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bork and means

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jellysundae is offline
Old 04-12-2011, 06:51 PM

Here's your winner for this week, it's Knerd:

Another amusing one here! I wouldn't want to be that spider, would you? I don't know whether that face is horror at seeing a spider in the first place, or horror at one daring to weave a web in her place of work :lol: This looks like one maid who's not going to tolerate any cobwebs in her establishment!

The outfit works perfectly for a maid, she looks most prim and proper! But there's that little hint of sexiness too, with the cuffs and the choker. Maybe she was off with that broom to mete out some punishment o:

Fun outfit, Knerd!

bork and means

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jellysundae is offline
Old 04-19-2011, 01:18 AM

Here's your winner for this weeks, it's Vickyll3:

Another one that made me laugh a lot! I'm not sure whether that expression is simply drool at the thought of cake, or whether the starey eyes is horror that the cake slice isn't in proportion to the spork xD

But apart from the silliness, it's a cute outfit too! Nice to see the carnival hairpin getting an outing, it looks really pretty with the orange headband! Neat layering on the top half. That actually makes the avatar look quite waitressy, though if a waitress like that served me I think I'd be having nightmares for days :lol:

The candy-coloured hair totally looks like it would rot your teeth if you chewed on it, maybe it's rotting her brain from the inside :ninja: Maybe someone just told her the cake is a lie! D:

xD Fun avatar, Vicky!

bork and means

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jellysundae is offline
Old 04-27-2011, 02:29 AM

Here's your winner for thisweek, it's Cherry Flavored Antacid:

Yet another that made me laugh! Sleep walking Cherry! She seems to have wandered rather a long way, too xD Got to commend her for putting her slippers on though. I'm sure that her mum would be proud that she brought her daughter up to not go outside in bare feet, even when she's asleep :lol:

The owl roosting on her head is a nice surreal touch. I'm not sure whether those flowers were there already, or whether they've sprouted from the supply of drool dripping from her chin though xD

I think we need a reprisal outfit for this, that shows her reaction when she wakes up and finds herself not at all were she went to sleep :ninja:

Fun avatar, Cherry!

bork and means

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jellysundae is offline
Old 05-04-2011, 06:30 PM

Here's your winner or this week, it's Terrible D:

I really can't decide if this is scary, funny, disturbing or all three :lol: Mutant killer chicken with its flock, happily splashing in the blood of its fallen victims. The one on the head clearly just doesn't like getting its feet wet.

Please note how the leader is sipping blood from a cup, too! With a slice of lemon...maybe that adds piquancy to the flavour? I wonder if it was heated in the flmes from a burning building first to bring it back up to body temperature xD To bring out the bouquet, dahling!

The neckerchief pairs very well with that t-shirt, doesn't it? I've not considered wearing those together but I might do now! And do notice how the chicky at the back really seems to think the slipper is its mummy xD
An amusing outfit, even if it is goingto make me look at fluffy little chicks in a different light for a while :ninja:

bork and means

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jellysundae is offline
Old 05-09-2011, 12:20 PM

Here's your winner for this week, it's Usuke:

I love the face! Even though it's pretty damn scary! :gonk: Great combination of items, especially with that hair. I was watching X-Men yesterday on TV, and as soon as I saw this I imagined it being some very strange mutant that could conjure fish from flames or something xD A handy person to have around at a barbeque! If the exoskeleton and laserbeam eyes didn't put you off, of course :ninja: He's even got timers so they wouldn't burn!

Oh! Now maybe he's not scary at all, but is a totally portable barbie, and you grill stuff on his rib cage! Have I cruelly misjudged him because of his appearance? I stereotyped, how evil of me :( I hope I can be forgiven :sweat:

Enough of my blather, anyway! Congrats on a very creative avatar, Usuke! It certainly set my imagination off down a strange road!

bork and means

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jellysundae is offline
Old 05-16-2011, 04:01 PM

Here's your winner for this week, it's Omnomnomnom:

LOL, basically xD This looks like a very big OH SHIT! situation :lol: Be kind of hard to try the "It was like that when I got here!" line, with regard to this xD This makes me think of some Harry Potter type thing that went horribly wrong.

