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ReiyukaE is offline
Old 04-26-2013, 01:55 PM

Oh man, I guess for about three years..? Though even before that I would mostly only come 'round to RP with a friend, and didn't make much conversation.

It is lovely that Maria's pixels were picked, and I can tell she's blossomed. I remember her as being far more shy than she seems now. ;D Either way, it's nice to remember that, and to be remembered, really.

Maria-Minamino is offline
Old 04-27-2013, 08:50 PM

haha yes - I was super shy back then D: XD *never ventured out of a few threads*

You can stalk me Rei! I don't mind - although I feel bad that I haven't been hanging out recently D:

I saw you are making a pixel workroom! I'm excited to see your stuff :D

Hummy and Rei are too sweet <33

cat whisperer

Chexala is offline
Old 04-27-2013, 09:49 PM

Hi Maria. Good luck on your quests! I bet 2007 items are a real challenge these days. :o

Maria-Minamino is offline
Old 04-28-2013, 11:44 AM

Originally Posted by Chexala View Post
Hi Maria. Good luck on your quests! I bet 2007 items are a real challenge these days. :o
Thank you! It's not so much that they are rare that is holding me back - it's earning the gold to afford them lol

ReiyukaE is offline
Old 04-28-2013, 12:31 PM

And not hanging around much is PROBABLY NOT A GOOD THING when it comes to getting money. But yay, I'm glad you're not bothered by my stalking ways, mwahahaha. <3 /glomps your leg

Seeing everyone pixel made the "itch" return, but it's really been so long since I've done any pixeling that it feels like I have to start back up from scratch. I always liked Mene's avatars and colour schemes for it, though. Making pixels based off of these avatars was always the most fun, too, so I'm looking forward to getting the hang of it back again. I only lament that I've never been able to make a proper base, otherwise I could practice making chibi-version of everyone's current avatars. I'm really out of the loop when it comes to the current items Mene has, not to mention what items Mene might NEED, so regarding that, I could use some practice and some immersion into the Mene clothing stores. :D

Hope you're having a lovely weekend?

Maria-Minamino is offline
Old 04-28-2013, 01:00 PM

Originally Posted by ReiyukaE View Post
And not hanging around much is PROBABLY NOT A GOOD THING when it comes to getting money. But yay, I'm glad you're not bothered by my stalking ways, mwahahaha. <3 /glomps your leg

Seeing everyone pixel made the "itch" return, but it's really been so long since I've done any pixeling that it feels like I have to start back up from scratch. I always liked Mene's avatars and colour schemes for it, though. Making pixels based off of these avatars was always the most fun, too, so I'm looking forward to getting the hang of it back again. I only lament that I've never been able to make a proper base, otherwise I could practice making chibi-version of everyone's current avatars. I'm really out of the loop when it comes to the current items Mene has, not to mention what items Mene might NEED, so regarding that, I could use some practice and some immersion into the Mene clothing stores. :D

Hope you're having a lovely weekend?
In terms of what mene might need - they are looking for user made pixels to fill the shops "Newbie Emporium" and "Synergy." The newbie emporium needs basic items that can be sold for very cheap so that newbies can be clothed. The synergy are more complicated user made pixels and only has one item so far XD

Demoscout and I were kind of spear-heading the items getting in there but they made us staff and we work on other projects now XD So if you can make some basic items for the newbie shop and some more complicated stuff for synergy, that would be awesome. For ideas - check out the request thread for commons in the site feedback :)

I never pixeled before last january but it's so much fun! But I've actually never tried to do a full person before - only items to wear XD

I'm having a nice relaxing weekend! This is the first time I've had a real day off in like a month XD Because of the musical I was going into school on my days off to work on things.

I hope you are having a good weekend too :D

ReiyukaE is offline
Old 04-28-2013, 01:15 PM

Oooh~ I'll be sure to check out that request thread, then. Thanks for the tip. ;D I'd love to make some amateur things to be shown in the Newbie Emporium or Synergy - I did see both shops, but really, trying to figure out what Mene might need will be a hell of a lot easier with that request thread thing. 8D

The sign of someone who really loves their job: going in when they don't have to. I can imagine that such a weekend is very welcome, and nice. <3

As for me, I'm having a pretty relaxing weekend, too. Entertained myself with some handicrafts and was now working on some pixels, too. Seems like it's a good day to waste time doing something creative, yanno?

