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Mr. Wrong
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Mr. Wrong is offline
Old 10-21-2016, 06:33 AM

Originally Posted by the Cheshire Pisces View Post
No Mr Wong, you couldn't and shouldn't. Good job
Thanks, Cap. You aren't too bad for a guy who used to run illegal camel races in Buenos Aires.

---------- Post added 10-20-2016 at 11:47 PM ----------

Originally Posted by Dazzlingdreamberry View Post
Hello, everyone! My last post joined izzys in the ether realm. I have lost total control of my pink clubhouse! Must vacuum, replenish snacks. Hi to Kirin! Well it rained wonderfully on Saturday. Almost 2". The poor hay lawns are so grateful. I've been unseasonably busy with personal desky. Another two applications arrived today. Hopefully done by years end.

Mr go went on a one week vacation to Hawaii. He had fun. He has moved so I don't see him for lunch anymore.

I did hit a new restaurant. Asian fusion. Indian influence. It was so spicy hot! I liked the unique flavors, but will only order mild. Went with my pal, biker guy. He likes motorcycles.
I need to find people to go to lunch with like you do.

I found a new food truck. Ringling brothers. Barnum and Bailey influence. The hotdogs were Nathan's. Loaded it up with chili and relish, but only dill.
Went with my pal, circus guy. He likes lions, tigers, and bears.

Dazzlingdreamberry is offline
Old 10-21-2016, 03:06 PM

Mr w, do you really have a pal, circus guy?

kelseydee is offline
Old 10-21-2016, 04:38 PM

Originally Posted by Mr. Wrong View Post
Thanks, Cap. You aren't too bad for a guy who used to run illegal camel races in Buenos Aires.

---------- Post added 10-20-2016 at 11:47 PM ----------

I need to find people to go to lunch with like you do.

I found a new food truck. Ringling brothers. Barnum and Bailey influence. The hotdogs were Nathan's. Loaded it up with chili and relish, but only dill.
Went with my pal, circus guy. He likes lions, tigers, and bears.
Oh my!!!

Planet Rock
ladydiana is offline
Old 10-21-2016, 05:41 PM

Mr wrong when will you be taking a load to New Mexico .Or Arizona

---------- Post added 10-21-2016 at 12:43 PM ----------

I heard a number of Republicans in Arizoa are going to protest their vote in Arizona Senate race by voting for a man named Gary swing who is running on the Green party ticket .

---------- Post added 10-21-2016 at 12:43 PM ----------

John McCain made some one angry .

Inzanebraned is offline
Old 10-22-2016, 01:24 AM

Hi, Folks...
Things are still about the same, here...except that Sarah has had 2 seizures this evening...
She ate really well for 2 days..then, she was very "agreeable" yesterday...I knew a seizure was eminent.
I got up and we all went for the ride to see the BF...Hope, her mom, Sarah and I...
I went to get my Halloween decorations and to bring him some money...since his boss hasn't been able to pay him STILL!
We got home and Sarah stayed in her chair for a while before indicating that she wanted to lay down...
Hope's mom had gotten frustrated with Sarah's moaning and was kinda yelling at her...but I could tell by the tone that Sarah was using, this was NOT her normal moaning...
Hope's parents left shortly after that to do errands, and I entertained Hope and did some housework when I heard the familiar sound of Sarah starting a seizure.
Then she had another one after they came home...
I will sleep light tonite...listening for further seizure activity.

I read a story in our local news today...about a caregiver nurse abusing a disabled 10 year child...
There is video of the caregiver smacking the girl and pulling her hair...I cried when I watched it!
This was a certified nurse...trained carefully to meet the needs of this child with the abilities of a 6 month old...shoving and slapping this girl!!
This, again, confirms my fears of leaving Sarah in the care of others!

Halloween is fast approaching...and now that I can help decorate the house, I might get into the mood!
I find it difficult to find much joy in anything these days...a clear sign of depression...
At least I don't deny that I'm depressed...I know WHY I'm depressed and I can wait patiently until I have a reason to NOT be depressed...
I don't do depression drugs... ...Did that! almost killed me!
I'll just live on faith that things will get better before they get worse...making me have reason to be less depressed.
I'm prettying good at waiting....' been doing it all my life!

