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. S l i z z l e .
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Old 04-09-2007, 05:39 AM

Originally Posted by Phayumi
Originally Posted by . S l i z z l e .
Originally Posted by Phayumi
. S l i z z l e .;; what's your username? C: <33
Dark_Fire_Angel88 is my main ^^
My new mule is- The ][D ][ ]V[ ][D


[same as seen above]
My donators list is long...lots of coco's were given to me ^^
had 7 total, 4 scammed/hacked, 1 gift to BF, 1 kept(last gift one), 1 given back to person ^^

awwwwww... cuuute avatar >3< squeee
Thanks x3 me and my friends do this thing where we all dress up each other's avi's xD like an account switch for avi dressing x3
That's what I just did bout 20mins ago ^^ [new avi everyday x.x]
It's fun tho x3

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Old 04-09-2007, 05:42 AM

I bet it is CC:
I rarely change my avie, because I want everything to match and want it to look perfect XDDD so yeah, I change it when I'm able to make a good avie C:

. S l i z z l e .
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Old 04-09-2007, 05:42 AM

Originally Posted by Phayumi
Originally Posted by . S l i z z l e .
Originally Posted by Phayumi
Originally Posted by . S l i z z l e .
Originally Posted by Phayumi
hahahaha, I've been on gaia since August 03 ^^;;
just on loads of different accounts C:
xD I should have joined!! or at least found it x.x
I'd probably have my horns by now xD and DTail
Oh well x3 [keeps questing] xD
haha well, I had most of the donation items before I got hacked back in 04-05 ;3;
OMG!! you were hacked!! ;-; I can't stand hackers!!! T-T I'm sorry to hear that v.v
No worries. made me take a long break tho.. reaaaaaaaally long. then I lost track of everything and none of the items, basicly were even obtainable again D;
Yeah v.v prices are outrageous T-T I've quite my horns quest about 10 times now just this year v.v
[had 90k last time i quit]
I'm not quitting this time >< even if it takes me 2 years to get ><

Lol I think I need a break from Gaia x.x but I'm addicted T-T

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Phayumi is offline
Old 04-09-2007, 05:44 AM

gaia is addictive.. so is Menewsha XDDD since you want gooooollllld loads of it xDDD
and that's the good part about Mene, you have to be active to get it, and not spam or anything like that C: which is.. like great, in my opinion C:

. S l i z z l e .
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Old 04-09-2007, 05:45 AM

Originally Posted by Phayumi
I bet it is CC:
I rarely change my avie, because I want everything to match and want it to look perfect XDDD so yeah, I change it when I'm able to make a good avie C:
Lol I get tired of mine everyday xD
But I still love my dream outfit for my main x3
I'll show you it!! xD

. S l i z z l e .
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Old 04-09-2007, 05:46 AM

Originally Posted by Phayumi
gaia is addictive.. so is Menewsha XDDD since you want gooooollllld loads of it xDDD
and that's the good part about Mene, you have to be active to get it, and not spam or anything like that C: which is.. like great, in my opinion C:
OMG yes! i LOVE Menewsha for the no spam rule and that you HAVE to be active x3 it's awesome!
Gaia should totally do'd be so much less noobish 8)

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Old 04-09-2007, 05:47 AM

Originally Posted by . S l i z z l e .
Originally Posted by Phayumi
I bet it is CC:
I rarely change my avie, because I want everything to match and want it to look perfect XDDD so yeah, I change it when I'm able to make a good avie C:
Lol I get tired of mine everyday xD
But I still love my dream outfit for my main x3
I'll show you it!! xD
ohhhh! yeaaaaah! please show me >3<;;
hahaha, there's this girl commenting on my profile telling me that I'm ugly and asking for donations... XDD makes me laugh every time.
I really can't stand the n00bs at gaia, sadly. -.-;;

first comment from her;; "Ur a ugly fat bitch.
Kan u doe nate?"
second;; plzz?
srry butt it is da truth, i no it hertz that u r ugly n dont no it

makes me laugh quite hard XD

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Phayumi is offline
Old 04-09-2007, 05:48 AM

Originally Posted by . S l i z z l e .
Originally Posted by Phayumi
gaia is addictive.. so is Menewsha XDDD since you want gooooollllld loads of it xDDD
and that's the good part about Mene, you have to be active to get it, and not spam or anything like that C: which is.. like great, in my opinion C:
OMG yes! i LOVE Menewsha for the no spam rule and that you HAVE to be active x3 it's awesome!
Gaia should totally do'd be so much less noobish 8)
yeah, it totally would D; -points to her other post- would make people like that go away XD

. S l i z z l e .
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. S l i z z l e . is offline
Old 04-09-2007, 05:51 AM

