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When Did I Become This?
Kisu is offline
Old 01-22-2015, 04:06 PM

Sarah grit her teeth as Zenon gripped her arm. Her expression changed only slightly, and her eyes flickered to her arm as his grip tightened painfully. She stood without a sound, however, and even raised her head slightly, expecting a strike back. Instead, Zenon seemed to regain a bit of composure, and released her, stepping away. She continued to glare at him as he spoke. "What else could it be?" She stated simply, before shaking her head and turning away.

"Fine, Mister Hadar. Go back Above. I'm keeping the apple. I doubt you would have anything else I would want anyway. You're just your father's pawn, after all." Sarah hoped her words stung him as much as his grip had wounded her feelings. Frustrated with herself, Sarah scoffed and glanced back over her shoulder. "I can't believe I let you into my head and waited around so anxiously just for this. What did you expect, after how you acted during the phone call? That I'd eagerly jump into your insulting arms like some weak willed woman from up there? Then, you certainly do think I'm a fool." She really wanted to chuck the stupid food at his head, but there were children here who had no idea what it was. It would at least be cherished by them.

Sarah reached down, tugging out her own mask and strapping it on, before stomping down the hallway. About halfway down she paused, leaning against a door and sighing. "You....You...stupid infuriating, gorgeous boy! What is wrong with you!" The words exploded from her before she could contain herself. It was unheard of for Sarah to lose her temper, however, here she was, having a stupid temper tantrum because of Zenon. She was yelling, and pointing back at the room, and even stomping a foot on occasion. She ripped off the mask, and tossed it down the hallway angrily. "I believed you! When you said all that stupid, sweet CRAP! I believed you! I don't know who is stupider! From now on, you'll deal with Commander Tak! I never want to see you again, Zenon Hadar!"

Last edited by Kisu; 01-22-2015 at 04:25 PM..

Ghost Caracal
sadrain is offline
Old 01-22-2015, 05:14 PM

He was glad his mask already concealed his expression for the most part and he could let it twist in anger, without showing her how directly her words struck him. He had been such a fool, already revealed far too much about things about himself to her observant eyes. No, he refused to become even more vulnerable to this devil of a woman! His father was right, any kind of affection, fascination was weakness and nothing else. For that, Zenon chose not to dignify her insults with a response, although words boiled on his tongue. If he was his father's pawn then she was nothing else than misguided fool, putting her life down for people who couldn't care less about her noble intentions.

He was nearly at the exit when her voice reached him, followed by the woman's mask. Zen stood still for a moment, her anger washing over him and making his grow even bigger. And truth be told, he was not particularly mature when it came to arguments so it was far too easy to get the man riled up. With feral growl, he tore down the stupid, restricting mask which then joined Sarah's somewhere on the floor and stormed back to the woman. His fists landed heavily on both sides of her as he backed her into the wall, but he did not touch her although even now, angered and hurt, he found her to be the most infuriating, gorgeous thing. Instinctively, he licked his lips that still felt burned by their kiss.

"So it's crap, huh? Just because I dare to ask you questions which you either couldn't deny or wouldn't bother to answer! And you blame me for my ignorance! Godd**n ir, woman! What do you want me to say!?" he drew breath, before the rest tumbled out of his mouth before he could even consider what should be kept to himself. "I meant that 'sweet crap'! I came down here today to see your side of things and frigginn' try to arrange a date for us on your birthday and you nearly claw my face off!"

D**n, he had not meant to say that last part out loud. Zenon drew back a little, his anger now mixed with a pinch of awkwardness and good deal of surprise. Still, he tried to recover, standing upright, his hands fisted by his sides. "So, the games have ended. Consider yourself victorious." This was probably the first time he would let anyone else win, especially in a game he had started himself, and the man intended to make sure it was the last time. Now it was time to walk away from the gamefield, though, and albeit he was the loser, he intended to keep his dignity. Valmir turned away from her, posture stiff, eyes searching for where his stupid mask could have landed.

When Did I Become This?
Kisu is offline
Old 01-22-2015, 05:24 PM

Sarah let out a gasp, before holding her breath as Zenon approached again. This time, she visibly flinched, turning her head as his hands lifted. There was a loud thump as they landed around her, and she twitched, her eyes remaining shut, and her head turned.

After he spoke and turned away, however, they opened slowly, and stared at Zenon's back in disbelief. "I answered all of your questions." Sarah finally stated in a calmer voice, her tongue popping out to run over her lips. He...he was messing with her once again, wasn't he? Stringing her along? After all, how could he know her birthday?

The thought came to her easily, and actually took Sarah a bit by surprise. He had looked up information on her. Files. He had...researched her? She hesitated for a long moment as Zenon looked, and reached out, gripping his wrist, much gentler than he had been to her. "What do you mean, a date?" She questioned finally, curiosity allowing her to speak. It was selfish, to even wish for more with Zenon, not to mention impossible. But, if he had actually put thought into something like that...

The Commander found herself rather flattered, and tugged his arm gently, trying to get him to turn back around and face her. She was still unsure whether he was playing with her more, and she wanted clarification. There was no way the Hadar heir could have meant even a word of what he'd said. For God's sake, he had called her beautiful! Her! It was laughable, really.

Ghost Caracal
sadrain is offline
Old 01-22-2015, 06:05 PM

He didn't wait for her to respond, actually hoped she wouldn't. Last thing he wanted was for her to mock him or otherwise rub salt in the wound on his pride (and feelings, although Zenon still refused to accept it as such). It was foolish to think that she'd ever see him more than enemy and boy, because after all, comparing their ages he was exactly that. A stupid kid. And like a kid he had craved to be wanted for he was. Particularly by her. He still couldn't pinpoint why it mattered so much that she saw him as something more than pawn on the field, but it did. Sa--Commander had now clearly shown that it would happen, though.

The man was already moving towards his dropped mask when she stopped him. Valmir had half mind to just shake her off and take the blasted thing and get away from here, as fast as possible without making it look like he was fleeing. Instead, he stopped, as if unable to refuse the unsaid request in her touch. At the woman's question, he stiffened again and snapped, turning around to face her with a scowl: "I am pretty sure word 'date' means same thing both here and Above. You, me, good time and all of that lovely nonsense."

Some of his frustration evaporated, seeing that glimmer of... Not quite hope or wish, but something in her blue eyes and the man sighed, raking hand through his messy mop of hair, shifting his feet slightly uncomfortably like he hadn't had ever since he had left elementary school. "I figured, you hadn't had a decent birthday in a while, maybe hadn't even told anyone here the real date and... Thought I would trade some supplies for few hours of your time, take you to Above; some other city where your face hasn't been all over the screens, maybe take you to masquerade under different names where no one would care who we were under the masks and make sure you can relax.... God, just listen to me blabbering like some idiot!"

His final burst wasn't directed at Sarah, though, but at himself. So much for maintaining some sliver of pride and distance, trying to not become a carpet under her quite heavy boot. "Now that my stupid little plan is out of the bag and crashed on the floor, I will be going, Miss Imhoff. You won't have to see me again," Zenon said, a little stiffly, trying to resist that urge to at least kiss her one last time. He would prove he had at least as much decency to respect her wish not to be touched by him. As satisfactory to some kind of primal beast in him it had been to see her fear him, other part of him felt quite disgusted that he would want to inflict actual fear of his physical rage in her.

