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Forever Questioning the Unknown
XxA_Wistful_InsanityxX is offline
Old 09-05-2012, 06:22 AM

"My Father and Grandmother taught me how to cook," she grinned, she blushed when she saw the blackberry rum, "I do, I've never had blackberry before though--it might become new favorite. You didn't happen to bring two cups of some sort, did you? Otherwise, I don't mind drinking out of the bottle."

"Well, I'm glad I could be the one to help you rekindle you cooking ability and you're very welcome," she paused, " I would take it with me, but I fear my first mate Marco will get into it. He has a bit of a sweet tooth. I would much rather enjoy it it your company, that's why I saved room for it."

Faded Beauty
Imaginary Friend
Faded Beauty is offline
Old 09-05-2012, 06:47 AM

He smiled and set down his empty bowl and the chopsticks before reaching into the basket, he brought out two small glasses. "I was allowed to buy them from the tavern." He told her shyly before pouring her a glass, he handed it to her before he got him a glass. "Well let us see how it taste before seeing if it is the new favorite." He held out his glass of a simply clicking of the glass before he went to taste.

"as am I." He smiled sweetly at her, he was glad she liked the food he made for her. "Very well." He said before taking out the mochi, he opened the drawer for her to try one. He smiled at her waiting for her to try one, he wasn't much on sweets but he would eat some with her if she wanted.

Forever Questioning the Unknown
XxA_Wistful_InsanityxX is offline
Old 09-05-2012, 07:25 AM

She carefully took the glass from him, "Thank you." She then held out hers and tapped it against his, "Proost--Cheers." Then taking a sip, it was bitter sweet and reminded her of the bottles of green apple liquor in her store on the ship. "I like it"

She smiled back at him, when he opened the drawer she took out one of the Sakura Moshi's out with the dull end of her chopstick, then set the Moshi in her bowl before picking it back up with the tipped end, and finally ate it. She savored it for a few moments, but cleared her mouth before she spoke, "That was fantastic, I may just take some of them with me to enjoy later. Though, I will have to hide them." She paused, "Is there anything you'd like to know about me that I haven't already told you."

Faded Beauty
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Old 09-07-2012, 04:06 AM

Hisao just smiled, "Anytime." He replied to her before taking a drink of the dark purple liquid. It tasted weird to him but he wasn't much of a drinker when it came to fruit flavored alcohol. He looked at the liquid, "It's different." It was a little girly for his liking. "I'm glad you like it." He told her sweetly.

He just watched her eat with a smile as he played with the liquid in his glass, "I will listen to anything you are willing to tell me." He replied before taking another drink, it was tangy in flavor, the color was cool looking however. He looked at her and waited for anything she wanted to tell him.

Forever Questioning the Unknown
XxA_Wistful_InsanityxX is offline
Old 09-09-2012, 08:54 PM

Reign crossed her legs--set her cup down, carefully laid down on the blanket, and gazed up at the lovely night sky as the star's had started to come out. She sighed, "The star's are beautiful, aren't they? No matter how many times you try to count them you'll never get the exact number because some are born and some die." She paused, "Hisao, what's your favorite constellation? ..Mine's Corvus."

Faded Beauty
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Faded Beauty is offline
Old 09-12-2012, 12:43 AM

Hisao just twirled his liquor within his glass before looking up at the night sky, "Yes, but your beauty is superior." He told her in a slight flirting tone, he chuckled before continuing. "Ah, Corvus. Where I am from it is called karasu." He told her smiling, "Tokei, I am not sure how to say it in English." He thought for a little in silence, "I believe it is called Ho-rolo-gium." He told her trying to pronounce it, but was failing greatly. "It is the clock." He told her smiling at her, he was expecting her to make a comment about his bad punctuation on the constellation's name.

