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Tiamos Loren
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Tiamos Loren is offline
Old 11-20-2008, 03:20 AM

Thomas watched as Cain made his way back, seeing Logan go straight to work on him without even hesitating. Comforted by the fact that Logan understood that this was bad, Thomas didn't waste time in doubling back to the store room, also wondering what was inside there since they had broken through. Hearing Shinara talk about getting what we needed Thomas nodded, though he felt that they should grab everything since it was going to be one of those things that you can never have enough of. His eyes caught sight of the weapons for a moment but something inside of him decided he shouldn't bother with them, looking then back to the food and medical supplies.

He heard Shinara thinking aloud then and looked to her from the corner of his eye, spotting that hint of concern but then noticing she had flushed it away moments later, as if not to worry him. Of course, he was already worried by then, taking out the canister once again and looking at it, noticing a soft beeping noise that was barely at a whisper then as he was looking. For a few moments he wondered as to what it could be since he almost felt that it wasn't an explosive, but that beep was unsettling him. He blinked then at the canister, knowing that there was something about that beeping. Before exploring the room further he set the canister down on the upper level, taking about 20 steps back before turning back around, bringing out the piistol Logan gave him back at the airport. Without hesitation, he proceeded to use the canister for target practice, adjusting to the recoil of the pistol while he put two holes deep into the canister's innards.

It was then that he saw sparks flying out of the broken object, a few wires dangling out of it, and his eyes widened. "A tracker...? Shit!" Slipping the pistol back in his pocket he rushed back down the stairs, noticing a few supply bags on the floor, filling them up quickly with the food and medical supplies. "Shinara, get everything you can, we have to get out of here." Having filled about three bags with food and medical aid, his attention then was drawn to the weapons. He never liked guns, but gut instincts were telling him now that he might have to end up using them. Grunting at the thought he picked out three of the larger kinds which he could place over his shoulders by the straps, picking out two more smaller pistols and slipping one of them in his pockets, keeping the other in his hand. "That canister? I got a bad feeling about it too." Grabbing another bag he loaded it with the spare ammo rounds he could find, hoping that all that he grabbed could come in useful at some point at the very least.

"That canister was beeping...I just put holes in it. I don't think we should stay here."

Last edited by Tiamos Loren; 11-20-2008 at 01:51 PM.. Reason: Adjusted to adapt to latter posts...

King of Bedlam
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Old 11-20-2008, 03:33 AM

The Canister died with a few more beeps escaping it, each of them louder as the beeps finally faded into nothing.

Logan turned, Cain sitting next to him with bandaged hands, finally held together as it was almost in a ball. "Hmmm? Wh.... It can't be... Rukushko is about to come!" he said, turning toward Cain with a hysterical look upon his face. "Rukushko...? Who the hell are you talking about...?" Cain said, not thinking much of the beeping noises. Logan groaned, "Rukushko was a former member of the Resistance, He has it out to kill the entire human race and empower himself alongside of the Schmerz.... He made an enraging catalyst to attempt to entice the Schmerz, He also had several other people work on this horrific project alongside him ... It worked.... and Now he is a Schmerz with such intellegence that he just seems to be an enlarged demolitions expert... We need to hole up here... If we attempt to escape he will simply bomb us..."

Cain ran toward the two, back toward the supply room and told them what he had just heard, "Guys.... Logan told me what the canister was.... Its an enraging element... He told me it was made by a mad-man named Rukyusko... He says that the man is a demolitions expert and we need to prepare to defend... A single person seems to be coming... According to what he said.... But I don't know..." Cain looked paniced, "I think... Our only option is either another exit.... If what Logan said is true... he will simply prepare himself at the front gate..."

