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Ghost Caracal
sadrain is offline
Old 01-12-2015, 02:55 PM

Silence settled between them, and for a moment, he felt as if it was the comfortable kind, unlike before. Then, Zenon lazily popped one eye up and saw the distanced expression the woman wore, curled up, as if there was something heavy on her mind. And although there were so many things that could be bothering her, for some reason he wanted to chase them away. Even if for a moment. Especially here, So, he sat up, their shoulders brushing.

"That sad expression just won't do," he commented, seemingly staring ahead, but corner of his eye set on Sarah. "See, the ghost that haunts this place is very particular. I believe he doesn't tolerate any sort of grumpiness or sadness around this rock, so I fear that if you won't smile, he will come and punish you. I wonder what he would do... Hm, oh I know! He'd make me sing!" Valmir gasped in fake horror and jumped from his seat, now standing in front of her. "Yes, that is a horrible punishment indeed, believe me! For I can't sing to save my life!" Shifting to stand as if he was about to start singing opera, the man picked up a cheerful melody that came out as a croak growing into pitched sound before he stopped abruptly. Of course, he was highly up-playing it, but it was true he couldn't sing very well.

"When I have to sing anthem, I simply mouth the words not to stun people around me. It is such a shame, too. I could do everything for the lady of my heart aside from serenading her," Zenon shook his head, hair falling in his eyes that looked at her with dancing laughter, barely managing to keep his mouth from grinning widely. "Well, I would try to make up for it with my other talents," he winked at Sarah then. Either she'd laugh or get angry at him now, any of those were better than that melancholic mood that seemed to have settled over her.

Her mouth opened slightly, as if she was about to gasp or protest, when Mannik lifted her up, but her hands went to his shoulders, as if to hold on or for support. If she had managed to forget just how strong he was, this was a clear reminder. It was like she weighted close to nothing for him and back in her mind, Adelmar thought again how helpless she'd be if he wanted to hurt her. Yet aside from things spat in anger, he had always been surprisingly gentle with her. At first, she had taken it nearly as mockery or that he found her not worth the effort of hurting, but now... She couldn't quite figure out his attitude towards her, she didn't have similar example to in her life compare it to and then add to correct part of her catalog.

When she realized that he was focused on her leg, firstly she was glad she had worn pants today and her legs were covered from knees below, although that was a ridiculous thing to think. "It is fine, do not worry about -" she said, but in middle, poorly stiffled giggle broke out. What no one really knew was that Adel was highly ticklish. Young woman covered her mouth with hand, startled by her inability to contain that small bubble of laughter and tried to save her 'image' a little. "I have had worse, it will be alright," Adel tried to assure the man, but he was intent on taking care of her, which was somehow very illogical, but sweet. So, she gave in with soft sigh and thanked him, looking at him with slight, but honest smile.

Mannik brought up question of weapon and that sobered the girl up, nearly fully extinguishing that warmth that had seemed to wrap her up with how he was trying to take care of her, even if she couldn't entirely understand why. It couldn't be that he really, truly liked her - there were many far more beautiful women, she was an indecisive coward (yet one that had attacked him) that symbolized everything that he hated, she hadn't even been useful to him or his people. "I will get you a knife," she nodded. "And if it seemed like they were somewhere outside when your Commander talked with you, I have a rather good idea where they could be. It is safe place," Mar added. And quite special place, too. If Zenon had brought Commander there then... Well, she wasn't going to entertain that thought.

When Did I Become This?
Kisu is offline
Old 01-13-2015, 01:17 PM

Sarah's eyes followed the man as he sat up. She raised an eyebrow when he spoke, and looked completely shocked when Zenon began to sing....croak...die? She groaned, standing, and swatting at him playfully. "My ears, my ears!" She exclaimed, covering them and laughing. Still, though, doubt about his intentions swam in her mind. Imhoff was several years his senior, and he could really have any woman in Above. Why her?

Still standing in front of him, she sobered quickly. Still smiling, she reached out gently, rubbing his chest. She gave the man a look of longing, and sighed. "Alright. I give up. I want you, Mister Hadar." She said his name playfully, "As much as I tried to shut you out, you got in my head."

Sarah hugged herself, looking rather vulnerable for just a moment. "Will you stop messing with my head now? This whole thing will come back and bite me in the butt later. You succeeded, you won. Alright?". It took everything inside of Sarah to admit this, however, it was true. He was her enemy. He represented everything she was supposed to hate. The fact that she felt this way was already a blow to her pride, and admitting it was rather hard as well. She sighed, sitting back on the rock and laying down. The felt so nice and warm. Her eyes closed slowly. She doubted Zenon would attack her right now. This whole time on this rock was one Sarah wouldn't forget. It all felt so right.


Mannik beamed when Adelmar laughed, giving her a rather smitten expression. " I haven't got to hear you laugh...not a real one anyway..." He choked out, his voice once again rough from emotions he was trying to keep in check. She was ticklish. This small little part of her that he had discovered thrilled him to the core, though he tried hard not to show it. Everything had seemed to be going well, so Mannik was puzzled when Adelmar's smile became more pasted, and her eyes cooled down. Was it because he had asked for a weapon? Telling her the rest of his plan was out of the question then.

Mannik's shoulders tingled where he hands had rested. Trying to distract himself, he spoke slowly. "Why do you do that?". A small sigh escaped him: her foot was wrapped. He had no more reason to touch her. He stood next to the bed, his hand covering on her skin. He tugged her shoe back on, being careful not to tickle her this time. " Every time we have a conversation that lasts a few minutes, you get so cold in the middle...look...I...I know you won't ever..." Mannik stuffed his hands in the strange pockets, and looked at the wall. He backed up, once again like she was a wild animal that would bolt if he stayed in her space. "I know you won't ever feel this way about me. You've made it clear what you think and I've come to terms with that." It was a lie, but he so badly wanted to just enjoy this last bit of time with her. "And I've come to terms with my feels about you. I know they won't be reciprocated...they won't ever be reciprocated, but we can still try and be...uhm...friends...right? For this last little bit of time at least? Just...what can I do?"

He felt like he was doing a horrible job, trying to get his thoughts and emotions out. He'd never had to before. "I...I mean...what can I do to make you stop thinking of me as some monster? How can I get you to see me as..." As what, really? A man? Someone who wasn't completely hopeless? Most of the time, Mannik felt like a monster, especially when she looked at him with those cold grey eyes. He wanted so badly for one person alive to think he was something else. He wanted so badly for Adelmar to look at him with pride. Just please don't hate me... Mannik wanted to drop to his knees and beg her to stop shoving him away. Even if it made him look weak. He was willing to be seen as weak for her! Didn't she get it? What was wrong with girls? "I...I get you don't want me, in any way or form. I know I've said and done horrible things. But, I really just want to make you happy...I just want you to be safe and happy, okay? I don't want to leave knowing you can't stand me..."

(Fingers are now falling off.)

Last edited by Kisu; 01-13-2015 at 01:23 PM..

Ghost Caracal
sadrain is offline
Old 01-13-2015, 02:52 PM

Zenon laughed, bright and happy laugh, as he had succeeded in pulling her out of that mood. When Sarah turned more serious again, his smile didn't fade however, and when the woman touched him, he half instinctively moved to trap her hand with his over his heart. It was beating at steady, but quickened pace that she could feel for sure and later, the man would realize this was perhaps the most emotionally intimate thing he had ever done with someone. His expression had now become more serious, thoughtful even and he felt immediate loss when she pulled her hand away.

Commander admitted he had won the game, gotten inside her head and for some reason, Hadar heir wasn't sure if he was happy about that. Just something about the way she worded it... It made him uneasy. He followed her to rock, sitting down next to the woman, then shifting so he was laying on his side, head propped on his hand as he looked down at her. It wasn't comfortable, some ridges of the stone digging in his side, but Zenon couldn't care less in this moment.

"If the winning goal was to get inside the other's head, I am quite sure this is a tie," he told her quietly. "You are infuriating, bright, different and I am sure you will use that against me one day, but I willingly give you this advantage. And I won't blame whoever or whatever comes to bite you in your butt because it is very attractive one." Zenon paused, smirk on his lips, finger tracing her jawline now, but then turned serious, nearly sad. "I am selfish, but I have never felt as selfish as now that I want to keep you. I really should hate you for throwing my flaws in my eyes, but I just can't... Little fire," he honestly swallowed 'my' before the petname and then leaned down to press lips to her softly.

She bit her lip, embarrassed smile still breaking out when Mannik commented on her laugh. Of course he had heard, but for some reason, he didn't scoff at her or think she was laughing about him and that was good. Too bad the good moments never seemed to last and the reality that Adelmar was pulled back into was harsh and ugly. And it seemed that the wall built by lives that had been so different up to this point - and still were - of mis-communication was back in full force, too. There was little else, she could do than stare at the man as he spoke, quietly, as her hands gripped the edge of bed tighter and tighter, until her knuckles turned white. She wanted to interrupt, to tell him to stop, but couldn't find the words and maybe she actually didn't want him to stop. Because the possible meaning behind his half-said words was.... Scary and thrilling at the same time.

The more he said, the more confusion and even desperation grew. How could she assure him that she didn't see him as a monster, without... Without giving him hope? Even if her heart went crazy and started to feel something for him in ways he seemed to imply that he felt for her, it would be impossible, would it not? And it couldn't be that he truly saw her as... as something, they had spent so little time together and she hadn't shown herself from best side, Adelmar knew that. But first, she had to assure Mannik that she didn't fear him - at least she didn't fear him now, just the thought of how strong he was - or look at him with disgust.

Young woman stood up and moved to walk by his side. "It is not true that I see you as a monster. I am... Someone who understands survival means doing things you do not want to do, or at least I thought I knew how hard it can be. I bend down and weather storms, you stand up and fight. I listen more than I talk if I can, and I find it hard to forget that life is... Messy, messy place. Especially now. My brother calls me sour apple and ice cube, because of the way I always look at the downsides and close myself up," she gave a humorless laugh at this.

Adelmar shifted so she was now standing in front of him, looking at his face. He looked younger now, much closer to her own age, green eyes swimming with emotions she couldn't quite comprehend and for a moment, she wanted to reach out and touch his cheek, but refrained. "I apologize if it gave you impression I still hold dislike for you - you have done so much for me today alone that I will never forget and I am ashamed of my father's actions. If anyone has been monster today then it has been him and also me, for allowing him to do such a thing. I know people like him - me - are symbol for things you hate, but... if you would accept, I would be honored to have you as my friend, Mannik." Sincere, if a little unsure how he would take it, smile spread on her lips and she extended her hand.

