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Miss Mad Hatta
Veno is offline
Old 07-16-2015, 03:24 AM

Yup yup, something like that. And as much as I love Jim Carrey, he's for the right not to vaccinate your kids. So lost a little respect for him there.

Well as bad as our government is, it's in cahoots with every other government anyways and it's not like living here is horrible. I just hate how the world a whole is killing off the planet we all live on and NEED to live on.

I'm not against my son messing around with technology and all that good stuff, but not at such a young age. I mean my 3 year old cousin works my phone better than me and is ALWAYS bugging me "do you have games? If you don't I can download them for you, then I can play them" Um no. Get your ass outside in the sun and play with the other

Well we lived at 2,300 elevation (I think that's the number, it's somewhere around that) in California where I was born, and they actually had to go down the mountain some to get to the hospital. And when the pressure dropped - so did I. haha

I don't trust wikipedia for the simple fact that ANYONE can update it. Whether they know what they are talking about or not. Lol And water births can be the easiest if done correctly and if there are no current complications with the mother/baby. That's what I really really was opting for was an at home water birth. Only reason I didn't get what I wanted was because my mom felt like with it being my first baby and everything I should be closer to the hospital that we my insurance wouldn't cover the cost of renting the tub and an at home birth period. Wouldn't even cover the cost of my midwife if I delivered at home. yet I'm using the same midwife at a hospital and everything is covered. Tell me how screwed that is.

That's really horrible to hear about your headaches. If it's based off of sound then I don't know any rememdies. =/ Maybe googling natural remedies?

The Wandering Poet
Captain Oblivious

The Wandering Poet is offline
Old 07-16-2015, 04:09 AM

Well I guess he can afford the massive medical bills. Really the only people who need to worry about vaccines I think it was people with egg allergies.

That's true... especially with certain wildlife like bees. Without those we will probably go extinct.

That is a bit obsessive. I'm glad my niece can enjoy various types of activities. That being said if you need something fixed... they always seem to know how to do it >.>"

Do they not have a water birthing place at your hospital? I heard those were becoming more popular.
Yeah it's pretty screwed up. I mean for some people it makes sense but I think most of it is about documentation and proticol and whatnot. They can verify everything because medical stuff at the hospital is fully documented.

Well... my natural remedy is nature away from technology. I unfortunately have hightened senses, so I am more sensitive to sounds and smells than the average person. I believe pregnancy heightens sense of smell quite a lot. I remember my exwife saying "Does it smell like this for you all the time?" (Granted she miscarried a few months later)

Miss Mad Hatta
Veno is offline
Old 07-16-2015, 04:48 AM

It's not the issue of whether he can or can't afford the bills. He's trying to stop them from passing mandatory vaccines. Which it's like "really? do you want people do start dying of the diseases we've basically gotten rid of?"

Without bees humans have a maximum of four years left on this planet. But anyways. Lol more of my environmentalist self shining out.

Hardly any hospitals actually allow you to deliver in water, just labor in it, and the closest hospital that even offers that is close to a 2 hour drive away. They are but they aren't becoming more popular. In the sense of women who want a natural birth they are, but overall epidurals and c-sections are taking the ever growing lead in the U.S.

Well if you have a cerified midwife that is covered by your insurance where does it matter where the baby is born? only has to be two witnesses to a live birth and all that jazzy paperwork. It's really in the sense that it's still "taboo" to have a child at home here really. I mean even just wanting an unmedicated birth people look at me like I've got tentacles growing from my face.

Oh my sense of smell has been crazy intense. Which it's always been very prominent but still. Like holy cow. Lol I can smell things that people don't smell at all or it'll be moments later before they do.

The Wandering Poet
Captain Oblivious

The Wandering Poet is offline
Old 07-16-2015, 04:59 AM

As someone in the medical field that saddens me... because most things that carry medicine are harmless. Like saline and dextrose. That's what's in like 95% of IV bags anyways.

Wow... 4 years? I was thinking like 2... I mean odds are we'd have to figure out a way to pollinate our world manually. I wouldn't be surprised if science had started trying to do that.
By the way I think your environmental self is fine. You are very polite and honest, and most definitely not an extremist.

Wait seriously? So they have you sit in water during labor... and you're ready to pop and they start MOVING YOU?!
Personally my support is for whichever is easier for the mother. Which with how incompetent doctors can be, not properly sanitizing and such, I saw one C-Section get horribly infected. (She needed it but the lack of precautions annoyed me)

2 witnesses? So like... if you don't have enough witnesses do you not exist or something?

