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Staria is offline
Old 03-19-2012, 07:07 PM

Ziva blushed a little bit as he said the especially part, startled by it. Why did a simple word seem to have more meanings when said unexpectedly? She pushed away the thought as she played with her tail a moment and gave him a bashful smile. Walk her home? It wasn't that far... it was almost like a d- No, he couldn't be thinking something like that! Even if she had for a moment, though it took her until now to realize it. She'd never really been on a date. What was it like? Was it like this?

"I...It'd be nice...b..but you don't have to go out of your way..." She responded shyly, unable to keep from blushing still. She glanced at her tail, thinking absently she should turn back. She looked like some anime cat girl to some but to another Therian it'd just look like she lost control. they wouldn't to far off but that didn't meant they needed to know that. Due to it being a nervous habit it was likely they would know eventually though..

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 03-19-2012, 07:29 PM

"I want to." She really was a sweet girl. "I don't have anything else to do, really, and even if I did, I'd much rather walk you to your dorm." Kerian continued to smile at her. Of course if she kept refusing, he wouldn't force it. Hadn't he just told her moments ago that she had a right to say 'no' if someone was trying to force her to do something she didn't want to do. Kerian wasn't one to force someone to do something they didn't want to anyway, but he still didn't want to leave her in the dark to walk all the way to the dorm way over there...even though it wasn't really that far. Besides, there were vampires lurking about. Even though this was a place of peace, he did know Ziva was a donor, and there was the possibility that some vampire might decide to sneak attack her or something. Vampires were dangerous, Kerian ought to know, since he was one.


Staria is offline
Old 03-19-2012, 07:48 PM

Ziva blushed slightly, he really was too warm and nice. She decided to accept, who could refuse? He made it sound like he'd rather spend time with her then do just about anything the way he said that. Without thinking about it she reached out and took his hand before she nodded yes. She realized what she had done and started to with draw her hand with a muttered 'sorry'. Yes he'd already hugged her but she still felt unsure initiating anything.

"A..about earlier. If you need a snack again later I promise I'll do better.... I... I think I have the hang of it now. I just had never been fed on by an energy vampire before." She said quietly. She didn't want to walk over to the dorm yet, it felt better over here. Still.. she should probably go. Dorm leaders had the right to establish individual dorm laws and waya may decide to put in a curfew. Theia had debated doing so for all dorms but had decided it was better to give that power to the individual dorm leaders considering how hard it would be to enforce considering some people's powers.

Angelo is offline
Old 03-19-2012, 09:36 PM

Allowing Elysia to guide her through the world of darkness, Gail really focused on keeping up. Her sister was way more physical than she was after all. "Where exactly are we going?" she asked, feeling so little energy now that most people were turning in for the night. Immediately after the thought, she yawned herself. Maybe it was getting late. It wasn't like she could tell time after all. "Weren't we going to meet Chandra?" Despite her words, she really didn't care. They would meet their dorm leader eventually, whether the night before the first real day or not was irrelevant.

Last edited by Angelo; 03-19-2012 at 10:00 PM..


Staria is offline
Old 03-19-2012, 10:13 PM

"nah" Elysia responded, "Some other vamp gave me the location. I thought you'd like somewhere to rest. Everyone seems to be getting ready for bed.." She said with a soft yawn. She actually tried to say it aloud for once, even if she knew her voice sounded funny. She spotted the psychic, Theia wasn't it?, walk across the roof to her dorm. So the psychic dorm was next to the vampire dorm. That was useful to know.

Warning: Unrestrained Audiophile
KageShio is offline
Old 03-20-2012, 12:11 AM

Heiro hid the smile that had threatened to creep onto his face. Sometimes he forgot how young Chandra was, she usually acted as cold and bitter as vampire three times her age. It wasn't uncommon for young vampires to be angry or depressed, but they also usually were fairly preoccupied with exploring their new selves. Looking her over, he shifted his weight slightly and crossed his arms over his chest, relaxing a little.

"Hai... it does."
He said, trying to keep his focus on her instead of the voices nearby. He was curious, but it did not concern him so he let them be. " I apologize if I have disturbed your... vigil." He continued, a lighter tone to his voice, the closest he had come to joking in days. She probably had just come up here to sulk, but he was sure she would try and pass it off as something else. No one likes to be caught being childish, after all.

Ren chuckled at her response, "Then what's the other half?" He asked, his voice taking on the slightly suggestive tone her's had. When he glanced over though, his smile faltered slightly. Something seemed... off, like she had something bad on her mind. He was curious, but shrugged the idea off and set his smile again as they entered the dorms.