When Did I Become This?
Kisu is offline
Old 01-22-2015, 06:20 PM

Another flinch greeted Zenon when he snapped, and Sarah sighed, looking away. Would it be horrible of her, if she accepted his offer? That is, if he even wanted to do any of that now. Sarah wanted to, more than anything. But, really, how would they even work? Even if she went with Zenon to some ball or masquerade, they couldn't go any further.

"I...wait..." Sarah called to Zenon before he left, and stared at him doubtfully. "Birthday's aren't celebrated here. They are only remembered to keep track of someone's age." That wasn't what the Commander wanted to say, however, she needed to delay, put together the thoughts and words forming in her mind.

"You...were going to trade supplies...for my time?" That didn't make sense. Zenon had already affected her, and Sarah was pretty sure the man knew this. If he was here just to mess with her, it didn't add up. "Why?" She questioned quietly, her gaze moving to the ground.

Thinking about it too much made her head hurt, and a strange feeling happen in her chest, so Sarah moved on quickly. "Besides, I wouldn't have been able to trade for that anyway." She held her hands out to her sides, and motioned to her. "They might not know me in the other cities, but I have no dresses, no mask. I haven't danced in years and doubt I could at me..." She motioned to her dirty hair, and the smudges on her face. "I have no way to clean up. It's not feasible."

Her eyes returned to the male, looking doubtful. " really thought of all that? That's really why you came down?"

Ghost Caracal
sadrain is offline
Old 01-22-2015, 11:50 PM

"You really think that if you agreed, I would not take care of such trivialities?" Zenon asked, suddenly childishly feeling as if his skills to plan and organize had been insulted and barely resisted urge to pout or grumble. He wasn't going to explain that he had already, the fool that he was, rented a small, but cozy lodge on the edge of city that he had picked for their evening, where the man had planned to take her and with grand gesture bring her in the room where the dress, mask and more waited for her, explaining her choice to go to the ball or spend a quiet evening at the house. At least he hadn't finished ordering the dress, unable to decide on few finishing touches and planning to ask Adelmar's opinion. "You would be the brightest gem of the eve," he half-unwillingly admitted, staring not at Sarah, but somewhere slightly to her right and trying to keep his face straight so the rejection wouldn't reflect in his expression.

Then, the man crossed his arms, barely realizing it was clearly defensive position. "I think it is obvious why I did all this. Do I really need to spell it out?" Valmir glared slightly, but then gave in, frowning and looking directly in her eyes. "I wanted to surprise you, to get to know you. Maybe get a smile. Obviously too much to ask. Yes, I came down because of that and to see if you really could manage to make me care about what the is going on in this hellhole like I think you could. And here we are, still dissecting my failed plans after you told me you never wanted to see me again!" He threw his arms up in frustration, picking up the mask from the ground, but hesitating to put it on. God, she was the most confusing, annoying person Zenon had ever known! One moment she was cussing him off the face of Earth, next she was asking him to tell of his thoughts in great detail and slighting him and another... Well, she was definitely not going to kiss him, so that was out of the confusing list. Too bad, really, because that was the thing he enjoyed the most, at least from what he had received so far. Laugh and smile would probably be pretty grand. But the more he thought, the more like lovesick fool he sounded to himself and he was definitely not falling for this spitfire.

Although in retrospect, everything he did seemed to suggest otherwise and the man truly hoped it wouldn't be read as such by Commander. Wasn't it enough he had already admitted his defeat in this game or whatever the heck they were - had been - doing? Did she really need to trample him and remains of his pride into dirt that covered all this damned place?

When Did I Become This?
Kisu is offline
Old 01-23-2015, 12:18 AM

"I still don't believe you." Sarah stated, after a long, long pause. She crossed her arms over her chest, and bit her bottom lip before continuing reluctantly. "And I think you should see how we live...but...Don't think of using anything against us. I'll have to move myself. AGAIN. And relocate many families before you would get to leave. Do you understand?"

She looked down, and seemed rather vulnerable for a moment. Her hands shifted to her side, and she tugged self consciously at her dirty shirt. "You prepared for what, exactly?" Her tone actually seemed rather disappointed, and Sarah shook her head. "You seem to forget I am not you fiancee...I truly can't remember how to dance. I would end up an embarrassment. I only attended one ball in my youth, and that was...long ago...I'm no lady. I doubt I would know which forks to use. I would be so far from the 'gem' of anything. Most gems don't have as many scratches on the surface, after all."

The Commander sighed, and looked away, unable to look at Zenon. "Fine. I accept your trade. I'll give you a few hours of my time, here in Below. You can see how I live...and how Mannik lives. Other than that, stay away from my people...Agreed?" She finally was able to lift her head and face him.

She barely waited for an answer, before moving past Zenon, and scooping her mask from the ground, She examined it, before strapping it to her head, and leading the way out. She stomped through the dust, huffing and grumbling. "I wasn't dissecting them. I just...wanted to know...I don't get it. The way you act to me one minutes, it's like you would love to tear me apart, and the next it's like you want to pin me to the ground and kiss me. You don't call for a week, then you put all this thought into something that I've alwa-er...Put a lot of thought into something for me."

She paused, glad the mask covered most of her face as she gave a pleased flush. "What...what did you prepare, then?" Sarah's tone was purely curious, and beneath the mask, she couldn't help a small smile.

Ghost Caracal
sadrain is offline
Old 01-23-2015, 04:40 PM

Zenon grit his teeth at her announcement, both angry and feeling like he had failed some kind of important test he didn't eve know he was undergoing. "Your choice, but it does not change the truth of the matter," the man replied a little sharply. He was definitely done with acting like a scolded puppy. Generally done with her. Kind of. Well, not at all, actually. Still, he wasn't going to bow his head and let the woman boss him around, make him uncomfortable. For f**k's sake, he was grown man, not a child that could be pushed into feeling ashamed of himself or his thoughts!

"That is still putting a lot of trust in someone who is nothing more than Hadar pawn," he snarled not quite over that jab, "but absolutely not necessary. I have no desire to stare at them like animals in zoo, we could simply stay here while you share some facts and stories of your people. Sad, funny, whatever." Valmir shrugged, rather dismissively. Knowing her, she would probably make him do it her way and push everyone in moving yet again. She really enjoyed making everything more difficult than it had to be, didn't she? Despite his inner ranting, he felt need to reassure her when for split second, something vulnerable flashed across Sarah's face.

"Then you obviously do not see what I do and everyone else would," he told her in matter-of-fact tone. "As for dancing, that is very easy... You simply have to pick a partner who knows what they're doing and let them take the lead for length of one song." Next moment, he was standing in front of the woman, one hand's fingers brushing over the small of back while the other's fingertips danced over Sarah's hand as if he was about to sweep her away on waltz. It was little know fact, but Hadar heir had a passion for dancing. He had even researched history of various dances when he first found love for them and was probably the only aspect aside of tactics that he could widely discuss about world Before Pollution, rest of history lessons more or less flying over his head. That was one reason why he wished to take Sarah to a ball, to dance with her in his arms would be a truly lovely experience. He was sure that with her grace and reflexes, she would turn into lovely dancer.