So...does anyone have any Halloween plans, yet?
I think I'm going to dress as a witch and hand out the candy while Hope goes trick-or-treating with her parents.
I hardly need a costume...age and stress have dug creases into my face...a little green paint and a black cloak and I'm good to go!
...there have been many a year that I have taken great strides at painting my face like a skull or a zombie...
One year I just did a Mime...a white face with a red border around my hairline...and my ex-husband's mom didn't recognize me! Lol!
...I'm not up for "details" this year...I'm just gonna keep it as simple as I can.
I don't know, yet, if Sarah will dress depends on how she is feeling...maybe she can be my mascot while I attend to the trick-or-treaters...I'm not sure, yet.

Well...Hope and Family went out to eat and they will be returning soon...and I like to keep the IPad out of plain view when Hope's dad is home...hoping that Hope would find things to do with HIM, instead of watching videos...So I'm going to get this posted and put the iPad away.

I hope all are well! !

Mr. Wrong
Challenge your paradigm
Mr. Wrong is offline
Old 10-22-2016, 05:25 AM

Originally Posted by Dazzlingdreamberry View Post
Mr w, do you really have a pal, circus guy?
No. I was merely poking fun at your labeling of folks with whom you enjoy lunch.

"They don't want dinner, breakfast, or brunch. Oh, girls just wanna have lunch."

---------- Post added 10-22-2016 at 12:11 AM ----------

Originally Posted by ladydiana View Post
Mr wrong when will you be taking a load to New Mexico .Or Arizona

---------- Post added 10-21-2016 at 12:43 PM ----------

I heard a number of Republicans in Arizoa are going to protest their vote in Arizona Senate race by voting for a man named Gary swing who is running on the Green party ticket .

---------- Post added 10-21-2016 at 12:43 PM ----------

John McCain made some one angry .
Do you like Daisy brand sour cream? I'm waiting to deliver a load of milk to them in Garland, Texas. My hope is to the deadhead (travel unloaded) back to Clovis, New Mexico to get some things fixed on my tractor. I've been without air conditioning for two weeks. And for some stupid reason, the trailer's left turn indicator bulb keeps popping out. I pushed it in properly last night, but I found it just popped out again and was lost on the road somewhere. So, I had to buy a new bulb, push it back in, and then tape the sucker over so it wont pop out again. Good grief.

This year will mark the third time I've been forced to vote for John McLame. THREE FRIGGIN TIMES!! That's three six year terms for 18 years. Enough is enough already. But he has such name recognition and such a power base that no Republican who runs against his old butt has much of a chance to defeat him in the primary.

In 2010, I supported Chris Simcox, the Arizona Minutemen founder, in his bid against the disgrace that is John McLame. But he dropped out after accumulating a $20,000 campaign debt. Wikipedia will say it was because former Congressman and radio talk show host J.D. Hayworth entered the race, but remember hearing Simcox saying to another person he had this debt. Back in my political days, I put up signs for various candidates, attended meetings and rallies. I shook hands with these candidates and spoke with them face to face. Anyhow, I believe McLame bought off Simcox. The press never learned of this back door deal, but I did. Not directly, but the results speak for themselves.

I also supported Brian Miller for congress that year, but he also run up a campaign debt and dropped out of the race two weeks before that primary saying he had run out of money. This was crap because it doesn't take any money to run a campaign that close to the election. So he dropped out and endorsed Jonathan Paton. Who is a political wimp.

The moral of the story is that I back candidates who eventually lose or fizzle out.
Except for Frank Antenori and Terri Proud. I miss those two.

Last edited by Mr. Wrong; 10-22-2016 at 05:26 AM.. Reason: out to lunch

kelseydee is offline
Old 10-22-2016, 08:42 PM

Originally Posted by Inzanebraned View Post
Hi, Folks...
Things are still about the same, here...except that Sarah has had 2 seizures this evening...
She ate really well for 2 days..then, she was very "agreeable" yesterday...I knew a seizure was eminent.
I got up and we all went for the ride to see the BF...Hope, her mom, Sarah and I...
I went to get my Halloween decorations and to bring him some money...since his boss hasn't been able to pay him STILL!
We got home and Sarah stayed in her chair for a while before indicating that she wanted to lay down...
Hope's mom had gotten frustrated with Sarah's moaning and was kinda yelling at her...but I could tell by the tone that Sarah was using, this was NOT her normal moaning...
Hope's parents left shortly after that to do errands, and I entertained Hope and did some housework when I heard the familiar sound of Sarah starting a seizure.
Then she had another one after they came home...
I will sleep light tonite...listening for further seizure activity.

