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Lunna Dea
Lady of Niflheim, Mistress of Sh...
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Old 03-11-2014, 03:37 AM

"it all depends on which floor you stop on. the floor right above us is the Library and then his study on the floor above that. forth floor was just his room and then there was our floor where his children lived before he started killing us. after that was a few more floors filled with storage, still rooms, servants rooms, and I think near the top was a family room, not that it was ever usd." testing the stairs up the side of the room they were in she smiled. "perfectly sound. you can head up. if he is not in the next two floors you should be safe without me. but if the draw it to the study or library then dont go in till I get there." walking back into the entry way of the tower she looked around the room slowly trying to find the sent she was smelling. it was something that he used to burn yet she did not see any trays of incense.

up above in the masters bedroom Sam looked around, slowly picking up stuff and then setting it back down. there was so much money here now that he was surprised that anyone had not found it already. what had set off the spell that he had not seen to bring all this back. he knew that if he stayed some one was going to try to kill him when they came through the door but he did not want Albert alone in this state. he had thought that this was still close enough for him to sleep without his home dirt but he was starting to stir again with the dreams. walking over he slowly ran his hand down the side of Alberts face. "you would not have been in this mess you know if you had not run away from him. he would have come around, you still have it." gently touching Fates hourglass he looked down at Erik's laying around Alberts neck. Albert below him twitched as a dream surfaced and he whimpered. leaning down Sam kissed him again giving him the calm that fate had given him. he hoped that soon some one would be here for him.

Winter Is Here...I think...

Immy is offline
Old 03-11-2014, 01:18 PM

Erik waited for her to walk away, he didn't wait even a second after that as he dashed upstairs to where he would feel that strong vibe come from, he stayed away from the library and study like he was told to, not that he really cared since the feeling of being pulled led him to a hallway of rooms. He looked in each one then kept going, finally he made it to the master bedroom; everything in the house was giving him the creeps, he hated the feeling as if he was being watched even if he wasn't originally. Deciding it was best not to blast the door or knock it down, he touched the handle turning it while pushing it open to walk inside as he stood there taking in the scene he saw.

Lunna Dea
Lady of Niflheim, Mistress of Sh...
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Old 03-12-2014, 04:58 AM

The scene he walked into was of Sam leaning over Albert in a beautifully made bad, kissing him. Looking up Sam got a look of OH SHIT and disappeared from sight. he knew that Erik was going to try to kill him for what he just saw and he really did not think that he would give him enough time to explain before trying to do that. hopefully he would have enough time while trying to find him to think about what had happened and wounder why he had been kissing him.

((sorry so short, cant think of more so have Erik wake Albert up))

Winter Is Here...I think...

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Old 03-13-2014, 02:37 AM

(okei dokie and if i make spelling errors im sorry i have 2 cans of monster energy drinks in my system, the green kind) (okay i just laughed at Sam's reply XDDDDDDD told you too much caffiene)

Erik stopped where he was, the scene was enough to raise the hatred inside of him when he saw Sam leaning over kissing him, and he wanted to kill the other reaper now. Though now his thoughts went back to Al in the bed asleep and wondered what happened. Walking over to the bed, almost too quickly, Erik sat on the side looking over Al he didn't see any wounds, but that was physically not mentally. Erik stroked Al's cheek with his hand gently having a somewhat sad look on his face, he didn't want to have to hunt someone down because they went after Al for some stupid reason. Erik would have wanted to see Al like this in a more peaceful way, he had to see if Al would wake up, if he did, he would be glad, if not...well that was left unknown even to himself. "Al please wake up" he spoke yet nothing happened nor did it seem the vampire stirred in his sleep.

"Please wake up, Al" he knew the other wasn't dead, but he couldn't help but fear the worse. Maybe the vampire was in an eternal sleep, now that would make him want to kill the other reaper more. When he didn't move a small tear escaped rolling down his face as he leaned over saying "Please wake up, Albert" and then kissed him gently on the lips for a moment hoping maybe he would wake up this way. When he pulled back and the vampire didn't move, he fault his heart drop, and closed his eyes holding one of Albert's hands within his own staying silent as his cloak appeared with the hood covering his body and head almost in a full shadow.

