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KatMagenta is offline
Old 07-10-2013, 10:51 PM

My art entry has a transparent element, you can click and drag it if you like.

My Artifact Entry:

I call it: The Eerie Stone

Artifact Name: The Eerie Stone
Is this based on an art entry? Link
My Lore Entry:

The following is an excerpt from personal records kept by Dr P. [REDACTED], archaeologist, 1859. All official records were destroyed with the expedition camp and its personnel.

The latest find has been officially catalogued as #189 but some of the boys in camp have taken to calling it 'The Eerie Stone' and I'm afraid the name has stuck. This is both due to its strange properties and the unease some have mentioned when in its vicinity.

On the face of it the artefact appears to be made of stone but is far heavier than any mineral previously discovered- all but the strongest require assistance to move it. The decoration is crudely carved and features a series of runes or glyphs in an unknown language and a face (presumably that of an ancient god or idol).

Another unusual aspect exhibited by #189 is that its surface temperature has remained consistently below that of its surroundings even when exposed to direct sunlight for several hours. Those touching #189 report what they describe as "invisible tendrils" that radiate a short distance from the surface.

As for the feeling of unease, that is unquantifiable but has affected even the most steadfast of the troop. Some have even suggested we should have made heed of the warnings of the natives who told us not to explore this deep in the jungle. Poppycock, I say, we are men of science and our research will shed light on this strange (dare I say 'eerie'!) object.


Kent is offline
Old 07-10-2013, 11:17 PM

Ooh~ I like that transparent effect. o wo

the one and only

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Shadami is offline
Old 07-11-2013, 12:14 AM

there is something wrong with mine.... my picture links aren't working properly and i have no idea why...

Can I please come down? ~Simple ...
maidenroseheart is offline
Old 07-11-2013, 12:15 AM

oh dear... have you tried

the one and only

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Shadami is offline
Old 07-11-2013, 12:20 AM

and now its there again and no longer an error code via the link. WHAT THE HECK >.>

Can I please come down? ~Simple ...
maidenroseheart is offline
Old 07-11-2013, 12:20 AM

that is weird :(

the one and only

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Shadami is offline
Old 07-11-2013, 01:13 AM

*double checks* okay its still there. good

R a n d e h
your best pal
R a n d e h is online now
Old 07-11-2013, 01:20 AM

Originally Posted by momochan View Post
pritner-kun refuses to let the tips of the blades show, even though they are in the range of the screen. WUTEVS. THE TIPS AREN'T ANYTHING SPECIAL ANYWAY. JUST SHARP TIPS. BE LIKE THAT, PRINTER. BE LIKE THAT. /sobs

R a n d e h: this is mah art entry~ i was going to do two different things before, but this one is aweesoomeee
momochan: OUUUU I LOVE IT!! It's SOOOO fun!!!! Why didn't I know momo can draw 8D

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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Old 07-11-2013, 01:24 AM

ranran: thank you! ;D I had a fun time designing it~
but yussss, i r arteest~ ;D

R a n d e h
your best pal
R a n d e h is online now
Old 07-11-2013, 01:27 AM

I loved it 8D! The intricacy are calling me and making me super happy!

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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momochan is offline
Old 07-11-2013, 03:34 AM

haha, I'm glad you do
it was really detailed~
I really waned to make something cool with ink * -*
it's not what I usually make, which I enjoyed.
it makes me want to draw more fleshy things that are creepy.
and perhaps add color to them next time.
When mom gets the new ink nibs, I'll have to try them out :>

R a n d e h
your best pal
R a n d e h is online now
Old 07-11-2013, 03:38 AM

What are ink nibs? @___@;;

You may come to my place and use my tablet and make me beautiful arts, naked. 8D

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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momochan is offline
Old 07-11-2013, 03:45 AM

they are little thingies that go on holders that you dip in ink and use to draw~
I forgot what they were called but yeah~ those things~
this is a nib

R a n d e h:
i drew you all sexy like ;D
look at dese booby tassels and hooker heels~

Last edited by momochan; 07-11-2013 at 03:49 AM..

R a n d e h
your best pal
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Old 07-11-2013, 03:52 AM

OHHHH Nibs! I know what those are. Fancy fancy names. I thought it was licorice that you can eat 8D


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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Old 07-11-2013, 03:55 AM



R a n d e h
your best pal
R a n d e h is online now
Old 07-11-2013, 03:56 AM

So it goes in your mouth. GOT IT 8D

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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momochan is offline
Old 07-11-2013, 03:58 AM

yes. that is exactly what it is.


