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The One and Only

Codette is offline
Old 01-10-2011, 04:28 PM

In her mind Syra frowned. She had never tried anything else. It was always just natural to return to her form or a shadow. The mist spread to a thin layer over the floor. As Syra kept an image in mind, the mist folded upon itself and molded into a shape. The mist hardened and finalized a shape within it. The mist crystallized and cracked, revealing a sleek blackish -red cat with Syra's eyes. She gently pawed at the ground a little shocked at the form.

Mistakes were made...
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Old 01-10-2011, 04:29 PM

"How.....odd." Xane shook his head and started for the library, Jake falling into step next to him. This kid wasn't lying and if he was then he was awfully good at playing it off. Either way, there was about him. Xane knew it. It wasn't just the way the kid talked or acted, but the fact that Xane couldn't get a reading on any of his thoughts, made him a little uneasy. Xane watched Jake carefully as they entered the library, "Do you even remember your schedual?"


Dex stood and padded over to Syra as Mr. Smith and the rest of the class applauded, 'Ah, close enough I suppose. Being that we're both in our tranformations, we get to laze around for the rest of our other forms of course. Have to show Mr. Smith we can act like our forms other then just turn into them, no? Good grades only come through lazing about in this case.' Politely, he touched his nose to hers for a moment before pulling back, 'Shall we warm our fur in the sun? You'd be surprised how plesant that is. Very calming and peaceful.'


Mr. Smith smiled, "Well done Syrine! You and Dex are excused for the rest of class. As for the rest of you, get to work! I want to see some fast transformations and even faster de-transformations! Let's go people, I'm not getting any younger!"

Mistakes were made...
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Old 01-19-2011, 04:13 PM

((I just want to let everyone know that this is probably going to be the last time I'm on here at least until next Wednesday or Thursday. Mid-terms have started here at my school and as you all may know, study hall is the only time I'm able to get on here. Because of mid-terms, the day has been broken into three, 2 hour blocks, none of these being study hall for myself. This means I'm cut off from here either until next Wednesday or Thursday, whenever mid-terms are over. :( Really sorry for the inconvenience and I promise I'll be back as soon as I can get on! :sweat:))

The One and Only

Codette is offline
Old 01-19-2011, 08:41 PM

(good luck on your exams Lunesta*!))

Syra's eyes were wide as she studied the world around her through the eyes of the cat. I've never been a different animal before... only the mist or shadow.... this is soo cool. Her voice giggled in Dex's head. This is exciting. When Dex touched her nose, she let out a soft purr and ducked her head embarrassed. She nodded I wonder if I can be in the sunlight... If the change of shape actually makes a difference. The cat smiled and stepped up to the window, studying the light coming in, a little fearfully,

Mistakes were made...
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Old 02-07-2011, 04:26 PM

Dex noticed Syra's hesitation and curled one of his tails around hers, 'Hey don't worry about the sun. It's can't touch you in this form, that's what makes vampires that turn into cute furry animals like these the most dangerous. People mistake us for a friendly stray, bring us home, and completely unaware of the danger their in are picked off as easy as plucking an apple off the tree.' His ear twiched slightly as he nudged her up onto the window sill, 'Trust me on this one. Before I had my ring I couldn't go out of the house except at night, but when I figured out how to transform into a fox, I was outside in the sun all the time. Once I got my ring, it wasn't a problem anymore at all, but I still felt stronger when I was in fox form. Bright sunlight still stings a bit, even with the ring on, so I try to steer clear of it.'


((Thanks Syra! =) My tests are all over and I'm pretty sure I passed all of them! I would've been on sooner, but I was absent a lot from school after mid-terms and when I was in school, I had a lot of make-up work to get done :sweat: I'll be on more often {hopefully} so this shouldn't happen again. Thanks for everyone's patience!))

The One and Only

Codette is offline
Old 02-07-2011, 05:10 PM

Syra curled her tail around Dex's. She was comforted by his encouragement, and with his nudging, she padded over to the window. Syra blinked a bit at the unusual feeling of the warm sun. She couldn't have imagined how nice it felt. The sunlight shimmered her fur, bringing out the red lights. This is amazing Dex! She purred. The only time I've ever been in the sun, is with my parasol. Syra looked at Dex. Thank you, for helping me.

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Old 02-07-2011, 07:00 PM

Dex's golden eyes narrowed, 'It was nothing, really.' And with that he gave her a quick lick on the cheek before curling up on the sill.

The one true dragon! >:D
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Old 02-07-2011, 08:39 PM

((im lost in this RP T^T))

The One and Only

Codette is offline
Old 02-07-2011, 09:18 PM

(poor Jake!)
Syrine purred softly, and curled up beside him. She wrapped her tail around her body, curling the tip to rest against Dex's paws. So is this all we have to do for the rest of class?

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Old 02-11-2011, 04:41 PM

Dex began grooming the top of Syra's head gently, 'This is about it. Quite easy hm?'

The One and Only

Codette is offline
Old 02-11-2011, 05:13 PM

Syra purred happily, her head tilting with the unusual sensation. I think I could get used to this... If it wasn't for my bag I don't think I'd ever change back.

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Old 02-14-2011, 03:53 PM

'Haha, females and their bags. Yeah well the only draw back to this kind of form is the fleas that bother you every now and then, but the first time they bite they realize that there's something not quite pleasing about the taste and eventually jump right back off. Doesn't take them long, but they're still annoying in the meantime....' Dex finished grooming Syra and then stretched out, his five tails swishing lazilly as Syra curlled up next to him. 'So what are your plans for tonight?'


((Jake- You should go back through the story until you find where you first started, then read up to where you left off. Once you do that, you should be able to figure out where you are and pick up from there. :)))

The One and Only

Codette is offline
Old 02-14-2011, 04:28 PM

Syra shuddered at the thought of fleas. I don't think I could handle something smaller than me, biting me...plans? I don't know... I thought I would probably find a snack, and see what the grounds look like at night. Maybe get lost in the shadows for a few hours...she stared out the window thinking about it a bit more. The shadows would be beautiful in the moonlight... would you like to join me?

Mistakes were made...
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Old 02-15-2011, 04:22 PM

Dex's eyes narrowed and he nuzzled in closer to Syrine, 'You read my mind. However, I was thinking of something a little bit different. How about I take you out to dinner, we can go sight seeing, and then I thought we could wrap it up with a bit of flying. How does that sound?'


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