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The Pings Goddess
Nuruhanj is offline
Old 01-07-2012, 04:45 PM

going to check you!

When life gives you melons, make...
RoadToGallifrey is offline
Old 01-07-2012, 04:48 PM

Haha okay. C: I don't go on much though, and I remade my account after drama in '09.

Neora is offline
Old 01-07-2012, 04:50 PM

*poking hummy*

When life gives you melons, make...
RoadToGallifrey is offline
Old 01-07-2012, 04:55 PM

*sits on Neora*

The Pings Goddess
Nuruhanj is offline
Old 01-07-2012, 04:56 PM

hi Neora, nice to meet you! and happy belated 2012!


Roachi is offline
Old 01-07-2012, 05:53 PM

I joined Hummy. I've actually heard of this site before. A user on here helped create it i think. I forgot his name, but he was a pain in the butt half the time lol. And i believe one of the admins/creators was called Chi. Not the chi on here a different one...

When life gives you melons, make...
RoadToGallifrey is offline
Old 01-07-2012, 05:55 PM

Oh, I didn't know there was a Chi. The closest I can think of is Chaitealatte, she was sometimes called Chai.


Roachi is offline
Old 01-07-2012, 05:55 PM

Ohh okay lol. Dunno what happened to her then, i think there was some problems and she left or something?? I should really find out the guys name who was talking about it before he left...

When life gives you melons, make...
RoadToGallifrey is offline
Old 01-07-2012, 05:59 PM

She was an admin, and I think it was due to real life issues she stepped down. She was never an owner though. I know that Josh, the creator of Mene, was the first owner. Then there was Claire. Then there was Acuras (spelling may vary, but I know that one part of that team was definitely Jon). Then finally Wingy. Jon never bought Kin with the intent of working on it though, it was simply just an extension of his server company. That was why he left it stagnant.


Roachi is offline
Old 01-07-2012, 06:10 PM

Ahh okay. There ya go lol.
I just know there was a user on here who went on about him helping create it and stuff and heaps of probs with the other admins and stuff. Argh i so did not like that dude either. I remember helping him out on here and he sold the items that i gave him from my charity, which irked me - because at the time it was kinda a big item ya know..

The Pings Goddess
Nuruhanj is offline
Old 01-07-2012, 06:24 PM

yeah but Kin sucks a lot -.-''
jeex no people, no chatters... nothing to say nothing to do -.-''

When life gives you melons, make...
RoadToGallifrey is offline
Old 01-07-2012, 06:26 PM

Kin doesn't suck. It has a lot of potential. Like I said earlier, it just needs to be given a chance to develop and for people to find their way back. Wingy's only had the site for a few months, and with very little cash they've done incredibly well to get it where it is now. C:

@Roachi: There were a few of the staff members there that I really didn't like. Moderators that got too big for their boots and were then promoted to admin. That was one of the reasons that I left near the beginning of 2010. They've all filtered out now. One admin that I always loved was Mithical though. He's great.

The Pings Goddess
Nuruhanj is offline
Old 01-07-2012, 06:28 PM

well I think it needs more art developers... else they should delete all the old posts.. not only locking them..


Roachi is offline
Old 01-07-2012, 06:30 PM

Aww that does suck.
I use to admin another avi site. Don't know if you've heard of it. It's called Ruffles. I left because 1. Found out that my friend (the owner) tryed to offsite trade on mene, and then didn't say anything about it to me, so i came on here mouthing off not knowing that she had tryed to do this. But jelly set me straight pretty much straight away Lol. Still that was embarrassing. And then also she's just so damn unorganized. I dunno how she copes without me to be honest, because i was the only one who remembered to pay staff monthly, who cleaned up a lot of the forum clutter/crap and implemented a lot of great things. And then she goes and changes the avatar bases so a lot of the older items have now become void, so i've got a crapload of items that i can't use. So stupid, and its super uber slow, and she wonders why it hasn't progressed lol.
If i knew how to code i'd start my own site lol.

@Cassette - Ahh i see. Is it worth me starting up something on there then?? Lol.