Then, Zenon made quick retreat to safe distance with slight smirk. "My apologies, it is quite hard to keep my hands off you after all," he drawled and put on his mask, following Commander who was obviously not in her best moods. If she even had one, he mused quietly. At her not quite questions, not quite observations, he sped up and turned so that he was walking in front of her, backwards. Although his mask hid his face and muffled voice, the teasing tone was still quite clearly audible. "Perhaps it is so because I do want to do both. Although tearing you apart would be such a shame and I would love to do so much more than kissing with us in such position," at this, his tone had turned positively sinful and Zen winked.

"Also, if you are upset with me because I did not call sooner - I can easily remedy that in the future. Would you like me to wish you good night every eve from now on?" now, he was clearly teasing, although it was understatement to say that he was glad to hear she was kind of disappointed he hadn't called her more often and if Sarah would give so much as a hint, he would try to call her more often.

At her inquiry about what he had prepared, the man tilted head to the side, before glancing over his shoulder to see if there was any rubble coming up soon he'd have to cross, and then looked at Commander, raising his hands as if he was measuring a photo shot of her. "I do think midnight blue would look lovely on you. Or emerald green. With little gems that would capture light on each turn and," he snapped his fingers then, "flare up as if there was fire held in them. What do you like more, color silver or gold?"

When Did I Become This?
Kisu is offline
Old 01-23-2015, 04:58 PM

"Oh, come on, Mister Hadar, you know I didn't mean that. You'd hurt me, and I wanted to hurt you as well. You know I don't think of you as a pawn." Sarah stated with a sigh, glancing at the man. "And no. You sitting there and listening to stories won't show you how it is, or make you live it. This way, the only person who will have to move is me. I doubt Mannik would move from his little cubby. Especially after he put so much work into it." She hesitated before continuing. "I doubt he will care if you even know where it is. He's trying to convince himself that your wife to be will like it this way." Sarah shook her head. "Maybe you can even get rid of his delusions. They are useless now."

Sarah jerked to a stop as Zenon stepped in front of her. Her cheeks felt hot as his fingers grazed her back. Her hand instinctively lifted a bit as he touched it, reaching out for his hand. She had no use for it now, but she had loved her dancing lessons. It was one of the few things she missed in Above. Now, however, she was sure she'd trip over her own feet. Zenon's faith in her made her cheeks burn, and her desire flare.

The way he was acting, it was as if Zenon intended to sweep her away right here. Sarah's eyes flickered longingly to his face, and she was undecided as to whether or not she would let him. Then he was gone, and Sarah's shoulders tensed. Damn boy...always playing games. It would be so much easier if he would come out and say what he wanted from her. Then she could say what she wanted. And they could realize it would never happen, for either of them. Still, Zenon putting so much work into was almost like he was a suitor. Did...did Sarah have a suitor? Stupid girl...he'd have to be unattached to be a suitor. If he wants you at all, it's just to bed you. Then he would vanish, only to brag behind a monitor.

He began walking in front of her, and Sarah scowled. "You're going to trip, you know." Again, she was glad the mask covered most of her face, since she was sure she was blushing. "I wasn't lying before, Zen-Mister Hadar! You are an engaged man. It's bad enough I was kissing you. You'll get nothing more from me, though." Her eyes darted away at his teasing suggestion. She wasn't sure if he actually meant he would call her more, or if he was just playing with her again, so she didn't answer, though the prospect filled her with a strange giddy excitement. "So you would call whenever I wished?" A playful tone touched her voice as well, and Sarah rolled her eyes. "I doubt you'd make much time for me, Mister Hadar. After all, it was hard enough for you to find time for one call, wasn't it?"

Sarah fell silent, eyes darting from him and away, as if she wanted to stare at him, but couldn't bring herself to. The amount of thought he'd put into merely dressing her was rather flattering. The commander glanced down at herself again, glad the mask hid her smile. Midnight blue. That would be nice. A deep, dark blue to make her eyes seem lighter and more playful. She licked her lips, and her tone seemed almost shy when Sarah spoke next. " goes well with my hair...I...haven't wore anything like that in years..." The tone of longing was impossible to hide. "It doesn't matter much, though, Mister Hadar. How do you plan on getting these items for me?"

Coming to her senses, the Commander cleared her throat and motioned. "Up here..." There was a sheer side of a building. Imhoff gripped the wall, using barely noticeable handholds, and began climbing. It was a bit before she got to a window, and climbed in. The room was bigger than her old apartment, though the air purifier sputtered and coughed. A bed had been impossible to bring, so in the corner was a large pile of pelts. Other than that, papers covered almost every inch of the floor. Sarah frowned, glancing about. She hadn't thought of this, and moved around, collecting the papers quickly. They contained information vital to Raids, including entry and exit points on Seven, secret entrances to various buildings and residences, as well as information Mannik had gathered on Adelmar, and Sarah's newest information on Zenon, that she'd been trying to gather as quickly as possible. "Home sweet home. You've never slept Below, have you?"

Last edited by Kisu; 01-23-2015 at 07:06 PM..

Ghost Caracal
sadrain is offline
Old 01-23-2015, 09:06 PM

He didn't seem - and really wasn't - convinced when Sarah said it had been said merely to insult him, but decided not to bring it up anymore. Not right now, at least. But perhaps there would be another time. No, there would be. Although he was set on respecting her boundaries right now, it didn't mean he was going to disappear from her view as she had ordered him to. But Zenon's eyes hardened when she dismissed Mannik's 'delusions' so easily. "Still sorting everything, even feelings, into useful and useless categories, are we?" he asked, quite rhetorically. God, she really sounded like someone from Above, as much as she hated to hear him say it.

"That would be real shame, wouldn't it?" he replied with slight bounce in his step and tone when the woman commented about him tripping, but didn't change the way he was walking even slightest. Still, Valmir scowled a little when she again mentioned his fiancee, the fact never burdening him before in relationships - or bad imitations of them - he had had before. 'So noble!' he huffed mentally. Still, he pressed on, using the thread she had unintentionally given him. "The key issue is - and was before - that I cannot know when you'd like me to call you, but if you gave me a schedule of some sorts.... Perhaps you could also call me once in a while, otherwise it hardly seems fair, right? Or is my engagement the only thing preventing it from happening?" The 'it' referred to far more than Commander calling him, and he guessed she'd sidestep around the subject and throw their different lives in his face, but it was worth a try.

He caught that hint of longing in her voice, glad to know that the picture he painted wasn't so unappealing after all. Even if not because of his presence in it. "Then gold it is," Zenon said, as if making notes in mental list. "Don't worry about that, I have my ways," he waved his hand and backwardly jumped over some larger rock, nearly, but not yet, losing his balance. "And they are not harmful," the man reassured her. Yes, the Hadar heir decided, he would order that dress for her. Since he couldn't quite tell her size, it would come in one of those fancy fabrics that adjusted to the wearer's body shape. Not the most extreme one that clung to you like second skin, but just enough to reveal her figure and at bottom it would flare out, embedded with the gems.

When they entered her 'home', he stood at one of the walls nearly awkwardly for a moment before taking off his mask and crossing his arms on his chest. "I would offer to help, but I have a feeling you would wish to claw my face off once again," Zen explained with slight huff. "And no, although I did once wake up Below with gorgeous woman by my side. Only downside being that I was tied up." His flirtatious smile was clearly visible now.

When Did I Become This?
Kisu is offline
Old 01-23-2015, 09:18 PM

"When it comes to Mannik, yes." Sarah shrugged, tugging the mask from her face and setting it gently in a corner. "He's still vital to many of my plans. I can't have him making stupid decisions over a girl that doesn't want him, and he has no way to get."

