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Old 06-28-2015, 02:07 PM

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Woke up feeling tired again this morning. Work was alright, I focused pretty hard on the project I was working on and that seemed to make the day go faster. I watched more of that Adobe Illustrator course on Lynda and learned some more interesting stuff. After work I headed home and ran around trying to get some stuff done then played some SWTOR. I ended up staying up late again though. Oops. I need to get better at that...

• • •

Man, this is a pretty tough subject! I've only felt heartbreak a few times but it does go away. Usually there's that freakout moment accompanied with a lot of crying but as they say time heals all wounds.

Friday, June 26, 2015

Today was alright. I woke up feeling pretty tired but at least it's Friday! Work went pretty well. I was still focusing on my project so it made the morning go by pretty quickly. On my lunch break I went out to get some things I needed for my upcoming trip home and stopped in at Banana Republic because they were having a big sale. I never go in there because it's pretty expensive but I found this really cool bracelet for $20 on sale so I splurged. My coworkers complimented me both on that and my outfit so that was a nice confidence booster for the day. ^_^

After work I headed home again, at dinner, and played more SWTOR.

• • •

I wish I could start hearing some boom booming on the roof above my apartment. I'm still waiting (like six months later) for them to fix the ceiling. @_@

Saturday, June 27, 2015

I woke up pretty early this morning and had a bit of a headache all morning long. I puttered around a bit, called my dad, made lunch, tried to play a bit of Phantasy Star but then got pulled away for a while. Afterwards I did some stuff online, made dinner, and played more SWTOR. It got late and I wanted to go to bed but I just didn't feel tired. Eventually I did lay down and managed to fall asleep after a while. Overall it wasn't as productive a day as I was hoping for but oh well.

• • •

Uuuh, I feel like this was a popular song recently? IDK...

Last edited by zigbigadorlube; 06-28-2015 at 02:10 PM..


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Old 07-01-2015, 11:52 AM

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Today was another slowish day. I relaxed in the morning then went down to drop my laundry off in the afternoon and started packing for my trip. I took a break and finished up my packing once my laundry was done. I procrastinated a bit and then ran around trying to finish everything else I wanted to do and managed to actually get to bed on time for once. Score!

• • •

Ugh! It's so hard to pick favorites! I'm not sure I can really pick a favorite memory, there are just so many!

Monday, June 29, 2015

Today went by pretty quickly. I had some trouble with the train in the morning and got to work 20 minutes late. I worked some more on a new brochure design for most of the day. For once it wasn't really a stressful last day before my vacation which was nice. I went home, made dinner, and got ready to go to bed early since I'll have to get up super early tomorrow.

• • •

To be honest I'm not a huge fan of politics.

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Today I had to get up suuuuper early to get to the airport. I set my alarm for 4:20 and woke up at 4:15. I got ready and ran to the train. I transferred to another train and was a bit nervous since I'd never taken this route before but everything went well. I wasn't ready for the craziness of the airport. I wasn't expecting it to be so busy for a Tuesday morning. I spent 40 minutes waiting in line for the checkin and bag drop. Security went much faster. I started to get hungry so I grabbed a smoothie and went to wait at the gate. I was pretty tired and wanted to sleep during the flight but there was too much turbulence to do that. Oh well...

My dad met me at the airport and we drove back home. I had lunch and took a shower and waited for the rest of my family to show up. We went to visit my grandmother for a few minutes and then went out to eat dinner. It was a great time. I laughed more than I have in ages! Once we got home I watched the first half of Star Wars Episode III with my sister and then headed to bed.

• • •

Apparently they caught the convicts that had escaped from near the area that I grew up. It's kind of funny how I didn't hear about it until they were actually caught. >.<

Last edited by zigbigadorlube; 07-01-2015 at 11:54 AM..


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Old 07-08-2015, 08:38 PM

Time for a mega update...

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

I slept surprisingly pretty well, I guess since I was so tired. I woke up with a stomach ache though, probably from the spicy buffalo wing I tried while we were at Applebees. I went with my dad to get the dog’s hair cut and came back home. I found out that a TV show I love but never get to watch was having a marathon so I started watching it but I was tired and still not feeling well so I ended up taking a nap while my dad went uptown to get groceries. After I woke up we had to start getting food around for dinner. We had a family friend over to visit which was a ton of fun and dinner was delicious! We had chicken kabobs and corn on the cob on the grill as well as white and purple salt potatoes and brownie a la mode with homemade hot fudge for dessert.

After our guest left, my sister and I did impressions of the dog’s paw and then went upstairs to finish watching Star Wars Episode III and then headed to bed.

• • •

I guess I don’t really have any specific summer goals to be honest. It would be nice to get to the beach at least once before the end but that’s about all I have in mind really…

Thursday, July 2, 2015

I slept pretty well again. I woke up still feeling a bit bleh but at least a bit better. I went to go get my hair colored. I bleached the ends in an ombre effect which is really cool! I’ll have to remember to post a picture…

After that I went home and made a casserole for lunch with my dad then it was time for my mom to come pick me up. We headed to the optometrist for my eye appointment. My prescription changed slightly so I decided to get a new pair of glasses. They’re pretty cool! I’ll have to remember to post a picture of those as well…

Surprisingly they actually had the glass in stock to do my glasses right away (they usually don’t) so we went shopping at Tops and one of my old coworkers was there! It was so great to talk to her. I wasn’t expecting to see her ever again since she had transferred out somewhere else but I guess she ended up coming back. We ate dinner at Pizza Hut and then went back to pick up my glasses before heading home. I made a fort with my little sister and we watched TV until bed time.

