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Staria is offline
Old 03-17-2012, 08:26 PM

(i hate when that happens >.< and agreed hehe XD. But she's figured out enough to use them >.> just not enjoy them :P and sorry >.<))

Seitha finally turned her gaze to him as he spoke of his plans, briefly uncertain of what she was doing. Her instinct was to say 'very well then' and walk about of the room, to run away and go back to working alone. She couldn't really say for sure what stopped her... maybe she was just more tired of fighting alone while playing a toy then she'd admit even to herself. She held no expression in her voice but there was a lingering doubt in her gaze and it was clear she didn't really want to answer. It was like a giant chess game, only she couldn't lose or the pawns lost would be very real lives.

"I have no real plans... I tend to wing it as i go along so to speak. Just what do you plan to do with the senshi if you do find her?" She finally answered, her tone if anything more guarded then before. It was a true enough answer... she had no specific plans other then a generally idea of delaying the cult and protection of the senshi. She couldn't really make plans until she knew his and the cults after all...the draw back of being a forgotten soldier. She watched him closely now, knowing she had nearly admitted to treason with her question. After all wouldn't a loyal soldier simply want her turned over to the leader and the dark god released?

Inwardly she calculated the steps back to the window and out it if he turned on her, though she didn't expect him to be that overt. She suspected if he was faithful to the leader he'd simply send her back to her room and she'd have a visit afterwards that ended with the fight of her life...literally. Only a fool would try to trap a Hvitur so close to a window and there was one thing of which she was as certain as she was of her love for her sister, Tarashi was not a fool.

*crashing sound* oops... I drop...
Drakina is offline
Old 03-17-2012, 09:50 PM

Tae smiled as the little creature told her what it knew, and rubbed it's chin gently. "Well, I just hope he's a friend, and not with the cult," she whispered, knowing the possibilities. Serpentine, it had said. The Loki's always had serpents as their spirit beast, so it should be the current Loki, right? She sighed, moving her hand from the hvitur's chin to the back of it's head. That family, from what she remembered, was close to the royals, so he should still be for their cause. She hoped.

((I'm willing to wait for Shadow to post with Makoto before responding to her sudden presence.))


Staria is offline
Old 03-17-2012, 09:52 PM

((okay XD honestly I'm still not sure where makoto is in relation to vara and them >.<))

*crashing sound* oops... I drop...
Drakina is offline
Old 03-17-2012, 09:55 PM

((aren't they in the main area?))


Staria is offline
Old 03-17-2012, 10:02 PM

((they are but i'm not sure if shadow had her actually enter yet or not XD))

*crashing sound* oops... I drop...
Drakina is offline
Old 03-17-2012, 10:39 PM

((hence, the wait.))


Staria is offline
Old 03-17-2012, 11:06 PM

((Cameo's withdrawing Odin, just letting everybody know))

*crashing sound* oops... I drop...
Drakina is offline
Old 03-17-2012, 11:25 PM


Warning: Unrestrained Audiophile
KageShio is offline
Old 03-19-2012, 12:58 AM

Tarashi was hesitant to answer her, it was a more difficult question to evade. He still did not fully trust her, even with the word of the resistance leader, so to blatantly state his treasonous intent was a stupid and dangerous move. Then again, there was always the fall back of convincing the cult leader that he was playing along with her and use what she tells him as fuel against her. It was a thin line he was walking, and he knew it could produce thorns without hesitation, but then again, you cannot gain without first risking something.

"I plan to tell her of the Cult's movements." He said finally, careful to keep anything but caution and confidence from his voice and body. The answer was not wholly revealing, but certainly enough to get him killed, he knew. He reminded himself, though, that if it came down to it, it was his word, that of a trusted officer, against hers.

"How long have you been working for the resistance?" He asked next, changing the topic completely. It was very direct, he knew, and he fully expected a similar question directed at him next, but he needed to test her. He watched her carefully, his eyes scanning her whole body for any signal of of a lie.