Maria-Minamino is offline
Old 04-28-2013, 01:33 PM

Originally Posted by ReiyukaE View Post
Oooh~ I'll be sure to check out that request thread, then. Thanks for the tip. ;D I'd love to make some amateur things to be shown in the Newbie Emporium or Synergy - I did see both shops, but really, trying to figure out what Mene might need will be a hell of a lot easier with that request thread thing. 8D

The sign of someone who really loves their job: going in when they don't have to. I can imagine that such a weekend is very welcome, and nice. <3

As for me, I'm having a pretty relaxing weekend, too. Entertained myself with some handicrafts and was now working on some pixels, too. Seems like it's a good day to waste time doing something creative, yanno?
haha yes, it is! I'm currently pixeling things too :P

That request thread is really helpful - I can't fulfill all requests - heck - will probably only fulfill a handful - but at least it gives me an ideas of what the users are craving :)

It is a huge honor to see people wear the things you make! All the stuff in that newbie thread was by me and when they first put it in there I about died!

ReiyukaE is offline
Old 04-28-2013, 01:48 PM

Oooh, what'cha making? ;-D

Exactly! There's no point in making things that no one wants to BUY. Also it's really hard to not just zoom in on the things you want to make for yourself, or stick to fandom-esque thing.

Ajsekmajra, all of those things are ADORABLE and you did a great job, especially since you've only been pixeling since January! That's INSANE, woman. I mean, I've always known you were talented and I still adore the artpiece you made for me, but seriously, that's insane. You're amazing.

Maria-Minamino is offline
Old 04-28-2013, 01:54 PM

Originally Posted by ReiyukaE View Post
Oooh, what'cha making? ;-D

Exactly! There's no point in making things that no one wants to BUY. Also it's really hard to not just zoom in on the things you want to make for yourself, or stick to fandom-esque thing.

Ajsekmajra, all of those things are ADORABLE and you did a great job, especially since you've only been pixeling since January! That's INSANE, woman. I mean, I've always known you were talented and I still adore the artpiece you made for me, but seriously, that's insane. You're amazing.
Well it was since last january :P

I had some users on here who kicked my butt into gear! When your pixel thread is up and running - we can give you advice! :) a user named xuvrette is really good at pointing out tiny details!

that's my big fear - making things no one wants to buy D:

Since I'm staff now - I've been sworn to secrecy on items D: I'm sorry!

ReiyukaE is offline
Old 04-28-2013, 01:59 PM

Ah yeah, Xu is pretty good at that. She's nitpicky by nature, but that's actually a really good thing. <3

Awww, that's okay - I didn't actually expect you to say what you were working on. ;D After all, it would be a shame if item information leaked and what not. <3

Maria-Minamino is offline
Old 04-28-2013, 02:14 PM

Originally Posted by ReiyukaE View Post
Ah yeah, Xu is pretty good at that. She's nitpicky by nature, but that's actually a really good thing. <3

Awww, that's okay - I didn't actually expect you to say what you were working on. ;D After all, it would be a shame if item information leaked and what not. <3
haha yeah - and I'd be fired too :P XD

Xuvvie is awesome like that - I wish my mind would pick up on so many details D:

ReiyukaE is offline
Old 04-28-2013, 09:19 PM

And we really don't want that! o:

It really is a talent on it's own! My attention to detail is distinctly lacking; I don't notice half as many things as most other people do. Plus, when you've been working on a thing for a while, you start to skip over things and what not. So it's good to have other peoples' views on the matter.

Nice look for your avi, dude. <3

Maria-Minamino is offline
Old 04-28-2013, 10:09 PM

Originally Posted by ReiyukaE View Post
And we really don't want that! o:

It really is a talent on it's own! My attention to detail is distinctly lacking; I don't notice half as many things as most other people do. Plus, when you've been working on a thing for a while, you start to skip over things and what not. So it's good to have other peoples' views on the matter.

Nice look for your avi, dude. <3
I think I'm getting better at detail - but I still have a long way to go! I tend to rush over things D:

Thank you!! I wanted it to look like a creepy town XD

ReiyukaE is offline
Old 04-28-2013, 10:12 PM

You succeeded!
Are you a fan of creepy things, Maria, I wonder?

Oh do you? Rush over things, I mean? :o That's the first time I heard that!

