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Cherry Who?
Spooky Scary Skeleton
Cherry Who? is offline
Old 11-24-2011, 04:24 AM

Baby birds always remind me of Muppets. Their mouths are as wide as their head and they've always got a few long wispy feathers sticking straight up from the top of their heads.


Annihilator of Cookies
Snowberry is offline
Old 11-24-2011, 04:31 AM

Aaaawww.... OwO So soft... Can my yan play with it?

Cherry Who?
Spooky Scary Skeleton
Cherry Who? is offline
Old 11-24-2011, 04:43 AM

Yan might break it. :gonk: You, uh... seem to be having a rough time of it with him around, eh?

Annihilator of Cookies
Snowberry is offline
Old 11-24-2011, 04:53 AM

I have willingly sacrificed the use of one hand. Yan isn't the problem though. :lol:

Cherry Who?
Spooky Scary Skeleton
Cherry Who? is offline
Old 11-24-2011, 06:23 AM

Was it a giant pie-weilding chicken?

Cardinal Biggles
Patron Saint of Pigeons🌙

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Old 11-24-2011, 09:47 AM

While we are talking about animals... Cherry, your Nathan Winograd link raises some questions. The responsible among us of course want the best and competent care for our fellow denizens of earth, especially the domestic ones. So, how do? In practical terms? Petitions of course are a good start, leading to laws. But there also has to be an infrastructure. Funds are a good way to support that, but it's hard to get going. Taxes are an iffy way (its something that can be easily voted down.) Donations are still one of the best ways, but where to put it, responsibly? I'm not being antagonistic, I'm genuinely looking for answers.

Cherry Who?
Spooky Scary Skeleton
Cherry Who? is offline
Old 11-24-2011, 04:34 PM

In terms of donations, it's best put them directly towards no kill shelters. Local, if you prefer, but there are some larger ones that people donate to from out of state. Finding them does take a touch of research, but most no kills are more than happy to proclaim what they are, so it's only a few minutes of Googling. Beyond that, contacting kill shelters with information about the no-kill movement, dispelling the popular beliefs about it (that it's not possible), and asking them to consider making the switch.

Donations can also be made to the No Kill Advocacy Center (note that those aren't for directly helping pets, but towards lobbying, etc. Which is actually exactly what HSUS does, but for the opposite team.)

As for petitions, I don't know of any current ones. Mostly the problem right now is total lack of awareness. Soon, though, Oreo's Law will be reintroduced and then there will be a good deal of petition-signing, friend-pestering, representative-calling, etc.

(For other Hoffers who have no clue what we're talking about but are curious, Why you shouldn't be supporting the ASPCA, PETA, Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) or Best Friends)

Elluh is offline
Old 11-24-2011, 05:10 PM

:drool: Muppets are adorable~! I'll take 20 of those too.

Happy Thanksgiving~! If anyone here is celebrating it, if not happy thursday. :cool:

Cherry Who?
Spooky Scary Skeleton
Cherry Who? is offline
Old 11-25-2011, 02:03 AM

Or happy Friday, as it is in some time zones. :lol:

For those who celebrate, did you all have a nice Thanksgiving?

Cardinal Biggles
Patron Saint of Pigeons🌙

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Cardinal Biggles is offline
Old 11-26-2011, 11:11 AM

I think the problem is such things don't have a lot of traction. They don't seem as viable. Nothing seems viable or logical anymore.

Cherry Who?
Spooky Scary Skeleton
Cherry Who? is offline
Old 11-26-2011, 06:22 PM

Sadly, yes. It can be very, very hard to get people to care.

Flitting free Girl
fairywaif is offline
Old 11-26-2011, 06:51 PM

I had stuffing for Thanksgiving, but nothing else... I'm going to make pudding pie as soon as my Mom feels better. We got Pumpkin Pie filling from a donation but my Mom is allergic. :lol: So we're going to chill Jello pudding in it instead. And top with whipped cream!

Cherry Who?
Spooky Scary Skeleton
Cherry Who? is offline
Old 11-27-2011, 12:28 AM

All the more pumpkin pie filling for you, then! EAT IT STRAIGHT OUT OF THE CAN! :lol:

Pudding pie sounds good! Enjoy!

Annihilator of Cookies
Snowberry is offline
Old 11-28-2011, 12:24 AM

Originally Posted by Cherry Flavored Antacid View Post
Was it a giant pie-weilding chicken?
I don't remember how the pie got on the wall. Just a lot of blood, screams, breaking bones... :O Yanno... the usual.

Cherry Who?
Spooky Scary Skeleton
Cherry Who? is offline
Old 11-28-2011, 01:00 AM

:lol: And why are there baby chickens everywhere?

Flitting free Girl
fairywaif is offline
Old 12-03-2011, 08:40 PM

The pudding pie has finally been made... pumpkin pancakes have not.

Because baby chickens multiply like mad?

Cherry Who?
Spooky Scary Skeleton
Cherry Who? is offline
Old 12-03-2011, 10:01 PM

How's the pie?

My GED test was today! I think it went well! :)

The girl with kaleidoscope eyes.
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`Kitami is offline
Old 12-04-2011, 06:10 AM

I am glad it went well, Cherry. ^_^

Cherry Who?
Spooky Scary Skeleton
Cherry Who? is offline
Old 12-04-2011, 05:44 PM

It was pretty painless. But only figuratively; literally, it was painful. Hunching over a desk for five hours... my neck is so sore. :gonk:

Flitting free Girl
fairywaif is offline
Old 12-04-2011, 06:49 PM

I hope it went well! You should use a hot pack or something.

My muscles are sore because I was playing ultimate frisbee (badly :XD).

Cherry Who?
Spooky Scary Skeleton
Cherry Who? is offline
Old 12-05-2011, 04:01 AM

Sounds fun! I must confess that I don't really know what ultimate frisbee is, though. I could google it, but that doesn't seem very conducive to conversation. So what's ultimate frisbee?

Cardinal Biggles
Patron Saint of Pigeons🌙

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Cardinal Biggles is offline
Old 12-05-2011, 06:05 AM

Congratulations, Cherry! These things always tend to seem more of a hurdle then they end up being. The great unknown and all that.

Cherry Who?
Spooky Scary Skeleton
Cherry Who? is offline
Old 12-05-2011, 05:32 PM

Precisely! I wasn't too worried about the test itself, I was more anxious about the things that I just didn't know. Silly things like what the room would be like, what the instructor would be like, etc. No logical reason for the worries, I just like knowing exactly what to expect! I was also terrified of being late, but that has an actual reason.

Anyone else have anything interesting happen lately?


HIM_ROCK is offline
Old 12-05-2011, 07:09 PM

This thread needs more British...

Little birdie ♥

hummy is offline
Old 12-05-2011, 10:12 PM

HIM_ROCK: ~~ is that a picture of bangers and mash?
it looks so yummie.
i am not a gravy fan but it looks delicious!


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