"Maybe I could also be your ally eventually. I have... loyalties to my house, not my father or this city, but my house, that I must fulfill, but perhaps I can be of some help to your people as well. I feel I am onto something, it may be important." It was dangerous thing to say and she prayed to God there were no listening devices here or anyone that would be eavesdropping at the doors. He may not know it, but she was putting her neck out for him, for him and his Commander. Adelmar doubted even Zenon would approve of what she was doing. He was still Hadar and despite acting to have such an independent mind set, more short sighted than he would ever be able to see.

She paused then, taking a deep breath as if she was about to jump in water and trying to prepare herself, "as for the other things... You are different from everyone else I have ever met, in a good way, and I wish I could unlearn what I have been taught and be so direct, honest about... About everything, as you are." Adelmar swallowed and suddenly tiptoed, putting weight on her good leg, pressing her lips to his cheek. She lingered a moment too long to find it appropriate and then moved back, faintest blush on her face. "I will return soon," young woman told him, before leaving the room quickly.
~ Dreaming; Yellow Welcome Balloon, Ruby Red Suntinas, Cloud Hibiscus and a lot more. ~
~ My Shop ~ My Runway ~

~ p o p p e t ♥, Queen_Andais, star2000shadow, Eastriel are absolutely amazing ~

When Did I Become This?
Kisu is offline
Old 01-13-2015, 03:46 PM

Sarah could hear Zenon as he loved and laid next to her. She felt oddly connected to this man, and she wasn't sure why. She didn't know if it was a good thing either. Still, she wasn't going to fight it right now. Her hand still throbbed, like it wanted to feel Zenon's heart beneath it again. What was so captivating about thus man?

When he started speaking, however, her blue eyes opened, staring at him. She wasn't sure whether or not he was telling the truth, but, she didn't really care at this point. His fingers on her jaw made her shiver, and his words were music in her ears.

He kissed her again, and she returned it softly. She felt so happy right now, but strangely sad as well. When the kiss ended, she offered a smile to Jim. "I won't. Use any of this against you. I swear." She hesitated, before letting a hand travel through his hair. It was remarkably soft. "After I leave, it will be like this never happened. I won't ever bring it up again.". She propped herself up on her elbows, kissing down Zenon's jaw.


Mannik stood still, though he visably tensed as Adelmar approached him. She spoke, and he flinched, expecting a flat out rejection. At least what came from her this time was some sort of peace offering. Half of what she said puzzled him, but he wasn't going to argue.

His eyes widened as her lips brushed his cheek. They were so smooth, so gentle. His hand came up, touching his cheek gently, like she'd given him something precious. It was the only part of her he would ever have, he supposed.

Looking away and lowering his head so Adelmar couldn't see most of his face, Mannik felt that strange pressure again. He waited until she had left the room, and touched his eye, surprised to find his fingertips wet. Tears? So this was crying? Had he ever done this before?

His mind flickered back, recalling the intense training the Commander had put him through. She'd been a teen, and he couldn't have been more than five. Tears are weak, are you weak soldier? Knock it off. Be strong!. The words came back so easily.

Mannik brushed the wet away. Imhoff had been right. He had a job to do, even now. He moved from the room, and quickly located Ellen.

She was easy to find, and Mannik dragged her back to the room. Before Adelmar returned, he needed to speak with her.

"Is your granddaughter in Below?" He questioned.

The woman looked hopeful. "Y-yes! We sent her back with someone Raiding when she started to have feelings for that noble."

"Her name?"


It took some convincing to get Ellen to agree, and it was clear she was just as desperate as Mannik. Eventually, both parties were a little satisfied and a little disappointed, but Ellen agreed to do as Mannik wished, in return for something from him.

It was a huge sacrifice for him. But people of Above did this all the time, and he would gladly do it for Adelmar.

Soon, he was sitting on the bed again, head in hands, and Ellen had left.

Last edited by Kisu; 01-14-2015 at 11:55 AM..

Ghost Caracal
sadrain is offline
Old 01-13-2015, 05:59 PM

For a moment, Zenon felt content. Perhaps more than he had in years. He had never understood that urge that always pulled, no dragged, him around, tried to tear him apart, that made him feel as if he was missing out on something, something very important, that he had to do something. And despite all the attempts to ignore it, to drown it in women, so-called friends, booze and Descends, it never went away completely for more than that short while when his blood sung with first thrill of getting his way. How it could be that her presence alone both blew this urge out of proportion and soothed it? He felt dizzy and insatiable one moment and next, didn't need anything else at all, only for everything to stay exactly like it was right now...

Unfortunately, it was not meant to remain unchanged. His eyes darkened, as if his gray-blue eyes were clouds that predicted storm approaching. "Like it never happened," he echoed, words strangely bitter on his tongue. Part of him was whispering 'don't ruin it, don't ruin it', but Zenon rarely ever could manage to follow his own wise advice. "I guess I have not gotten that deep in your head after all, huh?" His hand dropped down on the rock, although he didn't push her away. He had always been alright with women of Above putting aside their short affairs as if they hadn't been important, but he had also always been the one to end them... And most of them continued to run after him. Was that the problem, his lack of control in this situation? And would he lose his interest once he 'caught' her?

He didn't know answer to these questions, at least he couldn't be sure, as this was something new for him, but at least for second question that seemed to be firm 'no'. His fire, she couldn't be tamed completely, could she? Aggravated, more at himself than her, although she was not without fault, too, the man stood up and began pacing along one side of the rock, running hand through his hair few times as if it could help him relax. "What if I didn't want you to forget?" he finally said, still pacing.

Adelmar paused in the hallway, feeling as if she had just done something she shouldn't have and at the same time not done enough. In a way, she missed the simpler life for a moment, when all her relations were simple, straightforward, even if laced with bitterness. Mannik was... Well, she wasn't sure what he was doing, but in a way, asking for something she couldn't give for so many reasons. She had been told that affection can be weakness, but from other side, her grandparents had smiled lovingly at one another even at their old age. Yes, her grandma had said they had fought and they had had their side-steps, but in the end, it didn't change what they felt for one another, that their feelings were what got them through the time of Wislawa family falling from its high tower and shattering like glass below, with no one to pick up the pieces anymore.

She had sworn she would be the one who did it, sworn it quietly at their graves. She would marry a Hadar and their offspring would rightfully rule Seven once more, she would buy back their most precious estates and family heirlooms, restore them to their former glory. She would prove the world that Wislawas wasn't weak line and it wouldn't matter that her children wouldn't bear her family's name - they would be Wislawa in heart and her brother's children would also carry the name on. But now she was risking it all, helping a man from Below who had kidnapped her, no matter how gentle his touch was now, she was promising his people alliance even... Was she as weak as her father? But no, kindness did not have to be weakness. Her great-grandfather had ruled... Perhaps not justly, not for everyone at least, but also not unkindly. And Mannik, too, was proof that a hand that could sooth could also strike down viciously.

Either way, she could not go back on her promise and she would feel always guilty if she failed getting him out now. (Especially because she had meant everything she said, as illogical as it was.) Later, she would figure what to do, how to salvage the situation. Young woman knew she would have to suffer wrath of her father, that he would know who got the keys, and that Zenon after some thinking would not be pleased either. He had been in good mood due to his... dalliance, but later he would grow angry that she had passed him so simply regarding Mannik. But all of that would come later and she would deal with it, one blow at a time.

First, she checked on her parents - her mother was still absent on some tea party with friends while her father had passed out in their bedroom. With soft sigh, she sneaked into kitchen and carefully picked a knife that she could hide and, hopefully, he could, too. Few times, she felt as if someone was watching her, but decided to disregard as her nerves being too worked up. Or so Adelmar hoped. Quietly, she slipped back in Mannik's room. "I have it. My mother is still away and father is asleep, so, we should get you out while we still can. Anything else you could need?" she asked, handing the weapon over to him, careful to give it hilt first so it wouldn't seem like she was threatening him. For moment, she recalled how she had held a different one against his stomach few days ago, how easily he had disarmed her.

When Did I Become This?
Kisu is offline
Old 01-13-2015, 06:26 PM

Sarah paused kissing her way to Zenon's ear when he repeated her statement. She pulled away, staring at him. He looked...upset? She wasn't sure. "I didn't say I would forget Zenon." She finally answered sharply, after a long pause.

"But, really...what did you want to happen? What did you expect to happen?" Her hair, as always, was struggling to remove itself from the cap, so in an effort to collect her thoughts, she busied herself with tucking strands back into it. He was still pacing, and her eyes followed him, even as her hands worked.

Watching him made her feel like she had seen this before...her memory jumped back, to Mannik pacing around a map, running his hand through his hair in the exact same way. Sarah shoved that thought away. One day the information might be useful. But not today, and not right now.

"We are enemies. Did you think you would get married to Miss Wislawa, purchase a cozy little summer home in Below, and come to visit your mistress?" Sarah shook her head. "You'll move on with your life, bed as many women as you have been, and forget me until we see each other over a screen. Then you'll just regret all of this. What other options were you expecting? Just because we have two seperate lives doesnt mean it won't hurt to leave, or that I will forget this. Or you."


"Yes..." Mannik stood from the bed, dropping his hands. He stepped closer to her, and took the knife gently, letting his hand linger longer than necessary. He had no problems looking at her now, however. The feelings were pushed away, and the soldier was back. What was the point in even trying, especially now? "I need to know if you trust me, at least enough to do what I say right now without asking questions."

Mannik paused for the woman's answer, tucking the knife into his belt after rubbing it furiously, including the blade. His fingerprints would be the only one on the knife. "I want you to leave the house. One hour. I want you to be around people. All kinds of people, not just royals. As many people as possible. Make sure you are seen and noticed, alright? Will you do that? I have a few more things I need to take care of...the commander asked me to." It was a lie, but he needed her out of the house.

Last edited by Kisu; 01-13-2015 at 07:05 PM..

Ghost Caracal
sadrain is offline
Old 01-13-2015, 09:03 PM

"I..." he started sharply, then huffed, nearly like a child that had been scolded for his silly actions and ready to defend his reasoning, only to realize the adult was right. It was hard to know that and even harder to admit it, the man kicked small pebble out of his way with great force. Unintentionally, it reflected the way he was used to deal with obstacles - overcome with force, either physical or that of mind. "I don't know, okay? I didn't exactly... expect it to turn out like this," Zenon finally said, sounding both tired and a little bit angry. Honestly, what was this 'this' anyway?

The man stopped, one hand propped on his hip as he stared at Sarah, crease between his brow, expression mix between irritated pout and thoughtfulness. It was as if he was sizing her up, giving her value. It didn't last long, though and Zenon rubbed hand over his eyes. Damn, he was tired. Being knocked out didn't give the most restful sleep. He chuckled slightly then, shaking his head and settled down next to her. Honestly, how could this woman, with few simple (only there was nothing simple about them) kisses and sassy remarks, make him truly consider something more permanent than simple one night or week long affair?

