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ChoShadowMaster is offline
Old 01-26-2013, 06:58 AM

Victoria woke up to the sound of her alarm, to which she found was coming from above. Confused at that she opened her eyes to find herself on the floor, sighing she rolled over to turn the beeping sound off, than rolled back on to her back thinking about weather or not she really wanted to go to school after what had happened yesterday. Feeling a headache already starting to form at the thought she was suddenly pulled from her thoughts at the sound of movement and dishes clicking together.

Popping straight from her place on the floor she quickly grabbed her glasses and practically ran down the stairs, only to find her mother putting the last of the dishes in the sink and placing papers in her briefcase. Victoria frowned at the sight, she thought that she was going to be able to have breakfast with her family like normal but that was becoming less and less now. "Oh good morning sweetie! I didn't think you'd be able to get up in time for school." Lisa laughed jokingly, and started to put her heels on. Victoria, put a weak, sleepy smile on, "Well, with all the noise down here it's hard not to wake up, mom." she stuck her tongue out at her mother. Which Lisa, quickly walked over to her daughter and pinched her nose, "I'm the most quiet thing in this house." and than wiggled Victoria's nose back and forth.

When her mother let go Victoria eyes watered lightly and her nose squinched up, "Now than, make sure you leave this Saturday open for dinner because your father and I would like to have a night with you all and talk about a couple things." Lisa smiled and kissed Victoria on the forehead, "I can do that." she smiled at her mother and looked up at her from behind her glasses, "Great! So we'll be home late again, so don't wait up sweetie. Have a good day at school." And like that her mother was out the door and gone.

The weak smile quickly left her face and she felt a weight in her chest. Shaking the feeling she decided she would go to school, it was better than being home alone all day. Since both her siblings were gone at school and than would send time with friends afterwards. Yawning and scratching her head, Victoria headed back up stairs to get head for her day.


When Victoria got to school she had been a little thrown when Rogan was not at the front gate but she was on edge everywhere she went thinking he was just going to pop up out of her locker, a random door, trash can's even, she even had a problem in the locker room when she got ready for P.E.
When she got outside she found herself looking for Rogan, quickly spotting his red head, 'What am I doing? This is what I wanted...but I can't believe he would listen to me so's not like him.' frowning she focused on just getting through P.E. and she was quickly met with the ground. Her knees hit first and she put her hand out to stop her face from hitting the ground, "Oh Victoria, I'm so sorry! I didn't see you there." Heather's voice came from above her. June quickly came to Victoria's side and helped her up, "You okay?" she asked, concern obviously in her voice. "Just fine." She stood to her feet, to see both knees bleeding and her hands as well, "I'll just go get myself cleaned up real quick." sighing and headed for the young boy who always did first aid, "Watch where you're going next time, Victoria." Heather, smirked as she walked away.

The other girls came over, "Gosh, Heather. Can't you just leave her alone once in awhile?" June said almost glaring at the girl, "Really can't you come up with some better ideas, than skinning her up?" Melody giggled softly. "Oh please, the girl just wasn't looking where she was walking. I didn't do it on purpose, that was to easy." she said nervously, but kept her cool even though the girls obviously knew she aimed to do it, "It'll take more that a 1st grad knock into the sand, to bug Victoria." Luna, smirked at Heather, for doing such child's play. Heather, openly glared at Luna, "If anything she bumped into me!" she said with a huff and walked away to go get a drink of water. Which the three girls ended up snickering at getting under her skin.

Peas & Carrots
JayRose is offline
Old 01-28-2013, 01:55 AM

Rogan, had been getting a drink of water and flirting with a couple girls who came over to tell him that he looked amazing out on the basketball court. Giving them his most charming smile, he couldn't help but notice Victoria, walk by his line of sight. Which she was headed for the what he thought was a much younger boy, 'He looks like a first year.' he felt a peg of jealous hit him at the sight of her talking to the boy so easily.

"Pany! You're up!!!" he was snapped from his thoughts by his coach yelling for him. Quickly looking over to the older man, "Yes, Sir!" he smiled down at the girls, "Well if you'll excuse me." they all whined and pouted as he left running onto the court. He tried to keep an eye on Victoria to see what she was doing. Did she take notice that he was leaving her alone like she had asked? Was she now happy or disappointed that he had listened? Thoughts like that filled his head all through out P.E. but he still amazing at beating the other team, with the help of his friends being on his team.


When they were in the locker room changing, Jacob leaned against the locker next to Rogan's, "Okay, I'll talk to her today. I almost forgot we have an art class together today." he sighed thinking how bad of an idea this was but he would do it for his friend. "That's great!" Rogan, slipped his shirt on and closed his gym locker, "Just see what she thinks about me, and whatever else you can find out." Rogan, smiled and patted Jacob on the shoulder, "You're such a great friend to me." Jacob, chuckled at his comment, "Yes, I don't even know why I bother half the time." they started headed to their next class of the day, "Ah, it's simple because you love me!" Jacob almost fell over at that, "I'm sure. Love dose make people do unpredictable things." Jacob looked over at his friend knowingly but he was clueless and just happily walking to class.