Lunna Dea
Lady of Niflheim, Mistress of Sh...
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Old 03-13-2014, 03:47 AM

"what was that about not touching you for to long?" his voice was weak but able to be heard. slowly his eyes fluttered open and he looked up at Erik. "where are we and what happened?" he coughed as the dust in the room traveled down his throat. pushing himself up he looked around the room a look of confusion and apprehension in his face.

the sound of feet outside the door interupted his questions as Agata stepped into the room. "I see you found him. is he ok?" slowly she walked around the room picking up different items only to put them back down again moments later. "it has been such a long time since I have been here, he was not one for others using his room for anything unless it was by his wish."

Winter Is Here...I think...

Immy is offline
Old 03-13-2014, 12:46 PM

Erik looked up towards Albert's face in hope he was correct when he heard his voice, he was glad the flaw in his powers was his emotions. Whenever upset such as sad or depressed his powers wouldn't be able to work, though not every reaper was the same on this point, Erik had heard the questions stating quietly, yet there was happiness in his voice "My powers get weaker when I'm sad" he wrapped his arms around Albert not wanting to let go of him "You're okay" he kept whispering, mostly to himself because he was so worried seeing Albert laying there unmoved and even more unmoved before he kissed him. His powers probably would have shot through the roof if it wasn't for he thought this might be an illusion that felt so real. Erik nodded still holding on "He's okay"

Lunna Dea
Lady of Niflheim, Mistress of Sh...
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Old 03-15-2014, 09:15 AM

"yes I am ok." Albert said as he gently brushed his fingers through Erik's hair. here was the man that not to long ago left him saying that thier contract was over. that not long ago had broken his heart by leaving. "I thought you had left me." sighing he looked into Erik's eyes, his slightly odd and creepy eyes, had to be the death thing. "I was ready to let the sun take me without you," holding up his hands quickly as Agata tuned on him with a look like she was going to yell at him he said. "I know really stupid move as we have not known each other that long but," looking down at the necklace he gently touched it. "I felt that I could not go on knowing you were mad at me for some reason I could not understand. I am sorry that Warren reacted the way he did, I had forgotten how old school he can be." he looked between Erik and Agata. "I am sorry I was acting so stupid but..." a big yawn cut through his words as his eyes slowly rolled up into his head and he went limp.

"dont worry he still ok." Agata said as she walked over to them. as she passed the only window she ran her hand over the opening causing the room to darken as she covered the sun rise. "he will need to have some of his own soil if he is to sleep without nasty dreams. but we cant move him now that the sun has risen." reaching down she touched Albert on the forehead with her finger. "that will buy you some time to find some soil from his grave. he should have some in his house. if I were him I would keep extra in plants around the place." Albert only had one plant in the whole house that Erik had seen. it was a night blooming Jasmin that sat at his art desk.

Winter Is Here...I think...

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Old 03-17-2014, 07:49 PM

Erik jumped a little making sure Albert wouldn't hit his head on the headboard. Erik was freaking out mentally wondering if he had did something wrong, so he was glad Agata was in the room with them. Remembering the night blooming flower he had seen, not sure exactly what it was called, he asked "Does it have to be alot?" he wondered why vampires needed a bit of their own soil not to dream bad dreams. It didn't make sense to him, then again he was a reaper, and not a vampire so of course other races wouldn't make sense to him.

Lunna Dea
Lady of Niflheim, Mistress of Sh...
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Old 03-18-2014, 07:40 AM

"if the plant is not to large bring the whole thing. if it is not a desk plant just put a few handfuls into a jar so that it wont get everywhere." Agata said as she walked over to Albert. bending down she brushed his hair away from his face and smiled. "I had not known until recently that Warren had a child as old as Albert. form all the story's I had heard he had fled Europe after we had killed our sire and did not return till much later in his life." she turned to look at Erik. "did you know that it is uncommon for a vampire of European decent to go into Asia? Asian's have their own myths about what a vampire is and over there their vampires are not ones I would wish to deal with as a vampire. Now a Grim Reaper on the other hand would have a field day with them. they are souls or demons that have broken out of the place of punishment for evil souls and must be sent back if you can." she looked back at Albert. she could feel the pain that he felt from the dream he was facing at that moment, yet no outward sign showed. "I think it best if you hurry up and get that dirt, what every he is dreaming about I dont think it is nice."