• • •

I’m not a huge fan of the alien tropes, LOL!

Friday, July 3, 2015

I actually slept surprisingly well last night! I was expecting my sister to come wake me up but I actually managed to sleep in a bit. My mom dropped my sister off at my aunt’s because she had an appointment to get the car looked at and I wanted to sort through the things I had stored in the closet.

I sorted through my stuff pretty much all afternoon. I managed to get rid of at least half of it so my mom can have some more storage space. Little by little I’m letting go of my old stuff. Mostly all I have left now is my art stuff and ceramics as well as a few keepsakes and books.

When my mom got home we worked on getting stuff ready for my sister’s birthday party. Once everything was done I played frisbee with my cousins for a while. We ordered Chinese food for dinner and then I worked on a bit of sewing until bedtime.

• • •

Yucky! I don’t like deviled eggs… I actually didn’t eat eggs at all until college. Now I love them but I’m still not a huge fan of hardboiled or other sorts of cold eggs. >.<

Saturday, July 4, 2015

This morning I helped my mom work on my sister’s birthday cake. We did this fancy castle thing. She layed out the cakes and I helped with the decorating. It was fun! *note to self to add a picture*

Later the family came over to have a cook out and then we left to go get a spot for the fireworks in the evening. I read through some of my old notebooks until it got dark and then soon after the fireworks started. They weren’t as good as previous years because there wasn’t a lot of funding but it was still nice to see some fireworks. The show lasted about a half hour and then we headed home.

• • •

I actually love fireworks! I’m pretty depressed that I missed the NYC fireworks yet another year in a row. My first year in NYC they didn’t do them on the East River then last year I was in Paris and this year I was visiting my family so yeah… Hopefully next year though!

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Today was a pretty busy day. We went to church in the morning and then ran home to finish up preparations for my sister’s birthday party. We did a whirlwind of decorating and then the guests showed up. Not a whole lot of kids came but everyone seemed to have fun which was good. I got to talk to an old family friend that I hadn’t seen in ages so that was pretty fun.

Later on I cleared my old ceramic city out of the closet and planted it in the garden. I’ll have to post a pic if I can remember. It looks much better out there than stuck away in storage!

In the evening one of my best friends came to visit and we had a bonfire. I had a bit of trouble getting it light because there was a lot of dew out but it was nice once it got going. We made s'mores and talked late into the night.

• • •

Picnics are fun! I don’t really have what I would call a real picnic often anymore, I usually just take my lunch to the park once in a while, but it would be fun to do a real traditional picnic sometime with friends. ^_^

Monday, July 6, 2015

Today was the last day of my vacation. I woke up early to see my little sister off on the summer school school bus then I did my packing. I was pretty tired when I got done so I took a short nap and then it was pretty much time to go. We picked up my sister and then headed to the airport. It turns out my flight was delayed by at least two hours. Whoo! I sat and waited with my mom and sister for a while before finally going through security. I scrounged around for something to eat and ended up getting a kind of crappy salad then headed over to my gate. I waited. And waited. And waited some more. The flight ended up being delayed longer than they thought.

Eventually we boarded and the flight went much better than I was expecting. The service in NYC was waaay faster than it usually was upon arrival too which was nice. I didn’t even really have any trouble getting home either which was surprising. My room mate helped me take my bag up and then was pretty much got in an argument right away which was pretty lame. My kitty didn’t seem too happy to see me either so I ended up feeling pretty depressed so I just got ready for bed and went to sleep.

• • •

Polka dots can be kind of cute sometimes. Usually on things like stationary or whatnot. I don’t usually wear polka dotted clothes though...

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Today was my first day back to work. I was sooo tired this morning that I actually slept through nine full minutes of my alarm going off. @_@ That’s so unusual for me… Once I got up I was still pretty tired but I felt okay about going into work. I was excited to see what everyone would think about my new hair and glasses. ^^; It turns out everyone loves them! I do too, which I guess is what really matters, but it was nice to see that everyone agreed. ^_^

Work was pretty slow. Apparently my computer decided to take a vacation while I was away because it didn’t work like at all. The IT guy fooled around with it all day while I did intern type jobs which wasn’t bad.

After work I headed home and went grocery shopping then made dinner and hung out for a little bit before bedtime.

• • •

There have definitely been some interesting moments on Mene. I can’t really pick out any particular favorite but one of the most impressing ones was when Channah’s beehive got completely blown off! Another recent one is my newest Admin’s Pick star!

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Today I woke up before my alarm. It was kind of nice to have a bit of time to get some stuff done this morning. I played with the kitty and did a tiny bit of unpacking before I had to get ready for work. I tried this Star Wars cereal that I got yesterday for breakfast but it was pretty terrible. It tasted like Fruity Pebbles with like 3 marshmallows in the entire box. Bleh!

The work day was pretty bleh. My computer still wasn’t working and I spent pretty much all day fighting with it and the IT guy so the minutes passed by super slowly. I finished my book during my lunch break too so I didn’t have anything to read on the way home. >.<

At home I made dinner and finished unpacking and then it was pretty much time for bed. Not really an exciting sort of day really.

• • •

If my mood were weather I’d definitely say it’d be thunderstorming outside. I’m feeling kind of grumpy and I love storms so that would probably cheer me up.

Last edited by zigbigadorlube; 07-08-2015 at 09:17 PM..