The building was hardly like he would have expected. The interior was beautiful and functional, with a Victorian flair much like the main building. As they walked down the hall, he couldn't help but stare at the paintings and decor, the entire place felt like it should be a private collage for millionaire children, not people like him. "They really went all out, huh? I feel like if I breathe wrong I'm going to break something priceless." He joked, running a hand through his hair to get it out of his face.

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 03-20-2012, 12:28 AM

"Don't beat yourself up about it, 'kay? It was a new experience for you, you were probably just a little overwhelmed by it." When she took his hand he grinned and squeezed her hand gently. Of course if she wanted to pull away, he would let her. He would start walking slowly towards the dorm, slowly because he wasn't quite ready to part from her, so the longer it took to get to her dorm, the more time they could spend together. Even though they'd probably see each other tomorrow and every day after that, since they were in the same school and their dorm buildings weren't to far from each other. Still, Kerian dragged his feet, so to say, at getting a move on to take her to her dorm.


Staria is offline
Old 03-20-2012, 12:41 AM

Chandra did always act older then she was... older then a lot of adults did even though she wasn't even of legal age for another couple months. Considering her life, however, maybe emotionally and mentally she was a lot older then she seemed. She was inwardly slightly irritated, accordingly, that Heiro had caught her in a rare childish moment not that she'd let him see. Her irritation did lessen, however, at the lift in his tone. She'd never heard him actually sound anything but tired or just a little sad.

"Who knows, you'll probably be more entertaining then anyone down there. To what do I owe the pleasure of your... visit?" she responded quietly, curious if there was a reason. She doubted it, he seemed too startled when he spotted her, but it was worth asking. Theia seemed to be peacefully sleeping so the night was Chandra's. She, herself, could never go to sleep earlier then a few hours before dawn.


Val blinked a moment as he flirted back, a hunter flirting with her? Other hunters generally feared her family oto much or were too busy trying to prove they were better then her despite her family so never flirted back. When added to the fact that she generally had only hung around other hunters and that meant she was never flirted back with period. It shocked her enough that she didn't respond at first but then she grinned. She was too competitive to just leave it be of course, a product of being raised and pressured to be the best she supposed.

"Well.. that'd really depend on you wouldn't it?" She teased back easily, her tone keeping it's flirty tone. She leaned closer to him slightly to hide her earlier hesitation though she didn't remove her hands from her pockets. She only then glanced around to see what he meant by the second comment. It was definitely well put together wasn't it? She leaned close to a vase on a nearby table and picked it up to look at it a moment. Her family thought it was stupid but she had actually studied art quite a bit. It was high quality but not an antique or anything.

"I'm sure they expect a few things to get broken considering the premise of this school. Besides... this is all good stuff but not irreplaceable" She added a little more seriously. She put the vase down gently, absently thinking it was rather pretty. Her stern family would have called it a waste of money more then likely.


Ziva secretly thought it was more but said nothing. She blushed as he squeezed her hand but at the same time took his again. She felt a little emboldened by it so figured she could walk hand and hand with him just a little further...She noticed how slow he was walking and felt certain now that he really had meant he enjoyed spending time with her earlier. For some reason she couldn't name that made her very, very happy.

"I..I'll try not to. A..Are you looking forward to classes?" She asked quietly, not in any hurry herself. She matched his pace deliberately, half wishing the dorms were further away for a moment. Now...Just where had that thought come from? She was glad it was so dark or he'd definitely see her blush deeper and deeper. Her white hair, which hadn't been white until she was infected, always made the blush look so red and deep anyway that it just made things worse.

Angelo is offline
Old 03-20-2012, 12:55 AM

"Oh, okay," Gail responded, clenching her sister's hand tighter for a moment. "What time is it anyway? You know I have no way of knowing. I left my watch in my bag." At the mention of her watch, she frowned. Why hadn't she worn it? Of course, Elysia was the one who helped her get dressed and such, and would be the one to help pack their things away. It had probably just slipped their minds. The only reason she was really bothered by it was that it had been a collaborative gift from her aunt, uncle, papa, and mom. While she couldn't see the beautiful piece herself, it still meant the world to her.

As they entered the dorm, the cool air made her shiver. Hopefully they had an elevator. Stairs were, obviously, absolutely awful. When it came to those, Elysia usually had to carry her up them. Actually, the thought of having something as simple as an elevator made her think. Did they have books written in braille? Or at least with embossed print? She had learned her letters after all, so she could read by feeling their shape. She tapped her lips with her free hand as she thought, sharing her thoughts with her sister as usual. "What do you think? Should I bring it up tomorrow?"
she asked, speeding up to keep pace with her sister again.

