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whitebeast is offline
Old 04-14-2009, 09:41 AM

I think that could work out too. ^^;;

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Pa-pancake is offline
Old 04-14-2009, 09:44 AM

Anoni: So its a coloured egg? We have that for a baby's one month birthday here ^^ Its traditional custom. and thanks for the compliment. I got it from bluezjessi's event shop ^^

your resident bonafide coffee ad...
Rylynne is offline
Old 04-14-2009, 09:46 AM

I lost my last post, oh wells. xDD;;

@ Anoni : I'm much cuter than Mene's easter bunny, thank you very much. >.>;; LOLZ. xDD;; But, thanks? 8DD;; <3<3

The Lover of Red
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Sakura_Madison is offline
Old 04-14-2009, 09:47 AM

@ Pa-pancake:

I have not been here because the Gaia event. I am almost done with it and I will be here.

@ whitebeast:

Also, the bad thoughts that are trying to make me do something... starts with the s.... I do my best to block them out.

@ Anoni:

Yea, my little sister is the black sheep. I cannot believe she has not been kicked out. Disrespects our mother and gets away with it. Plus, she has a child. I feel sorry for my nephew. D;

This place would be no good for me, but I do not have a good job to go live on my own.

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Pa-pancake is offline
Old 04-14-2009, 09:49 AM

SakuraGaia's event doesn't last throughout the week? But its great that you can be here now too! Maybe you can join in the games soon

whitebeast is offline
Old 04-14-2009, 09:49 AM

>.< Maybe that's why they're being too kind fo her?

Because she's young despite her misgivings?

is a cool kid.
Anoni is offline
Old 04-14-2009, 10:10 AM

@ White: Is your hair always green? *o*

@ Pancake: Ooo I know about that tradition. Red eggs, right? And ginger vinegar pork feet.

@ Ry: I'd cry if you looked anything like Mene's easter bunny. He's so creepy. D:

@ Sakura: Little sister? How old is she? @_@ Would you want her to be kicked out?
Ah, I'm too lazy to do Gaia's easter event. I'll just buy the items. XD

Spanish Leek Squared
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Old 04-14-2009, 10:11 AM

Originally Posted by Pa-pancake View Post
Leek: I need to go shopping more for food. Our house always lacks yummy fattening food! Fattening food tastes the best!

Sakura; That's sad to hear. I hope that Menewsha ca at least help you relax a bit.
Thats so true. Fattening food is the bestest.
Originally Posted by Anoni View Post
@ Pancake: Yeah XD But it tastes like a normal egg. It was just boiled in water with food dye in it. Not that exciting. D: And thank you! That bee in your sig is so cute. XD

@ Sakura: Aw D: *hugs* Hope you feel better. And that person who is stealing is terrible. Have you tried confronting them? Home is supposed to be a safe place. :(

@ White: Agreed. The hairpin matches but it also highlights the colour difference. @_@ I think I'll just go with the flirty band by itself.

@ Leeky: Thanks! x) <33 I really like yours, actually. *o*
Your welcome. xD <33 Thank you!! ^^ I totally need to buy moar commons. >_>

whitebeast is offline
Old 04-14-2009, 10:13 AM

Yes. xD It's meant to be always green now.

So even if I'm on Mene, I can cosplay/remind myself ro cosplay someone who has that hair color.

Besides, I keep my plans a secret in real life and to most of the cosplay community here locally, I don't get why I should pretend here.

D: I want to let loose at least here you know what I mean?

Luenola Marxiel
Radiance of the Night Sky
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Old 04-14-2009, 10:14 AM

Hello~ No rounds on right now? XD"

is a cool kid.
Anoni is offline
Old 04-14-2009, 10:18 AM

@ Leeky: Me too! >>; Can't have too many commons. XD *stares at her huge quest thread*

@ White: LOL that just totally confused me. XD I think I got the jist of it though.. maybe? Are you cosplaying a character or a real person?

@ Luenola: I could host a round if there are enough people here. :)

Post if you'd like to play a round!

EDIT: I'll be back in 15.

whitebeast is offline
Old 04-14-2009, 10:18 AM

Not quite sure if there are. xD

Though I think Sho PM'd someone to make some rounds even if she's not around.

EDIT: A character. ^^;;

You see Noni... I don't trust anyone in the community here. >_> They're either scheming to be popular or plain stupid. ._.

