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loveiswhatilack is offline
Old 08-06-2008, 05:39 PM

Dear [blank],

You know the saying, 'the more things change, the more they stay the same'?
When I told you that quote, you didn't understand. I meant that if we're such best friends like everyone claims we are, then why did we let our friendship fall apart so easily?
Even though everyone and everything is changing,
what I didn't expect was our friendship to..

So tell me, now where do we stand?
Should we continue on with our lives without acknowledging the existence
of one another? Or do we try to move on and start over?

If not, then tell me how to fix this, cause it seems I haven't been doing anything to help,
but I've only made a bigger hole in this friendship..

If so, then you missed out on a very good friendship.

Sincerly, Pjjjj

~::Ali::~ is offline
Old 08-06-2008, 08:01 PM

Dear ___,

It's been nearly 6 months since we had spoken to eachother, and each day gets harder to know that I may never speak with you again. You made last summer the best year of my life and I will never forget it, and ever since you had "left" or "dissapeared" if you will, things have been going downhill.

My body is all out of whack, my family is still having problems if not worse than before, Kira's..going through a real tough time now. Though it seems like she's moving on, and leaving me behind. She just, doesn't want to talk to me at all anymore. Before we would talk every single day for I have no idea how long. Now it's been nearly a week since I've even talked to her. Things are going to be so different with her moving. I'm afraid that I'll start feeling how I felt last year (before I met you), but don't worry, I'll still keep my promises that I made.

Although things are going all crazy, I'm not going to forget what you have done for me, and I will carry it with my throughout my life. No matter what I will never forget you. You are such a selfless person, and you were the kind of guy that I was waiting for and will have to wait for again. Any girl or possibly guy would be lucky to have you, and I mean that.

I constantly have this fear that you are gone forever and every time I think of that I can't help but to break down. That's the worst part of living miles and miles apart. Not knowing if something has happened.

I'm not going to give up though. I'm going to keep on searching, and hoping that you're still out there somewhere. And even if you have beat me to the "Big Cheese," I will still convince him to let me give you one of my wings when I make it over. If not that, you will at least have a piece of my heart, forever.


Q U E E N ! E
Q U E E N ! E is offline
Old 08-06-2008, 08:56 PM

Dear *****,
Forgive me if I'm wrong, but I think I'm a good person. I mean, I've never done drugs, gone to jail, been a bully, or stolen anything! The worst thing I've done was drink a wine cooler when I was 17. My parents are good people, they've never done anything to anyone. They've worked hard to get us to where we are. I mean, if you've risked your life to give your child a better future, doesn't that count for anything?
Why are they so cruel? Why can't they see that were human? How does a slip of paper strip you away from human rights? I dont understand why its important to have been born on one piece of dirt than on the other.

Pikapi Pikachu
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Old 08-07-2008, 07:29 AM

Dear ___

Thank you for at least having the good sense to see that I'd only always ever be "the other woman" were our friendship to continue. You said it yourself; were there the possibility of us being more than friends (and you HAD hinted at that, once, but now I realize it was just a throwaway line. You're always going to love her more truly than you think you care for me), then we could've made something. But she's there, in the background, and soon you two will be moving in together. I won't be the "other woman", and even you had the good sense to realize and acknowledge that I deserve better. Of course, you don't know this, but I already have something better, and I hope I can have that for a long, long time. It's probably the best thing that's happened to me for a now, and unlike my previous infatuation with you, I love him. And I know he loves me. I don't have to pretend or wonder; I know it for true, just as I know it for true that you love her. You might say things are rocky between you, you might act like the reluctant boyfriend, who does things out of a sense of duty to his girlfriend, but I know you love her, deep down, because otherwise, you would've cut things between you a long time ago. If you'd been single when I first met you, then things could very well have gone differently. But you weren't, and you're not, and it's not likely you ever will be, unless she gets wind of your most recent indiscretions. Of course, I doubt she ever did find out of any of your little didoes, because sure as the sun is shining, she'd have kicked your ass to the kerb. But that's neither here nor there, and I'm not going to lose any sleep wondering just what was going on in your mind. We're done as friends now, the ties between us are cut, and we can both move on.

Though you couldn't really help yourself, could you? You had to stick in your favourite pet name for me (and you can't even spell it right, but it's done anyways, so whatever) in the title of the email. Did you think that, deep down, I'd swoon and think how sweet you were being? Or that I'd melt and change my mind? Nope. I was never going to change my mind, and I've shoved all my doubts to the back of my mind. I did the right thing quitting you, and I know I'm not going to regret this decision.

I wish you well, and I do hope your future is a bright one. Focus on the future you have with her, and maybe things might sort themselves out. As for me, I have my own future, and gods willing, I'll be able to look forward to something, and hang onto that future for as long as I can. I can at least do it with a clear conscience.

