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M i r o
M i r o is offline
Old 05-02-2011, 09:21 PM

Originally Posted by avi View Post
*feels appreciated*

same here : D ive been experimenting with my OCs a lot lately
//story line is killing me x_x

xDD ikkk
will miro be pixeling more too :3

I haven't been drawing mine, even though I should. I might revert to pixels for them as well.
Ohhh??? How far have you gotten on your storyness? xD

More pixles? Yesssh ~
I'm trying to tackle this other book request from Mai. The darn thing is fighting with me to align right. T ^ T;; Once that's done and I complete my Business Law exam for tomorrow, then I'll be opening a few pixel slots in my Pixel Bizzare. Mwahahahahaha

a ladee
avi is offline
Old 05-02-2011, 10:13 PM


DO IT~!!! kekeke
i completely changed my characters from the last time you saw them x3
which means i changed the story too :9 but im making progress...
but im still working out these three different possible endings <-_killing me x_x
overall, the storyline is very unstable right now :p

yeah >D
//reserve a spot for me~?? >3

Dystopia is offline
Old 05-03-2011, 04:07 AM

Originally Posted by avi View Post
: D gottcha~! pretty :drool:

as for the items though,
im okaay with what i already asked for as payment
is that okay~??
I've been stomping around the Marketplace and the Exchange for an Imperial Cat, but no dice. >:U

Would you like to choose something else, or would you prefer to wait until I can get my claws on one?

M i r o
M i r o is offline
Old 05-03-2011, 05:13 AM

Originally Posted by avi View Post

DO IT~!!! kekeke
i completely changed my characters from the last time you saw them x3
which means i changed the story too :9 but im making progress...
but im still working out these three different possible endings <-_killing me x_x
overall, the storyline is very unstable right now :p

yeah >D
//reserve a spot for me~?? >3

I will find the motivation soons.
I'm inspired to making random Poke Trainers 'cause of, funzone. <3

Oh ho ho ho I traveled there ~ You sure did. I see a lot of cutbacks and organizing.
It's a lot less cluttered than mine, that's fersure. XD I just didn't think ahead with the post reserving.

Aww.. well, once you get one finished it's usually good from there.
'Cause you get your imagination going ~

*mews* Reserve a spot, eh?
Might. Though, I'm still deciding on what types I'm going to openz. :ninja:

\ (•◡•) /
[]ImYourGimmick[] is offline
Old 05-04-2011, 01:17 AM

Originally Posted by avi View Post

i hope you like it~
as for yokata, i couldnt decide who i was going to put him in there so if you'd like another piece im fine with that
and i hope the shading is okay-- i didnt do the usual lines because i thought soild would look better x]

and just saying this was not as hard as id thought itd be :3

as for ascadellia and alexagirle i will have your pictures uploaded soon ^^
Sorry it took me so long to reply! D :
Honestly.. I forget about Menewsha a lot of the time...;xD
But I LOVE the art!! <33
And yeah, if you'd like to draw Yokota seperatly that'd be amazing! x3 <3
But it's totally up to you. P :

Evil Overlord
Seito is offline
Old 05-04-2011, 02:32 AM

*falls into the thread*

M i r o
M i r o is offline
Old 05-05-2011, 01:45 AM

*gasp* The Seito has fallen and can't get up. D:

a ladee
avi is offline
Old 05-05-2011, 07:06 PM

*Calls LifeAlert~!!!*

im fine with just waiting ^^
just send me a trade with both items when you can and notify me when you do~ :3

its okaay x3
but im glad you like ^^
i'll try with yokota soon time this week hopefully *lazy butt :p*

(did you send trade~???)


well at least you have motivation x]''
[OH the thing in your siggy xDD]

really think so~?? O-o
oh, for reserving posts you could just ask seito to do that for you *what i did :D*

its taking FOREVER though T^T
right now, i would think all the endings im think of would work :p

>33 im just lookin' for tiny name banners like the one in my request thread for abel and lex x333

M i r o
M i r o is offline
Old 05-07-2011, 01:47 AM

@ Avi; Yesh, my siggy. XD
Sorry I didn't er... what's the word? Identify? Clarify? blah blah? rofl

Oh, I asked her to do that already with another thread. I'm don't have the motivation to ask again.

Aw...I just popped out another part of my story! Its more comical since the twins revolve in it. XD
Would you like to read it? I need some feedback if its okay or if I repeated a word too much.

Well, the shop is open now. c8
Tiny banners? Like the ones that are animated with their names???

a ladee
avi is offline
Old 05-07-2011, 11:51 AM

eh? nah, i dont mind xD
*pretty :drool:*

Ask CherryFlavoredAcid~!!! thats who i asked when i first opened shop :9
or Iro >D //still owes me art x/

YES~!! i would love to read it~!! <333

yeah, just to show there name 8D
like this one but without the bear and the banner is smaller :3
and maybe a couple dolls ^^ *love the fandoms*

M i r o
M i r o is offline
Old 05-07-2011, 04:03 PM

Okedokey, here it goes!