ChoShadowMaster is offline
Old 01-28-2013, 04:06 AM

Victoria had been to busy looking at her scrapped up hands that she didn't notice she had walked right by Rogan and his groupies. As she walked towards the younger boy who she knew was in charge of first aid out here, she tried to remember his name, 'Ugh, it wasn't that long ago, think Victoria think.' lucky for her another student walked up to him, "Hey, Shawn can you give me something for this headache?" the other student whined,"I can only give you mild medication, you know that right? Mrs. Snow is the only one who can give you something to make it go away much faster." he said strongly, Victoria thought he looked nothing like his child likeness, he looked older. "Yeah, yeah. Something just to hold me over for P.E, is all I need." Once he was given two little red pill and cup of water the guy left.

She walked up to him just as he turned back around, "Ah!" placing his hand over his chest where his heart would be, he jumped from suddenly seeing Victoria. He looked like he was going to faint, "You scared me Victoria!" sighing he slowed his heart beat and than looked up at her with his child like smile, "What can I do for you." he asked sweetly. 'He changed so quickly from one to the other.' tilting her head to the side, "Sorry about that." but than placed her hands wound side up next to her scrapped up knees that were bleeding still slightly. Looking up to Shawn she smiled, "Think you could help me take care of these?" he looked so cute she thought looking at him from this angle, he had such giant olive green eyes, he had a single braid in his bangs with a green bead at the end holding it in place, and he had multiable ear piercing but the one that really caught your eyes was his left earring that was a small hour glass that at the moment was half empty.

"Oh! Here, sit down!" he said gentle grabbing her wrist and sitting her down on a bench and than went to get his first-aid kit. "What happen, this time Victoria?" he asked as he sat down in front of her in his own little stool, "Ah, just wasn't watching where I was going and bumped into a friend and fell." she sighed, as he poured water over her hands to clean out the wound, and than started to put alcohol on her hands, which made her squinch up her nose and flinch, "Ah, sorry!" he blushed at he quickly pulled out some calming gel ointment, to make the stinging stop, "It's fine. It didn't hurt to bad." she smiled weakly at him. He gave her a sweet smile, "Well, I'm glad you didn't get hit in the face this time." he starting cleaning up her knees in the same way, "You're to beautiful to have that happen." he didn't look up as he kept his eyes on her knees and she could see that his whole face was turning red she thought, "Thanks, Shawn." was all she said, which he nodded his head to, Victoria smiled at how cute he was.


It was after lunch that she headed into her art class, which she enjoyed greatly because it was time to just have fun and play around. To let what was ever on her mind go or let everything that was on her mind out on to just a plan white space.

Peas & Carrots
JayRose is offline
Old 01-28-2013, 07:16 AM

Jacob, was now having a vain pulsing on the side of his forehead in annoyance because Rogan would not stop bugging him about what he would say to Victoria and not to forget to find out more about what she thought of him. "And really don't push to hard or she may know for sure that it's me who asked you to ask about me." Rogan, hands were flying all about and now was standing in front of Jacob walking backwards so that he could talk to him face to face, "Whoa whoa whoa! Rogan, calm down!" Jacob, put up both his hands and stop dead in his tracks, "You can't really expect me to get all this out of her in just 45 minutes? Or even in an hour, do you?" he raised a brow at Rogan, "Well...I thought maybe you could." Rogan rubbed the back of his neck in thought, "You have way to much faith in me." he said sighing and his shoulders slumping, "Look, don't expect anything for a couple weeks." Rogan's mouth seemed to almost hit the floor, "What!? Weeks? I can't wait for weeks...better yet I can't stay away from her that long!" now he was pacing back and forth, talking so fast that Jacob, ended up losing where Rogan was going with all of this.

Sighing he grabbed his friend by the back of his collar and pulled him around the corner, "Rogan, just let me do my thing and I'm sure I can get all this squared away much faster in just about two weeks or so." he could Rogan wanted to say something so he held up his hand, "BUT! You have to not butt in and you definitely can not follow me to art class. She will pick up on that so fast that it will just be the end of it." he stated firmly. Rogan pouted and crossed his arms in front of his chest but nodded in agreement anyways, "Great now than, I'll be going to class now." smiling happily to his friend Jacob took off to class.


Jacob, quickly saw that Victoria was already in class, art and math were the only classes the two had together, so he would use both of the class times wisely. Taking his sit next to Victoria, since no one really sat next to her and the fact that Jacob, really was the last one to show up, the seat next to her was open. "Hello, Miss Wolfe." he nodded his head at her and gave her a small smile as he sat down. Jacob had a feeling that if he just stayed polite with her, that she wouldn't so easily brush him off. The teacher walked in, a small plumped woman, middle aged, which showed a little in her face as she smiled the lines showed around her mouth and hazel eyes, and long brown hair, with some gray spiraled in with her normal color, that she normally kept up in some form of a bun but she was indeed a beautiful woman. "Well, than class okay we will be going outside today and drawing. You can use whatever you'd like; black and white, color or whatever you chose!" she said cheerfully, "Now than grabbed whatever items you'll need and than come stand at my desk." their teacher just loved it when they could go outside and have art class...she was very much in love with the outdoors.