Our paths have split, and that's the way it should be, till you grow up and learn to respect boundaries. It may be years, and it may be never, but I'm not going to come crawling back to you if it falls apart in your face. I'm sorry, but I'm above that now. I'm not going to sit here like a pigeon, or a call girl, or whatever.
Any interactions we may have in the future will be that of friends. I'll make damn sure of it. I'm not throwing over my own happiness for your selfish whims.

SO not the "other woman"


is now closed
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Old 08-07-2008, 09:44 AM

Dear __________,
I really like you and everything.
I know you like me too, and I really want to tell you everything about me. I love how you've accepted the fact that I have Herpes, but I know we could never ever ever be together. If we were I know my family would freak out.
I mean if it wasn't for my family I would go out with you, but I just can't. I want you to understand that. It's not because I don't like you, or because I don't think you're beautiful, jezzz... You're the most beautiful woman I've ever seen.
It's just, I have a boy friend, and I have my family. They would NEVER accept me if I told them I was bi and had both a bf and a gf. They would disown me. I might care a lot about you, but I'm sorry to say, you're not worth me loosing my family.
My family has always been here for me, and yeah you've been here for me too, but they will ALWAYS be here for me. If I loose them for you, and then I loose you, who do I have left? No one I can rely on. I can't do that. So I'd rather stay with my family.
I hope you understand. It's not you at all.

I have to settle on a better way of telling her I can't go out with her, rather then telling her it's cause of my family...Help?

Fullmetal Phantom
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Old 08-08-2008, 01:22 AM

Dear ex-friend:
Oh, how blind I was to think of you as a friend, even for such a short time as a month. I prefer to live without regrets, and we both know hat. Yet looking back, it almost seems as though you WANTED to tear that down as it was forming. And for what? So you wouldn't be bored?

Toward the later part of our so-called friendship, words cannot adequately describe how badly I wanted to just SCREAM at you that I have a LIFE. You told me to quit practicing my guitar, even TIMED it so you could pester me when I had to stop! It made me so angry, my pillows still haven't forgiven me. And at the time, it WASN'T easy to make me angry. You wouldn't let me PACK for my trip, you even seemed to think I was weak when I needed to SLEEP. I had known you for only a few days before it seemed you thought my life should revolve around you!

You told me to stop writing about the one thing that was making me truly HAPPY. Let the records show, my TRUE friends were actually glad to see it. I was pulling out of the WORST time of my life THANKS TO THAT; be thankful we didn't meet two months before we did. If we had, I probably wouldn't have been too nice to say anything. I hope at least you were happy.

Now I still seem you around...and it seems every day you annoy me more and more. You seem such a snob at makes me want to slam my head into the wall, angry at my stupidity for ever having considered you a friend.

The bitter irony of it is, I know you will probably see this. I know you're on here. And at this point, I don't care anymore. I would request, if you do know I'm talking about you, that you just...not reply. Because I won't be holding onto anything after this. I want to be free from my one remaining regret.
Sincerely, 海理~アマニ~

bing chilling
Risque is offline
Old 08-08-2008, 03:43 AM

@ is not closed: I don't agree with the fact that you're going to stop seeing your girlfriend because your parents don't approve, I know that the situation is complicated and all, but why in the world should your parents keep you from doing what your heart wants? ): They should be more understanding. *hugs*

Dear ______,
Oooh, so it seems we're going to be going out on what you would call a "date" tomorrow. I'm really excited and all, I know I'm going to have fun, I always do whenever I'm around you. I know it's nothing formal and all, but it's going to be just you and me, and something about that makes me feel....I don't know.
I have a boyfriend now who I love very much, but here you come, randomly reappearing into my life, talking to me, and asking me out. Do you even know that I'm taken?

Truth be told, there's still a part of me that likes you. I don't know how obvious it was that I liked you back in the 7th grade, but I know that you had feelings for me back, but I was a coward and never acted on that knowledge, and instead I pushed you away until you eventually settled on another girl. I didn't do anything about that. I was all ready to let you go, hell, I crushed and fell in love with lots of other guys since the 7th grade.

I really don't want to feel this way about you.

Anyways, I still think that this "Date" is a good idea, seeing as how your family's situation is still unstable. This may very well be one of our last chances to spend some time together. But please, I don't want this get-together to be anything more than what it is, which is just two friends spending some time together.

sincerely, Irene

Pikapi Pikachu
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Old 08-08-2008, 09:20 AM

@ Circa Survive: While my situation wasn't exactly the same as yours, I definitely understand your quandary, and I sympathise!

