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Old 10-22-2007, 05:22 AM

Kaoru laughed at the words she spoke. "Better than our dear lord Tamaki?" Smiling, he winked, "I've heard similar things from Hikaru." A blush spread over his cheeks, it's really he that's the sweet talker." He zoned out for only a couple seconds before rejoining Misato. "However, don't let the lord hear you, or you'll probably be banned. Tamaki likes to beleive he's got everything under control."

"Not that he ever does." Hikaru finally decided he'd join the conversation, smirking lightly, "The great lord really is more of a, oh, what's it.. as yes! A mascot!" Hikaru laughed lightly. "He's everything a girl could want, so, what better a mascot that him?"

"Oh, Hikaru?" Kaoru smiled to himself, maybe his brother was alright.

"Sorry Kaoru, I just couldn't help but listen to your beautiful voice, talking to Misato. The two of you seemed to be having such a grand time." He leaned in, gripping Kaoru's chin with his thumb and forefinger, bringing their faces dangerously close. "Your lips turn any words into hunny.." He spoke quietly.

"Hikaru..." The younger Hitachiin gasped, pushing his brother away slightly, turning his head away, blushing darkly. "You're embarassing me infront of my customers. Look, I'm already blushing so much..."

"Ah, but, you're too adorable when you're like this, so.. vulnerable. Just like at home, when I'm having my way with yo--"

"Hikaru! Please.." He blushed darker and the other twin simply smirked evily.

"If you really wish me to stop Kaoru, I will, but, you'll have to make it up to me."

Kaoru nodded, still blushing, "As always Hikaru." The younger male turned to Misato again, still blushing. "Miss Misato, is there anything you'd like? Tea, cake, some water perhaps?" He smiled charmingly,one hand clutching to one of his brothers.

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Old 10-23-2007, 08:59 PM

((I want to try something, but I'm going to start as if Tamaki had upset Haruhi! So, Momo, if you wouldn't mind RPing with me a bit? ))

Tamaki just sat there; he stared at the table in front of him nibbling on some tea cakes one of his customers had left for him. Had he done something wrong? Haruhi hadn't even looked his direction all day. He was her father for Christ's sake! How can he be a proper father if his daughter didn't let him know of the day's current events! What if she wasn't eating well! He knew he must do something.

Standing up, a determined gleam appeared on his face. (Although from everyone else's stand point he looks like an idiot as always.) He left and walked about before seeing his supposive 'daughter'. Just staring at her sent Tamaki into another day dream of her in a dress clinging his arm, giggling, being the cutest thing. eventually he snapped out of it and ran towards cross dressing female.

"HARUUUHII! DADDY'S HERE!" Tamaki screamed trying to jump hug her.

keokotheshadowfang is offline
Old 10-24-2007, 02:26 AM

Kyoya looked up. "Of corse Miss Clarissa." He handed to her the message. "Any suggestions you have would be most helpful."

Kyoya looked around at the sound of Tamaki's voice. "And where have you gotten off to? Have you heard what has been going on in your departure?"

Gwendolyr is offline
Old 10-24-2007, 03:20 PM

Misato pondered a bit, placing her finger on her lips. "I'll have a black tea, two sugars."

She swooned again at the brother's loving act.

Useful Idiot
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Old 10-24-2007, 03:31 PM

(( Gaaaah! Very sorry! I'm back now. x__x;; ))

momo chan
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Old 10-24-2007, 03:32 PM

Haruhi turned around to see Tamaki flying at her. she simply took 1 step to the left and let him fall on his face. "Your strange!" she replied staring at him twitching on the floor.

momo chan
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Old 10-24-2007, 03:33 PM

((its okay. glad to see you back `haru))

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Old 10-24-2007, 04:37 PM

(( Thanks. ^^;; ))

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Old 10-25-2007, 12:40 AM

Mori yawned and stood up.

"I'm going to wander the halls." He said quietly as he walked over to the large door.

He looked around and saw almost every one was busy. probably no one herd him.

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Old 10-25-2007, 02:41 AM

"Ah, yes of course." Smiling at her, Kaoru turned to Haruhi's direction. "Haruhiiii~" the red-head called her name, "Could you please fetch some black tea for our guest. Two sugars, and that's it."

Kaoru turned back to Misato, beginning to speak, and his brother had decided to again, speak in symmetry with him, "Your drink will be right here." Then, at the same time, the two of them smiled, tilting their heads, not one beat off from eachother.