ChoShadowMaster is offline
Old 02-02-2013, 11:00 AM

Victoria was a little thrown by the sound of a greeting for her, but when she looked to see who it was she was no longer in shock. After all Jacob and herself were on a greet one another basis, returning the smile she greeted him as well, "Afternoon, Jacob." her smile widen a bit, "Or shall I start calling you, Mr. Myers? Since you seem so fond of calling me by my last name now." she chuckled lightly. Victoria, had been surprised by the times she spent with Rogan and Jacob, she had a thought always running through her mind, that if they had meet differently than Victoria could see herself being friends with both them and even the other guys.

But what they did and acted like now towards her was not going to make up for the many days they bullied her but she did admit it was a start in the right diraction. When their teacher walked in with her wonderful news Victoria, chuckled at the older woman and began to repack her items and left her school book bag on her desk. Both herself and Jacob walked up to Mrs. Plum's desk together. Victoria couldn't help to notices that she was starting to open up to Jacob, fairly easy the last couple times they had classes together, although the moment Rogan was around she felt herself change towards everyone no matter what. Rogan was the trigger to make her remember everything and everyone.

As they walked out into the West gardens, Victoria smiled happily and breathed deeply as the scent of the flowers were heavily in the air, "Spring is the best time to be outdoors and draw." she smiled over to Jacob, "What are you going to draw?" she asked while looking around herself for what she wanted to draw today.

Peas & Carrots
JayRose is offline
Old 02-03-2013, 11:30 AM

Jacob, chuckled gently at her joke, "We'll stay with a first name basis than." he gathered his pens and pencil for their class outside day. He followed after Victoria, as their teacher lead them to the West grounds of the school to the gardens. Although it had only been a few weeks but it seemed Victoria, didn't mind him that much, than again almost everyone liked Jacob, but only because he could easily get the person to feel relaxed with him. Victoria, took much longer to well warm up to him, today she was even asking him questions.

When they did get outside he enjoyed the fresh air and the scent in the air, it was strong but light enough for him. As soon as Mrs. Plum, gave them the go ahead the students all went to work on picking a spot and some just sat straight down. "I'll have to look around to see what I feel like doing." he glanced at her from the corner of his eye, with a small smile. Jacob, had a feeling that was a question she wanted him to ask her as well, 'If I can get her to come draw with me, we could talk some more and I could squeeze Rogan in there somewhere.' he sighed at the idea of this whole thing now, because he was sure it would annoy Victoria in some way and if he was being honest he enjoyed her company and would like to even have her as a life time friend.

"What are you going to draw, Victoria?" he asked while walking down the small slop that lead into the garden, and the small walk through pass. He looked around with his items in hand looking to see where they could even sit alone so no one would over hear them, 'If I want her to even talk honestly she'll need to know were alone...not that I think she'd care who over heard her feelings for Rogan.' he chuckled at the thought.

Last edited by JayRose; 02-03-2013 at 11:32 AM..

ChoShadowMaster is offline
Old 02-03-2013, 11:17 PM

Victoria followed after Jacob, into the garden as they walked around she looked to see what she felt like drawing in the short amount of time that they had. She agreed with Jacob, about having to look first, "There is so much in this garden, that it'll be hard to pick. I've had lunch in the garden so many times I know a lot of things I would like to draw." Victoria raised a brow at Jacob sudden quite laugh.

When they seemed to get much further into the garden than anyone else Victoria picked a little hill that had a couple fruitless plum trees, "Find something amusing Jacob?" she asked, taking a sit under the trees and it gave a beautiful overview of the garden, part of the school building and some of the mountains, since the air was so fresh and clear. She pulled out her black sketchbook and flipped to about half way through, and laid out her pens and pencils.

Peas & Carrots
JayRose is offline
Old 02-04-2013, 07:06 AM

Jacob smiled at her answer because he knew that Rogan was always trying to find her in the gardens but never could, half the time. When she asked him that Jacob's eyes widened in shock he hadn't even realized that he laughed out loud, "Oh um, a thought just ran through my mind." he smiled at her as he followed her lead and sat down near her and left a good space between them.

After about 20 minutes of sitting quietly and drawing, Jacob had been trying to think of a nice way to start off his words, but every time he tried he though otherwise. Now as he was drawing a part of the garden and the mountains he sighed, 'Better just to do it now than later, I've got 25 minutes.' starting to shade in his drawing and start to make it look more realistic, while he thought what in the world he was going to say and he felt his eyebrow twitch in annoyance as Rogan ideas all started to pop into his mind, 'No way am I saying anything that big idiot said.' taking a deep breath he, blew some dirt off his book,"So did Rogan meet up with you again this morning or lunch?" he looked over to her to see how she reacted.