"I don't make grand promises, because it is not in my nature to keep them," he pulled Sarah's hand away from few last free strands and entwined fingers with hers, enjoying her hand fit in his as if it had been made to be there ("Now, don't get cheesy, Hadar," he thought to himself), "but when I tell you that I won't forget you, it is not a promise. It is simply the truth." And his eyes, still dark and stormy, were sincere. He leaned in, but not to kiss her, but whisper in her ear: "Tell me, Sarah, if I call, will you answer?"

When he pulled back, there was teasing smirk on his face, although it soon shifted into more serious expression. "If I simply want to see you glare at me... Or if I have information to share. You call me your enemy and perhaps you are right, you can mock me about my conspiracy theories, but there may come a day when I need to actually choose my allies, not go with my father's flow, and I would like to know my options."

She frowned slightly, both glad and nervous to see Mannik 'back on his feet'. The events, the way he was captured and his imprisonment, had obviously shook him and she only wished she could have supported him better, but it was good to know he could pull himself back together, that he wasn't permanently shattered. Although Adelmar had been afraid to even think such a thing. The guilt would get even heavier then, although the rebellious side of her thought that she still didn't own anything to this man. She saw the man that had brought her Below and snarled at her for her indecisive nature and although that side of him scared young woman, she had also seen him as a teacher of sorts.

"I do have questions, but respecting our friendship and your request, I will keep them to myself," Adel told him after a moment of firmly looking at him, in a way that it could as well seem she was trying to (and perhaps very well succeeding) read his thoughts. "Just be careful, alright?" she added with barely audible sigh. Now she would have two people to worry over when they headed out for their missions - Zenon and Mannik. And how wrong it was on many levels that their missions could very well set them against each other. 'I really do love to make my life complicated,' she thought a bit bitterly. "You have one hour," she told him before closing doors behind herself.

When Did I Become This?
Kisu is offline
Old 01-13-2015, 09:41 PM

The Commander felt a small pull in her chest. She wanted to scold herself now. What had she expected? Again, for Zenon to give up his life here? Break his engagment to the porcelain Miss Wislawa? Profress undying love and loyalty to just her?

She seemed to share his weariness, though her eyes still watched him intently. She wanted to answer him. To tell him whether or not he forgot her didn't matter at all. Again, it wasn't as if anything could come from them. It would make him angry, she was sure, so Sarah kept her mouth closed for now.

When Zenon whispered to her,Sarah pulled back, and stared at him for a moment, then glanced at their intertwined hands. "I will answer." She finally sighed. "But, honestly's not like we can continue why would you choose to call? If you actually wanted to try and trade for information, I could understand, but to make it personal." Sarah shook her head, then leaned over,laying her head on his shoulder. "Wouldn't it be easier? To at least try and forget all of this?". Her voice wasn't cruel, but especially with Sarah's plans, a relationship would be out of the question. She sighed, and buried her head into the male's neck, inhaling his scent.


Mannik waited around fifteen minutes, before leaving the room as well. He located Ellen once again. Once she was sure the coast was clear, she led Mannik where he wished to go. The male hesitated outside as she grabbed his arm. She handed him a note, and he glanced at it. It was a note to her granddaughter. Mannik nodded, and pocketed it. "Anne Dust. I won't forget.". Ellen nodded, leaving the hall.

She knew what Mannik planned, and though he was asking a lot, this would ensure a good future for her family. She would have to let everyone know Miss Adelmar wasn't responsible for the events about to unfold.

Mannik slipped inside, moving stealthy and quiet. There was really no need, however, since the only person in the room was too drunk to wake over a slight noise. Mannik moved to the bed, and tugged the knife from his belt.

Anyone else might have woken the man first, let him say some last words, or even felt guilt at murdering someone who wasn't able to defend themselves. But, Mannik was more efficient than noble. The knife flashed, and the man on the bed opened his eyes quickly. The eyes were staring at Mannik as the hands were clutching his throat, trying to stem the flow of life that was leaving the body.

Mannik waited patiently, staring at the man without an expression on the soldier's face. "You shouldn't have hit her." Mannik told him, responding to the question in the man's eyes. A few minutes later, and Mannik tossed the knife on top of Adelmar's father.

It had gone much quicker than planned, but Ellen would keep everyone out until Mannik and Adelmar had left. Mannik paused to wash his hands. His sleeve had collected some blood, but if he turned his wrists right, it would stay hidden.

Just like before, Mannik returned to the room, waiting for Adelmar. Once they were gone, Ellen would enter the room and make the 'discovery'. Mannik had fed her the whole story. He had a feeling Adelmar would be upset when she found out, however, hopefully this would free her some. She might hate him, but it would be worth it, to at least know she was safe.

Last edited by Kisu; 01-15-2015 at 02:44 PM..

Ghost Caracal
sadrain is offline
Old 01-15-2015, 04:08 PM

He felt nearly irresistible urge to ask if they can't or she simply won't, doesn't want to, but manage to keep it to himself. "If you didn't know, I have hard time understanding "can't"," Zenon told her with slight grin, but feeling too tired to tease her consistently, as much as he hated to admit it to even himself. Still, to let go of joking was practically impossible for him. "And I did mean what I said about choosing allies. It could be fun, to be on the losing side for once and play undercover and all that. I could tip the scales in your favor a bit. Or a lot," his grin grew wider and lazy wink, "especially if I had a bit of incentive."

Still, the man grew more serious at Sarah's final line and sighed, his hand untangling from hers to wrap around her shoulders. Suddenly, she felt small and frail when he held her like this. "Perhaps, but even if you do try, I will just keep trying to remind you. I told you I am selfish," he chuckled, but without much amusement. "Now, come on. It doesn't seem that your wonder boy and his noble rescuer are rushing to get here, so..." There was a faint tint of something, not quite bitterness, in his tone, but instead of getting stuck on that, Zenon laid down, pulling the woman along, so she was half resting on his chest, his arm still hugging her form to him. "I suggest a nap. Our adventure has got me a bit weary and I think you're not in much better shape. I would like to hear how just how you managed to get me out of the Seven one day, actually. And I got to prepare for my father trying to tear my head off once he realizes I am walking around like a free man."

His chest rumbled in chuckle under her, as if it was one of the most entertaining future possibilities ever, but his eyes were already sliding shut. Maybe he was more tired than he had suspected. It was clear insanity, to fall asleep with her by his side, and yet it was the best kind of craziness. With this thought, Zenon slipped into light sleep.

Adelmar did as he had told her to. She went to the market first, buying few meaningless things and pausing to talk with one of her old class mates she ran into. Then, she proposed they could move their conversation to a cafe, using the way the other woman was all too eager to hear some horror stories of Below, where they were seen by plenty of other nobles of various statures. She managed to tiptoe between actually saying much on the subject of her kidnapping, hinting that good deal had to be kept secret for the night of the talk show, but her 'friend' still eagerly picked up the drops for gossip mill, exactly as she had meant to. Then, Adel excused herself saying that her family grew worried if she was gone for too long and it was time for her head to home which was taken with understanding nodding.

On her way back, she nearly broke few laws, rushing back as anxiety threaded through her. What was it that Mannik had to do, what had Commander ordered him? She was sure it meant killing someone, but who and why? And would he come out of it alive? It was... wrong for her to worry so about this man, but she still did it. Relief tingled through her when she found him in his room, seemingly unscathed. Instead of voicing it, young woman apologized for being slightly late and then led him out of the house, careful not to cross her way with the few servants. While they were driving, she didn't speak much, focusing on the road and thinking of how quickly the situation had changed from when she had been taking him to her home.

When they stopped just outside the abandoned factory (although she parked it so it wouldn't be visible from prying eye just passing by), she turned to look at the man with small, slightly sad smile. "I would have liked to show you a bit more of my life, something nice, before you had to leave, but... I understand that you want to return home as soon as possible and at least no one will treat you like a thing again." Adel hesitated, as if she wanted to say something more, but then decided against it and got out of the vehicle, showing the hidden hole in the fence they could get in the area. It was nearly funny to see this girl who was dressed like out of magazine, weaving her way through the rubble and chain-link fence.

Luckily, Zenon had woken up shortly before the other two arrived, so making the scene a little less awkward, but Adel's observant eye still didn't miss the way he blinked sleepily and stifled yawn. "Finally," he greeted them in slightly grumbling tone. Fetching the chain that was hidden under his shirt, with multiple tiny charms and keys on it, he picked the one for Mannik's handcuffs. Mar had retreated to the side after giving a nod of greeting towards Commander, watching everything carefully, but not getting involved. Her part in this was done, she wasn't going to take part in some kind of awkward good byes or anything.

When Did I Become This?
Kisu is offline
Old 01-15-2015, 04:29 PM

Sarah rolled her eyes to Zenon's first tease, too tired to really respond. She hadn't slept well, worried the man would wake and either attack her or escape. When he said 'wonderboy', however, she broke out into laughter. "I'll have to tell him you said that. If it helps...Mannik...Mannik is very important to our cause. I'm not saying why." Sarah gave Zenon a scowl before he could ask any questions, and continued quietly. "It's why I couldn't leave him here. Let's just say it's a very, very good thing that he was your prisoner and that your father had no idea you had him." She could be sure Hadar senior knew of Mannik, but it wasn't a risk she wanted to take.

Zenon had closed his eyes and his chest rose and fell evenly. Sarah watched him for a few minutes. How nice would it be, to dress in pretty gowns and dance with him? Honestly, that part would be rather boring, but if this was a different world, Sarah would gladly take the boring parts to spar with him in the bedroom.

She nestled into his side, laying her head on his chest, and letting her own eyes close slowly.


Mannik hadn't spoken when Adelmar arrived, and stuffed his hands into his pockets, following her back to the car quietly. He was just as quiet on the car ride. Once they were in the car, however, he stared at her openly. He was leaving, and wouldn't get to see her again...possibly ever...He wouldn't miss this chance.

He tried to remember just when this had happened, when he caught feelings, however, he couldn't place an exact moment.

She parked and spoke again. Mannik lowered his eyes when she talked, though they returned to follow her moving through the ruins. He followed her, thinking how it was strange how she seemed so comfortable here, ever though she looked out of place. Below, she hadn't looked like she had belonged either, but she hadn't seemed this comfortable. Was it just because of him, or strange surroundings?

Sarah hadn't woken until footsteps arrived. She bolted to a standing position, and it was only when she saw it was Mannik and Adelmar did she stop to rub sleep from her eyes. She glanced away from Adelmar guilty, and would probably have done the same if Mannik had been looking at her.

Instead, Mannik was staring hatefully at Zenon as the man undid his cuffs. As soon as they were off, the soldier lashed out. "You knew he hit her, and didn't do a damn thing?" As fast as the first punch was, the second came as quickly, "And I can't believe you would even think of doing something with the Commander!" While he was dealing with the punches, Mannik sidestepped the male, and reached into the pocket with a bulge. He dug out the SociPad, and tugged in into his own pocket with a glare towards Zenon, as if daring the man to argue.

