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Kaelin Devereux
not coming back, everything is O...
Kaelin Devereux is offline
Old 08-14-2008, 08:03 PM

"i know.. i've been in that position before. Just dont worry about it, alright?" he smiled widely and happily, sweetly placing a hand to the side of her face. He couldnt help but smile widely and just continue to do so, he couldnt quite grasp why he was telling her all of this, he'd never told anyone about his past before, why now?

\ (•◡•) /
Morwyn is offline
Old 08-14-2008, 08:15 PM

"Ok," she agreed, even though she was sure he still didn't fully understand, he apparently understood enough to satisfy her. His touch felt good and she leaned into it, smiling back at him. She didn't undestand why they were trusting each other so much either, especially after only knowing each other for only about three days, but she figured it probably had to do something with the ball. Things had changed a little since they had saved each other, and that was the only reason she could come up with.

Kaelin Devereux
not coming back, everything is O...
Kaelin Devereux is offline
Old 08-14-2008, 08:25 PM

He smiled and barely leaned in a few inches, just enough to catch himself, blush and return to his stance from before, he sat in complete content, his hand braced against her soft flesh and a gentle expression set over his face "you know, you're the only person i feel i can trust with my life" he said with a soft tone to his voice

\ (•◡•) /
Morwyn is offline
Old 08-14-2008, 08:31 PM

Emi hadn't caught his slip up, just kind of enjoying the close moment herself.
"I know," she said, "And you're one of the few that I can. I've been thinking, do you think it's because we've already saved each other? You know, like we've proven what we would do for each other or something?" The other few that she was referring to were her family, of course. She still trusted them, although it had been awhile since she'd had the free time to go and see them.

Kaelin Devereux
not coming back, everything is O...
Kaelin Devereux is offline
Old 08-14-2008, 08:41 PM

"i think so, it takes a special person to do something heroic, like saving a loved one's life" he chuckled and leaned in one final time to wrap his arms around her, he smiled to himself and brought her close to him for a minute then let go and tilted his head "noone has ever thanked me before, now that i think about it"

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Morwyn is offline
Old 08-14-2008, 08:48 PM

"Noone?" she asked. "That's sad. Well, I thanked you, I am very grateful." She thought a moment. "Do you save people often, then?" she asked, curious again. She figured that he must because of his comment, and she wondered who would be so ungrateful as to not thank the person who saved them.

Kaelin Devereux
not coming back, everything is O...
Kaelin Devereux is offline
Old 08-15-2008, 03:43 AM

"a few kids from a burning building" he paused, obviously thinking "my mother from her boss who was trying to kill her" he sighed "she turned around and slapped me, telling me to never interfere, oh well. At least i found someone who was willing to actually thank me" he smiled and kissed her cheek for the final time in a long while. He tilted his head then wrinkled his nose "Why?" he chuckled "dont worry about it, alright?" his tone was a tad sweeter than usual, but why? he couldnt even figure this out.

\ (•◡•) /
Morwyn is offline
Old 08-15-2008, 03:48 AM

She smiled when he kissed her cheek. She knew she shouldn't be encouraging it, but it had been so long since she'd let any guy get close enough to her to touch her and she kind of missed it.
"Ok," she said. "I was just curious. I won't ask about it any more."

Kaelin Devereux
not coming back, everything is O...
Kaelin Devereux is offline
Old 08-15-2008, 03:54 AM

"i dont mind" he gave her a playful wink before slowly standing to his feet. He desparately wanted to show her his favorite room, his parent's room. There were so many fond memories attached to it, that, he just wanted to bask in it.

His hand reached over to hers and gently tightened, he led her to the large, throne looking room, but instead of two chairs, there was a large king size bed with the typical medieval curtains hanging around the bed frame. To give whomever sleeps within it, privacy.

"this is where i used to spend my time as a child, often talking to father, he was the one who saved me from mother half of the time"

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Morwyn is offline
Old 08-15-2008, 04:00 AM

Emi picked up the little box with her free hand and followed him, wondering where he was leading her now. She was a bit surprised by the feel of the room and also surprised by Levi's reaction to it.
She nodded as she listened to him while looking around the large room.
"Do you miss him?" she asked as she looked back at him, although she didn't know why. It just kind of came out.

Kaelin Devereux
not coming back, everything is O...
Kaelin Devereux is offline
Old 08-15-2008, 04:05 AM

"I dont know.. I dont really remembered when he died, i was probably about eighteen when he died.." he sighed softly before rubbing at the back of his head "i dont really remember his death since i wasnt home for it.." his voice seemed slightly grin, but also very joyful "i'm just glad that he's not in pain, i heard he had some type of disease"

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Morwyn is offline
Old 08-15-2008, 04:11 AM

Emi didn't really know what to say as she was not used to people she loved dying. She reached over and touched his arm gently.
"I guess that is for the best, then," she finally said. She could guess by how old he looked why it was that he wasn't there for his father when he died, but she decided it would be better not to dwell on that any more.

Kaelin Devereux
not coming back, everything is O...
Kaelin Devereux is offline
Old 08-15-2008, 04:15 AM

Levi turned around and smiled, he very much resembled his father. He smiled handsomely, held a hand out to her then sighed "wanna go back to the park? This house doesnt have anyother good memories other than this room" he chuckled then winked at her playfully once more

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Morwyn is offline
Old 08-15-2008, 04:24 AM

Emi blushed a little at his wink, unsure if he really meant anything else by it.
"Oh, sure," she said. "It's got to be rather quiet out there by this time of night, right?"
She didn't mean much by it other than that she was a shy person and she felt like she'd been exposed to enough strangers in one day so far.