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Old 07-10-2015, 01:38 PM

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Yesterday was a bit frustrating. My computer at work still wasn't working and the IT guy wasn't helping so I was trying to figure a lot of it out by myself. On my lunch break I went to the library to pick up a book I had put on hold. When I got back it took a few more hours but I finally managed to get most of what I need up and working which was good. The last few hours seemed to go by really slowly but finally it was time to go home, whew!

When I got home I did a few things around the apartment and made dinner. I watched an episode of this anime called "One Week Friends" while I ate. It's pretty interesting. After that I played with the kitty for a bit and then got online to play some SWTOR. When I finally got ready for bed I got distracted by the kitty playing with a ladybug in the hallway. It was adorable! Too bad I didn't get a video...

• • •

Actually I took a picture of my first stuffed animal recently! As soon as I sync my phone pictures I'll have to post it here...


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Old 07-11-2015, 11:03 PM

Friday, July 10, 2015

Work today was pretty frustrating. I realized that I had more projects and upcoming projects that I previously realized and started kind of freaking out for a bit. And the one of my coworkers got all pushy and shoved another one in my face. Exactly not what I needed. Apart from that it was a pretty quiet day. The boss is still away and my supervisor had taken the day off.

I was also pretty busy when I came home. I did laundry and cleaned the bathroom, made dinner, and watched a bit of wrestling while I ate. Folded and put away my laundry, finished cleaning the bathroom, did the dishes... I was pretty all over the place. I was a bit tired after all of that but I ended up skyping with a friend for a bit and then headed to bed around midnight.

• • •

I'm not ashamed to admit that I still have some toys. I love stuffed animals so I have a ton of plushies. I have a few figurines as well. Eve from Walle and a Baymax figure my mom got me for Christmas last year. I did end up getting rid of a lot of the things I still had left stored at my mom's place recently though.


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Old 07-15-2015, 02:20 PM

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Today I woke up at my regular time with a mega headache. I tried to get some stuff done but then gave up and went to lay down. I put an herbal pack on my head and managed to doze for a few hours and woke up feeling better. Later on I ended up getting tired again and actually took a second nap. That's pretty much unheard of for me, I'm kind of afraid that I might be getting sick...

Even though I was less tired I ended up feeling pretty bleh for the rest of the evening. I made dinner and played some more SWTOR which was fun. I was pretty surprising though that I was still tired enough to go to bed around midnight. I really hope I'm not getting sick. V_V

• • •

Oh! My houseplants! I'll have to take some pictures... I have a bamboo plant which has grown quite tall, a little fuzzy succulent, and a little hanging basket of air plants. I don't have much of a green thumb so I have a hard time keeping plants alive. The bamboo is the only thing that has really flourished under my care so far.

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Today I slept in a bit. I meant to get some stuff done after I got up but then got distracted looking things up about SWTOR. Eventually I took a shower and made a late lunch. I was feeling tired again so I took a short nap and got a few things done before making a late dinner. Once I finished cooking I went to grab some tupperware for the leftovers and there was a cockroach in the cabinet. We've been having one or two here and there and I decided that I better do something about it.

I tried to eat a bit of my dinner but I had pretty much lost my appetite so I ended up cleaning out the whole cupboard and went on a killing spree. It was disgusting. I cleaned out two cupboards, recleaned the kitchen, took out the garbage and recyclables then took a shower to rinse off and headed to bed late.

• • •

I collect kawaii things! In addition to my plant pictures I'll have to take some pictures of my little kawaii knick knacks.

Monday, July 13, 2015

I didn't sleep well at all last night. I dreamt of cockroaches and woke up tired. The day got a bit better as it went on though until I finally left work. I was supposed to have an appointment but it got cancelled at the last minute so I ended up having dinner in the park instead. Afterwards as I was leaving I noticed a waffle stand so I decided to splurge. I've been wanting to try one forever so I finally gave in. I was a bit disappointed though that I hadn't seen the s'mores one until after I made my order. I felt like the one I got really could have used some chocolate. It was still yummy but too much for me to finish alone so I ended up having to throw half of it out.

I headed to the subway to go home but the platform was super crowded. Eventually my train came then they announced that it was running local, then express in Manhattan but local in Brooklyn. In any case the whole thing got turned around and they ended up changing the path of my train entirely which completely screwed me over and I ended up getting stranded on a line where I couldn't make any transfers. I had to get off and backtrack to a big hub station to be able to change back to go where I needed to go.

Since there was a Target there I decided to pick a few things up before heading home and ended up getting home much later than I wanted to. Bleh.

• • •

Eh. This summer has been okay but I feel kind of bad that I haven't gotten out to the beach at all. Here in NYC the summer is mostly just unbearably hot so I wouldn't consider it my favorite season. It doesn't seem like it's been as bad as previous years though but I've just been too lazy to go out really.

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Today started out as a pretty good day. I woke up early and got to work early which was nice. Work itself was pretty good apart from some rocky places in the morning. I was doing some web design stuff which I enjoy doing and took up most of my day. I had an appointment at lunch time which went really well too.

In the afternoon I got a surprise delivery~ I'll have to post a picture once I get around to uploading my phone pictures. I've just been so busy lately!

I made dinner when I got home and then had another nasty surprise in another cabinet--more cockroaches. I had plans to do other things but ended up spending the rest of the night cleaning on top of the fridge and the other few cabinets that I hadn't had time to clean Sunday night. So yeah, another late evening. T_T

• • •

When I was younger I had a few bikinis but as I got older I switched over to one piece suits. A few years ago I went on a diet and lost quite a bit of weight so I ended up getting myself a bikini at the end of the swimsuit season. I love the pattern but the cut is a bit eh. Still, it's fun to finally say that I have one, even if I don't wear it much. I still feel kind of self conscious wearing it but then again I don't go to the beach often. Maybe eventually I'll get used to it. ^^;

Last edited by zigbigadorlube; 07-28-2015 at 08:09 PM..