Dear ___

You're the best thing that's ever happened to me in a long time, and I can't even begin to thank you enough. I may still have a few teething problems to work out, but that's okay. I know you'd tell me if something were amiss, and so far, you haven't said anything, so I know I must be doing something right! And thank you for not wringing my neck yesterday, because I sure as heck deserved getting my tailfeathers kicked! I know I have no cause to worry, as you told me yourself, but part of me still doubted and still had fears, and truth be told, even as I go into my security course next week, I know those fears and doubts are going to be magnified a hundredfold. I know I have no reason to doubt you, because you said it yourself, but I just can't help worrying about what's going to happen with me gone. I know you won't stray, just as I won't stray, but it's going to be so damn hard not to worry about what might be happening. I am going to call more often, though, you can be sure of that! Not because I distrust you, but because I want to hear your voice, even if I can't see you face to face. And I have your photo on my phone, set as my wallpaper (bite me! I know you may think I'm being crazy, but I don't care! xP), so at least it feels a little more as though I have you with me. Plus, I have that adorable "K" keyring you gave me, back before we got together, so that's another plus. I won't be as alone as I think myself to be, but I'm going to be damn lonely! I miss you already, and I haven't even started the course yet! I'm going to have to keep my mind on my studies, and make sure I give 100% so I can 100% and be closer to gaining employment in the security industry, but it isn't going to stop me from missing you like crazy when I don't have to focus my thoughts on the task at hand!

Let's be honest; I love you. I love everything about you, and just being around you is enough to make me happy, deep down. Every time you smile at me, I feel myself starting to go weak in the knees, and I'm pretty sure I start blushing too! I haven't felt like this about anyone for a long time, and I'm so glad it's you I can feel this way about. Most of the time, we act like any other friends, but every now and then, you do or say something that reminds me we are WAY past the friendship stage. I don't know how I got to like you so quickly, nor how it somehow managed to turn into love (and I'll never, to my dying day, ever be able to work out how you figured out I loved you. I mean, yes, the week before I managed to stutter out that I liked you, but how, the week after when we got together, you ever figured out I loved you is forever going to remain a mystery!), but I don't care. I'm glad I feel this way, and I'm glad it's you I can feel this way about, and every time I'm with you, or in the same room, or whatever, I'm happy, happy in a way I haven't been for a long time. I especially love it when we don't have to say anything, that we can spend ages just being quiet, and yet, I can feel it. It's an amazing feeling, and I am so, so glad, that it's you I have this feeling about. I wouldn't want to feel this way about anyone else, and despite my fears and worries, I know deep down that I won't ever have anything to worry about, and maybe what I said yesterday on the way back to the station, about how I wasn't going to worry any more, can be true by the time I get back the week after next. All I have to do is picture you in my head, telling me not to worry, and I know I'll be able to make those words a reality. And by heck, when I get back, you'd better not have gotten lost, if you know what I mean! Yes, I should have faith in you, and I'm going to do my damnedest to make sure I stick to that!

I love you!

Forever yours


Gory Little Horror
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Old 08-08-2008, 04:05 PM

Dear mum,
I wrote you a letter this morning, I was angry at you. I know I wrote it for my own piece of mind and not for you to ever read or know of.
I've taken out a few parts that were done mainly in the anger ...

I've got ten thousand locked inside and playing on my mind. All I want to do is go sit in a corner, curl up and cry and cry ... and cry. Why don't I tell you? Because you'd feel bad, you'd feel guilty, you'd want to know. So I'm sparing you all that bad. Because I love you. Because I'm like that with everyone. Because you are a good parent. I've gotten so used to people not seeing, people not knowing, people not understanding. That's why Colin was so good ... He saw me cry once and he saw the sorrow, I wasn't crying because of that sorrow, but he saw it mum, he saw that sorrow that you didn't. Your life is hard so is mine. Just because you're an adult and I'm a child doesn't mean mine is easier. I'm sorry to open your eyes to that.

I dream about Kelvin a lot. The meeting only sealed what I feel. Being around him I can breath. Mum I could breath. For the first time I could breath! I felt so at ease, so safe and that I could be me. I've never felt like that before. Although there were 3 strangers, you, my brother and Grace, I could breath. With him near I could breath easy. I'm holding my breath everywhere else and with anyone else. With you. At home. At school. With friends. When I went to school the few days after meeting Kel you wouldn't believe what I felt. It was like I'd forgot to breath. But then I remembered ... That's what it's like everyday. No matter how I'm with or what I'm doing or feeling or where I am. I'm holding my breath. It was horrible that day. I was confused. I thought maybe there was something wrong with me. Maybe I kept forgetting to breath because I was lost in daydreams or something but no, I was breathing, but it was swallow, so small, so locked up. It hurts a little. To breath like that. But with him I can breath. That's why I want to see him again so much. Because I can breath with him. Normally, enough air. No pain in my chest. No stupid deep breaths. Just normal breathing. Because only with him around do I feel at ease. You wouldn't understand that I know.