Yeah that sense of smell is something I've dealt with all my life
It sucks especially because I am highly sensitive to smokers and perfume. My throat doesn't close up, but I get very light headed and have trouble breathing properly.

Miss Mad Hatta
Veno is offline
Old 07-16-2015, 07:18 AM

Yeah and you know how it goes. Some celebrity gets on a high horse about something and next thing you know half the country is following them.

The four years is basically if we start taking care of the world and if we stop creating so much waste, and eat the food thats already here before we worry about new foods. But yeah if we kept on the same way we are now after bees are gone. Not even 2 years. Discovery channel is amazing with teaching me things like this. And sure we could manually pollinate things. That's how we get cross breeds of plants and whatnot, but still. They'd just start making more GMO foods where eventually we aren't even eating real food.

And yup you start labor in a tub and when the contractions get a certain amount apart *not necessarily about to pop - usually about an hour before the actual delivery roughly* they move you from the water. I'm not necessarily against c-sections and medicated births and everything it's the fact that doctors (when not medically needed) opt for them because the medicines speed the process up and obviously c-sections are pretty quick. There's not days of labor, and all that jazz. Basically the doctors what more patients in a shorter amount of time. More money. And then women aren't really educated about their bodies. I mean sure for the most part we all know yeah you can get pregnant but it's the cultural norm to have an epidural because "the pain is just unbearable" Sure. You're birthing a child. But I think somewhere in there we've really lost touch with the caring of a child. It's all planned and kids get shoveled into daycare, and there are more and more parents that just don't take care of their kids. Whether it's emotional or physical neglect. - just my opinion. When you have less of an emotional bond from the get go, and then a culture that only allows 6 weeks max for maternity leave then after that your child is in day care so you can go back to your job. - most families can't be supported by only one parent- anyways it's just a load of crap across the board sometimes.

You still exist and everything, and have a birth certificate you just don't have a live birth certificate...I don't know the ins and outs and all the legal matters about that. so don't quote me. Thats just what i was told. Lol Google.

The Wandering Poet
Captain Oblivious

The Wandering Poet is offline
Old 07-18-2015, 08:20 AM

So true not that all our food isn't already modified.
That prevention of waste it one reason I've always wanted to learn smelting. That way I could melt down cans and such for various uses.

That's so true. I have noticed that disconnect. Thankfully my brother and his girlfriend understand that need to connect. Though... they connect more with her projectiles than anything else >.>" (Some babies have some serious throat muscles)

I think what gets me the most is that parents just... don't actually want the baby. The ones that do are usually more prepared, but like for me, I was an accident. Eventually you just get forgotten. They do whatever it takes to shut you up for 8 hours, so they can get back to enjoying their life of partying and whatnot.

I would fully endorse neutering and spaying of humans who have lost children to neglect... so many of them just make a new one.

Ah. Live birth certificate sounds like one of those "Can't be in X jobs without one" things.

Miss Mad Hatta
Veno is offline
Old 07-18-2015, 08:32 AM

I actually eat mostly what I grow or friends/family grow I mean there are some things of course, but fruits/veggies are all from the gardens. I think I could probably name like...20 things I eat that aren't from what we grow and I buy that organic/natural/GMO free. :}

There are tons of people who should never be parents. I actually severed a relationship with one of my really good friends a couple months ago after I saw how she was raising and treating her child. I mean yes the child was fed and clothed and safe etc. I mean the child wasn't in any danger or anything but she basically ignores the girl. Lets her do pretty much whatever *They've safetied the entire house where if they want to get trashed and crash out asleep during the day and the girl is up, there's nothing that she could hurt herself with or whatever - though obviously anything could happen* But yeah. Her daughter is almost 2 and is suppose to know about 50 words in her vocabulary and she's maybe pushing 5-6 words. "oh she'll learn them at her own pace" and then they just keep her strapped in a diaper instead of potty training her "oh she'll potty train herself when she's ready" ...there was just a lot I just couldn't condone or deal with so I just had to stop being their friends. - granted that is not the only reason we quit talking. We didn't jive on alot of other important things. Or at least important to me. like throwing litter out the window "what do I care if the polar ice caps melt, it'll happen after I die" is what she would yeah. No.

I think all humans should be sterile until they can pass some sort of test or something. Lol Or if they really really can prove they want a child.

The Wandering Poet
Captain Oblivious

The Wandering Poet is offline
Old 07-20-2015, 09:51 PM

I see. Yeah we can't really do that very well here. I live in the city a bit =/

"I'll happen after I die" oh I hate those people... I mean... it's one thing to be like "Well I can't afford to live like that", it's another to intentionally harm the environment through blatant acts of destroying nature.