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Old 07-21-2015, 06:10 PM

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Today I had an appointment at the dentist. I absolutely hate going to the dentist! It was only for a cleaning but even that makes me nervous… I was there for about an hour. They did the cleaning and then injected some sort of medication into my gums for an infection that I can’t quite seem to kick. It made my mouth pretty sore for the rest of the day. V_V

Here's a picture of my unhappy dentist face:

I had a long meeting after lunch that lasted pretty much to the end of the day and then went home a bit late. I made eggs for dinner and played some SWTOR which was a nice way to offset the ickyness of earlier in the day.

• • •

I wonder if this is a song or something I’m not familiar with? *Confused*

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Today didn’t go well at all. I woke up in the middle of the night covered in sweat. I managed to go back to sleep but later on I woke up again with a backache that developed into a stomach ache and dizziness/fatigue and I just felt overall terrible pretty much all day long. If I didn’t have an important meeting later in the day I wouldn’t have come to work. I was pretty nervous about the meeting but it actually went pretty well and I felt a bit better afterwards.

Here's my "bleh I'm sick face" oh yeah, and a picture of my new hair and glasses since I have yet to share one of those... >.>

And a macaron. The boss came back from a business trip and treated us to some yummy chocolate and cookies:

On the way home I saw the tallest man I’ve ever encountered. I swear his butt was literally at the height of my neck. O. o

When I got home I did a bit more cleaning. We’ve been having a cockroach problem lately and I’ve been doing my best to try to get rid of them. I had dinner and went to bed early since I was feeling pretty tired.

• • •

I have a lot of Mene threads. I suppose I could list them all but I’m pretty lazy. >.< My most recently thread was probably the Cat Café hangout that I made. That one is a lot of fun. =^.^=

Friday, July 17, 2015

Today was a pretty good day. I slept relatively well and work went alright. I came home and did a bit of whirlwind cleaning and then got online to play more SWTOR. If you haven’t already realized I’m a bit addicted to this game. XD

• • •

I’m not a huge fan of peach flavored things. I like fresh peaches by themselves but that’s about it. ^^;

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Today I ended up going to the Staten Island mall. I left earlier than I was intending to because I wasn’t feeling very well in the morning. I had a few episodes of vertigo and some residual dizziness but once I got there it had mostly passed. I walked around for a few hours and ended up eating dinner there. I had some Chinese food but it wasn’t very good so I made up for it with a shake from Häagen-Dazs. I really wanted a Cinnabon but apparently the Cinnabon stand closed down.

In the end I came home with some tea and rock sugar from Teavana, some rings from Icing, some makeup from Kiko Milano, and a dress from Garage.

I played a bit more SWTOR and then had a cockroach crisis and had to stop. Definitely not a fun way to finish out the evening. V_V

• • •

I never used to like salad but these past few years I’ve been starting to eat them a lot more. For the most part I really only eat chicken cesar salads though and I’m pretty picky about my dressings.

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Today was a bit of a slow day. I planed on getting a bunch of stuff done and then ended up feeling a bit lazy. I spent the morning doing pretty much nothing and then went to get some groceries in the afternoon. It was mega hot though. I came back and made dinner and then watched “Unbroken”. I had just finished the book so it was interesting to see the movie rendition. It was alright but I definitely preferred the book.

• • •

LOL! I’m really not sure what to write about this one, sorry.

Monday, July 20, 2015

It was so hot I didn’t sleep well despite the air conditioning and was pretty tired today. Work was alright but I had a hard time focusing. When I got home I made a salad for dinner and poked around online for a while and then got ready for bed. I made sure to turn the AC on high as soon as I got home so it would be cool enough to sleep and went to bed early to try to make up for all the tossing and turning I did last night.

• • •

I love seeing the moon and stars. I can’t really get a good view of them here in the city though…

Last edited by zigbigadorlube; 07-22-2015 at 11:36 PM..


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Old 07-23-2015, 02:34 PM

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

I slept much better last night which was good. Work went pretty well. Afterwards I went to Uniqlo to get a yukata! I saw them online and just couldn't resist! I tried on a bunch but here's the one I ended up getting:

I'll definitely do a better job of putting it on when I wear it later. I just kind of threw it together to get an idea of how I would look with the color/pattern. I'm super excited to wear it! Now I just have to find the right occasion... Comic con for sure but that isn't until October, hm...

• • •

I've been pretty lucky to get a few of the NPC gifts! There are still a few that I'm working to collect however...

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Today was alright. I was late getting to work yet again. I keep waking up before my alarm but then getting involved in stuff and end up leaving late, then train problems and ugh.

Anyway, work was alright. The day went by pretty slowly but it wasn't bad. I worked on trying to document our current labels design standards which was a real mess and then tried to set a standard for future labels so everything would match. Hopefully that will help clear things up.

Once I got home I made dinner (egg ham and cheese crepe with broccoli on the side) and then played SWTOR till late.

• • •

I've been thinking that a road trip would be fun but I no longer have my car so...


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Old 07-24-2015, 02:03 PM

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Today was a pretty buy day. I was running late yet again this morning. I don't know what it is. I keep waking up before my alarm but then getting distracted with things and yeah...

Work was alright. On my lunch break I went to Century 21 with a coworker because she wanted to look at sunglasses. She ended up getting sunglasses and a purse. I was proud that I didn't end up getting anything because usually when I go shopping with her, she gets nothing and I get stuff. Then when she comes shopping with me I don't get anything and she gets stuff. It's pretty funny how we're backwards like that.