Gahiji stood nervously with his fists clenched, talons scrapping his palms. He had sent a cluster of twelve other soldiers male and female, all away after moon blinking their memory of the incident earlier, excluding Atsu and Ata. A rare pair of brothers, due to being the only twins residing in the Oasis. Even though they both look identical, they’re personalities are quite distinctly unless playing a practical joke and the jokes always portray to Gahiji himself. At times the twins drive him to almost slicing their gizzards for dinner but make him happy to have underlings to fawn with tough love. He completely trusts them to understand the decisions he makes as long as they’re along for the ride.
An hour and a half before, it was near dusk a flittering lace of dirty white pattern meteoroid onto their training site. Everyone had rushed from their practices and immediately reinforced their roles as an army. Slow stealthy steps crept along the orange dyed ground; the only communication was a series of clicking sounds as they surrounded the smoking crater. Gahiji signaled his advance, once the debris mist thinned. The view stunned him into a paralytic pose; a small slender young Caucasian male was littered before him. Evidence of white feathers ate themselves in flames, hair as long as a tree was losing its dark brown pigment, turning fluorescent white. From head to toe, the boy’s body was cut and bruised. Clothing was in tattered rags, except filthy bandages corseting his chest, possibly hiding a former wound.

Gahiji flickered back to animation, making clicking sounds with his teeth, reassuring the others to come forth. Atsu and Ata were the first two to join the front, peering at the foreigner. The others, twelve in total half male and female groups fluttered behind them after scoping the sight around the target area.

A bulky male figure kneeled, overshadowing the view. “Can you see it?”

“Should we alert Akila?” another inquired, the voice belonging to a charcoal female with orange feathers.

All the while ignoring these questions, Gahiji could feel it in his gizzard that there was a certainty this boy should be hidden. Thus created a deep confusion, he did not know this person yet instincts want to control his actions. What should he do? Anxiety clutched painfully onto his throat, each moment he swallowed it felt like daggers stabbing into his sarcophagus. Without catching the words, his mouth betrayed him. “No, I will take care of this matter. But before you go back to report, I need all of you to look at something first…” He sending a quick telepathic command at the same time, Atsu, Ata close your eyes! They obeyed with large grins on their faces. Atsu and Ata knew something exciting was about to happen since Gahiji was using forbidden magic.

The others were helplessly lost in a trance and their memory being eaten away. With success, Gahiji supervised his work. Atsu and Ata gave each other a high five and turned to him. “So, what’s the agenda, Hiji?” both of them chimed with devious smiles. A frown embedded Gahijis face; his right hand cradled a spear. “First of all, it’s G-a-h-i-j-I, not Hiji. Second of all, there’s no agenda to this. I decided to trust my gizzard instead of bending over for rules that aren’t humane.” He answered, irritably.

The twins snickered, heads bobbing in duo as each had gold earrings that glittered underneath the moonlight. Atsu wore the sun, while Ata wore the moon. If you stared long enough at them, you could almost be certain they look like two Akuma with their black hair and black eyes. Gahiji turned away from the twins and slid down into the crater. The boy had not moved an inch from impact but was still breathing.

Ata came in from the left and Atsu came in from the right. The two grabbed sticks and started poking at the body. “What do you think, Ata?” Atsu asked. Ata shrugged, “He’s breathing but completely immobile and reeks of decay.” Ata brought a black cloth to his face, hoping to block the smell. Atsu raised his brows but wasn’t as sensitive as his brother.

“Will you two restrain yourselves?” Gahiji scowled, picking them up like chicks and tossing them head over heels. He bent down, sliding his hands carefully underneath the boy and hefted him over his shoulder.

“Hey, that was totally uncool!” Atsu cried.

“Yeah, Hiji!” Ata added.

Gahiji rolled his eyes and pointed one a talon warningly to his lips and at the sky. Atsu and Ata immediately sucked up their complaints for later. Something largely black was riding through the clouds. The trio did their best to cover up the cavity of the outsiders’ arrival with haste and disappeared through the forest.
Gahiji, Ata and Atsu made their way back to his home with the outsider. The boy still had not regained consciousness; he was set down on a lone bed while the trio sat around in a circle.

“What do you suppose that blotch of black was?” Ata inquired, folding his arms behind silky black fluttered hair, tipping back his seat. Atsu mischievously looked back and forth from his brother and the leaning chair he was sitting on and knocked him over.