Marguerite Blakeney
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Old 10-25-2007, 10:09 PM

She promptly took both letters from Kyouya's hand and silently read them.
  • Quote:
    "Dear Host Club of Ouran Private,

    My name is Marcus Jobes. Founder and leader of the current psychology club. I am here to inform you that I am working tomorrow to shut you down. Due to tests I have created from the work of yourselves and other host services across the nation of Japan I have come to the conclusion that you are stunting the normalcy of relationships with others. Giving people a chance for companionship for money, to stand by an unrealistic hope of attractiveness and create their need for something like you. Here is all we need to see as these people would rather take their daily life to simply pay those more attractive then they would ever truly meet. From dating, to sex.

    It's not I don't like you all. Just find a new club.

    Marcus Jobes."
  • Quote:
    "Hello again.

    I am obligated to tell you all that I am not a man unfair. While I would like to say I could shut you down in moments that is not true. Instead this will take time of filing and negotiations. What I will assure you is that if you do not stand in my way then I will win. You have two options, you may take one or both. You can work against me in administrations by whatever means you require. Or you can give me some form of proof that any of my studies are wrong. If only for your Host service.

    Ever a darling in your way,
She smiled. "Looks to me like this Marcus Jobes person is quite jealous of your famed Host Club. Of course I don't want to see this place shut down, you guys are special to me -- and I speak for all the ladies that frequent here often!" Clarissa paused. "I am not surprised that someone would attempt to take down the Host Club; many men can be jealous of you. I'd like to see what this Marcus is trying to do. And what does he mean by 'just find a new club'? Does he mean to force you after this attempted disbandment into a different club?" The high school graduate-turned-college woman was in complete disbelief.

"Why would he even attempt to shut you down though? Now THAT's futile. Maybe some of us don't have time for real relationships, and thus, we can't concentrate on dating around."

Clarissa bit her lip and thought for a bit, looking away. "Perhaps you need a spy," she suggested, looking into Kyouya's eyes. Clarissa for one, was going to defend the Host Club, for she knew the group like close friends of hers, and she wasn't going to let someone try to take them down!

Kokoro is offline
Old 10-26-2007, 03:57 AM

Hunny slowly opened his eyes. He sat up quickly. "Takashi?" he looked around the room. He hopped out of bed and began to wonder around the room. "Takashi?!?" he began to cry. He clenched Bun bun tightly as tears began to roll down his cheek. "Haru-chan!" Hunny hugged haruhi and began to cry. "Haru-chan! Where's Takashi!?"

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Old 10-26-2007, 04:15 AM

"Well I wouldn't call it jealousy. I am simply a westerner."

He stepped out, that had to freak them out how he seemed to just be there. But for some reason he always seemed to be there when someone got a misconception. He opened the door so they could see him this time as he spoke a bit more clearly,

"And my ideas are just a bit different. When I first heard of it I thought it incredibly immoral on the same bounds. Until recently I had no proof though."

He smiled very deeply, though in an odd fashion, the kind of smile that scared you,

"Jealous though? Not at all. If I was jealous I would have tried to join."

He explained himself further keeping that odd smile plastered,

"As for the just join a new club thing, well let me just say I simply believed people liked to be in a group. Thus I simply asked you all to do so. No forcing, just asking."

He laughed at her a little for the can't have time for real relationships though,

"As for your statement about the dating, that is what disturbs me so. You shouldn't shun a real relationship so easily. Especially you a girl who has graduated already. You have to work for it. That's why we call it a committed relationship."

He then proceeded to close the door for a moment, but then opened it for the last word,

"And if you can find someone I haven't seen enter this club over my four year term here then good luck. But if I were you, I would just ask me. I am a fair litigator you know."

he left down the hall to file more paperwork. Gawds be praised if he was able to get this done today. Oh it would take longer than today to shut them down. But at least he could get the bulk work for this.

Marguerite Blakeney
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Old 10-26-2007, 05:42 AM

  • Clarissa frowned. 'The guy himself is spying on us?' she thought to herself in disbelief. Sure this person had a lot of crap to say about the Host Club.

    "How about those who just choose to be here because we feel like it then? We CHOOSE to come here on our own free will!" This time, Clarissa lept up from her chair, standing, and glaring at the intruder. "And just what kind of lawyer are you, to attempt to shut down this Host Club when there are more gentleman's clubs around in the world? Tell me that! You're playing on a dangerous double-standard here, Mr. Jobes. Guys seek girls for pleasure, why can't it be the other way around?"

    She continued on. "Men like you are scum, that's what. You want power over women, you want to have the better half of the pie, even! You think that the Host Club is playing with our hearts? That's not true. The REAL men of the Host Club here have been nothing but polite. They are here to entertain us. What do women do at gentleman's clubs then? What do the geisha of Kyoto do? They are entertainers as well. You're a westerner, you should damn well know about that. I hope you realize you're making a mistake," she concluded. At this point, she was hot-blooded, hot-tempered, and definitely not to be messed with. She didn't care if this litigator were trying to shut down the Host Club. If she wanted to, she could find a lawyer to shut down strip clubs/gentlemans's clubs just as well.

keokotheshadowfang is offline
Old 10-26-2007, 11:59 AM

Kyouya watched Clarissa's performance with awe. He had never seen her get angry like that before. " As you can see Mr. Jobes, here at the Ouran host club we do not partake and your information is well informed."

