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Old 03-22-2007, 09:48 PM

Heading out guys, class over, have to do quick errands before going back to my room, see ya. XD

Tirael is offline
Old 03-22-2007, 09:50 PM

LOL I'd get shot if I tried to open a shop with auction prices.

And I need to go to class too XD;;

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Old 03-22-2007, 10:02 PM

later alexi ^^ and yar the warcraft art book is beautiful ^o^

Hiatus - Forever an Exchanger
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Old 03-22-2007, 10:41 PM

Originally Posted by Tirael
LOL I'd get shot if I tried to open a shop with auction prices.

And I need to go to class too XD;;
ROFL Well I mean the art auction forum IS your shop. XP

@Jitsu - I should pick that up one day. ^^

Starving Artist
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Old 03-22-2007, 11:01 PM

Originally Posted by Tirael
8D; CG isn't that hard. Though I admit it comes easier to some than others? Hrmm I kinda just go about it the traditional way 8D;;

But yes That was one thing I didn't get about gaian commissions at first o_o;; the difference between bust shot/halfbody/fullbody because personally if I was asked for a bustshot I'd make it extremely detailed and would possibly spend the same amount of time on it as a fullbody DX... so I didn't understand why people wanted fullbodies that much. I personally like doing halfbodies the most because you can get a good amount of details and do a lot with it compositionally since you don't have to worry about where the character is standing/sitting whatnot.

Excellent point, and I agree with you 100% about the halfbody! I'd rather do it too; not because I don't like to draw legs and feet, but just because you can play up the composition and really throw some nice details in there that you just couldn't get with a full body.

- Regarding Haliya, you're absolutely right; and she does charge so little. Has she raised it yet? *runs off to look after she posts* ... she's an inspiration... I think I'll probably start doing all my sketches and such digitally to give myself a little more freedom that way. *affirmative nod* Only problem with that is I have to do them at my computer.

Hiatus - Forever an Exchanger
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Old 03-22-2007, 11:03 PM

Originally Posted by Navidian

Excellent point, and I agree with you 100% about the halfbody! I'd rather do it too; not because I don't like to draw legs and feet, but just because you can play up the composition and really throw some nice details in there that you just couldn't get with a full body.

- Regarding Haliya, you're absolutely right; and she does charge so little. Has she raised it yet? *runs off to look after she posts* ... she's an inspiration... I think I'll probably start doing all my sketches and such digitally to give myself a little more freedom that way. *affirmative nod* Only problem with that is I have to do them at my computer.
I dunno but she should. ^^ She's cool though and doesn't mind getting paid smaller amounts, I gave her some stuff for her b-day. ^^

Well for her I think she might sketch them and then scan them? *nodnod* Thats what I think she's doing, she JUST got her tablet. Then she colors on the computer.

Starving Artist
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Old 03-22-2007, 11:08 PM

*shakes her head* I think she does it all on the computer... at least I got my wip sketch of Jude in her graphic program (manga studio maybe, I can't remember) and she changed the position of the arm/gun in the end, so I think she does it all right on there. Of course I'm not 100% sure on this, but.. ^^

Hiatus - Forever an Exchanger
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Old 03-22-2007, 11:25 PM

Originally Posted by Navidian
*shakes her head* I think she does it all on the computer... at least I got my wip sketch of Jude in her graphic program (manga studio maybe, I can't remember) and she changed the position of the arm/gun in the end, so I think she does it all right on there. Of course I'm not 100% sure on this, but.. ^^
Really? Well the dragon one she just started on I saw on a piece of paper. o_o But that could be true. ^^ She could have just wanted to make more details on the dragon this time. Or something.

You're probably right, I'm kinda art-dumb. XD

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Old 03-22-2007, 11:26 PM

lol i find that incredibly hard to believe considering that you, sir, buy a TON of art.. so not art dumb *snort*

Hiatus - Forever an Exchanger
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Old 03-22-2007, 11:32 PM

Originally Posted by Jitsumi1221
lol i find that incredibly hard to believe considering that you, sir, buy a TON of art.. so not art dumb *snort*
XD Well, maybe I'm just art-dumb in the sense that I don't necessarily know how the initial sketch was started. o_O I swear I saw a pic of her holding a paper in her hand.