Oh and lastly, quit blaming us, your kids. You never brought us up to do chores and don't set an example. That's why we are perfect at nan's. Because she sets an example. You threaten and push but take my computer away I guess I'll have to phone Kelvin by landline. Which means it'll get in the way of work and he may find out where we live.

You'll never see this; never know this; never understand this.
But I know you care.
Love your daughter

riceball.alice is offline
Old 08-08-2008, 06:45 PM

Dear XXX
I love you. I shouldn't. I have no incentives for loving you, and you don't deserve me anyway, but I can't help it. And I won't tell you this, but I wish I could. God, I wish I could. But I know you don't love me back. And you have every right to hate me.
But I still like to pretend that you could love me too.


Pikapi Pikachu
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Old 08-09-2008, 01:06 AM

Dear ___

I know I have no reason to think you might be trying to make the moves on my boyfriend, because you have a boyfriend (fiance, I should say), who you would've been seeing yesterday, since he now should be out of jail, right? Now, I know I can trust you not to do anything you shouldn't while I'm away, and you were invaluable in helping to set my mind at ease, but please, for the love of all that is good, don't do anything. Don't try and take advantage of me being away to make any moves on my boyfriend, please? I know you won't, and I know you didn't the last time I was away, and I want to trust you, but I have to say this, to get it off my chest and try to put my mind somewhat at ease. I'm not being possessive, or jealous, and I am glad he's going to have a few friends around while I'm away, but just ... there's a nagging doubt in the back of my mind, and I can't help it. I'm sorry. I know I should have more faith, and I'll try, I really will.

Just ... try and keep him in line, if you know what I mean. Don't let him get away from me. You know how much I love him.



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Old 08-09-2008, 01:21 AM

Dear xxxxx and xxxxxx,
Thank you for being the lovely gentlemen you are. It is such an inspiration to learn of the difficulties you have survived, endured, and overcome. People ask me why I admire you so, and I can't ever really explain it, partially because I hold you so close to my heart...I don't want other people to know...and partially becuase I can't reach back far enough into myself to really understand why, and I know from experiance that even the most willing to understand...will not. I try to tell myself whenever I feel like I just want to give up that there are so many other people out there who overcame worse issues than mine, and who had it so much worse than I. You yourselves survived pains and sorrows I don't yet even know of. I always have wished for the last 6 years, through the depression and self-hate I give myself for stupid things that one day I can end up successful like you did. It is not stupid, I now realize, to adore and "love" people you don't know, and never will know. Even if my ideas of you which I have are illusions or fake...or altered somehow, it worked for the better. I know at least one of you, because I actually had the chance to meet you, is genuinely a good person. I will always remember that day, and though I feel ashamed that I couldn't even make eye contact with you who helped me out of the darkness, I remember that you smiled at me and greeted me nonetheless and I was a person to you, a fan, and you did not judge me because you know what it is to be judged and you have learned to be better than that. As for the other Sir to whom I write, sometimes I wonder if you are some sort of psycho, or if the bits and pieces of your personality I see could just be a facade you put up to make yourself more attractive to your fans, but something tells me that you too are a good person, you would certainly have to be having come so far I think. Sometimes you let yourself go, so the "real" you can be seen, even for a second, and I will find myself smiling becuase I think you're so silly to act like such a celebrity, when the true you is so much more charming. But, if by some small chance you are not a decent person in reality, it is your unique view of the world, and the way you weave your sorrows into words and phrases that make those who hear them feel less alone and empty that really touched me and impacted me. You are certainly an intelligent being, and I'm always amazed at how you can see so much around you, how you can find so much poetry in the snow or in a feeling. I will never be as great as either of you, and I would not even wish such a life as yours on myself, I wouldn't ever want to be so visible as you are! However, I'm pleased to have lived in a time where I could be able to know who you are, and hear your words and your stories, to meet one of you, and to listen and be able to rely on your words for strength in times of loneliness or confusion or dispair. I really think I would not have gotten to the place I am now if it wasn't for your words, your smiles, and your confidence that you worked so hard for.
So, thank you for being YOU. And thank you for sharing yourselves, your talents, and your thoughts with the rest of the world, though some wouldn't agree that you are both inspirations and extremely talented and intelligent gentlemen.

With great respect and admiration,
A starry-eyed and immensely thankful fan.