"We wouldn't want your father to pick up your Pad with me on the other end, now would we? Bad enough you flit around on your fiancee, but with the enemy that took your father's biggest project?" Sarah tsked, and turned to face Zenon, having finally responded. "And again, Zenon, er, Mister Hadar. You live there, I live here. I made you mad when I pointed that out before, but it's the truth."

Sarah's cheeks flushed, and she turned back to the papers. Soon, they were gathered up and placed under the furs that made up her bed. "No, I don't wish for your help. There's all kinds of plans you don't need to see..."

Sarah flopped on the furs, and ran a hand through her curly hair, her blue eyes peering at Zenon as he teased. He made things so difficult for her. All these feelings bubbled up in her. " really think you're going to get me to go to a ball, don't you?" Sarah licked her lips and laughed, though her tone wasn't challenging. It seemed, almost as if Sarah admired Zenon's work. "Mister Hadar, I don't even have the means to take a bath...How would you propose I get that done?" She shook her head and touched the lobe of her ear gently. "My piercings have closed up...why is this so important to you?"

Ghost Caracal
sadrain is offline
Old 01-24-2015, 02:44 PM

Zenon straightened from his casual leaning-against-the-wall-while-looking-annoying-and-attractive-as-heck position when she brought up his father, scowling. "My father has no business touching my Pad. He had it that time only because he ordered all my belongings taken home while I was in med bay. It won't happen again." For that, he had made sure. Or at least as sure as he could. Honestly, getting 'robbed' of his socipad twice had left the man quite miffed. But at her laugh, he smiled. "There we go, that wasn't so hard, was it?" Valmir teased slightly.

Slowly, he approached her, stopping in front of the woman and peered down at her with quite open curiosity as she continued to talk. That reminds me - I still can't understand why you or anyone would choose to live here, but that aside... Do I really have to reveal and spoil every little detail of my surprise? You would have the chance to prepare as you wish, should you accept." Zen's hand came up, hovering by her cheek, but not touching. "Let's just say I'd like to hear that laugh more often," Zenon told her quite sincerely, although for the reasons he wasn't quite sure about himself. He just knew he wanted to be the cause for a little spark of happiness in her eyes. Perhaps it was his vanity and selfishness speaking, he liked knowing that he can both create and destroy that joy in others, as needed.

Still, there were other matters in his mind, such as the experiment Sarah had brought up yet again, though he chose not to mention it right now. Best to enjoy more quiet moment before they tumbled down the hill of arguments again. Fleetingly, the man thought that if they could unite their quick tempers, not set them against one another, hardly anyone would be able to stand in their way.

When Did I Become This?
Kisu is offline
Old 01-24-2015, 02:59 PM

Unsure how to put her feelings on the various matters into words, Sarah selected the easiest topic from the various things he mentioned. "I was quite young...I didn't have much of a choice..." She admitted finally, tensing slightly as Zenon raised his hand. It hovered by her cheek, close enough for Sarah to feel the warmth, but not touching. Her eyes flickered to it, and back to his face quickly. Her tongue swiped her lips again, without her realizing.

"My mother had died a week earlier. I didn't realize it at the time, but was confused, because she wasn't sick...but your father had her assassinated. Apparently...he had this huge experiment...just in case. And it was supposed to wait, be held as a backup. My mother had thought it was wrong, and that it would have a detrimental effect on the fe-experiment. So she started it, and told your father basically to suck it. He had her killed. The experiment was supposed to be confidential, but she'd told my father and me about it. So, my dad came to me, and explained everything. And I mean everything. He told me he was with a secret resistance. They're still active, but not nearly as much as they were, you're father has seen to that. Anyway...told me everything. He said we could stay, risk torture and death, or we could go where we could help. I wanted to help...He told me to pack and get some sleep." Sarah paused, her eyes moving to a suitcase in the corner of the room. It was obviously old and beaten up, and so covered with dirt it was almost hidden.

"I couldn't sleep because I was excited and frightened. I waited all night. He left, and returned later. I remember the sound of Mannik crying. Apparently, he'd broke into my mother's lab and stolen him. We met a man from Below after going through the sewers. We were crammed into a small jet, I got to hold Mannik." Sarah's eyes softened, and she glanced at her hands. "I knew, when I first saw him, that I had to take care of him. I had to protect him until he was old enough to help the world, much better than anyone else ever could."

She seemed to come out of the stupor she'd fallen into. "They welcomed us here, and kept us safe, until we were Raided once. They had located my father's house...a small hole not far from here. They broke in, and my dad hid the experiment and me in a hidden side room. They killed him. After was just me and it. I did everything I could, learned everything I could. I can't let their deaths be in vain..." Sarah blinked back up at Zenon, almost like she was begging with her eyes for him to understand. After a minute, she pat the furs next to her. "It gets very cold here..." She stated, clearing her throat.

Last edited by Kisu; 01-24-2015 at 03:02 PM..

Ghost Caracal
sadrain is offline
Old 01-25-2015, 03:25 PM

It could seem uncharacteristic, but Zenon actually listened to the woman carefully, not once interrupting her aside from quiet "wait, what" when he pieced together just what kind of experiment had it been. Somewhere in the middle of her story, he had sat down in the furs, but when Sarah finished, he stood up and paced around the room, running hand through his hair, much like he had a little over week ago by the rock when she had thrown question he had no answer for at him. There was focused, although slightly confused expression in his face as the man tried to make some sense of just what Commander had shared.

Finally, he plopped down on the furs again. "So, you are telling me that your wonder boy is actually some kind of genetic experiment that your parents died protecting - which I am very sorry about - created by my father's order?" Valmir summed up with slight disbelief in his voice. "It just doesn't make sense. I mean, we've grown organs for medicinal purposes for a long time now so that's not the reason and we still have overpopulation issues, why would my father waste resources on creating more people?" He shook his head. "Still, I believe you, it's just that I am missing something here..." the man concluded and then chuckled, although he wasn't really amused.

"Well, this was a lot more than I had hoped you'd share with me," he admitted. "Actual full-fledged rebellion... He must have agreed to my and Adel's engagement around the same time or slightly before, he always said it was to appease people and keep power... Perhaps there is more truth to it than I thought," he mused out loud, closing eyes for a moment. What was that old saying? Divide and conquer? Seemed like his father was doing well on both aspects. Valmir leaned so that he could have a better look at the red-head.

He did understand her reasons better now, but as he had never lost someone precious to him, it was hard to picture that level of urge to have avenge and continue their legacy that Zenon guessed she felt. He had known for a long time that there was blood - and a lot of it on Hadar Senior's hands - just never met, cared, for someone who had lost someone because of him. Although there were no warm feelings between the two men, it was still his father and there was a certain conflict in Zen's mind now.

But looking at Sarah, that still seemed somewhere far away and acting on impulse, he pulled the woman in a hug, resting his cheek against her head, arms held around her small form lightly so she wouldn't been imprisoned. There was nothing suggestive about it, just simple comforting touch, something that perhaps he had missed in his life, but realized she had needed a lot more. "I truly am sorry for your parents. Not particularly surprising you can barely stand me, then," it was said with light tone and even grin, but underneath, there was bitterness. If she was to struggle, he'd let her go without any comments and probably even let the woman slap him.

