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The ever changing Fairy of Mene ...
musasgal is offline
Old 11-29-2013, 07:32 PM

"Excuse me?" Mahado growled, "With that attitude, i can take you off the high court lickly split! You are meant to follow ALL rules. Now you are in Atem's enemy books for what has happened because he REALIZED the Fixer was using the argument to his advantage! In future, THINK!" then he looked up to the man.
"I am so sorry about her" he said, "she is still young and a but rude sometimes. I always wonder why they asked me to be her tutor and not Mana....."

"But it is a true quote" the angel replied, "and with a weapon like that, you need to learn how to use it properly. You can't shoot it at everyone you meet. And it's much dangerous since you haven't activated your aura yet" then the demon door opened.
"Oh, COME ON! Right at this minute???" she exclaimed.

Raging Asexual
TaiyoTsuki is offline
Old 11-30-2013, 04:03 AM

Aila about choked. "Really? Seriously!? Out of everyone, I get the mentor who woke up with a cactus up his ass?!" She threw her hands up in exasperation. "Dear Ra...I can't wait to see your reaction to Haine. You'll have a freaking heart attack."

The man named Dartz exhaled through his nose. "You've got yourself a doozy." He said.

Yuma was about to reply, as the demon door opened...and none other than the Fixer stepped out. "Lord Kaimiri, we have a problem."

"What is it?" Kaimiri asked, clearly in a bad mood.

"Atem has friends. And they managed to kick my ass from here to Saggitarius A*."

Kaimiri swore in his primeval language. "Then it looks like I'll have to take care of you kids later." And with that, he and the Fixer disappeared.

The guard fell to the floor with a fwump. She slid the security chip through the access slit and the forcefield deactivated. 'Hey, buddy. Told ya help was coming.'

Yugi looked up and held up his hands. "Little problem. And there a reason why you're mindlinking?"

'I turned off my implant for the mission. Feel free to mindlink as well; I hacked into the system and stole a few codes. I knocked out the security as I did so, but we've only got a limited amount of time. It's best we get you out as silently as possible.' Selena replied, unlocking the cuffs.

'Got it.' Yugi replied as he rubbed his wrist. Selena nodded and the two set off for the rendezvous point.

The ever changing Fairy of Mene ...
musasgal is offline
Old 11-30-2013, 04:49 AM

"You got that right" Mahado sighed, "This one still has a lot to learn about manners."

Then the door suddenly shut. And a crack of lighting was heard. The doors was opened, and a force so powerful began to suck Yuma and Astral into the opening. The angel tried to grab Yuma's arm, but just missed. The two dissapeared, following by a 'What the?' before the door slammed shut and disappeared.

Raging Asexual
TaiyoTsuki is offline
Old 11-30-2013, 05:35 AM

"You know, there is a difference between having manners but choosing not to use them 100% of the time and not having them at all." Aila deadpanned. I wonder if this would be a good moment to tell them that I'm blind.

The ever changing Fairy of Mene ...
musasgal is offline
Old 11-30-2013, 06:01 AM

"Besides that" Mahado said, changing the subject, "when they get Yugi out of there, we are off the coloney. But convincing Yuzaki to come with us is going to be hard. And yes Aila, I am well aware that you are blind, but you still have to follow the rules. I keep telling you, being rebellious will cause even more trouble than following the rules." That comment not only had the girl to shut up, but also defeated.

Amelia turned around to see the raid party hit the wall pretty hard.
"Hang in there!" she cried.
"Not so tough now aren't ya?" Miku snarled, "and then there was one."
" ."Laria said before passing out.

Raging Asexual
TaiyoTsuki is offline
Old 11-30-2013, 07:49 PM

Aila sighed. "Fine. But just remember this; we're not in the time you grew up in."

"Aila? That seriously you?"

Aila turned to the sound of the voice, and sensed a familiar white aura in the ether. Her face broke out in a grin. "Haine!" She said, running over and hugging the girl.

"Ow! OW! Ribs still hurt! Ow!" Haine said, hugging Aila back. "You were competing?"

"Till I saw the carnage. I pulled out after my first duel." She replied. "By the way, that kid Negi..."