I see that bug as some kind of droid that's found the culprit and sent a message back, so the flaming searchlight has him pinned! He could probably do with having those goggles down, or I see some serious arc-eye in his very near future :ninja:

Cute little outfit, kind of like a Boy Scout with some fancy touches. Maybe this was the result of him trying for his first magic badge. I think he's gonna be confined to the scout hut singing hymns for a while after this episode...

Cute and amusing look there, Omnom!

bork and means

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jellysundae is offline
Old 05-24-2011, 09:13 PM

Here's your winner for this week, it's Mageling!

Isn't this sweet? Absolutely living up to the avatar's name, too! I love how they're dressed as a gardener and surrounded by all their beautiful hard work, but I also love the magical aspect in there. Maybe they cast a spell and that's why those vines are shooting up like that! Maybe they can come round my house and work the same magic on the plants that I'm growing :ninja:

This is such a great gardener's look though, even the wizard's hat is sensible as it will keep both rain and sun off! The colours are all beautifully harmonious, the red of the hair balancing the flowers very nicely, nothing garish in the outfit to seem inappropriate for garden work, and look how the hat neatly fills the gap between the hills in the background.

Altogether it's an outfit that's very nice to just sit and look at! I'd love to have a garden like to the wield a shovel in, but until I do, I'll just admire this avatar :D

bork and means

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jellysundae is offline
Old 06-01-2011, 07:32 PM

Here's your winner for this week, it's Midian:

THIS IS SCARY D: I mean, seriously!
♪ If you go down to the woods today you're sure for a big suprise ♫
Just, quite simply :gonk: This is dark and creepy, and freaky! It doesn't help that the dark background hides the hearts on the bottom of the wings, so they look like sharp stabby things. And where did that heart come from! On second thoughts, I don't want to know D:

This is like every evil fairytale person all rolled into one. Some malevolent queen who goes out hunting in the forest at night time, with her ravens, and harvests the organs of innocent bystanders, to take back to some dank dungeon and experiment on, or maybe to eat!

Some awesome item combining going on! The helm and the horns look great, as does the bone greaves on the legs, adding texture to the black. The silver wings used cleverly here, as they're in the middle of the picture and break up the darkness without causing an imbalance, they neatly mesh the other lighter areas together.

Congrats on scaring me out of 10 years growth, Midian!

bork and means

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jellysundae is offline
Old 06-06-2011, 03:51 PM

Here's your winner for this week, it's Beautiful Disaster:

Let's face it, how could I possibly pick anyone else? Idon't even want to tryand think how this guy ended up in this situation :lol: Could be the aftermath to a stag night that would definitely end up with videos on Youtube, he mightbe a very specific strip-o-gram for someone's birthday, he might have fallen asleep with his teen sister was having a bunch of her friends over for a sleepover. Whatever it was, this guy is not happy xD

Entertaining look aside, it's a well put together piece, nice colour-balancing going out without any needless parts added just for the right shade. Though with this one, that might hav been hard to tell! I'm amused by how the storm of feathers and the IOU implies that he's just pummelled someone who owes him money ><

This is just LOL from every angle and I love it! I hope it has the same effect on everyone who sees it!

bork and means

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jellysundae is offline
Old 06-13-2011, 09:57 PM

Here's your winner for this week, it's Cyndel:

This caught my eye straight away! She looks like a character from a Japanese horror film. This is one seriously creepy avatar! Great combination of items to get the right look, too! This is the kind of inventiveness that I look for, where different items have been put together to achieve a specific and recognisable result.

Excellent hair choice too, perfect for this kind of look, just a hint of scary face showing though, it is scary though! Doesn't look like the victim, more the protagonist, just out of shot there's probably a pile of bodies. Though considering how weird these kind of movies can be, who knows what might be just out of shot, or about to appear from behind those trees!D8

Why am I putting these images in my head when I'm just about to go to bed :gonk:

Congrats Cyndel!

bork and means

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jellysundae is offline
Old 06-20-2011, 06:52 PM

Here's your winner for this week, it's Suzhi Mix:

Another super-creepy one this week! I'm getting sea monster vibes, but that's probably from the snakey hair, but the whole get up is just OMGCREEPY xD Great use of items here, all combining to make something that would have the bravest person running away screaming :ninja:

I especially like the metal teeth used with this look, that's very gruesome, and, how the cobblestone floor over the wrecked city background looks like big cracks in the ground, which in turn makes it look like the monster caused an earthquake. The storm clouds in the sky behind them have a nice mushroom cloud vibe going on too.

