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jimy-chan is offline
Old 04-30-2007, 03:46 PM

Hiya!!! today is the last day of the Auction!!!X333
ohh alsoooo Happy Kids day!!! X333~

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jimy-chan is offline
Old 04-30-2007, 03:47 PM

Here is the freebie for Yiesha!!
hope you like it

Divine Tempest
Divine Tempest is offline
Old 04-30-2007, 07:00 PM

  • That freebie is seriously adorable Jimy!
    o 3o

    I still can't decide who to have you draw once I win...
    Wait, that is my bid right? D:
    :goes to check:

    Edit: Yep. xD
    Would you prefer the two scepter sets + 1300g or 2500 pure?

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jimy-chan is offline
Old 05-01-2007, 04:01 AM

Originally Posted by divine tempest
  • That freebie is seriously adorable Jimy!
    o 3o

    I still can't decide who to have you draw once I win...
    Wait, that is my bid right? D:
    :goes to check:

    Edit: Yep. xD
    Would you prefer the two scepter sets + 1300g or 2500 pure?
well i prefer the pure but if its better for you, you can give me the sets + munny

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jimy-chan is offline
Old 05-01-2007, 04:02 AM

This Auction id Officially CLOSED

Divine Tempest
Divine Tempest is offline
Old 05-01-2007, 04:04 AM

  • I'll give you 2500g pure then~
    and yay I won!

    I'll post my character info stuff.

Divine Tempest
Divine Tempest is offline
Old 05-01-2007, 04:17 AM

  • Ta da, my water elemental Avery.

    A little bit about her personality, in case you want to know:

    She spends her time trying to keep her powers a secret. She can often be a bit impatient and maybe a little brash at times. She's not very trusting of strangers and doesn't let people get too close. She likes muffins and strawberries. Actually enjoys traveling and seeing new places. Because of tough times she seems a little distant/vacant even with friends occasionally. She's often seen with a faint smile curled across her lips. Avery is somewhat of an optimist, forcing herself to see the bright side of things and not let the bad things bother her for long. She's still got a childish attitude at times but she can be serious if need be.

    Her specifics:

    Avery's hair is styled like this and sort of dull blond... like this.
    You can find more references for her hair style here.
    Skin and Eye color references

    She is constantly changing clothes so the outfit is... well, whatever you'd like to draw. Three things that are super important though... she always wears a choker of some sort (that matches the outfit), she almost never wears anything past knee length (excluding dresses where the back is slightly longer than the front), and she is never seen wearing pants.

    If you have any questions just let me know.

    I hope I didn't miss anything.
    @ .@

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jimy-chan is offline
Old 05-01-2007, 05:15 AM

Originally Posted by divine tempest
  • Ta da, my water elemental Avery.

    A little bit about her personality, in case you want to know:

    She spends her time trying to keep her powers a secret. She can often be a bit impatient and maybe a little brash at times. She's not very trusting of strangers and doesn't let people get too close. She likes muffins and strawberries. Actually enjoys traveling and seeing new places. Because of tough times she seems a little distant/vacant even with friends occasionally. She's often seen with a faint smile curled across her lips. Avery is somewhat of an optimist, forcing herself to see the bright side of things and not let the bad things bother her for long. She's still got a childish attitude at times but she can be serious if need be.

    Her specifics:

    Avery's hair is styled like this and sort of dull blond... like this.
    You can find more references for her hair style here.
    Skin and Eye color references

    She is constantly changing clothes so the outfit is... well, whatever you'd like to draw. Three things that are super important though... she always wears a choker of some sort (that matches the outfit), she almost never wears anything past knee length (excluding dresses where the back is slightly longer than the front), and she is never seen wearing pants.

    If you have any questions just let me know.

    I hope I didn't miss anything.
    @ .@
okay!!! i will start it right away1!!

Divine Tempest
Divine Tempest is offline
Old 05-01-2007, 05:26 AM

Originally Posted by jimy-chan
okay!!! i will start it right away1!!

  • Yay~
    Thanks Jimy.

    I'll donate the gold over once the art's complete.

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jimy-chan is offline
Old 05-01-2007, 05:48 AM

Originally Posted by divine tempest
Originally Posted by jimy-chan
okay!!! i will start it right away1!!

  • Yay~
    Thanks Jimy.

    I'll donate the gold over once the art's complete.
yeah perfect! X3

yiesha is offline
Old 05-01-2007, 07:44 AM

eee..shiro looks so cute! thanks alot jimy!! and congrats on the auction! such high bid *o* <333

\ (•◡•) /
Kitanya is offline
Old 05-01-2007, 06:03 PM

Felicidades Jimy :D!!!!

And congrats to divine tempest for winning too ♥

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jimy-chan is offline
Old 05-02-2007, 02:10 AM

thanx both of you!!!


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