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Crusher of Dreams
Assistant Administrator
CK is offline
Old 12-25-2007, 02:09 AM

@Shoga & Chexala: Your ticket purchases have been recorded. :D Good luck. ;D

I'm running Music Trivia right now, so updates will have to wait until I'm done. n_n

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Nekuyo is offline
Old 12-25-2007, 03:30 AM

only 11 tickets! Hopefully I win something this time *is poor*

wish is offline
Old 12-25-2007, 03:30 AM


  • Trying my luck again! :3

(づ ̄ ³ ̄) ...
MessyArtist is offline
Old 12-25-2007, 03:41 AM

Username:Princess Emeraude

Crusher of Dreams
Assistant Administrator
CK is offline
Old 12-25-2007, 03:45 AM

@Wish & Princess Emeraude: Your ticket purchases have been recorded. XD Good luck! :D

@Nekuyo: 8 tickets now. XD I hope you do win. XD *poor as well. but almost has all the Event Commons she wants* XD

(づ ̄ ³ ̄) ...
MessyArtist is offline
Old 12-25-2007, 03:49 AM

Originally Posted by CK
@Wish & Princess Emeraude: Your ticket purchases have been recorded. XD Good luck! :D

@Nekuyo: 8 tickets now. XD I hope you do win. XD *poor as well. but almost has all the Event Commons she wants* XD
I hope I get atleast a purple.I've only won one contest- which EVERYONe wins in. >.<

Crusher of Dreams
Assistant Administrator
CK is offline
Old 12-25-2007, 03:53 AM

Aww... Well, good luck on winning a square. XD

(づ ̄ ³ ̄) ...
MessyArtist is offline
Old 12-25-2007, 03:58 AM

Thanks CK!
I can't believe I'm talking to a Moderator!!!

Asahi Kumoru
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Old 12-25-2007, 03:59 AM

Good evening, CK~ How are you this Christmas eve?

Crusher of Dreams
Assistant Administrator
CK is offline
Old 12-25-2007, 04:02 AM

Ahahaha. XD; We don't bite or anything, Princess Emeraude! I don't really think there's many people on Staff who weren't a regular user like everyone else before they got 'hired'. (I think most of the Staff who came onto the site as someone who got hired were in the coding or administration position. And maybe one or two of the Developers.)

The only reason you don't talk directly with Staff as much as other regular users is because especially before and during Events, we're busy in the Staff forums getting things set up and planned. XD; (That and you might not be going to their regular hang-out threads. XD)

Edit: Ah - sorry. XD I didn't refresh my topic review box before posting. XD

Asahi Kumoru - I'm a little tired because I spent the early evening scrubbing showers and sinks and the fridge and etc in our new home in preparation for the Christmas Day dinner we're having tomorrow. XD But in a good mood, regardless. XD

How are you? :D

vadeil is offline
Old 12-25-2007, 04:12 AM

yay i just bought 37.50$ worth of contribute items xD

Asahi Kumoru
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Asahi Kumoru is offline
Old 12-25-2007, 04:13 AM

CK - I'm alright. Been doodling all evening. Doesn't look like I'm going to finish all of my Christmas arts in time for Christmas itself, but I can fudge it a little 'cause people are going away and all that >.>;

Ah, fun times =O Are you having a lot of people over? I think we're having some family over tomorrow night. And my uncle was supposed to drop by today but he never made it over. Maybe he'll come tomorrow, too.

Sylira is offline
Old 12-25-2007, 04:15 AM

Username: Sylira

Majinkoz is offline
Old 12-25-2007, 04:25 AM

Did I do that right? I sure hope that I did...haha.

Username: Majinkoz
Tickets: 19

Crusher of Dreams
Assistant Administrator
CK is offline
Old 12-25-2007, 04:29 AM

Oops. *apparently out of her mind. Did not mean to quote her entire first post. Not even sure how that happened* D:


@vadeil: Oh, awesome. XD I gather from what I see on the Exchange that they hadn't been selling as well as last month's items, so I wouldn't doubt that their value goes up higher in the end. XD Did you get six of each?

@Asahi Kumoru: Yeah... I didn't even try to do gift art this year. @_@; I'll probably do it belatedly for some people. XD; Because I did want to draw, I just hadn't had the time, really. D: I hope you have enough time from 'fudging' that you can finish all of the ones you intended, though. :3

We're having... All five of our family. My brother's wife. Her mom and step-dad. The step-dad's son... Those are the ones I know for sure. There could be a few others. XD;

And in the evening I'm going out to the movies with my best guy friend, his boyfriend, his sister and his sister's husband. XD We'll be going to see National Treasure two! But I don't know if my friends will be picking me up (they did last year) or if I'll be driving to meet them somewhere. Probably the second one makes more sense since they'd have to drive all the way across town, then back the way they came and then further. And then on the way back, drive all the way back and then halfway back. XD;; *rambles* But if they do pick me up, they'll be seeing the house too, so my parents (my mom in particular) was getting pretty anal about how clean the house looked... Though I think everyone would understand a little mess and clutter considering we don't even have beds moved over yet. XD;

My family has a tendency to say, "Yeah, I'll drop by!" and then forget. XD; So I hope your uncle does drop by tomorrow. XD (I'm assuming you actually want to see him, though. XD )

@Sylira: Your ticket was recorded. :D Good luck!

