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Old 01-09-2011, 06:35 AM

"Funny...i've felt the same thing" Rei spoke thinking of all he read. he couldn't figure anything out tho.

Sinsue Hoshigo
It's better to have loved and lo...
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Old 01-09-2011, 01:32 PM

"What do you suppose it is? I think... it might be that in a way... I chose my path without thinking and I'm bound to you... even before you claimed me... ur... what exactly does that mean?" Alora asked curiously as she looked at Rei wondering the exact extent that they... that she had gotten herself... them into.

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Old 01-09-2011, 05:33 PM

"I am not sure, the only one I could've asked would've been Yuko and I certaintly can't ask anymore necromancers because they would kill me if I came near them now that I've broken the code" Rei spoke thinking some to himself.

Sinsue Hoshigo
It's better to have loved and lo...
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Old 01-09-2011, 05:57 PM

Alora nodded some as she listened to him and thought a bit more. "Well... you read allot right? I saw allot of books in your room... maybe there might be a book that could have the answer in it?" she thought some out loud wondering if that could be the case or not... she kinda hoped that it was.

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Old 01-09-2011, 06:20 PM

"I've checked alot of books last night, none of them had an answer, though I might try my computer later today" Rei spoke and saw Tyler wake up "Well look who's awake, I have to leave the house for a bit, why don't you guys hang out together" "Nuh-uh-uh Rei Rei" Yuko's voice was heard but wasn't seen "Now what does the wicked b*tch of hell want?" Rei spoke clearly annoyed.

Sinsue Hoshigo
It's better to have loved and lo...
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Old 01-09-2011, 06:24 PM

Alora smiled at Tyler as he opened his eyes then hissed some out of a natural reaction to Yuko's voice. She was scared of her though she hated her more then anything else. She curled up more to Tyler ready to shift to human form and get in front of him to protect him if need be.

(sorry don't know what she wants so can't be her for you XP )

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Old 01-09-2011, 08:34 PM

(Nah it's fine, she's just an ex whom will do anything to get him back, even to get revenge on him for leaving her in hell that's all there really is no reason to her to be there but I figured we need more plot somehow and I am on low inspiration right now)

Tyler's tail wrapped around Alora stating there was no real threat here. "Yuko, what do you want" "Invite me in" "no" "Aw come on Rei Rei, I'm your-" "You're nothing but a dead old skank" Rei spoke "Hmp. You are so rude, just like when we first met. Remember I was just like her until you left me in hell, he'll leave you too sweetie don't get too close." "Yuko what do you want?" Rei asked again. "I want someone's soul and you have either a month to give me 1000 souls or give me someone's in this house or I will destroy the entire city with a slight accident" Yuko spoke and faded away. "That's what I get for dating a demon brat" Rei mumbled.

Sinsue Hoshigo
It's better to have loved and lo...
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Old 01-09-2011, 08:43 PM

"Lovely" Alora muttered softly and wondered some how Rei would do it if he wasn't going to give her up.

(sorry has a headache and yeah... um... she was at his head so how would that work out? XD I thought I meantioned that )

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Old 01-09-2011, 08:48 PM

(Tyler has a long tale & relax with the headache you don't wanna make it worse)

Tyler looked at Rei whom was thinking now "Don't worry Tyler, you and your new friend arn't going anywhere and she isn't getting her souls either" Rei had a better idea but first he had something else to do. "Tyler wait here with Alora while I go out and retrieve something" Tyler nodded and looked at Alora "Don't follow him okay, 'lora?" Tyler spoke using a nickname. Rei had went upstairs to change into more of a normal attire which was a black t-shirt, blue jeans, and sneakers. Walking down the steps he looks to them both "I will be back soon" and with that he left the house.

Sinsue Hoshigo
It's better to have loved and lo...
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Old 01-09-2011, 09:04 PM

(I think I'm getting a siness infection XP it's only giving me blocks really though that's why I'm having short posts XP I don't normally do this so as soon as I'm better the posts should get longer)

Alora nodded though as Rei walked out the door and farther away she could feel that odd pain tugging at her and making her whimper some as she laid down completely and leaned into Tyler's tail.

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Old 01-09-2011, 09:10 PM

(Same here with the posts thing and I understand. Lol I wonder if you caught my sinus cold from me lol JK. I have one too but it isn't as bad now)

Tyler stayed next to her while Rei went back to the club where Alora had died. Rei was searching for something and was able to find it after an hour went by. Walking through the door Rei held Alora's lifeless body. No one had gone to the back of the club and saw it because snow was piled among it hiding it from any view. Setting her body down on the comfortable chair in the room he looked to Alora and Tyler. He had felt the tug when he had left but did best to ignore it. Which wasn't easy at all but he figured he might be able to give her a solid body since he had claimed her now. The only thing is she would have the oppertunity to turn her entire body into a ghost but it would last 24 hours and then she would turn back and have to wait another 24 hours before trying it again.