Velvet is offline
Old 07-11-2013, 04:05 PM

My Artifact Entry:

I call it: Luminesis' Disappearance

Artifact Name: Luminesis' Disappearance
Is this based on an art entry? Here
My Lore Entry:

Expedition Update: Luminesis

Today on an expedition through the strange temple, we have named "Luminesis' Temple", found on this island we discovered a rather strange artifact. We named the temple based on the wall carvings that indicated that Luminesis was a great leader that ruled for decades. We all found it strange that Luminesis seemed to live for an extraordinary amount of years according to the Native's writings, but this artifact we found continues the legacy of Luminesis and his long years in leadership.

According to the story carved into the artifact, Luminesis was a great prince of the people. He was loved by all and considered brilliantly intelligent. He never seemed to age and lived peacefully within the temple for over 200 years. Then one day, Luminesis disappeared. The only thing left of him was a shining crystal that lay neatly on top of the clothing he was last seen wearing. The Natives said that it was all that was left of their glorious leader and built another temple for him which is where the crystal was stored away at.

No such temple has been discovered yet! This excitement is over bearing and I yearn to learn about this.. this crystal myself. My teammates believe this is just a story blown out of proportion and that there is no way Luminesis lived for so long. But what if there is truth in the story? And what if this Crystal holds the answers I am now craving so badly! There must be some truth... I mean this artifact with the story seems to be made from some sort of stone that feels wet, cold, and warm at the same time, yet it is none of those things. It also appears to emit some sort of strange glow. The others say they cannot see it nor feel the things I do. How peculiar...

Last edited by Velvet; 07-11-2013 at 04:07 PM..

Damia Flagg
Damia Flagg is offline
Old 07-12-2013, 12:45 AM

My Artifact Entry:

I call it: Artifact Ship

Sorry I don't have a story ready for it at the moment.


Assistant Administrator
BellyButton is offline
Old 07-12-2013, 02:36 AM

It's okay, story isn't necessary & you still have some time yet. :)

All entries look good so far. My internet is being wonky so I'm not going to attempt to edit the accepted entries post tonight, but wanted all to know everything listed here thus far will be accepted. <3

Master Debater
Woodlandnymph is offline
Old 07-12-2013, 04:52 AM

I'm trying to not write you a novel Belly. I need to work on cutting a bit <.<

Blahtastic is offline
Old 07-12-2013, 10:42 AM

Artifact Name: Soulkeeper
Is this based on an art entry? No
My Lore Entry:

"Marge, come take a look at this."
The woman turned around to see her partner archaeologist Jackson stooping over the hole he'd dug. "What? Ugh, this had better not be some rare beetle again, Jack." She strode over and eyed the empty hole suspiciously. "This is a trick, isn't it?"
"It isn't!" the man exclaimed indignantly. "Here, see?" He reached carefully into the hole to brush off a bronze-ish lump seemingly embedded in the dirt.
Margaret could hardly believe that such a beautiful object could be buried beneath the sands. It had been carved into a human-like shape, like that of a woman's, indented with unrecognisable symbols and hundreds of small multicoloured jewels on the sides. The golden object emitted a beautiful bluish glow which left both explorers mystified.
Cautiously, Jackson took his spade and scooped it out. Margaret reached out and clutched it with a soft grip, as though afraid it might break in her hands.
She turned to Jackson and grinned. "I think we've got a new discovery!"
(2 weeks later) - Margaret's Journal
I simply can't understand it. By now, we should have a lot of info on that thing Jack and I found. It's been a fortnight... this is impossible. We don't even know what it's made of - the material carved is unrecognisable even through thorough tests. It's the same with the jewels and the marks on the statue. A few of the junior explorers have reported seeing it glow as well but after thorough inspection, we have not found any logical source.
But I've been doing some research and apparently the bay we found it at was previously the location of various ancient rituals held by shamans. They were reportedly held to lure people into dark caves where the shaman would absorb their soul as a rejuvenation to cause temporary immortality. Eerily enough, they were said to store souls in little golden figurines for when innocent passersby were scarce. Apparently every jewel embedded in it symbolized one victim, and it would glow a beautiful azure whenever the shaman was nearby, so as to attract victims...
Is it just me, or is that description too similar to be a coincidence?

Last edited by Blahtastic; 07-12-2013 at 11:15 AM..

the one and only

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Old 07-12-2013, 02:08 PM

Omg someone is going to get attacked by a soul stealing shaman!! :O

Master Debater
Woodlandnymph is offline
Old 07-12-2013, 05:09 PM

Artifact Name: The Mother Figure
Is this based on an art entry? to be linked later....
My Lore Entry:

The Legend:

Way back, when the Earth Mother was young and fair, Father Moon looked down on her with a gnawing lust. Earth Mother spent her time bent over in fields, sowing the ground and planting the land with her bounty. Father Moon came down from the skies, coming before Earth Mother and dazzled her in his splendor and bright glory. She became with child, and Father Moon left her behind to bear the Children of the Land alone. The children ate of her fruit, and reaped her crops, and lived off her tears.