@Majinkoz: I'll fix it so it is right. XD No worries! Your ticket will be recorded momentarily. XD

Majinkoz is offline
Old 12-25-2007, 04:32 AM

Yay thank you!

I'm too retarded to actually get it I guess. D:

I think I just had too much coffee at my party...and I'm like WooOOooO.

So, do you think that you're going to be drawing for the next prize tonight?

Sylira is offline
Old 12-25-2007, 04:33 AM

Thank you! ^-^

I have to go to bed now so good night! <3

vadeil is offline
Old 12-25-2007, 04:39 AM

yeah i have 7 sets to sell and one for my self >.<

they are nice items so i bet they will go up in price, but i am going to sell 3 or 4 of the sets this month.

Good night Sylira ^.^

Majinkoz is offline
Old 12-25-2007, 04:44 AM

@vadeil....whoa...that's a lot of CI sets! >.<

I'm sure you'll have no problem selling them....I like the halo a lot, but I'm not a huge fan of the harp. I only have 3 sets.

Asahi Kumoru
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Old 12-25-2007, 04:44 AM

CK - Yeah, I'm dying to see my uncle, and he really wants to see me before I go back to school. He was in the hospital earlier this year, so now that he's recovered and all, we need to catch up :<

Hehe, my brother saw "National Treasure 2" last night. He said it was pretty entertaining. I haven't seen either of them yet, myself. Hope you enjoy yourself, though!

Crusher of Dreams
Assistant Administrator
CK is offline
Old 12-25-2007, 04:44 AM

@Majinkoz: Nah - it's okay. XD You weren't the first person to be confused on how to post. XD (The other person was a member of Staff, too. XD Haha.)

Actually, very few people are doing it completely properly, but I'm still able to keep track pretty well - one is just the failsafe for the other. XD *rambles somewhat confusingly*

Bleh, coffee. XD Coat mine liberally with chocolate and I'll think about it. ;3

There are only a few tickets left, so if we can get someone to either buy the rest of their allotment of 7 or someone to buy all the rest of the six remaining, we'll draw shortly. XD

@Sylira: Sleep well and Merry Christmas. XD

@vadeil: XD That's a good way to do it. And selling sets immediately will help you 'recover financially' from all these wonderful Event Commons. XDD Particularly considering the Events coming up soon. D:

Majinkoz is offline
Old 12-25-2007, 04:49 AM

I really would like to win, but I'm trying to save up to get some more event commons, so I think I'll just wait until you draw and hope that Majin wins. <3

Crusher of Dreams
Assistant Administrator
CK is offline
Old 12-25-2007, 04:54 AM

Hopefully by the time this post is ready to post, it won't be a double-post... And if it is, I'll give myself a smack on the hand. >:V (Both for double-posting and for forgetting (again) to refresh my Topic Review screen before hitting Submit.)


@Majinkoz: It's not all that uncommon, I don't think. XD A lot of people who buy Contribution Items buy several sets at once. XD Which is good because it gets them into the hands of people (like me) who don't always have the extra cash to contribute to the site. XD I should just remind myself more often that homemade sammiches brought to work for lunch or dinner twice a week will buy me a set of Contribution Items. :B (As opposed to getting something from one of the fast food restaurants nearby.)

I loved the CI's for this month in the other way around. XD I preferred the Harp to the Halo, but I really do like them both. :3

@Asahi Kumoru: Aw... I'm assuming your uncle is feeling much better now and I'm glad that he is. :3 I really hope he's able to visit you tomorrow, then!

I really, really enjoyed National Treasure 1.... Not in my top ten favorites, but certainly in my top hundred favorites. XD I'm interested to see what they'll do for the sequel. XD Action movies are easily entertaining. XD

@Majinkoz: Yeah, I have at least two more Event Commons I want... (the pink slippers and one of the ball gowns)... If I get desperate, I'll open up commissions for art for someone to get me that ball gown before the Event ends. XD; I'm not sure if I can get that much gold over the next several days... But I'll certainly try. XD;;

vadeil is offline
Old 12-25-2007, 04:55 AM

yes they are vary awesome items and i do want to get more of these commons.

What can i say i got a 40$ prepaid card as a gift. i got everything i wanted so i spent all of it here.

Majinkoz is offline
Old 12-25-2007, 04:58 AM

I started saving up for the event a while ago hoping that there would be another big gown...I was still kind of new when the Halloween gowns came out so I couldn't get one...and I think I may still like the Halloween gowns better, but I'm happy that I finally got a pretty gown. ^^

I couldn't decide between the light blue or dark blue one. And I saw mostly light blue and the golden kisses one, so the dark blue it was. Plue blue is my favorite color. <3

I also don't/can't really donate to the site so I just try and post like mad and sell some of my other items that I have double of to get the new CIs. I like to get 3 sets. One for me, one for my mule and then an extra for a giveaway/charity/to sell later etc...


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