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Screaming Mime
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Old 04-04-2012, 12:55 AM

Monte shook his head and tried to smile, sucking it up like a man. "Nothing. I'm fine. Just a little tired. You might want to get your phone. It might be important." His voice cracked noticeably and he cursed himself on the inside. Why couldn't he just grow up a little. The food came and Monte took a small bite, not really interested in the food anymore. He twirled the fork around and Tony's phone beeped, indicating someone had left a message. "Tony..." He muttered. "Listen to your phone." He said with an exasperated sigh. He didn't want to talk about what was wrong.

The Cloaked Schemer
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Old 04-04-2012, 01:11 AM

Tony frowned slightly. He could tell something was wrong with Monte and he wished that the kid would just confide in him. He wasn't going to force him into it though. Tony knew when to give someone space and right now was one of those times. He sighed and pulled out his phone, pressing a button to hear the message. Once he was done with whatever this was, Tony planned on talking to Monte about whatever it was that was wrong.

Screaming Mime
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Old 04-04-2012, 01:27 AM

On Tony's voicemail was Gibbs, telling him that he could now take Monte home. He also said that the case was over and Tony was off duty for two days. Monte couldn't hear the message and was still sitting there, playing with his food, but not really eating any of it. He took a few sips of his drink and then asked for a to-go box. He'd eat later when he felt like it again. Why was he so very upset about this? It wasn't even like him to get like this over anyone, much less an older man who didn't return the feelings he had. The waitress made it a point to flash her cleavage Tony's way as she set the box on the table for Monte. He felt a strong disliking for this woman and it showed all over his face. She was probably wanting a good tip and all Monte wanted to do was drench her in Rasperry sprite. She walked off and came back with a sizzling skillet and the bill. The smiley of food was for the table next to them, but when she leaned over to put the bill on the table, the grease from the hot food poured all down all over Monte. He cried loudly in pain and ripped his shirt off, needing to soothe it. He held his cold glass to his chest which was red from the grease. He glared at the waitress who was apologizing and practically begging forgiveness. Well, there was another night with Tony that was ruined. It didn't matter though. The only one of them that really cared about the nights they spent together was Monte. He figured Tony couldn't wait to get this 'kid' off his back.

The Cloaked Schemer
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Old 04-04-2012, 01:39 AM

Tony listened to Gibbs' message carefully. While he was glad that the case was over, he was kind of upset that he wouldn't be spending any more time with Monte. That feeling confused him. He tried to short out his feelings, he didn't even notice the waitress or her flirtations towards him. He ate idly, planning on telling Monte about the whole thing once they were done eating. Tony's attention snapped to Monte when he heard the kid cry out. He jumped up, grabbing his still cold drink and held it against the obvious burns on Monte's chest. Tony shot a glare at the waitress, who was just standing there. "Don't just stand there! Get some ice!" He exclaimed. Why wasn't she doing anything?

Screaming Mime
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Old 04-04-2012, 01:52 AM

Monte Could feel the blush creeping up to his face. Now he felt hot for two reasons. Firstly, that grease was still pretty damn scalding, and secondly, Tony was way to close for his comfort. He felt like he might hyperventilate, his breath picking up speed and his blush darkening as Tony ordered the beautiful waitress to get him some ice. Monte had half a mind to stick out his tongue at her, but refrained from doing so. Tony liked him better if he acted a bit mature. "Tony...I'm fine. It'll be ok. You cam sit back down now." He said, trying to push Tony away a little. he needed space between the two of them before he lost his mind of did something stupid that he couldn't take back, because Tony's lips were within kissing distance and Monte had such an urge to just lean up and let their lips touch. He was glad when the waitress came back, ice in one hand and neosporin in the other. She made sure to give Monte an eyeful of her chest as she cleaned the grease off of his chest, rubbing in the neosporin as slowly as she could, either trying to flirt with him or trying to make up for burning him. He didn't respond, acting as if he didn't even see her rather attractive chest stuck up in his face. She seemed slightly disappointed that he didn't respond like Tony had.