The omniscent eye bits used over the harpy legs gives a lovely impression of some really nasty disease, too, and I'd don't want to know what bit of them is dripping blood onto the floor!

Smashing avie! Hope it doesn't give anyone nightmares :D

bork and means

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jellysundae is offline
Old 06-28-2011, 09:25 PM

Here's your winner for this week, it's Fauxreal:

This is pretty surreal :lol: I mean, are the mice hallucinating a giant mouse fairy who brings candy, because they're eaten too much popcorn? Are the little ones midgets or is the big one a giant? The mind boggles xD

And let's take a look at the individual little mice: one is in a carb coma from eating popcorn the size of its head, one is looking at the giant mouse like OMFGWTFISTHAT!! and the other is sat on its own, emoing, nothing worse than a sulkypants at a party!

I wonder if this is the kind of stuff that your pets get up to when you're out of the room, kind of like Toy Story, you know? I think I need to set a hidden camera up on my hamsters and see if they start to party once I've gone to bed :ninja:

A fun and freaky avatar, congrats! :XD

bork and means

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jellysundae is offline
Old 07-05-2011, 09:36 PM

Here's your winner for this week, it's llonka:

This is a lovely little avatar, sweet and simple but with plenty of impact. Great colour balance and nothing overloaded anywhere, and superb use of finishing touches, too.

Imagine this look without the wings and the petals, would look cute right, but a bit too samey. Adding the wings has given depth and background, and the petals add lovely contrast and interest. Smashing colour combination! Bright and zesty, but with the purple to stop it from being too bright and making your eyes bleed!

The hairstyle works perfectly too, if long hair had been used the colour balance wouldn't have gelled so nicely.But LOOK! BLUE eyes! No obsessive matching of eye colour to the outfit, the blue looks nice actually, doesn't detract from the outfit, just another pretty little pop of colour :D

Congrats on a super fun outfit!

bork and means

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jellysundae is offline
Old 07-14-2011, 12:01 AM

Here's your winner for this week, it's Wings of Writing:

Quite transfixed by this! Can't decide of it's benign or evil, I love the forest fire thing it's got going on though. I think I can't work it out because the avatar is pretty, but it's doing bad things, so it's sending conflicting messages and confusing my poor brain :lol:

Some great touches on this though. Do you see how the tribal markings on the legs mimic flames with how they swirl, and how the hair colour has been chosen to show through the flames on the head, and give them a green tint.

I have all kinds of thoughts running through my head as to why a forest fairy would start burning the place down: Maybe she's gone a bit loopy (woodworm?), maybe she's been hired by a big corperation that wants the land to plant palm plantations for oil, maybe her neighbour let their leaves blow onto her side of the forest, maybe she's just a pissy bitch :lol:

Whatever the reason it's a thought provoking and dramatic avatar, congrats!

bork and means

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jellysundae is offline
Old 07-18-2011, 10:23 PM

Here's your winner for this week, it's KatMagenta:

It was the monochrome that initally caught my eye with this one, then I looked closer and realised that it was rather creepy xD. Puts me in mind of an old black and white horror film, one from the 1950's maybe, where the women spend a lot of time screaming. Though I think I'd scream if I was out in a wood at night and saw this coming towards me! Especially if it seemed to appear through some skull encrusted portal!

I love the use of the alien eyes with the bone mask, nice combination of head items too. I'd love to know what the thought behind this avatarwas, it makes me think of some kind of demon queen, coming to eat your children, or maybe your most tasty internal organs, while you're still alive of course...