Tirael is offline
Old 03-23-2007, 12:05 AM

XDD maybe she does both? DX... silly kids.

She also said that sometimes she prints things out and works with markers before coloring it digitally... that may be because she's more familiar with traditionals :3

Starving Artist
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Old 03-23-2007, 01:14 AM

Ohhh, yeah the dragon one with the winged-girl she just finished? She did that one in markers. Or is it another one? *confuzzled* ... *hangs on Alexi* You're not art dumb XD

Hiatus - Forever an Exchanger
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Old 03-23-2007, 01:41 AM

Originally Posted by Tirael
XDD maybe she does both? DX... silly kids.

She also said that sometimes she prints things out and works with markers before coloring it digitally... that may be because she's more familiar with traditionals :3
Yeah thats true. XD Tir you're so mean! *pokepoke*

@Navi - Yeah I think thats the one she did recently. ^^ Pssh I'm so art dumb, I can't draw worth a darn. XD

I need a nap. ._. I think anyway.

musado is offline
Old 03-23-2007, 01:44 AM

*le prods thread*


Starving Artist
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Old 03-23-2007, 01:46 AM

^-^ You can so draw Alexi, your picture for Yumeh was beautiful! @w@

Woo, after much fussing and hair-pulling-out'ing... a new sig for me! I'm debating whether to change my sig on Gaia too.... which sucks because somehow I have a gazillion links and over 400 characters in it, even though the limit is 250.

Hiatus - Forever an Exchanger
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Old 03-23-2007, 01:49 AM

Originally Posted by musado
*le prods thread*

XD Musa! *chases and tackles* <3

@Navi - Bah I'm not consistent and I need to work on Anatomy. XD And lots of other things.

Hm I dunno. o_o Do you tinyurl things?

musado is offline
Old 03-23-2007, 01:52 AM

*tacklesquished* X,D

beriteback dinner! <3333333

Starving Artist
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Old 03-23-2007, 01:54 AM

Yup yup, I tinyURL things and I still have over 400 characters, haha! I don't know how I slipped passed their system... but yeah... >>;;

Hiatus - Forever an Exchanger
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Old 03-23-2007, 01:56 AM

Originally Posted by musado
*tacklesquished* X,D

beriteback dinner! <3333333
XD I'm hungry now too. Nothing to eat though.

@Navi - Thats so weird. o_o XD TOTALLY weird, it shouldn't even let you do that. o_o Oh well haha. XD

I'm gonna take a shower brb.

Hiatus - Forever an Exchanger
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Old 03-23-2007, 02:18 AM

Back from shower but gonna put the laundry in the Dryer brb. XD;;;

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Old 03-23-2007, 03:01 AM

so many things to be done ne ^o^ i should prolly tidy up the house once the baby goes to bed, take out the trash, do dishes, vaccuum and the like while hes not underfoot to destroy everything as soon as i clean it up

Hiatus - Forever an Exchanger
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Old 03-23-2007, 03:02 AM

Originally Posted by Jitsumi1221
so many things to be done ne ^o^ i should prolly tidy up the house once the baby goes to bed, take out the trash, do dishes, vaccuum and the like while hes not underfoot to destroy everything as soon as i clean it up
Haha yeah there's a lot. I have to do a lab report, and I'm gonna get my laundry real quick from the dryer. Brb.

Tirael is offline
Old 03-23-2007, 03:21 AM

omg XD I haven't done my laundry since last time 8D;;

And I just finished a lab thing >D

Lachesia is offline
Old 03-23-2007, 03:25 AM

Oh, thanks for reminding me. Must rescue the laundry from the washer and stick it in the dryer.

Hiatus - Forever an Exchanger
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Old 03-23-2007, 03:39 AM

Originally Posted by Lachesia
Oh, thanks for reminding me. Must rescue the laundry from the washer and stick it in the dryer.
XD Today is like everyone's laundry/shower day. XD For some reason!

@Tir - /die I'm gonna remind you til you do that tomorrow. XP Grats on lab?


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