The Pings Goddess
Nuruhanj is offline
Old 01-07-2012, 06:35 PM

Roachi I know something about HTML ^^
but I suck on cash things and pixelling XD

I think it doesn't exist anymore XD


Roachi is offline
Old 01-07-2012, 06:36 PM

Ahh well that's cool. Yah i know a few friends who can pixel so that wasn't the issue lol. It's just knowing how to code and fix issues that may arise etc.
What doesn't exist?? The site does still exist i was on there not too long ago.

When life gives you melons, make...
RoadToGallifrey is offline
Old 01-07-2012, 06:39 PM

@Roachi: Yeah I was on Ruffles before the bases changed. The whole monkey thing sort of put me off though. Communication is the best thing in a site, and if that goes you're basically set up for failure. I'm somewhat working on a site just now. Well the ideas for one. But I fell out with the person that was going to code it for me, so that's basically come to a standstill.

It can never hurt to make an account there. I'm not sure how big the site will get, if it does. Though if things do pan out well, I can see the site becoming successful again. The staff they have now (bar one of the moderators) is wonderful, so I am confident in what they have so far. The admins in particular are incredibly hardworking and kind. C:

I'm not so sure I like the pixel artist though. /shot

@Nuru: Deleting the posts would cause havoc with the system. The post counts would be altered, as well as all points gained being lost.

I do agree about the art developers though. Sadly, that costs money. Money that Kinsaki really doesn't have.


Roachi is offline
Old 01-07-2012, 06:44 PM

Oh you were, yahh the monkey thing sucked, it woulda worked had they made the bases they have now back then. It was so stupid to change the bases and not all the items. I'm pretty peeved i worked so hard for items that i can never use. I go there once in a bluemoon, i did attempt to say hello to Jess and ask if she needed any help etc, because the place looks like it needs it. But dunno if she will get back to me, it's been about a year since we talked last. I kinda went off her because he's a hypochondriac and there is always something or the other wrong with her.

Ahh okay well i did make an account, i'll have a look around a bit later as kinda tired from being up so early, wanna go have a nap lol. It looks pretty good, it's pretty straight forward and has a clean look. But yeah dunno if i have the energy to start again on a new site lol.

Ahh well that's cool. Yeah having coding knowledge is the thing lol. I really should learn to be honest. xD

The Pings Goddess
Nuruhanj is offline
Old 01-07-2012, 06:44 PM

well they can put them in a deletion folders... they'll be there but invisible..
I dunno how to explain it...
and well yeah I see that...
send me link, Roachi

Little birdie ♥

hummy is offline
Old 01-07-2012, 06:52 PM

link for what?
wow, y'll need to do this on the fifeteenth of this month.
we are having double-bonus goldies day then too.
i hope we can be all yackie that day.

When life gives you melons, make...
RoadToGallifrey is offline
Old 01-07-2012, 06:52 PM

@Roachi: Yeah, that annoyed me too. The new bases are nice, but they're still not really to my tastes. There are actually very few sites that I like the bases on. Mene, Kin and Ernya are the only ones that spring to mind. You're probably better off staying away if I'm perfectly honest. She probably won't have changed all too much. :c

I know what you mean. Starting over on a site can seem pretty daunting. The only good thing is that it is really easy to earn points on Kinsaki, and all their items (even the very first donation items) are easily attainable.

There are so many people who start out sites with no art or web skills, just the desire to admin. I've worked with a few people like that. D; One site you definitely don't want to touch with a ten foot barge pole is Terrasus.

@Nuru: I know what you mean. I don't see what clearing the forums would achieve though. As nice as a fresh start would be, the site does have a history that shouldn't just be ignored. C:

The Pings Goddess
Nuruhanj is offline
Old 01-07-2012, 06:53 PM

yup but clearing in that way maybe will make the site being a bit faster..
or I dunno if it's the hosting that it's slow.. or maybe 'cause I'm in Italy.. I dunno...

When life gives you melons, make...
RoadToGallifrey is offline
Old 01-07-2012, 06:56 PM

The site wouldn't be any faster, the posts would still be on the server.

The Pings Goddess
Nuruhanj is offline
Old 01-07-2012, 07:14 PM

well they could make... ehm NVM it'll be some much more exp the idea I have XD
---> not good on financies XD

When life gives you melons, make...
RoadToGallifrey is offline
Old 01-07-2012, 07:16 PM

@Hummy: I'm always chatty. ;D

@Nuru: It takes time to get a site up and running properly. Kin will make it some day. C:


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