The Song:

Mother gone down to rest
In the cold deep earth
Mother gone down so deep
Down in the caves till rebirth
Mother gone down to sleep
Till the ground crumbles at her feet
Mother will wake, they say
And pay back Father for that day

The Scholars:
Excerpt from A Study of Primitive Cults and Cultures by Dr. James Tillage

On a lonely island, it is said, somewhere off the coast of Menewsha, had a cult of the Earthen Goddess. These islanders worshiped this maternal deity as a bringer of life and harvest, but also as a bringer of death and the end of stars.

Every full moon, the islanders put out offerings at the wide mouth of the Mother Cave, hoping to please her and distract her from taking her vengeance on the Man in the Moon. According to their myths, he came down when the earth was new and raped the Earth Goddess, leaving her behind to give birth to humans.

It is a rudimentary creation myth, circling around this vengeful Goddess, creating a deep fear of her capabilities to end the world. But, also a love and veneration of her as their true mother, and creator of the fertile lands they sow.

After time, the cult popularity waned, and the younger members of the tribe went off to find their fortune elsewhere, leaving only the elders to guard the cave and place their offerings. These remaining islanders are thought to have died off 200 years ago, after the diaspora of their tribe left them without a next generation to carry on the traditions.

The Discovery:

It was the third day since Jane’s fishing boat had run aground in the storm. Three days of patching, hunting for items she could use for repairs, and gathering up supplies from the island’s natural resources.

Thank goodness it seemed to have plenty of those. Tall palms weighted down by clusters of coconuts, plenty of crabs and critters that she could trap on the beach with a basket from the boat, and a cleverly rigged mechanism, a fresh water source near the center of the island hidden in the thick vegetation. With those resources and her own emergency kit from the boat, she could last comfortably for a long time.

But she knew she had to hurry. It was the start of typhoon season, and unless she wanted to wait out strong winds and torrential rains for months, she had to find a way off the island.

With her machete to cut the dense jungle foliage, she made her way deeper inland, looking for the thin vines she wove together as a rope substitute. She paused to wipe away the sweat dripping off her brow with the back of her hand. Up ahead there was a tall cluster of dark boulders, and on it what looked like a thick tangle of water vines.

She grasped one, and tapped it with the backside of her machete, hearing a hollow thud that meant water was trapped inside. She cut away at a large section, checked to see if it oozed deadly milky sap, and tilted the thick vine back, letting the water from it drip into her mouth.

After sating her thirst, she leaned up against the rocks, only to discover the vines had covered an opening in them. She fell back, catching her fall on those same vines that tangled around her. After a few minutes of cussing and working her way out from the mess, she tried to focus her eyes in the dark space around her. The light from the opening only reached back 10 feet or so into the abyss.

Jane dug through her rucksack and produced a lantern run on batteries. It was a precious commodity, the light, but she wanted to see how far back this cave went, and if was a suitable place for shelter in a storm. Switching on the light, she saw the cave walls stretch back, wet and dripping with moisture, till it curved to the right some thirty feet back.

Carefully stepping on the damp floor, which was littered with nuts and debris, Jane made her way down. After about ten minutes or so, the tunnel opened up to a cave. Her light bounced off the water that was gathered in pools around the vast floor, and coating the massive stalactites and stalagmites. She uttered, “whoa,” and heard her voice carry and bounce off into the distance.
In the center of the cavern, was the largest body of water, and by far the deepest. She couldn’t discern the bottom as she carefully picked her way around the perimeter until… trip… Her foot caught on something and she sprawled forward again, this time skinning her knees on the rough floor.

Sitting up, she flashed her lantern to see what she tripped on. Odd. There was a sort of reddish figure wedged in between two rocks. Carefully, Jane grasped it, and rocked it back and forth till it came free in her hands. She turned it over, examining it. It looked a bit like a curvy woman with her arms raised up over her head. Clearly, it was man made and not just another rock in the cave…and, she rubbed it softly, made of clay or mud.

It was cool, even cold in the cave, but the figure felt warm. Hot. Hot, it definitely felt hot. Jane dropped it into the water, shaking her hand. The water began to glow a dull green light that got brighter and brighter with every passing moment. Jane stumbled back, frightened. Suddenly, the entire cavern was a-wash with light.

Blinking, she saw was finally able to see every nook and cranny of the cavern. On the ceiling, the constellations and stars were painted, and they seemed to glitter like the real night sky. Swirling up, the clay figure was suspended in the air, rising upright and hovering above the water.


Jane stumbled out of the cave, scraped up and bruised. Her hair was a rat’s nest of tangles, and her eyes were unfocused and her pupils dilated. A sly grin spread across her face. Slowly, she tilted her head up and laughed at the full moon.


I see their knavery....

Last edited by Woodlandnymph; 07-12-2013 at 05:20 PM..

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Old 07-12-2013, 06:34 PM

i'm not reading that right now. xD


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