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Tilly is offline
Old 06-24-2009, 10:51 PM

I hate math so much. D: I think I failed my final and now I failed my placement test.

Math is not my friend. D; My mom is gonna be so disappointed..

How was doing basic math like?

Fashionably Late

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Old 06-24-2009, 10:54 PM

Well I finished all my first semesters work in like 2 weeks. >.< So I got to chill most of the time. >.<

Tilly is offline
Old 06-24-2009, 10:57 PM

~sigh~ I can't believe I failed it..

That doesn't sound too bad, but it sounds like a waste of money..

Fashionably Late

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Old 06-24-2009, 10:59 PM

Yeah it was easy but a waste of funds. >.< I mean it starts real basic like add subtract multiply divide. and fractions and such. I just really suck at algebra,

mewmew07 is offline
Old 06-24-2009, 11:05 PM

Originally Posted by Tilly View Post
Uhm, just visiting this guy I know. He's really rich, but nice.


Tommorows my last day. D:

God. I failed my math placement test. o__o; I am so stupid.
Don't feel stupid. I failed mine too two years ago the summer before my first year of college. I need to study so I can take it again.

Tilly is offline
Old 06-24-2009, 11:15 PM

I suck at logarithms and circle geometry DD;

No, we only take ours once. No retakes. D:

mewmew07 is offline
Old 06-24-2009, 11:28 PM

Oh, we can take ours again.

Since we have no basic math.

I wish we did, so that at least I can get a start in getting my math credits.

Fashionably Late

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Old 06-24-2009, 11:29 PM

Ahh we have basic math but we can retake if we want. >.< I hope everything works out for you though Tilly

Wendy Darling
Second Star to the Right
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Old 06-24-2009, 11:42 PM

Oh my gosh, I'd love to know how I managed to fall asleep at noon and sleep until 7 PM my time. XD

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Old 06-24-2009, 11:43 PM

lol it happens I did it the other day somehow. >.<

Tilly is offline
Old 06-24-2009, 11:44 PM

Yeah.. Well I don't really know what I want to do anyways..

Wendy Darling
Second Star to the Right
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Old 06-24-2009, 11:44 PM

Well, I only got 3 hours of sleep last night, so I guess that makes sense. I only stayed awake long enough today to see Sharapova lose, S. Williams advance, and Federer also advance in Wimbledon, then I kinda conked out on the couch. XD

Tilly is offline
Old 06-24-2009, 11:46 PM


Bffl you should console me because I feel stupid. D:

Fashionably Late

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Old 06-24-2009, 11:55 PM

@ Tilly aww don't feel stupid. Math is the devil anyways.
@ Wendy.. humm that makes sense. >.<

Wendy Darling
Second Star to the Right
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Old 06-24-2009, 11:58 PM

What's wronggg? D:

Is it about all this math? @_@

Lemme tell you something. Ever since I graduated high school, I haven't used math a lick. I exempted out of all of it for college cause I took a placement test.

You really won't need it unless your major is like. . . engineering or something. e_e;

Fashionably Late

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Old 06-25-2009, 12:01 AM

>.< *whispers to Wendy* Umm its about Tilly failing the math placement test. >.<

mewmew07 is offline
Old 06-25-2009, 12:10 AM

Originally Posted by Wendy Darling View Post
What's wronggg? D:

Is it about all this math? @_@

Lemme tell you something. Ever since I graduated high school, I haven't used math a lick. I exempted out of all of it for college cause I took a placement test.

You really won't need it unless your major is like. . . engineering or something. e_e;
Or unless you are a cake maker/designer. LOL.

But seriously, I was watching Ace of Cakes on Food Network and this one guy on there was making a cake and I guess it needed to be to scale, so he needed to know formulas and such. He said he used math like three times since he graduated, but hey, he's using it still.

Wendy Darling
Second Star to the Right
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Old 06-25-2009, 12:20 AM

@Ivvy: Ooooo. e_e;;;;; *Shot*

@Mewmew: OMG, I saw that same episode. XD I love Ace of Cakes. That's totally unrelated to the subject, but it's one of the few shows on the Food Network I can actually enjoy. They do some of the most awesome stuff on that show.

@Tilly: Hon, it's not the end of the world if you failed it. If anything, it probably means they'll put you in an easy math class as opposed to god awful calculus or some other insane crap. x-x

I hate math with a freakin' passion.

Fashionably Late

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Old 06-25-2009, 12:21 AM

@ Wendy. >.< It happens to me all the time. ..>.<..

Wendy Darling
Second Star to the Right
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Old 06-25-2009, 12:24 AM

Now I feel terrible. T_T

Fashionably Late

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Old 06-25-2009, 12:29 AM

Aww no >.< You didn't know don't feel bad! Ohh and did you get your pick up in the keepsake thread?

mewmew07 is offline
Old 06-25-2009, 12:31 AM

Originally Posted by Wendy Darling View Post
@Ivvy: Ooooo. e_e;;;;; *Shot*

@Mewmew: OMG, I saw that same episode. XD I love Ace of Cakes. That's totally unrelated to the subject, but it's one of the few shows on the Food Network I can actually enjoy. They do some of the most awesome stuff on that show.

@Tilly: Hon, it's not the end of the world if you failed it. If anything, it probably means they'll put you in an easy math class as opposed to god awful calculus or some other insane crap. x-x

I hate math with a freakin' passion.
Haha, I love that show. Geoff was making a cake of some monument or whatever, and he said he never used math for like ten year, then used it, then didn't use it again for like three years, and then now he needed to pull it out again.

Tilly is offline
Old 06-25-2009, 12:32 AM

Nah, I might do economics instead.. or supplimentaries... my mom wants me to since I've always sucked at math..

I just need one math course if I'm doing an arts degree.. which I think I am...

Wendy Darling
Second Star to the Right
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Old 06-25-2009, 12:32 AM

Yesss, that was the monument cake. Geoff does amazing cakes. I loved his guitar cake that he did for that kid. And that thing was TO SCALE with actual guitar strings on the cake and everything. It was insane and awesome.

@Tilly: You're doing an art degree? Like a BFA? o_o; I know that I exempted out of mine, and I'm getting a BFA currently, and yeah, they only really require one just as a core class. Plus they don't really care WHICH math you take so long as it's a MATH requisite. IMO, I would take the easiest math course you can find so it'll just be an easy pass by class.

Fashionably Late

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Old 06-25-2009, 12:35 AM

@ Tilly you are doing an arts degree? May I ask in what area of art?


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