Dead Account Holder
Shinara is offline
Old 11-20-2008, 04:19 AM

Shinara looked around, she didn't know what to do. "Cain don't you think he would be more prepared for us to try to escape? I mean it doesn't seem like the kind of thing any one would take lightly and just come by them self." She glanced around. then looked at Cain she knew he was panicking but she couldn't say she wasn't freaked either. "I guess we could try but we're going to have to move fast and carefully. Where's Logan and Marissa? We don't want to stick around much longer if what you said is true." She slowed down and took a few breaths to calm herself. "I'd rather not get into another fight if I can help it." She looked down at her legs grunting at the fact that if she fought she'd most likely end up getting hurt again, it wasn't anything new to her but she still hated it. She looked at Cain's hands and cringed a little knowing a fight wouldn't be any good for him either. "We need to grab what ever we can and move if we're getting out of here, and hope that this guy doesn't have friends." She looked up at Cain and gave him a small smile, "It'll be fine don't worry. I won't let anything happen to you guys, no matter what." Her face turned serious as she kept her self alert and readied for what ever was coming. "If it's only one against all of us then we seem to have a good chance... right?"She wanted to be right, but she wasn't nearly as confident as she sounded.

[[I might be a while for the next reply if you guys make more tonight ^_^ but I will be back]]

Tiamos Loren
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Old 11-20-2008, 02:13 PM

The next few moments were a blur. He could remember stocking the bags up and preparing to fight his way out but then Cain came and explained what was going on in more detail than what Thomas could possibly have guessed. Nothing could have prepared him for what Cain had to say though. He then came to realise that, being rogue Schmerz, they might make themselves targets for this big guy as well - something Cain couldn't afford to do in his condition. The situation looked dire, Thomas knew it. There was no way Shinara could fight, and Cain was unable to. The only able-bodied were the humans - and against one Schmerz, it was looking to be a desperate struggle if escape was an option.

"No...whichever way we run, we'd probably get singled out and annihilated." He looked to Cain and Shinara, then looked around the storage room, sighing softly. "Alright. I'll take this one bag up that I stuffed ammo in, take up these guns I found down here, and us three will hold this Schmerz off at the gate, hopefully putting and end to him." Sliding the ammo bag out, he then pulled on the door hard, moving it to close it. "Meanwhile you two stay down here. Cain's in no condition to fight right now, and I don't want you in danger again Shinara." Leaving a little gap in the door he poked his head through and nodded. "There's flashlights built in to some of the weapons. Use that if necessary and stay down here until we come back for you."

Not waiting for any reply from either of them, he returned to the surface, ammo in the bag and guns over his shoulder, dumping the ammo bag next to his own one and sliding over a pistol and one of the larger guns to Logan. "I hope you know how to use these if we're gonna stand our ground." He pointed his thumb in the direction of the supply area. "I've instructed them two to hole up in the supply room, I hope they stay there now." He looked to the gate, dropping one of the large guns to the floor as he steadied the last in his hands. "It'd probably be a good idea for Marissa to find a safe spot to hide, especially if she cannot manage a weapon like this." He sighed softly. "I doubt I could manage such a weapon myself, but we'll have to try for now."

Studying the weapon then, he managed to understand the basic mechanics of the safety lock on the weapon as well as how to reload the weapon, eventually moving into aiming with it. "At least if all else fails, we know that the weapon I got will at least cut him deep enough to implant the bullets to his skull." He passively commented. "I just hope that he's not as big as the other Schmerz that we've encountered, because that last one was a hard nut to was only thanks to the other two we killed him." Shaking himself out of his personal conversation, he turned back to the gate, cautious of what could be there at any given moment. "Damn it...we'll get through this, even if I have to rip his goddamn head off."