Last edited by Angelo; 03-20-2012 at 01:01 AM..

Alura--x--Uneii is offline
Old 03-20-2012, 07:20 PM

(I think I'll bring her in when classes start xD )

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 03-20-2012, 07:42 PM

Kerian shook his head lightly when she asked him if he looked forward to the classes. "Not really...School doesn't appeal to me very much." He was still smiling though and he glanced at her, his violet eyes seemed to glow in the darkness. It was probably a vampire thing. They glowed in the dark, they glowed when he was hungry, Kerian didn't care. He liked his eyes, he thought they were his best feature. That and his awesome personality. "What about you? You excited about classes and making new friends and all that jazz?" He glanced at the dorms, they were getting closer and closer with every step, even as slow as they were walking.


Staria is offline
Old 03-20-2012, 08:17 PM

Ziva nodded as he spoke. About the only thing he seemed to like about the school was her... She flushed at the thought and glanced over at him a moment. His eyes were glowing! She blinked in surprise but couldn't help and think it was pretty. She stopped walking for a moment to get a closer look. Her free hand reached up a moment towards his face for a moment but with a blush she stopped herself. Why did she have to find him so fascinating? She didn't understand herself.

"M...maybe towards art but I'm n...not good at making friends.. Normally I can barely talk to people..." She trailed off, part of her wanted to say he was an exception. Honestly he was but it felt too desperate to say so. She glanced towards the dorm and then back towards him. She didn't want to go yet...even they were so close to it. Still... it wasn't as if they could stand here all night...

"hopefully we'll be in the same classes...I..I'm in grade 12. What about you?" She asked quietly. She was sure they were about the same age but she wasn't sure. She blushed slightly, was she suppose to be so excited? He'd just hugged her.... he was just comforting her right?


Elysia nodded and for a moment began to dig in her bag. She had put the watch aside when she packed so it wouldn't be lost in the other belongings. She forgot it until the other girl spoke... despite being the sister to organize everything for obvious reasons she didn't have a very good memory. When her hand finally touched teh watch she would pull it out and grip her sister's shoulder to make her pause. She would secure the watch to her wrist with a soft 'there it is' and give Gail a smile she knew she wouldn't see but would sense.

~"Oh.... Uncle already checked that out with Theia and her dad. They have everything you need. Honestly I don't care what they say, I think she's the one really running things. He dotes on her worse then mom and dad do us!"~ She stated telepathically. Now that the watch was secure she glanced over towards the other couple walking near a dorm. She giggled inwardly, they looked like they wanted to kiss each other or something, why didn't they just do it already? She turned back to the dorm and tugged her sister inside even as she sighed to herself. For all her out going nature allowed she'd never really had a relationship... She had fooled around a few times but after the guy or girl had to use more then his or hands to talk to her they tended to stop being interested. She was fun enough to play with but when they had to deal with her disability they decided they'd go play with someone else.

Angelo is offline
Old 03-20-2012, 09:01 PM

Stopping when Elysia put a hand on her shoulder, Gail waited patiently for her to do whatever it was that she was doing. Maybe a group of people were crossing ahead of them or something. Then she felt the familiar sensation of the watch on her wrist and beamed so happily at her sister that it was amazing she wasn't blinded. It was incredible that such a tiny fit inspired so great a reaction. Without a moment's hesitation, she had her arms wrapped around her sister, squeezing tightly before she let go and reclaimed her former position so that her sister could guide her inside.

"So, if we need something, go talk to Theia, not the headmaster. Got it," she joked back, smiling still. The energy she had obtained from the tree had done wonders for her emotionally. She was filled with a well of positive energy. Still, it was great to hear that she wouldn't be without simple things that she needed. Sometimes people just didn't think about it. Oblivious as she was to her sister's seeing the couple, Gail was a bit confused by the sudden thoughts trickling in about relationships. Gail had actually never been in one; people found it too weird how she did things because of her blindness. She had had a few friends of course, just not that many. "What's up with the sudden thoughts about relationships, Elysia?"


Staria is offline
Old 03-20-2012, 09:14 PM

Elysia smiled as her sister enjoyed the watch, glad her sister had reminded her. She had a matching watch. She didn't know how she'd forgotten to put it on her sister earlier. It was likely the excitement about starting school. She always got excited before new schools and a good prank. Still, her thoughts were not distracted long as she brought up the relationship thing. She hadn't realized she'd let her thoughts flow so much and it made her blush a little, she was glad her sister couldn't see it.