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Old 02-14-2013, 10:39 AM

Time seemed to just slip pass Victoria, as she sat there with Jacob. At some point she found herself just watching Jacob draw, while she just ended up making a few lines in the corner of her blank page. Sighing at her sudden mood of not wanting to draw, Jacob brought up the reason why she most likely wasn't drawing.

Frowning she fell onto her back from her seated position and was laying on her back looking up at the sky with her book laying on her chest. Finally, blinking and letting her head roll to look at Jacob, she answered him, "No." her lips pressed together and her brows pulled together, "I told him to just leave me alone, yesterday and it seems he's listening." she searched Jacob's eyes for a moment and than looked back up to the baby blue sky, through the green leaves of the tree, they sat under. Grabbing a pen and lifting her art book up, she started to draw the scene before her eyes, Victoria watched as the clouds slowly drifted by, "But I find that odd...I feel like he's up to something." she looked over to Jacob, "He doesn't give that easily." her face was just filled with confusion about the whole thing. No way Rogan, would suddenly just listen to her but than again she had been telling him for year now to leave her alone, was yesterday just the day he finally got it?

Peas & Carrots
JayRose is offline
Old 02-16-2013, 07:29 AM

Jacob, thought for a moment she would not answer him at all as she laid there on her back. But when she spoke he sighed inwardly to himself, "Hmm, I do find that odd." He watched as she started to draw more, the shadows from the leaves on tree danced across her face and the slight wind played with her hair. "No, he doesn't tend to leave things until he gets his way. He's very childish like that." Jacob chuckled lightly, "Do you like that he has left you alone today? Or have you been hiding from him?" he raised a brow at her. Jacob already knew the answer to his own question but he couldn't just suddenly know everything out of the blue because than Victoria would caught on.


Rogan sat in his music class and made sure he sat next to a particular girl. Almost the whole class she had been trying to flirt with him but she was playing hard to get, Rogan played along a bit but he was sitting there with her for a completely different reason. "So, you're friends with Morgan right? Which means you must also spend a lot of time around Victoria, as well. Right, Heather?" he smiled at her as he spoke softly, as to not get caught by the teacher Miss Harper.

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Old 02-16-2013, 08:04 AM

Victoria was quickly getting her drawing together as she laid there, she felt sleepy and she felt so light, like any minute she could float away the grass tickled her lightly as the wind brushed it against her. Victoria almost snorted at Jacob's comment about Rogan being childish, "God, did you hit the nail on the head! Has he always been like that?" she laughed at how annoying it would have been had she meet Rogan at a much younger age.

"I didn't hide from him but just went about the day normal. I felt like any moment he was going to pop out of a trash can or tree, with that annoying smirkish smile of his." her eyebrow twitched in annoyance. "What do you think he is up to Jacob?" she stopped moving her pencil across the blank spots on the page and looked over to the slightly old teen.


Heather had to use all of her self-control not scream in rage when Rogan said that worm of a girls name! They had been talking and flirting so well, 'If that girl thinks she can have Rogan all to herself, she has got another thing coming! I will get him to look my way!' her thoughts dark the more Heather lingered on it. "Yes, I'm becoming very good friends with Morgan and the other girls...well not really Victoria..." Heather trailed her words off and looked away nervously like she wasn't supposed to say something, "She's a bit...well..I-I don't know if I should talk about it." Heather held a gentle fist up to her lips to hide her mouth and her brows were drawn in like she was about to cry, her eyes held a glossy, wetness as she glanced at Rogan.

Last edited by ChoShadowMaster; 02-17-2013 at 06:39 AM..

Peas & Carrots
JayRose is offline
Old 02-17-2013, 07:49 AM

Rogan interest peeked at Heathers words, raising a brow he gave the young girl, his full attention, "Really....what can't you say?" He leaned in closer and whispered closer to her so no one but them could hear each others words, "What did Victoria do?" Rogan, wanted to start learning as much as he could about Victoria and talking to one of her friends would be a good start. But Heather seemed more scared of Victoria than on friendly terms with her.


Jacob, chuckled into his hand and smiled down over to her, "Yes, pretty much. He's much better but it's been the same through out the years." Jacob tired hard not to laugh when she talked because he had no doubt that Rogan would indeed choose to pop out of anywhere to get one up on Victoria. That quickly all went away when she asked her question, feeling a slight panic rush through him Jacob debated if he should tell her or not, why he was even asking her such questions in the first place, looking away from her Jacob drew a bit more, "If I know him like I do...he'll be coming back soon enough Victoria." he chuckled lightly, "He's very...fond of you." it was the only way he could explain it to her.

