Old 11-13-2013, 12:57 AM

I really like all three of your alien entries, bbr.

sushi_mew is offline
Old 11-13-2013, 05:18 AM

Originally Posted by blueblackrose View Post
Yeah we use to have better timing, but I use to be on a lot more and at random times of the day. Since I have my one job it changes when I can get on.

Hahaha, I think I spent all of my tokens. That was mostly because I knew I wasn't going to be around when the event ended due to having to work.
Yeah I was glad to see you and some of the others around that I hadn't seen in a while. Truthfully I wish I had more time and funds so we could have played some games or something. Actually I still have some art stuff I need to work on from the event before last. Maybe I'll get it done before Christmas.
We both used to be on on a daily basis pretty much. Lots of activity then
Same. I work afternoon to evenings and during the day I have things to do I get on after work if I'm not too tired. Even then it's just to drop a message and not have a lot of energy to have big conversation /-:

Smart girl. I should have looked I to buying some of those naias boots when I could
Games are always fun and more competitive with prizes XD maybe you can joint thread with someone who is on all the time and can help w funds?

---------- Post added 11-12-2013 at 09:20 PM ----------

Originally Posted by tigerangel View Post
I really like all three of your alien entries, bbr.
Agreed! I like them all for different reasons too
The first being that its really colourful and creepy
The second being very dark and scary; like the unknown world of possible aliens :-0
And the third one is really cute! Foreign doesn't always mean scary!

Take my darkest fears and play t...

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blueblackrose is offline
Old 11-14-2013, 02:54 AM

Originally Posted by sushi_mew View Post
We both used to be on on a daily basis pretty much. Lots of activity then
Same. I work afternoon to evenings and during the day I have things to do I get on after work if I'm not too tired. Even then it's just to drop a message and not have a lot of energy to have big conversation /-:

Smart girl. I should have looked I to buying some of those naias boots when I could
Games are always fun and more competitive with prizes XD maybe you can joint thread with someone who is on all the time and can help w funds?
Yeah, that it was.
My schedule varies and I either work mornings or evenings.

I knew if I didn't spend my tokens to got some of the items I wasn't sure about I'd probably regret it later, lol.
That they are and maybe I will. Just don't know though since my threads aren't very active anymore even when I'm giving out prizes and hosting games. So I guess we shall see.

If anyone is around I could use a little help. Once again I'm taking part in Project Mene. I swear I'm addicted to it, lmao. Anyway this cycle's theme is fairytales. Here is the theme for this week.
Originally Posted by Project Mene View Post
Current Challenge
Granny always warned me to never trust a wolf...

Once upon a time, long ago, Little Red Riding Hood set out to deliver a bundle of goods to her grandmother; some cake and wine to help her feel strong. On her journey, she was led astray by a wolf who in turn garbled up Red’s grandmother and eventually Red herself. Though the Huntsman saved her, she vowed to never again be fooled by a wolf. For this challenge, you will create your own version of a modern Little Red Wolf Hunter.

Entries due Thursday, November 14th @9:00PM Arizona Standard Time
Scores due Sunday, November 17th @10:00AM Arizona Standard Time

Alright to get down to business. I have made three avatars so far and I'm debating about which one to enter or if I need to work on one of them some more before I send in my entry.

My attempts at a Little Red Wolf Hunter.


sushi_mew is offline
Old 11-14-2013, 04:59 AM

I personally think the middle one works best for it!
Although I like the first one the most, the second avatar looks younger than the others.
the other avis look around their 20-25 whereas the second one looks like a vengeful teen!

the third ones is really intense but i do like her fur pelt. Red wears her trophies when out hunting!

---------- Post added 11-13-2013 at 09:01 PM ----------

I look forward to your decision next event then! Hopefully we get a ton of activity for the holiday ~season~

Take my darkest fears and play t...

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blueblackrose is offline
Old 11-14-2013, 05:10 AM

Thanks for the opinion on the avatars. I personally like the second one best. I might change it some because I'm not liking the face that much.

I hope there is too.

sushi_mew is offline
Old 11-14-2013, 05:08 PM

No problem!
Also if you're addicted to project mene, no problem! At least it keeps you on


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