Forever Questioning the Unknown
XxA_Wistful_InsanityxX is offline
Old 09-18-2012, 06:13 AM

She propped her arms up and relaxed her body a bit more, "This night isn't to just be centered around myself, but to you, too." She paused, "You know, as well as you know the star's I'm sure you could use them guide you. I may not even have to teach you anything at all--every good knows all you have to know how to do is steer and follow the star's. All in all, I think you've got more to teach, than you have to be taught. You're very wise, Hisao."

Faded Beauty
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Faded Beauty is offline
Old 09-19-2012, 11:10 PM

Hisao set his glass down and looked at the sky and listen to her speak. "I like it centered around you." He told her her sweetly before looking at her. He smiled at her before looking back at the stars, "My father made me study every time I had nothing to do. He said the real weapon of any man was his intellect." He told her quietly, he sat there thinking about everything his father and grandfather did for him. "My father trained my brain, as my grandfather train my body and spirit." He told her as he never looked at her.

Forever Questioning the Unknown
XxA_Wistful_InsanityxX is offline
Old 09-20-2012, 01:25 AM

"If you insist, I like it quite a bit. Many Captain's only dream of bringing the ones they love to sea, but don't as most Captain's are of course men and don't want to endanger their lady. I'm rather fortunate to have it the other way around. You're very lucky to have an education, most people don't have one of any sort. I myself enjoy teaching my crew when the time permits. I myself have a plentiful collection of books under my bed, that read many times--you're more than welcome to read them, if you'd like. I had a tutor to teach me, along side my Father of course because he didn't agree with all that he taught me. It always made me laugh when they went back and forth on subjects they butted head on."

Faded Beauty
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Faded Beauty is offline
Old 09-23-2012, 04:33 AM

He nodded in reply, he listened to her talk as he smiled. He was glad she did, he didn't want it any other way. "That is understandable, most men do not respect woman even on land. On sea it is no different." He said agreeing with her, it was refreshing knowing he would be sailing under her orders then a man's larges ego; well depending on tomorrow. He was lucky to have one, he knew it, he was taught in many things and was known as a genius in his village but that life was long ago. He smiled, "I am not good at reading English, I speak but don't read it." He told her shyly, he had trouble with reading English, it was embarrassing to tell her that. He chuckled at her last comment, he bet it was funny to watch.

Forever Questioning the Unknown
XxA_Wistful_InsanityxX is offline
Old 09-28-2012, 06:26 AM

"You're very right about that, Hisao. I've had to prove myself many a time, just to get my intention's and trade's across to many men. Though that usually involved me having to out-smart them, which isn't very hard at all," Reign chuckled, then paused to listen to him as he spoke, "It's quite alright, perhaps I could even teach you how to read it. It will be our little secret, no one has to know because I surely wouldn't mind spending more time with you without my onlooking crew. Some of them tend to be rather nosy."

Faded Beauty
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Faded Beauty is offline
Old 10-01-2012, 03:55 AM

He listened to her and chuckled, he could manage what she did to them. "I can image their faces after you kicked them in." He said trying to hold the laughter in to say it, oh how funny it would be to see. Out smarting men was easy he he knew she could do it without have having to think herself. He smiled from her offer, "I can read it, just have a hard time trying. He wrote in the sand in front of them, it was in English. "This simple sentence is easier to read like this." He told her as them wrote faster in japanese, it was the same sentence just in his native tongue. "It means the same, I just prefer japanese." He told her politely rejecting the offer, "But the time you wanted to use to teach me, I will gladly fill with anything other." He told her in a flirting tone.

Forever Questioning the Unknown
XxA_Wistful_InsanityxX is offline
Old 10-01-2012, 04:30 AM

She grinned, "I've done that a few times, though it doesn't always help the business end of the deal. When is does, things run smoothly from then on." She paused as she watched him write in the sand, "I never learned to read it or write it, but, Als je er op staat (If you insist) on applying said time else where I'll happily follow suit."