Last edited by Madoka; 08-09-2008 at 01:31 AM.. Reason: because I can't spell tonight

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Old 08-09-2008, 05:42 AM

A few times I have had letters that I couldn't send ... I just wrote them to vent and then deleted them ... Writing makes it easier for me to get things out and I use a journal to get things out as well.

cat whisperer

Chexala is offline
Old 08-09-2008, 08:28 PM

Ah, this is a very cool thread idea. I have some letters to be writing, so I may be back some time.

Pikapi Pikachu
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Old 08-11-2008, 09:19 AM

Dear ___

Why in heaven's name did you have to suddenly pop back into my life? At first, I was happy to run into you again after ages, but now I'm not so sure. You caused a few flutters I know I shouldn't be feeling, and now I wonder if I should be worrying about my boyfriend going astray while I'm gone, when perhaps I should be wondering about what I might find myself getting up to. If necessary, I will tell you about him, just to make sure the boundaries are established. Because I am not going to let myself fall into something which I may regret later. Put it this way; I am going to watch my step, and make sure I don't get too closely involved. Because sure as gun's iron, you've got a bit of a dangerous pull, and I hope to crumbs I can crush it before it leads me somewhere I don't want to go. And I sure as heck don't want to spend the rest of the week reminding myself I have a boyfriend, who I happen to love very much. I shouldn't have to remind myself in any case, not when I have his photo set as both my mobile phone wallpaper, and now my desktop background as of a few days ago.

Sorry, but the ship has sailed, and any lingering crush I may have had on you is going to be long gone by the time this course is done. And now the end of this course can't come fast enough for me. Just ... don't tug on my heartstrings any more, please? I might've had a crush on you once, but now, well, let's just say I am not going to let it get to me. I am going to return to my work for the dole next week with a clear conscience. I know it's probably harmless, but so was another friendship, which went very pearshaped because someone couldn't, or didn't want to, respect boundaries.

Let's just stick to being friends, okay? I'm willing to strike our friendship up anew if that's what you want, but right now, I can't trust myself very much around you. because you've started a tugging which is very bad for me. I'm not sure if us rekindling our friendship is going to be such a good thing, but we'll see. Maybe I can trust myself, but I don't want to count my chickens before they've hatched. At least I can keep this friendship on the level it's meant to be on, and set the boundaries at the start. Then we won't have a repeat of the most recent friendship disaster, which I want to finish putting behind me.

Your friend


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Old 08-11-2008, 09:29 AM

Dear F&F

I love you to tears. I tell you enough. You've saved my life more times than I'd care to count. People come and go, love for them dies and dulls, but if one thing is certain. I will always love you two with shining ferocity. Don't ever leave me.

Last edited by Sun; 08-11-2008 at 09:32 AM..

Pikapi Pikachu
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Old 08-12-2008, 06:54 AM

(Heavens, I can't seem to shut up! XD)

Dear ___

You might be my family, but the utter contempt and disgust I have for you right now is beyond anything I have felt in a long time. It's bad enough that last year, I had to make my own way to the gathering being held at Jells Park for my uncle's birthday, but I could deal. It didn't cost much more than a zone 1+2 daily concession, so I could let it slide. I didn't even get the courtesy of being invited to dinner, but, whatever, I already felt enough like an interloper, and to be honest, I didn't want to be around very much, not when I was already being made to feel like an outsider. So I'm separated from ___ and will be getting a divorce in the not too distant future, but don't you think I deserved more than the perfunctionary courtesy I got from you? I had more fun with my sister and cousins than I did with the adults! But like I said, it was in the suburbs, I got a lift to and from Glen Waverley station, and though I got home as it was getting dark, I could deal. It wasn't that much of a problem in the end, and I could ignore the various pin pricks throughout the day.

But this! Is just unforgivable. I do appreciate you had the "courtesy" to invite me to my sister's 18th at the end of this month, but now you're taking things way beyond the pale. I not only have to organise my own damn transport down to Portland, and pay my own fare there, but I also have to find my own damn accomodation, when I'm already likely to be strapped for cash as it is, and all because you claim my other uncle won't have room at his house. It's his house, not yours, and I am going to be the judge of that. I might be able to squeeze something, and I will tell him the truth about why getting my own accomodation is going to be a bit of a trial. So too bad if that puts your nose out of joint, but I am not going to be shafted aside like an outsider again. I am still part of the family, and I am going to be damned well treated as such, even if I have to put myself right in your face so you'll take some damn notice of me!

I know you hate ___ but is that any reason to tar me with the same brush? I came up there two years ago to spend my 28th birthday with my family, not with the husband from whom I've now been separated for more than two years. Doesn't that count for something? But no, you gave no consideration to the actual day of my birthday, and by the time night came, I was ready to throw something, and regretting ever having gone up there in the first place. I needed a place to lick my wounds, and to start the long and painful healing process from the separation, and for all my effort in going up so soon after, I was left wishing I'd just stayed in Melbourne with people who I knew would give my birthday more consideration.