At home after work I ended up running around like crazy trying get a million things done. I put in two loads of laundry, repotted a plant and cleaned up the resulting mess, cleaned the closet... I moved the laundry, and did the dishes then put a bunch of tupperware in the sink to soak, got the laundry, folded it, did more dishes, made the bed and then finally got around to eating some toast for dinner with a glass of chocolate silk at 10:30. Then I went out to get milk and eggs, sorted through some music, and got ready for bed. Needless to say I ended up getting to sleep late and I didn't even finish doing everything I was hoping to get done. *sigh*

• • •

I love ice cream! I like cookie dough, cookies and cream, mint, coffee, chocolate... I tend to put chocolate syrup on those ones. My absolute all time favorite though is Birthday cake, yum!

Last edited by zigbigadorlube; 07-24-2015 at 08:11 PM..


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 07-24-2015, 08:10 PM

Friday, July 24, 2015

I had a really vivid dream last night. I probably would have woken up feeling more tired if I wasn't too busy still trying to puzzle out everything that happened.

I ran late to work...again. I swear next week I'm going to do my absolute best to leave on time because this is getting ridiculous. On my lunch break I repaired one of my bracelets. The rest of the day went by relatively quickly after the CEO left for a meeting and I was able to put in an ear bud and listen to a bit of music.

After work I went home and ran around trying to get stuff done--dishes, put away laundry, etc. and then played some SWTOR online with a friend for the rest of the night. ^_^

• • •

I like hotdogs! I usually eat them plain. I most often tend to make them with macaroni and cheese on the stove but they're also very yummy on the grill.


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 07-27-2015, 03:24 PM

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Today was a pretty lazy day. I slept in a bit and then did some stuff around the house: dishes, more laundry, a bit of cleaning, etc. then lazed around a while in the afternoon. I ordered some Chinese food with the roomie and watched an episode of The 100 then went out for a walk. It was getting on towards evening so it had cooled off a bit with the sun going down on the horizon which was nice given the heat we've had here lately. When I got back I popped some cinnamon rolls into the oven since I've been craving those recently and then played SWTOR for the rest of the night.

• • •

OMG I was actually just thinking about the beach! I totally would have gone to the beach today if the trains at my station were actually running. I'm really hoping that they will be running next weekend and then I'll totally go. I really want to get there at least once before the summer is over...

Sunday, July 26, 2015

I didn't get to really sleep in today like I wanted to but oh well. I got some more stuff done this morning. Dishes and some computer stuff. Eventually I went to take a shower, had some leftover Chinese food for lunch, and then played a few hours of Shadow of the Colossus which I've been craving to play recently.

After that I went for an hour long jog. I was really impressed with myself to be honest! I was expecting to get tired out and give up after not long at all but I was really amazed with how much I was able to do, especially since I haven't been running in a long time! I didn't really get tired or have a hard time breathing, I just had some side stitches that wouldn't quit that made it a bit hard. I jogged to the park and then around the block there 10 times and back home where I walked around the block to cool down which ended up being a total of 5 miles. Wow! It really felt great (minus the joint pain caused by running on the pavement). I'll definitely have to go again soon!

• • •

Meh, I don't really want to talk about my parents.


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 07-28-2015, 08:17 PM

Monday, July 27, 2015

I was expecting to sleep pretty well last night after all that running I did but unfortunately that wasn't the case. I woke up before my alarm and couldn't get back to sleep. -_- At least since I was up early I was able to get to work on time.

On my lunch break I played some Pokemon Diamond. I picked that up for the first time in years last night and decided to try to finish it up before moving on to the new Sapphire game. I wanted to play some more on the way home but since I left the system idling all day it ended up dying on me. Oops! I ate leftover Chinese food for dinner and plugged in my 3DS and pretty much played Pokemon for the rest of the night after that. ^^;

• • •

Ooh this is such a hard one! I'll just throw these out there in no particular order...

1. I love the blush pose on the Cheesy Romance.
2. I love the backgrounds on the Marvelous Moustache Bros.
3. I really like the skin and clothing on the Siriusly?
4. I love everything about the Oriental Garden.
5. I love the jewelry on the Legendary Unicorn.
6. I squee when I see all of the fuzzy sheep in the Year of the Warm Fuzzies.
7. The tattoos on the Inked CI are awesome.
8. I surely can't do without the longcats from the Pester Kitties CI.
9. I absolutely need the Office Life CI to cosplay me in real life.
10. And last but not least the Angelic Blessing is just amazing!

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

I didn't sleep well again last night and woke up early after having a pretty terrible dream. What is it with me and waking up early this week? Unfortunately this time it didn't work out in my favor of being on time for work since my room mate took too long in the shower. It was much hotter today too than I was expecting otherwise I probably would have worn a dress. -_-

The day went by all right. I played more Pokemon on my break and worked on designing a trifold brochure most of the day. Towards the afternoon though I ended up getting really tired and it was really hard to focus after that. I just wanted the day to be over...

I played more pokemon after I got home. I'm trying to organize everything in all my old games and trade whatever I can forwards. It's kind of time consuming and not terribly amusing but I should be able to enjoy the benefits later and I'm getting very close to a complete pokedex!

• • •

I really like hiking and being in nature. It's been forever sine I went on a hike though. Nowadays I'd have to take a bus out of the city to find anywhere decent to hike...

Last edited by zigbigadorlube; 07-28-2015 at 08:27 PM..