The Cloaked Schemer
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Old 04-04-2012, 02:03 AM

Tony watched as a blush spread across Monte's face. That was odd... He figured it was either from embarrassment from the situation or he was hot because of the grease. He hoped it wasn't the latter because that meant the other was in pain and Tony didn't like the thought of that. He was glad when the waitress finally got moving and got some ice for Monte. It took her long enough. Tony frowned though and crossed his arms, surprised by the surge of possesiveness he felt when he saw the waitress flirting with Monte. He surpressed the urge to growl, making a note to file a complaint against this girl. If she actually paid attention to her job and not on flirting with every man that came in here, this whole situation wouldn't have happened. Tony clenched his fists tightly, annoyed. "Will you go a little faster?" He asked, his annoyance clear in his voice. This girl was not going to be getting a tip from him either.

Screaming Mime
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Old 04-04-2012, 02:20 AM

Monte felt a smirk pulling at the corners of his mouth as Tony told her to go faster with her treatment. Monte thought that was pretty funny. Tony may just be doing his job to protect Monte, but it made him feel kind of special. That's when the waitress decided she was going to be stupid. She leaned down and her lips hovered just over Monte's, letting the boy know she was going to kiss him. Two thoughts went throug Monte's mind at the moment. The first was that he should let her kiss him, because he was lonely and he never had a chance with Tony. His second thought was to stiff arm her. He choose the second option, throwing his arm up to keep her from coming any closer. She looked kind of shocked. "What are you? A faggot?" She questioned and anger practically radiated from the boy. He stood up and grabbed his Rasperry sprite, pouring it all over her. "Shut up!" He yelled at her, making get laugh. "I should've known you were a fag when you didn't respond to me." She said, making him even more infuriated. Without another word, he stepped out of the restaurant, not caring if Tony was following.

The manager of the red lobster frowned as he saw all that had gone down. He couldn't believe one of his employees did that. He came out and spoke to Tony very quickly. "I'm sorry sir, your meal is on us." He also handed Tony a fifty dollar giftcard. "Please do come back another time. Most of our employees aren't so rude." He seemed dissapointed and he fired the girl, taking her apron and telling her to leave.

The Cloaked Schemer
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Old 04-04-2012, 02:31 AM

Tony was surprised by the intense surge of jealousy that rushed through him when he saw the waitress about to kiss Monte. Did she seriously think that the kid wanted her to do that. He wouldn't deny the amusement he felt when Monte blocked her, but that was quickly replaced with anger. How dare she! She had absolutely no right to call Monte that and he was pleased when the kid dumped his drink on her. Tony was about to follow him out of the restaurant, but stopped when the manager stopped by. He smiled politely and nodded, shoving the giftcard into his pocket. He shot a glare at the waitress and grabbed his plate of halfway eaten food. He walked over to her before she could leave and dumped the plate on her head, wanting to publically embarrass her. Tony didn't normally act like that, but decided the situation called for it. A pleased look crossed his face as he left the building, his eyes scanning for Monte.

Screaming Mime
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Old 04-04-2012, 02:54 AM

Monte sat on The hood of Tony's car, trying to calm down. He was still mad, but even more than that, he was thinking about how Tony had seemed kind of worried. That had been sweet. He spotted Tony across the parking lot, just coming out of the building. He saw a few collage girls going in and flirting with Tony as they passed. That dampened his mood even more. Normally he'd just cry, but at the moment even that didn't really seem like a good response. He was mad at Tony for always ottomh like a man whore, he was mad at all the woman that flirted with him for being whore, and he was pissed at that waitress for being an idiotic blond bimbo. He wanted to punch something, but instead he just gave Tony a small wave that showed where he was and slipped into the passenger side of the car.

The Cloaked Schemer
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Old 04-04-2012, 03:10 AM

Tony was relieved when he spotted Monte on the hood of his car. He had thought for a moment that maybe the other would have run off. He started towards him, not even noticing the college girls flirting with him, which seemed to upset them. But he really didn't care right this moment. Right now, all that Tony cared about was making sure Monte was okay. As he walked, he pulled his keys out of his pocket, slipping into the driver's seat and starting the car. "You okay?" He asked, pulling out of the parking lot. "I want the truth also, so don't lie to me."