"He's fine. And on this ship." Haine replied. "That man, Dr. Dartz had us transferred here. I'm almost healed, except...well, a few of my ribs are still the worse for wear."

The ever changing Fairy of Mene ...
musasgal is offline
Old 12-01-2013, 09:00 AM

Mahado pulled Dartz away while the two caught up with each other.
"What she doesn't realize that she's chosen to protect the princess's life" he said, "like I was for Atem. However, giving her some hands on experiance will help her, though she and Atem won't like it one bit."

Raging Asexual
TaiyoTsuki is offline
Old 12-01-2013, 08:50 PM

"I can tell that already." Dartz said. "There's something off about her though. I'm not sure what, but I can feel it in her aura. I don't think she can summon her ka...yet."

Takano was holding a cut on the side of his head. Damn, she's powerful. He thought. And I'm not the most skilled of mages; my aura isn't one color like the others'.

The ever changing Fairy of Mene ...
musasgal is offline
Old 12-01-2013, 09:05 PM

"Exactly" Mahado sighed, "I keep telling that her ka will come when the time is right, but she doesn't want to take a bar of it. She's more 'I want it now' than being patient."

"I...I can't hurt her" Amelia cried, "and i don't know how use my powers!"

Raging Asexual
TaiyoTsuki is offline
Old 12-01-2013, 09:11 PM

"She's also nineteen." Dartz replied. "Weren't you just a little hotheaded at that age?"

"Well, that makes two of us." Takano said. "I'm as clueless about my powers as you are about yours!"

"Your arm. The tattoo on your arm."

What the...? Takano looked down to his left arm, which was covered from shoulder to wrist in a serpentine flame tattoo. It had appeared when he'd taken the Hermos card from Sakura....

Well, now's a good a time as any... Takano thought. "You might want to stand back, because I'm about to do something very stupid!"

The ever changing Fairy of Mene ...
musasgal is offline
Old 12-01-2013, 09:17 PM

"A bit, but not that hotheaded as her" Mahado agreed, "she's going to learn that in order to forfill her duties, she has to relay on her past."

"Don't have to tell me twice" Amelia replied and stood behind Takano.

Raging Asexual
TaiyoTsuki is offline
Old 12-01-2013, 09:38 PM

Dartz smiled wanly. "She'll learn that soon enough. And, take it from a father; you're essentially going to be raising a teenager. You're going to learn a few things that you never knew about yourself."

"I hope Rei gets here soon." Takano said, before he let loose. "HERMOS!!!"

The ever changing Fairy of Mene ...
musasgal is offline
Old 12-01-2013, 11:03 PM

"Like how they can push your buttons?" Mahado said, "i figgured."

"I don't know" the angel (who was with Yuma earlier) replied, flying in, "she said that until she figures out the rings, she won't come and help."

Raging Asexual
TaiyoTsuki is offline
Old 12-02-2013, 01:43 AM

"Brilliant." Takano said, as the tattoos lifted off his arm. They took the form of the ancient Atlantean dragon, rearing up behind Takano. "Now, I really don't know how one controls a dragon, if that's even possible."

Yuma returned to the time frame he had just left, breathless. His aura, freshly awakened, was still active and filling the air with the smell of burning leaves. "Ow. Ow ow ow ow ow." Yuma groaned. "That hurt. That really hurt."

He looked up as he heard a groan. "If you think you're sore, you try being me right now." Ryoga groaned. "Damn just had to aim for the head, didn't you?"

Yuma grinned. "It worked! It worked! It snapped you out of it!"

"Don't hug me. Ever." Shark said. "And I've been snapped out of it. I only just now recovered enough to be able to see straight. I've still got a---GAH!"

"Shark! What is it?"

Ryoga pointed to the collar around his neck, which looked like it was glowing slightly red. "Damn it...Kaimiri's calling me again."

The ever changing Fairy of Mene ...
musasgal is offline
Old 12-02-2013, 01:51 AM

The angel sighed.
"You are Takano Jonouchi. You have his blood through your veins. You can control Hermos" she said, "oh look, reinforcements...finally."

Raging Asexual
TaiyoTsuki is offline
Old 12-02-2013, 02:31 AM

Takano nodded, pale. "Right. And who the heck are you, anyway?"