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Old 07-30-2015, 02:45 PM

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Apparently my phone ended up falling behind my bed in the middle of the night so waking up this morning was a little bit annoying. >.< I wore a cute summer dress with a kimono belt and Japanese hair ornament today. I felt happy when I put it on but the day was kind of eh afterwards. It was hot and the AC didn't seem to be working well at work so I had a headache most of the day from lack of air.

After work I headed to the Brooklyn Botanical Garden for their members night. It was pretty cool actually! Normally picnicking isn't allowed in the park but apparently on member nights you can bring food (and wine) in. I just had a simple sandwich since I was just coming from work and didn't have time to make up a fun picnic basket. I walked around the Japanese pond and saw a great blue heron fishing there! It was so cool. I watched for for at least ten minutes before moving on.

I took off my shoes and walked around in the grass for a bit. As it started to get dark the lightning bugs started coming out! I was amazed by how many there are! I hadn't seen any in the city yet. I watched them and walked around till closing. It was really a lot of fun, I'll definitely have to go back soon.

• • •

Hmm, what is my best summer story? I feel like I haven't really done much this summer. >.< I think my best story is probably yet to come since the summer isn't over quite yet.


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Old 08-04-2015, 06:22 PM

Thursday, July 30, 2015

Today was super rainy. Despite getting a bit wet on my way to work the morning was all right. On my lunch break I went to Sephora and looked around. There are a lot of new products I was really tempted to buy but I managed to resist. XP Later in the afternoon I had a long meeting that was super frustrating and basically ruined any chance I had at concentrating for the rest of the day. I stopped at Target on the way home to get some groceries and came home to a super messy smelly apartment because my room mate hadn’t bothered to do the dishes or take the trash out. I was pretty pissed because it was late and I was tired and instead of relaxing after the stressful meeting I had this afternoon I had to run around trying to clean everything up. What a pain…

• • •

Hm, this is actually a tough one! I have one pair of skinny jeans that are my favorite because I look my best in them but I also have another pair that I really like because they’re the most comfortable. ^^;

Friday, July 31, 2015

I felt pretty today. I got dressed up though there wasn’t really any special reason for it. The morning went by pretty quickly and I went out to wander a bit on my lunch break. After work I rushed home to clean the bathroom because a friend/coworker asked me at the last minute if she could stay over at my place tonight. After that I played a bit of SWTOR until she arrived. We went out to dinner at this hot pot place down the street that I’ve been meaning to try but was too chicken to do it alone. It was actually really good! We ate way more than we were planning to. Oops! After that we went back to my place and lay around a bit before heading to bed.

• • •

I actually already did a short post about my pets previously… See them HERE.

Saturday, August 1, 2015

I didn’t sleep too well last night and woke up with a bad taste in my mouth. I think maybe they added some sort of sugar additive to one of the sauces we had last night that didn’t agree with me. My friend and I lounged around for the morning and then got ready and went to Orchard Beach in the Bronx. It took us two hours to get there but it was well worth it. The beach was very clean and the kids were well behaved! We rented an umbrella and lay around for a bit eating sandwiches we bought on the way. Eventually I went out to swim in the ocean. The water was really cold but it was nice when I finally got used to it. We had to return the umbrella by 6:00pm so we headed back after that. The ride home went pretty fast. I took a shower and made some pizza for dinner and played some more SWOTR. Overall it was a nice relaxing day.

• • •

I’m honestly one to hold a bit of a grudge sometimes. I’ve gotten better about letting stuff go these days but if someone wrongs me and they don’t apologize for it I can have a hard time getting over it.

Sunday, August 2, 2015

I didn’t sleep too well last night either and my stomach was bothering me again this morning. I woke up and did a few things on my computer then went down to do my laundry. I came back up and made some lunch and checked a few more things off of my to do list. Later on I went for another jog in the park, which was pretty nice. I came back home, took a shower, and made dinner then looked at sneakers for a while. The ones I’ve been running in have been hurting my knees and they’re really old so I finally decided it would be good to buy a new pair if I’m going to keep jogging. After that I played a bit more SWTOR online with a friend until bed time. I can’t wait to get off of the planet I’m on. If I never see another rakghoul that’d b fine with me.

• • •

I’m not a huge fan of watermelon to be honest. I mean I’d eat it if that’s all there was but I’m just not a huge fan of melon in general.

Monday, August 3, 2015

I woke up feeling suuuper tired this morning. My room mate took extra long in the shower this morning too so I ended up being five minutes late to work. The morning went by pretty well. I got the present I ordered for myself from Sephora this morning. I’m super excited to try it out. On my lunch break I went out for a walk even though it was pretty warm out. It was good exercise I guess. Afterwards I ended up crashing a bit in the afternoon though. I just completely ran out of energy. When I got home I had a few things to get done but I was so tired it took forever to drag myself from one chore to the next. Eventually I finished and managed to go to bed a bit early. Hopefully I sleep well tonight…

• • •

I don’t have a lot of friends but the ones I do have I’m pretty close with. It’s kind of hard to chose a “best” though since they’re all great for different reasons! XP

Last edited by zigbigadorlube; 08-06-2015 at 03:11 PM..


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Old 08-06-2015, 03:10 PM

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

I didn't sleep as much as I was hoping to but woke up feeling a little less tired today. I was surprised when the sneakers I ordered on Sunday were already in the office for me when I arrived. I tried them on but they didn't fit so I ended up having to send them back. On my lunch break I went to Foot Locker to look at sneakers and feel in love with a pair of floral patterned Nikes. Nike has a much better return policy if you buy from them though so I ordered them online instead of getting them at Foot Locker. After work I headed straight home and made a quick dinner then played some SWTOR till bed time.