Winter Is Here...I think...

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Old 03-19-2014, 12:59 AM

Erik listened watching Albert though all he could think about was how much pain the vampire must be in while in this sleeping state. He went back Albert's place using the shadows looking all over for any dirt and all he found (finally) was the desk plant. He had passed it a couple times now and figured there was no helping it. Taking it from the desk he disappeared into the shadows returning after about five to ten minutes quickly rushing as fast as he could without spilling the plant. He formed a shadow version of himself coming out of the wall where the headboard was and fully walked onto the floor by now. "This is all I could find, it was on his desk" he said holding the plant safely as if it was a little life of it's own. "Now what?" he asked not sure how this would help.

Lunna Dea
Lady of Niflheim, Mistress of Sh...
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Old 03-19-2014, 04:39 AM

There had been a shadow in the doorway as he had passed out as the sun rose, now that shadow came for Erik and he could not stop it. Each time he thought he had gotten Erik to safty it would appear and snatch him away again. The screams of anger and fear at his loss never left his physical lips but it hurt all the same. As they talked of his dirt around him in his dreams he could feel the dirt pulling Erik from his arms. He wanted to cry out, keep him close and never let the shadow take Erik from him again. It was a dream of reaching branches of some plant that was trying to rip him from inside out that he finely found the full sleep of death as Agata placed the plant in the crook of his arm.

“all you have to do is make sure that he has close contacted with it.” She said as she took the pot from Erik and placed it in Albert’s arms. “I have never really seen any vampire but our family use the potted plants around the house to hide the grave dirt. Most others just have bags hidden in their basements or in little pouches around the house.” She smiled up at Erik as she spoke. “now all you have to do is wait for him to wake up after the sun sets. He may remember the dreams and he may not. Don’t ask him about them. If he wants to talk he will.” With that she stood and moved away from the bed so that Erik could sit with him. “if you need me I will be down stairs, other than that get comfortable, its going to be a long day.” She snickered at a thought as she walked away.

Winter Is Here...I think...

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Old 03-19-2014, 01:18 PM

Erik ignored her snicker after she passed through the door, keeping the plant near Albert. Looking down at him he gently stroke the vampire's face, he may not have been overly depressed or angered...for the time being, however he didn't like to see Albert in pain. He was glad that the plant helped him out, it was a bit unusual, but it was more normal than other vampires did by what Agata told him. "Sleep well" Erik waited for him to wake, but he grew bored even with his own thoughts. Patience was not a virtue that he had and it sometimes would show, that's what made him a strange reaper sometimes. Laying down next to Albert hoping he wouldn't get shoved off the bed when the other awoke, he just watched him sleep, and soon fell asleep himself.

Lunna Dea
Lady of Niflheim, Mistress of Sh...
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Old 03-20-2014, 03:08 AM

As the sun slowly dipped below down to kiss the rim of the world alberts eyes flew open and he took in a breath. he could remember the dreams he had started the day with but they had faded to noting part way through the morning. had he also dreamed of Erik coming to find him while he lay in this odd place? something about it was familer to him but he could not put his fingers on it. moving ever so slightly he found that Eirk was laying next to him and on his other side his night Jasmin. "I did not expect you to come back." his voice was soft and sad. he feared that this was to just a dream, one his mind was making up trying to find a way to accept Erik's loss. how could one man that he had known for only a few days effect him so much. some would say soul mates but for as old as he was he did not believe in soul mates.

Winter Is Here...I think...

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Old 03-20-2014, 03:36 AM

Erik woke up sleepily stretching slightly then he bolted right up sitting on the bed. "Albert!" he exclaimed, he had a dream where Albert didn't wake up, and he feared that would actually happen when he would wake. "Are you okay? I'm soooooo sorry" he apologized not wanting to leave Albert's side right now. Last time he left the vampire alone, another took off with him...oh yea...he still had to hunt that soul down and torture the hell out of him. Erik figured that he could get Warren in on this one, after all someone did kidnap his child, and put him in a place as such. But then again Erik thought Warren would probably try to kill him too. "This isn't a dream, thankfully" he sighed in relief.