So why in heaven's name am I tarred with the same brush as the man who I will soon be divorcing as soon as we can get some money together? When I called you this morning after you called my mobile, I thought for sure you were going to offer to pay for the divorce. I thought for sure you'd be all over this like white on rice, but not once did you mention it, nor did you even hint at a chance of assistance. I suspect it was because you were about to go to Tassie, but still! No, what you did was mention my sister's 18th at the end of this month, and did I want to come. I said yes, because it's been almost a year since I saw her last, and I'd welcome the chance to see her again.

But then you shot me down in flames. I don't mind making my own way down there, because I can organise it, and I don't think it's going to cost too much. That I can handle. But what really burned me up was when you said I had to find my own accomodation, because there was allegedly going to be no room at my uncle's house. I am going to determine that for myself, and see if there's any friend of the family who can put me up. Of course, if it's only going to be for one night, then if I have to deal with it, I have to deal with it. But if I can swing something where I won't have to pay a cent, and where I can shack up with someone for one night, then by all means, I am going to take it. I am not going to be shafted to the side if I can avoid it, and I suspect I am already going to have to pay my own way for this dinner which will be happening on the Saturday night. But that I can clarify, and I will tell the truth, because I am damned if I get shafted and treated like an outsider any more than I have to be. I don't mind making my own way down there. That I don't mind. But I do draw the line at having to find my own damn accomodation. I won't be shafted. I'm just as much a member of the family as anyone else, and if my imminent divorce from a man you loathe doesn't count for something, then sure as gun's iron, I am going to tell the whole damn clan to get screwed, and do a name change to get back my married name. After, of course, some time has passed once I complete the change back to my maiden name. Because if my family name isn't mine to have, then bugger the whole damn clan. I'll do a name change to get back my married name.

I won't be shafted. I'm a Velthuyzen too, and I'll be damned if I get treated like an outsider or an interloper. I could stand it to some degree last year, but if I get treated the same this year, then the whole damn lot of you can take a hike. I'll start with you, you damned bint, aunt or not. I'm sick of being treated like an outsider by my own family, you least of all. I didn't even get the courtesy of a card from you!

This birthday weekend is going to be a family time, and I am just as much a part of the family as anyone else. If I get treated like an outsider, or shafted in any way, shape or form, then you're going to know about it. Not then, but later on down the track. You treat me like dirt, and I'll let you have it. Believe me.

Just as much a part of the family as anyone else


Gory Little Horror
The Lurker
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Old 08-12-2008, 09:27 AM

@ Pikapi Pikachu : lol don't worry about it, if you need to write you need to write :3

You Know Who You Are,

I know there is a slim - very small chance you'll read this, or I'll tell you it anyway. Though I think the better chance is you're naive of this all. Perhaps that is better for you seen as whenever I do tell you negative shiz you go all sad and think you're losing me. And first I'd like to say I'm sorry you never read enough praise from me, I'm sorry.

Right so the main reason! You threw three things at me, said it/they could seriously shorten your life. So you said you'd go get blood tests. I've waited for you to do so because I believed you would. I really thought you could. I was kinda angry because if you do die early or happen to have any of those things you get to die and me, your mam, your friends and work partners get left behind with little / no warning. That's not fair. And somewhat selfish.

I told my mum about it. After a while we got to the point that you're afraid of needles period. And to that she said that there was nothing I could do. I don't like not being able to do anything. I don't like not knowing. Especially when it comes to you. I also wonder ... It maybe though then again I could be completely wrong is assuming, but could it be that you're afraid to know yourself? You'd rather not know? I'd ask you what you think I want, what you think your mum would want, what your friends would want but I don't think you'd swallow your fear then. So I guess I'll learn to deal with that.

My mum did make a funny suggestion, said they should get you a really hot nurse or something to do it xD Maybe I should put that to you, then you'd be in awe of her and not notice the needle?

I wish you had taken the tests. For me, for you mum, it doesn't matter. Just to know would of meant a lot to me. Because if our times short I wanna know, I wanna make the most of it. I guess I'm just thinking the worse from those melodramatic words of yours. I'm sorry I am. But like I said, my biggest fear is losing you.

I love you so much; I'm sorry I'm such a stupid little girl

Oh p.s. Don't drink lots of fizzy drinks, they give you headaches, make you dizzy, feel faint and shake :3
So no more of that for you Sir!

Last edited by Gory Little Horror; 08-12-2008 at 09:30 AM..

\ (•◡•) /
General is offline
Old 08-12-2008, 01:48 PM

Dear ex friend, (Were we even friends in the first place?)