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Old 03-11-2013, 07:06 PM

Victoria, rolled her eyes at hearing he was indeed always that way, 'I'm not that surprised to know that.' but she ached a brow at Jacob's words, 'Fond of me? In what way? All he does is torment me.' scoffing she looked away and started to finish the last of drawing, "I would hate to get on his friend list than, if that's how he shows his fondness." she spoke annoyed at the whole thing now.

"I'm glad he's left me alone today and I pray he leaves me alone for the rest of my life." she signed her drawing and stood up from her spot, dusting off some grass that hung on to her skirt. Just in time as their teacher called them all in for the end of class, "Thanks for sitting with me...It was much better to draw with someone than to do it alone this time." she pulled out the paper from her art book, closed it and than headed towards the rest of the class.


Heather blushed at how close Rogan was getting to her face and she was so happy he was listening to her and talking to her and giving so much attention, even though it was for that annoying girl. Putting her sad face back on she waited a bit like she was thinking if she should really tell him or not, she didn't want to look to eager to tell him, "Well, she...she's been known to blackmail Morgan..." scooting closer, lowering her voice and looking right into his eyes, "I don't know about what she has on Morgan but a couple of us have been trying to get it back but now she is blackmailing us as well." Heather frowned deepened and her eyes started to tear up but she was smiling happily in her mind at her amazing acting abilities.

Peas & Carrots
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Old 03-11-2013, 07:38 PM

Jacob, stood up with her and dusted his own pants off as well, "Like I said before Victoria, he's a child at things...he's acting like a 5 year old boy to show his lo-" Jacob stopped himself from saying anymore than he should, "To show that he wants to be friends.....he's never really had any girls as well just friends so he doesn't know what to do." Jacob chuckled at just the ideas of what Rogan was going to try to do to get Victoria to like him now. He followed her through the garden, "But I do not stand by him in his years of well...bullying you." he pushed his hands into his pockets while holding his own art book inbetween his arm and body, "I'll let him fix his own problems but I'll help in any way I can to help him out." he smiled gentley down at her. "I would hate to lose you as a good acquaintance." he chuckled lightly as they meet up with the rest of the class and turned in his drawing. "Ah, lovely as always Jacob!" the teacher said happily, he smiled at her charmingly, "You're much to kind Mrs. Plum." he waited for Victoria and walked her to her next class.


Rogan, was a little surprised to hear what Heather was saying about Victoria. He knew her well enough that was not something he could see her doing, "Really?" he sat back and looked at her, 'She looks like she means it but it's not adding up.' he looked right into her eyes, "How did she get a hold of this kind of information from?" Rogan, would have to talk to Victoria himself...because Heather almost looked for a lost of words, "Why would she want to do something like that?" she was about to answer but than the bell rang and teacher gave out homework and the students started to file out, Heather got up quickly and headed for the front of the class, "Ah, wait-" he stood up to follow after her.

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Old 03-18-2013, 08:05 PM

Heather was at a lost of words a Rogan's line of questioning, she eyes darted side to side not wanting to make eye contact with him or she was afraid he could see through her lies. 'Anything, I just have to think of anything and just get out of here...' just as she thought of something, "I think-" the bell rang and the teacher told them what their homework would be, "I have to go." Heather stood up quickly and grabbed her belongings and ran to the front to get her homework and was out the door just as Rogan, called out to her. She quickly found a restroom and hide in there so that Rogan couldn't find her, "Crap!" she hissed, biting her lower lip "I didn't think these all the way through, but I can use this...he believes me, enough to put doubt in his head about Victoria." she smirked as she started to think on how to expound this better to him.


Victoria, had listened to Jacob as he talked to her about Rogan, she didn't reply only because she was trying to soak in what she was hearing. When she reached her class room she looked over to Jacob blankly, "Thank you for walking me to class." not waiting for a reply she headed into her class.

~End of School~

Victoria was heading for the front of the school to leave while she was writing some notes in her music book, when she reached the stairs she closed her book to look where she was going and her eyes meet with fiery brown eyes. Her eyes widen and she felt shell shock, what was he doing here? They had been avoiding each other with no problem all day. She thought about going through one of the side exits but she was stuck to her spot and Rogan didn't look like he was planning on leaving as they stared at each other and Victoria was sure she wasn't blinking. Next thing Victoria knew was that she was flying through the air and Rogan was getting closer to her and she couldn't stop. A gasp left her lips and she quickly dropped her items only to reach out for Rogan in fear of the high fall and him being the only thing that could break her fall. She squeezed her eyes shut and was fearful for a bad injury and all she could do was wait for the pain and sicking sound of something breaking.

Last edited by ChoShadowMaster; 03-19-2013 at 06:27 PM..

Peas & Carrots
JayRose is offline
Old 03-19-2013, 06:57 PM

Jacob, chuckled lightly, into his hand as Victoria walked into her classroom, "Who would have thought she was a curious one." he smiled and than headed to his own class.