He crossed his arms over his chest, and glanced at Adelmar quickly, before looking away. "N-not that they did anything. Because they didn't. But, now you have a number. If...if you ever need m...uhm...anything, just call. I'll answer..."

The green eyes turned back to Zenon, and he tugged the man away quickly, not caring if he resisted. "Look, I did it. She doesn't know. She...she probably won't show it, but she'll probably be at least a little upset..." Mannik lowered his head, scowling at Zenon's shoes. "Why am I telling you all this? You know her better than I...ever will..." Mannik licked his lips, feeling that strange pressure. It felt awkward, to talk to the man the girl he liked would marry. He ran a hand through his hair. "Just...just don't leave her alone, and go off with some floozy...alright? And...if anyone tries to say anything against her, have them question her house keeper, or whatever. Ellen. And she said someone is bugging her house."

"'s time to go." Sarah had spent enough time here. Mannik lifted his head to stare at Adelmar for a minute. He wanted the female to ask him to stay. He would. If she asked, there wasn't a doubt in his mind. But of course, she wouldn't ask him that. He wanted to walk over to her and tell her what he was giving up for her, if only something would show on her face. Guilt, longing, hate. Just one feeling. It wouldn't matter, though. You couldn't force feelings. He'd been trying to force these ones away for how long? Like a well trained dog, Mannik turned away from the bone.

Sarah gave a quick nod to Adelmar, and spared a slightly longer look to Zenon, before turning away. She glanced back once, although Mannik kept his head down.

This was for the best, for everyone involved.

Within a few moments, they were both out of sight.

A bit more, and they were back in the ship, Sarah piloting. It wasn't until they were Below and covering the ship for camouflage that she got a good look at Mannik. "Oh...darling..." He glanced at her in alarm. She'd never used a tern of endearment towards him. She was looking at him with...what? Pity? Mannik stared back at her, unable to figure out why she was so blurry.

Sarah stepped forward, hugging the boy she'd raised. "You really cared for her, didn't you?" It was then Mannik realized he was trembling, and his eyes were leaking again.

"I..." Mannik stepped back awkwardly, wiping the wetness away from his eyes. "It doesn't really matter. She's gone..." He felt like his throat was closing up, and it took him a few minutes to gather himself.

"I...I need to go...Do you know know where Anne Dust lives?"

Puzzled, Sarah nodded. "Around the well, third floor apartment. Why-?"

Mannik cut the question off, looking absolutely miserable. "I have a proposal I have to make." Sarah stared at him in shock. While he hadn't had much experience with emotions, he'd picked up the idea of love early on, and if that was what he thought he felt for Adelmar, why was he proposing to some girl he didn't even know? Just what on or above the world had happened up there? Sarah glanced upwards, and back to Mannik.

He was already trudging off. There was work to be done, after all. "Come by my place later!" Sarah ordered. She'd have to move, since Zenon knew where she had been staying, and she still wasn't convinced it was all a game to him, however, Mannik knew her other places. Mannik stopped by his place to change into more reasonable clothing and restock his pockets, carefully placing Zenon's in one. Then it was off to meet Anne.

She was rather pretty, although looked like everyone from Below. It took a very long time to convince her to agree to marry Mannik, however, he was insistent. He had promised her GrandMother. Eventually, he pointed out that they both loved people they couldn't have, and instead of wasting their life sulking, they should at least do their best for the people around them, and everyone seemed the same with the lights off anyway.

She had stared at him for a long time. She'd wanted to yell and scream and attack Mannik, but the survival instinct everyone in Below seemed to have kicked in. Even if Mannik died, while he was alive, he could protect her. She agreed, reluctantly, and set a date. Mannik swallowed, and agreed to it.

They would stand at the alter, profess undying love for each other, and pretend the other person was who they truly wanted. It was the one thing they did have in Below: The choice to marry for love. Mannik had always thought he would be able to relax and be happy once he got married, and felt a stab of pity for his new fiance. She had probably thought the same of the noble she loved. This is where planning got you.
Ugly on the skin, lovely from within.
Take the knife and twist it, Where's my heart? You missed it.

Last edited by Kisu; 01-15-2015 at 05:05 PM..

Ghost Caracal
sadrain is offline
Old 01-15-2015, 07:56 PM

The first punch actually struck Zenon right in face, but next he dodged, and after that, blocked with his left arm while right hand nursed his bleeding nose. "Women have hit me harder than that! So much for packing a punch, wonder boy, think you can do better than that, if you can actually get me?" he sneered at Mannik, "and believe me, I didn't do anything she didn't want me to."

"Zenon!" Adelmar spoke up, her tone similar to that of mother scolding her ill-behaving child. Amusingly enough, he reacted similarly, with shrug and side stepping another blow, excusing his behavior: "I didn't start it!" But at this point, Mannik had managed to do what he originally planned and Hadar junior made aggravated sound, while his fiancee struggled to keep straight expression and failed, a reflection of smile settling on her lips for a moment. It was ridiculous, that he would take Zenon's socipad just so they could keep in touch, but it was also somehow endearing.

When he was tugged further away, Zen put a lid on his hostility, although his eyes were still burning holes into the other man. "If you think I didn't threaten that s**t, then you're wrong," Valmir told Mannik with dark expression. "And she won't be alone, I promise you that. I say thank you for this... She would probably feel like she's betraying all her wicked brood if she ever voiced it, but part of her will want to thank you, too."

Sarah interrupted their talk and Adelmar stared back at Mannik, quite intensely. She had wrapped arms around herself, as if feeling chilled, biting down on her bottom lip slightly, her gaze slightly sad but apprehensive. This is how it had to be. They all had their own homes and goals, even if neither were pleasant. She could ask him was it really that bad, to hold your head down around her father and to stay with her for a while, but he wouldn't be able to respond to that just as she couldn't when he asked why she couldn't stay Below. Besides, he had a family that cared for him, even if it wasn't blood one. Young woman mouthed 'good luck' to him, but that was all she could do.

Zenon came to stand by her side and the pair looked at the people that had most definitely changed their lives already left them. He was tempted to go and give her a good bye kiss, something she really wouldn't be able to forget, but Adelmar's presence held him back. Somehow, he felt Sarah wouldn't appreciate it done publicly done, either. When they were gone, he hugged Adel real quick and then they split their ways to head to their homes.

The next week passed like a nightmare. Adelmar had returned to the estate to find police vehicles, news reporters and more in front of it, her mother sobbing in the living room and when she was told what had happened, the girl had nearly fainted, the shock and relief both flooding her body. She had been questioned, of course, but her alibi that many people had seen and spoken with her in time of her father's death was unshakable and no one believed she would have the funds to hire someone as assassin. Ellen's testimony helped, too. In the end, it was written off as attack from Below as reciprocation for not trading for his daughter.

The day of funeral passed as blur for her, Zenon had stood by her side and she had wept some polite tears, but in truth she still felt kind of frozen inside. it didn't feel real, that it was over. That no one would hit her anymore or make her feel worse than dirt. And to think that Mannik had done it... From one side, she was taught to be so loyal that the thought of him murdering her father was repelling, from other she wanted to hug him and say countless thanks. How could it be that he always made her feeling so mixed, so confusing?

Hadar junior had given her a device that could 'kill' the bugs, so, in that aspect she felt safer. But there was so much to do... Although her mother was technically head of family now, no one thought the frail social butterfly could handle it all and as she had no interest in family affairs, Adelmar simply took the task up as if was the most natural thing. The state of her family's funds was about as bad as she had thought it would be, but despite that, the funeral and feast after had been everything you would expect from someone of their status. It didn't matter that she had worked her time in the kitchen, too. No one had to know that!

She wanted away from this house with all the bad memories and had one of the smaller estates they still owned to be repaired. It was to become her home and to her surprise, both Zenon and his family generously supported this decision. She was careful to not let anyone else than Ellen and few workers she felt she could trust in there, though, not wanting it to become a spy-trap. Still, it would be few weeks until it was ready for her arrival. It seemed her mother planned to move to smaller house, too, leaving Adelmar to decide what to do with the large estate. She felt strongly inclined simply having it sold, and use the funds gained to invest wisely so that they could earn more.

Young woman still didn't go anywhere without knife and once, she even cut Zenon who managed to surprise her from behind. His expression had been priceless, though, a mix of anger and surprise, even tiny bit admiration, as if he simply couldn't quite comprehend it. Often, her thoughts turned to the people of Below, especially since Ellen seemed particularly cheerful in past few days for some reason. But it wasn't until Zen had come over tonight that she was reminded just how much they were still involved in her life.

She didn't know how he had found out, and she didn't ask, but the information he brought was clear proof that someone was leaking information from Below to Above. Zen hinted he had caught part of the conversation, something about that if results weren't brought soon, the deal would be soon and that 'the experiment' couldn't be let out of sight again. There were plans, locations where people lived in the ruins, files on Commander and her 'son' and also pictures... Many pictures, of Commander, Mannik and other people. Some were even a mix of both, like Commander and Mannik together, or Mannik with some girl. She was really pretty, although for some reason familiar, and according to his file, they had gotten engaged recently.

But despite that pang of something in her chest, she hadn't had time to think about it right away. No, before that she had gotten in huge fight with Zenon. Although he had been helpful and supportive to her in this time of grieving, he had also been easily irritable (even more than usually), wound up, aggressive and mean. He had stayed away from company of women once the house arrest was called off for sake of Maksym's funeral, perhaps so not to make a large scandal, although Adelmar guessed it might be related to certain red-haired commander. As always it was with this man, when he was denied something, he started to be angry even at this desired thing. Or person, in this case.

But young Wislawa didn't know just how bad he had it. Sarah possessed his thoughts and dreams, her voice was what said every mocking commentary he had about himself or his ideas. Zenon had to pick up habit of really taking a walk and even cool dip at nights, but it always resulted in replaying their little garden fight in his mind and he felt like punching himself for falling for her.... tricks so easily. He regretted half the things he had said and even more all the things he hadn't. Sometimes, he caught himself looking around the crowd, as if trying to catch a glimpse of her. Especially when he finally found time to look up the surnames she had given him.

To be honest, he hadn't believed it at first, but when he looked at the young teen's picture that stared at him with icy, icy eyes, he couldn't deny the similarity. He had been still a kid when she disappeared from Above, no wonder the name hadn't rang any bells. It was hard to believe that she was actually whole six years older than him. But by heavens above, he didn't care about the age difference at all, it wouldn't matter in any aspect, Zenon believed. Like obsessed, he illegally dug through her family's archives to find pictures of her first ball, pictures of her with friends where she smiled and laughed and he could already see that spark of fire in her.

In a sense, she was reason for his and Adelmar's fight, but not as much as Mannik. When he came to his fiancee, head full with plans of various kinds, he was thinking of talking with Sarah, to let her know of the traitors, but it was when Adel firmly stated they had to let them know that suddenly something twisted up in his chest and he gritted his teeth, eyes narrowing. "Why?" he asked. "What do we owe them? They kidnapped and hurt you?" the man continued and as the talking continued, was surprised to see a flash of strangely familiar burning in steely grey eyes that were staring at him defiantly suddenly.