When Did I Become This?
Kisu is offline
Old 01-25-2015, 04:15 PM

Sarah looked puzzled at first, not realizing she had let Mannik's name slip. Then her midnight blue eyes widened, and she touched her lips as if she could suck the words back in. "I...uhm...Mannik...doesn't know..." She actually looked very vulnerable, and twisted her hands nervously. "He...he can't know. There's more...more you don't're right." She was pulled into a hug, and originally flinched, though she didn't resist. She was quiet for a few long minutes, her hands resting on the man's chest, her head resting on his shoulder. This felt so amazingly nice. So wonderful. And Zenon smelled so good too. Why did everyone from Above smell like sunshine? "My parents were long ago, I've come to grips with it. And it doesn't mean I hate you."

"Okay. You. You are going to be really mad, Zenon..." Sarah stared intently at the brown haired male, almost begging him with her eyes not to lash out. "And I couldn't tell you! I shouldn't be telling you now. But, I slipped, and I don't want to lie to you."

The Commander inhaled deeply. "Have you noticed...uhm...anything...similar between you and him? At all?"

Sarah continued nervously. "See, after you were born, you're mother and father had trouble conceiving, but they needed more children. Seven was in an upheaval, and as you know, many people still didn't believe the Hadars had a right to the throne. So...they needed more blood that could be on the throne, in case something happened to you. So...your father had Mannik made. His name was going to be Jordan, but I got to pick a new one. I don't know if you mother is his as well, but judging from the differences between you, I'd say your father used someone else...A-anyway...yes...Mannik wasn't supposed to be grown. He was supposed to be frozen, really, but my mother saw him growing, and felt bad. She thought it would be detrimental after already putting it into motion. Then your mother became pregnant again, and there was no use for Mannik."

"See? That's why he's so important. He has Hadar blood, and we could use him to overthrow your family. Dna testing would prove he was Hadar, and still had a right to the throne. Things could be fixed." Sarah licked her lips nervously, peeking up at Zenon. "Mannik is your brother. And for what it's worth, I enjoy your company. Far more than I should."

Ghost Caracal
sadrain is offline
Old 01-25-2015, 05:31 PM

She didn't pull away immediately and Zenon enjoyed a moment of serenity, even if it was happening in middle of what he deemed hell. He wasn't good at comforting anyone, hadn't had to learn, but he hoped this would be soothing for her. But perhaps the way she rested her head on his shoulder, trusted him for this moment soothed his wounded pride and that unfamiliar ache more than it ever did for her. He couldn't know and didn't want to, either.

But it didn't last log and Sarah pulled away. At her question, Valmir frowned. "Aside from the fact we both can be annoying, smug pr***s that like to swing fists? No, not particularly." It was no secret he held no warm feelings for Sarah's wonder boy and it wasn't going to change just because he could probably shoot lasers from his eyes or something equally idiotic. Even though he had no reason to think of him as romantic rival, the guy still took a lot of Sarah's mind and time, and had punched, robbed him and hurt Adelmar while, while... Falling for her or something. Which was absolute nonsense if you asked Hadar heir.

When Commander continued, he stiffened, practically froze, however. Zen's nostrils flared and teeth clenches as he tried to keep his cool and not push her away harshly. "So, that's your grand plan he's so important for? Killing my whole family and me so you can put your puppet on the throne? That's why it's so bad he has feelings for Adelmar, isn't it? Because you'd have to go through her as well if I fell as heir. You know Seven would rather have her than my father's... genetic bastard." With narrowed eyes, he stared down at Sarah, his grip not so gentle anymore.

"So, when did you plan to go through with it, hm? Today or another day when I foolishly came to you? You wicked woman," and although he was angry, furious even, there was slightest hint of admiration in his voice as his gaze slipped down from her blue eyes to lips. He hadn't been missing the way she licked them sometimes and it put thought he shouldn't be thinking, especially now. How could someone he should hate for all the right reasons make him feel like this? But what the hell, nothing made sense anymore anyway. "Then I will just have to get on with carrying out something I swore I'm definitely going to do before I die." Without waiting any reply, he pulled the woman in for rough, nearly punishing, but definitely passionate kiss, ignoring even if she hit or clawed at him.

When Did I Become This?
Kisu is offline
Old 01-25-2015, 05:44 PM

Sarah was silent, even when Zenon gripped her shoulders painfully. She looked away guiltily, and bit her lip.
Eventually, she felt like she had to defend herself. "N-no! It's why I hoped she might develop feelings for him! I didn't bear anyone, even you any ill will! It was something we just needed to do for all of the people! Please understand I did-Mmmpfh?! 0.0..."

Sarah was cut off as Zenon's gaze flickered to her lips and then he was crushing his down on her. She was surprised, and gasped against him. He wasn't angry? He sounded angry. He should be angry. Why wasn't he angry? Sarah's hands lifted, pushing against his chest halfheartedly, her mind kicking into overdrive.

She wanted this, more than anything she had ever wanted for herself before. But, she didn't understand any of it. She wasn't supposed to have any feelings for Zenon. But, he wouldn't stay out of her mind. She was supposed to be killing him, but as of a week ago, Sarah didn't know how it was possible. "Mff wowwmiiie..." She muttered, her hands alternating between pushing against Zenon's chest, and gripping his shirt.

It didn't take long until she had melted under the rough treatment, and the Commander was eagerly kissing him, her mouth applying pressure, and her teeth nipping his lips.

Too soon, she pulled back for air, then hooked a leg around his. She gave him a mischievous grin, before pushing him, intending to make him topple over her leg into the furs that made up her bed.

Last edited by Kisu; 01-25-2015 at 05:47 PM..

Ghost Caracal
sadrain is offline
Old 01-25-2015, 07:25 PM

He growled at her eager response to kiss, but it quickly turned into moan and the man allowed her to push him down on her 'bed', but Zenon took her along, his mouth moving to kiss her jaw, nibble on earlobe and then down her neck. He should hate Sarah, he really should - the more he learned about the woman, the more dangerous and cunning she turned out to be. And for that reason, he found her even more fascinating. She had been alone for most of her life, yet learned not only to survive, but also to make sure others did, she could outwit most people he knew and she packed a mean punch... Not to mention, she was absolutely gorgeous. "Wicked, amazing woman, why can't I hate you," Zenon whispered in her ear, pausing assault with his lips, while his hands still roamed, but then he was back to kissing her eagerly.

Despite that, his mind was still processing all the new information and soon, the man was murmuring against her throat. "I am sure he has... continued the experiments," he groaned, "I have to find out what he is up to. But later." Because right now he was definitely preoccupied with this particular spitfire. Zenon smirked, finding where he had marked her last time, faint traces of the bruises lingering and proceeded to refresh the love bite. Part of him recalled Sarah had mentioned she'd take him to see people of Below and that side of him really hoped she'd forget it and they would get to spend the day in much more pleasant manner. Besides, right now he could try to get agreement about the ball out of her. It was insane idea, especially with the recent conversation, but not one he was going to give up on.

Suddenly, he shifted so she was now under him, but careful not to crush her, fingers of his hand going to play with her hair while he took a moment to admire her like this, flushed and short of breath, because of him. Her composed facade was cracking, revealing the passionate woman underneath and there was surge of possessiveness, Valmir never wanted another besides him to see her like this. It was enough that he was jealous of the jerk who had taught her to kiss like this, driving man absolutely crazy. "Gorgeous," he spoke softly before moving in to kiss her again, but more gentle this time.