Great item combination to balance the two colours nicely, looks interesting and not at all cluttered, gives a nice regal vibe too, because she's a majestic creepy, scary goddess monster, oh yes!


bork and means

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jellysundae is offline
Old 07-25-2011, 11:28 AM

Here's your winner for this week, it's Kah Hilzin-Ec:

Can I just say, first off, that I love it when people put together every day outfits from our items, and by every day I certainly don't mean boring or run-of-the-mill. But "normal" stuff that you could see yourself wearing in real life, rather than fantasy looks.

Kah's pulled this off with applomb here with an outfit that's both cute and cool and that I could totally see her wearing to school. She's also done something else which I really like, which is make me look at something a person has equiped and think, "what's that?!". Here it's the leg wear, because she's cleverly layered a pair of transparent turquoise tights over the top of the robot legs, to give a nice stripey effect, I shall remember this idea and use it myself at some point!

The facial expression amuses me a lot, too. To me it says, "Yeah, I know I'm not supposed to come to school on skates, or have aqua hair, but tell me, does this look like a face of concern to you?"
I think someone's in for a detention :ninja:

Great fun avatar, Kah, congrats!

bork and means

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jellysundae is offline
Old 08-03-2011, 06:41 AM

Here's your winner for this week, it's BellyButton:

This is both extremely lulz and very clever! The avatar just has to be some lunatic from a cult, probably the kind that thinks aliens are among us, and here she is look, arriving at Menewsha's docks to spread the lurve, flee for your lives while you still can!!!

It's the docks that are the clever part! I'd never have thought of doing that with the pirate ship, inspired! Especially with creating an opposite shore too. But wait, what's this! The loony turned up on a boat armed with a cannon, and it's pointing right at the castle :gonk: We're all DOOMED!

This made my morning Belly, great little tableau :lol:

bork and means

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jellysundae is offline
Old 08-08-2011, 11:52 PM

Here's your winner for this week, it's Winterwolfgoddess:

This is quite simply, very pretty :) I love the way the new bathing dress looks with the corset over the top, and the low slung belt with it is just perfect. The three head items look great together, the organza behind the hairpin displaying the little floating hearts beautifully, I think I need to get myself some of that onganza and have a play with it with my own things!

The cupcake, well, that couldn't match more perfestly, could it? To be honest, the whole outfit looks quite cake-like, all that chocolate and caramel colours, with strawberry and fluffy creamy's a very sweet look :D

So yes, once I've posted this I'm off to the shop to buy myself sosme organza and some stripey stockings, I've been inspired! Thanks for encouraging me, WWG :boogie:

bork and means

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jellysundae is offline
Old 08-17-2011, 08:52 PM

Here's you winner for this week, it's neller:

This is fun, she looks like a ninja wizard! Just pause for a moment and imagine just what a ninja wizard would be capable of...

Scared yourself, or want to be one?

I love how this is both dark and bright at the same time. The use of the airy cloak combined with the light effect on the floor makes the avatar seem to be floating. Whilst the blue of the hat and other accent pieces adds a good zing and makes things pop against the dark background.

The eyebrows add to things too, just that little touch to show they mean business, and that ball of lightning could be heading straight at you if you do anything such as breathe wrong :ninja:

Eye-catching and very cool avatar!

bork and means

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jellysundae is offline
Old 08-23-2011, 10:24 PM

Here's your winner for this week, it's sadrain:

A perfect picture, this! A tribal princess in her lush forest kingdom. I'd say she's a Central American, wouldn't you? Inca, Aztec, to be with all that gold. In some deeply hidden realm surrounded by waterfalls. But by the look on her face she might also be one of the tribes that still eats people, so you don't want to be hanging around :ninja:

Another avatar that is actually really simple, very few items equiped, but the overall effect ha a lot of impact because each item is bold and isn't over-shadowed by those around it. I really love how the skirt and belt look together! The hairpin and circlet look perfect too. Not many people use that hairpin, but it's excellent for this look!