Staria is offline
Old 03-19-2012, 01:19 AM

Seitha sat back a moment as she gazed at him wordlessly. His direct question made her nervous even more then his gaze did. She bit her lip slightly and stood before she walked to her earlier place at the window. She stood with her arms crossed and peered out. For a moment it would seem she wouldn't answer him but soon her voice came out, it's dead calm the opposite of the fear that had flickered in her gaze. If she answered this there was no going back, he could hang her with it.

"...I'm not sure you could call it that. I just feed information now and then, I intended to do this by myself. Naive perhaps but it was what I intended. I thought I could just get close to our dear leader and take care of him...I hadn't expected he could feed on a senshi's powers. Then again I suppose there was a lot I didn't expect. What about you? You didn't know Princess Wisteria, you owe her no loyalty." She finally responded candidly. There was a slight tension in her wings, the muscles just visible beneath the spray of feathers tight. It made her shoulders hurt but she couldn't help the moment of nervousness.

She didn't want to trust him, didn't want to be in here... She'd half rather be sprawled on his bed and him be just another grunt exercising the rights the leader had given them. In a way that was easier, no matter how numb she had become. It had hurt so badly at first but now it just made her feel hollow...empty. Part of her wished it still hurt, at least then she knew she was still herself and alive.

Warning: Unrestrained Audiophile
KageShio is offline
Old 03-19-2012, 06:20 AM

Tarashi tensed slightly as she stood, but quickly relaxed again as he realized she was not trying anything- yet. He waited patiently for her to answer, and when she did, he could not help but feel more pity, a dangerous thing. He could not afford to let her get under his guard, there was still a chance this was an elaborate ruse, she could even be a double-agent.

He carefully considered her question, debating on lying, but if this was not a ruse, and she really was on his side, he could not afford the damage a lie could make. Either way this went, he needed her trust.

"Despite popular belief, I do have a conscience. While I have no fealty to the crown, neither do I owe the cult or their god. I am not part of their rabble, I was simply swept into it when my home was attacked." He responded, voice a bit quiet. The mention of his home brought back painful memories. It had been years since the cultists rained down on his people and the races they lived with, raping and pillaging. He had almost joined his family and neighbors on the blood-stained ground, but his quick tongue and... convincing methods saved him. Unfortunately, it also made him part of the cult. He had waited a long time to get back at the murderers and when he learned of their true opponents, he was quick to offer them help.


Staria is offline
Old 03-19-2012, 06:39 AM

Seitha had heard the cult had done damage elsewhere, despite the black hole senshi of various generations tracking and destroying them. Still, it would be easy to invoke such a claim but what reason? At this point the leader would probably have kill them both if either went to him just to be safe. The price of a leader who enjoyed killing she imagined. She felt just for a moment that maybe he really was more like her then she imagined...

She made a soft sound in her throat as she pushed away the thought, she wouldn't let herself have sympathy. Even if he was on her side she had to think of him as just another pawn on the board. It was the only way she got through each day, dismissing people like this. She would be cold, she would be calculating, so the god could be destroyed and her sister could be free to be warm and naive. She took a deep breath as she debated what to say.

" So I can trust in your desire for their destruction and Ragnarok's destruction at any rate.... Sailor Jupiter will likely be with a sailor in black and navy named Sailor Nott. Contrary to the cult's belief she is alive and returned to Asgardia a short time ago, ready and willing to save Jupiter. Sailor Nott does not know her information comes from me so she will likely try to kill either of us if she sees us. Whether she'll be good at it or not I do not know... she left this galaxy when she was very young." She said quietly. It was information the cult would know in under a month so she wasn't giving too much away... but it'd tell her something if he reacted to it and perhaps make him believe her.

"that is the only information I know that will likely be useful to you tomorrow..." She added quietly and turned around. She leaned her back against the wall and put her hands in her pockets as she gazed at him a moment. She ignored the pain in her shoulders and prepared herself. After she saw his reaction she may say goodnight and leave she decided absently. Tomorrow would show her everything she needed to know...and if she could trust him once and for all.