I hate you so much and I wish you were dead. You have asked for forgiveness but that does not repair the damage you have done. It's been months but up to know, I haven't recovered. It just adds up to the pain I am feeling right now after my girlfriend broke up with me.
I want you to just disappear from my life. Hell, I even want you to just disappear from this world. You only think of yourself, you self centered fool. The problems I am facing right now is the chain reaction of your selfish actions.
I see you're so happy with your girlfriend while I lost mine. Yes, I am bitter. If it wasn't for that drama that you have started which you also dragged into the cosplay group, I guess things would have been better.
I almost killed myself because of that weekend and hurt my girlfriend everytime I told her I wanted to give up.
I hope you're happy seeing me in this miserable state while you're enjoying life. You're the liar and you are faking depression just to get sympathy.
Why don't you just die?


Neko Neko Kitty
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Old 08-13-2008, 12:25 AM

Dear Mom and Dad,
There's so much I wish I could tell you, but I'm scared to. I don't want to risk this new found relationship between us and usher us back into the tense relationship we had in the past. I want to ask for help to pay for the wedding, but you guys are just starting to show positive interest in it. I also know how much you want me to move back home, but to be honest, as much as I love you and appreciate the offer, you drive me crazy. Plus it's a bit counterproductive to move away from the man I'm marrying and trying to plan a wedding with, not to mention leaving behind my cats, they are like my children. I would love to visit though.

Sweet Lime
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Old 08-13-2008, 09:51 AM

Dear ------,

You're the best friend I have, quite possibly the only friend I have. But I'm not afraid to lose you if you're going to be a bad friend and neglect our relationship for her. She's just a girl. I was here before her, I hung out with you and had fun times with you, what changed, what makes me no longer to hang out with? Just because you like her doesn't mean you have to spend every possible minute with her? It doesn't mean you have to drink every night, or smoke weed for her? Whatever, I can't even be bothered being your friend anymore. I hate people that I'm only good enough for when it suits them. Jerk.

Pikapi Pikachu
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Old 08-13-2008, 10:27 AM

Dear you who will never read this.

Okay, I admit that it was in bad taste to discuss the situation supposedly behind your back, and make it look like I was backstabbing you. I wasn't. I was merely venting my spleen over a situation which was hurting a friend, and I, along with several others, believed you were being very immature as far as this friend was concerned. In fact, your responses to her bordered on the childish at times, and I wasn't alone in wanting to stuff you in a barrel and pickle you for a few hours.

I do submit, of course, that I should've vented to you first off the bat, but at the time, I was under the misguided impression that this entry in which I let my feelings out was locked against your eyes, since you didn't need to see any of what was being said. However, another friend decided to abuse her privileges in being on the first friend's friendslist to spy, and to then give you access, or whatever. The point is, you saw a conversation that wasn't meant for your eyes, and you swooped in and accused me of backstabbing you, etc, etc. You then took advantage of your forbidden access to remove me as a moderator, because apparently I couldn't be trusted, and you more or less declared our friendship over, all because you got your panties in a twist over a private conversation you were never, ever meant to see in the first place. Granted, I know I shouldn't have said the things I did, without first talking to you about it, but done is done. The point is, you used another friend's journal to get access to the first friend's private entry, which she had locked to trusted people on her friendslist, and you used that to spy on a conversation meant never for your eyes. You then got your panties in a twist, and proceeded to rip me up one side and down the other, and you never even gave me a chance to try and make peace after that. So I said stuff you, because you were so willing to believe that I was a backstabber, and you clearly were never going to take the damn blinkers off your eyes and see that I was ready to make amends, if you would but let me.

Well, done is done. You got your panties in a twist over seeing something you were never meant to see, and you threw away 3-4 years of friendship. I made a mistake about talking to someone else about it without first coming to you, but I don't take back what I said. You were being immature about this friend, and your responses to her were far from called for when she announced a hiatus. You were so clearly in the wrong, but you still refused to admit it, even after getting called on it.

So at the end of the day, done is done. You got your panties in a twist, and you can be sure that I won't be extending an olive branch to you any time soon. You want to see a backstabber and a two-faced twat? Look in the mirror.

SO well rid of you and your immature, two faced ways.


Dear Another who won't ever see this

We can't prove it, but we know she had to get access to that entry somehow. And since you never made it a secret that she had access to your journal while you were sick, it's pretty obvious where she got that access from. I don't have to look very far to see where the stool pigeon was who squealed on me that day, and to you I have this to say; you want to say we did her wrong? Maybe so, to one degree or another. But she was the immature one. We were just venting our spleen, but you cried foul because we were upsetting your precious itoko. And yet, you and your itoko had had a bit of a falling out yourselves not that long ago, despite you being seemingly too dense to see that you'd been incredibly two faced yourself about a separate matter. You're both as two faced as one another, and you deserve each other, because the gods know, no one else iwll bloody have you.