~"Nothing... I'm just starting to get why that guy got so protective of the therian earlier. I'm betting they'll be kissing before the weeks over, maybe the night. I've seen magnets less automatically attracted then those two. Looks like they're still in the 'pretending we just want to be friends' awkward innocent and cute, I want to mess with them."~ She responded with a chuckle. She loved teasing people, even if it always earned her a bad reputation.

Angelo is offline
Old 03-20-2012, 09:49 PM

"Ah... Well, he was still mean about it," Gail said, keeping her steps synchronized with her sister's. It actually wasn't hard considering their telepathic connection and her blindness. It came almost naturally. "I recommend that you don't do that. Like I said, he's mean and he might take it the wrong way and attack or something. That's the impression I got of him, and you know that those are fairly accurate, though I think most people would attack if you pranked them when they were with their love. So I guess it's not really because he's mean, though he is." She dwindled off into silence as the thought completed itself, satisfied with her conclusion.

As her thoughts turned to what their dorm was like, Gail began feeling a bit anxious. She hated moving to a new living area. All of the bruises she was sure to get from banging her shins and head off of objects was not a pleasant thing to think about. It would take her weeks to be able to know exactly where everything was so that she could move around freely. And heaven forbid that someone move something. She knew for a fact that Elysia would be sure to never do that to her, but a janitor or something might. Did they even have janitors here? She sighed as the thoughts crashed together, leaking into her sister through their bond as well.

*crashing sound* oops... I drop...
Drakina is offline
Old 03-21-2012, 06:05 PM

((*headesk* I'm all alone! Jesse hasn't come back to respond, and I don't want to just have Dana leave her!))

Talia the ocelot finished chowing down on the venison, curling up right where she was to take a nap, school and clothing forgotten. She'd likely wake up after a half hour or so, but until then, she was content right there. The only way to get her out at this point was catnip.

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 03-26-2012, 02:58 AM

Kerian gave her a playful smile. "You seem to be talking just fine. You're a sweet girl, I'm sure you'll end up making a lot of friends. If someone really deserves and wants your friendship they won't mind your shyness at all. Besides, it's kinda cute anyway." He glanced towards the dorms again, before looking back at Ziva. "Yea..I'm in grade 12 so maybe we will have the same classes, that would be fun."


Staria is offline
Old 03-26-2012, 03:29 AM

Ziva shook her head, that was different. He made her feel safe... no one else did. It was too difficult with everyone else. She always felt judged and uncertain around most people. Still, even if she could bring herself to contradict someone she was starting to care about any thought of doing so fled when he said it was kinda cute. She flushed deeply and glanced up at him again. She hoped they had as many classes as they could together now...She reached over and gripped his hand slightly to give it a gentle squeeze.

"Y..yeah. I'm sure it will be... thank you, for walking me back...." She said softly as she started walking again towards the building to hide her blush and her new found excitement. To know he was in the same grade as her somehow just made everything better. tonight wouldn't be the last time she saw them... for sure!


Elysia shook her head, it wasn't as if she ever let herself be caught. She didn't comment on her sisters remark, often it was more complex then just mean or not mean. She hadn't known enough of what was going on to say anything so didn't. She didn't care what her sister thought of anyone but her. She entered the dorm absently, noting the two lovers still hadn't... were they even still walking or had they just stopped? She chuckled at them slightly and pulled her sister inside. She closed the door behind her.

"Don't worry sister... I'll always guide you and I'll get theia to warn any maids or janitors there are if she hasn't already." she soothed as she began to worry. She held her close and rubbed Gail's upper arm. As she walked she described the dorm, this time with a little less emotion and more practicality since this was her first visit here and Gail needed to get her barrings. She didn't even look at any vampires wandering around, not caring.

Warning: Unrestrained Audiophile
KageShio is offline
Old 03-26-2012, 06:05 AM

((So sorry for the delay, another RP was sucking up all my attention/inspiration. I'm thinking about making a third character, any votes as to what? ))

Heiro gave a slight smile to her comment, and offered a shrug, though only his left shoulder lifted. It was a subtle thing, but his right shoulder was one of the parts of his body that was permanently damaged. "I was simply looking for a quiet place out of the way of the waves of people." he answered, looking over the edge of the building towards the lines of students that were starting towards their dorms. "What of you? Surely there is something you should be doing as a dorm leader." He asked, accented voice already having lost the lightness it had before.

He honestly didn't have cause to prod her about it, he probably should be among the students as well, offering help to those who needed it, but he had already done that and it only lead to his confusion among the group of young Therians and a psychic. Though it hardly justified his avoidance of the crowds, he didn't think he could handle much more, his previous solitary existence still clinging to his mind and actions.