She had told him, at first calm, that he owed at least for all the people he had killed and that unless he was on board for condemning many of his 'friends' and all of the people of Below ("their children already have no childhood, Zenon, do you want them to die trying to protect their parents from certain death?"), he had to make sure these traitors wouldn't leak much more information to Above and if he will not, then she will. It had ended with him, feeling suddenly lost and like even last thing, person, he had thought he could rely not to change. He had said that, told her that she had changed ever since that kidnapping ordeal and in response, she had stood up, stared at him from Above and told him that perhaps he had never known her, before slamming doors behind her.

So, here he was, sitting in his room and drinking, sometimes opting to glare at the obnoxiously bright moon, but his main 'victim' was his new socipad. He was grateful for having memorized both numbers so that he could still reach Sar-Commander. But did he want to? God, yes. Should he? No, certainly not. Especially if he was to betray his own people for something he didn't particularly care about. Still, the more he drank, the better idea it seemed to see her, even for a moment.

Meanwhile, Adelmar was pacing around her room after having worked the device twice to make sure no one would hear or record what she planned to do. She had also checked that it seemed all servants were asleep. And still, she hesitated, trying to sort out all that was bubbling inside of her. The picture of Mannik and that girl, Anne-something, was open on her socipad and she glanced at it now and then. So... He had been in love and ready to propose to someone else while he, while he... Gave her reason he felt something for her? Because that is what he had been trying to do, right? Or had she been reading in it too much.

She touched her lips lightly for a second before pulling hand away, crossing arms across her chest. No, she was no reason to feel this... this jealous? He hadn't promised her anything, hadn't openly told her that he liked her or more. "This is what you get for trying to read between the lines," the woman scolded herself. But how could he attack Zenon for two-timing in a sense, if he had done the same in a sense? Ugh, men! They were frustrating and annoying, and not particularly smart!! Cruel, too.

Finally, she settled down in the chair and took the pad. Half-subconsciously, she adjusted her hair and simple, black dress that she wore before pressing to call Mannik's new and Zenon's old number. It was still listed under Zenon's name so there would be no questions if anyone saw it. Her heart sped up, waiting for him to answer while she repeated what she was going to say for hundredth time.
~ Dreaming; Yellow Welcome Balloon, Ruby Red Suntinas, Cloud Hibiscus and a lot more. ~
~ My Shop ~ My Runway ~

~ p o p p e t ♥, Queen_Andais, star2000shadow, Eastriel are absolutely amazing ~

When Did I Become This?
Kisu is offline
Old 01-15-2015, 08:27 PM

Lately, Mannik had been like a man possessed. He kept himself busy, sleeping rarely. He was barely with Anne, unless it was some social event that it would be good to be seen with her at. It wasn't that it was uncomfortable with her. She was actually a very good friend, and the one time they had tried to do something, and Mannik had woken up with a yell, she had wrapped her arms around him and comforted him until he had fallen asleep. He had had to pretend she was Adelmar, but, even still, it felt amazing to be touched by another human, even a simple little hug.

It was clear she didn't love him either, but she at least saw his worth in the dismal world, and was willing to work with him on various subjects.

He dove into the new position that Sarah ordered him to, running through plans and maps and strategies. When that work was done, he was working in his storm cellar, dividing the area into multiple rooms. It was the least he could do for Anne. She was devoting her life to a man who didn't love her, so he'd at least provide for her.

It had felt like forever that he had been Above, and it showed. Mannik used to be easygoing and laughing a lot before his trip to Above. Now, he felt like he was constantly haunted by Adelmar. She was in his dreams, in his thoughts. He had even sent a few people Above to spy on her father's funeral, guilt creeping up on him for his actions. Still, she would be better off. He knew she had moved, and knew she would be living by herself. As much as he wanted to forget her, he couldn't let himself. It was like he was torturing himself.

But, still, he tried to push it all away. He had finally gotten to sleep, taking a short nap during the day, the lack of sleep catching up to him. The SociPad he kept charged beeped in his pocket, and the emerald eyes popped open. He was unsure for a moment, but when the beep came again, Mannik dug the tiny item out, answering quickly. He peered sleepily at the screen. His chest was bare, and his hair was more unruly than normal, but the look in his eyes was still the same: Like a caged animal unable to get to it's food bowl. How had he forgotten how beautiful she was, in this short amount of time. "Ad-" Mannik had to clear his throat, sitting up. He'd gotten an actual bed now, and it creaked as he moved. "Adelmar...what's wrong? Are you alright?" As he spoke, his legs went over the side of the bed, and he was tugging on his shirt and a new jacket, ready to head to Above. The only reason Adelmar would call him was if there was a life or death emergency.


Sarah had spent far too long staring at the stupid SociPad. Eventually, it had gotten to the point where Sarah ignored the device completely, setting it to the side as she worked. She was honestly happy that Mannik had moved on to Anne, although he seemed more sullen than before. It worked much better for them this way. Plus, Mannik was a driven man now. Operations had increased, or at least attempted to. It seemed like the Hadar's knew what was coming, because every time they planned something, guards increased, or items were moved from the location.

Blue eyes flickered from the paper back to the Pad. The silence was proof to her that Zenon had only been working her over. As much as she wanted to believe she felt nothing for him, Zenon ignoring her was a big reason she had introduced Mannik as Commander Tak. She couldn't see Zenon on the screen, after he had said all those sweet things and tempted her with those wonderful kisses. She wouldn't be able to work or focus. Zenon had succeded at getting into her head. Plus, it kept Mannik busy, and he didn't have any time to worry. Resources and people were still being used to spy on Adelmar, and Sarah was aware of it. Honestly, though, if it kept him occupied, and if he didn't try to contact her, Sarah didn't care.

Last edited by Kisu; 01-16-2015 at 07:18 AM..

Ghost Caracal
sadrain is offline
Old 01-16-2015, 01:02 PM

Adelmar bit inside of her lip, quickly averting her eyes and hoping a blush didn't show on her cheeks or that the lack of bright light would hide it, when she realized just in what undressed state Mannik was. Oh God, maybe he wasn't spending the night alone? The thought knotted up in her stomach, although she argued with herself that it had no reason to. He was engaged man now, maybe had been before they met, it would be no shame if-if... "My apologies, I should have called in the morning, but socipad calls are harder to track in the swarm that are sent out each eve and night. I can, ah, call back tomorrow, if you are busy," she spoke hurriedly.

But he was getting dressed and not dismissing her, so young woman tried to get the conversation back on track. "I am not in any danger," she assured Mannik with slightest smile, strangely moved that his first thought was that she'd call him if she was. "It is you that I am worried about." When that sounded too personal, she quickly remedied it, "You and your people. I promised I would let you know if I found something and... Well, I did not find it personally, but I have proof that you have spies that are giving information to Hadar Senior. Zenon managed to copy some of the data they have sent over, there is a lot and I think that is not even all."

She pushed strand of hair behind her eyes, daring to look at him more directly again now that he was dressed. "I will send what I have to you and then delete my copy. I do not have information on the traitor or traitors, but I will persuade Zenon give it to me, if he will not share with your people himself." Adelmar remained silent for a moment as the streamed from one device to another, her eyes searching his face as if she was trying to read a book in foreign language, before she spoke up again: "Congratulations on your engagement."

Zenon would insist that there was very little he wasn't good at, but brooding silently for prolonged time was one of those things. He was man of action, even if it meant planning out a revenge, but he still had to be doing something. So, with enough alcohol in his system to slightly dull his logic, he called the number that had spun around his mind far too much for his liking. He wasn't exactly drunk, but most certainly not sober either, making his tongue even more loose than usually.

He greeted Sarah with lazy grin, hair falling in his face, few buttons popped open to show the charm necklace that gleamed on his chest, a glass in one hand. "Hello there, Commander, I thought I could disturb your sleep a little like you're doing it for me," he told her. "I would ask how are you and if you have missed me, but I am sure Dame Commander is too busy for that, especially with all the family affairs, like arranging her son's wedding," there was mockery in his tone and he took another sip.

"I wonder, did you give Commander Tak speech how bad it is to pine after another woman while you're engaged, too?" he mused out loud. Not that he was pining. That would be ridiculous. Hadars didn't pine, the conquered and took what they desired. Now that it was clear in his own mind, Zenon thought back to the reason he had called this vixen in the first place. "Ah, if you are wondering how these delicious tid-bits of information have reached me, I assure you, there are a lot more where it came from. I was reminded of my human's duty tonight to tell you that you have spy somewhere close to you, this bald chap that looks a bit like bulldog... If you wish, I could send over what I have, although I doubt there is anything you don't know."

When Did I Become This?
Kisu is offline
Old 01-16-2015, 01:29 PM

Mannik had glanced at the screen, his eyelids still partially closed as he was waking. "Of course I'm not too busy...You aren't? O-oh..." Why would Adelmar call him for any other reason? Of course, if she was, Zenon would probably be her first call. Still, Mannik was confused, and it was apparent on his face.

He laid back down, leaning against the headboard and tugging the SociPad to him, listening as she continued. "A spy..? But you don't know who..." Mannik nodded, green eyes turning thoughtful. "That would make sense...We've had a really hard time Raiding lately...It should be easy enough to find out who. Uhm...thank you." It wasn't like Adelmar truly owed him anything at all.

When she congratulated him, Mannik froze, giving the pad a pained expression, before looking away and running a hand through his hair. "Yeah...thanks...I...I guess." His gaze returned longingly to the screen. Of course she would have learned about Anne. It didn't matter, it wasn't as if she truly cared. More like Adelmar was trying to be polite. "I haven't known her long, but we both kind of have to do it." He felt like he had to explain, and words poured from him before he could stop the flow. "She... She will be a good wife, though, I...I think. It's just..." She's not you. Mannik's words died out slowly, and he stared at the screen intently. "It's not really a matter of choice. I understand what you were trying to tell me about being engaged to Zenon now. Except, you know, there's not really anyone you are interested in, and I'm..." He tossed the item on the bed and tossed his hands in the air. "Forget it. It's not coming out right...Are you...are you doing alright...without your father? Have you moved yet?"


Sarah dropped her stack of papers and lunged at the SociPad as it rang. She glanced at the number, not recognizing it. Quickly, she moved against a blank wall, and smoothed her hair down, although she felt like rolling her eyes at herself. She opened it, and her facial expression changed just a bit as Zenon appeared.

The man seemed spiteful when he spoke, and for a second the Commander was puzzled, until she spotted the glass. "Are you...are you drunk, Zenon?" She questioned, before grinning, and shaking her head. "I am sure you don't pine very much, Mister Hadar. It's been how long?" As he continued, her eyes flashed. "If you've called just to insult me, Mister Hadar, I assure you it will not work-Oh...really?"