Back to my point; because you were on ___'s friendslist, and therefore saw what was going on, and how annoyed we were over ___'s immature behaviour concerning ___, you cried foul, because your precious itoko was getting smeared for being an immature twat about ___ and several issues the two of them had had, the latest being ___'s reaction over ___ taking a hiatus to get her head back on straight. That was the straw which broke the camel's back, and we called ___ on it, which then led to some of us discussing the issue. You cried foul, and then let ____ use your privileges to give access where it should never have been given. You're just as bad a backstabber and a two faced louse as she is, and you two, like I said, damn well deserve each other.

If YOU want to know what a backstabber is, you can look in the damn mirror as well. And tell your itoko to save a spot in hell for you. Heck, I'll throw you through the damn gates of hades MYSELF!

NO love at all


Dear ___

Remember what I was going on about last night? Ha, sucks to be you. My other aunt's mother is going to have me over there for the one night I'll be spending down on that part of the pond. So NUTS to you! You told me to find my own accomodation, I called my other aunt to help me suss out cheap lodgings, and she did one better; she consulted with her mother, who will now be having me there. So HA! And I will not hesitate in rubbing it in your face, in the nicest way I can, of course. And if you crack the shits, well, I'll tell you the truth; how I called, asking to suss out accommodation, and ended up getting one better.

Nyah to you! I knew the clan still had some good in it!

So rubbing it in your face


Dear ___ (I can't seem to shut up!)

I wish I could be there with you tomorrow for your grandpa's funeral. But you know I'll be thinking of you, and you know I'll be there for you if you need support.

I love you, and I can't wait till next week to see you again.

Take care, and stay safe, sweetheart



Duchess is offline
Old 08-13-2008, 12:32 PM

Dear Mind,

Please stop being so rude and mean.
Why do you always have to think the worst of everyone?
They MIGHT have good intentions.. you never know 8D
And why can't you admit that you are wrong?
And OMGsh.. stop being so superficial >.>
And also, do you always have to look SO deeply into EVERYTHING?! >.>
You ARE annoying.
And.. can't you be a bit more confident. We need some more self-esteem here!! -pokes Mind-
Um...and.. be smarter! >D
AND.. stop causing me to procrastinate.
And.. stop saying "and".

Love Me.

Dear Body,

Stop procrastinating.
Also, stop hitting things.. and shaking friends xD"
And, get up as soon as the alarm rings.. you're always making Dad late for work.

Love Me.

Dear Voice,

Stop yelling. And sing more. And sing LOUDER 8D
You can yell but can't sing loud (in public)??

Love Me.

Dear Tongue,

Don't listen to Mind unless he is telling you to say something nice.
I know you don't swear, and that's good, but try to be less sarcastic.
People are still hurt by it ^^;
Let Mind THINK before you say ANYTHING.

Love Me.

Dear Heart,

Please stop falling for every guy that notices you. Or doesn't notice you but is :drool:

From Me.

Dear Eyes,

Please stop deteriorating. I know I am cruel to you, but I really really need my eyesight.

Love Me.

Dear Capillaries,

Please stop coming to the surface of my cheeks. I hate it when I blush.

Thank-you very much,
Love Me.

Dear Mind,

Hello! It's Me again.
Please stop feeling guilty for not writing something deep and meaningful and press "Submit" already D;

((Is prayer))

Dear Lord,

Thank-you that everything is okay at the moment. I love you.
I do ask that you help me find time to read the Bible more though.. please. C:
And I pray that you'll help everyone in this thread. (If they don't mind being prayed for of course :3 )

Love always,

Last edited by Duchess; 08-13-2008 at 12:42 PM..

Dead Account Holder
katyablue is offline
Old 08-13-2008, 12:41 PM

dear christopher:

hello, my heart. i missed you when you were off in san francisco.
please don't hold it over my head. i've been there, and i've been sent back under bad circumstances, just like you.
that city is so bittersweet like that.
welcome home, please take care to not crush me like you tend to do when you get close to me.


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Old 08-13-2008, 12:58 PM

Dear T.

I'm not sure if you were serious. If your as much like me as i think you are, then i think, yes, you are.
I didn't want you to go at first, but i've realized that was selfish of me.
On the way back the other day, it occurred to me how much you'd enjoy yourself. Go if you really must, i won't try and stop you. It's an itch you have to scratch, i know that. So, go carefully if the time comes, and scratch it for both of us.
I'll miss you, thats for certain.
Oh, and don't get falling off any tanks like Adam.


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