~End Of School~

Rogan, had been a little lost in his thoughts all day, even the girls whined about him having his head up in the clouds. He just couldn't see Victoria being the type of person to blackmail people or anyone for whatever reason, maybe for a really good reason but still it was a far stretch, "I'll have to run it by the guys or something." He's eye brows pulled together in confusion, "I'm not much for being able to put two and two together." letting a sigh go he turned to head up the stair, as he looked up he saw Victoria, heading down and he felt warm, his heart fluttered and a small smile came to his lips. When her honey brown eyes meet his, it felt like electricity shot through them, Rogan couldn't look away. But before he could process anything else Victoria was falling towards him, seeing the fear in her face Rogan's body seemed to move on its own and ran to try and break her fall. Reaching his arms out for her to fall right into his body, with in moments he was struck by her body and they fell back onto the floor, where there was a gape between each flight of stairs.

Falling on his butt first and he wrapped his arms around Victoria and tightened his hold on her when he felt the impact, he didn't want her to fly out of his hold and get hurt, "Ughf!" letting a grunt out when his back hit the cold floor he made sure his head was tucked in so he wouldn't smack it on the floor. He laid there on for a few moments not believing what just happened, his hold was still tightly held on Victoria's body, he could feel her warm body pressed into his, the smell of her perfume reached his nose and he could feel her hair tickling under his chin. Opening one eye he was meet with the ceiling, letting a sigh out he looked down to see the crown of Victoria's head, relief filled him at the sight of her, "You know if you wanted a hug you could have just asked for one." he chuckled lightly, letting his hold on Victoria go and pushing himself up into a seated position with her sill in his lap, he smiled down at her jokingly.

Last edited by JayRose; 03-20-2013 at 07:44 AM..

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Old 03-20-2013, 08:10 AM

Victoria, had felt the impact of fall into Rogan, which had not hurt to much bu she was waiting for the hard fall, the pain something, anything! But what seemed like hours was only moments she thought maybe she was dead, 'I have to be! There is no way that I could have fallen from that flight of stairs and not break something!' taking a moment she heard something, than she could also smell something, 'It smells like a pine? Cologne? Ah, that's nice. It-it's a heartbeat...' she noted the warmth that came with whatever soft, solid surface she was laying on. Just as she was going to burrow herself into the warmth and the rhythmic heartbeat she heard his voice. Victoria's eyes just about popped out of her head and were as wide as plates, pulling away and out of his lap, she fell on her butt, "I was not trying to get a hug and I certainly wouldn't do it in a way that could kill me!" she looked at him with embarrassment, her bangs covering her eyes a bit.

Just as she tried to stand a pain shot through her right upper thigh, falling back onto her butt legs stretched out in front of her, "Ah! Ow!" biting her lower lip in pain Victoria, saw her pencil protruding from her thigh, and now a little river of dark, crimson blood flowing freely from the wound. She didn't know what to do, because she knew it would hurt greatly to pull it out, plus that meant she would have blood dripping down her leg while trying to get back to the nurse office, "Crap." she hissed under breath, holding onto her leg thinking what she should do.

Peas & Carrots
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Old 03-20-2013, 08:53 AM

Rogan, chuckled at her not getting his sarcasm like always, "It's okay Victoria, everyone needs a hug now and again. And sometimes those people don't know how to ask for them." he chuckled again at seeing her blush and he loved the look on her face and the way her bangs tried to hide her. But the moment she stood and shouted in pain, Rogan found himself at her side in a heartbeat, "What's wrong?" he saw where she was looking and grabbing. Looking at the pencil sticking out of her leg, he frowned seeing the amount of blood pooling around the wound and running down off the side of her leg, "Leave it be." he said as he crouched next to her, he quickly slipped one arm under both her legs and the other on her lower back, he stood fully with Victoria in his arms bridal style and started to walk towards the closest nurse's office, "And here I thought, I had saved you from injury all together. Yet, I lost to a pencil." he frowned gloomly at not being able to save Victoria completely.

ChoShadowMaster is offline
Old 03-21-2013, 06:20 AM

Victoria, gave him a look of no-duh-sherlock's at leaving the pencil alone, she knew bleeding all over the place was not a good idea but the pain was hard to ignore. Just as she was going to say something a gasp left her at suddenly being lifted up. She quickly gripped onto Rogan out of fear, "Wha-what are y-you doing?" she had her arms wrapped around his neck but she pulled away, almost falling out of his arms she re-grabbed on, "Ugh, put me down Rogan." she hissed and made herself sound as threatening him the best she could with a blush spreading across her face quickly.

This was to much for her, talking to Jacob today had made her think about Rogan far more than she should have but now she was being carried by him, after just falling into his arms, 'Can this day get any weirder?' a scold on her face she felt the vain in her forehead throb with annoyance and rage.

