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Sally Sinema
Sally Sinema is offline
Old 08-02-2009, 05:50 AM

I just came back from seeing The collector, I didn't really know what to expect going in, I love horror movies and it was horrifying, though I wouldn't say I was scared. I prefer supernatural horror to torture porn, but this movie did a good job making you sympathize with the characters in a short amount of time and the cinematography was both interesting and dizzying at times. I'd give it a 7/10

xXx_Azhela Riannon Hayley
xXx_Azhela Riannon Hayley is offline
Old 08-02-2009, 11:11 AM

Harry Potter and the half blood prince I'd give it a 4/5

Ja Ne Baka!
Sexual no no...
Ja Ne Baka! is offline
Old 08-02-2009, 01:36 PM

V for Vendetta
F*cking fantastical movie.
I watch it religiously with my friends, who are also fanatics.

Oscar the Wild
Oscar the Wild is offline
Old 08-02-2009, 04:33 PM

Last movie I watched was (and please, don't get on me for this) Batman Forever, and it was all right, I guess. Nostalgic, definitely.

AnimeFreakGirlAshy is offline
Old 08-02-2009, 05:23 PM

The last movie i saw was The Cat Returns. I actually really liked it! ^^ It's one of my favorite movies of all that i have watched so far. =3

Last edited by AnimeFreakGirlAshy; 08-08-2009 at 03:51 AM..

killthequeen! is offline
Old 08-02-2009, 06:20 PM

i juss saw harry potter and the half-blood prince.
very dark movie, but then again, aren't all harry potter movies dark?

Kitako is offline
Old 08-02-2009, 06:52 PM

last movie i saw was Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince. it was a good movie, but the book was better.. :)

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Old 08-02-2009, 09:26 PM

The last movie is saw was Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, and I'd give it a 8/10.

I really enjoyed the movie, although there are a few points I'd like to change. Especially all and any parts with Ginny in them. >>; I hate her.

Dead Account Holder
hollowmoon is offline
Old 08-03-2009, 02:14 AM

I was wondering about the Collector. Not a fan of torture porn either. I love good ghost movies.

I just watched Ghost Story, pretty good, pretty original. It'd probably get a 6/10 from me. A nice horror for casual viewing, nothing that will scare the crap out of you though.

vomity is offline
Old 08-03-2009, 03:24 AM

The last two movies I saw were SAW V and Underworld: Rise of the Lycans.
I thought both were about four stars. SAW II remains my favorite of the series and I still think that the first Underworld was the best.

Gangsta Biatch
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Old 08-03-2009, 06:58 PM

I saw 500 Days of Summer last weekend, and it was really cute. I give it a 8/10 for great cinematography, a good soundtrack and a story that kept me interested.

Before that it was Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. It was also good, but I liked the book more. The movie seemed to be lacking unfortunately. Still, 7/10.

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Old 08-03-2009, 08:24 PM

In thearte_ "Drag Me To Hell" with my boyfriend right before he left for Basic.
It was really kinda stupid, but really funny at the same time. He is more of a scardy cat than I am when it comes to scary movies. haha.

At home_"Gran Torino" I loved it when I went and saw it with my homeboy in the thearte I loved it even more the second time around. That is my second favorite Clint Eastwood movie.

Sariwa is offline
Old 08-03-2009, 10:20 PM

I saw Undercover Brother a few days ago. It was so FUNNY XD I'd give it maybe 7.5/10

Also saw Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince a while back. I loved it. The book was loads better though, but scenes like when Ron ate those candies with potion in them, was exactly like I imagined when I read the book :D I'd give the movie 8.5/10 ^^

Fabby is offline
Old 08-05-2009, 12:12 AM

I saw Bruno yesterday. I'd give it maybe a 2/10... I probably would have liked it more if someone told me before hand that it wasn't staged, but no one did and therefore I found it unfunny and ludicrous with too many attempts at shock value.

I also watched Bram Stoker's Dracula last night. 8/10... that movie was hawt, and it had a bunch of awesome actors in it, even though Keanu Reeves was a serious WTF moment. xD

Lovin' It
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Old 08-05-2009, 01:00 AM

The last movie I watched was National Treasure 2. It is one of my favortie movies, and it is the second time I have seen it. I believe one of the characters are adorble, Riley and he is even better in the second movie.

@Yumehayla: I think Saphira had a phone sex voice. =3

Kaleidoscope Line
Kaleidoscope Line is offline
Old 08-05-2009, 09:43 AM

i dont remember the last movie i saw so i'll just tell u guys wats the best movie i saw all the harry potter series i even have a DVD of them well not all of the series

redwolfserena - de-activated
Neko-Hime (Kitty)
redwolfserena - de-activated is offline
Old 08-06-2009, 01:28 PM

I saw the new harry potter

Magic Addict
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Old 08-08-2009, 08:13 AM

Race to Witch Mountain, I give it four stars!

Agent HEY-LEE is offline
Old 08-08-2009, 04:14 PM

The last one I saw in the theaters was the newest Harry Potter movie, saw it twice lol.
It was awesome~ 5/5
I loved all the drama with Draco, I think it made him attractive. xD

I also rented some movies..
The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button 3/5 (It was interesting, but incredibly boring)
Knowing 5/5 (...It was just great. :) )
Push 4/5 (Most people would probably give it a lower rating, but it was right up my alley!)

Silent Killer
graphene is offline
Old 08-08-2009, 11:59 PM

The last movie I saw was Moonstruck. x3 Cher was so pretty back then... And so was Nicolas Cage, haha. I give it a 10/10, it was a great movie.

As for in theaters.... I can't really remember the last movie I saw in theaters, so I dunno.

AcidCake is offline
Old 08-09-2009, 01:35 PM

Saw Orphan last night. For the movie that it was, and if it has came out 10 years ago, I'd give it a 9/10, but for now, I'd say it was a 5/10

Web Warrior for GrailKnights
Katurine is offline
Old 08-09-2009, 04:56 PM

I watched Hayao Miyazaki's "My Neighbour Totoro" last evening. I really love that movie, so I give it 10/10, haha! ^^

Pina Colada Extract
Purple Chocolate Eater
Pina Colada Extract is offline
Old 08-09-2009, 06:13 PM

Race to witch mountain. 2/5
I think my favorite part was with these two random nameless people at the sc-fi convention. After seeing Sara's makeshift special effects, the one is like "Best con ever" and the other nods.

keep_lookin_up is offline
Old 08-10-2009, 01:43 AM

shrek teh 3

it was mehh... :stare:


suppi is offline
Old 08-10-2009, 03:21 AM

I watched G-Force yesterday.. xD;; I liked it though. :] 7.5/10

edit; Oh no, I topped a page. ><;;


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