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Old 10-19-2011, 09:04 PM

Originally Posted by sdgfam08 View Post
star your avi is looking cute ^_^
thanks.. >_> and now she's a zombie 'nods'

I move the stars for no one.

Queen_Andais is offline
Old 10-20-2011, 04:21 AM

Zombies are kind of the "in" thing right now. Embrace it, Star.

Watching Criminal Minds and the bad guy is a dude, dressing as a woman and come on! I can tell it's a man, how can the poor bastards being lured in not see it! Always look for an adams apple.


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Old 10-20-2011, 05:07 AM

Originally Posted by Queen_Andais View Post
Zombies are kind of the "in" thing right now. Embrace it, Star.

Watching Criminal Minds and the bad guy is a dude, dressing as a woman and come on! I can tell it's a man, how can the poor bastards being lured in not see it! Always look for an adams apple.
they could just think 'she's ' a manly women? LMAO.. and yeah i jsut wish they had more options for lips...

Ze_Mole is offline
Old 10-20-2011, 10:31 AM

Neato! I had forgotten about the Bee Slippers. >D

I think a shortened length would be nice, but do you have enough items to compensate?

Also, sorry for being around less and less; I'm an admin on another site, and I'm running a Halloween event, so item addition, forum moderating, and all that jazz has to be done. ^^;;

Emma Corrin
Li Mei's Ninja Knight
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Old 10-20-2011, 05:10 PM

-pops into thread-
Hihi everyone!
Anyone around to chat while I'm here? :D

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Fiona_Watergate is offline
Old 10-20-2011, 05:13 PM

how are you guys today?

Emma Corrin
Li Mei's Ninja Knight
Emma Corrin is offline
Old 10-20-2011, 05:40 PM

Stressed lol
I've got way too much homework to do, and two assignments are just not making any sense :( </3
How're you?


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Old 10-20-2011, 07:42 PM

Originally Posted by Emma Corrin View Post
Stressed lol
I've got way too much homework to do, and two assignments are just not making any sense :( </3
How're you?
could be your tired and that's why its not making any sense..

Emma Corrin
Li Mei's Ninja Knight
Emma Corrin is offline
Old 10-20-2011, 08:34 PM

No, it's not that... ^_^;;
The questions are simply not talked about anywhere in the chapter, so it's hard figuring out the answers to them..


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Old 10-20-2011, 09:51 PM

oh.. could be the teacher rephrased them..yeah know to make you think...

Emma Corrin
Li Mei's Ninja Knight
Emma Corrin is offline
Old 10-20-2011, 10:40 PM

Or they're just not talked about in the chapter he's putting the assignment in.... >.>
I appreciate the comments/effort to give a reason, but I'm afraid it's a bit off base and not the situation~
Thanks though lol

I move the stars for no one.

Queen_Andais is offline
Old 10-21-2011, 01:28 AM

Ze, I can hope to have enough items. Should have enough to get me through the end of the year. After that, well it will be figured out.

Emma, homework, blows. Sorry to hear there is issues getting the two questions/assignments done.

It's not even 7pm and I am feeling ready for bed.

Emma Corrin
Li Mei's Ninja Knight
Emma Corrin is offline
Old 10-21-2011, 01:35 AM

@Andi: Omg I know right?
I gave up on the first assignment and will go back to it Sunday or something (that's the day it's due) after I've had some time away from it lol
I managed to get the other assignment finished, though, and managed to get a 97% on it lol
No idea how because I was truly guessing on the multiple choice/True/False questions!
I mean, I had a general idea for some of them, but it was wicked difficult to find the answers :(
Legit took me at least another 3-4 hours today haha
Ah well - it's done with now!!
Plus I was able to get my Econ Test taken - got a 92% after the 4th or 5th take at it lol
That's another class that pisses me off with the tests. The past 3 or 4 tests has mainly been graphs, right?
The graphs on the test are so blurry, grainy, and just plain unreadable that I can't decipher 9/10 of them, and a lot of people are complaining about it. Yet every test it's the same dang grainy graphs lol
I've just given up trying to decipher them recently because it's only a 35 minute time limit and it would take me at least 10 to decipher one graph :(
At least I'm a great guesser for that XD;

I know how you feel haha
I've been ready for bed since 3pm!
(which was about 6 hours ago)
It's been thunder storms the past couple of days and my allergies have been hell on me :(
At least I'm able to think though! Even if I can't overly breathe XD;


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Old 10-21-2011, 02:16 AM

huh wonder if they'll have a halloween thingie this year to.. 'crosses fingers'

I move the stars for no one.

