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Eastriel is offline
Old 12-24-2010, 07:06 PM

Man we're all poor. I need so much more gold to get all the stuff I need.

Summer love
Zephi is offline
Old 12-24-2010, 07:06 PM

One whole set of the other EI's? Must be ncie to be rich. Hehe... So where did Dia go? Have some last minute shopping to do? I wish that I could be there. I don't do any last minute shopping but I love to go to the malls and get some warm coffee and sit down on a bench to watch everyone else run around ina complete frenzy. They are seriously like pirhanas when there is a lst minute sale. It's quite enteretining.

Oh.. well now you're poor but I'm about to be even more poor thatn you momo.. and all cause you had to give me that link :cry:

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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Old 12-24-2010, 07:06 PM

Easty:...:feesh: YOUR LIKE MEGA RICH!! DON'T COMPLAIN!!! :gink:

Summer love
Zephi is offline
Old 12-24-2010, 07:07 PM

I know right momo!!

(。☉౪ ⊙&...
Eastriel is offline
Old 12-24-2010, 07:07 PM

Not really...


Summer love
Zephi is offline
Old 12-24-2010, 07:07 PM

Ahaha... yeah I heard it. And I heard yours. I remember. Her Merry Christmas wish was nice as well :)

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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momochan is offline
Old 12-24-2010, 07:07 PM

Originally Posted by Zephi View Post
One whole set of the other EI's? Must be ncie to be rich. Hehe... So where did Dia go? Have some last minute shopping to do? I wish that I could be there. I don't do any last minute shopping but I love to go to the malls and get some warm coffee and sit down on a bench to watch everyone else run around ina complete frenzy. They are seriously like pirhanas when there is a lst minute sale. It's quite enteretining.

Oh.. well now you're poor but I'm about to be even more poor thatn you momo.. and all cause you had to give me that link :cry:
You asked me where I could get the EI's!!! ITS YOUR FAULT!! :cry:

(。☉౪ ⊙&...
Eastriel is offline
Old 12-24-2010, 07:08 PM

zephi haha. My voice sucks.

Summer love
Zephi is offline
Old 12-24-2010, 07:09 PM

I know I did momo. I really opened up my own can of worms with that one I guess. But I shall have to make up for it by going on and making some rambling posts. And anyway I need 350 more gold to get the last EI that's in that store.... :drool: The one that you are wearing on your head right now *walks towards momo like a zombie fingers grasping at the air infront of her halo* Mmm... Halo.. Shiny...

(。☉౪ ⊙&...
Eastriel is offline
Old 12-24-2010, 07:09 PM

Zephiiii 350g is like nothing to you

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Old 12-24-2010, 07:11 PM

O_O *pokes zephi with a stick that has poo on the point that is touching zephi's face* :P Stay away....zombie. *backs up*

Summer love
Zephi is offline
Old 12-24-2010, 07:11 PM

You r voice doesn't suck Easty. And if it does for any reason that would only be because you're sick. I don't even LIKE my voice to begin with. Haha... I hear that "guys" like it but I have no idea why. They are all crazy and insane and need to be locked up in straight jackets. Well... 350 gold is 350 gold! I don't have it right now! Which is why I need to talk more!

So that down the rabbit hole thread, just got back from helping them geto page 500. I'm still not exactly sure why we were trying to get to page 500 before new years but we did. And I thnk that pan is still stuck there cause her comouter was going really slow. Poor girl. We should ping her or something to llet her know that it's ok to leave the thread. Ahahah

Pa-pancake: Hey, you know that you can come back now. It's sae ^^ We're not going ot bite you unless you want us to :P


OMG *rubs face* eeeeeeewwwwwwwwww... where you got a stick with poo on it I don't even want to know *rubs face on momo's dress*

(。☉౪ ⊙&...
Eastriel is offline
Old 12-24-2010, 07:12 PM

Lmao. :'D

Well if you like my voice then i guess thats okay, I tihkn my voice is bad xD


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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momochan is offline
Old 12-24-2010, 07:13 PM

Originally Posted by Zephi View Post
You r voice doesn't suck Easty. And if it does for any reason that would only be because you're sick. I don't even LIKE my voice to begin with. Haha... I hear that "guys" like it but I have no idea why. They are all crazy and insane and need to be locked up in straight jackets. Well... 350 gold is 350 gold! I don't have it right now! Which is why I need to talk more!

So that down the rabbit hole thread, just got back from helping them geto page 500. I'm still not exactly sure why we were trying to get to page 500 before new years but we did. And I thnk that pan is still stuck there cause her comouter was going really slow. Poor girl. We should ping her or something to llet her know that it's ok to leave the thread. Ahahah

Pa-pancake: Hey, you know that you can come back now. It's sae ^^ We're not going ot bite you unless you want us to :P


OMG *rubs face* eeeeeeewwwwwwwwww... where you got a stick with poo on it I don't even want to know *rubs face on momo's dress*
*does a magic spell to get the poo off of my dress* the poo is llama and monkey poo.