Maria-Minamino is offline
Old 04-28-2013, 10:15 PM

Just rush the details really - I find that I'm like "gogogogogog" XD and then stop and go, "wait, I should have done this!" XD

haha I like mysterious things - creepy scares me XD

ReiyukaE is offline
Old 04-28-2013, 10:24 PM

Mysterious things do have a certain "je ne sais quoi" about them, alright. I do like detectives and mystery novels, that have you partake in the thinking and the solving of the mystery.
I have the same thing with a couple of buildings; there's this mini-castle not far from where I used to live, and I'd pass by it whenever I came back from visiting a friend who lived on the same street. No matter when I passed there - wether it was dark or light out, summer or winter - there was always a light burning outside. I've literally never seen that light go out, nor have I ever seen anyone moving around inside the house, or walking around in the grounds, or even just driving their car up the driveway.
It's always been super mysterious to me, man. /headshake/ And I just love it, because it's so quirky and random and makes my brain go to all sorts of places.

So basically you sometimes act a bit too quickly, or more like... when you get momentum you keep going until afterwards you go "oh wait, forgot that".

Maria-Minamino is offline
Old 04-28-2013, 10:30 PM

Originally Posted by ReiyukaE View Post
Mysterious things do have a certain "je ne sais quoi" about them, alright. I do like detectives and mystery novels, that have you partake in the thinking and the solving of the mystery.
I have the same thing with a couple of buildings; there's this mini-castle not far from where I used to live, and I'd pass by it whenever I came back from visiting a friend who lived on the same street. No matter when I passed there - wether it was dark or light out, summer or winter - there was always a light burning outside. I've literally never seen that light go out, nor have I ever seen anyone moving around inside the house, or walking around in the grounds, or even just driving their car up the driveway.
It's always been super mysterious to me, man. /headshake/ And I just love it, because it's so quirky and random and makes my brain go to all sorts of places.

So basically you sometimes act a bit too quickly, or more like... when you get momentum you keep going until afterwards you go "oh wait, forgot that".

Oh I wish I lived near a mini-castle!! That would be so cool! Someday in my life I'm goign to visit and old castle!!

The closest thing we have here is an old fort XDD

haha yeah - that's pretty much my thinking XD

ReiyukaE is offline
Old 04-28-2013, 11:48 PM

Belgium, dude. We're the "old country". We got overrun by a gazillion civilizations and the Spanish and French just build a crapload of castles all around the place. I know at least one castle-esque building in almost every town or city in my vicinity.

So just come visit me and we'll go Castle-sightseeing. ;D

Maria-Minamino is offline
Old 04-28-2013, 11:56 PM

Originally Posted by ReiyukaE View Post
Belgium, dude. We're the "old country". We got overrun by a gazillion civilizations and the Spanish and French just build a crapload of castles all around the place. I know at least one castle-esque building in almost every town or city in my vicinity.

So just come visit me and we'll go Castle-sightseeing. ;D
bahaha - if I can ever afford a vacation - I'll try Belgium!

My number one place to visit would be Ireland...I don't know WHAT I am since I"m adopted but since I have red hair, I was always obsessed with Ireland.

ReiyukaE is offline
Old 04-29-2013, 12:25 AM

Understandably so; my mind would drift to Ireland immediatly too, upon seeing your hair colour.
I hear it's beautiful - it's on my "MUST SEE SOON" list, too. <3 There are a lot of places to explore there, and also lots of castles, so you should be good. ;D

Little birdie ♥

hummy is offline
Old 04-29-2013, 01:20 PM

Originally Posted by Maria-Minamino View Post
haha yes - I was super shy back then D: XD *never ventured out of a few threads*

You can stalk me Rei! I don't mind - although I feel bad that I haven't been hanging out recently D:

I saw you are making a pixel workroom! I'm excited to see your stuff :D

Hummy and Rei are too sweet <33

just honest
your trench coat has turned out amazing.

Maria-Minamino is offline
Old 04-29-2013, 09:03 PM

Originally Posted by ReiyukaE View Post
Understandably so; my mind would drift to Ireland immediatly too, upon seeing your hair colour.
I hear it's beautiful - it's on my "MUST SEE SOON" list, too. <3 There are a lot of places to explore there, and also lots of castles, so you should be good. ;D
Ireland is just so beautiful!!! I would go to see the castles and the beautiful countryside and meet other gingers :D XD

Originally Posted by hummy View Post

just honest
your trench coat has turned out amazing.
aw thank youuu <3 I'm so glad I can finally wear it :D

Little birdie ♥

hummy is offline
Old 04-29-2013, 09:20 PM

2 items you really worked hard on to fruition,
must be very satisfying.

ReiyukaE is offline
Old 04-29-2013, 10:00 PM

It does look wicked - you did an awesome job at it! I was just admiring the pixel work on it. :D


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