• • •

Oh man, I had at least one good Mene quote but it looks like I lost it! Otherwise most of my fun Mene things are drawings rather than quotes. ^^;

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Today I woke up feeling tired again. I really haven't been sleeping well lately... The day went okay. On my lunch break I went to go get my glasses adjusted because they keep falling down my face. After work I went to the movies with my roomie to see the new Dragon Ball Z movie. It was pretty good but not as good as the last one and the sound mixing was so loud that the whole place was shaking. >.< Afterwards we stopped in at Applebees to grab something to eat. I wasn't too hungry after eating a bunch of popcorn though so I just kind of nibbled at my meal and took most of it home. We ended up getting home pretty late and then I couldn't sleep for a while so I ended up going to bed really late. V_V

• • •

I can't wait to work my new sneakers! I'm feeling super impatient and don't want to have to wait till tomorrow for them to arrive. >.<

Last edited by zigbigadorlube; 08-06-2015 at 03:14 PM..


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 08-10-2015, 01:23 AM

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Today I woke up feeling pretty eh from going to bed so late last night. It took me a while but eventually I managed to perk up a bit. Work was just kinda eh. I went to the library on my lunch break and looked at some reference books. I came home after work and wanted to relax a bit but had to deal with an ant infestation instead. Oh joy.

• • •

I looove books and reading! I used to read a crap ton when I was in high school like at least a book or two per week. In college I basically stopped reading though because I didn't have time for pleasure reading with all of the coursework reading I had to do. A few years bak though I got back into it and now I'm a crazy reader once more. XP This past week or two I haven't read quite so much though since I've been on a bit of a gaming kick.

Friday, August 7, 2015

Still haven't been sleeping well... I need to relax more or something. At least it's Friday and I have the weekend to recover a bit. The day went by okay until my coworker ended up taking a two hour lunch break without warning me. That was a little bit annoying... At least when I finally did go out for my lunch break the day went by pretty quickly after that. My new sneakers came too! Yay! I came home and made a ham and cheese omelet for dinner with some toast and juice. It was pretty yummy. I talked with a friend on Skype for a while and then played some SWTOR and was finally able to get off of that one planet I've been stuck on forever...

• • •

To be honest I have a pretty photographic memory of the last place I used something and I tend to always put my things back in their "rightful spot" when I'm done with them so I don't often lose things. Well besides my phone which I tend to set down places and then forget where I left it. the closet. >.>

Saturday, August 8, 2015

I was hoping I'd be able to sleep in today but no bueno. My room mate left pretty early to go visit her family on Long Island so I had the place to myself. The contractor came in to finally start working on the ceiling and I tried to get some stuff done myself, grocery shopping, cleaning, and the like. I had a pretty delicious ham and swiss grilled cheese sandwich for lunch and I called my mom for a and talked to her for a while. I wanted to go out for a jog after that but my legs and back were really hurting me so I decided against it. Later on I made some pizza for dinner and played some more SWTOR.

• • •

Traveling is fun.

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Today was a pretty good day. I still didn't get to sleep in but oh well. I got up and got some stuff done and then relaxed most of the day. I played some pokemon and painted my nails. I made another one of those delicious ham and swiss grilled cheese sandwiches and the contractor came to finish with the ceiling. Later on I took a short nap and then finally went for a jog. I came back, made dinner, and basically played pokemon till bedtime. Overall not a bad day ^_^

• • •

I looove s'mores! I've always wanted to try one with a Reese's Cup but just never got around to it...


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 08-20-2015, 02:59 PM

Um, oops! I got super behind on this. There's no way I'm going to remember everything I missed so I'll have skip a bit. ^^;

---------- Post added 08-20-2015 at 11:35 AM ----------

Monday, August 10, 2015

I honestly haven’t been sleeping well lately. I’ve been feeling pretty stressed out so that’s probably part of the reason. Usually I sleep on my side. I tend to flip over a few times in the night though so I don’t necessarily have a preferred side. I like to sleep with two medium to flatish pillows and I love to cuddle up with blankets and stuffed animals! Usually I try to go to bed between 10:30 and midnight at the latest and wake up around 8:30 on the weekends and 7:30 on weekdays.

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

I’ve actually had a few dreams about my mene friends. Not too many but I have had one or two of Cora and Car’a’carn. I can’t really remember them anymore but they were pretty basic and kind of silly for the most part.

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Hm, I’m not really sure what this topic is meant to be about. I do really like things to be centered though so finding the center of something is always a bit of a pain for me. I like how on Photoshop you can set things to snap to the center. Otherwise I spend time measuring with a ruler, string, paper, etc. to try to find the center of things. I dunno why it bugs me really, I just like things to be symmetrical. [xd]

Thursday, August 13, 2015

I find it quite a challenge to keep produce fresh in my apartment. My room mate and I don’t really share food or eat the same things so it’s almost impossible for me to eat up fresh stuff before they go bad. I tend to get a lot of frozen veggies for that reason. Whenever I buy fruit I try to take some of it to work to share with my coworkers to minimize the waste there as well but it’s still an ongoing battle against spoilage especially since I have a really nice produce market right next to my apartment.

Friday, August 14, 2015

I don’t have any recipes that I’ve tried recently but I do have some that I want to try! I’ve heard orange juice marinade for ham steak is yummy and I’ve been meaning to try that. I’ve also been meaning to try making some chai tea madelaines because that sounds pretty amazing! I just really haven’t had the time to experiment much food wise recently because I’ve been so busy.