I read a story in our local news today...about a caregiver nurse abusing a disabled 10 year child...
There is video of the caregiver smacking the girl and pulling her hair...I cried when I watched it!
This was a certified nurse...trained carefully to meet the needs of this child with the abilities of a 6 month old...shoving and slapping this girl!!
This, again, confirms my fears of leaving Sarah in the care of others!

Halloween is fast approaching...and now that I can help decorate the house, I might get into the mood!
I find it difficult to find much joy in anything these days...a clear sign of depression...
At least I don't deny that I'm depressed...I know WHY I'm depressed and I can wait patiently until I have a reason to NOT be depressed...
I don't do depression drugs... ...Did that! almost killed me!
I'll just live on faith that things will get better before they get worse...making me have reason to be less depressed.
I'm prettying good at waiting....' been doing it all my life!

So...does anyone have any Halloween plans, yet?
I think I'm going to dress as a witch and hand out the candy while Hope goes trick-or-treating with her parents.
I hardly need a costume...age and stress have dug creases into my face...a little green paint and a black cloak and I'm good to go!
...there have been many a year that I have taken great strides at painting my face like a skull or a zombie...
One year I just did a Mime...a white face with a red border around my hairline...and my ex-husband's mom didn't recognize me! Lol!
...I'm not up for "details" this year...I'm just gonna keep it as simple as I can.
I don't know, yet, if Sarah will dress depends on how she is feeling...maybe she can be my mascot while I attend to the trick-or-treaters...I'm not sure, yet.

Well...Hope and Family went out to eat and they will be returning soon...and I like to keep the IPad out of plain view when Hope's dad is home...hoping that Hope would find things to do with HIM, instead of watching videos...So I'm going to get this posted and put the iPad away.

I hope all are well! !
I'm wishing u a very scary Halloween. BOOOO

Planet Rock
ladydiana is offline
Old 10-25-2016, 07:14 PM

I am on Recloor me now .Left you a message the Cheshire pisces on there.

Inzanebraned is offline
Old 10-25-2016, 10:53 PM

Hey, Folks!
Not much has changed for me except that the tension broke the other night and Hope's dad and I said expressed some honest, pent up feeling...while Hope's mom made herself scarce by playing with Hope...
He and I agree that each doesnt appreciate the other's morals and values on life...we are very very different people...
This does not mean that we have be enemies or anything! just means that I need to reign in my tongue and respect his ideals while I'm under his roof...which I wish could CHANGE tomorrow!
I sooooo need to be under a roof I can consider MINE! ...where Sarah can have a place to make whatever noise she wants to, whenever she wants to without constantly being told to be QUIET!
Hope's dad likes thing to be quiet at raised voices and no running kinda feels like "forced zen!"
Sarah is NOT conducive to "peaceful and quietness!"... and it is I who feels like I must costantly remedy that...usually by moving her to the room she sleeps in and closing the door...sometimes with me INSIDE, sometimes with me not...either way, the door must be closed so as to avoid Sarah's loud sounds to echo through the house.
A lot of times she is using "words"...asking for things nobody knows what they are...its like playing 20 questions...but more like a MILLION questions...
"What do you want, Sarah?"
"More WHAT?"
"Do you want cereal?"
"Do you want chips/cards/blocks/book/drink/to lay down?"
Sometimes she just keeps saying "Hiiiii" until the person she wants to respond responds!...sometimes that person doesn't even know she is "talking" to them! my efforts to help with household chores and such, I cannot always be there quick enough to avoid someone having gotten tired of her voice and telling her to be quiet...
So, to the bedroom goes Sarah!
Hope usually attenpts to involve Sarah is some kind of play...but it isnt long before they both get bored with each other's skills.'s time for Sarah's pills...and I promised her that I would let her lay down when I give them to, I guess I better go get that done!
I hope everyone is well and stuff is good! !