Faded Beauty
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Faded Beauty is offline
Old 10-06-2012, 01:40 AM

Hisao looked at Reign, he was enjoying this time with her. He knew it was getting late and would have to end soon but he didn't want it to. He chuckled listening to her, "I bet you have, I wish I could her seen it. You seem like you can do allot of damage and you haven't been turned yet." He smile thinking about her with her newly found strength, he wanted to do some research about things but there was no books on this island but hers and his. "Reading a language makes you more a value, even if you are slow at reading the new language." He told her simple smiling, he leaned towards her before speaking. "Reign, I believe I am falling in love with you." He whispered soft to her, he only known her for a little but he really meant what he just told her, he hoped he had said the right words to her. He never really said those to anyone one, even in practice.

Forever Questioning the Unknown
XxA_Wistful_InsanityxX is offline
Old 10-10-2012, 02:54 AM

"You'll get to see it in the not so distant future, if you stick around long enough," She grinned softly. "Being trained as I was, I should be deadly." She paused, "I agree with you, those can that can read and speak another language are highly valuable. Sometimes it can be rather difficult to find anyone that is of decent education to assist you."

She blushed when he told her that he was falling for her, "I'm flattered."

Faded Beauty
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Faded Beauty is offline
Old 10-12-2012, 01:04 AM

He smirked at her comment, deadly, she seemed it already. "Oh, but wait for the power we werewolves hold. You would love the strength, speed, and the other qualities we have. With your training and humanity, you will need to be more careful. People will find out and try to assassinate you. We are hunted by other things other then our own kind." He was sure he told her that already but it didn't hurt to say it again. He just nodded at her, people with proper educations was hard to come by in this time. Most people where dumber then dirt, even the centuries old werewolves had the thinking compatibly of a slug.

His face was red from his own comment, he looked away from her and and towards the water. He felt awkward, he was always saying what he felt and one day it would get him in trouble if it didn't just now. He grabbed his glass as he felt he needed a drink and drank the rest which quickly finished off what was in it. However it didn't help, his nervousness.

Forever Questioning the Unknown
XxA_Wistful_InsanityxX is offline
Old 10-12-2012, 02:56 AM

"The power alone sounds extremely intriguing, but with it also comes great burden. I know. I'll ease up on my tactics is all, no big problem. My humanity, I think I can manage--that's something that's stayed this long--I just have to watch my temper. I've had attempts on my life before, that's usually easy to spot, I'll just have to be more aware of my surroundings. As for being hunting, what all else is out there besides vampires?"

She sighed, then noticing his change in mood, "You're in no trouble with me, no if you hurt me that's a whole 'nother story. Don't be so nervous either, I'm just as nervous as you are."

Faded Beauty
Imaginary Friend
Faded Beauty is offline
Old 10-14-2012, 01:53 AM

Hisao smiled lightly, the redness in his face was still lingering but he tried to shake it off. He nodded, the power is a awesome experience but it was harder to control then she would realize. Retaining one's humanity was something most thought they could with ease but the tainted blood offend wrapped their humanity to reflect the darkness withing. He looked at the water as she spoke, he hoped she would be one of the few that did keep her humanity but he wasn't sure if she could, even he had trouble to keep it and it did change dramatically since his turning. He nodded to her question, "All the creatures in legends. Legends start off as truth, they get wrapped into stories but still contain the facts. Most just don't believe in them as nothing but stories." He simply told her, his deep eyes never leaving the water.

He couldn't help it, he never said those words in English and felt weird for telling her that; maybe he should have stayed silent. He listened to her speak but said nothing in reply, he was mentally beating himself up for saying them.

Forever Questioning the Unknown
XxA_Wistful_InsanityxX is offline
Old 10-31-2012, 10:19 PM

She sighed, "That's a lot of beings and creatures, I'm guessing most of them have the goal of keeping themselves from being known by humans. Kind of makes me want to go hunting for the ones that can talk, that I haven't already talked to." She paused, "I've always believed, but believing doesn't always make someone or something want to come up or want to be seen by you."

"Don't beat yourself up, relax. This isn't a meeting with my Father to ask for my hand in our betrothal."


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