Sarah frowned, and moved to her desk, carrying the item. "Bald that looks like a pitbull? I know him..." She hesitated, and glanced at the screen. "No, I don't need any more information...I know who it is and that should be enough. Zenon...why are you telling me this?"

Ghost Caracal
sadrain is offline
Old 01-16-2015, 06:28 PM

"No, I do not know yet, but I will do my best to find out if you have no luck finding him soon," she assured him and stiffened slightly at the way pain showed on Mannik's face. Had she said something wrong? Young woman opened her mouth to apologize and quickly steer the conversation away from the subject - obviously he felt that they were too much of strangers to discuss his love life and she honestly couldn't blame him - when Mannik continued. Carefully, she studied his face, trying to understand what was he trying to get across, stumbling over words as if they simply refused to line up in proper sentences for him. Under different circumstances, she'd find it amusing, since she had first got to know him as such a firm, steady soldier. But as soon as conversation turned to him, he got lost in the swamp of words.

The more he talked, the more Adelmar felt at loss of words, however. Crease settled between her arched brows. He looked so lost and unhappy, and her heart clenched somehow. "You don't love her? I thought that at least Below one could marry..." she stopped abruptly, feeling flushed and uncomfortable suddenly, fidgeting in her seat quite uncharacteristically. "Never mind my asking, it is not my place. I just... Thought you had found a bit of happiness which you deserve." 'Except you didn't really feel happy for him at all, you selfish brat,' she scolded herself in her thoughts. It was true, she had been nearly glad to hear that there was nothing between the two as cruel as it was. Had she come this far, starved for a bit of affection that she would wish unhappiness upon her friend just so she could pretend he had warmer feelings for her? Despicable.

"I have been told love for your partner comes with time," Adel added, feeling increasingly lame, her gaze downcast. That was what she had held on through the first teenage years, hoping that with time she could grow to love Zenon, but the more she had gotten to know him, the more she just felt... Like he was Zenon, settled in this unidentifiable niche in her life, not quite a friend, but not less or more either. But solid friendship and companionship was much more worth than love, was it not? Still, the hopeless romantic that sat in most girls, including her, wished she could be that one and only princess for someone, the light that helped someone who meant more than world to her. Was she even capable of such level of passionate emotions? Maybe, ever since Mannik had come in her life, she was discovering new depths to herself... It was bad to associate him with this wake-up of sorts, but she couldn't help herself.

When Mannik changed subject, she eagerly jumped on the chance to get away from this conversation. "Ah, I cannot say that I have quite... Gotten used to the fact he is gone. I still feel like I have to ask permission for everything I do," Adelmar gave a hollow laugh. "There is so much to do, but I hope I can handle the new tasks and responsibilities." Now, she dared to look at the man again, "I would like to know if your Commander indeed asked you to... do what he did or that was of your own initiative. It will change nothing, I just would like to know. But you do not have to tell me, if you do not want to."

"Drunk?" Zenon echoed incredulously. "Woman, I am not some kid, I don't get drunk," he huffed, as if deeply insulted by the idea. He probably was, too. At least in this state. It was true that he held his liquor well, but perhaps not as much as he boasted. Still, he was still ways from being really drunk, usually knowing when to stop before he crossed some lines. In some ways, he liked the freedom being tipsy gave him - he always said everything he had meant to as sober to his friends, as mean as it could be, and played it off as a joke and being 'out of it'. It often led to some fist swinging, but it wasn't like Zen minded that either. As usually, he shifted most situations to benefit him, true to his family's nature.

At her question, he remained silent for a short while, though, taking another sip of his drink. "How about you tell me why you believe in your cause so strongly, if even your people do not, going out of their way to trade with their worst enemy, and what is it that you hope to actually accomplish with this... Whatever it is that you're doing, Miss Detroioux?" There was slightly wicked gleam in his eyes at the end, Valmir wasn't going to hide he had some idea, although not completely clear, who she was. Or who she had been, at least. "What picture your father - for I am assuming he is the one that took you down there - painted as your past and your future, when he did that?" the man continued, his gaze hardening.

"You could have had bright future here, yet he decided for you... Where do you think you hail from, belong to? Do you think you are of neither here nor there? But your games, my dear, they are purely those of nobles." Zenon chuckled slightly, expecting for the woman to either blow up and end the call or answer him honestly (as much as she thought it was possible which was probably not a lot.

When Did I Become This?
Kisu is offline
Old 01-16-2015, 07:04 PM

Mannik frowned at the question, looking away. "Why wouldn't it be your place to ask? Any part of my life, you can ask about. I won't hide anything from you." He sounded rather tired as he spoke. "No, I don't love her. And she doesn't love me. There's only one person I've ever loved." When she stated love grew over time, the soldier scoffed and looked away. "I don't believe that." He finally stated, though there wasn't a challenge in his words, just sadness. "It didn't take much time for me, and isn't going away anytime soon, no matter what I try. I...we...we will be able to a couple..." Mannik glanced back at the screen. "Like you and..." Just say it. It's the truth. "Zenon...will...but, it won't be the same as I wan-..." His voice faded off again, and he put his head down.

He hesitated, before speaking in a lower voice, almost a whisper. "Yeah, pretty much everyone here marries someone they love. I...made a deal, and agreed to marry Ellen's granddaughter if she lied for me...I...feel...really bad...because I...feel like I owe her, if she's giving her entire life span to me...but...I...I can't...give her what she needs, because I can't stop thinking about..." Mannik wasn't used to explaining feelings. He wasn't used to these feelings. But Adelmar at least deserved to know why he was doing this, if she wanted to. Mannik wasn't even sure if she wanted to, but was explaining before he could help himself. Really, the fact that he felt so badly for Anne wasn't something Adelmar would care about at all, but it was something he was tired of keeping to himself. He always had to be strong, always had to keep things to himself.

Mannik looked torn when she questioned him about her father. "I...I am sorry...I didn't know what else to do. You didn't want me around you...but, I had to do something to make sure you were was something I chose to do. Commander didn't even know about it until the call. sorry, though...both for lying, and for doing it. I really just wanted to leave your life a little better, since I had messed it up so badly, and made you so upset..."

A question was burning in his mind for a long time, and Mannik couldn't hold it back any longer, although he wanted to go along with the subject change he had proposed. He had to know. Killing Adelmar's father seemed easier than talking about this woman's feelings. "Why did you cry? When I kissed you? Was I...was I really that horrible to you, when you were here? I know I said that...that one thing, and I shouldn't have...but...the rest of it?" He intertwined his fingers and leaned forward intently, a habit he was developing from hours of negotiating with Above.


The redheaded woman couldn't help but burst into laughter at his answer. It was rather amusing, and...personal, to see Zenon like this. She sobered up as Zenon continued to question her, and crossed her arms over her chest. "Hmm...Well, Mister Hadar. I suppose we are at a bit of a stalemate here, since you have nothing to trade me for that information. HOwever, since you were kind enough to tell me about the spy, in good faith, I will answer some of your questions."

"I believe in our cause, however, I've no idea what Above thinks our cause is. We want to rebuild Earth, and we believe with the remaining resources in the cities, we would be able to do it. We wish for Above to be accessible to anyone...And so should Below. We also have many, many things we could use against many people there. My mother was...she died, and it changed my father. He took something very valuable to Seven. To your family, actually."

"Now, my name is not Miss Detroioux any longer. I am Sarah Imhoff, and you'll do well to remember it, Mister Hadar. As to what my past and future could have been, it doesn't matter much now, does it? So, I don't think about them. Mister Hadar...was your only purpose for this call to inform me of the spy and insult or taunt me? If so, then it's time for me to go." Really, he was acting like he knew her. She had known he could collect all of that information on her, however, her heart was still thudding in her chest. She'd trusted him with the was the part where he would try and use it against her.

A part of Sarah had honestly hoped Zenon was calling her because he had missed her. She was angry, mostly with herself, that she had thought it would be a possibility. It was clear he was just ready to taunt her. She wouldn't break her word however, and bring up their sunlight kisses on the rock.

Last edited by Kisu; 01-16-2015 at 08:42 PM..

Ghost Caracal
sadrain is offline
Old 01-16-2015, 10:51 PM

Adelmar truly regretted letting her curiosity and surprise get the best of her, loosen her tongue. This subject was both uncomfortable and clearly upsetting Mannik. She would lie if she'd say it wasn't making her sad in a way, too. To hear that he didn't hope for love or happiness in his upcoming marriage, that... That was wrong. She didn't wish such a fate to anyone, knowing how dreadful that life looked ahead of her. Although Mannik surely would make a more responsible husband than Zenon would, in some ways. Not that she was thinking what kind of husband he would be! Just... it seemed like a logical conclusion.

But things kept getting worse and young woman's eyes widened as he confessed the engagement was solely made for her sake, in a sense. Adel blinked quickly, trying to put all the dots on 'i's and the final picture wasn't... Well, it was just wrong somehow. Few times, it seemed she was about to speak, but always allowed Mannik to continue, afraid that if she stopped him, the spell will break and something will remain unsaid and at the same time, desperately wanting it to stay hidden between half-words, half-truths. Finally, he asked a question she couldn't imagine he had.

"I did not cry because of your kiss!" she spoke up suddenly, red spots on her cheeks and voice a little too loud to seem calm. "All my life had been just turned upside down and I knew it would never be the same and most likely become worse! And I was relieved that for a moment, I was safe - from your and my people that were all out for my blood. It all came out as tears... I did not think you would hear or remember that!" How could this man be so dense and think that he was cause of her tears when she had been kidnapped and had had to sew him up just because he didn't let his comrades shame and kill her!?

"You... Your kiss, it was - is - another piece in the puzzle that is this new life. Contrary to what people seem to think, I do not have it all figured out - my life, my feelings, everything..." that little fire in her eyes and fire slowly died and Adelmar closed her eyes for a moment, trying to even her breathing and smooth down her thoughts. "You should not have made such a promise to Ellen. I... doubt she would have testified against me and there was no proof I could have been involved. She was the one that sometimes wiped my tears after my father hit me when I was younger. Although perhaps her hate for all of us runs deeper than I can see."

Suddenly, Adel stood up and took the socipad with her, moving to the wide windowsill and settling down on it. As a child, she used to hide on them behind curtains and get lost in her own little world she imagined to be outside window. Now, again she took refuge there. "You were not horrible to me, Mannik, quite the opposite actually... It contrasted with situation we were in and which made it highly confusing. Do you think I would go against Zenon to save you from the cell if I thought you were truly bad to me? I had never done it so sharply--" She stopped there, feeling suddenly vulnerable under his piercing gaze and shifted again. "I cannot resent you even for what you did to my father, I should, but I cannot. Especially now that I know you gave up chance of happiness for it."