“ATSU, YOU BLUDDERING BIRD BRAIN!” Ata screeched, grabbing a fist full of Atsus locks. Both of them tumbled around in a whirl. A vein pulsed against Gahijis forehead with his eyes closed and fists clenched. Unfortunately, even though the Atsu and Ata were the best team to put together, they couldn’t control themselves without getting at one and another.

“Is there not a moment you two do not sustain any sanity?!” Gahiji stood, raising his voice. “I would rather deal with a plague of locusts than the two of you! I swear, if it weren’t for your fath—“Gahijis rant had been cut short by a sound of sharp sizzling hiss. All three heads turned back onto the boy, steam was burning off of his flesh with wounds closing.

Ata climbed off of his brother and knelt beside the bed. “Holy Ra…”

“What he said.” Atsu replied.

Gahiji started forward but was frozen when a knock sounded through moments after. Atsu and Ata accidentally turned their heads too fast and withered in pain from pulling their neck muscles. Inwardly, Gahiji rolled his eyes; however, outwardly he stiffly lumbered downstairs to answer the front door. Sweat filled his palms as he anticipated who might be on the other side. Get it over with already, he told himself. Swiftly Gahiji turned the lock the other way and opened the door, which quickly invited a blaring shock of gold bouncing off his chandeliers candle light. It was Kyriotite!

Seemingly out of breath, Kyrio’s white scarf puffed in front of him. “Gahiji, I need to speak with you. I had the dre—“Kyrio’s brows furrowed together as a glint of gold caught his eyes at Gahijis stairwell.

“Do you have company?” He asked, cautiously.

Gahiji gave it a moment for his heart to stop racing, while hanging his head in relief. “It’s just the twins.” He said, “Hurry in; I have need to speak with you too.” Moving aside, Kyrio glided through the entrance. Gahiji closed and re-locked the front door, leading his friend upstairs.

“Were the twins up to something again?” Kyrio asked, climbing after him.

“When aren’t they up to something?” Gahiji countered, shaking his head. A hidden smirk crept upon Kyrio’s face as they reached the occupied bedroom. Immediately the twins were standing hip to hip with their usual matching crimson genie pants, black slippers and gold earrings, covering the bed from view.

“Yo, Kyrio!” they chirped, grinning.

Kyrio stopped halfway through the room. “Should I be worrying?” he asked, suspicious of their expressions. Atsu and Ata took in sarcastic gasps, as if insulted. Gahiji glared at the both of them.

“For once it is not them who is up to something,” Gahiji confessed, “Don’t question why I chose to do it...I just followed my gizzard.” Kyrio shifted his weight to the right, “What did it make you follow?”

“This!” The twins removed themselves from beside the bed and sat down in the chairs like before. A blaring shock of white blurred Kyrio’s vision, once settled he became sick to his stomach.

“Who is this person?”

Gahiji stood beside him. “I honestly have no clue,” he said, “almost seconds ago he was covered in wounds but they healed just before you got here and an hour or so before that he had a change of appearance.”

“Gahiji even moon blinked the others to keep this a secret.” Ata said, smiling with satisfaction.

“We didn’t get to observe long. Something was traveling the skies.” Atsu added, which brought a moment of silence.

“Yeah, come to think of it, we still don’t know what that was.” Ata replied.

Kyrio looked at each of them, guiltily. “That was me; I was searching for Gahiji. There’s something suspicious going on with Hafsah, Lukman, the Pharaoh and Khnemu. I was hoping that he’d know what their meeting was for.” However, Gahiji looked at a loss for words.

Atsu and Ata looked from each other to Gahiji and Kyrio. “Secrecy, it’s a trend, everybody’s doing it,” they said in union and shrugged.

I re-edited some stuff again. xDD

Ah, I'll prolly try again at some other time. Iros been busy busy like Seito.

I'm not actually opening any banner slots this time, though. But I can do that as a side project to do. Just tell me the what and what. && If chu would like to order a fandom doll or others you'd have to go fill and post. * w *

Last edited by M i r o; 05-07-2011 at 04:07 PM..

a ladee
avi is offline
Old 05-08-2011, 12:13 AM

geez x] thats a lot of stuff ^^'
i'll get back to you when i finish reading *slow*

ahh, well your oc thread looks awesome anyways x]

if you can then can you pixel tando on the side like the bear (turns out i want that :p)
and make the sign say... My best friend is Jamie, who's your's? (i guess-- just a test and i can give you 400 for it~!)
the colors inside the banner can be what you think~

O: *skips outta thread*

M i r o
M i r o is offline
Old 05-08-2011, 02:32 AM

It's the actual story to my Ocs. XD Well, the first one for the main plot.
There'll be stories based on each character after I can finish this one out.