Screaming Mime
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Old 04-04-2012, 03:24 AM

Monte sighed. "Tony. No, I'm far from ok. I lost my dad in the last few months. I've been living with you, feeling like you don't want me there, I just got hot greased poured all down my chest, I feel like being gay makes me dirty, and when this is all over I'm going to have to pay the bills and go to school at the same time. No. I'm not ok and no one can make me ok. I've been feeling suicidal since god knows how long and just when I thought maybe things were getting better, I ended up in the middle of this mess because my stupid dad who made a point of making sure I knew I was a loser went and stuck his nose in a stupid secret like how to create deadly bubonic plague." He didn't add the fact that Tony's constant flirting got on his nerves. "Are you happy now? Are you happy now that I've whined to you about all of my problems like a stupid little girl?! There's a reason I didn't want to talk Tony, a damn good reason. You don't need my problems on top of your own." He hadn't realized he was crying until now, and that frustrated him even more.

The Cloaked Schemer
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Old 04-04-2012, 02:31 PM

Tony listened to Monte talk, silently. He knew the kid was going through a lot lately, but he didn't know he felt like that. He scanned his mind, trying to think of a time where he made the other feel like Tony didn't want him around. Nothing really came to mind, but that probably didn't matter. He pulled over and turned in his seat to look at Monte, a slight frown on his face. "Okay. First off, I honestly didn't mind having you around. It was kind of nice not being alone in my house all the time. Secondly, being gay doesn't make you dirty. A couple of my friends are gay and they are great people. Third, you don't have to worry about the bills. I'm sure Gibbs will make sure someone will take care of them." If not, Tony didn't mind paying it. "I never meant to upset you by asking what was wrong. I just wanted to know what I could do to make you feel better." He hated seeing Monte upset like this, but he honestly had no idea what to say or do to help.

Screaming Mime
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Old 04-04-2012, 03:27 PM

Monte diverted his eyes from Tony for a moment. "I'm sorry...I know you were trying to help." He said, knowing he'd messed up. "I'm kind of stressed out is all." He leaned over and caressed Tony's face. "Look, I'm sorry for being like this. Things have just been kind of tough lately. I only just turned eighteen, and growing up sure isn't easy." He shook his head. "You know, I've just got to grow up sometime. Best do it now. It'll be good for me." He smiled. "I'll be ok. I just need some time to calm down." He was still holding Tony's face in his hands, staring into his eyes. It felt nice to him, but he knew he might be invading Tony's space. He kissed his cheek and then backed away, sitting back in his seat. "Now, what did your boss have to say?"

The Cloaked Schemer
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Old 04-04-2012, 04:12 PM

"You don't need to apologize. I completely understand." Tony said, smiling lightly. Monte was going through a lot and he would have been surprised if he didn't have an emotional breakdown like that. "And there's no rush to grow up. Enjoy this time while you can." He said, turning back to face the front. He pulled back into traffic and glanced at the kid. "He just called to say that the case is over. We caught the bad guys and everything can go back to normal... Well, as normal as can be." Tony said, shrugging.

Screaming Mime
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Old 04-04-2012, 04:47 PM

Monte's smile turned into a deep frown. "Guess that means you cam take me home now, huh?" He sighed and then turned to the window. At least he'd get finical compensation for his dad's death. That would keep him from being homeless. The house was paid for too. Basically he just had to pay for food, clothes, gas, and the water and power. That would be hard with a part time job and he wasn't taking financial aid from NCIS. Then he'd just feel guilty. "Well. Just take me back to my old house please." He was going to be so lonely in such a big house. He thought about buying a body pillow. He had an electric blanket too, so he could heat it up like a person. It was creepy, yeah, but it was better than being cold and alone...he'd just be warm...and alone. He was staring put the window as he thought about this all.