By now he hated being on edge - he didn't want to fight - but he had to be and he knew it.

xsakurahanax is offline
Old 11-29-2008, 08:40 AM

[[|OOC|| Back from travels! =D Enter Marissa again. >] ]]
Marissa heard the loud thud, and turned around. She heard the hiss of a canister, and scrambled to get up. She was on her feet, and followed the sound of other's footsteps. Not saying a word to the others, she didn't bother to say anything. In her opinion words here was simply not enough, action and timing counted the most. She saw Cain and the female schermz stop for a while, and skidded to a halt. The name Rukushko struck a cord in her mind, not really sure who it was. But then, when Logan explained who he was, a chill swept through her. She had heard of the incident that caused Rukushko to be forced out of the Resistence, but she had thought those were merely rumors. However, she was beginning to see Logan's words blending in with this nightmare.

"How did they manage to find us?" she whispered quietly.

She shook her head, and didn't say anything more. She followed the rest of the group, and they were in some sort of supply room by now. She glanced around, weapons and other forms of possible defence. Her eyes caught the sight of a pistol in Thomas's hands and almost gasped, but she stifled the gasp. Thomas's words jolted her from her original sense of shock at the sight of the weapons. She sighed.

"I might be a scientist, but who said scientist can't defend herself?" she demanded.

She eyed the weapon supplies a little doubtfully, but she gritte her teeth and calmed her nerves. If she was to die, she wanted to die fighting. She glanced over the weapon rack again, and hesitated a little. Then she selected a crossbow, she glanced over it, and sighed. It would have to do. She nodded and agreed to help and look after Cain and Shairana.

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Shinara is offline
Old 11-30-2008, 11:33 PM

[Just a warning Sakura, Flower is taking a little break from mene, and Loren is having life issues so it may be some time before they post. If you want to know more about it they told me on my thread here: it's where we chat with each other and I think around the last page they mentioned the reasons for their in activity.]

King of Bedlam
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Old 12-02-2008, 12:52 AM

[ah.... finally responded.... I hope you like it XD]

Logan kept his eyes entirely locked foward, his face full of a dull hopelessness almost as he began programming a few things into a computer hooked up into the turrent. "Its Automated...." he simply explained, wondering if anyone questioned as the turrent beeped in response, it pulled itself up, begginging to create a quiet whirring motion as it moved left and right, watching the entire are of the gate, "Thank god they have this here.... hmmmm? This was obviously something more than a plain factory.... Knowing that they have such an immense defense system...." he sighed as a small wall appeared behind the turrent, blocking them from the sight of the main gate as they stood there. "Chances are Rukushko has no idea of any secondary exits.... And he isn't even one for stealth in the first place..... He will be blunt...." Logan overheard a wistling coming from the distance, he was getting closer, and he was being annoyingly casual about this. Logan turned toward Marissa at her word, she was silent for a while, and Logan found it good that she was willing to talk at this point. "The canister had a tracking device in it.... I swear that it is sheer bad luck that the damn thing was still working..... but knowing that Rukushko had originally made the object.... Well... I suppose its of high quality..." he paused and looked as she grabbed the crossbow, he rose an eyebrow, ".... A Crossbow? Good god.... You are begging for death grabbing that... Grab a machine gun... or a pistol at least..." he was rather adamant about it, as he looked at her with an almost commanding look, he was worried about her.

Cain, feeling helpless at this moment, stood there in the storage room, he took one look at the canister again, the poisin that turned him into a mindless animal, he was beginning to lose hope in himself at the moment, to think he could be pushed to such a level without his own knowledge of being pushed there.... was quite unsettling.... He was beggining to lose the trust in himself, only being brought back to earth by the voice of Shinara, it comforted him at this moment, but all he could do was respond with a weak smile as his eyes kept lockedo onto his bandaged hands. He weakly responded with a word of hope directed toward Thomas, "I... Believe in you..... You can defeat him...." Cain stood silent afterwords, standing near Shinara, as he felt comfort from her protective nature, he was growing closer to her, and it was as if he did not want to lose that comfort at the moment, although his eyes were focused to the wall.

