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*not so* fearless ninja
menwesha is offline
Old 03-07-2008, 11:14 PM

Shizaki blinked."Names Shizaki Ribatsu...And its not polite to just break into a random person's house...i could suspect you where a burgler..."He said staring at her.he sighed"Im sorry.I just don't really have much of manors..."he said to her

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Yume_no_Yume is offline
Old 03-07-2008, 11:35 PM

She snorted, then said, "My name is Allia Inges, and I can tell that your manners are horrible." She stuck her nose in the air, trying to be insulted at the burglar part, although in actuality, she would have done this. She shook her head, and grabbed a candy from inside her shirt and popped it in her mouth. As she sucked on the candy, she nervously pulled on her lip ring with her teeth, not sure what would happen next, a B&E was something she didn't want on her record.

Takeno-Kun is offline
Old 03-08-2008, 12:43 AM

Takeo glanced at Dani, wondering if he should just tell her or let her find out on her own. "Lets just say Dani, if he told you to go jump off a bridge, you could fight it for awhile but eventually before you know it, your jumping off a bridge." He said with a shrug. "I havent seen any human turned vampire go against their masters. If they did, it eventually drove them insane." He turned to look at her again to see her reaction before sighing. "But you never know what could happen."

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Old 03-08-2008, 04:08 AM

Dani pursed her lips in frustration "This is lame." She walked ahead of him, flushing slightly with anger. She tied her hair back into a knot as she walked, quickly, in the direction Takeo had been heading only to realize she did not know what way he was going to go. She stopped and waited for Takeo to lead the way again.

((Sorry it's so short. Dx))

Edana Little Flame
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Old 03-08-2008, 04:28 AM

Vance stopped and stared at Ritsu, "Do not yell at me! I have hid nothing from you I am also trying to tell you important thing you should know about the boys in this house, and you have to go and start yelling at me! Then you all wonder why I hate dealing with your kind, especially women!" He shook his head and began to walk again this time he did not grab her hand as he walked away and continued talking. "Any way I just thought you should know that Lycan is not as sweet and innocent as he likes to play off. First thing is you are not the first human girl he has fallen for. Second he has means of making you stay, hence why you are no longer aloud to leave this house. Oh and don't say, 'But he tried to make me leave I just wouldn't listen', trust me he could have made you leave." He turned back to watch her face as he said this and hid his smile on the inside when he saw how upset her face looked. He then turned back around. They where almost to Lycans room now, "Ok where almost there, just don't be to alarmed of what you see!" He walked up to the door and pushed it open, then stepped back to let her enter first.

Lycan held Sora close to him, "He won't get away with this. I swear I will fuck that boy up! Why does he always have to target innocent little people that he knows can not fit back!" Lycan started to drift off and his grip around Sora tighten to a protective one. "I swear if I have to stay by your side from now on I will protect you!" Lycans eyes started to grow lighter as his thoughts trailed off his fangs grew longer as he held Sora close in a protective grip. "I'm sorry I didn't stop him.", and "Don't worry there not be a next time!", where the only understandable things that you could get from his mumbling.

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Old 03-08-2008, 06:09 AM

"I'm sorry I was not yelling at you, I was surprised that's all...thanks I guess..." She said with a sigh not looking at him but straight ahead. didn't matter anymore if she was not able to leave or not, she wanted to make sure her friends were fine and she had nothing else to look after anymore as it seemed. Her phone began to vibrate it startled her a bit but she ignored it when she saw Garnet. "GARNET!?" She said outloud. She was happy and surprised to see her friend but what was Abdel doing here? Her phone stopped vibrating. She wanted to scream 'LET HER GO' but the words seemed stuck somewhere in her throat.

[[.// @Edana: I was re-reading on page 84 and I caught a part where abdel has garnet out in the hallway right outside Lycan's room so I'll type this according to that x3 the little things that go amiss, nothing that we can't fix. //.]]

Edana Little Flame
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Edana Little Flame is offline
Old 03-08-2008, 10:57 PM

((Sounds good I will play off of that as well! Sorry I missed it!))