The Cloaked Schemer
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Old 04-04-2012, 05:41 PM

Tony frowned as he watched Monte's mood change. He had thought the kid would be happy to know that there weren't any more guys after him. But the more Tony thought about it, the more it made sense. Monte would have to go back to his house and be all alone now. With school and having to get a job to pay for everything, it really had to suck. Tony shifted in his seat, trying to think how he could make it better. "Well... I wouldn't mind if you wanted to stay with me. I do have an extra bedroom." He offered. Plus, he was used to having Monte around and didn't like the thought of him leaving just yet.

Screaming Mime
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Old 04-04-2012, 06:33 PM

Monte was a bit surprised. Tony wanted him to stay? Then he would. "I guess I could for a little while." He waited until they were there and then leaned over and kissed Tony. He'd been wanting to do that for so long. He twisted his fingers into Tony's hair and then pulled back just slightly. "I know that was a major violation of personal space, but I wasn't going to wait until it's to late. I may be gone soon." He sighed. "I won't do it again though, I promise." He said, smilng and then getting out of the car.

The Cloaked Schemer
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Old 04-04-2012, 07:12 PM

Tony nodded slightly, smiling lightly when Monte said he would stay with him. He blinked, surprised when he was kissed. That was unexpected... But not completely unpleasant. It took a few moments for him to react and he got out of the car. "Don't worry about it." He said, heading up to his door. Tony knew he was going to have to think about it more later.

Screaming Mime
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Old 04-06-2012, 12:35 AM

Monte walked towards Tony's door and thought about what had just happened. He'd kissed Tony, and the man hadn't seemed all that dissatisfied. Did that mean Tony didn't mind it? Maybe he liked it? No. Tony had simply allowed Monte to do that because he felt forty for him. That was why Tony was taking him in too, he was sure of it. But if Tony had obliged to that, then what else might he let Monte do? How far could they go before Tony would stop it? He rolled that thought around in his head until he went inside. He shut the door behind Tony and then stared the other man down, thinking about what to do.

The Cloaked Schemer
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Old 04-06-2012, 01:07 AM

Tony hung his jacket up on a hook by the door before plopping down on the couch. He wondered if he shouldn't have allowed Monte to kiss him like he did. He didn't want to lead the kid on until he had figured out exactly what it was he felt for the other. Tony shifted some, feeling Monte's stare. He glanced over at him and raised an eyebrow lightly. "Take a seat. Relax." He said, picking up his remote and turning his television on.

Screaming Mime
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Old 04-06-2012, 12:16 PM

" know...maybe I should just go out for a little while. I'll be back later tonight." He went back out the door and walked down to his house, looking at it and then casiously walking in. He wasn't so sure how he felt about this place anymore. There was always the memory of his dad dying here that spooked him. He went up to his room which was just how he'd left it. It was dark and spotlessly clean. He looked at his black canopy bed and the black walls all with a dark red carpet. There were avenged 7 fold and slipknot posters all over the walls. How had he forgotten who he was in the last few months? He wasn't a stupid preppy little twerp. He was the dark, emo kid. He looked around his room for a bottle of dye, finding a few and wondering which odd color he should go with. There was purple, red, bleached platinum, or black. He'd already done the red dye, the purple would scare Tony..the platinum blonde wasn't dark enough to suit his mood. He grabbed the black, going to his sink and covering the blonde hair in black inky dye. When he was finished it came up dark and shiny. This was him. He'd forgotten himself and now he was back. He ripped the ugly Hollister clothes off and threw them into a pile in the floor, raiding his closet for the most Gorky thing in the world. Black skiny jeans and asking Alexandra tee worked for him. Next came his converses and he was happy. After slipping back in his almost grown up peircings he smiled. This was Monte, this kid who could do whatever the hell he wanted and didn't care what anyone said or thought. Not even Tony DiNozzo. He started packing bags, getting clothes and other belongings out of his old house. He'd call a mover tomorrow, because he wanted his bed and stuff. This house would sell for a lot with all of his dads old furniture and stuff in it. Then Monte could find an apartment and be happyish again.