The Idea Girl
ShadowDemon101 is offline
Old 03-19-2012, 01:25 PM

((Jesus Christ please forgive me for taking so long :gonk: Srlsy I'm so sorry! Though uh, I think Kol just delivered Makoto to the main entrance of the cave, so I'm assuming that she's about to meet the other senshi with Vara...
Also this is short :gonk: SORRY. ))

The two of them moved quickly, Makoto following as closely as possible to Kol. As much as she'd like to, she knew she wasn't ready to face any from the Cult just yet; she also needed to see Rei. Not just to see if the other senshi were on this planet but just to reassure she herself was alright.

The two of the reached the entrance soon enough, and Makoto watched as a stone shifted, revealing the way in. The brunette wasn't sure if Kol would follow in, but that thought quickly left once she stepped inside. She could see Vara looking kind of....worried? Upset? The senshi of Jupiter couldn't really say. She also noticed the other senshi, including the Senshi of Mars.

Not sure if she caught them at a bad bad, she simply gave an awkward wave. "Hey; sorry I'm late," she grinned albit sheepishly. She wasn't sure she should introduce herself further, though she had a feeling she wouldn't have to.

*crashing sound* oops... I drop...
Drakina is offline
Old 03-19-2012, 06:05 PM

Vetur tensed as the 'door' opened again, turning to face the new arrival. Her hand twitched for her bow, set just out of reach, and putting it there didn't seem as good an idea as it had. The fading light silhouetted the senshi from Jupiter, and when the opening closed, Vetur could see this. "I don't suppose this is the senshi you said would be meeting us at sundown?" she asked of Nott, one wing flicking and the tip of her tail twitching. She tried stilling herself, the new arrival seemed to be of the same kind as Mars: no visible spirit beast. But her tail, some minor dismay, refused to stay still, swishing back and forth with a little more force than before.


After a moment of confusion, the spirit guardian found hirself standing on the surface of the planet, bag still in hand and setting sun giving everything a reddish glow. Ze took a few steps forward, eyes focusing on a break on the foliage that showed rocky cliff face. Walking calmly over, ze placed a hand on the rock, looking left and right and trying to decide on which direction to go. The stone, ze knew, should have taken hir right to Nott, instead, ze was outside. That argued for wards or barriers around Nott, weather they were protecting or binding her, ze knew not.


Tae saw another flash through the trees, and shrank a little against the tree. Though, when she thought about it for a moment, it had seemed much like the one that brought her here, so perhaps it was another friend. Cooing to the hvitur and cradling it in her arms, she stood and gathered her courage. If she went in that direction, someone would be there. She started forward, only to pause, a thought striking her. She should have transformed before even coming, how was she to know if it had been safe? Thoughts of what her sister would do ran around her mind, and she let the hvitur take to a tree. Playing with the bracelet a moment before activating it, she transformed in a flash of warm sunlight, summoning her shield before starting off through the trees and brush, toward the flash she had seen.

((pronouns! I bet you all forgot about duder there, my splendid gryphon/pheonix thing! And we know about life getting in the way of posting, Shadow, so don't worry about it too much, kay?))


Staria is offline
Old 03-19-2012, 06:25 PM

Vara nodded as she spoke of the maps. She had started into the other room until she felt someone about to enter. Vara turned and reached towards her waist only to see Jupiter. She gave her a smile and would step back into the room. She took in a breath as the other woman spoke. If they were wolves in sheep clothing they would turn on her now. She kept her hand near her waist just in case.

"No... this would be Sailor Jupiter, the one we must protect. The one who is meeting us is Asgardian..." She stated quietly as she watched the other senshi for reaction. She was uncertain what to say. She was use to being alone and in control at this point... though she had to admit that inwardly she would be glad when Kol got back inside...

((>.< I just can't seem to focus on Mars. anyone else want to paly her?))