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Today I didn’t feel well all day. I just felt super nauseous and icky the whole day. My room mate had some friends over and we played a few board games. I eventually went to lay down for a bit. I didn’t really sleep much but it was good to just close my eyes for a bit. I wasn’t really hungry so I just kind of moped around for a while and eventually got on to play some SWTOR. I made some soup for dinner and it actually made me feel quite a bit better after I ate it. Hopefully I’ll feel better tomorrow…

• • •

Recently my room mate sent me some pictures of cats sitting on slices of pizza. That’s totally crazy! I don’t get what would possess a cat to sit on something sticky like that. And why wouldn’t they just eat it?

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Today I actually felt quite a bit better! I decided to spend most of the day relaxing though. I recently picked up a t-shirt and some fabric markers because I had plans to make a shirt for a friend so I finally got around to doing that! It took me pretty much all day to finish it but I really enjoyed it! It was the first time I had really done something artsy in a while. I can’t wait to see if they like it!

• • •

I’ve recently been on a pokemon kick. I decided to go back to my old games and try to do a complete pokedex. It’s sort of taken over a lot of my free time recently.

Monday, August 17, 2015

Today I didn’t feel well again. Work was stressful and the day went really slow. I had planned on trying to do stuff when I got home in the evening but ended up just completely slacking off again. I guess I just needed some more time to rest.

• • •

To be honest I really like the way certain business models work. Sephora for example has a really great model which allows you to purchase pretty much anything risk free. It’s amazing! Birchbox is also pretty awesome! You get a sample box every month and then write reviews to earn rewards points you can spend on full sized products. I ended up cancelling my subscription because I had so many samples I couldn’t finish everything but it was fun while I was receiving them! I loved always having something to look forward to in the mail.

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Another stressful day at work. I just have so many projects going at the moment that I can’t keep up. I also haven’t been relaxing much outside of work either so that isn’t helping. I sort of freaked out after my two days of relaxation when I realized how much I have to do that is building up. I think I need to work on my schedule a bit to see if I can’t make things a bit more manageable…

• • •

There are a few poems I really enjoy but for the most part I’m not really the type to sit down and read through and enjoy poetry.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Yet another busy stressful day. On my lunch break I went to Sephora to try to find a new moisturizer. My face has been breaking out like crazy with all the stress I’m under and I wanted to try to find something to soothe and moisturize my skin. Later in the afternoon I had a meeting and the rest of the day was just mega crazy till the end. After work I headed out grocery shopping but that was a bit of a joke. There was pretty much nothing in the store so I didn’t end up getting half of what I needed.

• • •

I have a love/hate relationship with technology. The things we can do today with technology is just amazing but we’ve become so dependent on it that when things don’t work everything goes to hell.

Last edited by zigbigadorlube; 08-20-2015 at 03:37 PM..


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Old 08-21-2015, 08:57 PM

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Today was alright. The days this week have been going by pretty slowly. I went back to the grocery store after work hoping they would have some heavy cream and other things that weren't in stock when I went yesterday. I did find some stuff but not the cream. V_V After that I called my sister and made dinner. I did some stuff on here then took care of the dishes and a few other things. I had a few minutes left before bed so I signed up for the pokemon bank! I'm really excited about transferring my pokemon over.

• • •

LOL! I guess I do have some pretty sweet shoes. I don't have a lot but I do have a few really cool ones! If I ever get around to taking those pictures I keep meaning to post on here I should take some of my shoes.

Friday, August 21, 2015

I didn't sleep too well last night and ended up getting to work late this morning. I was pretty distracted today and had a hard time concentrating. The boss was in a mood too so that made things difficult. I did get an awesome care package from a friend though! That was a really nice surprise! I went out to do some errands on my lunch break and basically waited for the day to be over. >.< When I got home I took care of a few things and then got online to play some SWTOR.

• • •

I actually just called my grandparents the other day!


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Old 08-28-2015, 02:01 PM

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Ugh, I have so many problems with my teeth to be honest. When I was younger I lost two teeth in one night which caused a whole slew of problems. One tooth came in over farther than it should have which would have forced the other tooth to become impacted in my cheek. That combined with an overbite forced me to get braces around 7th grade. I had a retainer, braces, invisaline, another retainer, and then yet another when that one broke. I then had my four second molars pulled because there wasn’t enough room for my wisdom teeth to come in. And then the fillings began. One of them went pretty awry and caused me a lot of pain for a month straight. After that I was paranoid that I would have to have another so I started brushing my teeth really hard and now I have gum recessing and extreme sensitivity plus an infection that I can’t seem to completely get rid of after having a popcorn kernel stuck behind my last tooth for over a month. T_T

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Happy thoughts! To be honest I haven’t had a lot of happy thoughts recently. Things at work and on mene and IRL have been super crazy busy and I’m super stressed and just can’t seem to keep up. I’m really hoping things let up soon so I can finally relax a bit...

Monday, August 24, 2015

Sports aren’t really my thing to be honest. I’ve never really cared to watch or play them much. The only sport I ever did in school was Track and Field in high school. I did shot putt, discus, and the 800. It was probably one of the best decisions I ever made. It was really a great experience. Other than that I really enjoy watching the Olympics but otherwise I don’t really pay attention to sports.

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

ROFLROFL! I may or may not have been flirting with a certain someone recently…

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

I believe in certain human rights but I’ve never really seen myself as an activist.

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Probably the last time I thought this was to something one of my coworkers said. Things have been a little crazy there lately since we had a new person start in the sales department.


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