Monte sat in his floor, packing up stuff and found some old video games. He dusted off the console and saw it was his old xbox. It was amazing what one could find when cleaning out a room. He didn't really want it anymore. It was the old version and he saw no use for it, so maybe he'd just give it to goodwill or something. He put all the stuff he didn't want in boxes and put those in his dad's car. He then drove them down to the first donation drop off he saw and dumped all of it for the people who ran this thing to take care of in the morning. When he went back, he packed up all of his important stuff and put it in the back of the car, locking the vehicle and then going to call Tony. He didn't feel like driving back to Tony's place in the dark, so he was just going to spend his last night in this house. He decided to text instead, not in the talking mood. He basically just said he'd be staying at his old house for the night. He gave no real explanation, not feeling like typing that much. He figured since he'd just pulled on these clothes he'd sleep in them, so he crawled up in his bed and closed his eyes.

Last edited by Screaming Mime; 04-06-2012 at 02:35 PM..

The Cloaked Schemer
An almighty ninja~
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Old 04-06-2012, 03:04 PM

Tony watched Monte walk away before shrugging and turning back to the t.v. some basketball game was on and he settled back to watch, not really caring who was playing. He just liked watching the game. He stretched out on his couch, relaxing completely. It's felt like forever since he was able to and it felt nice. He let his eyes drift closed, planning on taking a small nap. He fell asleep easily and stayed asleep til his phone went off, signalling he had a text. He groaned, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes as he sat up. He ran a hand through his hair, digging his phone out of his pocket to see who the message was from.

Tony raised an eyebrow lightly, surprised that Monte was staying at his old house. He shrugged and stood up, fliipping the t.v. off and heading into the bathroom. Since he had he night all to himself, he figured he could actually go out and get a few drinks with his friends. He sent out some texts before jumping in the shower, washing quickly but thoroughly. He stepped out and dried off, ginning when he checked his phone. He went to his room to get dressed before heading out to his car and driving to his favorite bar. He met up with some friends and Tony was ready to have a good night.

Screaming Mime
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Old 04-06-2012, 05:21 PM

Monte yawned and grabbed his body pillow. He heated up his electric blanket and smiled lightly. This was nice. It felt good to be back in his own bed, under his own sheets. He did kind of miss Tony though. He laid his head on the pillow, finally falling asleep. He was warm and safe. That was the best feeling he'd had in a long time.

The next morning Monte got up and washed down, then fixed his hair. He liked it black like this. He put on his shirt and jeans on and walked out to his car, riding down to Tony's house.

The Cloaked Schemer
An almighty ninja~
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Old 04-06-2012, 05:40 PM

Tony had a great time with his friends. They drank, joked around, caught up with things going on with their lives, and, of course, flirted with basically any woman that walked past. But for some reason, he just wasn't as into it as he normally was. Sure, he still flirted like he always did, but he just didn't seem to be as into it as he normally would, and he couldn't figure out why. He pushed the thought aside, wanting to enjoy himself, but ended up drinking more than he probably should have.

When he finally managed to drag himself home, he collapsed on his bed without even bothering to untie his shoes. He knew he was going to have a massive hangover in the morning, but he couldn't bring himself to care right now. Now, all he wanted to do was sleep and not wake up for a good long time.

Screaming Mime
Full-time internet homo
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Old 04-06-2012, 06:37 PM

Monte walked into the house and looked around for Tony, finally finding him on his bed, smelling like liquor and still fully dressed. He crossed his arms, clearly angry. This reminded him so much of his father. His dad would come home, drunk as hell and he wouldn't even get undressed. There was no way he was living with a drunk bastard. He took off Tony's shoes and socks, then all his clothes, leaving him in his boxers and pulling a cover over him. That was also a thing he'd had to do for his father quite often. He found it rather repulsive that a grown man would go out and get drunk off his ass. He left a note on the kitchen table that said he was going to be moving out, not giving an explanation, and then went to find an apartment. He serched for about an hour before becoming discouraged and just sitting in a parking lot for a while.


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