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The Great Adversary

Antagonist is offline
Old 02-24-2023, 05:46 AM

Yeah and because we don't have enough problems already, Asians are being targeted too. Saw on the news the other day about how even the traditionally lowest-percentile of gun-owning people, Asians, are now buying more guns because they needed them to be able to protect themselves.

As one guy who was interviewed put it, "They have guns. I am scared. I have guns. They are scared. Now we are equal."

Just sad.


Pixel Pixie
Cora is offline
Old 02-24-2023, 06:07 AM

I remember reading this one story during covid. Nothing in my life has ever made me feel as ill. He was Asian, I want to say Chinese, but that was 3 years ago so now I'm not 100% sure, regardless it doesn't matter.

It was an interview with this guy. He told his story of how he had been out for a walk with his baby in a stroller when a group of white men attacked him and beat the shit out of him. His baby's stroller was rolling down the street towards oncoming traffic and he couldn't do anything but watch it roll away while he was being beat up. For walking his baby.

The Great Adversary

Antagonist is offline
Old 02-24-2023, 07:42 AM

Yeah I remember seeing that on the news too. People suck.


Pixel Pixie
Cora is offline
Old 02-24-2023, 08:20 AM

Sorry for dragging the mood in here down. Let's talk about something happy

The Great Adversary

Antagonist is offline
Old 02-24-2023, 09:55 AM

lol yes let's


...Any particular fandom you guys are in right now? *is really bad at thinking of topics to talk about lmao *

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Alorrena is offline
Old 02-24-2023, 10:20 AM

(Rena is glad she missed that conversation, she's got trauma. But, she's sorry those things are happening.)

I don't really know about fandoms (i have a hard time classifying myself as a fan- i don't get obsessed with things very easily, and because of that my imposter syndrome acts up if i call myself a fan of something). But i've been binging Hogwarts Legacy, and have been really enjoying it.


Rena fell off her bike because she made poor choices when leaving the gas station. Now her leg is a bit sore, but otherwise ok.


Pixel Pixie
Cora is offline
Old 02-24-2023, 12:29 PM

Nothing too particular comes to mind for me either unless you count my Otome games.

But omg I want Hogwarts Legacy so so so bad!

I am quite glad to hear you are alright though!

The Great Adversary

Antagonist is offline
Old 02-24-2023, 03:01 PM

I've been hearing conflicting opinions on Hogwarts Legacy And also some funny things, like how Harry Potter only killed a handful of people throughout his six years at Hogwarts, but the player character just casually murders a dozen people on their way to Potions.

I hope you leg heals soon!

I seem to have a funny habit of obsessing over characters from games that I never play. My current one is Karl Heisenberg from Resident Evil Village of which I will never, ever play no matter how much I want to go poke at him because I hate and suck at playing horror games. ;;; So...kinda in a fandom in that I've been watching a bunch of videos of other people playing it and reading wiki entries, but not actually touching it myself.

Spooky Action at a Distance
Kory is offline
Old 02-24-2023, 04:55 PM

I've been into the Omori fandom lately.
I love the game so much! It's been a great inspiration for me in a lot of ways.

I have also been dabbling in the Metalocalypse fandom. Not enough to be a part of it (because the show is a little too violent for me...) but just enough to see the fanart and fanfics that people make of the show.


Pixel Pixie
Cora is offline
Old 02-25-2023, 06:23 AM

Originally Posted by Antagonist View Post
I've been hearing conflicting opinions on Hogwarts Legacy And also some funny things, like how Harry Potter only killed a handful of people throughout his six years at Hogwarts, but the player character just casually murders a dozen people on their way to Potions.
I had not heard that, like what

The Great Adversary

Antagonist is offline
Old 02-25-2023, 01:52 PM

@Kory: What's Omori like? :O I only skimmed the summary. It's a roleplaying game?

@Cora: I think that quote was from a tweet that a friend shared with me. xD I don't know anything about the game myself so I wouldn't know if it's true or not lol.

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Alorrena is offline
Old 02-26-2023, 10:58 AM

Originally Posted by Antagonist View Post
I've been hearing conflicting opinions on Hogwarts Legacy And also some funny things, like how Harry Potter only killed a handful of people throughout his six years at Hogwarts, but the player character just casually murders a dozen people on their way to Potions.

I hope you leg heals soon!