Lunna Dea
Lady of Niflheim, Mistress of Sh...
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Old 03-20-2014, 04:14 AM

sighing Albert reaching out and gently brushed at Erik's cheek. "I am fine. dont worry about it. I thought you had left me for good." he blushed as he lay there looking up at Erik. "your lucky you found me before sunrise. I was ready to die because you left me the way you did." moving quickly he was up and pinning Erik on the bed. his legs straddling Eriks pinned them so that he could not kick him with them. licking his lips he slowly leaned in towards Eriks neck. "dont ever do that to me again. you don't know how much it hurt me to think you wanted nothing to do with me." with that he gently kissed Erik's neck and sighed. "it was Sam who stopped me from finding another way of killing myself you know."

Winter Is Here...I think...

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Old 03-20-2014, 01:13 PM

Erik listened to Albert speaking and was glad the vampire was fine now. Erik wanted to apologize, but he felt that wouldn't have done anything for what he had chosen to do. Erik 'eeep'd when Albert was now on top of him, he hid the red tint that was trying to form on his face. Not moving when Albert placed a kiss on his neck, he shuddered at the feeling and when he heard Sam's name brought up he couldn't tell if he wanted to kill the other reaper right then and there, or what. Why had Sam done that? Oh he was going to find out and he could his position to do so. Erik wrapped his arms around Eriks neck kissing him on the lips fully then pulled away to say "S-sorry" he wasn't sorry, but he had a bad habit of saying it.

Lunna Dea
Lady of Niflheim, Mistress of Sh...
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Old 03-20-2014, 08:03 PM

Albert sighed as he looked down at Erik, his ginger hair falling about them curtaining them from the rest of the world. he sighed as Erik kissed him back. "if you ever run on me again I am going to hunt you down and make you regreat what you did. I dont know why I feel this way but I would rather die then lose you again. you are my soul."

Winter Is Here...I think...

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Old 03-20-2014, 09:09 PM

Erik's face turned a little more red and he wasn't trying to conceal it this time. It took too much effort to hide it from Albert and he didn't care if the other would see it. Erik took a short breath "Without realizing it, I believe by giving you that necklace I had chosen then to give you my soul, and seeing as I trusted you with something that was said to be very important to me. Well, I believe that speaks for itself" Erik spoke "Don't worry Albert, I won't do it again, and I won't let you go either"

Lunna Dea
Lady of Niflheim, Mistress of Sh...
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Old 03-20-2014, 09:27 PM

“did you know that your really cute when you blush.” He said leaning down before leaning back down and kissing him roughly. He wanted to bury himself in Erik but he knew he could not keep doing this before it would kill him. Opening his mouth he ran his tongue over Eriks lips. His hands brushed over Eriks sides as he enjoyed this chance. “I thought that you did not know what your necklace was. You realize that I wanted to create something like this for you. That is what started Warrens anger.”

Winter Is Here...I think...

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Old 03-20-2014, 09:53 PM

After being kissed roughly, which he loved so much right now, Erik blushed even more when he heard Albert say that and that's when he realized he was on the soft, big bed with someone he could really trust. Erik followed Albert's movement taking it as an okay to keep going and this is what they both wanted. Parting his lips to kiss Albert again he only broke away saying "Agata told me about it, I have remembered though, the one who taught me to be a reaper made me realize I had forgotten" and that's when his memory came back all at once almost, there was only one part of his memory in which he had not yet gotten back.

Erik heard Albert say 'You realize that I wanted to create something like this for you' it made something in his mind click as the aura around him became...well if whatever made him forget was now out of the way or couldn't stay closed down on his memories anymore. His power seemed like a bit of a wave then faded as he reached up quickly pulling Albert closer to him kissing him with more passion than he would have believed he would have had inside him.