kelseydee is offline
Old 10-26-2016, 12:41 AM

Originally Posted by Inzanebraned View Post
Hey, Folks!
Not much has changed for me except that the tension broke the other night and Hope's dad and I said expressed some honest, pent up feeling...while Hope's mom made herself scarce by playing with Hope...
He and I agree that each doesnt appreciate the other's morals and values on life...we are very very different people...
This does not mean that we have be enemies or anything! just means that I need to reign in my tongue and respect his ideals while I'm under his roof...which I wish could CHANGE tomorrow!
I sooooo need to be under a roof I can consider MINE! ...where Sarah can have a place to make whatever noise she wants to, whenever she wants to without constantly being told to be QUIET!
Hope's dad likes thing to be quiet at raised voices and no running kinda feels like "forced zen!"
Sarah is NOT conducive to "peaceful and quietness!"... and it is I who feels like I must costantly remedy that...usually by moving her to the room she sleeps in and closing the door...sometimes with me INSIDE, sometimes with me not...either way, the door must be closed so as to avoid Sarah's loud sounds to echo through the house.
A lot of times she is using "words"...asking for things nobody knows what they are...its like playing 20 questions...but more like a MILLION questions...
"What do you want, Sarah?"
"More WHAT?"
"Do you want cereal?"
"Do you want chips/cards/blocks/book/drink/to lay down?"
Sometimes she just keeps saying "Hiiiii" until the person she wants to respond responds!...sometimes that person doesn't even know she is "talking" to them! my efforts to help with household chores and such, I cannot always be there quick enough to avoid someone having gotten tired of her voice and telling her to be quiet...
So, to the bedroom goes Sarah!
Hope usually attenpts to involve Sarah is some kind of play...but it isnt long before they both get bored with each other's skills.'s time for Sarah's pills...and I promised her that I would let her lay down when I give them to, I guess I better go get that done!
I hope everyone is well and stuff is good! !
I'm sorry Izzy. Bi know that's not worth anything but truly I am for you all. 💋💗💋💗💋💗

Mr. Wrong
Challenge your paradigm
Mr. Wrong is offline
Old 10-26-2016, 01:48 AM

I find that simply staring at someone will quickly grab their attention.

I needed a hole in my trailer patched last year and had to take it to a vendor for repairs. You never know what to expect from a vendor. They can be good, bad, or ugly. This one was bad.

I arrived at the vendor's yard the night before and was expecting to be awoken the following morning to be rolled into the shop for repairs. Didn't happen. I went to the office to check in and find out was the situation was. These guys were being lazy and didn't want to move a vehicle already in the shop outside so that mine could be moved in. Patching a trailer roof hole isn't difficult or time consuming. All you need to do is put a patch over the hole from the top of the trailers and smear some repair adhesive over the patch and you're done. But you wouldn't know that with these bozos. Morning turned into afternoon and I became impatient.

The owner was just piddling around with paperwork while his employee walked to and from seeming doing nothing. I sat myself down in the waiting room and stared at the owner while he shuffled more papers around while another employee joined in the milling around doing nothing. I just sat there and stared. Didn't play on my phone. Didn't say a word. About ten minutes of this the owner finally asks an employee to move a vehicle that was in the shop out so I could move mine in. Ten minutes after I backed my trailer in the repair was complete.

They piddled around four hours to do a job that took ten minutes to finish. What a waste of time.

So, the moral of the story is that I could tell Sarah my boring trucker tales and she would pass out from sheer boredom.

Inzanebraned is offline
Old 10-26-2016, 05:02 AM

Cheshire Pisces, it means a lot...and you know it or you wouldn't have said it!
-Sometimes I just need someone besides myself to feel sorry for me...
It may not improve the physical situation, but it makes me feel like someone really "gets"what I go through...and I appreciate it!

Mr. Wrong, I think your trucker stories are far from boring!
...Sadly, Sarah is not a good listener and would soon be butting you out saying "Hhhiii" and "knock knock!"
This is why I seldom read to Hope...because Sarah interrupts until nobody knows what the story was even about!
I, however, would welcome more trucker stories....I totally give you "high 5" for getting your trailer patched! Good for you!!

Oh,....Dazzy! ....where are you?
Will you be handing out candy for trick or treaters? ...will you dress up to do it?
That's MY plan...if all goes well!

Tomorrow is supposed to be the day we decorate...I'm almost excited about it! Lol!

Well...Happy Humpday and all that! !

Kirin Rosenbaum
I am a Kiri-fish.

Kirin Rosenbaum is offline
Old 10-26-2016, 11:09 AM

Hello thread. What's the good word?

Inzanebraned is offline
Old 10-26-2016, 05:14 PM

Hmmm...."favorable" is a good word.
Anybody else got any good words? Lol!

Planet Rock
ladydiana is offline
Old 10-27-2016, 07:19 PM

If you aren't on recolor me try it .

---------- Post added 10-27-2016 at 02:19 PM ----------

I saw the captain on there .you can be your self on there .