Peas & Carrots
JayRose is offline
Old 03-21-2013, 06:50 AM

Rogan, balanced Victoria in his arms as she wiggled around in shock or embarrassment. He chuckled lightly, "I don't think there is anyway you're going to be able to walk on your own." He could see the blush blooming on her face, "You'll bleed out before you made it down the hall." he joked lightly, he could feel her blood running down her leg and onto his arm. He could see how unhappy she was with the whole thing, and everything that had happen the last time they had spoken came rushing to his mind, 'Maybe she'll forgive me a bit after this! I mean I am being very nice and keeping my words and touch, nice enough.' he smirked a bit at where his hands were, bare skin on her legs and on the small of her back, he could feel the warmth coming from her, 'What I would give or do! To be just wrapped and tangled up in her warmth for a few hours. I could just sit with her in my arms all day.' his face had that dreamy look, as he continued to walk down the hall.

ChoShadowMaster is offline
Old 03-21-2013, 07:22 AM

She looked down biting her lower lip know he was right but she just wouldn't say anything about him being right, it was bad enough she let him carry her. Looking at him, since she was leave with his eyes, she stared at him for a moment, "Hmph." she blew out a puff of breath and than looked away, a few moments passed and she nodded her head. That was the only response he was going to receive from her that was nice.

When they reached the nurse's office the door was open, lucky for them, so Rogan was able to walk right. As he did Snow came out just at the right time from the back storage room, "Oh dear! What has happen this time Miss Wolfe!?" the woman walked over to her in a worried mother-hen manner. "Ah, just another odd accident but I had some help this time...again." she smiled at the older woman. The worry on Snow's face was showed greatly, when she saw what the 'accident' was, "Oh my goodness! This does not look good at all." Miss Snow, quickly went about grabbing some items to take care of this wound, "Just place her on a bed, young man, and than use this chair, put a pillow on it and put her leg up." Victoria looked at Rogan.

Peas & Carrots
JayRose is offline
Old 03-22-2013, 06:56 AM

Rogan, raised an eyebrow at how familiar the two were with each other and at Victoria's response, he scoffed lightly. As the nurse moved skillfully around the room knowing where everything and giving him orders, Rogan looked at Victoria in his arms and than looked to the beds that were in the room, walking over to the closest one and he placed her down careful not to put any type of pressure on her wound, "Sorry." he whispered gentle, as he saw the flinch's she made. Grabbing the pillow from the bed and seeing the stool next to the bed he pushed it in front of her and followed the nurses orders.

Just as he was gentle placing her leg up Miss Snow came over, "Alright, let's see what the damage is." she pulled her little tray on wheels over and rolled up to Victoria while on her own stool. Miss Snow, pushed her framed glasses up the bridge of her nose, "Now than, either this is a very vicious pencil or you have some explaining to do, young lady." the woman went to work on pulling the pencil out, starting by putting a shot of numbing agent into the area around the wound. Rogan, watched with a slight panic, he wouldn't sit next to her because he was sure that she would not like that. So he stood back but close enough to watch, "Well, what happen was; she tripped and fell down a flight of stairs but I caught her just as I was going up them." he looked at the nurse than to Victoria, than back to the wound, "She just fell with a couple items in her hand." he smiled sweetly at the nurse, if Victoria wanted to agree or add anything so the nurse would believe it would leave it to her, 'I'm pretty sure she was pushed by someone...I just don't know who yet.'His eyes narrowed slightly at the idea of someone trying to seriously hurt Victoria or even worse.

ChoShadowMaster is offline
Old 03-22-2013, 08:26 AM

Victoria, was a little surprised at hearing the soft 'sorry' she hadn't thought he would see her discomfort, 'Don't think it changes anything, Victoria.' setting her mind and eyes to being stone she watched as Miss Snow worked on her wound. As the shot went in it made her grip the bedding below her tightly. Sighing at the numbing feeling spreading through her leg, Victoria's grip loosened on the bedding. Now being able to understand what Miss Snow had asked, Victoria was stumbling over her words in her mind, 'Ah! I didn't even think that this would look weird to does look like someone might have tried to stab me.' her face was twisted with confusion at trying to think of the right words to use, "Well you see-" her mind going blank and without a beat Rogan, seemed to fill in the blanks for her.

Victoria's eyes shot up to look at Rogan as he talked about what had happened, their eyes meet for a moment but than Victoria, could feel the odd sensation of the pencil sliding out of her leg. Looking to see some more blood pour out of the wound, Miss Snow was quickly cleaning up the mess, Victoria felt her tummy not agreeing with he sight and again looked to Rogan, as he finished his explanation of what had happen. Taking a moment to read his face, 'He looks like he's being...serious!' tilting her head, she looked back to Miss Snow, as she was now wrapping the wound, "It's just like he said...I wish I would learn to not zone-out, so much but it's just a bad habit of mine." she chuckled, joking with Miss Snow. The nurse let a soft sigh out, tying the bandage in place, "Ay, ay! Victoria, you are just a walking hazard." taking her glasses off she smiled at Victoria, "Well it wasn't, lucky, to deep to where it could have caused very serious damage. So I'm going to give you an ointment I want you to put on everyday, fresh wrappings, some numbing agent, and some medicine that will help with the pain." standing from her seat Miss Snow, walked over to get the items and write a note stating she had approved of the pills. "Now than..." Miss Snow handed the items to Victoria, "I think this young man can take you home safely." The older woman smiled gleefully and patted Rogan on the back.