Originally Posted by Phayumi
Originally Posted by . S l i z z l e .
Originally Posted by Phayumi
I bet it is CC:
I rarely change my avie, because I want everything to match and want it to look perfect XDDD so yeah, I change it when I'm able to make a good avie C:
Lol I get tired of mine everyday xD
But I still love my dream outfit for my main x3
I'll show you it!! xD
ohhhh! yeaaaaah! please show me >3<;;
hahaha, there's this girl commenting on my profile telling me that I'm ugly and asking for donations... XDD makes me laugh every time.
I really can't stand the n00bs at gaia, sadly. -.-;;

first comment from her;; "Ur a ugly fat bitch.
Kan u doe nate?"
second;; plzz?
srry butt it is da truth, i no it hertz that u r ugly n dont no it

makes me laugh quite hard XD
Okies x3 [goes to get it] =O!
LMFAO!!! she's such a bitch!! xD why would you donate to someone who just called you ugly and fat...and Especially a bitch!
i think she needs to learn some manners at Boot Camp 8) then come back and suck up and worship the ground you walk on cause she said all that mean shit to you! xD
I'm laughing and now I shall go see her comments!! XP
just cause I wanna laugh at her stupidity! xD

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Phayumi is offline
Old 04-09-2007, 05:55 AM

Originally Posted by . S l i z z l e .
Originally Posted by Phayumi
Originally Posted by . S l i z z l e .
Originally Posted by Phayumi
I bet it is CC:
I rarely change my avie, because I want everything to match and want it to look perfect XDDD so yeah, I change it when I'm able to make a good avie C:
Lol I get tired of mine everyday xD
But I still love my dream outfit for my main x3
I'll show you it!! xD
ohhhh! yeaaaaah! please show me >3<;;
hahaha, there's this girl commenting on my profile telling me that I'm ugly and asking for donations... XDD makes me laugh every time.
I really can't stand the n00bs at gaia, sadly. -.-;;

first comment from her;; "Ur a ugly fat bitch.
Kan u doe nate?"
second;; plzz?
srry butt it is da truth, i no it hertz that u r ugly n dont no it

makes me laugh quite hard XD
Okies x3 [goes to get it] =O!
LMFAO!!! she's such a bitch!! xD why would you donate to someone who just called you ugly and fat...and Especially a bitch!
i think she needs to learn some manners at Boot Camp 8) then come back and suck up and worship the ground you walk on cause she said all that mean shit to you! xD
I'm laughing and now I shall go see her comments!! XP
just cause I wanna laugh at her stupidity! xD
hahahha, yeah, she totally should >3< -laughs-
I think she's just trying to insult me, but the fact is that I'm pretty sure that I'm not ugly, nor good looking for that matter, but anyway. XD

hehe, C;

dragon bound
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Old 04-09-2007, 05:58 AM

Originally Posted by Phayumi

I met reddy there tooo >3<
ohh.. I'm `Heroine

CCCCCC: <333
That name is more remembered, dunno that we actually talked though, but Nyo threads move so fast I dunno if I'd remember if we had.

Sliz cute ava.

Shishunki is offline
Old 04-09-2007, 05:59 AM

Whoa. I just walked in and see the evil comment left on Phayumi's gaia. That is wrong on so many levels. Not just the evilness of being insulting, then asking for money. Which is a WTF moment. But not even bothering to spell correctly at the least. So many spelling errors, it would make an English teacher sick. It's scares me... :(

. S l i z z l e .
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Old 04-09-2007, 06:00 AM

Originally Posted by Phayumi
Originally Posted by . S l i z z l e .
Originally Posted by Phayumi
Originally Posted by . S l i z z l e .
Originally Posted by Phayumi
I bet it is CC:
I rarely change my avie, because I want everything to match and want it to look perfect XDDD so yeah, I change it when I'm able to make a good avie C:
Lol I get tired of mine everyday xD
But I still love my dream outfit for my main x3
I'll show you it!! xD
ohhhh! yeaaaaah! please show me >3<;;
hahaha, there's this girl commenting on my profile telling me that I'm ugly and asking for donations... XDD makes me laugh every time.
I really can't stand the n00bs at gaia, sadly. -.-;;

first comment from her;; "Ur a ugly fat bitch.
Kan u doe nate?"
second;; plzz?
srry butt it is da truth, i no it hertz that u r ugly n dont no it

makes me laugh quite hard XD
Okies x3 [goes to get it] =O!
LMFAO!!! she's such a bitch!! xD why would you donate to someone who just called you ugly and fat...and Especially a bitch!
i think she needs to learn some manners at Boot Camp 8) then come back and suck up and worship the ground you walk on cause she said all that mean shit to you! xD
I'm laughing and now I shall go see her comments!! XP
just cause I wanna laugh at her stupidity! xD
hahahha, yeah, she totally should >3< -laughs-
I think she's just trying to insult me, but the fact is that I'm pretty sure that I'm not ugly, nor good looking for that matter, but anyway. XD

hehe, C;
Haha yeah xD she should after those comments!!
Aww, your probably beautiful!
Your personality certainly is! x3

. S l i z z l e .
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Old 04-09-2007, 06:02 AM

Originally Posted by dragon bound
Originally Posted by Phayumi

I met reddy there tooo >3<
ohh.. I'm `Heroine

CCCCCC: <333
That name is more remembered, dunno that we actually talked though, but Nyo threads move so fast I dunno if I'd remember if we had.