Lunna Dea
Lady of Niflheim, Mistress of Sh...
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Old 03-20-2014, 10:10 PM

“I am not surprised that she would know about it, she seems to have odd connections.” His voice was husky with hunger. He could feel his feeder fangs dropping but he did not care. He was going to enjoy whatever Erik would give him this time. There was no where they had to be and there was nothing that he needed to do. Letting Erik pull him back down into the kiss he pushed his tongue into Erik’s mouth enjoying the tasted of him. His eyes shifted towards red as the hunger that he faced every morning awoke with the flavor of Erik. <I need to feed soon my soul, unless you will allow me to feed from you.> his mental voice seemed to wrap Erik in a blanket velvet. Running his fingers up through Eriks hair he gripped it and pulled his head back. <your answer?>

Winter Is Here...I think...

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Old 04-02-2014, 07:04 PM

Erik felt the burning passion surge through his body, something in him wanted Albert more than ever right now, and there was something else that he couldn't figure out. Why was there something off to him about this. He didn't understand it and right now his lust blinded him like a cloud over his mind. Erik might have been a reaper and not fear death since he was death himself. However, he still had a bit of being human to him, his eyes showed a bit of fear hidden beneath his eyes. An electrical current ran through his body as he nodded trusting Albert to an extent he did not know; pulling himself towards Albert more, his power spiked to higher levels realizing it probably affected Albert so he faded into the shadows of the bed winding up on the other side of the room in a shadow on the wall walking out of it. "I don't think being so close is a good idea" Erik said even though he loved it.

Lunna Dea
Lady of Niflheim, Mistress of Sh...
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Old 04-02-2014, 08:33 PM

As he pulled himself closer to Erik he felt Death Fire play along his skin. He loved the feel of the death fire but he also knew what it would mean to him if it got to strong. Leaning back he sighed as Erik disappeared from his arms. Growling he pushed himself up on his side. “Unless you can let me feed from you I am going to need a human soon, and I don’t know how much control I am going to have.” Albert could not understand what had caused him to get this hungry, he remembered feeding not too long ago. Sighing he licked his fangs as he tried to push them back in.

Winter Is Here...I think...

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Old 04-03-2014, 12:15 AM

Erik wondered what he should do, if he let Albert feed from someone else then he wouldn't like it, and if he let him feed he could probably wind up getting hurt. Well they both could. Shaking away those thoughts he saw the amulet around Albert's neck remembering he had given him it when they met not too long ago. Walking over to him, Erik pulled Albert into a kiss, if Albert was going to bite anyone, then Erik would rather it be him, and not anyone else. "Bite me" he whispered sounding inviting in Albert's ear as the lights in the room went off due to Erik's power. The shocking pulse was low, but not harmful now as he kept it in control.

Lunna Dea
Lady of Niflheim, Mistress of Sh...
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Old 04-03-2014, 04:54 AM

Albert watched as the battle seemed to pay out in Erik’s eyes, or was he just seeing something that was not there. So he was surprised when Erik pulled him into a kiss. As he pulled back he sighed and looked into Eriks eyes. They might be off putting but he loved the look in them. Reaching out he ran his fingers slowly down the side of Erik’s cheek. “the term bite me takes all the romance out of it you know.” He said softly as he slipped his hand around to the back of Erik’s neck. Gently pulling him close, he kissed the pulse point at the base of Erik’s neck. Seconds later his fangs slipped in sending waves of pleasure after the burst of pain. Pulling him into a tight embrace he sighed as it flowed into his mouth. He had never realized that a grim reapers blood would tasted this good to him. It seemed to burn through his veins with a cold energy but not like death fire. He could feel his mind reaching out to join with Eriks, something he had only felt with his sire long ago. He had to release Erik as the power in his blood became to powerful for him to keep a hold of much longer. “no wonder they tell us not to feed on Grim Reapers. It…” he sighed at the pleasure that fallowed with the power. He could still feel his mind trying to link with Eriks. “I could keep feeding but I know it would burn me up. But I don’t need to feed from you as much as I do a human. I think that it would have burnt me had you not pulled back and held your full power from me.” Pulling back in he kissed the wounds in the neck, his tongue darting out and licking the last few drops as the wound healed up quickly. “it will be a few days before I need to feed again.”


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