Yuma paused when he heard Shark's footsteps stop behind him. "Hey, you sure you want to go through with this?" He asked.

Shark nodded, irritable. "Yeah. If it gets this collar off my neck, gladly."

Selena and Yugi arrived just as Takano summoned Hermos. 'I knew he was the Dracomancer.' She mindlinked to Yugi, and anyone else with the ability.

The ever changing Fairy of Mene ...
musasgal is offline
Old 12-02-2013, 02:36 AM

"I am Ruby" the angel replied, "I'm a warrior angel"

Raging Asexual
TaiyoTsuki is offline
Old 12-02-2013, 03:12 AM

"What's a warrior angel?" Takano asked. Hermos was glaring at him out of one of those yellow eyes of his....

"What the name says. She's an angel who's a warrior. A protector." That voice in his head could only be Hermos, apparently. "No, when are you going to get on with it?"

"Uh...if you want to fry the bad guys, go right ahead." Takano said. The dragon obliged.

The ever changing Fairy of Mene ...
musasgal is offline
Old 12-02-2013, 03:16 AM

"Oh man, you are truly related to Jonouchi" Ruby sighed, "too slow to get his head around. I just hope he's not a complete idiot..."

Raging Asexual
TaiyoTsuki is offline
Old 12-02-2013, 03:51 AM

"I am not!" Takano retorted. "I was on the honor roll in high school!"

'Behind you!' Selena linked, forgetting for a moment that she had her implant off. She drew her gun, aimed and fired in one smooth motion, guiding the speeding bullet with her telekinesis. It hit its mark, sending the creature back to the realm from whence it came.

Orange fire erupted and quickly faded, taking out several other creatures, leaving the scent of burning leaves behind. Knowing the scent, Selena knew that Yuma had been to the past and back, and his aura was activated. He doesn't have much control yet, though. He isn't trained. She thought.

Pine was added to the scent of dragonfire and burning leaves, indicating that Yugi had joined the fray with his mage abilities as well. A screech went up, meaning that Ryoga had summoned one of his water monsters. Selena smiled. He may not be a mage yet, but that kid sure knows when to jump into the fray. And how.

For several minutes chaos reigned while the group battled Miku's creations. After those long minutes, the chamber in the undercity was charred and smelling of burnt hair--mostly because Yuma had singed more than one person's hair--and the group was barely exhausted. Selena stepped up to Miku and turned her implant back on.

"Miku, you're outnumbered. Why are you doing this?" She asked. "What about your brother?"

The ever changing Fairy of Mene ...
musasgal is offline
Old 12-02-2013, 03:56 AM

"Brother? Hah! He got everything that I wanted to be, popularity, top grades, everything! And I was always in his shadow! He deserve what happened to him! And since I'm not part of the signers, I can do whatever I like. And Lord Kaimiri taught me more that what YOU would've done" she said. With a mental wave, two rubbish bins floated up and thrown at both hitting Selena and Yugi, pushing them back....or as it seems.

Raging Asexual
TaiyoTsuki is offline
Old 12-02-2013, 04:08 AM

She's like me back before I met Yugi. Selena thought. She flipped her implant back on. "I know your pain, I really do." She said. "And I know what it's like to have unwanted abilities, and be around people that you believe as having more than you. But you have one thing that the others don't.

"You are the Heart."

The ever changing Fairy of Mene ...
musasgal is offline
Old 12-02-2013, 04:10 AM

"I am NOT the Heart!" Miku snapped, "I want to choose my OWN path" some swords lifted up and aimed at Selena.

Raging Asexual
TaiyoTsuki is offline
Old 12-02-2013, 04:13 AM

"That won't work." Selena said. "No matter what you throw at me, it won't kill me. Not yet." Her voice was perfectly even. "And yes, you can choose your own path, but there are some things about your future that you cannot change. Just like I couldn't change the powers I was born as, I could change what I would become.

"So fire those swords, see what happens."

The ever changing Fairy of Mene ...
musasgal is offline
Old 12-02-2013, 04:19 AM

"For the last time. I am NOT a signer and I will NEVER be a signer. And for your information, I LIKE my physic powers, and now, feel my power!" and with that, Miku let loose the swords and it peirced the woman, limb from limb, but avoiding any vitals.


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