SRSLY. So I'm not as vocal with my plans with people.

And Mene is my playground/free zone so I'm free to do what I want ---more or less so I thought why not 'cosplay' her here?

Plus it reminds me that I really should get around to cosplaying her. He he he. ^^;;

Did that make more sense now?

Last edited by whitebeast; 04-14-2009 at 10:20 AM..

The Lover of Red
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Sakura_Madison is offline
Old 04-14-2009, 10:20 AM

@ Pa-pancake:

Yea, it is all the way till Wednesday. I have not been in the mood for guessing games lately. There is something wrong with me. D;

@ whitebeast:

They have always treat her better than me and my other sister. She and I do not even get along. She is 20 right now. She still gets things handed to her and never kept a job. Very rude, annoying, brat, I can go on with this....

@ Anoni:

She is 20 already and has a kid. Her boyfriend lives with us and still cannot find a job. DX

Just wish that he can find a job, that way they have to move out.

Luenola Marxiel
Radiance of the Night Sky
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Old 04-14-2009, 10:20 AM

I'd love to. XD" I love this game. I need to go in about 90 minutes, but in the meantime, let's play! XDD

whitebeast is offline
Old 04-14-2009, 10:23 AM

Sakura... That's just... too much. D:

Spanish Leek Squared
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Old 04-14-2009, 10:26 AM

Anoni; @__@ argh. I have to update mine. XDXD; I don't wannnaaa. I'm too lazy. >_>

Luenola Marxiel
Radiance of the Night Sky
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Luenola Marxiel is offline
Old 04-14-2009, 10:41 AM

I wish I'd made enough progress on my quest to update my quest thread. XD"

The Lover of Red
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Sakura_Madison is offline
Old 04-14-2009, 10:42 AM

@ whitebeast:

Yea, I know and I am still in one piece.

Spanish Leek Squared
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Old 04-14-2009, 10:45 AM

Lulu; but mines a common quest. XD -updates alot-

Luenola Marxiel
Radiance of the Night Sky
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Luenola Marxiel is offline
Old 04-14-2009, 10:47 AM

Ah. I see. When it comes to commons, I outfit shop, so I think I have fewer commons than I should. XD"

Spanish Leek Squared
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Spanish Leek Squared is offline
Old 04-14-2009, 10:50 AM

I have.. a few. xD And since it's an event, Event commons!! XD I really.. need to update. @__@;

is a cool kid.
Anoni is offline
Old 04-14-2009, 10:50 AM

@ White: Yeah that makes more sense. XD Do you mostly hang around the cosplay community? Avatar sites are my online playground too. XD Not many people know about what goes on in my life, and I suppose I like that. XD

@ Sakura: Ah she's the same age as me. XD Is her boyfriend actively looking for a job? You're right.. they can't just leech off your parents for the rest of their lives. >>; Plus they have a baby to think about! I wonder if it's too late to 'teach' your sister to be a better person.

@ Luenola: Okay, we'll try and do a quick round. XD I need to think of a word. Aw, what are you questing for?

@ Leeky: Mine was outdated for ages but I updated it because it's easier to search for commons to match my outfits. I don't think that makes sense. XD

OKAY, I shall be starting a round. x) I'm currently writing a masterpiece (extreme exaggeration) so I may not be able to chat with you guys during the game.

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Pa-pancake is offline
Old 04-14-2009, 10:50 AM

Accidentally posted! >.<" My sister hijacked my account

Luenola Marxiel
Radiance of the Night Sky
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Luenola Marxiel is offline
Old 04-14-2009, 10:53 AM

A lot, Noni, but at the moment, mainly Pudao of Time. Of course, every time I say I'm going to save up for it, an event like this comes along, and I end up spending whatever I've saved on Event commons. XD"

The Lover of Red
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Sakura_Madison is offline
Old 04-14-2009, 10:55 AM

@ Anoni:

Yea, I was hoping that the baby would change her... not!

Before the baby, she and him were living in his mother's place. Everyone hated my sister because the way she treated her boyfriend. They had nowhere else to go and my father had to say yes to her. DX

I really do not like my father.

@ everyone:

I have no idea if I will be coming back here or not. Most likely I will, but need to take care of my stuff first.

Goodnight everyone!


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