Sinsue Hoshigo
It's better to have loved and lo...
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Old 01-09-2011, 09:34 PM

(lol XD one of my friends... or it might have been my dad gave me something over skype once X3 )
(Ow... ur so is she able to turn solid or into a ghost form? I got confused XP )

Alora was probably feeling the worse of the two as that hour seemed to edge on forever until he came back. She stared wide eyed at her body feeling a bit sick as she gazed at it. She looked at Rei then curiously wondering why he brought her dead body in. Her body was very pale and almost a bluish color from it pretty much being half frozen if not fully.

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Old 01-09-2011, 10:03 PM

(She gets her body back but she can turn into a ghost form with her entire body for 24 hours)

"If you want to live again, I can make it happen. It will be easier on all of us if you were human again" Rei spoke being honest.

Sinsue Hoshigo
It's better to have loved and lo...
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Old 01-09-2011, 11:16 PM

Alora listened to him then nodded and slowly got up off the coach and shifted to her human form. "I was never normal to begin with... you just can't see my ears from the headphones... witch should be moved before anything since they're metal and that would be even colder then what it already seems I'll be." she murmured pointing to the headphones that covered her cat ears perfectly.

(Mkay ^^ )

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Old 01-09-2011, 11:23 PM

Rei moved the headphone and it stung a little that they were so freezing cold but he put them aside. "Do you want your body back? If so, lay down as close to your body as possible but on top, like try to become one with it." Rei spoke.

Sinsue Hoshigo
It's better to have loved and lo...
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Old 01-09-2011, 11:27 PM

Alora nodded some hessitating a bit before sitting where her body was shivering a bit as she phased through it some. She felt that as soon as she was back she would either be in pain from how cold she was or just so cold that she wouldn't be able to move... like she was frozen... that would seem to make sense really.

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Old 01-09-2011, 11:44 PM

Rei forgot about her body being frozen as he linked up her body and soul and she would now be one but freezing cold. Rei felt her skin at how cold it was even though she was back and said a quick fire spell aiming it at the fireplace hardly used in his house in front of them.

Sinsue Hoshigo
It's better to have loved and lo...
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Old 01-09-2011, 11:55 PM

Alora whimpered as she awoke and her teeth chattered though she couldn't pull in on herself... though even if she could she felt that she was so cold that she would just make herself even colder. Her joints seemed to have been frozen though that was only to her... she was actually quite limp... though a few of her joints and bones had been frozen a bit. She couldn't speak and she couldn't move... really right now all she could do was think and breathe.

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Old 01-10-2011, 12:53 AM

Rei got a blanket and wrapped it around Alora as he held onto her close to the fireplace but keeping her warm as he could he even used a small heating spell he learned when he was six when it would get really cold during the winter.

Sinsue Hoshigo
It's better to have loved and lo...
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Old 01-10-2011, 12:58 AM

Alora shivered and put her face into the blanket right away looking not only warmth for the rest of her body but also her face witch was burning from the frostbite. She was shaking from the cold though was slowly getting warmer. "T-t-th-thanks" she stuttered though didn't pull her face out of the blanket so the words were muffled.

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Old 01-10-2011, 01:25 AM

"Keep covered" he spoke not sure how to respond to when someone thanked him because no one had before and it was certaintly something new to him but he held her close to keep her warm though he felt happy when she was that close.

Sinsue Hoshigo
It's better to have loved and lo...
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Old 01-10-2011, 01:37 AM

"I w-was pl-planning o-on i-it" Alora grinned some though it was hidden by the cover. She leaned into his warmth some and somehow felt that this was right or something... well... she kinda felt... that... she liked it?

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Old 01-10-2011, 01:44 AM

A couple hours passed and Alora was getting warmed up as they leaned against the base of the chair.

Sinsue Hoshigo
It's better to have loved and lo...
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Old 01-10-2011, 01:48 AM

When Alora was finally able to relax and curl up she curled in on herself to get even warmer and ultimately curled to Rei and soon as she could fell asleep feeling exhausted from the fact that she had pretty much been frozen and her body was aching now that she wasn't anymore.

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Old 01-10-2011, 02:59 AM

They both fell asleep and Tyler laid next to them as the day lead into night and the night had passed as well until early morning came and waking them up. Rei was still asleep he used to sleep during the day and work at night but that had changed lately where he hardly ever slept, he had his arms around Alora as she was in the blanket still and the fire had gone out by then.


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