She stared at him for a moment, then sighed heavily. "I do not know what more to say to you, just know that I would have been glad to give you home by my side, if only I knew it was safe and good for you as well, but with my father around it was hardly an option. Now... Now I should go, I am sorry if I have caused you any pain..." Adelmar swallowed thickly and despite saying that they should end the call, didn't make the move to do so, feeling like she was in some kind of surreal trance like state or a movie of sorts. All of this situation, it was so wrong, ridiculous, impossible! Just like the feelings Mannik implied he had and the ones that surged in her chest, this mix of anger and sadness - for all he had misunderstood and even for all the what ifs, if he had known and understood correctly. But even in the absurd chance they truly were drawn together, what path did they have ahead of themselves? She had to be realist, to tell herself to walk away before this started to hurt. Only it did already.

"So sharp and accusing," he tsked her softly, "and here I am, just trying to see the bigger picture you seem to see it and perhaps understand few favorite parts of it." He swayed his glass slightly, holding it between his fingertips in nearly hypnotizing rhythm. "Especially since you cannot deny fighting for your precious Below with all the methods of Above. I find it amusing, you see. Best proof that a wolf may change its coat and its name, but habits stay the same. Yet, you are not quite like women of here. Ah, yes, world would be different place if there were more like you. Scary as much as fascinating, though." Zenon smirked slightly.

"You raise an interesting point about rebuilding the planet. But are you aware that all the resources we are using, from the bread loaf you wish to steal to the very comfortable chair I am sitting in has been created using energy produced from recycling wastes across the globe? So, it is not like we are doing nothing for poor, old Mother Earth." The man leaned back in his seat, his tone again half mocking. "Miss Imhoff, are you so sure you will find all of your dog's accomplices that you dismiss my help so easily?" he questioned, with quirked eyebrow. "And here I was hoping for a reason to visit you," the expression turned more predatory again.
~ Dreaming; Yellow Welcome Balloon, Ruby Red Suntinas, Cloud Hibiscus and a lot more. ~
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~ p o p p e t ♥, Queen_Andais, star2000shadow, Eastriel are absolutely amazing ~

When Did I Become This?
Kisu is offline
Old 01-16-2015, 11:19 PM

Mannik listened to her speak quietly, keeping his head down most of the time. "I had to be sure." He said simply, and shrugged. "That no one could point a finger at you. It's why I asked you to be seen by all kinds of people. I just had to be sure. She didn't agree for hate. She wanted to look out for her family, and I agreed to marry her granddaughter." He fell silent, and looked up at the screen. "Of course I remember you crying. Why do you think I didn't try to fight when we landed? Even drugged, I'm not the type to go quietly... I didn't want to upset you anymore."

She was so beautiful, sitting in the light. It didn't matter, though. It was clear from what she was saying he had no chance, not that he had thought he had had one anyway. "It's alright. Really. You don't have to explain anything to me. You don' don't owe me anything. I know that. I just...just wanted you to know that I meant it all. I know how it must have looked, coming back and getting engaged the same day and everything. Don't apologize to me. For anything."

He sighed, and looked away from the screen. "I...I don't think I can stop feeling like this. I wish I didn't. It would make things so much easier. But, I can't. So...if you have any information in the future, please call Commander Imhoff. Un...Unless you are in a situation where you need my help...I know it's not likely, since you've got...him. But, otherwise..." Mannik sighed, and shook his head. " hurts too much, to talk with you...I thought I could be strong, if you ever called...but...Even getting shot hurts less that knowing..." Mannik licked his lips, and shook his head.

He glanced back to the screen, admitting something he didn't even want to think about. "I knew it would never happen...but...a big part of me really hoped you were going to ask me not to marry ask me to come there...come to you. I'm sorry. It's...not my place...I need to go too..." Mannik stared at the screen for a long moment, before stating something he'd refused to say to her until this point. "Goodbye, Adelmar..."


Sarah listened, her scowl deepening as Zenon continued to speak. The man really thought she was a fool! Sarah had been leaning forward, her finger hovering above the end button, when Zenon finished. She glared hatefully at the screen. "Mister Hadar. You expect me to believe, especially after this phone call, that you wish to come Below and help us?! What you have shown me is far from helpful."

For just a moment, Sarah's face softened, and she shook her head. "And to think, I had hoped you would call. How very disappointing." She made her own disapproving noise, and looked away, refusing to look back at the screen. "Very well. If you actually wish to help Below, as unlikely as that is, I am sure you remember where my apartment is. You can meet me there." Zenon wouldn't learn any new information, and if he killed or captured her, Mannik would run things now. What did she have to lose? She wouldn't, however, hope or wish for any more of his kisses. Zenon would be married soon, and it seemed like he was being rather hostile towards her.

This wasn't how she had hoped a phone call with him would have gone. She had wanted him smiling, and teasing. But, she'd also promised not to bring up the past when they spoke, so she kept that to herself. Really, though, she was starting to regret even meeting the Hadar heir personally.

Last edited by Kisu; 01-17-2015 at 11:53 AM..

Ghost Caracal
sadrain is offline
Old 01-17-2015, 09:47 PM

"Mannik!" she called softly, trying to stop the stream of words that poured from his lips, her expression suddenly shifting to distraught one. Adelmar wasn't sure where all of this was leading to, but it felt like sliding down a slippery slope with no way to get back up. Part of her wanted to continue, to reveal his cards, feelings, so she wouldn't have to guess and wonder anymore, but another was afraid of the situation it would put her into. He would expect something of her, something she couldn't say that she didn't want, but wasn't sure she could, should, give. Or she would have to end it, bury that little ember glowing somewhere inside her that she had just started to acknowledge. Was it selfish of her to want to stay on the beach, without diving in the water headfirst right now or leaving it to never see again?

"Mannik, I..." young woman hesitated, hoping he would not end the call now. "My life has been such a chaotic mess, ever since you took me Below, that I... I have not had a chance to sit down and think about most things, especially my feelings. I have always put them as least of my concerns, but perhaps it is time I change it." She seemed calmer now, not closed up like she often was, just having found a thread to hold on. "But I do know I want you in my life. My friendship might not seem like much, but I would - have already given - that wholeheartedly. Maybe... Maybe you could grant me some time to... To find some stability again and think. You do not have to marry Anne if neither of you are invested in this particular arrangement. I could find someone who could be a good husband for her, provide for her, someone Ellen would also approve of."

Adelmar hoped he would say yes, agree that his promise hadn't already bound him in unbreakable chains. It was unfair, since she could make him no promises right now, but at the same time, had she not been quiet and reliant for too long, did she not deserve to be a little selfish and try to find a way to be happy? Her fingers clutched the device tightly, waiting for his answer. If he would say no and end the call... She would get over it, she would have to. She wasn't going to beg and plead and that was last thing she wanted him to do either. No one should have to do such a thing to another human.

"What is wrong with my call!?" Zenon huffed, putting now practically empty glass down on table with thunk. "I am just trying to sieve through all the false and twisted information here, Commander. It is not my fault some of things I say are too true to be entirely comfortable for you. After all, it is you that wished to keep this strictly professional." He leaned forward, as if he could somehow will himself through the screen on the other side where Sarah was. "And I did not say I am ready to help already, that would be a bit too easy, would it not?"

Still, at her comment about how she had hoped he would call, the simmering frustration behind his eyes seemed to melt away and for a moment, man's expression came very close to that of longing. "If I had known, perhaps I would have called sooner," he said with sudden honesty. But it was gone short after as Valmir leaned back in his seat and nodded. "I will be there. Not tonight, but soon." With that, he ended the call.

When Did I Become This?
Kisu is offline
Old 01-17-2015, 10:38 PM

Once Adelmar had started speaking, Mannik had lowered his hand, refusing to look at the screen. She looked so upset. Mannik felt like cursing at himself. He should have kept his mouth shut. They hadn't been talking for ten minutes and he'd already upset her. When Adelmar stated she did want him in her life, however, his gaze returned, staring at her doubtfully. Her offer for a husband for Anne also took him aback slightly. He focused on that part, not wanting to look too deeply into the other things Adelmar had said. Having someone in your life didn't mean you loved them or wanted them. Was he being pushed into the...the friendzone? Or was there actually some kind of hope here? Mannik doubted it.

His frown deepened. In all honestly, he didn't see Adelmar wanting him, and a selfish part of him wanted to reject her offer. They might not love each other, but he had someone he could call his own. Anne, however, didn't want him, and she wasn't the person he wanted. It was probably the only reason Mannik was able to accept the offer and push the selfish thoughts away. "Ellen wasn't happy that I am a rebel...she'd be much happier with someone else, I'm sure... Anne can't have who she wants either..." He scratched his head, "So she just wants to make her family happy, and be cared for. I'm sure she wouldn't mind...I'll...I'll speak to her about it. If she agrees, I'll see if there's a family Above she can stay with until you find her someone more suitable there. I...uhm...thank you."

"As long as they both like this other person, I won't argue..." Mannik didn't want to ask the question boiling in his mind, so instead leaned back against the bed, glancing at the large quilt on it. Change the subject. Quick.

"Erm...are you needing any help with anything? Are the bugs gone?"


The SociPad Below remained open, and Sarah glared at it for a few long minutes. That....that...that JERK! He called her, after a WEEK, and acted like that!? What was wrong with the boy? And making assumptions, too! She didn't want to be professional with Zenon. She wanted to be very unprofessional with him, and had almost said as much. She'd just pointed out it wasn't possible. And Zenon had agreed! How dare he try to throw that into her face! It was a mistake! A giant mistake! Everything about that man was just a mistake! It was clear he was toying with her again. The simple comment he had made about not being ready to help already, but him wanting to come down here made it very clear.

Except for his taste... NO! Mistake too!

Fuming, the Commander paced her new rooms. Well. She certainly wasn't going to rush off to the apartments. She'd send eyes there, have it watched, so she would know when Zenon arrived, however, she wasn't going to rush off to him. To more head games and confusion. She was far too old to be playing games with the boy.

The Commander left, and arranged for one of her soldiers to remain hidden around the apartments, giving him one of Below's SociPads, used for emergencies. The man had looked puzzled, but did as requested.

This time she wouldn't fall for his charm. This time, Sarah would remember that he was Hadar, through and through. This times, there would be no games with Zenon. Sarah was even thinking she might send someone else to meet Zenon...avoid him altogether.

Last edited by Kisu; 01-18-2015 at 06:18 PM..

Ghost Caracal
sadrain is offline
Old 01-20-2015, 06:13 PM

Adelmar nodded when he agreed to talk with Anne and looking for a family for the woman to stay at Above if all worked out, feeling strangely relieved. Of course, she wouldn't - couldn't - say anything if Mannik wanted to go through this marriage, for she still firmly believed it was not her right to tell him what to do, but it was good to know that he really didn't want to do it. Although she shouldn't care, really. Zenon was right, she had changed and it was somehow scary thought. And one she wanted to contemplate when she was alone. This conversation had been like a wild roller coaster ride and she wasn't sure when it was going to take the next unexpected turn or how it would end.

