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Dottie Mae Evans
*~It's all good~*
Dottie Mae Evans is offline
Old 04-27-2012, 01:19 AM

"Yeah, well my parents weren't pressuring me into any specific field," Ted said as he drank some of his frappe, "My dad was a car salesmen and my mom was a teacher. My dad still sells cars, while my mom is retired. I just had an interest in neurology, and thought I wanted to go into the medical field. Then after a few course, I decided it wasn't for me. So library science was my fall back."

Ted smiled as he finished his chocolate-chip brownie. Then he wiped his face with a napkin and stretched his arms for a bit.

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Old 04-28-2012, 10:51 PM

" Libray science is a good field. " She said and finished her muffin. " What do you usually do during your free time?" Linda asked a little bit later.

Dottie Mae Evans
*~It's all good~*
Dottie Mae Evans is offline
Old 04-30-2012, 12:02 AM

"I usually write and read," Ted said as he smiled, "I'm also into surfing the web and such. What about you?"

Ted took out his smart phone and scrolled through an app or two. Then he showed Linda a few photos from his college and university days.

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Old 05-03-2012, 07:32 PM

" I usually read and look up things on the internet. I do crochet a little bit."Linda said as she looked at the pictures.

Dottie Mae Evans
*~It's all good~*
Dottie Mae Evans is offline
Old 05-05-2012, 02:22 PM

"One of my aunt's crochet," Ted said as he showed her a picture of what his aunt crocheting a blanket.

Ted smiled and then sipped on the rest of his frappe till it was gone. He sighed with joy and relaxed. He looked around the cafe a bit and wondered if his cousin would be stopping in, but she didn't stop in. He was glad she didn't, because who knew who she would have with her.

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Old 05-08-2012, 04:19 PM

Linda was enjoying looking at the pictures that Ted was showing her. She made a note to put some of hers on her phone so he could see.

Dottie Mae Evans
*~It's all good~*
Dottie Mae Evans is offline
Old 05-12-2012, 01:29 AM

Ted looked at the time on his phone and then smiled. He finished his frappe and then stretched for a bit.

"Looks like I better get going," Ted said as he got up and scratched the back of his head.

Ted wrote down his cell number on a sheet of paper and gave it to Linda. "I hope to see ya' again," Ted said as he smiled.

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Old 05-20-2012, 03:20 AM

" I hope to see you too. " Linda said and put Ted's number in her purse. " Here's mine. " She said giving him her cell number.

Dottie Mae Evans
*~It's all good~*
Dottie Mae Evans is offline
Old 05-22-2012, 04:38 PM

Ted smiled and put the piece of paper in his pocket. He pushed his chair into the table and then said, "I'll see you later, and have a great night."

Ted walked out of the cafe and headed back to his car. On the way to his car he ran into his cousin.

"Hey cuz," Lizzy said as she smiled, "How's everything?"

"Everything is good," Ted said as he smiled back at his cousin, "how was your 'date'"

"It was horrible, but oh well at least I knew how he was before marriage," Lizzy said as she laughed, "See ya' later, cuz."

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Old 05-22-2012, 07:17 PM

Linda was happt the rest of the night. She called her parents and talked to them about the last few weeks, but didn't mention Ted yet. She hoped that their relationship would grow and then she could tell them she was seeing someone. Linda hadn't dated much since she had become a doctor, and they didn't seem too concerned. She wondered if they wanted her to ever get married.

Dottie Mae Evans
*~It's all good~*
Dottie Mae Evans is offline
Old 05-22-2012, 10:08 PM

Ted got home and relaxed. He talked to his folks for a bit and then talked to his friend Larry. Larry kept asking him if he finally found a girl. Ted told him he believe he did, and hopefully she was the one. Larry laughed and told a not so nice joke. Ted hung up the phone.

"Ted? Ted? Ted...." Larry said as he was just kidding, "I was just messing with you man..."

Ted sighed and poured a glass of Dr. Pepper. He went to the table and started reading a random book. His parents hasn't been pressuring him about marriage but he knew they wanted grandchildren one day.

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Old 05-23-2012, 01:55 AM

Linda went to bed and smiled. She hoped Ted was the one, and they would be happy togeather. She wanted a family of her own one day, hoping she would be a good mother. She drifted off to sleep, glad that tomorrow was her day off.

Dottie Mae Evans
*~It's all good~*
Dottie Mae Evans is offline
Old 05-23-2012, 03:57 PM

After reading a few chapters of his book, Ted went to his bedroom and went to sleep. While dreaming, Ted dreamed he had a talking teddy bear. Ted woke up sweating and wondered if it was real. He looked around and was glad it was just a dream and he had been watching too much Family Guy in the evening. He sighed with a sign of relief and went back to bed. The next dream, he was on a flying hamburger for some reason and didn't know why. For some reason it just made sense to him. Then his cousin shows up and wakes him up in the dream.

"Wake up, Ted, you have a wedding to go to," Lizzy said as she shook him awake in a dream.

Ted got up and rushed to get ready, when he got to the alter he looked at his bride. By the time he was going to see who his bride was he woke up from his dream.

"Aw... shucks, I was just about to marry my dream girl too," Ted said to himself as he looked at the clock, "and I was going to find out who she was."

Ted looked at the clock and realized it was six in the morning. He knew he had three more days before he had to go back to work, but usually he wakes up at six in the morning to get ready to go to work anyways.

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Old 05-25-2012, 05:13 PM

Linda woke up a little later than she usually did and went down to make some breakfast. She had dreamed she was getting married, but hadn't seen the man she was going to marry. Linda divided a whole grain bagel and put some cream cheese and strawberry jam on both sides. She had a list of errands to do today and wondered what Ted was doing.