Kaelin Devereux
not coming back, everything is O...
Kaelin Devereux is offline
Old 08-15-2008, 04:30 AM

"no one will be out other than us" he went through these playful type moods several times during the day. They only usually occured when hes completely and utterly happy, he couldnt understand it, it seemed like the only time he was truely happy, was when he was around Emi. But why? instead of dwelling on this any further, he decided to dismiss this complicated idea of his and just enjoy the short time the two had with one another.

\ (•◡•) /
Morwyn is offline
Old 08-15-2008, 04:35 AM

Emi was glad that he was happy, and she followed him back out to the park.
"Oh, good," she said with a grin, "I think I've been glared at enough today."
Before they went back outside, she made the rings reappear on their fingers, just in case they did run into anyone, even though he did say that they would be alone. She also made her dress turn a dark shade of blue so that they wouldn't stand out so much in the dark. It felt odd to be up this late again, but she wasn't tired quite yet because of sleeping in.

Kaelin Devereux
not coming back, everything is O...
Kaelin Devereux is offline
Old 08-15-2008, 05:28 AM

Levi smiled and stared down at the rings, he had to say, he loved the way they looked. How it felt when they suddenly appeared. It made him feel complete.

He started over at her, with a dopey expression set onto his face "i like that color on you" he said with a shy type tone to his voice.

\ (•◡•) /
Morwyn is offline
Old 08-15-2008, 05:36 AM

(just for future reference, the illusions are done by messing with light, so the only sense it effects is sight, so they can't be felt or make noise or anything like that, which is a bit unfortunate. Oh well.)

Emi grinned and giggled a bit. "Thanks," she said. "I thought I'd stick out too much in the dark if I was still wearing white... I didn't mean to startle you by it."
She followed him back to the park, the cool night air feeling good. She wasn't sure why he was suddenly acting so goofy, but she didn't mind so much.

(Unfortunately this is my last post for tonight. I just realized it's 2:30 here, so I need to get some sleep. Goodnight)

Last edited by Morwyn; 08-15-2008 at 06:32 AM.. Reason: goodnight

Kaelin Devereux
not coming back, everything is O...
Kaelin Devereux is offline
Old 08-15-2008, 06:33 AM

(but it's still really cool! XP)

Levi slowly pulled his hood down, and stared down at Emi with the same gaze as before. He'd willingly fallen for her, but how could he break it to her? would he even jeopardize their friendship?

He sat down on a stone bench and basked in the moonlight, he seemed so much more at home during the night. So much more himself, he was already attractive, but his handsome features seemed to be more apparent in the moonlight.

\ (•◡•) /
Morwyn is offline
Old 08-15-2008, 07:28 PM

(yep. :D )

Emi sat down beside him and blushed a little under his gaze. She felt a little rediculous doing so, but she couldn't quite help it. The night blooming flowers in the park were smelling quite lovely, and she tried to distract herself by thinking about little things like that as the quiet moment was beginning to gain a bit of tension, not negative tension, but tension nonetheless. However, she could not think of anything to say to break the silence.

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Old 08-15-2008, 09:42 PM

Craven stood, arms crossed, in a back ally leaning against the red brick wall of a ma and pa grocery. He was bored more than anything else, but for Craven boredum and anger went hand in hand. His icy blue eyes traced the paths of insects across the black top. He pushed off the wall and shoving his hands into his pockets he walked out on to the street.

Goddess of Passion and Rage, The...
Sforzando is offline
Old 08-15-2008, 09:58 PM

Odette walked through the streets of the town, still confused at what to do. She tried to pick out the vampires, listening for an absence of heartbeat, or the faint smell of blood. She faltered for a moment, not sure of what she heard, but began walking again, passing it off as a random animal.

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Old 08-15-2008, 10:03 PM

Seeing the girl he'd met what felt like days ago he smiled a little smugly. He walked up to her and folded his arms looking down at her. "You seem to have made it out alright." he stated and couldn't help chucking. "So what trouble are you in search of today?"

Goddess of Passion and Rage, The...
Sforzando is offline
Old 08-15-2008, 10:16 PM

Odette almost ran into Craven. "Whoa." She stepped back. Looking up at him, she took a deep breath. Should she tell him about it? Was she allowed to? He might know of some vampires. And hey, they never said anything about telling others, and if they wanted her help, she was gonna do it her way. "Alright," she said slowly, then launced off into the explanation, sounding like a bubbly girl that wont shut up, which she sometimes did. "So, I when I got into the prison, they transported me to this room where there was this weird old lady and apparently, we're-me and some other people- we're supposed to find some pregnant vmapire and kill her baby because it will destroy all mankind as we know it, and apparently, we don't want that. Oh, and apprently, we'll know the baby when we find it." She took a deep breath.

Last edited by Sforzando; 08-15-2008 at 10:44 PM..

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Old 08-15-2008, 10:23 PM

[[I have two issues with your post... the first being Red is Allene's color... lol and the second, Allene wasn't there... lol anyways, sorry to nit pick about it...]]

Craven's brow furled and he took on a very serious look. "Destroy all man kind, huh? And that would be bad... why?" he laughed. "Well, I've got nothing better to do, want to do a superhero team up and work together to find this little monster?" He asked grinning with a very amused look plastered on his face.


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