Well, the whole "letting her play alone" can be good, but ignoring her that badly is going to cause her serious developmental issues later in life. I know my brother and his girlfriend have a good approach to it. They can both drink, but one of them has to be the sober parent

I dunno, sterilizing the population could cause some really big problems. But once they develop technology for a longterm reversible male sterilization maybe they'll start working on something like that for women.
But, basically I think any person who pleads guilty to an act which would make for a bad environment for a child, should be marked for sterility. Things like child abuse and such. Though as currently, acts such as rape and child molestation have a lot of false reports. A lot of people will make false accusations and society believes them, and others will teach their child to make false accusations too :(

Miss Mad Hatta
Veno is offline
Old 07-21-2015, 01:04 AM

You can grow a garden anywhere. ;) I live in a city too. Everyone just assumes I live in the country or something. Even if you start out only growing a couple things, it's good to start somewhere.

I just don't get involved in other peoples parenting anymore. If I think the child is in actual danger where I feel the child services would step in, then yes I'll act upon it, but otherwise I just don't. It's not my place and if child services aren't going to do anything about it then there's nothing I can do further.

Society as a whole is pretty screwed up anyways with the way we make false accusations. The rape thing has always been around, and that's why we can't trace my moms family tree back on her dads side of the family because she claims he was a child of rape, which none of the family ever believed but anyways.

Lol anyways almost into my second day past my due date. :P

The Wandering Poet
Captain Oblivious

The Wandering Poet is offline
Old 07-21-2015, 04:26 AM

How does one have a garden without a lawn though?

That's kind of my reasoning behind not having kids. You so much as spank your kid and CPS drags it away, but if you leave them unattended and go get hammered in the next room over it's called "surviving parenting".

"Rape" usually means one or two things. It's either a big dramafest about how she said yes but didn't actually mean yes (because logic, also why I didn't date until way late in life), or a big publicity stunt.

Second day huh? I think I was a week or two late myself. I don't really remember.

Miss Mad Hatta
Veno is offline
Old 07-21-2015, 04:45 AM

There are plenty of planters you can buy/make that create a false lawn. or you can hang them on a fence or something.

yup the way child services work aren't exactly what I would call amazing. >.< Could always be worse, they could just not exist. An then how many children would die? Ya know? sometimes you just gotta learn to take the bad with the good.

I haven't been in the situation of rape or anything close to it so I can't really vouch for anything. I mean do I regret getting so sloshed I made the decision to have sex with a guy when I'm not attracted to men? and apparently be too sloshed to use protection? Sure but I wouldn't consider it rape and as far as my family and everyone is concerned - for the sole fact you know how people get "oh you were too drunk to make a decision, he raped you" yada yada bullshit, I just told them I had sex with him to "experiment" with guys, and well things happened. I mean he's been a total dick about everything but I'm just not vindictive or that sort of person that would ruin his life ya know? females who do that make me so angry. Like oh yea you got too drunk and fucked up? but because even though he was just ask drunk, he gets blamed for rape and goes to jail and is labeled as a rapist forever. yeah no. that's just wrong. There are actual legit rapes happening and people blow stupid stunts out of proportion.

My brother was 6 days late and I was 2. :P And btw we're pretty sure my water just broke. xD So we're waiting to see if it was just pee (if it was pee it wont happen again more than likely and contractions wont start in the next 3-4 hours) and if it did break well then more than likely a baby in the next 24 hours. haha

The Wandering Poet
Captain Oblivious

The Wandering Poet is offline
Old 07-21-2015, 09:05 PM

Oh wow... a smaller version of the first one might be possible

Yeah, but your circumstances would give you the option to easily put him in jail with barely any trial. He'd go to court, and he'd be incriminated without a doubt by the jury because as a species we see men as unable to think with anything but their "second brain". Like a guy turning down a girl is a myth or something. But it's good to hear that you didn't do that, but so many do because they want to maintain that "perfect image".
The worst part about it though is once enough people cry rape enough times society is going to start ignoring it, and the real ones are going to start getting away with it. Just like how it is "impossible" to be raped by a woman according to most people. That honestly irritates me more than anything else about it. Sure women cry wolf all the time, but if a guy admits to being raped he is mocked, ridiculed, and nobody will help them because they should have "just enjoyed the experience" or something like that.

Ooh... baby might be soon? Best of luck. I guess if you don't reply for a while he popped


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