A quiet wistling was overheard from the distance, Logan's mind was not playing tricks on him, Logan's eyes pulling up as he looked toward the rusted door, a few beeps were heard on the outside, the footsteps growing louder, until finally an eerie silence held over the group. Logan looked as though he was three inches away from death.

Tiamos Loren
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Old 12-02-2008, 03:07 AM

He could feel the fear resonating from Logan on the instant that he started talking about the guy. Slowly, Thomas was understanding what sort of person this guy really was: a deranged scientist who thought that being able to command these things could make you the high chief of whatever sort of society they had. He was surprised, though, that Marissa herself wasn't so eager to rip this guy's head off considering her earlier outburst at him before for suggesting he became one of these things. Hearing the whistling in the distance and the beeps from the programmed sensors, he looked to Logan who seemed to look like he had seen a ghost.

-So he's here then...- He began to think to himself. -That bastard...made such a reputation for himself that all but the most determined or dim-witted seem to be able to not fear him.- He then looked to Marissa, shaking his head. -And her...she doesn't even have a clue about what's going on. She's not even ready to fight this thing.- He closed his eyes, slowly and softly placing the guns he had around him to the ground. -Well...seems I'm the only one capable of dealing the deathblow to this son of a bitch...only this time, I got nobody to bail me out if I mess up...- His hand reached for his weapon of choice, the very blade that killed the last one of their kind they met. "Well...I promised I'd come back for them two. Time to make good on my word or die trying."

It was to be the last words he whispered to the other two, eyes opening and seemingly void of emotion spare for one: Anger. His mind seething anger and hatred over this person who thought that he could rule the world with a can of loyalty and some pest of a beacon. He was not willing to back down to such a nuisance, nor was he intending to hide from it, striding away from the wall and looking straight at the gate, staring out towards it with cold hateful eyes, Grand Edge solidly held in his firm grip. He no longer made any attempt to hide himself, he didn't rely on any shooting equipment of any sort and he wasn't going to count on anyone else to save the day. He replayed the situation over in his mind: Cain had broken fists, Shinara only had leg power, Marissa was inexperienced and Logan could hit and stun but not kill. In his mind he cast them off, leaving himself alone and under threat in his mind.

"This is hardly the sort of time to be whistling for people to find you, don't you think?" He coldly remarked, his gaze fixing upon something he thought he could see by the gate.

[Apologies for the shortness...though I guess it's hardly what any of you would call "short". :lol:]

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Shinara is offline
Old 12-04-2008, 02:29 AM

Shinara glanced over at Cain and Knew that she had to stay with him no matter how much she wanted to go help everyone else. She made sure that she listen to every sound around them. If any one was to get past the others they would come after them next. She thought of the others fighting the Schmerz and cringed worried that they would fail. Then she realized there is two resistance members out there she felt semi relieved knowing that they have most likely dealt with Schmerz before and know how to handle them. She kept telling herself 3 against one trying to keep her confidence in them up, but never while she was thinking these things did she stop listening and waiting. She felt a little more comfort knowing that Cain was there too, even though he couldn't fight, and wondered what caused it. She took slow deep breaths anticipating that a Schmerz was just going to burst in any moment but as she waited he never came and she was getting more and more hopeful that he wouldn't. She looked at Cain and thought how hard it was to be unable to protect yourself. She hopped with all her heart that she wouldn't have to fight while he couldn't. She didn't look back at him but kept her guard up as she quietly whispered to him "Don't worry, if he does make it past the others, I'll never let him get past me, I promise!" She hoped this made him feel safer but she meant it, she was so tired of losing everything around her. Shinara decided to promise herself that she would not let any one she cared about get hurt again. The only hard part would be to keep that promise.

[[Didn't get a chance to type this yesterday, I got really tired >_< but I did it now. Not too good but it's because it was half typed one night and finished another xD]]

King of Bedlam
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Old 12-06-2008, 12:36 AM

[i am not posting yet because i'm waiting for our 'third party'

And the other forum is inactive for some reason o.o]


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