Vance sighed as he turned around to address the others. He had chosen to ignore them as he was having fun playing with Ritsus mind. Now that he was thinking about it though he did have something to say to Abdel, "Heres a question I purpose to you, If dear garnet is here with you...then where the hell is my Dani?" He stared at Abdel with a questioning look upon his face.

*not so* fearless ninja
menwesha is offline
Old 03-08-2008, 11:57 PM

Shizaki nodded slightly. "yes..I admit i have bad manors. I blame my idiot younger brother for it though..." He said and sighed slightly, he was very obviously hating his younger brother. He looked at her and sighed "I hope you don't mind my manors if they stink..." He said.

Sora looked at Lycan and nodded slightly.he was glad that Sora now kind of had a gardien, he smiled. "Yeah. I know Vance told me to never tell anyone but i could never keep a secret from you seeing as we are so used to each other unlike everyone else acts when they are around me... You are the only one who actually cares for me. Brother never even cares and same for everyone else."He said then hugged Lycan some more.

Edana Little Flame
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Old 03-09-2008, 12:38 AM

Lycan calmed and smiled at little Sora, "They just don't understand you Sora. I on the other hand take the time to understand you and therefore I will always care for you!" He hugged him tight, "So your brother you say? What is he like?" Lycan just wanted to get him off the subject of Vance hoping that by the time he had calmed him down and left the room Sora would not remember the fact that Lycan was off to kill Vance for what he had done to him.

*not so* fearless ninja
menwesha is offline
Old 03-09-2008, 02:05 AM

Sora nodded slightly. "Well... Shizaki is the opposite of me pretty much. Though he does draw a lot like me he kind of hates me.He once tried to leave me at a store... I found my way back though... He is always in his room. Even more then how much time i spend in my room." He said to Lycan and still hugged Lycan as well. "Brother is busy lately." sora said to Lycan and smiled.

Takeno-Kun is offline
Old 03-09-2008, 02:26 AM

"Say Hi to your friend Garnet." Abdel said starting to smirk again as he faced Vance and Garnet. "Oh her?" Abdel asked with a shrug. "She got annoying so I killed her." He said so easily it was believeable. Wether or not they bought it was another story and either way he didnt care. "This one was much more interesting."

Takeo laughed as he realized he had made Dani mad. "Sorry, consider your ignorance a gift as lack of information will keep you safe." He said with a shrug as they began to reach the edge of the city and the mansion came into sight.

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Yume_no_Yume is offline
Old 03-09-2008, 02:30 AM

She tilted her head to the side and asked, "How is it your youngerbrother's fault? You learn your manners in the early years of your life, so, technically, you would have afftected his manners, not the other way around. it just you and your brother in the house?"

*not so* fearless ninja
menwesha is offline
Old 03-09-2008, 02:46 AM

Shizaki sighed. "Its just i don't like my younger brother too much... So yes you are right. My brother is very annoying and childish though...He acts polite though." He said and then looked at her "No.Its not just mine and my brother's house... Many others live here along with was one of the others house originally but we just came to live here after that." He said and sighed.

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Yume_no_Yume is offline
Old 03-09-2008, 02:50 AM

"I see..." she said, and proceeded to chew on her lip ring again, the candy nothing more than a sliver. "So where is everyone, if it's not just you and your brother's house?"

*not so* fearless ninja
menwesha is offline
Old 03-09-2008, 03:35 AM

Shizaki shrugged "Feh... I don't know... haven't been out of my room for a while. I suspect there somewheres else in here though."He said and sighed slightly.

Edana Little Flame
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Edana Little Flame is offline
Old 03-09-2008, 03:59 AM

Lycan smiled, "You seem to happy about the fact that your brother never comes out much! Come to think of it I hardly ever see him around!" Lycan laughed, "And here I thought there was no one who could spend as much time in hiding as you, but there was someone who spent more right under my nose. I am half interested in meeting him!"

Vance laughed, "Yeah wish I could do that to at certain times! Any way I can sense she is still alive!" he started to turn away then stopped and said, "Thanks for watching her!", in a sarcastic tone. He looked at Ritsu, "Tera is waiting!" As Vance waited for Ritsus reply he decided to try and contact Dani. He sent out a call for her to try and locate her whereabouts.