Thanks! Good news- no bruises! And while it's a little tender when pushed on, it's fine. Though, i'm pretty sure i'm developing a bruise on my thigh from getting off of my bike cause i'm short and it is tall. Technically the bike is recommended for someone that is 5'3-6'3 and i'm 5'2". Oh well lol
Originally Posted by Antagonist View Post

@Cora: I think that quote was from a tweet that a friend shared with me. xD I don't know anything about the game myself so I wouldn't know if it's true or not lol.
That is a million percent accurate. At least for me lol But mostly because i do a LOT of exploring before going through main quests and anytime i happen upon an enemy on my mimimap, i go get rid of them. I don't know how many enemies i've killed, but i know it's well over a couple hundred. (goblins, poachers, ashwinders, mongrels(wolves), trolls, dugbogs, etc.) I do have a few unicorns though. Soon as i was able to catch creatures that's the first thing i did was catch a unicorn lol And then as soon as i was able to breed them, i caught another of the opposite gender, they had a baby, and then i did a quest to rescue another female. Now i breed them for profit.

I had a friend say it looks/feels like New World, but with wizards. Either way, i really enjoy it.

The Great Adversary

Antagonist is offline
Old 02-26-2023, 03:20 PM

Ouch! I hate how a lot of bikes are so high. What about us people with short legs, yeah?! I used to like biking but not so much anymore...always feels like the seat is too hard and my butt starts hurting after riding for a few minutes.

Omfg that sounds terrible (but in a good, hilarious way) Turning a magical fantasy world into murder and profit!

Spooky Action at a Distance
Kory is offline
Old 02-26-2023, 05:40 PM

Originally Posted by Antagonist View Post
@Kory: What's Omori like? :O I only skimmed the summary. It's a roleplaying game?

It's kinda an RPG game. But it's more like a psychological horror. Similar to Yume Nikki. (Dunno if you've ever played that!) It's pretty much about a boy who experienced a severe trauma and you're navigating his dreams to find out what that trauma is.
It's really fun and the art is really good, IMHO.

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Alorrena is offline
Old 02-26-2023, 07:55 PM

Ant- Yeah, no kidding. It's so awkward getting on my bike lol And when i get off i ride side saddle and coast to a stop (sometimes i ride side saddle way earlier than i need to and slow down too much, so i'm glad it's an electric bike and i can use the throttle to keep me going enough to get to where i wanna stop, like in my driveway lol) and i do this little hop-and-jog to a stop. It's probably not the safest, but i haven't fallen off doing that yet lol Yeah, My bike seat hurts if i ride for too long, which happens to be just about the 10 minutes it takes to ride to the gas station. For me, I think it's a combination of the bike seat shape, cause bike seats are generally uncomfortable, and my weight (cause i am really out of shape), so i think once i start losing weight it will be a bit better. I could always buy myself a better seat, but i like the one it came with cause it has a tilt lever to move it out of the way of taking out and putting in the battery.

It's amazing. Really. Other than game play, i really like the graphics and it's the first game i've played that's made me grateful that i have a newer graphics card (we bought our pc's last May). I have a friend who is actually looking into getting a better graphics card because his fps is too low and causes stuttering, which i guess is a fairly common issue people have.

The Great Adversary

Antagonist is offline
Old 02-27-2023, 06:02 AM

@Kory: Haven't played Yume Nikki before either, unfortunately. I don't play a lot of different video games as I tend to hyper focus on select few games for years and only ever try out new ones every once in a blue moon or so.

Is Omori an uplifting game or is it more dark, considering the 'navigating dreams to figure out his trauma' thing?

@Alorrena: I do that hop-jog when getting off a bike sometimes too; damn these short legs!

I prefer electric bikes too, but that's just because I'm lazy and am terribly out of shape. ;; But then I'd just ride my scooter instead, so I don't ride bikes very often. We have public bikes available that I occasionally rent if on an outing somewhere, so that's pretty handy, and their seats aren't too bad too, which I'm glad for.

Yeah I'm thinking about getting a new laptop with better graphics card the next time one of the new games I want comes out. I remember playing on a potato computer once upon a time for Oblivion and it was lag-hell. I literally could not fight two enemies at once (especially because one of said enemies was a necromancer and would shoot fireballs at me which is very fps costly...) without the game freezing and crashing. Then I got a new laptop one day and...omfg no more major lagging everywhere!!! It was bliss. Then Skyrim came out and I'm back to square one. (until I got yet another new laptop...)

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Alorrena is offline
Old 02-27-2023, 10:25 AM

ant- Yeah, it's always amazing when you get better hardware. I just beat the game, i cried a bit. It was good. Now i just have to finish filling out my field guide and 100% the game. Probably not gonna happen because i can't find the last dang set of balloons. and my brain won't let me continue with anything else until i get all of them. I'll probably try tackling it tomorrow when i get up. probably.