Now then, I wonder if I can sneak past her and go and dip my toes in that lovely pool...

bork and means

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jellysundae is offline
Old 08-31-2011, 07:55 PM

Here's your winner for this week, it's X---AznCo0ki3:

Oh dear :lol: I wouldn't want to be that chicken right now! I don't know whether it's escaped from the cage and roosted on her head, or she's intending to catch it and stuff it in the cage. Either way, I think I know what's on the lunch menu! Who knew that giant cat-bats like to eat live chickens? Imagine waking up to find that on your pillow, with no head :gonk:

Rather cute outfit for what looks like quite an aggressive beastie! I especially like how the bloomers look with the jacket. Kind of preppy meets Victorian, pretty neat! Can't help but wonder if the reason for the eyepatch is something to do with the chicken though! And I also can't help but wonder what was the previous victim, that caused the bloody hand print xD

I like how this avatar combined a cute outfit, with some pretty off the wall extras! No reason why a rabid chicken-stalker can't look good! ;)

bork and means

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jellysundae is offline
Old 09-05-2011, 07:43 PM

Here's your winner for this week, it's Razor:

Totally gruesome! Seems pretty fitting considering the blood lotus' somewhat fearsome reputation! This is what happens to you if you eat it! Great to see someone using one of the redone hairstyles, good grungy colour picked too, to fit with the dark look of the avatar.

Kind of get the vibe that the flower has enslaved the avatar with it's fragrance/fumes, and is now using it as a living sentinel, to fight off any of those Tapio warriors that try to kill the plant. Though it doesn't look that alive to me! You get the impression that if the avie stepped outside of the flower it would immediately die. It clearly never gets to sleep, standing there starey-eyed in the middle of the night.

Don't even ask me about the Yumeh halo, I didn't even notice that at first :lol:

Congrats, Razor!

bork and means

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jellysundae is offline
Old 09-14-2011, 07:36 PM

Here's your winner for this week, it's Assassin_666:

Well, what do we have here! This entertained me as soon as I saw it, mainly because the lightning around the coffin makes it look like it's just landed. It's a teleportation device! Bringing a mechanical corpse to visit! It even has it's own mechanical flies, something which I'm sure would fascinate Grissom!

Whatever dimension he's dropped in from, this guy is all gussied up ready to have a good time, I especially like how the chain of the cloak looks over the clean lines of the jacket, and ringing the changes with a white hat, trousers and gloves really makes the outfit stand out.

The use of colour is clever too, with it being contained to just a few items while the rest is monochrome, that gives the whole effect so much more impact, like the colour splash that people use on edited black and white photographs. The red in this case really makes the avatar itself pop because it frames it so perfectly.

Altogether a very nifty look!

bork and means

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jellysundae is offline
Old 09-19-2011, 05:07 PM

Here's your winner for this week, it's Wrenji-chan:

Apologises first off to anyone who's creeped out by insects, but damn, that's a big bug, right there! I think it's quite keen to bite someone too, hell forget bite, let's upgrade that to devour you whole :lol: After it's picked you up with those wicked claws and flown off with you, of course!

Please note how this bug is big enough to have furry bits on its head, too! I love how the head jewels look like some weird gland behind the horns, those probably squirt poison or something you know, to work its way straight into your bloodstream once it's stabbed you with those horns D8 And look! There's something tied around its waist, someone tried to restrain it, but it wasn't having any of that!

I love how the dark crystal armour there looks just like the kind of carapace that a beetle would tuck its wings under! And those eyebrows of course, perfect insect antenna, especially if you're some kind of mutant gigantomoth. I'm just uber-relieved that Wrenji didn't equip the alien eyes with this, or I might have been forced to flee, shrieking :ninja:

A great, high-impact avatar! Albeit something I'd quite like to stamp on! Nice going :D

bork and means

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jellysundae is offline
Old 09-27-2011, 11:16 PM

Here's your winner for this week, it's Rozalyne:

Isn't this pretty? Making me think of Spring as we edge into Autumn, all fresh and airy and bright. Also, kind of makes me think of toothpaste :lol: I love how the puff sleeves look with the stripey top! All the items on the body combine to make a super cute outfit!

And check out the hair, adds some blue in all the right places, without anything that puts too much in one area, then the wings behind in the green again to frame and balance everything.

Nothing is overdone here, she looks cute and well-balanced and this is totally an outfit you could wear in RL. Well, if you had a blue wig and some wings lying around handy! Actually, I can see this avatar advertising some light and fresh frangrance, for Ralph Lauren or someone. Get that marketting deal now! :D


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