When the man, finally looking at her again, changed the subject, Adel felt glad. Anything to get the conversation away from feeling theme, really. "The bugs are taken care of and I am being very careful to make sure my new home won't get wired. I will probably move in at the end of this week. It is quite nice and..." She paused, unsure if to say what was on her mind or not. How would Mannik take if she told him she'd love if he could see it completed along with her? God, how could even friendship work out between them if even seeing each other was a risk to both of them? The woman suppressed a sigh at the thought. Still, she had said that she would try to be more straightforward about her feelings. "It would be nice if you could see it, too." Her small smile was genuine at this. "Now, the housewarming party I am not looking forward to so much. After everything, I am center of too much rumors for anyone to pass up a chance to attempt pry into my life."

That had been one thing that made past week so hard and there were times she simply wanted to disappear from Seven for a while, take a short break or even long one. But there was nowhere to really go and it would only cause more murmurs. So, Adelmar put up with all the dirt and questions thrown at her, acted like a good grieving daughter and tried not to publicize that she was in charge of all Wislawa affairs now. Worst part was, there was no one to really talk it out with and although she was used to making decisions on her own, it would have been nice to have it differently for a change. Although Zenon was supportive, he was far too preoccupied with his own family issues, especially these days when he could get frustrated by even slightest things.

Since the conversation had moved to calmer waters, she decided to ask few things that had her worried. "How did your people take the way my kidnapping ended? I hope you and your Commander have not been put under fire. And how is your stab wound?"

Zenon indeed did not come that night or even for few next days. But when he did, he was well prepared. Not only he had made a perfect window for him to be gone for a day or two, the man had also made some plans and even brought some trading materials - supplies he guessed Commander would appreciate quite much. Of course, he didn't come in one of the Descender ships and silver suits either. Instead, he managed to get an outfit and gas mask that allowed him to blend in. Or nearly blend in, at least. Although he put on a hat (just as worn and weathered as rest of the outfit) that hid most of his hair, the man's eyes and posture still stood out.

Still, he figured it should be convincing enough to let him wander Below for a while without being recognized as heir of most hated family. Even if Sarah didn't agree to his plan, he could do quite a lot on his own. After all, he was well armed even now. He couldn't really trust even his little fire not to betray him since he was playing in her field now. As much as he could try to adjust rules to be in his favor, he still couldn't afford to be careless.

When he finally reached Below, the man hid his small vehicle behind rubble, a good walk away from his destination. He doubted that Sarah would just sit and wait for him, so, there was nowhere to rush. Wandering through the wasteland, he thought back to events that had lead to creation of this harsh world. It was not fit for living, yet people did. He still found them savage and beastly, the fact that Imhoff was not of them only further proving that the truly capable and bright minds came only from Above, but he had never considered them exactly animals as some seemed to.

Arriving in the apartments that she had taken him to the previous time, Zenon spent good while exploring every corner around them and inside, familiarizing himself with the surroundings. It was not a strategically good spot for him, but maybe he would be able to make his escape, if needed. Settling down in a creaky chair, he only had to wait now.

When Did I Become This?
Kisu is offline
Old 01-20-2015, 09:49 PM

Mannik had stiffened slightly when Adelmar mentioned him seeing the new place. Would it be weird to say he had already seen it? From the outside at least. He had quite a few pictures of the house, wanting to make sure she would be alright. He kept his mouth shut about that, however, and agreed to look when she wished.

The rest of the conversation was merely small-talk. He didn't mention the upheavel her escape had caused to the people of people, how rough the commander was having things at the moment, or how angry the people were. His stab wound should be almost healed, but to be honest, Mannik hadn't been treating it like he should have. He always remembered her.

He mentioned the work he'd done in his shelter, in passing. It had seemed like a decent enough subject, however, his chest still tightened. Even if it wasn't with Adelmar, he had looked forward to sharing the empty rooms with someone.

In the days that passed, Anne had agreed to marry someone else. She had seemed almost relieved, and it bothered Mannik, although he said nothing. Seriously, he was a good provider, and he didn't look so bad, if you didn't count his scars. What was it about him? Anne was set Above, with a new job and a family from Below currently housing her.


Sarah was far more irritated than she would admit, even to herself, when Zenon didn't show up that night. Or the next night. She was starting to believe that Zenon wasn't going to keep his word at all, and had no desire to show up Below to help with things.

The guards Sarah had posted hadn't been told to expect, and it seemed like someone from Below had entered the old apartments, but since everyone had been staying away, he quickly got on the Soci and called his Commander. She answered right away, and he told her about it.

Sarah left immediately. She paused to talk to the guard, and took back the tiny machine, before thanking him and sending him on his way. Once the man had disappeared into the dust, she turned to the apartments, lifting the latch on her holster that kept her gun tightly in place. She didn't know what to expect, but the last call, Zenon had seemed borderline hostile, and Sarah wouldn't take chances. She slid into the apartments as silently as possible, peeking around corners before stepping into open areas.

She tried to tell herself that her heart was beating so fast because Zenon was dangerous, however, she couldn't believe that was the only reason. Nothing was said as she spotted him in the chair in her apartment when the peeked around the corner. There wasn't a gun aimed towards the doorway, so Sarah stepped into view, placing hers into her holster. She stuck and hip out and folded her arms over her chest.

"What's in the bag?" She questioned. She didn't know there were supplies in it, however, she did know about it, her guard having to relay the information. Sarah didn't say anything else. To be honest, she wasn't sure what to say. She wanted to throw her arms around Zenon and kiss him passionately, however, the last time they had spoke, it hadn't ended on a good note, and she wasn't sure where to go from here.

Ghost Caracal
sadrain is offline
Old 01-21-2015, 07:20 PM

Zenon was a picture of relaxation, as much as the old chair allowed to. One hand tapping some rhythm against his knee, the mask stuffed in the messenger type bag that was slung across his chest, therefor his leisurely smile was visible. In truth, the man was far from careless and unaware of his surroundings. He had become aware of someone entering the nearby area nearly as soon as Sarah had and if needed, he would have his gun out and trained on the intruder in matter of second's fractions.

When she stepped into open area, his eyes that had been half-closed shut, opened fully and his grin widened, perhaps gaining a tad menacing note. She wasn't wrong in thinking he could be dangerous although Zen knew he had failed to really show himself as formidable opponent in most, if not all, of their interactions. And today, he hadn't exactly set out to prove the opposite. Although the man doubted they would avoid getting involved in some wicked games, even if not quite the ones he'd enjoy the most.

At Sarah's question, he tsked softly, while mischievous glint appeared in his eyes. "So demanding," he commented, putting one hand up in air as if in mock surrender and other going in the bag and pulling out... An apple. "A little bit of taste what can be if we manage to come to some sort of agreement eventually," he explained, twirling the fruit between his fingers so cautiously as if it was a precious crystal. Colored beautiful crimson with few green streaks, it was medium sized and Zenon knew the taste was sweet, but with right amount of sourness to be the perfect mix, at least for his taste.

He tossed it to the woman, taking out another from the bag and biting into the apple with appreciating hum. But his eyes were set on her, taking in every little detail about her. It was stupid, unreasonable, but he had definitely missed seeing her. Missed her in general. That late night talk had been much less than satisfactory, she had been out of his reach and all his anger, frustration, it had threatened to spill out and he would not be able to just vent it by kissing her. God, he wanted to kiss her now. She might not want to, though. But why should he start to care what the hell others want now, if he never really had?

Standing up, Zenon walked closer to her, with well measured steps. He stopped in front of her, looking with nearly scrutinizing look at Sarah. The fire in her eyes was even brighter than he could remember, the tone of her hair even more enticing - when had he started to have a thing this bad for redheads, really? - and there was little he wanted more than to kiss that firm, 'you won't get under my skin this time' expression away. His hand came up to cup her cheek before he whispered "and here is another", before crashing his lips to hers.

When Did I Become This?
Kisu is offline
Old 01-21-2015, 07:38 PM

The man was sitting there and peering at Sarah like he didn't have a care in the world. It infuriated her, and she had opened her mouth until he had pulled out the apple. She stared at it hungrily, and her blue eyes slowly shifted to him. Agreement? Of what sort? Above had made it clear Below had nothing they wished for.

The apple moved through the air, and Sarah caught it. She rubbed the smooth skin, trying to remember the last time she had tasted one this full and round. She'd had one...five years had been bruised all over, and smushed when she bit into it. This, however, would be crunchy and just perfect. She fought the desire to devour it, instead deciding to save it for someone who may need it.

Sarah's hands shifted, and she carefully pocketed the item, only to jerk her head back up as Zenon moved to her. She stared at him defiantly, unsure of his intentions. And then he was kissing her, his hand on her cheek. She could taste the apple he had just bit into, and it made him taste even better. Her eyes fluttered shut for a moment, and she was kissing back.

All too soon, however, she came to her senses, and jerked away, before lifting a hand, trying to slap Zenon. "How dare you!? You think I'm a fool? What do you want, Mister Hadar? And don't you dare lay another hand...or lip, on me again! We are done with games!"

Ghost Caracal
sadrain is offline
Old 01-22-2015, 03:50 PM

For a moment, everything was fine. Perfect even. Nearly enough to make him let his guard down, but Zenon managed to snap out of it, capturing her hand just a moment before it would have given him a sound slap. The grip was tight, growing even painful as the man's expression darkened. There was a part that wanted to hit or at least push her away in return - no woman aside from her had hit him outside sparring matches and she was getting far too bold. He was not going to be slapped around like some unwanted suitor! God, was that what she had reduced him to? No, he was not going to fall even lower and raise a hand against woman. With snarl, he released Sarah's hand and stepped back.

"Games? Have I said that any of this..." he gestured vaguely somewhere between them, "is a game now? But I suppose that is all you can view it as." The fury in his eyes changed to cold anger, the man's pride (and feelings, even though he would not admit it) quite hurt. She had the worst effect possible on him, he wanted to be the one that stood in her fire and didn't get reduced to ashes, but instead her fury burned even hotter for him. While it was entertaining to bother her, all he had really wanted to was kiss and soft whisper of "I missed you" against his mouth. Was it really too much to ask!? Apparently it was.

Zenon opened his backpack again, this time to take out the mask. "I came here in good will, with simple offer of trade and even simpler request, but I can see that you are in no mood to even consider them, so I will take my leave." So much for all that he had planned out, in case should she agree to the trade he wanted to propose. He really had been a fool, setting out to actually woo a woman who apparently only wanted something to do with him only when her precious wonder boy's life and freedom was on line. The man's movements were perfectly controlled so he wouldn't portray just how frustrated he felt as he put the mask on, not looking at Sar-Commander again.


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