When i lived in Daytona i'd see people riding rentable electric scooters, but i've never ridden on one. They're less popular further inland, and i think there may be a e-bike rental system in orlando, but i'm not really sure. Where i live now is like half way between orlando and Daytona, and it's definitely suburban here, so not a whole lot of tourism or need for public rentals like that. (i miss the city..)

The Great Adversary

Antagonist is offline
Old 02-27-2023, 12:02 PM

How long did it take for you to beat the game?

I suck at getting 100% achievements on my games because there are some actions that I just don't like doing (like in Skyrim; at 3,600+ hours I still have four achievements I will probably never get because I dislike getting caught stealing lol)

Electric scooters are getting more popular here, though I probably will still get one that runs on petrol because there are still some issues with batteries that makes me wary about getting one myself. They're pretty handy for getting around in the city, I'm just paranoid. ;;

Spooky Action at a Distance
Kory is offline
Old 02-27-2023, 07:02 PM

Originally Posted by Antagonist View Post
@Kory: Haven't played Yume Nikki before either, unfortunately. I don't play a lot of different video games as I tend to hyper focus on select few games for years and only ever try out new ones every once in a blue moon or so.

Is Omori an uplifting game or is it more dark, considering the 'navigating dreams to figure out his trauma' thing?

Yume Nikki is a great game too. I've never played it, but it's an experience... I've seen people play it and talk about it, so I know that Yume Nikki is just one of those games where you play it and you always remember the experience of playing the game. It's an exploration game and it really has no actual plot or point of the game, but there is an actual end.

Omori is kinda similar to Yume Nikki in the exploration of the dreamworlds, but it is more story driven. So there's an actual plot and a story that you're following when you play. The story is REALLY good, imho. It's more of a story that is being told through video game rather than a video game that you just play to play. It will mess with your mind in some parts and it will probably make you cry in other parts.

It's really good! I would highly recommend playing it!

The Great Adversary

Antagonist is offline
Old 02-28-2023, 07:06 AM

I do like sandbox games. I also like games with multiple endings since oftentimes 'traditional' single-end games usually isn't the kind of ending I want.

The way you describe Omori kind of reminds me of this video game I watched a YouTuber play called Life Gallery which is a puzzle-solving game that tells a story, and has some disturbing imagery but the art style is pretty amazing even if I don't really understand the meaning of the game, if there was any.

I just checked out Omori on Steam and it does look pretty nice! The art style looks good and it has really good ratings. I'll add it to my wishlist and wait for a sale.

ghostPastry is offline
Old 02-28-2023, 07:59 PM

i've been wanting to play Omori! i've had it on Steam forever, but i didn't want to spoiler myself at all so i just have no idea what it's about but the way you describe it makes me think of Undertale and Off so i'll definitely have to make it a priority now

Spooky Action at a Distance
Kory is offline
Old 03-01-2023, 01:34 AM

Omori does have multiple endings. :D But I think the best route to take is to go for the good ending first!

Omori is the only game in recent time that I've actually finished and it's soooo worth it! :D I hope you two end up playing it! It's really good. Makes you shed a few tears and also does a good job of making you feel dread. Overall the game isn't too scary, there's very few jumpscares and when there are jumpscares, they're not screamers or anything obnoxious.

I'm a big scaredy cat, but I thoroughly enjoyed Omori and I'm playing it again trying to get all the achievements!

The Great Adversary

Antagonist is offline
Old 03-01-2023, 03:47 AM

Oooh, gotta love multiple endings. I'll have to avoid spoilers and just go in blindly the first time and see what kind of ending I get before I start looking up more details on how to get the other endings.

Am wary about jumpscares though...

ghostPastry is offline
Old 03-01-2023, 05:12 AM

same Antsy, i always wait to look at guides or even fanart until i've finished the game once, unless i get absolutely stuck. but then once i've beaten the game, all bets are off and i go ham trying to get every possible ending and achievement i love games with multiple endings so much, any kind of game where your choices affect the game is absolute chef's smooch for me.

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Alorrena is offline
Old 03-01-2023, 06:31 AM

Originally Posted by Antagonist View Post
How long did it take for you to beat the game?

I suck at getting 100% achievements on my games because there are some actions that I just don't like doing (like in Skyrim; at 3,600+ hours I still have four achievements I will probably never get because I dislike getting caught stealing lol)

Electric scooters are getting more popular here, though I probably will still get one that runs on petrol because there are still some issues with batteries that makes me wary about getting one myself. They're pretty handy for getting around in the city, I'm just paranoid. ;;
it took approx 67 hours according to the game, but according to steam i've played for 111.1 hrs (4 don't count, it was alternate save files). I definitely took my time going through the main story by doing just about every side quest i could before progressing the story.


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