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Old 03-09-2008, 06:25 AM

"...but...garnet...and..." Ritsu said in a form of panic glancing from her friend to Vance side to side. She didn't know what to do, attacking either of them now will only cause more problems. So she only looked and vance and gave a small bow and nodded at him, "um...thanks..." she said quietly then turned and walked over to Garnet & Abdel, "...can't you loosen your grip a bit you are hurting her..." She said blankly.

Edana Little Flame
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Edana Little Flame is offline
Old 03-09-2008, 07:11 AM

Vance made a face, "Women! They are so annoying! I really don't see what Lycan sees in you anyway. I say kill'em all, it's a lot less painful that way!" He rubbed his head, which is something he did often when frustrated and did not know how to handle the situation, and sighed, "Fine whatever, suit yourself! It is your friend dieing in there, not mine! I'm off to find Dani and order her around, I'm bored!" Vance walked toward the front stairs.

*not so* fearless ninja
menwesha is offline
Old 03-09-2008, 03:47 PM

Sora nodded slightly. "I do warn you though... Well he is the opisite of me so he isnt the nicest person you would ever meet. He isnt as mean as Vance but he still isnt too nice. " He said to Lycan as he continuously hugged Lycan.

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Yume_no_Yume is offline
Old 03-09-2008, 06:36 PM

"Oh...why haven't you been out of your room for awhile? With your perfect manners, I supposed you were somewhat of a socialite," she sarcastically said, feeling grumpy for being in one room for too loong, not really one to ever sit still.

Edana Little Flame
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Old 03-10-2008, 02:07 AM

Lycan laughed, "No I think Vance is his on his own level somewhere. He is not constantly mean like Abdel, but he sure as hell is never nice." Lycan slumped back on the bed taking Sora down with him seeing as he was still hugging him, "I still think it would be fun to meet your brother. I mean you with spunk, too cute!" He rolled over to face Sora, "So you up for a little social interaction? I swear to be your mediator." He smiled then gave him a pleading look, "Please come play with me!"

Garnet Phoenix
Garnet Phoenix is offline
Old 03-11-2008, 02:31 AM

((GAHH!!! I'm so sorry that I haven't been on in a while! I've already read what's been going on so I'll continue from there! =^.^=))

"RITSU!" Garnet cried out when she turned her head to face her friend. When she felt the stranger's hands let go of her blouse, she ran and gave her friend a quick hug. "Thank goodness you're alright! You are alright, are you?" She became so happy at seeing Ritsu again that she almost completely forgot about her captor and the guy who was with Ritsu.

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Old 03-11-2008, 04:56 AM

Ritsu was done she was at the point of a big F you in his face, She glared at him, but her friend suddenly gave her a hug. She hugged her friend back, "Garnet I'm fine. still human." she said then opened her mouth "see? no fangs, you? are you okay? you saw Tera?" She asked the strand of questions at once just to get them out.

A Refined Pervert
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Old 03-11-2008, 05:51 AM

Dani stopped before they reached the mansion, "Keep me safe from what exactly?" She asked then only now realized she didn't care anymore. "What if I just don't go back?" She asked, thinking out loud more than anything "Would he still have control over me then?" She really wasn't looking for a reply but if she got one she liked she would act upon her thoughts. She reached up and brush a couple strands of hair out of her face and continued to think out loud "I could just go home and staple a blanket over my window to keep the sun out." She felt like she might be rambling and stopped for a moment, rubbing her eyes. "I should have asked for death." She finalized, feeling hatred rise in her throat "Or, maybe I should just wish death upon him." She finally stopped talking.

((Sorry it took so long and if my current state of mind is reflected in my posts. On another note: I have a different picture for Danielle, more to what I thought she'd look like (but not exactly because the image is manlier than I'd have liked) x))

Edana Little Flame
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Old 03-11-2008, 06:30 AM

Vance couldn't help but laugh as he approached the stairs, "My I can feel the tension flying off of you Ritsu!" He continued down the stairs calling out, "Dani girl, oh Dani girl! Where are you? Don't hide I will find you!" He made his way to the bottom of the stairs and pulsed. A huge smile played across his face at the sight he beheld.


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