When Did I Become This?
Kisu is offline
Old 01-25-2015, 08:29 PM

The female responded with a surprised squeak as she was tugged down on top of the male. Still eager, however, she continued the kiss. Her hands moved slowly, exploring Zenon's torso. She'd contained herself before and hadn't explored him, but now her fingers rubbed his arms through the clothing. He was so fascinating. Everything about him, from those tempting lips, to the cunning mind, to his scent. It drove her wild.

"Mmmm..." Sarah muttered in response, "The same reason I can't hate you. The universe hates us." A simple reason, really, and rather fitting for enemies. She blinked and pulled back slightly as he continued. "Are you really going to bring that up now? Yes, later, Zenon...kiss me..." He did, on her neck, and Sarah let out a low moan, her eyes falling shut.

She opened them quickly as Zenon moved, and suddenly she was staring up at him, wondering how he had accomplished the movement so gentle. She expected more roughness, and would have welcomed it. Instead, the man's hand moved gently through her hair, making her shudder. She always had to keep it hidden, since it was so noticeable. It was nice to be able to let it out and have it touched by someone. Her eyes had slowly fallen shut again, however, when Zenon spoke, they popped open, and Sarah stared up at him with an unknown expression on her face, lips parted. He really believed that, didn't he? She felt her cheeks burning, and the strange feeling spark up in her once more. Again, he surprised her with how gentle he was, leaning down and kissing her. Sarah froze against him for a moment, trying to understand the feelings Zenon ignited in her. When she returned the kiss, it was almost like she wasn't sure of herself for once, and her lips trembled against his.

When he pulled away, she blinked, somewhat dazed. "Zenon...I..I think..."

"Commander. We have a problem! A ship was found...not one of ours..." Mannik's head appeared over the window, and the soldier climbed into the room quickly. At first, he was absorbed with removing the mask and didn't notice the new body, however, when he looked up, his face was covered with disbelief. He stared for a moment, red slowly crawling up his neck and into his face. For a second, he hadn't realized the man was Zenon Hadar, however, after getting a look at him, it was obvious. He wanted to attack Zenon, but Sarah was slipping out from under the man. She approached Mannik, and placed a hand on his shoulder.

" you two have met...but, uhm, say hello to our newest ally in Above..." Zenon hadn't specifically said he was willing to be an ally, but if it calmed Mannik's temper, she'd say it. She looked from Mannik to Zenon, almost pleading with the blue eyed man. Her chest was heaving, and her lips darted out again, her gaze moving to Zenon's lips. "He can't know what I slipped...please..."

"Can't know? What is going on here? Why is he here! Why was he touching you!?" Mannik was acting like a child at the moment, and was glaring at Zenon. "Why aren't you with Adelmar?" He demanded. "Who is looking out for her!? Why...why are you TOUCHING her? You are...are sick! Don't you get enough? Aren't you content with what you have?!"

"MANNIK! ENOUGH!" Sarah demanded, before rubbing her head. "Go home. We will be by later. Next time you come to my domain, let me know before you enter. Common courtesy."

"But, you never have guys-"


Mannik clearly didn't want to remove himself, however, Sarah had issued an order. He glared at Zenon while strapping on his mask, and before vanishing out the window, growled out. "Keep your hands off of her." A slightly triumphant look flashed through his eyes. "After all, your girl's mind seems to be changing about me...while you're chasing my mom, she might just vanish behind your back."

"OUT!" Sarah bellowed, and Mannik vanished. Sarah turned to look at Zenon, then just shook her head and dropped it, rubbing her temples with a sigh. "Nothing will ever go right, will it? We...we should get started...on your tour..."

Ghost Caracal
sadrain is offline
Old 01-26-2015, 06:28 AM

He had smirked, thoroughly pleased, when she requested more kisses and eagerly obliged. No matter how much she denied or played it up or down before, he did have an effect on her after all. Back in Zenon's mind, there had been thoughts that unless one of them came to their senses, they could get carried a bit too far too fast, but he didn't particularly mind that idea, so he had no plans to be the sensible one when he had finally caught Sarah in net of his own desires. It was far too late to be denying the way he wanted her, far more than just physically although right now he was content on getting closer to her in at least one aspect.

Apparently, it was not meant to be, though. At least not right now. When he had heard a voice, the male had honestly had very little intentions to move from his spot, but since Sarah was already slipping away, he shifted so he was sitting in the furs. With casual move he pushed some hair out of his face which hardly did anything to fix up his rather disheveled appearance. Seeing Mannik - it just had to be the wonder boy - turning red, Valmir stood up and moved to stand by the woman's side, as if ready to defend her or attack the guy that turned out to be his-something-of-a-relative, whichever was needed. But there was definitely a challenging smirk on his lips as he stared the other down.

"Oh, I am sick? That is a big talk coming from a guy who kidnapped the woman he now supposedly likes, used her kindness and guilted her into helping him!" he snarled, leaning forward slightly and looking just about ready to pounce and tear at Mannik's throat, "besides aren't you the one who told me she's oh so strong and capable of handling herself? She should survive a day without me." Although Zenon had never considered Adelmar to be particularly kind person, but perhaps under that mask there truly was something warm and caring, it was only explanation for how she had acted recently. It was something he would come to terms with, eventually, and perhaps it wouldn't be so bad, if he indeed could become ally to Below.

Hadar junior resisted urge to punch the man at his final comment, but manage to keep some reins on his temper. After the dark haired head had disappeared, he took few deep breaths and the light that had vanished from his eyes slowly returned when he turned to look at Sarah. "I don't have particular good relationships with any of my relatives, could be running in the blood," Zenon joked and came closer to her, resting hands on her waist. "I suppose the no-touching law is off now, hm, ally?" the way he said last word was spoken in seductive and possessive tone as if he had said 'lover' instead.

He would comply with her and go on the tour with her, behaving oddly well-mannered. Now and then surprise or dislike reflected in his gaze, but the man was well trained to hide most of his emotions when he needed to. What he saw was hardly likable in any case and partially, he could understood why Adelmar suddenly found pity in her heart for these people or why Sarah wished to fight for better future for them. He did seriously doubt they would know what to do with it, though, and to be fully convinced of Sarah's cause, he needed to find out some things first. Still, that he didn't tell the redhead when he led her back to where his ship was and helped unload the supplies he had taken long with him. There was food and some medicine, nothing fancy but still valuable to people here, perhaps a good raid or two worth. "I will come when I can to arrange terms of my alliance once I find out more about what my father is up to," he had winked at Commander, catching a moment when they were alone and had pressed a kiss to her lips.

Over the course of next week, he made barely any progress regarding his father's actions, especially since he was trying to attract as little attention to his actions as possible, going back to good son routine. Still, Adelmar noted that he was in quite good mood for most of it. Although he had said he'd call, instead Zenon sent a small, intensively flirtatious and innuendo laced message-video to Commander every night.

Meanwhile, work on Adel's house had gotten slower and she could throw the party only on next Friday, already dreading the day. Only reliefs were that her fiance would be there as well and handle a good deal of the social interactions and since she was still grieving her father so she got away with making the event much smaller than it would be any other time. And although Valmir spent just as much, or even more, time by her side being supportive, she felt as he was slipping away, same way he thought she was. When they were gliding around the dance floor, probably only thing where they were a perfect match, in the party, she looked up at the man with serious eyes. "What?" he questioned with playful grin and teased, "don't stare at me or I will think you're finally falling for my handsome looks."