Victoria tired to talk her way out of it, "Ah, no! I'm sure he has other things he needs to do. Bad enough he took his time to bring me here." she chuckled nervously, "Don't be silly Victoria, if he had somewhere to be the young man would be gone by now." Snow smiled cheerfully, "Yeah, but I don't want to cause any more trouble for him, hahaha." but than the look Miss Snow, gave her was one of promising pure pain, if the girl did not accept the offer and leave now, "O-on second thoughts...a ride home would be g-great!" Beads of sweat running down the side of her face in fear.

Peas & Carrots
JayRose is offline
Old 03-23-2013, 04:28 AM

Rogan was pulled from his thought by the smack on his back and at the converation that was transpiring between the two females in front of him. He couldn't stop the smile from coming to his face at how insistent Miss Snow was at him taking Victoria home, "I'd be more than happy to take you home Victoria." he suddenly realized he didn't have his school bag with him, 'I must have left it on the stairs.' he smiled at the nurse, "I have my car in the parking lot. I just have to go get my school bag." Miss Snow clapped her hands happily together, "Great! I'll take her to the front and you can come pick her up." Rogan nodded his head and than glanced at Victoria and was out the door and heading to the stairs.


Rogan, pulled up to front door where Miss Snow had Victoria in a wheel chair waiting for him, in his dark, red dodge charger. Rogan was out of the car in a flash and opening the passenger door and helping Victoria into her seat, "Okay, are you comfortable enough?" he was a bent over from helping her into the car so he was pretty close to her face. He smirked lightly and when he got his response he closed the door and bowed lightly to the older woman, "Thank for helping me with Victoria, I was scared that you might not have been in your office." he smiled his most charming smile. Miss Snow laughed and waved her hand, like she was brushing it off, "Oh such the charmer you are. Just make sure she doesn't do to much with that leg." Snow waved bye to Victoria, "Drive safely now!" she smiled and pushed the wheel chair back inside.

Roan said his good-byes and walked back to his side of the car and slipped inside the car, he had it still running so once he buckled in he was driving off the school grounds and headed for Victoria, home. Which he still remembered how to get to, "Well, Miss Snow said try not to do anything you can't and just ask for help as much as you can, so you can rest." he glanced at her from the corner of his eye, but kept his attention to the road. As the car filled with silence and only the sound of the radio playing soft music and the car making a soft hum, Rogan broke the silence quickly, since a question was bugging him, "So....are you going to talk about what really happened?" he again was looking at her from he corner of his eye.

ChoShadowMaster is offline
Old 03-24-2013, 03:36 AM

Victoria, suddenly felt nervous and scared as Rogan, kept looking at her before he left the room to go get his things and the car. Waiting a few moments Victoria whipped her head to look at Miss Snow, "Why did you do that?" she pouted at the woman as she pushed a wheelchair over to her, "Well for one thing; there was no way you could have gotten home by yourself. Plus, I'm pretty sure he really wanted to take you home." she chuckled as she helped Victoria, into the other chair. Victoria, rolled her eyes, "I would rather have you take me my parents even. I'd even crawl home." she crossed her arms in front of her and lend back into the chair as Miss Snow, started to push her outside. The woman chuckled a the young girl, "Really? But he's being such a good friend!" Victoria, lend her head back to look at her, "He is not my friend and you know I don't have any friends." she narrowed her eyes in annoyance.

When they reached the curb they waited for Rogan, "Well maybe this would be a great time to make at the very lest just one." Miss Snow ruffled Victoria's hair, looking down at her with a soft smile. Just before she could answer Rogan drove up and started to help Victoria into the car. When he got her in the car Victoria, fought the blush that wanted to come out because of how close he was to her face, "Fine" she replied to him and waved to Miss Snow before he closed the door. She looked around the car, "Of course it would be the nicest thing he could get." watched as he got in the car and than she watched as Miss Snow and the school left her sight. Suddenly she felt awkward being in the car...alone...with Rogan, so she looked out the window, 'God, let this be over soon!' Victoria, jumped a the sound of his voice and looked over to him, "I'll make sure to be careful than." time seemed to drag on and it seemed like hours. Again she was startled by his voice breaking the silence, a little confused by his line of questioning she looked over to him, "There is nothing to talk about..." she bite her lower lip, this wasn't the worst that had happen but maybe if he did see something, "Not...not unless you saw something?" he would be her only witness to confirm who she knew was bugging her for the pass month now.

Last edited by ChoShadowMaster; 04-05-2013 at 06:55 AM..


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