An awesome amount of clutter, fufu.
I think I may have to add back my ocs personalities. I've been trying to cut back on it cause I write too much. > . >;;

You don't have to give me nuttin', it'll make up for chu not getting anything for the last event. ~

a ladee
avi is offline
Old 05-11-2011, 11:35 PM

i figured x] i'll be reading that later today~

im pretty sure you're the only one that thinks your oc thread is cluttered xDD
DO IT~!!

really~?? 8D i can still donate for the trouble <33

i've been trying this new coloring thing
can you tell me if the style is worth selling here~??

a ladee
avi is offline
Old 05-14-2011, 03:33 PM


sorry, i didn't upload this sooner :p
ive just been a little preoccupied with life lately :\

M i r o
M i r o is offline
Old 05-19-2011, 12:18 AM

***Majorly Late Reply***
Doh. XD It is cluttered.
But I guess having substance to Ocs makes it reasonable to others who venture there.

Was the story of "Secrecy" okay?

Nawh, its okedokey. c:

Ohhh, that is a nice go at Ciel~!
It'd be good, though you need to loosen up on coloring the hair. Its a bit too solid.
I've been toying around with the Smudge tool (the tool that looks like a hand with a pointy finger), in Photoshop. If you color a big chunk of paint somewhere and set the smudge tool to size 2 or 3, you can make nice feathery strands of hair that way. An example of it is the picceh in my siggy that I did of Oliver. Fufufufu

Although, I am finding it nerve racking doing freestyle with just the tablet.
I think when I have the time to draw again I'll do it backwards, I'll just do it traditionally and lineart it in Sai.

Last edited by M i r o; 05-19-2011 at 12:21 AM..

a ladee
avi is offline
Old 05-28-2011, 09:34 PM

M i r o:

no it's not ;3;

i thought it was amazingly well written :3
im not that great with critism though :p
i just got one question, are the people in your story like birds~?? >3<

-still will- >3

why thank you <33

really~?? i didnt notice that :3:
i'll try that out~ *<3 oliver*

>O i do that too, except i dont have SAI ;u ;;

Last edited by avi; 05-30-2011 at 06:23 PM..

M i r o
M i r o is offline
Old 05-30-2011, 06:59 PM

avi: pffftttyy!
I need to reorganize in there again anyway. xD

Ah, well its worth to get anyones opinion. <3
Hahaha! That part in the story with those characters are, yes. Kyriotite (teh mad chicky), is of a tribe descended from the eygptian Phoenix. Since I couldn't think of a specific tribe name, they're called Birdacainians. Got the idea from FFXII from the city Arcadia. :ninja:

Np ~ The smudge tool is a way to cheat. XD
If the smaller size of the paintbrush won't smudge it as your swifting, then it works better to make it bigger. Just make sure that you have a nice glob of color to pull down 'cause if you just have a small amount of color that you're smudging, it'll start to expand out a lot and have white coming in.

Ah! I found a way to get Sai. I went through Wikipedia to the official site to download it, though it's only version 1. ; a ; May Sai be with you! <3 Once you have it, you'll have to right click it and "Run as Administrator", then you're good to go!

It's neat that there's a "line art" section separate from the layers. I kinda wish the pen tool was simpler to use like the curve and lining tool, all you have to do is follow your lines and it's easy to outline. Mwahahahaa

Evil Overlord
Seito is offline
Old 06-12-2011, 02:30 AM

*pokes the thread*

the one and only

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Old 06-12-2011, 05:13 PM

*pokes Seito*

Evil Overlord
Seito is offline
Old 06-12-2011, 08:11 PM

*pokes shadami*

the one and only

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Shadami is offline
Old 06-12-2011, 08:25 PM

you're a candy corn. Awesome. =]

Evil Overlord
Seito is offline
Old 06-14-2011, 04:25 AM

haha yeah! Thank you xD

the one and only

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Shadami is offline
Old 06-20-2011, 06:33 PM

You're welcome ^-^

I find it hard to make everything match perfectly the way i want it too =o
This is my newest outfit purchase, I think it actually turned out kind of cute :]

a ladee
avi is offline
Old 06-23-2011, 11:33 AM

M i r o: sorry for the SUPER late reply
are you one of those people that clean as a hobby?? xD
-sudden thought- i need to draw more for people here *stares at you* ;3

OHH, the whole things makes more sense now x]''
-didnt know who kyriotite was either-

Smudge, smudge, smudge.. D< i gotta remember to do that
ive been drawing bit by bit but i dont smudge :/

ive been on that site~!! >O
i thought you had to pay for it so i didnt do it x]

i might get that later, cuz i can Adobe Illustrator and it's sooo uber hard T^T

@shadami and seito ::


oh yeah, and i'll upload the commissions i have soon~


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