*crashing sound* oops... I drop...
Drakina is offline
Old 03-21-2012, 06:01 PM

((I don't know Rei's personality well enough to, sorry. DX Should I wait for Kage to post?))


Staria is offline
Old 03-21-2012, 06:06 PM

((Up to you xD and it's fine. I'm thinking of having her just disappear back to earth smoehow >.>... Like Vara sends her to earth to tell the other senshi what's going on or something. So i dont have to play her but I dont have to kill her off either.)

*crashing sound* oops... I drop...
Drakina is offline
Old 03-21-2012, 06:10 PM

((Sounds good enough to me... but you should wait for everyone to know, first...))


Staria is offline
Old 03-21-2012, 06:18 PM

((I am xD, it wouldn't cmoe up until Mako and Rei talk a bit and your character's interacted with mako a bit and so on anyway))

The Idea Girl
ShadowDemon101 is offline
Old 04-07-2012, 04:07 AM

(( -TRIES TO REVIVE- Was it my turn to reply or what? Cause Shadow has no idea XD;; ))


Staria is offline
Old 04-07-2012, 04:08 AM

((well we need mako to enter the cave before we can do much XD))

Warning: Unrestrained Audiophile
KageShio is offline
Old 04-07-2012, 04:14 AM

((Were you two stalking me? O.o ))

Kol had circled around the pale, winged woman in the trees above when the second flash came, the sudden light making him let out a low hiss-like sound as he jumped slightly. He immediately shrank back to hug the trunk as he kept his eyes on the woman, but it seemed like she still hadn't noticed him. Slowly creeping forward again, he watched as she stood, the hvitur that had been with her taking to the lower branches of the tree he was in. It seemed she was going to investigate the flash much like he intended. He started to move along the canopy again when he saw her pause, a hand playing with the bracelet that was on the opposite wrist. Before he could realize what it actually was, the clearing was filled with a warm light, blinding him.

A few seconds later as he was blinking the spots from his vision, he watched her run off, now clothed in what was unmistakably an Asgardian senshi's armor. Shaking his head, he rubbed his eyes and weighed his choices. After a moment or two, he started back down from the treetops and towards the back entrance to the caves. He would find Hiriko, then go to Vara and the other senshi and tell them of the senshi with hvitur, he decided. Slithering down the corridor, he found the niche where he had left his clothing and took a moment to shift back and dress, his need for camouflage diminished.

Once properly clothed, he walked to the nearest fork in the tunnels and did something some would think a bit strange: He stuck the tip of his thin tongue out to taste the air, much like a snake does. It didn't take him long to find his heading, and he started off after Hiriko, following the winding paths with ease.

(( For once it's Tarashi who is giving me trouble ><' ah well, we need to focus more on the Senshi anyway, right? Oh, and Mako did enter, Shadow posted right before Kina did last. ))

*crashing sound* oops... I drop...
Drakina is offline
Old 04-07-2012, 04:18 AM

((Poor Kol, got blinded by Tae...))


Staria is offline
Old 04-07-2012, 04:18 AM

(*back reads* oops, seems yoru right XD. Still her turn though since she needs to respond to vara's intro of her))

The Idea Girl
ShadowDemon101 is offline
Old 04-07-2012, 04:34 AM

((Is it?? lol uhhhh OK let's see... ))

Makoto felt like she had walked in onto something private; or something along that line, considering how heavy it seemed to be in here. Nonetheless, Makoto gave them all a steady smile and a wave, if only to show that despite being Sailor Jupiter, she was no push-over.

“Well hello; like Vara said, I’m Sailor Jupiter but you can call me Makoto, seeing as I’m not in my senshi uniform anyway.” Makoto greeted, “No offense to you all but I’m not really sure what senshis you are, but Rei aren’t you at least going to say something?” she grinned at her fiery senshi, wondering when the Senshi of Mars would react.

((ACK OK IDK what else to do XD;;; ))


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