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Pa-pancake is offline
Old 12-24-2010, 07:14 PM

Oh my goodness! My pages are all mixed up that my tabs don't show the full name of threads anymore O.o

Summer love
Zephi is offline
Old 12-24-2010, 07:14 PM

Still so much more money needed here.... T^T These EI's are just so cute. I can't wait to see what they are. I think that I already like the one that is Fun with Tinsel.... OMG... she's stillw atching those movies. Are you on like a Narnia marathon Easty? The movies aren't even that good.. well what I saw of the second one wasn't that bad.

And where on earth you got llama and monkey poo and got it on a stick and was able to have that stick here, I don't even want to know momo... Don't even tell me cause I bet that there is some kinda crzy story and I don't even want to hear it. i'll just plug my ears and go la la la la la la until I see that you have stoped talking and I'm really just super rambling right now ahaha.. this has no point. At all :D

(。☉౪ ⊙&...
Eastriel is offline
Old 12-24-2010, 07:15 PM

I think you are in serious need of a refresh pan xD

no they've just decided to play the second one now.
Aslan is my furry sex kitten :P

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Pa-pancake is offline
Old 12-24-2010, 07:16 PM

LOL! I would start donating again but then not so early... Gotta see how far my chatting will tka eme :)

Summer love
Zephi is offline
Old 12-24-2010, 07:17 PM

Uh-oh. Sounds like pan is having computer problems :S I hate when things like that happen but pan pan pan pan.. I need to get like 300 more gold and I need it fast so that I can get the last of the other EI items so we gotta ramble and talk a lot ok. so you go first cause I dunno what to say right now.

Hahah.. Easty have you ever seen the moie called "epic Movie"? It's a spoof of all the "epic" movies put together but it's mostly about Narnia. It's freakin hilarious. I don't think that you'd like Aslan in that movie though. hahah.. it's like some old fat and hairy guy playing him. :rofl:

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Eastriel is offline
Old 12-24-2010, 07:18 PM

Yeah I've seen it, I thought it has so much potential but it fell way short of my expectations

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momochan is offline
Old 12-24-2010, 07:18 PM

Long story short, I got the poo from a zoo and I got the stick from a tree, Zephi. It amuses me to see you say "la la la la la" and watch you plug your ears. :) Now I am just rambling for no apparent reason and spouting a bunch of nonsense about amusement! :'D its kind of fun rambling, i get a lot of gold for posting a big long post and I get to chat with my best friends! I even get to poke people with a poo covered stick! :rofl:

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Pa-pancake is offline
Old 12-24-2010, 07:20 PM

Okay lets talk about... um, Oh crap I am lost for things to talk about too and my fingers are seriously tired from all the typing so I don;t know what I am going to type next!

How about colours? Um, this is a weird random question I always ask when I run out of things to say but why don;t you talk about your favourite colour? LOL!

Mine is brown. and I like it because no one else really likes it. People always say its the colour of poop. That makes me kind of sad but yet happy because poop when there is a face drawn on it looks cute for some reason :P I don;t really know how to use brown on my avatars though I have no skills for that but there are ots of pretty brown avatars and I have fun admiring them!

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Eastriel is offline
Old 12-24-2010, 07:20 PM

I want to be a queen of narnia ;-;

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Zephi is offline
Old 12-24-2010, 07:22 PM

So I think my live update stopped again so I'm just gonna go ahead and start typing until maybe something pops up on the screen that shows that someone else has posted and if I don't see anything once I've typed a lot then I'll just go ahead and post it and hope that someone else has posted after me. Which, more than likely will have happened, if Easty isn't totally ignoring the thread and if pan isn't in the middle of a really long post of her own. SO I'll just have to keep my fingers crossed on this one for now. Darn... I need to think of something to ramble about.

So I'm opening all these energy drinks and they really really don't taste that good at all. i'm on my next-to-last one right now and I kinda wish that I had some more so that I'd be able to stay up all night. I think that I'd like to do that. OMG. Hey Pan! Merry Christmas! It's 10 mins away from Christmas here so I know that it's already well past midnight for you. You don't have to work today do you?

Haha... I kinda wish that carn would come and post in here. I like riding on his whalecow. And yes it's a real whalecow it's not just a nickname for his willie. :rofl: And he's a funny guy. He posts in my dreams thread and has all these crazy dreams. Not too many people post in there and hes one of the ones that keeps it alive. I thought that he was just some random person in there for the longest time when I wasn't on mene much but he's really a regular.

So that chick that had been like coming on to me in the game Fiesta had sent me two friends requests on facebook. OMG... I didn't accept either one of them and to get rid of her I told her that I had made up with my husband and it was the last try that I was going to give him so I thought that I should give it my all and for that reason I think that it would be best if we weren't friends. Now maybe I can go on my character that she knows and play a little, in a few days that is. I'll keep hiding out on my archer until I think that the coast is clear anyway. Ahaha... was that mean of me??

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Old 12-24-2010, 07:23 PM

My favorite color is...oh crap I can't decide!! :o I guess I'll say...Green! I have made a lot of things out of green (including po and avi's) lol And its just a pretty color that catches my eyes and makes me say "that is such a pretty color!".


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