Dottie Mae Evans
*~It's all good~*
Dottie Mae Evans is offline
Old 05-26-2012, 02:24 AM

Ted went back to sleep and woke up two hours later around 8am. He starts to make some breakfast, after taking a shower and getting dressed.

Ted made some grits, eggs, a glass of orange juice and a cup of coffee for breakfast. His internal doctor kept telling him to start eating brown eggs and yellow grits since it is more healthier for him. Ted sighed as he remembered he had to change his diet. He just didn't want to waste the rest of the food in his fridge. He knows his cousin been nagging him about his diet too, but he kept telling her, "you don't have room to nag me about my diet." She responds back by saying, "well, maybe if you eat a real vegetable or two."

That's where she always gets him at. Although he knows she 'cheats' when he isn't looking. Ted sits down at the table and starts munching on his breakfast. He turns the TV on to the morning news, and watches the weather report. He sighs with relief. He is glad that the weather will be great today. Maybe he'll go for a walk around the neighborhood or something.

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Old 05-31-2012, 08:18 PM

Linda finished her breakfast and put her plate in the sink. She was glad the day was going to be a nice one and decided to go for a walk later. She got the vacuum out and plugged it in. She cleaned up her small house, knowing it had been a while. She didn't like to go this long between cleanings, but she had such an unpredictable schedule .

Dottie Mae Evans
*~It's all good~*
Dottie Mae Evans is offline
Old 06-01-2012, 12:16 AM

After eating his breakfast, Ted put the dishes in the dish washer. Then he grabbed his keys, wallet, cellphone, sunglasses, and walked out the door. Ted decided to walk around the neighborhood instead of take of drive around town. He went over to the coffee shop and decided to have a frappe when he gets there. As he was walking there, he bumped into one of his co-workers.

"Ted..." Larry said as he smiled, "I missed you at work, hanging out with the British guy isn't the same!"

"Shouldn't you be at work, Larry?" Ted asked him as he was happy that Larry missed him, "And don't you mean Charles?"

"Yeah, that guy..." Larry said and then looked at the time, "Nah... it's my day off."

"I'll be back tomorrow I think," Ted said as he smiled, "It will be great to be back."

"That's excellent," Larry said, "Well see you."

Ted continued to walk to the coffee shop, before he got there he stopped at a 7Eleven.

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Old 06-04-2012, 12:41 AM

Linda walked downtown. She thought about going to the coffee shop again, likeing the atmosphere. She saw a bookstore and decided to get a book first. She hadn't read for fun in a long time and wasn't sure what was popular.

Dottie Mae Evans
*~It's all good~*
Dottie Mae Evans is offline
Old 06-04-2012, 01:06 AM

Inside the 7Eleven, Ted was seeing if the Slurpee machine was working. Unfortunately for him the clerk said it will be down till later on this afternoon. Ted sighed and bought some gum. Then he walked out of the 7Eleven and headed to the coffee shop.

While walking to the coffee shop he ran into another one of his co-workers. It was Fabian. Fabian straighten up and said, "Fancy seeing you here, Dr. House... I mean Ted..."

"Ha ha, very funny," Ted said as he greeted Fabian hello as well, "so, how are you doing?"

"I'm doing well, and it's great! Larry is one heck of a guy," Fabian said as he laughed, "Just the other day we... Oh... I guess you're not interested in that."

Ted just blinked and gave Fabian an uninterested glare.

"Well, carry on with your day and behave yourself," Ted said as he walked away.

"Come on, Dr. Gump," Fabian said jokingly and then realized he was going to be late meeting Larry somewhere.

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Old 06-04-2012, 08:35 PM

Linda bought a book and headed toward the coffeeshop. She stood in the line and tried to figure out what she would get this time.

Dottie Mae Evans
*~It's all good~*
Dottie Mae Evans is offline
Old 06-06-2012, 01:49 AM

Ted walked side the coffee shop and got in line. He looked at the menu and was figuring out what to get. He then decided to get the shaken tea lemonade when he got up to the counter. He also decided to get some banana bread as well or maybe a cake pop. While waiting he saw Linda in line and smiled. He waved at her to see if she would see him.

"Linda," Ted said as he was trying to get her attention.

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Old 06-08-2012, 05:04 PM

Linda smiled and waved a little bit. She decided she would get a frozen coffee and a straberry danish. She was very glad to see Ted again.

Dottie Mae Evans
*~It's all good~*
Dottie Mae Evans is offline
Old 06-09-2012, 02:40 AM

Ted was glad to see Linda as well. When he got up to the counter, he ordered the shaken lemonade green tea in the largest size with a banana bread. Then he waited for his order to come up after he paid for it, while waiting he looked around and then took out his smartphone to see who text him. It was just his cousin texting him some random things.

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Old 06-09-2012, 08:13 PM

Linda ordered the pumpkin mocha frozen coffee and also ordered and danish. She waited for it to be finished and looked around for Ted. She hoped he wouldn't mind her company.

Dottie Mae Evans
*~It's all good~*
Dottie Mae Evans is offline
Old 06-13-2012, 12:39 AM

Ted was next in line and then ordered a shaken green tea lemonade and a slice of Banana Bread. After he got the banana bread, he waited for his tea. While waiting for his tea. He bumped into Linda and smiled.

"Hello Linda" Ted said happily, "How have you been?"

Ted ordered the largest size they had for the shaken tea and the cup was pretty tall but not too tall.


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