"Arrogance has never seemed particularly appealing to me so do not worry, you are safe," she told him calmly and earned eye roll. As the song ended, he guided her out of the ballroom on small balcony. "Besides, you are too serious about someone else to wish for my heart to be added on your shelves of collection," Adelmar told him, leaning slightly on the railing. Zen stiffened at this, "how do you know?" he questioned lamely, not even managing to come up with denying answer. "I may not have loved, but that far-off, slightly glazed look in your eyes is quite telling, Zenon. Besides, you do not even think to kiss me in public anymore."

With frown, he turned the woman towards him and moved in for a kiss, but it lasted for barely more than a blink, both parties pulling back and averting their gazes. Somehow, he felt as if he was betraying someone, but wasn't sure who it was - Sarah, Adelmar or his own feelings, perhaps all of them. Too preoccupied with this thought, he didn't notice the distraught expression on the dark haired girl's face who also had felt wrong when kissing him, more than ever before. When it just hadn't meant anything all these years, now something protested in her and in all honesty, her mind had floated towards a completely different fleeting kiss.

Perhaps it was the reason why that night Adelmar retired to her rooms, once the guests were all sent home, tipsier than usually. Drinking wasn't something that she liked to do and not once she had truly gotten drunk or had had a hangover, but this time she had definitely reached that pleasing, freeing sense of buzz. For a moment, she stood in middle of her bedroom, looking about and then decided to do something reckless.

With grin, she settled down in the chair, propping the socipad up on the table before her. Without much hesitation, she pressed the number of Zenon's old device. She adjusted few masterfully made curls that fell around her face and fleetingly hoped she didn't look as flushed as she felt, but once Mannik appeared on her screen, she broke out in shy, but definitely glad smile. "Hello..." she greeted, "I, ah, am sorry for calling you so late, but I just missed seeing you," she blurted out, although of course it sounded much more dignified the way she did it. "And talking with you. You know, it is easy to talk with you, Mannik," Adelmar said, tilting her head to the side.
Adelmar's dress
~ Dreaming; Yellow Welcome Balloon, Ruby Red Suntinas, Cloud Hibiscus and a lot more. ~
~ My Shop ~ My Runway ~

~ p o p p e t ♥, Queen_Andais, star2000shadow, Eastriel are absolutely amazing ~

Last edited by sadrain; 01-26-2015 at 03:31 PM..

When Did I Become This?
Kisu is offline
Old 01-26-2015, 03:47 PM

Mannik had left the building feeling stung, mostly because Zenon was right. He had kidnapped Adelmar and guilted her into helping him. No wonder the woman wanted nothing to do with him.

Sarah had shown Zenon various things, enjoying the few times he had touched her and snuck in kisses. It had been a form of torture for her, watching him leave in the jet. But once he was gone, she was able to evaluate her feelings a bit.

The supplies had earned him an enthusiastic laugh and a sweet kiss. Most of the food had been fruits and vegetables, consumed mostly by the children, though Sarah had been able to get a slice of a pineapple, closing her eyes and moaning when she'd eaten it.

She cared for him. Sarah had no clue if it was love or not, but she did want him. And she wanted some kind of commitment from him. it made her sad, when she put too much thought into it. A commitment from Zenon Hadar was not very likely, and from the messages he sent to her, not even on his mind. It was another disappointing thing: Sarah wanted to give Zenon what he wanted, but she wouldn't have been able to live with herself if she gave more than just kisses. Zenon seemed to expect more, and the man would be sorely disappointed when she didn't deliver. The messages he sent excited her, but seemed to back up those thoughts. It was a big reason she couldn't trust him fully, as well. How long would he chase after her, expecting that? And once he realized she wasn't willing to give, what would he do with all the information he had concerning Below?

On top of her confused feelings about the heir, she was now having to contend with Mannik. He'd gotten very cheeky, making small stabs with his words. He was clearly unhappy about her continuing a relationship with Zenon, though she wasn't sure if it was because he saw Sarah as his mother, or if it was proof of Zenon being unfaithful to Adelmar. Mannik himself wasn't sure, but supposed it was a small mixture between the two.

The man had driven himself back into his work. While he hadn't loved Anne, he had been rather dependent on her, much more than he had realized. Once she had left, his world became dim and lonely again. The difference was now Mannik knew what he was missing. His house had slowly become better, but now, when he entered it, it was like a slap in the face, letting him know both the chairs would never be filled, and only one side of the mattress would slowly have a dent from his weight. It was good, that he had chosen to give Anne up. She would be much happier, up in the sun with someone safer. And Adelmar had never been his to give up. But, still. Mannik thought of the animals some of the royal families kept as 'pets'. Maybe he should steal one at some point. It would be nice.

When he Pad rang later, he had scrambled off the bed and grabbed it, answering automatically. Adelmar's face appeared, and Mannik gasped, feeling like he was choking. It had been a party at her new place tonight, and he even had a copy of the guestlist. It was wrong, he knew, but he had to make sure, if something went wrong, he would know who had been there. Her calling him alleviated that worry. He stared longingly at the screen before speaking. She was as gorgeous as always. He wanted her to dress in something besides black, no matter how gorgeous the dress was. Her long hair had curls, and she looked perfect as always.

There was a smile on her face, though, and she didn't sound like herself when she spoke. "I...Adelmar...are you alright?" She didn't seem panicked when she continued, so Mannik relaxed back against the wall. Once again, his chest was bare and his hair was tousled, signaling that she had woken him. He rubbed his head, and stared at the woman. "Missed me?" His chest felt tight, and Mannik didn't want to move, like she was a bird he would frighten away. "Easy to talk to? Uhm...i-if you think so. I'm glad to listen to whatever you want to talk about...Your party went well?"

Ghost Caracal
sadrain is offline
Old 01-26-2015, 09:15 PM

She blushed, taking in his half-dressed, disheveled appearance. God, she really had the worst timing, didn't she? "I am really sorry I woke you again, I can call another time," embarrassed, Adelmar went to tug on one of the silvery drops hanging from her earlobe. (At least this time she didn't have to think if he had gotten out of bed he was sharing with someone in that moment although it should not matter.) Her normally so firmly held facade of composure was crumbling away and the emotions that she felt as much as anyone else leaked through, showing openly. At Mannik's worried question, she hurriedly assured the man that she was alright and smiled again and nodded when he echoed her statement about missing him.

"Yes, I have a feeling you actually listen... People here are too busy with their own schemes and opinions to do that, they only talk. Not that I am any better," the woman explained why she found him to be such a good listener and then stood up, taking the device along. "I have my own house now, I did not think I would have such freedom any time soon. I wish I could show you everything, just take you away from Below for a while, but... At least tell me what you think of my room?"

Slowly turning around, Adelmar let her room come in view on the camera. It was simple, but elegant, with canopy bed and few pieces of old looking furniture, the style matching with gilded vases and lamps. Far cry from the bright, often over-filled rooms that had everything just to show status even though it was probably much fancier than most things Mannik had seen aside from her father's bedroom. Carrying the socipad, she moved onto the tiny balcony and settled down in one of the chairs there, tiny lights and moon illuminating the garden. She stared at the man for a moment, suddenly having lost the pattern of conversation until he asked her about the party.