Mr. Wrong
Challenge your paradigm
Mr. Wrong is offline
Old 10-28-2016, 02:04 AM

Originally Posted by Inzanebraned View Post
Cheshire Pisces, it means a lot...and you know it or you wouldn't have said it!
-Sometimes I just need someone besides myself to feel sorry for me...
It may not improve the physical situation, but it makes me feel like someone really "gets"what I go through...and I appreciate it!

Mr. Wrong, I think your trucker stories are far from boring!
...Sadly, Sarah is not a good listener and would soon be butting you out saying "Hhhiii" and "knock knock!"
This is why I seldom read to Hope...because Sarah interrupts until nobody knows what the story was even about!
I, however, would welcome more trucker stories....I totally give you "high 5" for getting your trailer patched! Good for you!!

Oh,....Dazzy! ....where are you?
Will you be handing out candy for trick or treaters? ...will you dress up to do it?
That's MY plan...if all goes well!

Tomorrow is supposed to be the day we decorate...I'm almost excited about it! Lol!

Well...Happy Humpday and all that! !
If I had a ladder, I could have done the job myself and saved six hours.

Kirin Rosenbaum
I am a Kiri-fish.

Kirin Rosenbaum is offline
Old 10-29-2016, 02:15 AM

Howdy all

Mr. Wrong
Challenge your paradigm
Mr. Wrong is offline
Old 10-30-2016, 05:51 PM

Originally Posted by Kirin Rosenbaum View Post
Howdy all
Hello Kirin. How goes your Halloween?

Mr. Wrong
Challenge your paradigm
Mr. Wrong is offline
Old 10-31-2016, 04:49 AM

Originally Posted by ladydiana View Post
Mr wrong when will you be taking a load to New Mexico .Or Arizona[COLOR="lightseagreen"]
I was in Missouri recently. Didn't see you anywhere.

Mr. Wrong
Challenge your paradigm
Mr. Wrong is offline
Old 11-01-2016, 02:22 AM

And I haven't seen Dazz, either.

kelseydee is offline
Old 11-03-2016, 05:08 PM

Originally Posted by Mr. Wrong View Post
I find that simply staring at someone will quickly grab their attention.

I needed a hole in my trailer patched last year and had to take it to a vendor for repairs. You never know what to expect from a vendor. They can be good, bad, or ugly. This one was bad.

I arrived at the vendor's yard the night before and was expecting to be awoken the following morning to be rolled into the shop for repairs. Didn't happen. I went to the office to check in and find out was the situation was. These guys were being lazy and didn't want to move a vehicle already in the shop outside so that mine could be moved in. Patching a trailer roof hole isn't difficult or time consuming. All you need to do is put a patch over the hole from the top of the trailers and smear some repair adhesive over the patch and you're done. But you wouldn't know that with these bozos. Morning turned into afternoon and I became impatient.

The owner was just piddling around with paperwork while his employee walked to and from seeming doing nothing. I sat myself down in the waiting room and stared at the owner while he shuffled more papers around while another employee joined in the milling around doing nothing. I just sat there and stared. Didn't play on my phone. Didn't say a word. About ten minutes of this the owner finally asks an employee to move a vehicle that was in the shop out so I could move mine in. Ten minutes after I backed my trailer in the repair was complete.

They piddled around four hours to do a job that took ten minutes to finish. What a waste of time.

So, the moral of the story is that I could tell Sarah my boring trucker tales and she would pass out from sheer boredom.
So you're advocating the McEnroe mode du attention.😜😜😜

Mr. Wrong
Challenge your paradigm
Mr. Wrong is offline
Old 11-08-2016, 06:35 AM

Where art the Dazzy One?

Kirin Rosenbaum
I am a Kiri-fish.

Kirin Rosenbaum is offline
Old 11-08-2016, 12:32 PM

My Halloween went well.

Mr. Wrong
Challenge your paradigm
Mr. Wrong is offline
Old 11-11-2016, 03:08 AM

Originally Posted by Kirin Rosenbaum View Post
My Halloween went well.
Did you eat three pounds of Reese's Pieces? No Halloween is complete without Reese's Pieces.

Inzanebraned is offline
Old 11-11-2016, 03:20 AM

Hope's goodie bag had mostly gum, jawbreakers and suckers...I don't recall seeing any Reese's Pieces at all! Sarah likes Reese's Pieces!


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