Kyouya spoke smoothly and calm. "If you want proof Miss Clarissa pretty much just told you everything you need to know."

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Old 10-26-2007, 03:59 PM

Kumiko sat amazed as she watched the twins. Blinking and thought to herslf "They're good!"

She cleared her throat and couldn't help but to smile.

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Old 10-26-2007, 05:59 PM

He was unshaken. It wasn't much to him to hear about gentleman's clubs. She made so many assumptions on him that were quite untrue. Thus did he have to put her in her place,

"I want power over myself. And my world. I never said I supported gentlemen's clubs. You assume. I believe all things should be based upon what you can work for. I worked to get to Japan, I worked to stay in this school, I worked to get everything I have in my life."

He was actually angry though. that she believed he was so basic, so one sided, so god damned boring!

"You type of women disgust me, you take every action of sexist men and believe you should be able to do it. And when you see a man standing against these sexist actions, in both sexes you jump on him for trying to crush some unseen freedom by freeing the world of this disgusting immoral bullshit! If I had the power I would shut down every last fucking institution of that sort around the god damned globe."

He got within an inch of her and made damn sure to look into her eyes,

"I only have here. I only have now. I work for everything I've done in my life. This is me working. If these men are REAL men. They should have no trouble with the rest of the world. With the closing of this club. With not having to entertain women like you. And they are playing with your hearts. If you don't believe me tell me how many clients they have everywhere in this school. And how much money they are making through it. Once you count up the numbers. It is just mathematics."

He pulled back and stared in her eyes with great determination,

"Do yourself a favor, and go back to your campus and get a real boyfriend."

He smiled kindly again calm and collected,

"Now if you want me to stop give me some real proof, give me mathematics. Give me psychological forces. Give me stories of understanding. If you can give me a good reason then go right ahead."

He shook his head,

"But don't give me opinions."

He left an envelope on the table,

"Open this if you feel stumped and cannot find what I want. This may help you. As I said I am fair, I see the weak points in my argument, but I have yet to understand the exact effect of that. My studies against are stronger. You may persuade me though."

((I love how odd he is. He shows great anger one moment. And then gives you guys a hint like this is a bgi game to him...cause it is.))

Marguerite Blakeney
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Old 10-26-2007, 07:01 PM

Clarissa was infuriated, that this guy would just step right in front of her, she just had to slap him. And so she did, leaving a red imprint of her hand on his face. Not to mention, his breath was appallingly bad that he needed mouthwash!

"Give us YOUR mathematics and psychological terms then. My opinions still stand, however, sir. Whether you want to believe it or not, you're still playing on a double standard. If anything, you're the one that's jealous and you need a girlfriend. If the Host Club uses girls for money, girls still use guys for money as well. There's no difference. But I'm not leaving Japan until I make sure this club is safe!"

She turned towards Kyouya.

"If you'll excuse me, I'll be out at the cafe. It's 4:20 and I have a meeting at 5. Please call me with any updates on your situation. But I'm sure you'll be able to take care of it." Clarissa smiled weakly. She walked out of the Third Music Room and down the hall. She didn't want to leave, either, but she had to get to work as well.

keokotheshadowfang is offline
Old 10-26-2007, 10:30 PM

Kyouya was furious as well at the boy's comments. Yet, he kept a calm voice. "Mr. Jobes, how dare you address a woman like that. Even if she doesn't share opinions you need not be so ill-considerate."

"You want facts. Fine." Kyouya got up walked over into a closet and came out with paper's. "Here are studies done on our school." Kyouya pulled out some graphs that had to deal with the fact that activities in clubs reduce chances on a student to do drugs, or other things to get them into trouble.


Kyouya then turned to Clarissa. "Very well miss, be careful on your way to and from there ok. Feel free to drop by again soon."

Marguerite Blakeney
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Old 10-26-2007, 11:14 PM

  • Clarissa wouldn't hide the fact that she was infuriated. At the front of the school, outside the gates, was her company's limo, waiting to pick her up for said appointment.

    Her driver welcomed her. "Good afternoon, Miss Clarissa. Did you have an enjoyable time?" he asked. She looked up and lied. "Quite fine, Chivouths. Now, to my appointment please, if you will?" She got into the limo. "Right away, Miss Clarissa," Chivouths replied. He shut the door for her and got into his driver's seat. Clarissa made sure the windows were shut and the air conditioning was on. She didn't feel like looking at Japan right now, much less having outsiders looking inside her limo at her.