Ren gave a chuckle to Val's retort and gave her an obviously interested look before allowing her to focus on his remark about the building. He then took another look around as she picked up a vase, letting out a slight laugh "I suppose that makes sense, they wouldn't line a school for the things that go bump in the night with heirlooms and relics." He said, his mischievous side instantly supplying him with the question of what the vase would sound like hitting the floor.

Shaking his head, he looked back to Val. "So, fourth floor, right?" he asked, glancing to the end of the hall.

Alura--x--Uneii is offline
Old 03-26-2012, 06:25 AM

(Still waiting for morning to come..I got nothing right now...)

Warning: Unrestrained Audiophile
KageShio is offline
Old 03-26-2012, 06:43 AM

(( That's alright Alura, as far as I can tell, it won't be too much longer before all the students and teachers turn in for the night. Though that does raise the question of what time of day to classes start and such? I assume there is an indoor/underground training area for Heiro's classes if there are some during the day, but most of the students and teachers are mainly nocturnal... how is this all going to work? ))


Staria is offline
Old 03-26-2012, 06:48 AM

((to be honest I'm debating having 'free periods/tutoring' during the day and official classes at night xD. any votes?))

Warning: Unrestrained Audiophile
KageShio is offline
Old 03-26-2012, 06:55 AM

((I'm good with that ^^ Heiro will probably be awake during parts of the day to allow students into the training grounds and supervise them, so that would allow a place to be other than the dorms and the grounds. ))


Staria is offline
Old 03-26-2012, 06:57 AM

((sounds good <3))

Chandra thought absently that at least he’d given her a smile. He didn’t seem too often which made Theia unhappy, despite fearing him at the same time, whose unhappiness in-turn made Chandra unhappy. So she would do what she could to be nice to him at any rate. She shrugged as he spoke and glanced towards the dorm.

”No…. not really, vampires are my only responsibility. The only vampire student out of bed is with Ziva and she seems to be handling it well enough…” she said with little passion. She had no interest in the job and had only agreed to it to protect Theia and a dream Chandra thought impossible. Of course she would do the job well, but with the least effort she could. Still, as he mentioned looking for a place that was quiet she glanced to the woods in thought.

”there are better places… Students like me can still bother you here” she said quietly, with a slightly teasing smile. It was just as cold as always but was better than the smiles that looked empty of any real emotion. She wouldn’t explain what she meant unless he asked but…well… she did have her own hiding places including the green house, the key of which she had a habit of stealing. There was also a few other quiet places in the forest she knew off… secret places not on the school map.


Val looked rather confused at the look of interest and almost blushed…almost. She tossed her crimson braid behind her back, keeping her usual nonchalant, uncaring mask in place. She would not let him get to her! At least… not KNOW he did anyway. She would not lose! She did however, nod at his question. Fourth floor… that meant he was in the advanced classes with her. He looked old enough, around 19-20 years old.

”If you’re in the advanced level courses yeah. You have any special reasons for choosing this school?” she responded idly a little curious. She walked forward, quickly coming to an elevator and a stairway. After an incident on one of her lasts hunts, the same one where she received the thin scar over one eye, small places with no exit made her nervous. She blinked slightly, she hadn’t expected the school to provide elevators….

”Meh I think I’ll take the stairs, so if you want to take the elevator you might just have to tell me all about you later.” She said with a flirtatious wink, using it to hide her uncertainties. She wouldn’t show discomfort and embarrass her family name. So instead she leaned against the wall, her hands still in her pockets and waited for him to answer and choose.

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 03-26-2012, 08:03 AM

When Ziva reached out to squeeze his hand, he held onto it for a few seconds longer than was necessary, then she was moving towards the dorm again. Kerian bit back a slight sigh and moved to walk next to her. He scratched the back of his head lightly and grinned brightly at her. "Of course it'll be fun.." At least he hoped it would be fun. "..And no problem. I rather enjoy walking you to your dorm. So I think I'll walk you to places more often. We can walk to classes, and to those trees over there one day. Hell, I'll walk you all over this campus and back before we're done with this place." He was still grinning, a bit of amusement seemed to dance in those glowing violet eyes of his, he was just teasing a bit. Though he really would enjoy spending more time with her, at least he was sure he'd enjoy it. "So, don't hesitate to drag me out of bed in the morning if you wanna walk somewhere. Cause, ya know, I'll walk you all over campus." He laughed lightly at himself. " can drag me out of bed at anytime for any reason." He seemed to get a bit serious as he said that, still he was smiling at her and humor still shone in his eyes.


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