Sliz cute ava.
Thanks Dragon ^^
Glad you guys think it's cute x3

dragon bound
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Old 04-09-2007, 06:03 AM

Originally Posted by Shishunki
Whoa. I just walked in and see the evil comment left on Phayumi's gaia. That is wrong on so many levels. Not just the evilness of being insulting, then asking for money. Which is a WTF moment. But not even bothering to spell correctly at the least. So many spelling errors, it would make an English teacher sick. It's scares me... :(
Huh? *goes to look* Wow talk about ultra n00b.. That's the reason I hide in mine and my friends threads, n00bz kill.

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Old 04-09-2007, 06:05 AM

Dragon;; I dont know if we did,either XDD maybe I drew you?... uh.. maybe not XDD hahah, geeh I dunno D; -shrugs-

Shishunki;; well, yeah.. I know >_o;; at first I seriously thought she were joking.. but well, apparently not xDDD

. S l i z z l e .;; awww. that's such a nice thing to say <33333 C:

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Old 04-09-2007, 06:06 AM

Maybe she's refering to the picture I have of me in my profile.. or maybe she didn't even look at it XD either way her opinion is her opinion, and I've heard from loads of people that I most certainly aint ugly XDD

. S l i z z l e .
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Old 04-09-2007, 06:08 AM

Originally Posted by Phayumi
Dragon;; I dont know if we did,either XDD maybe I drew you?... uh.. maybe not XDD hahah, geeh I dunno D; -shrugs-

Shishunki;; well, yeah.. I know >_o;; at first I seriously thought she were joking.. but well, apparently not xDDD

. S l i z z l e .;; awww. that's such a nice thing to say <33333 C:
You can call me Slizz or something if you want without all the spaces ^^ if you want

Well, it's very true your very nice ^^ I believe personality is everything and looks are 3rd after feeling. feelings and personality matter more than anything.

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Old 04-09-2007, 06:08 AM

I'll go get on my main account ( Meimiko) here, will be back in a sec <333

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Old 04-09-2007, 06:10 AM

Originally Posted by Phayumi
Maybe she's refering to the picture I have of me in my profile.. or maybe she didn't even look at it XD either way her opinion is her opinion, and I've heard from loads of people that I most certainly aint ugly XDD
She's so jealous of your beauty!!!

Meimiko is offline
Old 04-09-2007, 06:10 AM

Originally Posted by . S l i z z l e .
Originally Posted by Phayumi
Dragon;; I dont know if we did,either XDD maybe I drew you?... uh.. maybe not XDD hahah, geeh I dunno D; -shrugs-

Shishunki;; well, yeah.. I know >_o;; at first I seriously thought she were joking.. but well, apparently not xDDD

. S l i z z l e .;; awww. that's such a nice thing to say <33333 C:
You can call me Slizz or something if you want without all the spaces ^^ if you want

Well, it's very true your very nice ^^ I believe personality is everything and looks are 3rd after feeling. feelings and personality matter more than anything.
so do I <33 C:

Meimiko is offline
Old 04-09-2007, 06:11 AM

Originally Posted by . S l i z z l e .
Originally Posted by Phayumi
Maybe she's refering to the picture I have of me in my profile.. or maybe she didn't even look at it XD either way her opinion is her opinion, and I've heard from loads of people that I most certainly aint ugly XDD
She's so jealous of your beauty!!!
Hahaha, maybe so? XDD <333

Meimiko is offline
Old 04-09-2007, 06:12 AM

...or maybe the fact that I'm "rich" compared to her? XDD -shrugs-

. S l i z z l e .
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Old 04-09-2007, 06:14 AM

Originally Posted by Meimiko
Originally Posted by . S l i z z l e .
Originally Posted by Phayumi
Dragon;; I dont know if we did,either XDD maybe I drew you?... uh.. maybe not XDD hahah, geeh I dunno D; -shrugs-

Shishunki;; well, yeah.. I know >_o;; at first I seriously thought she were joking.. but well, apparently not xDDD

. S l i z z l e .;; awww. that's such a nice thing to say <33333 C:
You can call me Slizz or something if you want without all the spaces ^^ if you want

Well, it's very true your very nice ^^ I believe personality is everything and looks are 3rd after feeling. feelings and personality matter more than anything.
so do I <33 C:
OMG! yay!! x3 [high five]

I get tired of listening to my step-sister worry and rave about how she looks horrible cause A hair is out of place(never are) or cause she forgot to put on mascara D; I get so annoyed cause I'll be like You look FINE!!! and she's all "no I look is not my day" x.x

. S l i z z l e .
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Old 04-09-2007, 06:16 AM

Originally Posted by Meimiko
Originally Posted by . S l i z z l e .
Originally Posted by Phayumi
Maybe she's refering to the picture I have of me in my profile.. or maybe she didn't even look at it XD either way her opinion is her opinion, and I've heard from loads of people that I most certainly aint ugly XDD
She's so jealous of your beauty!!!
Hahaha, maybe so? XDD <333
I know I'm jealous of your beauty!! x3
You're so pretty!! ;-;
Personality, looks, etc!!

Haha maybe xD only she knows!


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