Young woman openly grimaced at this. "It was dreadful. Everyone and their cousin wanted to see the poor Wislawa girl and honestly hoped for something scandalous to happen, maybe for me to start crying during the speech or faint or something equally dramatic. I also may have had one champagne glass too much, now that I think about it. But it is justified as tonight, I am celebrating!" her laughter was light and honest, then she turned more serious again. "Here I am, babbling away about my self. My apologies. How have you been, Mannik? Is all safe and quiet down there, at least as much as it can be? I have arranged to meet with Anne tomorrow, we will discuss things about her future in greater detail then."

When Did I Become This?
Kisu is offline
Old 01-27-2015, 02:26 AM

Adelmar was was intoxicating... Mannik leaned towards the pad, before glancing around and trying to discover what was making the woman uncomfortable. Oh...his shirt... His torso was in full view as he stood and reached away, tugging a shirt on. His face came back into view, and he stared at the screen for a long moment. "No..." He finally stated. "I'll sleep with a shirt on from now on. I've been sleeping weird hours, and it's really not that late. Don't apologize for calling. It's torture not hearing from you. Obviously, I know you are alright. helps...hearing it from you." Words were becoming difficult again, and Mannik rubbed his head awkwardly.

"Of course I listen. I've listened to you since the first day I met you." Mannik replied, then smiled, leaning against the headboard and tucking his hands behind his head. "And you listen just fine, Miss Wislawa..." He glanced around his room. Other than a pile of clothing shoved into the corner, and the bed, it was empty, and his walls had no wallpaper or paint on them. The slats of mismatched metal looked crude even to his eyes. It was another reminded of how foolish he was to love her. No. Not love. Just...a crush...I'll get over her. Eventually. When he looked back to the screen, he couldn't help but smile again. She must have been really lonely, just to call him to talk. "It's beautiful. Much nicer than your parents house. It suits you." He tensed slightly, and bit his bottom lip. "Why, but? If you want to show me your house, say it. I'll come. I'll leave tonight."

She was staring at him. Mannik looked puzzled, and shifted uncomfortably. Adelmar had never looked at him for more than a few seconds, when she had to. He felt like he would never match up to her standards, and her viewing him made him endure a new feeling. A feeling of...well...Mannik wasn't sure what it was.

When she spoke again, Mannik looked rather hurt for a moment. He was torn between being rather insulted than she would only call him because she was drunk and bored, and flattered that she had thought of him when drinking. "Things are as quiet as could be expected. We've been trying to use Zenon's supplies sparingly. I...I don't really like my new position. I'm...more of a doer, and now people keep expecting me to issue orders rather than act. But, it's taken a lot of stress off of Sarah." He neglected to mention seeing Zenon with her, or that Sarah seemed to float around with that stupid mark on her neck, glancing up and grinning. Stupid Zenon. He seemed reluctant to talk about Anne. It just reminded him once again how lonely his existence was. "I'm sure she will be much happier there. It was nice...not feeling so alone...but...she'll be happier, and she wasn't who I wanted anyway..." His green eyes flickered to the screen and away quickly.

His tone got a bit lower, and Mannik licked his lips before sighing. " that why you called me? Because you were drunk? Or did you actually want to talk to me?" While dreading the answer, Mannik felt like Adelmar would tell him the truth, and even if it was something he didn't want to hear, he needed to know. He flinched, already expecting her rejection, and lowered his head, tugging his legs to his chest and draping his arms over them, setting the Pad on the bed so he could still see her.

Ghost Caracal
sadrain is offline
Old 01-28-2015, 09:18 PM

She should have looked away when more of his skin came into view, but she didn't, immediately blaming it on the drink and slower reflexes rather than a kind of curiosity (about how his wound had healed, of course, nothing else!). Obviously, he had suffered plenty of wounds in the past, there were scars on his torso, of various sizes and age, she guessed by how some had partially faded out. Adelmar's blush deepened then, hoping that it didn't seem like she was staring.

"You should not have to change your habits because of me," girl tried to protest, although she felt more flattered about his words than she would have liked to admit. For good part of her life, she had tried to gain attention and liking of others by pleasing them and now that someone was being considerate of her and it just felt so nice, not to mention that tortured about not knowing how she is part. "I doubted it at first, but I suppose you have and please, don't call me Miss, friends don't do that!" she objected.

Her eyes widened nearly comically at Mannik's suggestion. "You would? I mean, could you... would it be safe for you?" she tripped up over her words, a bit uncharacteristically. That had been the main reason she had put aside the idea of showing her home to the man, they just happened to live not just in two different worlds, but the kinds that were at war.

When the other mentioned Zenon and some kind of supplies, she frowned slightly. "Zenon sent some supplies to Below?" but next moment, her attention was fully on Mannik and she carefully listened to little information he shared about his life, his new work. "Well, in a sense, you do more than ever before. Each your decision is action that helps protecting and helping your people, if you make the right choice. And I trust you will me the correct ones," she smiled at him encouragingly. He was hotheaded, as she had already found out, but also calculating enough when it came to big things, he wouldn't put others in unnecessary risks. Commander had trained him well.

Adelmar averted her eyes a little from him when Anne was brought up, feeling kind of awkward and just... tiny bit something. She couldn't help if the two of them had... Had done something that couples did. They had probably at least kissed and somehow, that made her gut clench slightly. At Mannik's question, her gaze snapped back to him, though. "I am not drunk!" she protested passionately and then realizing that perhaps that alone worked against her statement sighed. "Perhaps I am a little tipsy, but alcohol does not exactly make you someone you are not, just lowers inhibition, letting you act more freely..." She bit her lip slightly, twirling one of her curls around finger. After all, she had watched that happen with her father so often, she had grown to detest thought of being drunk. "I did want to talk with you," the girl added, just to clarify.

When Did I Become This?
Kisu is offline
Old 01-28-2015, 09:35 PM

Mannik bit back what he wished to say, wanting to assure her he would change whatever she wanted. Their 'friendship' was tenuous at best. Instead he jumped to the next topic. " just Wislawa better?" The male raised an eyebrow and smiled, to show he was teasing. "Seriously, Adelmar..." Her name was almost a whisper. "It really is good to hear from you..."

"Of course, if you want me to. I'll leave tonight, if you wish." Again, he smiled. Did she really not see what he was willing to do for her? "It wouldn't be any safer or more dangerous than me being here." She seemed much more open like this. To be honest, it was a nice change.

His frown vanished when she continued, and he looked puzzled. Zenon hadn't told her he was coming here? "Erm...yeah...kinda of...Yeah, new job...uhm..." Mannik seized on the subject change. "I still feel useless, though." For some reason, he belief in him made him swell with pride, and the smile returned. "I suppose...I'll do it, since it's needed...but...I really don't enjoy it...Plus...if I went on raids still, it would give me a reason to at least spy on you with my own eyes..." Again, the teasing sparkle danced in his eyes.

A chuckle came from him when Adelmar protested, though Mannik didn't speak. His gaze followed her finger to her hair, and his tongue ran over his lips quickly. "I'm I's torture... When do you want me to come, Adelmar?" Mannik's emerald eyes moved back to her face, and he continued speaking. "That's...oddly flattering...coming from you, I'll take it as you actually thought of me when 'tipsy'. Thank you. It's nice..."


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