Queen_Andais is offline
Old 10-21-2011, 02:40 AM

Good that you got one assignment complete. As for the tests, some professors are just idiots and no matter how much you complain they still don't listen.
Allergies seem to be the thing right now in many areas. Tons of people here are sneezing like mad, myself included. However, I am not all lethargic or got a sore throat like many of my coworkers. My cubicle mate is irritating the hell out of me. She asks the most assinine questions, usually interrupting me when I am in the middle of something important. And she is all about the damn dog that she bought for her girlfriend. If she shows me one more picture that she printed at work using the color printer I am ratting her ass out. She is a contractor and there are more important things to be done, like actual work.

Star, who knows if they are going to do something for Halloween. It's a toss up about what holidays are celebrated and which ones aren't. *Shrugs* Just gonna have to wait and see, I suppose.

Emma Corrin
Li Mei's Ninja Knight
Emma Corrin is offline
Old 10-21-2011, 02:56 AM

I know right?
Drives me crazy :( </3

Oh jeez... I'd be pissed!
Did you tell her to stop it and that you're actually trying to work??
I would have :3
Then again, I probably would have let it go for awhile until it REALLY irritated me, and by that point I probably would have blown up at her XD;

Ok, I get the enthusiasm about the dog - but seriously?
Talking about it all the time and printing out photos using company printers?
I'd be PISSED!
I'd never let employees do that!
I mean, that ink and those printers cost a lot of money to replace >.>


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Old 10-21-2011, 05:22 AM

Originally Posted by Queen_Andais View Post
Good that you got one assignment complete. As for the tests, some professors are just idiots and no matter how much you complain they still don't listen.
Allergies seem to be the thing right now in many areas. Tons of people here are sneezing like mad, myself included. However, I am not all lethargic or got a sore throat like many of my coworkers. My cubicle mate is irritating the hell out of me. She asks the most assinine questions, usually interrupting me when I am in the middle of something important. And she is all about the damn dog that she bought for her girlfriend. If she shows me one more picture that she printed at work using the color printer I am ratting her ass out. She is a contractor and there are more important things to be done, like actual work.

Star, who knows if they are going to do something for Halloween. It's a toss up about what holidays are celebrated and which ones aren't. *Shrugs* Just gonna have to wait and see, I suppose.
true but they've done other halloween things so they might.. 'blinks' >_> I'm also on House M.D. again..

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Fiona_Watergate is offline
Old 10-21-2011, 06:52 PM

hello my loves. <3

Emma Corrin
Li Mei's Ninja Knight
Emma Corrin is offline
Old 10-21-2011, 07:22 PM

Hiya sdg :)
What's up?

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Fiona_Watergate is offline
Old 10-21-2011, 07:25 PM

Not much just working on this avi ^_^
How are you, sorry I didn't respond back the other day.

Emma Corrin
Li Mei's Ninja Knight
Emma Corrin is offline
Old 10-21-2011, 07:33 PM

Haha it's looking great so far!

No worries lol
I'm doing alright - still working on homework lol
I still have 2 papers, an accounting problem set, and the ridiculous assessment I haven't been able to understand/find the answers to lol
Other than that, I'm just watching Courage the Cowardly Dog for a bit then finishing the movie Waterworld :3

Legum servi sumus ut liberi esse...
Fiona_Watergate is offline
Old 10-21-2011, 07:35 PM

I love that show. <3
That movies is Epic.
I'm working on getting my resume together.
yay For a possibly new job.


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Old 10-21-2011, 07:39 PM

'stumbles in ' my cold starting to go away finally. which means i'll be going back to the Y next week.. now if my back and leg would stop acheing 'whines'

Emma Corrin
Li Mei's Ninja Knight
Emma Corrin is offline
Old 10-21-2011, 07:44 PM

Originally Posted by sdgfam08 View Post
I love that show. <3
That movies is Epic.
I'm working on getting my resume together.
yay For a possibly new job.

Me too!
I'm so glad Boomerang/Cartoon Network is showing it again <3
I think it's only because it's October and it's for Halloween, which is why The Grimm Adventures of Billy and Mandy are back on the air, but hey - I'll take them while they're on!!
I love those shows <3

It's really great so far!
Far different than what I thought it was, but it's still good :3

Ooo - good luck hun!
I hate updating my resume lol
What kind of job are you after?

Legum servi sumus ut liberi esse...
Fiona_Watergate is offline
Old 10-21-2011, 07:49 PM

well This one will be at a doctors office as a reseptionest.


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