    She put a CD of relaxing music into the CD player in front of her and it soon filled her limousine with sweet music. Clarissa closed her eyes and started contemplating about the events that had just occurred. This intruder, (she refused to say his name now), had threatened to close down her beloved Ouran Host Club. Oh, but Clarissa Madison wasn't about to stand for it. She knew Kyouya and the others would be able to handle things...well...maybe not Tamaki, but then again Tamaki's family pretty much owned Ouran, did they not? There was always that solution.

    'The nerve of that silly little boy coming up to me and trying to get all up in my face!' she fumed in her mind. 'None of us girls are going to let him shut down the club! I just need to figure out how to plan this attack. Plus, his breath was REALLY bad. No wonder he couldn't get girls. But what the hell is his motivation to do something like this?' Maybe she would start posting flyers on the bulletin boards of the school, though she'd have to get the H.C's approval at first, especially Tamaki's.

    Nonetheless, she had a meeting to focus on, and then something about a press conference for an hour. She would return to the private academy later to discuss the matter with the others. "I don't even care if he calls me sexist, I just know I'm fighting for what's RIGHT." she said aloud to herself. Chivouths didn't hear, for the partition between the driver and the passenger was rolled up. Maybe it was a good time to call Diana and get her down here.

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Old 10-26-2007, 11:33 PM

Mori burst through the doors and rushed over to Hunny's side.

"Mitsukuni," He said kneeling down next to his short friend. "Its ok."

Lana Satomo
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Old 10-27-2007, 12:39 AM

Username: Lana Satomo
Roleplay Name: Valinty Cossette
Grade: 11th
Bio: She is a new student to Ouran and the same class as Tamaki and Kyouya. She is from France. Her mother is a Translator for France and her father a CIA agent for the US. She is nicer then one thinks though very shy. Not to mention she doesn’t act like a rich kid but more like a commoner.
Host Desired: Hunny and Mori

Lana Satomo
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Old 10-27-2007, 12:43 AM

Valinty slowly opened the door to the music room, hearing about the Host club from Tamaki himself but never responding to the pushy boy. Sticking her head in she looked around. Slowly taking a step in she gazed around to see what all was going on an so on. Not wearing the customary uniform she often was in trouble but she always got away with it thanks to her conditional excuse that permitted her not to wear normal attire. Wearing normal pants that seemed to be a bit ripped up she wore a matching shirt that was in style and was black and white checkered.
Freezing as she heard voices she said “Ano… Tamaki-san…. I’m here.” when she finished her whole face was bright red.

keokotheshadowfang is offline
Old 10-27-2007, 01:33 AM

Kyoya looked over at Valinty. "Tamaki, is currently being... Tamaki and is unavailable. May I help you until he gets back?"

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Old 10-27-2007, 02:04 AM

"A woman is a woman. A man is a man. In this country they may not be so equal in the workforce, but when I am from we treat them the same. Positively,"

And he pointed away,

"And negatively. She addressed me like I was some kind of horrible, sexist, sadistic, ignorant monster. Thus I had to respond accordingly. It is how debates proceed."

He took the time to grab some of the graphs. Though he was unimpressed,

"This isn't about the Host club. This is about clubs in general. There are many other clubs, which many of your candidates have many qualities to enter. This club is no more special then my own. This evidence would be fine if I was working against all the clubs, but for the Host club, it is merely a pinprick in what I have to offer to those above."

He smiled at the man kindly. One of the first kind smiles you could actually grab from this man after all that,

"Though I must say it was a nice attempt. By that understanding you must be Kyouya. Kind to meet you, from what I gather you will be one of the primary objects in my way. It is good to know you will all not just fall over. I carry an odd symbolism of the American love of competition. And I would love to know you are ready to fight me with more of your mental capacity then it took to take old records like this."

He sighed and tapped the envelope,

"Remember if things do get desperate for you, and you feel like you cannot stop me, these are my doubts in my own work. Just open it, and you have a few weak points to try and slash me on. It won't help you in administration, but it will hit my soft side, and may make me give up the fight."

He moved back to the door way and shook his head a bit,

"Enjoy your day Host club. As for myself there is still much work to do."

Hmm from what he had heard today he had the perfect poster girl for his resistance. The girl was ignorant, loud, and unable to quite understand what she was saying, assuming a thousand things, never taking the time to prove her objective status. With what he had this would deal a potential blow to the Host club. That they were creating girls that believed that even though something was wrong, as long as someone else did it, she was good for it. An immorality caused by the Host club. Oh he had so much more. This trip was far more profitable then he had originally believed.

((By the way, he is far too anal retentive to let his breath smell bad. XB So is everyone having fun with this new climactic struggle?))


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